24 Hours In The REAL Hogwarts Castle - Mont Saint Michel

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what is up explores today is a crazy day I am super amped for this this is day I've been waiting for for such a long time because we are going to this castle island I'm not even kidding you this is like a true 100% is a true fairytale castle on an island I have even seen on Rapunzel I've seen it on Kingdom Hearts where the last part of Rapunzel in the world you see this replica of what we're going this is insane I'm not even kidding you watch when you see this but I'll take the shuttle there right now you have to park it and pay about twenty eight euros to park your car here it's about 1.5 miles from the island bad my heart's beating okay okay okay I should have 100% took the shuttle there this a la far this is gonna be like a 3/4 mile walk closer and closer we get the more I noticed more details about this island I see people if you can see they're like ants they're raw they're walking onto the low tide right now I don't know when the high tide goes up but when it goes up it's gonna tell you and to show you that this place is fully covered by water the high walls over there are because if you notice the high walls over they are surrounding the island that was built as a fortress to protect them from their English soldiers [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] but I see go-go-go boxes we have pill boxes guys it's like the guns are pointing right out of them to shoot out there's even a pill box right there but there's the castle I want to walk around the shops first before we get with this like a cannon thing over there unbelievable you can smell the food in the air and I'm hungry all that too but sometimes you get a whiff of food coming through those windows I swear there's a lot of people here yeah yeah no it is dude I'm eating here I think I don't know oh yeah I don't know I might even eat here I'll leave dude I'm getting the finest dessert only the finest desert explorers do you even get a drawbridge [Music] no with Jon Jon's getting shots he's doing his job well yeah all right that's good he's got the big guns out oh well I'll be getting shots soon I just I just I can't we're getting a full-on walkthrough what is this an old dungeon door Dan tell me this is not Diagon Alley it is say it reminds me of York in the UK that chisel diagonally to we're on an island just don't forget that don't forget that we are on an island what a hack [Music] yeah okay what we're gonna do to do it you always stay but to see how much you'd actually cost if it's over like I'm done 500 pounds I'm doubtful do this we can armor what only the finest swords you even got guns man no way 85 euros for that gun let's not even have much money so I already on this island we were seeing tons of gift shops explorers reading online there is obviously hotels here you can stay the night on this island I don't know how much it cost yet you got restaurants everything's hair that's the overview this is what I wanted to show you all this is gonna be us soon soon we'll be surrounded by the water [Music] what do you think we do what do you think no way I know I always keep our even walking up there somehow John we're trying to stay the night here dude we have to yes we were saying we have to I know he's come right not a hotel to stay the night Skyrim Island right now I like that to explore so we did just find a hotel right now and we're trying to find it on this island so we can just book it in person right now it's about two hundred and ninety two hundred and sixty something euros but between all of us we're gonna split it that's how we roll it's gonna be a lot cheaper and we're gonna have an amazing time we're just gonna find it first it's not it's a one minute walk but go so what is something I should see here because except the monastery is there anything is wrong with you think for one night but tomorrow you sing yeah yeah I'll stay here yeah so tomorrow is Saturday it's a good day to do that there is crossing of the bay okay what is it so you can go to okay and ask for a crossing of the bay yeah and it's so basically there is a guide taking you through the bay of the moon okay the outside there is you story of the nones it makes you try the quick sense quick transient escape from the quick sense so this is very nice if you're looking something fun to do here right no it's good just being here in general is just awesome oh yeah we're gonna climb in the sky boys look at this more shops and hotel rooms up on the hill the more we go it's just they just stuffed everything in here as much as they can like Hong Kong did like seriously it feels like it just medieval village we pirates the Dead Man's Island during the car cave wind open here I know Island past all I have a new so this is our home thank you all right we got a nice crash pad we're living in a castle on an island don't forget that that's a view just wait till night when the high tide comes in will be surrounded by water so the plan work to stuff people in and not only did that work it worked out way better because we have all this room the stuff everyone in but we're on an island explore no we did it right explorers were finally situated everything's all done we made this happen we wanted to do this and now we're just trying to find a way to get inside the monastery so we can view before it shuts down for good before we roam the city for the whole night you can see that all you can see the tip of the castle but I don't know how to get there let's go let's just this is a we gotta go yeah [Music] we're getting ice cream and we're gonna go on the top of the island and we're gonna be just like Kingdom Hearts 100% [Music] we don't stop some of the best times ever yo for real everyone has to come here the world needs to come we're getting there trying to find the - thing keeps going I think this is it make sure you guys have good exercise because it's a non-stop stair climbing I usually don't like museums but because this thing is so big and it pretty much covers the top of the castle we have to check out and just document this place yo John we are doing this now we're finally in it was 10 euros to get inside here everything is racking up in price and as you can see this is why I like it is hard to travel because everything does cost a lot of money but you know we're paying it this one time we were staying at a lot of cheap hotels and you know we're going out with a bang we for this road trip ends we have to explore this place just have an amazing time because it's one in a lifetime Wow it's like no one here in the light you can see the light ray shining right here [Music] how close can we get to these seagulls they're not even scared of us dude they're like right in front of it it seems like we're actually gonna go in to the center let's go I see John Wow now if you're wondering why that's not like not so crazy artsy I guess you would call it because just so old and this is like the finest art back in the day all stone to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] are you in overage Alan Webber can I go through these doors while they're locked all that's where I first was coming to stairs I still keep just roaming through this place can I go through here what it's in there nothing oh wow I thought was like a home I thought I seen a guy right there no it doesn't open let's keep going dungeon doors and everywhere release the kind of God so I mean a little slight problem my phone's dead and John's gone and I don't know where anyone else is but I know they're on the island so they can't go far but I'm still exploring this island this goes really far down Michael to the sir see I don't know no way that's like beyond hidden Church is that if we can get down there that'd be amazing look at this cannon [Music] one magical plant I know 100% 100% there are different alleyways this must be a thousand different alleyway so I'm walking on this one but there's like a hundred others that could lead to some like really ranked rare amazing shop we're just gonna find them like I'm trying to get a hundred or going just came back up here with Dan to talk some business hanging out and look at this still just want to look back at our view here in our little house on region believable man it really is it really really is the real life of Disney this is fable this is the fable this is closest fable we can get right now fable game I've played it a beat he is the closest all to be so to me it's not is that excited I've tried myself I'm tired as hell doesn't happen to me I got so excited I almost passed out from being so that's what happened so as the Sun starts to fall people are starting to leave which means the only people actually gonna be here are the few very few tourists and the people actually staying in these houses and I'm trying to find John because I want to replicate us eating ice cream at the top of here to make me feel like we're back in Kingdom Hearts in the video game yeah yeah where were you okay I mean I wasn't I wasn't that towards me taking most of my time just get all the shots I'm yeah that's where we were yeah I'm so exhausted we are wall running man wall right now we're running walls we're like oh you were climbing around yeah dude I got to see your video on that dude cuz I end up losing him because I just kept roaming around to but it was super cool that you know we're men up again we got to do the ice cream thing let's do it did you walk around the sand and yet yeah cuz I wanted before I do that because I can only do this at this time before the tide comes up let's just kind of walk around the actual walls really quick okay guys I think I found the way to the hidden church we talked about Oh up there up there when I looked down I seen a church and look at this way might actually bring us to the church so yeah was find out birth okay I think my series right cuz look this might bring us there I see danger signs where is it they blocked it off it was right here I swear it might be up here but it's blocked should we yeah yeah this path looks inhabited maybe we just don't it's pretty much hidden look at this oh my god some crazy spiders in here this is for landslides so nothing--nothing get hurt no yes like something happens or falls down these nets protect it easy right now I don't know where this goes from here it's a dead end right here I swear blast what is what happens here you don't know where you're gonna go but what you're gonna find we're gonna keep going John we'll go around the nets see what's good that's the church it's right there oh so far than I saw it oh we're we're also not that close not that far just rest for how to get there and there's no steers here either they just stop building or what but there's no steers here to get there there's gotta be some other paths we're missing through stairs on this side we have to get through here I can see them peeking right there the stairs we do have a thornbush how can I get to that solution look how close we are believe I made that they're all in you're here oh my god The Thorn boys are so short you know this is a true adventure though no not their life grab a camera and play it down okay and grab my hand [Music] this is incredible just above these rocks oh we might have met our match we might be stuck I think so we're not the only ones who tried this older people have been here well explores I think we met our match the only way inside is this rope there's no way I'm doing this I'm not risking my life for it I want to go in bad but that is just way too much right now yeah it's like what happened it's just not worth it I mean it's like right there why we end up in these situations [Music] we're in very debatable circumstances right now anywhere that's complete abandoned part of this island no one comes here Kanto everything's growing in thorn bushes everywhere ropes to climb look the places and the debatable question is is our life worth this risk I don't know is it I don't know you'll find out in like five seconds you are all freaking wild one yeah where you are you're climbing in you legit climbing end [Music] you did it sometimes the biggest question you ask yourself is is your life really worth it and sometimes it is sometimes it isn't sometimes it's worth the risk and sometimes I might not contribute anything at all and I guess according to Josh sign me up that was probably worth the risk what a wild man seriously and when I talk about those circumstances I told those circumstances really worth it this one might not been worth it and a church door was locked freaking wild man this is hundred percent down easily oh my god I can't believe I did that that was crazy as long as you're living was really crazy cuz I know it was really fun maybe it was worth it in the end cuz I'm still on this island and you're still chillin whoa if you get situations like this you just lean back at all times like this like landslide it downwards there I can pull out the zoom lens oh man I just come down and see Randy here by yourself just relaxing relaxing oh man I could see bed you really are enjoying the view huh that's amazing where's everyone else now bro I don't know what's been going on I've been on my own pretty much all the way through them has it been fun it was good lobby which was cool cool I'm gonna find some water I'm gonna get some ice cream and I'm just gonna chill I wonder you want to walk the beach with us try to go like halfway around just to kind of see what's good look house the tides trying to come in now I'm gonna do it in a minute I just go get some water no your other tides coming up John let's get some water [Music] see that sunset is beautiful right now we're about a walk finally around the sides of the beach and then we're I don't know I don't even know the ice cream still has to happen it's not just us enjoying the sunset there's a lot of other people having fun jobs gonna kill me that's the church I've been looking for that's the hidden church I was looking for not all the way up there oh my god I've really messed up John I found the church you see I'm serious the whole time was right there that's the church I don't know what that was but this one I was trying to find the whole time it's amazing those secret spot can we go in oh wow no it's locked Wow no I risked everything for this spot man it look like well that is cool looks like an abandoned mansion we've been doing yeah well at least we can see what's in it all this time for that it is cool guys is anyone trying to get some ice cream I want food in ice cream but like we're gonna to get both this is too good we have golden hour we have to get it while we still got both the golden light [Music] well as we keep walking around this whole island you can see how high these castle walls are again the beautiful sunset - unreal experience just want to say I am very grateful for this life that I'm living and it could not have done any of this it wasn't for you guys so rise above for sure and the exploring crew lives on thanks again for everyone love you supporters [Music] [Music] [Music] Flores and this is why we travel after walking all the way back here we got the best view and I can finally show you exactly what we're in in the castle look at the back the sunsets coming you can see the clouds the orange sky this is why you know this is just why we do everything we do I can't only have to express myself this is it birds coming right look at this This Is It this is life right here exploring with friends traveling the world with the best people and just experiencing life this is it man I said I believe all so many times oh this is really it no we got all the boys here we all came to take this amazing photo okay I'll let you starting to finally turn on that means inside there things could be all different inside there's right these are gonna be different inside here lights are starting to turn on it's you know this dates back for a long time we're gonna explore at night now we're gonna take it to a whole new level or this is probably one of the top five places I've ever seen my whole entire life or top five in the world probably a top five in the world vote for me cuz I'm into the fairytale stuff the video games even runescape for whatever fable it's up there it's time to go [Music] so I hear laughing over there [Music] [Music] Explorer's has been for or since we were walking around the island I took a little break it is about to be midnight and we are walking around the inside here at night I just want to show you guys everything around this place and what it looks like it's super quiet at night everyone is just actually in bed so we're gonna see if anything's open just kind of roam the main area and we're gonna just venture off this video is super long but we're making it happen it's really quiet silent everyone's actually sleeping too it's kind of just me here here's the graveyard I can't believe I'm doing this it's really spooky vibes that's a cat over here what's it going how do you know where I'm going well there's the cab it's going over there to the garden should I follow it is it a sign I don't know I guess we can check it out out [Music] so there are so many ways I could have filmed this video I could have did a whole two-part series did a whole night series here and explored it all night made a video I could have went crazy when hide-and-go-seek with my friends my friends with the bed early which sucks so I'm by myself just you know explore because I want to see this really bad and I didn't know how to film this I wanted just my full honest review an action of walking through this place I feel like it shouldn't have done I didn't want to do it like a travel like TV series kind of format with a lot of people I just wanted an actual true walking around exploring vlog which is why this that's what this place is like I could film 10 videos here though there's so much different things I can do here like I would like to do the - hide-and-go-seek thing here that would be cool with a bunch of friends but I would have to pretty much live here or stay another five days I know just so much I could do with this video is what I'm trying to say but I wanted to keep it true and I wanted to explore and keep it are like legit and that's what I did Oh after walking for like ten minutes going through different alleyways I found this church door that's wide open statues of knights I think everyone's welcomed here yo this is crazy Wow that paintings beautiful what the hack a hack that's cool yep that's cool he's holding a huge sword he's like attacking the Serpent's or the Dragons Isis some sort of old well it's so weird cuz you can just almost steal anything cost some money but the doors are wide open you could just literally take anything you want and just walk out it'd be bad to do that what's in here oh my god I'm having way too much fun I really am [Music] this light is so bright that anyone even all the way down there where I parked the car should be able to see this light pretty much at the end just looking down to depths of Davy Jones explorers I just been walking all around the fortresses I guess outskirts and I think I've made it towards the end now it's been really relaxing I didn't film most of it I just been enjoying the cell explore as I forgot to do an ending last night but this is our place we just woken up he has no bed mattress he slept on the bed frame to make room cuz it was only meant to sleep three we slept five Carl slept on there I actually slept in a crevice corner right here but I had a blanket that I found from inside the closet and then we even just slept there overall this was an amazing place it was definitely worth everything we paid to just walk around Diagon Alley be there at night and just vibe out everyone it was definitely amazing shred so I'm gonna end a video right here cuz I got a shower because we have a whole whole nother day ahead of us a new chapter right here that's happening right now so rise above just go out to explore peace and thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Exploring With Josh
Views: 489,286
Rating: 4.9069915 out of 5
Keywords: harry potter island, castles, hogwarts, disney channel, vlogging france, exploring with josh, Mont-Saint-Michel, mont saint michel, wizards of magic
Id: QyJmYEfy4-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 49sec (1909 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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