Abandoned Apartments | Hidden in the Mountains | Destination Adventure

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there's a ladder over there it says no trespassing but it just disappears up the mountain gotta know what's up there yeah oh yeah baby ever since i was a kid all i wanted to be was an explorer sail the seven seas find new worlds but uncle d everything's already been found what like everything well yeah oh man well so much for that but if i can't be an explorer i can still be an adventurer so i bought a motorhome and i'm hitting the open road my name is dustin porter and this is destination adventure [Music] it gets so thick i hope it's not like this all the way you guys we're there oh what more ladder oh lee i have to make base camp here head for the summit tomorrow how high this thing goes what's going on here there's the top finally way higher than i thought but i do want to mention i actually do have permission to be up here i just like to make you guys laugh but look at this thing holy the size of this thing it's all riveted together too [Laughter] whew check this thing out military grade zipline totally pretty nice view guess that's pretty much what's up here but i found something else really cool yesterday that i want to show you guys so let's get out of here [Music] check this out this is an entire apartment complex looks like we probably won't be able to go inside but surprised to see this actually cement out here instead of just asphalt and unfortunately i don't know really anything about this place i just found it cruising around on the gnarly davidsons so came to check it out i can't believe that bird's nest didn't fall that's hilarious well this is quite overgrown a cool thing about such a remote place like this not uh any graffiti vandalism nothing on this place pretty cool i'm on the back side of this look through here there's a whole another one there i don't know how far this is going to go in here but these are all prickles i'm surprised that didn't break when it fell off it's glass look at how many there is it's crazy well it looks like they're pretty much all identical imagine how nice this would have been before all cement out here a little sidewalk in between each one neat little neighborhood found a door huh power's off but i'm curious nothing there's a massive building judging by the size of all these trees around here it's been sitting vacant for quite some time i think it's weird to see it out here like this well that's it for those ones i remember seeing something else further down i think maybe a similar apartment building to these but also looked abandoned so we're gonna go check it out [Music] it's gotten like a thousand times better there's a whole row of houses here driveways and everything just sitting abandon this is crazy i wonder if these are carports yeah they are also you might be able to hear generators running over in the distance because here in stuart the power's been out for like uh just shy of 24 hours now wow look at this crazy as i've been driving around town here i've been thinking about this and uh the population here and its height was like ten thousand now it's down to five hundred actually just less than 500 so that's probably why this stuff's abandoned out here just not enough people around to fill it anymore prickles as the channel grows i have to think more about this stuff because technically i guess it's trespassing this place is just sitting out here though and whenever i don't go in a place where i'm able to go in you guys get in my face okay i'm going to do it [Music] oh moldy yeah the floor can handle me oh yeah oh yucky you know what all in all not terrible shape hmm nice little apartment really i guess maybe this one would be called the townhouse i don't know how that works wow this is a huge place let's see if we can get over the other side ouch prickles look at how nice this place would have been each uh townhouse has a carport and these cross members they wouldn't have been there before oh yuck and then there's actually paved roads in between really cool turns into dirt back here but look at how long this thing goes along wow there's so many look this side all the way down there that side all the way down there wow looks super nice in there actually that's crazy that's why i always try and push in the channel for people not to vandalize and stuff because as soon as these windows and stuff are broken everything deteriorates so fast like looking through the door of that one the first one there very good shape inside and then that one there with the broken window already like i don't know how long the window's been broken but there's already rot on the floor it doesn't take long the further i go in this direction the worst shape these seem to be getting whatever reason i don't know look at this thing what the heck is this weird to me that kind of looks like one of those giant pools that they blow up and fill with water for forest fires but i don't really know those apartments back there the very first ones we saw there's identical ones here at the end of this street now this is crazy see if we can find our way in here it's very overgrown oh man this one's in rough shape that's why windows are broken out in the front why people have to do this i really don't know wreck stuff so these are pretty well identical to the ones on the other side different carpet but that's it look at that it's all mold on there not the best oh yeah it's a shame yeah first impression these look not bad but like once that starts happening like that it's too late it's too far gone here's the front of these buildings super nice big complex here with an amazing view like imagine waking up to that every morning now it's just sitting here rotting away this is the front street i guess you would say for these buildings even nicer view here than the back crazy all right sorry about a super random outro here but i'm actually on the road right now for a family wedding which is super exciting really looking forward to spending some time with family unwinding a little bit but i did do a whole bunch of adventuring and filming while i was in stuart so now i'm just kind of picking through that and editing and this was most honestly just a bonus one i just saw those apartment buildings when i was there so i wanted to squeeze it in and stuart is a really interesting place to explore because you have an established population that's living and working there but then scattered throughout the whole city is all of these abandoned buildings and homes and businesses from all of the boom and bust that has happened to that city over the years and it's all situated in just the most beautiful picturesque place in british columbia so really enjoyed my time there and can't wait to share it with you guys as always take nothing but pictures leave nothing but footprints i'll catch you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: Destination Adventure
Views: 108,255
Rating: 4.9209576 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, Urbex, lost, forgotten, vacant, apartments, town, house, history, historical, BC, British Columbia, Canada, found, discovered, discovery, Stewart, Ghost Town, Huanted
Id: Yayo5oYfDMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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