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i know nothing about this place but literally it was so close to the animal house like this makes me believe this could be like the real allen bell house wait what [Music] no freaking way that looks like the annabelle doll [Music] all right guys i'm super bored right now i'm also really cool i'm down here in my basement there's a place i really want to go check out and that is the annabelle house in connecticut there's some information i found online and i'm going to read it to you guys annabelle the doll is a haunted raggy and doll stored in a special glass case in the cult museum of psychic investigations ed and lorraine warren in monroe connecticut it originally belonged to a nursing student named donna whose mother purchased it all as a birthday gift she found it in a hobby store and at the time donna was sharing an apartment with her friend angie who was also a fellow nursing student soon after the doll entered the department it began to move on its own what that is crazy yo if i saw that like i probably would have kicked the doll sometimes the doll was found with legs or arms crossed several times the doll was left on the couch before the girls left for work so imagine that you just leave your home and the doll is just in another position on its own what okay now it says some even more messed up things when the doll began to leave messages written on parchment paper would please like help me donnie donna i'm getting goosebumps right now donna and angie sought help from a medium a science revealed that the dog contained the spirit of a little girl named annabelle higgins whose murdered body rest beneath the soil of the apartment complex alone and friendless the spirit the girl asked if she can remain with donna and angie and both agreed to let annabelle stay with them but soon even stranger things began to happen one day donna's friend la was napping in the apartment when he had a horrible nightmare that anvil tried to straddle him to death soon after lau found claw marks on his chest and so the girls contacted an episcopalian priest who then recruited renowned paranormal investigators to go check the place out ed and lorraine warren they discovered there was never a ghost of a little girl but rather a demonic presence who wanted to possess the body of the college students after conducting an exorcism on the apartment the warrants removed the doll and place it among a collection of other haunted objects in a small occult museum within their home which we're going to be checking out today while transporting the doll to their house the warrens experienced strange forces that cost their cars power stream to fail their engine to cut off and their brakes to fail the disturbances stopped when ed warren sprinkled holy water on the doll visitors to the warren cult museum are warned not to taunt or challenge the spirit within the doll because if they do harm will come to them once a motorcyclist visited the museum and told the dog he did not believe it had powers and if it did it should do something to him on the way home the man crashed into a tree and died oh my gosh i i can't believe like i really want to check this out you know what we're gonna check it out today [Music] and i'm gonna vlog the experience but i'm gonna call my good friend ash she lives around the area and i think she's also been wanting to check out the place so yeah do that right now yo ash yeah welcome so you know how i've always wanted to go check out the animal adult uh animal doll the annabelle doll house nearby like your area [Music] uh like the museum yeah yeah the the cult warren the warren occult museum yeah i've been wanting to check it out yeah yeah yeah i remember before so right well are you are you down to check it out with me yeah for sure today yeah yeah today okay all right cool you're not scared at all [Music] because i'm a little bit scared i mean maybe maybe a little but i heard some really weird stories about that yeah what do you know about it um well there's a couple of stories i heard um one of them was that like a couple went to the museum and they were like messing with the doll or something and then something happens afterwards you actually can check that out apparently someone actually like died in the car crashing the way back i heard a couple stories like that i i think i heard about that too yeah that's that's really messed up we're not gonna be touching the dolls at all guys i'm actually vlogging right now you're you're on you're on the vlog on this call oh okay yeah yeah i'm gonna be vlogging the whole thing so it's gonna be dope you're cool with that yeah okay cool all right well i'm gonna start packing up and i'll head to your place or your area or i'll meet you there actually all right just let me know when you're on your way i have to do a couple things all right all right cool all right i'll see you later then all right all right bye all right sick yeah there's so many other curse stories that happen to people checking out the museum i don't know if it's just coincidence or you know maybe it depends on the person that went that those people that passed away by visiting could have been like on something could have been drunk while driving i don't know so yeah we'll we'll go check it out and i'll tell you a little bit more history along the way but i'm gonna start packing now by the way if you like what you see talking about the hoodie not me hoodies for sale go check it out all right so this looks like the annabelle house well it looks like it's closed off probably because of kovid darling that sucks i'll let ash now hello hey um so it's up here you can you can drive up here to see it okay yeah i'll come check it out yeah i got some um some news for you what i'll tell you when you get here okay all right so here's ash yeah it's close product was a it looks kind of freaky i i didn't think the house would be like oh i didn't think the museum would be a house the lights are on inside there yo i just want to take uh i want to film the house i want to show people how it looks like darn it yeah it's close and don't you dare trespass to this place just come when it's open guys i mean look please take notes violators no trespassing but i just want to show you guys how the house looks i'm definitely going to come here once it's open so that the doll the animal doll is here right yeah that's what i heard darn what should we do now then you don't know what's around here okay um this may sound silly to you but you know the app rando nautica maybe that's something we can do so it's basically an app that will generate a random coordinate based on your thoughts and intentions and i've been pretty lucky with it as crazy as it sounds like we really wanted to see the annabelle doll like maybe i don't know maybe we can just use it and maybe it's something to do it's actually pretty fun all right well we'll see what happens i'm gonna do it right now set your intentions yeah just some random coordinate like it could be anywhere anything yeah it could lead us to like mcdonald's for all we know um man i'm so bummed out like i want to check out this place like for for months already and i i drove five hours here just to see it does suck okay let's see where this app will take us okay 13 minutes away yeah yeah the radius was set to somewhere nearby here so not too far six miles we're going yeah a bug just flew in hey that's good luck so we're not gonna be cursed all right guys so i just parked my car here and we're gonna go through the forest i guess it's telling us go through the trees we're up this hill ash what do you think i think it looks like a whole lot of woods right now i did that last time during my nautica adventure we went to the woods but we didn't find anything hopefully we hopefully something interesting is here all right and it ended so we gotta go through this oh my gosh it's all overgrown no i see a path i see a good path right there so let's go over here and i hate these brush most people drive must think we're so weird just entering through these woods rando nodding wait what's that no way oh almost tripped i almost stabbed myself in this rusty thing like a trap good thing that didn't stab me that looks like a house i bet it's abandoned yeah i don't think there's a path i think there's a trail right here actually looks like some people walk through here or maybe animals oh [ __ ] ran to spider web no no no we're fine we are fine ah man this has thorns very good i got you what all right there's a path here it leads left or right i think we should go right this is so strange these are definitely animal trails enamel like just comes through here get the [ __ ] up wow it is a house in the middle of nowhere just surrounded and overgrown by trees it has to be i don't see anyone that could live here okay yeah yeah it looks like someone took it down do we just go through here yeah that door is blurred up i need to get my flashlight it smells abandoned oh then it's definitely abandoned got that fandom smell all right got my light on let's go hopefully this can lead upstairs it's a basement oh my gosh it's jam-packed please no animals maybe i should throw something inside it like yeah is that even i need like a good weapon like this piece of spear right here this probably won't even fight off a wolf but okay yeah just making sure oh you okay yeah there's a flashlight right here you can use this ash wait could actually work i don't know try it nope all right oh i can see the stairs this is actually really cool and disgusting ew nasty okay oh yes perfect it does lead up let's just take a look over here actually i have to check me for spiders later it's black it's like not blocking our way but it's here where right there you gotta be careful with these spiders is that black widow no there's bra there's a brown widows in connecticut i believe that are poisonous deadly humans all right let's be careful i see those in vandal actually yeah you tell me what that is that thing right ahead right yeah yeah that i mean i don't know i can't tell you for certain okay we'll be careful it could be one of the friends just don't get near it oh my gosh this house has been abandoned for so long oh there's some photos here whatever it is there's a white spider right there oh you see that it's hard to see but yeah it is white this is creepy oh man this must have been like a little cozy house back in the day looks nice they left everything behind this is such a weird fireplace right here this giant thing was a huge fireplace yeah it is stressing me out there's a lot of spiders i can walk from yeah either way i got the stick here yeah those spires are weird they're like see-through that weird spider you were talking about is really right here on the ground oh my gosh guys leave a comment down below if you know what type of spider that is are like are we walking through like dangerous poison spiders right now is that a brown widow i don't know [ __ ] all right well they're always down so let's just be on the watch if you see any spiders on me you let me know i will that only if you have to look down you have to look up too yeah like on the corners yeah all right guys we're gonna oh man i'm sweating so much i'm sweating so much right now it's like blazing hot summer heat we're gonna be really safe here though check every corners make sure we don't walk through these look brown widow spider looking things you're good i just recognize your hoodie i like it a lot thanks tokyo it's just pretty neat i feel like old people used to live here everything's like sort of vintage i'm going to bleep them there's sound here it sounds like power it sounds like ac yeah but this place looks so old unless we're hearing ghosts wait no it goes with the pass where's that coming from somewhere over there here's a map guys i'm going to blow this out i don't want you know i'm gonna blur like how we got here this place is actually pretty cool i don't want this place destroyed or vandalized but here here's a map of the area oh that sound was gone if you listen closely i hear it too holy [ __ ] what is it like a beehive doesn't stick yeah must be old someone who brought that in here check your feet all right i'll go ahead i just want to check the bedrooms now and then we can get out of here i'm definitely oh my gosh are your legs like itching my legs are itching right now too kinda i think we would have walked or something we could have walked through poison ivy or something yeah poison ivy doesn't feel like that though and they don't come that quick they like takes like a day to come or show yeah like if you take a shower right when you get home just make sure you like you scrub really hard and it'll go away if it's not something i'm allergic to like it's so weird i don't know what's this it's like a leather from 1906. yeah that's really old that noise is coming through here it only sounds like there's still power in here there can't be look at it well we're about to find out yeah okay watch yourself here well we're getting closer to that power thing it's a refrigerator what it's still running yeah that doesn't make any sense there's no power here is there someone that lives here actually no no one would live you don't know that dude no but the power is still here i'm kind of freaked out we are so confused right now like how is this thing turned on this refrigerator looks pretty old too [Applause] it's on it is seriously on guys should we open it oh my god there's so many of those brown spider looking things here though let's just go upstairs yeah what careful right there i see them golden brown that's huge that one's huge right there where right here i can't get us though do you want to open this how could that be on why would anyone live here [Applause] well let's check upstairs i don't even right here just step right here i'll be fine yeah all right i'm gonna walk up okay oh make sure there's nothing looks [ __ ] scary right there it was like a freaking mess that is creepy as heck oh my gosh there's dolls in here oh [ __ ] but i didn't see anyone so i think we're good so i didn't check this room though anyone here oh my gosh there's so many knives i just want to get out now dang there's so much stuff look at the letters these must have been from the original owners i used to live here it's probably like a bunch of places they've been to look at that they travel to like japan and the stonehenge pause the screen if you want to read these letters it's just too much to read right now and i just want to get out of here i'm going to show you them really quick just pause the screen yeah i'm not walking through here i don't know how many spiders are just laying around trying to get on the legs so yeah but this is pretty cool this is one of the biggest bedrooms probably the the this probably was the queen room let's check the other room though that one looked even way more weird and freaky no no yeah let's go oh yeah there's so many notes i know nothing about this place but literally it was so close to the annabelle house like this makes me believe this could be like the real animal house wait what no freaking way that looks like the annabelle doll look at his face don't touch it don't touch it like what the [ __ ] no this is like no joke right now oh my god first we wanted to go see the ab emblem museum today it was closed down i used to randonica app like today was i've been waiting to like go to that museum forever it was closed down because of coronavirus and now that half led us here that dog looks like the edible doll that [ __ ] really must be possessed this is this is too much right now i've been getting really lucky with this rando nautica app how does it even get here they must have had it look how old it is it's rotting away you see its face it's literally just like annabelle guys here's a picture of the animal doll right here this is how it looks like look at it they look identical i'm not touching that we got to get out of here like the animal doll is no joke but let's i just want to see more letters so just pause the screen guys if you want to read this leave a comment down below and try to maybe leave it for us to read i'm sure people will appreciate that this this is too freaking bizarre well i like how this is set up though and look these pictures are old they could have been the people that used to live here this place had to be built around the 1800s and they probably lived here until like the early 1900s this looks like a female babadook have you seen that no babadook yeah it's just like babadook oh my god there's another creepy doll right here there's too many creepy things going on there's a small little knife right here that doll looks possessed too like imagine that doll just jumped up with that knife what would you do die probably would you just run and leave me here yep thanks ash that is that's so freaky i'm not i'm gonna touch these dolls it could be bad juju or whatever voodoo their eyes i know let's get a close-up that thing moves its arm and grab that you know what i would do i would probably throw it out the window honestly actually no because we had to escape i don't know what i do i'm not sure let it get me uh now we're gonna survive survive that stuff oh i'm sweating so much my adrenaline is going off the charts right now like i'm pretty freaked out but yet at the same time i want to show you guys how this whole weird haunted house looks like like this is such a crazy fun you can tell no one's been here there's no graffiti i don't know we're next to the animal house now i i really think like this could be the real annabelle doll why would you just be here look there's newspapers from 1950 there's a date right there got some old radio set another photo i see what no i didn't see the goggles that is pretty dope there's a lot of cool richard stuff in here yeah like look at that little guitar where's that violin that's a no yeah it's not a good talk you would know this right i want to embarrass myself it's a violin he came from a family that does music ash guitar yeah i think it's a violin what's this like was this like a baby stroller carriage shady you probably did have a baby yeah and there's like a chest which i'm gonna open right now come on oh my god all right that's that's all right there's nothing to joke here like i'm really creeped out i'm keeping my eyes on the dolls obviously like i'm kicking those dolls they move what's in this room i almost forgot about the spiders we gotta make sure there's no spiders yeah yeah i think they did there's no there's no spiders here at all it definitely scared them off am i missing am i missing did we see through everything what's that say fear not for i am with thee i don't think we have nothing to fear so we're good yeah who's with us you know what i'm going to take out the spirit box right now i think this place could be potentially haunted and then we can get out yeah i can't wait to get out of here all right last video you guys didn't check it out i also did a haunted house and at first i didn't know how to use it but i know how to use the spirit box now ash can you just film me just play the camera it's alright recording got this too you know what i'm going to leave this in front of the annabelle doll gosh i'm sweating all the temperatures temperature's going off the short all right there's any spirits in here would you make a noise when you say something you can use the spirit box to say something it could be anything just let us know your presence who used to live here [Music] pretty sure i'm using this right is there anyone here with us right now [Music] that's what was that can you say a word huh what about sound like it's like weird like something like some weird scream right can you communicate with us again can you say something you don't say something i'm taking this doll [Music] what's that beeping like it's literally not oh it's the temperature the temperatures just went up for some reason come on [Music] make your presence known say something i feel like i feel like i'm gonna provoke the spirit here if you want something that was weird that that noise was like some demonic scream is there anyone that passed away here look at all my settings right now i got the sweep set i got fm am oh wait there you go hello is there anyone here [Applause] i'm getting something right now were these your dolls the spirit is in here did this belong to you [Music] i need a good question oh let's ask if this is the animal doll [Music] if there's anything in here any entity oh what am i saying it's just that something we're picking up stuff now yeah it did sound like a female all right please stay in this room if there's an entity here let us know what doll is this is this the anvil doll i said like fight fight me or find me maybe find me what do you mean by fine are you somewhere around this house we don't have time to find you you have to you have to let us know like you want us to find you is that why you brought us here yeah did you want us to find you i mean we kind of did find it with the red or nautica did you hear that oh my god the temperature is rising who used to live here can you say your name for us i think i heard maggie start what what did he want us to do get out you want us to leave it sound like a male voice telling to get out though oh my gosh spiking up again it did get a little bit hot around here but i don't know if that's my body heat he wants to get out yeah i think it did say yeah i thought you won this year well all right i guess we should head out but first i'm gonna take your animal doll no i'm touching it it's all steve i'm gonna take it with us what happened okay we're getting out all right there's something wrong it's just going to be all right um jaws of spiders okay careful here okay what's over there just tell me where to stop just keep going straight step right here right there yeah okay now just be careful all right now come here just follow me okay except right here careful of that spider right there yeah right here yeah we're only trying to get the hell out of here but the spire is just making us walk a little bit more calmly all right careful here just gonna walk straight care of the corners yeah there's literally one both sides in the top corner so just go straight in the middle like right there like i'm like all right we're almost out of here oh [ __ ] all right oh my god the spider's moving right there did we just go through here yeah we did we got out from there right there careful over here okay wait where there's a spider in the entrance oh my god i'm on the top of something too where where oh my gosh all right well this is the last part yeah there's one right there around the corner the worst part yeah but once we get out of this i'm making a web right now no no no no no don't get it to come down here no no it's not i'm just making sure there's no web in front of us all right ready nope you got this everyone root for ash you got this we gotta get the hell out here's possessed demon dolls but these sparks are way worse i'm more scared yeah all right let's go oh [ __ ] the bag is hitting everything all right come wait i just need a second where do i go just go straight i can't really see myself i'm sorry okay ready all right calm down they're almost out i don't know but let's check our bags when we get outside really civilization all right everyone we made it back to our car safe and sound what i in nautica adventure it's kind of making me want to start not doing it but man the stuff that you can find is just so crazy anyway i don't know what to think about this i don't know i think about the place that animal doll where that doll looks so similar to animal doll and everything just seemed to like synchronic synchronous and eyes synchronicity yeah that i don't know the app says like whatever your thoughts or intentions are that will attract you to whatever it is and it seemed to happen again anyway definitely check out ash's too she got instagram it's romano ash yeah we should we take some bomb ass photos of places that we explore like a band places so go check it out link it down in the description uh i'm exhausted and yeah i don't think ash is gonna join me on a rando adventure again i don't know okay but yeah if this video gets maybe 5 000 thumbs up i'll do another one you guys have been loving it so yeah let's get the thumbs up on this video like and share and subscribe if you enjoyed the content i'll see you all next time peace you
Channel: Steve Ronin
Views: 49,417
Rating: 4.8313403 out of 5
Keywords: steve ronin, exploring with steve, Haunted, Annabelle, Doll, Randonautica, Took, Me, Here, Haunted House, House, Haunted Annabelle Doll House, Randonautica Took Me Here, Annabelle Doll, Ed and Lorraine Warren, the conjuring, cant, believe, caught, voices, on, camera, found haunted doll
Id: Ilt2uhWV79w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 59sec (2459 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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