Abandoned USA Military Base. Adventure #44

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hey check it out kind of thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys dustin porter here welcome back to another adventure right now i'm at the abandoned fort stevens military base this place was built in 1863 right at the end of the American Civil War and ran right up until 1947 before was decommissioned one of the big historical moments here came June 21st 1942 when a Japanese sub surfaced just off the coast and fired seventeen shells on the location the fort itself wasn't damaged just the backstop at the baseball diamond one thing that I really liked that America does or the USA is instead of demolishing all this they keep it as is and they turn into a state park and then they can put up this sign and that kind of makes it so they won't be liable if anybody gets hurt in Canada they just destroy all this stuff so it's nice that we can go back in and take a look and check this stuff out oh this goes way in here and I turn this on infrared you guys might be able to see a little better whoa there's tunnels everywhere this is pitch black do you like to do your phone okay here we go who knows how far back okay different looking fly my moths I guess Wow one comment that I would like to make about our explorations that we've done so far in the u.s. is there's almost no vandalism I mean this has a US state park so I guess they can't regulate stuff a little bit but even these old doors still on functional mostly these places that I go to this stuff is is it's either taken or it's been wrecked and all the walls are bad no lights but this place perfect shape so good job everybody Wow those tunnels go away in there where did we go it oh I see it loops through so it's probably exactly the same on each side so this is the tunnel that we just went down but we took a left up here I think if it go right it'll be the same but we haven't gone straight yet so let's check all the way a lot of you guys comment about me flipping from black and white to color that's because when I'm on infrared with this camera it automatically goes to black and white so there is no color for infrared this one I'm assuming would be the same on the other side take a look yeah this is exactly the same so we're looking up on top here there's a cops I don't train tracks I'm assuming there would've been like a crane system so you could pick stuff up and just wheel it along gonna come along these tracks on the roof that's my guess anyway and I think probably this is your the same as the other side I'll just do braids around oh no it comes to an end cool well that was the tunnels and stuff we were just in and then this here one thing I like about this location is since its State Park the property is maintained like the grass and mowed and stuff and you can see what the building's used to be so I guess this was the plotting room what that means I don't really know plotting defense or attack I would assume one LaRue but it's quite a large property here and as you can look around you see there's buildings everywhere got one big one here some stuff over here another one here this was the guards tower over here this building here power plant big building just empty now this foundation here this was the old gymnasium I'm trying to picture how it would have been laid out I'm not sure could have been floor here for like basketball court and stuff and then maybe a bathroom there I'm not sure and then there's more foundation here without a name sign so it could have been part of the gymnasium maybe locker room or change room or something but there's no sign on this one these old facilities there's not a whole lot left to find we did find a wood piece of something with cork inside it if anyone has any ideas we're right beside the old gymnasium still so we'd love to hear what you think that might be I'm exploring these old abandoned places there's always something so shocking about finding old fire hydrants and sidewalks I think that's because in today's societies in our towns and cities we have them exactly the same and when you see it surrounded by ruins like this there's something just really sobering about that if you take a look here in behind me this is really cool you can see where all the people lived all that's left now is just foundations and chimneys left it's I don't know if it would have been wood structures or what it was around it but I know after this place is decommissioned they auctioned off any building that could actually be moved I think this is probably the main defense area here I'm assuming we'll go up these stairs and probably be able to see the coastline right there little yellow building over here not sure what that is but we'll check it out this one's not even walked Oh she sees that I don't think it's going need for a walk all the lights are on it that's cool [Music] whoa [Music] how the showing six-inch gun that's the best part that's cool and these stairs should go up top see if we can see the coastline I'll give you a hand up I thought would be actually a little bit closer to the coast there it is I couldn't imagine being here and actually seeing that submarine surface off the coastline it's crazy because you can still see if you look at the ground here trenches and bunkers all dug it's amazing we were just right over here we're just walking along the top here came to this now I'm guessing this would have had a large gun coming up to the level we're at now and this gear would have been able to turn the gun and aim out into the bay and then of course the hydraulics would lift the gun up and down for range but there's a whole bunch of these all along this here and then these are the people look out of can't get in there anyways no the doors blocked love to know how all this stuff functioned back in the day oh it's big tunnel here do you wanna go in here locator Subedar be here oh it's solid and can't get up there [Music] oh that's cool gear up there [Applause] what does it say hello roots shell room okay that makes sense watch your step here it's money just on the bottom side here this place looks super amazing I guess that's kind of what you get with cement though instead of wood I think we're gonna go up these steps and see what we can find just a second ago is talking about how well this place is held up being cement compared to wood this is it I mean first wood structure we get to the roof is completely collapsed this one over here still intact but probably not for much longer could you imagine running in here looking out and just seeing the Japanese coming just coming over to this yellow building we saw on the way in and it's a steam plant if anyone knows what they would have needed steamed for I would love to know I know when I worked on the oil patch we used to in the wintertime going to clean littering with steam because it was it wouldn't freeze like water doesn't it still blasts left off your equipment so maybe they used it for cleaning turn truly sure somebody out there knows I'm not an expert but to me this doesn't look like a steam engine it's definitely gas so yeah be curious to know if anybody knows so I'm guessing this where they used to keep the landmines this doors locked so obviously still fully stocked what's in there huh Oh sink yeah same as this side it's cool hey it's tuner I'll kick it in what we got here size 48 submarine mind still unexploded OOP somehow you know do this is deep you can't see a thing that's the end of it that's all a late bulb almost every foundation and building here is made out of cement and we have one row right here with about three buildings that are made out of this old brick I don't know maybe this is different era or well I don't know I'd like your opinion on it though this foundation is really cool because it's the first one I can actually envision how it was laid out because this is the chapel you'd have your rows of seats here and on this side over here priests would stand over here and then right there you would have a Jesus statue last two buildings we can find here well this one's not much of a building anymore just a foundation but this right here used to be the bakery I'm assuming there was an oven here or a fireplace due to the brick as we move along this far building here this is the old guard tower we have walked all the way around the guard tower and it seems that there is no way inside that's not gonna focus in their cup do anyways we're just gonna hear the location number two it's called Russell battery it is part of Fort Stevens but it was built much later it was built in 1904 and decommissioned in 1944 right after World War two we're just getting to the bottom of this stairs here can't wait to check it out it's the end of this one maybe this used to be a door somewhere now it's blocked looks like it could have been a tunnel that goes further and then so I'm going up I mean any of this stuff has the potential to be hazardous collapse but anything that posed immediate danger the problem would blog well let's head up the stairs and check it out oh wow Wow I think this place is probably far less visited than the actual Fort Stevens took us a bit to find it here again it's in remarkable condition and this is a cooling-- cuz nothing is fenced off or chained off or gated check everything out maybe this was a shower little shower stall oh wow it's a really cool little fireplace and there's the chimney okay that makes it very cool still rumen not sure what that says my knowledge on military infrastructure is almost nothing unfortunately so I don't know what all these rooms would have been for the only thing that kind of helps me is some of these ones you can read most of them not so much anymore but if you guys know any more about this stuff I'd love to hear pitch black in here there's hole into the next game against CDs marks on the roof at Fort Stevens we saw that track system along the route I'm pretty sure that's what this would have been here as well very end of the timer just empty room knock out front here I think we'll go up and check out the top floor put a heavy-duty chain on it baby one more level that goes up here and that's the chop so I guess whenever this place was operational this tree line would have been cut down I'm assuming the coast line will be just on the other side of that we just finished exploring the main battery right here it's much smaller than the Fort Stevens we were at earlier but there's a trail going off over here so we're gonna check it out and see if it goes anywhere we're a couple minutes down this trail I can see something in the woods I'm hoping that this trail wraps around and goes there because it's really thick in here so we'll see we can see some gun ports yeah this one's in great shape because cement roof lasted a long long time these other ones here this one the roofs gone was wood these other ones same thing wooden roofs the forest is really overgrown all the way around here you can't see where the coastline is but this must have been a really strategic point because we have all the way around this knob we have these gun ports all the way around let's see what's inside this very overgrown roof is still in good shape on this one which is cool to see in here there you go see a little better for you guys I'm curious what this would have held maybe they would stack ammunition or something on here so if water was coming in it wouldn't get the ammunition wet but that's just me speculating this one here is a cement roof and we go inside it's full of water you know it's talking about that little ledge in the middle I wonder if my speculation is right because this one now full of water and that's dry so maybe I'm right about that guess but if you guys know more please let me know Wow this would've been an amazing vantage point without all the foliage one thing really cool about this ball trap we're in the Pacific Northwest in Oregon and it's kind of like rainforests here and going through this you almost feel like you're exploring in somewhere like Vietnam and I've been to Vietnam once before amazing country but it's cool to get the diversity here at a bit of a lower position here all the gun ports were just up on the other side over here we have this big building here that's the entrance to the one big main gun port that we saw when we are coming in we have this building here and it's kind of weird coming into these because everything else is built so well and then you come into this one and it had a wood floor which is now gone so underneath is just this sand base and if you look at the structure here this looks like maybe it was done really fast really hasty job on this building so I'm not sure the purpose behind all of these buildings but this one structurally seems far less sound than the rest and it's the only one that had the wood floor like this you can see a little bit of wood left in there still interesting I think we've seen pretty much everything that we can see here we ran into some kids a couple minutes ago and they said this trail loops back to the parking lot so we're gonna do the full loop but I think the military needs to invest in an exterminator because they have a bit of a mold problem we are way into the woods now this trail is still going away from the parking lot so we're gonna check and see if there's anything on top of the hill if there's nothing there then we're calling it well I think that's probably gonna have to be it the sun's gonna be down in about an hour we have a long drive ahead of us still so I think we're gonna have to head back I want to thank you guys for tuning in to another episode of destination Adventure as always take nothing about pictures leave nothing but footprints and we'll catch you on the next one hey stop the coiler in there
Channel: Destination Adventure
Views: 183,573
Rating: 4.8930321 out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned, Lost, forgotten, discovered, history, historical, WW2, WW1, war, battle, military, base, military base, USA, America, adventure, explore, japan, discovery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 2sec (2102 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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