Abandoned Hot Spring Resort. Adventure #13

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what's up everybody doesn't Porter here thanks for joining me on another adventure today I'm one way over town for this one I got a call from a good buddy from high school the other day says Dawson I'm going on an adventure you should come and make a video he said we're going to Jasper National Park to do some caving September a long weekend now my idea of caving is this is the mountain that's a fake he texts me and tells me the name of the cave first red flag it's not disaster point cave and it is not like this it's kind of something like this and right here there's a cave that goes straight down and you have to drop down to here I know nothing about rock climbing or rappelling or ascending so I'm starting to get scared but then I guess right here there's a tiny little chute that in the article it's described as a birth canal so from here we have no idea what it is so the goal is to get to the bottom of the cave on this I'm going to try it out I also got a good lead on an abandoned hot spring resort so I'm going to check out it as well I'm going to bringing my nice camera but staying right there so all of this will be all GoPro footage but it's about a seven hour drive so let's hit the road look at this cool sign Sunday morning a little bit hind schedule we had to go get some more gear and stuff but just getting the hike so we're going to head up I'll show you once we're up there just finish the hike up here Cades just behind me I'll show you in a second there's actually five of us going today so that's pretty cool just wanted to show you this view here I hit bottom mark yeah yeah yes never you Hey great news everybody I'm out of the hole oh god that was scary climb out and pretty muddy right now but oh my god how much fun I think I could say that I don't know if I would do that again but I'm so happy I did it this time I think we're gonna go check out some hot springs or something but keep you posted waiting for the last two guys to come out of the hole and I'm on an all-time high right now just being that scared and that much anxiety and it was a lot of physical work to climb out of there to be able to just sit here and enjoy this a nice flat ground again it's just a dream you hey everybody Monday morning uh heading home today once we got out of the cave yesterday we were all so exhausted we couldn't couldn't end up going any hot springs or anything so today I'm still venturing I heard there's an abandoned Hot Springs Resort from 70s up here so trying to find it I think this might be it you Florie here is made out of plywood here it's hollow there's water running right through here somewhere not really interesting fallen through so yeah back help kind of don't think I'm going to be able to actually get inside there because I can see this was a doorway that goes right down to where I was just at that high wood floor smells really strongly like sulfur here I'll put up a picture of what this place used to look like it's not much left of it now and the pictures I was looking at I kind of think that those were the guesthouses and whatnot and this right here used to be the hot pool it's been filled in now since then found the source the hot spring I can tell because it stinks really bad and I can see it steaming so check it out just taking out right now look at this you super windy sorry about the noise this lake behind me here it is like less than a foot deep all the way across you can walk all the way I'd love to try it out but it's raining out right now I don't want to go out there in the rain with my camera gear so I'm just getting home here back to Liam's late I just wanted to go over a few things with the cave before I start editing because I don't want to get any of you guys into any bad situations so this is kind of how the cave looked started out here and repelled straight down and there was five of us in total three rookies hood and myself and two professionals this is definitely the kind of thing that you want a professional for once you're down here there is no help no one will ever hear you if you have a spot or an emergency beacon it will not not get service down here we have professional gear on thing Marc Savard at red shreds Williams Lake for helping me out with a helmet I want to thank en and Brennan for helping me with some gear Tanner and Andre thank you guys for coming along thanks for having me super fun time anyways we drop straight down here to this ice shoot and you come out and over the years the ice is built up right here and so when we drop down like this we're good but coming back out we had to climb over top of this ice chute and we had to actually the rope was in between the cave and the ice so we had to put our feet against the back right here and push off and get the rope back on top of the ice so if you're not really confident in your strength don't try something like this this was all fairly safe we were tied in for all of it there is one cave that goes down this way it means up at the bottom the one that we took went this way our rope we had one loop that was long enough to get all the way from the top where we tied to all the way down to about here then we had to tie the second rope on right here and when you get to this point you have to actually switch ropes which means unhooking yourself but we were with professionals so they knew the proper way to tie these ropes with a loop in it so you could hook a carabiner to the loop and then get yourself unhooked from this line into this one safely I just wanted to go over that because this was a lot more extreme than I thought it was going to be and I don't want any of you guys to go down there thinking that you're going to try this for the first time or maybe your experience of rock climbing and you think you can handle it if you're going to go go with the professional somebody who knows how to use the equipment for descending and also ascending because it was quite challenging don't ever be afraid to push yourself this was way past my comfort zone but I was third one down and third one out and the feeling I had when I hit the bottom of this and I got to high-five and celebrate with the other guys that had done it was such an incredible feeling this cave is about 200 feet deep maybe just shy of that we were down there for a bell I don't know four or five hours it's pitch-black it's cold so once we made it out of here which we're all very nervous for watching the other guys struggle going out made me really nervous I had a lot of anxiety once we hit the top and you're on safe ground again it was just such an amazing feeling just of accomplishment and don't ever be afraid to push yourself be safe but get past that comfort zone anyways if you guys enjoyed this video please subscribe share on thank you to everyone who's been supporting me so far and subscribing as always you guys take nothing but pictures in the footprints and I'll catch on the next one you and training like crazy the last couple weeks getting ready for this adventure but time to announce the winner of the giveaway congratulations and a whole amick come to fit city get your bag of awesome things
Channel: Destination Adventure
Views: 179,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned, hot spring, resort, BC, British columbia, AB, Alberta, jasper, national park, explore, adventure, history, amazing, mountains, cave, caves, extreme, rock climbing, caving, scary, dark, bats, petzl, live, beautiful, canon xa20, ascending, repelling, friends, challenge, push yourself
Id: Mbmx1DKImMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2016
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