Abandoned Clint Eastwood Millionaires Mansion Found Gran Torino & Car Graveyard

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oh my gosh this place is a time capsule there's already so many things right when you get in legit car graveyard over here yeah it's a gran torino oh my gosh we gotta check that out guys the only reason why i know about gran torino cars is from the movie gran torino you know what clint eastwood that was one of my favorite movies of all time this is so sad to see [Music] yo what's going on today guys welcome back to the channel hope you guys have been doing well and if you're new around here welcome to the roman army today we're exploring this amazing abandoned victorian mansion today with a group of friends who i've just met for the first time we actually tried exploring an abandoned house but couldn't get in so this place was actually really close by it and so we just came here uh we got ashley well we got bree and we got kayla hey wow i got it right i was i didn't think i would get right the first time um they got youtube channels too they're they're from around the area so go check them out link down in the description now i'll give you guys a brief summary about the place i for one don't really know so much about it all i know is that this place was built in the late 1800s around maybe 1893. the guy was a wealthy businessman who had like a lot of streets of income he passed down this mansion to his son who owned a lot of cars as well the sun couldn't pay his taxes unfortunately when it was passed down and so the government seized it and it's now what it is today just left abandoned forgotten we're in the middle of nowhere right now in the summer there's trees all overgrown no one can really see us like we're next to a busy street and we can't even see it but yeah enough talk though i think you guys will enjoy this a lot but before we begin the adventure smash the thumbs up i also want to say a big shout out to this week's newest patreon supporters jess and stephane duten thank you so much for supporting the channel if you wish to support the channel check out the patreon link below and receive your shout out in next week's video and more perks i also want to say a big thank you to our sponsor for this video private internet access vpn pia vpn is the leading no log vpn service with over 30 million downloads to fully protect your digital privacy and keep you safe as a world explorer i use it all the time not only to keep my privacy safe hide my ip address conceal my location but to access things in different countries online that would normally be restricted i just log into my pia account set my server to my home area and my streaming services like netflix hulu and amazon prime work like a charm here's the best part about pia vpn it will work wherever i go because it has unlimited access to over 3 000 servers in 49 different countries it works on multiple platforms and offers simultaneous connections for up to 10 devices it was founded in 2010 and awarded pc mag editors choice they also offer 30 day money back guarantee i highly recommend this vpn you can go through my link to support my channel and get a 77 discount and three extra months free link in description i am actually super excited to be walking around this place because there's so many abandoning cars left behind um some really rare cars now i'm not really a car person but if you happen to know these cars or if i say something wrong just leave a comment down below with the time stamp this is just like what a jeep i'm not sure um oh there's a barn over here so this car looks like it could have been an older buick or a chrysler i mean look the tires are still attached to it now a lot of these cars i'll show you they don't really have the emblem so it's really hard to tell what kind of cars these were someone probably stole them whoa look at inside this is super sad to all see there's a barn over here gosh i hate exploring doing this i hate exploring during the summer guys like i've been walking through tall grass through cobwebs overgrown vines it's just a pain in the butt i'm really hoping that once you can just come by really quick leave a comment down below do you like exploring during the summer or during the winter i already have some calamine lotion on my legs from last week nothing really in here kind of looked like this could have been like a stable as well for horses more cars down there looks like there was another shed down here yeah it's a gran torino oh my gosh we gotta check that out guys wow yeah you can tell no one really knows about this place because there's no graffiti nothing's been scrapped here hope it stays like that for a very long time i think that says i think it's a scout right there i've never heard of this type of vehicle [Applause] there's a fork when you weigh as much as a baby oh yeah there's a ford truck this a mustang that's your truck i don't know what truck you wanted you got to i'm using google lens to see what this car could have been we have some options here a rambler marlin rambler classic amc ambassador never heard of these cars i don't even know if they still make them there's so much wood to step on kind of afraid of the the nails [Applause] [Music] this is a gran turino the only reason why i know about gran torino cars is from the movie gran torino you know what clint eastwood that was one of my favorite movies of all time this is so sad to see oh my gosh what yeah this is amazing no way how [ __ ] sick is that that is so cool but i think this what do you call that i think that's some type of chevy shiny not even sure okay i think this is my favorite right here though yeah the gran turino what it's another car yeah it looks like a truck oh my gosh so hard to get to it okay we're spending some time here though to take a look at this i can't believe they would just leave this year they should have sold it once this place got close or abandoned or if you could have sold it to get money to keep this place up yeah i don't i don't understand he could have sold it that he could have gotten like a good amount of money for yeah i know not sure why he would not do that unless it wasn't um tax evasion oh there was a lot of stuff in the house about like um money yeah what he owes and stuffing bells you see the rd at least the engine's still there [Music] there's the inside i kind of want one now these look so nice you can tell that this car has been here for such a long time because look half of the tires already like buried under sand if someone tried to take this car out it would just like rip it apart and look it's probably like maybe a snake or an animal in there now if you thought this car was amazing there's another rare vehicle in the garage over here you look at this we haven't even checked out the mansion yet and we're seeing such incredible stuff already i think i think the gran torino is still my favorite find so far but this is also quite rare [Music] there's a lot of flies in here don't tell me there's like something dead what's with the red marks on the wall is that blood yeah wow all right we're gonna go check out the mansion now guys if you've been enjoying the video so far smash that thumbs up and share the video if you know anyone that loves a band mansions or gran torinos or vehicles or cars share to them right now let's get this video viral if this video goes viral maybe we'll get enough exposure to revive the gran torino now there's more abandoned vehicles on the opposite side of this mansion so we're gonna go do that or i'm also gonna show you guys the outside because the exterior is also really really nice and kind of sad to see i would seriously love to own this mansion [Applause] this could be a land but there might be an easier way yo guys there's a face in the window right there i'm kidding i'm sorry so all right i think that's it to see i think we've seen all the vehicles there's an rv in here it could be homeless people living in here this doesn't look that bad wow dang it's a lot i'm definitely getting more poison ivy all right we're gonna walk around back again to see the last remaining cars but wow i can't wait to get inside there look at this legit car graveyard over here this is awesome i think i'm definitely going to come back here in the winter all right i just got inside there was a wasp flying around it wouldn't let me in so i had to like dodge it really quick but we've made it inside the mansion now and oh my gosh this place is a time capsule there's already so many things right when you get in this is good this is really good you guys know me when i explore band houses i love stuff inside them or mansions because it just makes everything so much better to explore rather than empty building and i'm super happy because in america it's just really rare to find a band homes or mansions with everything still left inside some fishing rods flashlight and this oven too it's pretty old we still make up what says right there there's too many things i don't even know where to start really but we'll work around the kitchen first and try to get all the rooms after uh it's pretty nasty though there's a lot of mold [Applause] i hope there's no animal in here you know i always worry about an animal being in a band home but seems like they don't like it i don't blame them it's not the right environment to stay in i can't believe like all the cups are still like stacked on the shelf i mean it's been so long if this place has been abandoned roof is crumbling there's mold there's a lot of mold now my friends are exploring upstairs so if you're hearing voices it's not a ghost it's them this is the little hallway scissors and there's a vacuum i was wondering where the refrigerator is but it's right here where's this lead oh that goes down in the basement oh smells so bad okay so this is a way up look at that is that typewriter yeah it is it says it right there that's huge wow it's a lot of paperwork and documents on this floor look at this a newspaper from 1979 that's a gorgeous fireplace look how that looks stunning it's so hard to walk around here there's another fireplace look we got some alcohol some sparkling cider oh [ __ ] i got a cobweb on me here's some old speakers whoa yes guys here's some photos there's a woman there's a guy right here he almost looks like my friend david cripps from the uk shout out to david by the way i haven't seen you in forever bro if you're watching this that looks like you man look what's that this kind of looks like a funeral season greetings i look down there's more on my feet they look very wealthy i mean here's a picture of someone riding a horse they look super happy here's another picture of the young lad hey we still got tv here what's this nah that can't be the same house that we're exploring this looks like it could have been a nice christmas decoration all right guys we're gonna head upstairs now there's a nice breeze right here and it kind of looks like someone cleaned this room up a bit and this floor you can see this broom right here must have been an urban explorer they usually clean up places just so they can get like a good photo and that that area looks like a spot for a good photo he must have had a lot of kids been seeing a lot of kid photos kid toys i just can't believe that this room is still intact like this uh the floor feels pretty safe which i'm happy about and nothing's really caving in from what i've seen look at that bed frame though i love the look of it and the color here's a record it's called drown me by peter cornell there's another record cd right there too check this out i love these suitcases they don't make them like that anymore this is incredible i just love seeing these photos from abandoned homes because you kind of see a glimpse of someone's life and their family i i just can't believe that you know sometimes this happens like a home where a family used to live all happily just becomes left abandoned like this you know like i would never want that to happen to me but it kind of shows that we don't take anything when we die whoa look at this [Music] this is an old book [Applause] in the 80s for amherst college [Music] look at this what the class of 1885 has made history for the american colleges 15 years of widespread dissatisfication with the educational work done in our colleges endless discussions blah blah blah there's so much to read here but wow the perspective they had back in the late 1800s was like this [Music] that's a cool book right next to this uh a baby photo [Music] it's from 1981 now you can imagine this room was really really beautiful a girl probably this was this is probably a girl's bedroom before because um take a look at the wallpaper got some beautiful flower wallpaper all around this room just chipping away and then the the mattress too has some flowers this this room must have been gorgeous this is the second christmas decoration that i've seen we got a santa cup that's pretty cool what happened to his eyes all right moving along now what's this clown in the closet 6-6-20 that was in june right is there a clown in the closet somewhere what's this no way guys this is a receipt for one of the vehicles bill of sale i'm gonna blur the person's name and the address here owner of the vehicle described below in consideration of four hundred dollars received which is hereby acknowledged by blah blah blah blah maker of vehicles and mercury here of the vehicles 1978 color is red we probably saw it when we were outside what's this one oh this is a certificate keep them safe place any alteration or eraser voice this title well how long does this title last for the years from 1982 check out this room now at least back downstairs and this room is pretty messy i don't think anyone cleaned up here and it smells like mold oh yeah it's a lot right there but yeah i don't think i see anything really worth looking in here i'd rather keep my lungs safe so i'm gonna i'm gonna get out but look i love those curtains and the wallpaper in this room too is really nice all right let's take a look around this side yeah this looks pretty boring over here [Applause] about this corner i think this room is my favorite room so far look how people organized it it's a cassette player in the radio can we just talk about this chair i love this chair this house is so overgrown no one can see us the road is just right over there some creepy doll we got some books called american heritage standard college dictionary political and social history of the united states this is definitely the most beautiful fireplace in this house so far don't you agree [Music] wow these pictures are like really pristine [Music] but none of this none of the photos in here have really indicated who could have been the owner [Music] more blood marks but it's probably all [Applause] fake [Music] almost forgot the basement i think this is the last part we have to check well that's pretty cool wow it's actually really neat down here lots of cool vintage stuff [Applause] was that a car engine oh my gosh well some animal died in here i think it was a raccoon there's something else in here that we don't know that's creepy oh my god i almost walked into that too holy [ __ ] there's a huge spider okay i gotta watch where i'm stepping i mean this right here looks like a old school heater i think there's a sewing machine right over there or it could have been used for like something like for cars i think that's it nothing else really here besides empty jars ew but hello we kept some stuff in them they're pretty nasty now all right i think we're gonna head out now we've seen everything all right everyone thank you so much for making it to the end of the video hope you guys really did enjoyed it that has to be one of my most favorite explorers i've done in such a long time there's so much inside the mansion the cars especially the gran torino like what leave a comment down below and tell me what was your craziest moment in the video that you really did enjoy uh be sure to check out these guys their links are down in the description just one remind you that they have instagrams they have youtube channels they also explore two yeah we've been in there forever i'm tired i need here now so yeah if you enjoy like and share and subscribe to the channel and leave those notification buttons on remember new adventures every saturday 6 p.m eastern time i'll see you all next adventure peace [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Steve Ronin
Views: 506,734
Rating: 4.7858768 out of 5
Keywords: steve ronin, exploring with steve
Id: SFVRj-yi1gQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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