Everything left behind in this abandoned farmhouse. Explore #39

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[Music] [Music] hey welcome back explorers we're at another abandoned house today we're gonna go to abandoned farmhouse it's a small little farmhouse I stopped by quickly to take a quick look to make sure it's all good to go and it's amazing it's got everything left behind inside it's a little little messy I gotta warn you I think over the years people come in here and ransacked everything but it doesn't look like it's been vandalized at all there's a lot of glassware plates and glasses and all kinds of stuff in there and it's not broken I don't think there's any windows broken so that's a good thing you're probably wondering where I am but I'm inside like a barn thing because it's pouring rain and it's windy and I don't want my camera gear is not waterproof so I'm just standing under here so I don't get my equipment wet but let's go inside and take a look at this place holy moly [Music] this place is full of stuff just gonna close this door here it's like really windy outside there's no power look at this there's a 60th anniversary plate get my light on here look at the stuff in here oh wow look at the look at that mayonnaise that is disgusting that's supposed to be white I think I just like war arms in there that's oh that's not even opened so that's very expired I don't see its expiry on it look at the relish black there's all kinds of stuff with their names on it I don't need to show everybody in the world the names just for privacy reasons I don't need to I want to expose anybody enemy ties yeah it looks like it's been ransacked for sure get all the keys in here driver's license you can any old Canadian Tire money well look at this it's an old electric knife mint shape just hang in there boy hasn't been using her little wallet it's nice yeah this place has been totally ransacked but everything is left behind here except for the stove it's no stove no fridge I'll use the bathroom there's some leaks going on there [Music] it's getting cold in here the 40th anniversary plate there look clock looks like it I don't know if it was smashed I want this plastic looks like it's wood it's just plastic looks like it fell off there all kinds of stuff here look at the floor yeah for the kids who are here and smashing stuff this is to be the first stuff to go for sure a bunch of mattresses down here there should be a serial number no way all right there look up top seven seven eight seven tell us how old this piano is let's go upstairs Sting's up here oh it's so messy in here [Music] oh look at that is that like a old hair trimmer that's very nice Wow box of clothes there we'll hung up I could spend in a day in here just going through everything but I'm not because you just take too long [Music] this craziness more ties there's a big hole in the wall there somebody's already hooked all the drawers out of here look at this Monteiro Women's Institute life membership certificate 1981 I was here but it's fine it's so strange oh people just leave all this stuff like you think family would take this and put it in a box or store it away I think that's a waterbed yeah it's a waterbed like this look at that an old clock just left on the ground [Music] this looks like an old door to something I'll hear that in the winds blowing right through the house scared the heck out of me Wow this house has a steel roof so it's a pretty good shape because it's not really leaking that much if they've had shingles it's probably be leaking way worse so much stuff here won't look to the paper take the toilet paper everybody's telling me to take the toilet paper well this is just jammed with boxes whole rooms full boxes some are empty I can't get in here guys I'm sorry closet full of clothes breaking a nickel in here books near that old fan it's kind of sad seeing all the ties all hung up yeah this is like a hoarder type outside I don't know I just can't see it being trashed this much look at this that's a very old zinger domestic paints nice picture must be the sewing room can't walk in here another sly machine there okay let's pick up a couple books here popular science Donald Hankey unbelievable so we got about I guess two bedrooms up here no sorry we got one two three four five six rooms up here but I don't know if they're all bedrooms some are pretty small there's that nice set yeah it's not that big of a farmhouse here's the garage I think this is the way to go to the basement yeah all radio case that's probably from a old tractor I'm not gonna open those freezers up yeah that's an old washer just closed still stuck in there all right that's kinds of junk in here it's an old freezer fridge let's go in the basement here hopefully you're not gonna get killed oh it's totally rotted here down here alright some swans vary though oh yeah it's flooded there's the hot water tank underwater nothing down here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back guys I hope you enjoyed that video these type of houses are my favorite stuff left behind I love I love it I'd rather go in these ones and going into a house that's clean and empty this is very interesting finding all this stuff left behind and I do apologize I normally do shots drone shots and shots of the of the house front and back but this house I can't do that because it's on a main road by a very busy town so if I do that everybody's gonna know this house and they're gonna go there and vandalize it and steal stuff so I'm just trying to protect the house so I do apologize I can't I can't post the outside pictures of this house but before I go I like to say thank you to Victoria Katherine Evelyn melody Risa and Donna I really do appreciate you guys donating in all my videos into the description there's a link there where you can buy me a coffee or you donate more and you guys that donated there I really do appreciate it you're the best so I'll see you guys on the next Explorer
Channel: Abandoned Urbex Canada
Views: 123,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned places, abandoned house, urban exploring, abandoned farmhouse, abandoned ontario, abandoned canada, urbex, abandoned urbex canada, abandoned house with everything left behind, time capsule, hoarder house
Id: zqPprYVgG5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 4sec (1924 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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