ABANDONED BARN FIND First Wash In 10 Years BMW E30! Satisfying Car Detailing Restoration

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wd detailing, welcome back to another  wd detailing video i'm here today with   a special treat for you guys we were called by a  local horse stable letting us know that they had   a bmw 325 that was left in their hay barn for  the last i don't know five ten years they weren't   specific with how long it's been there but as you  can see it's accumulated a ton of dirt dust mud   hay uh god knows what else on the interior  and we're actually gonna be taking this car   back to our shop uh which is about a 40 minute  drive from here and i have to drive it looking   like this with the top down in in 35 degree  weather so with that being said wish me luck   so as rj just mentioned in the beginning of the  video we have a bmw e30 that's been sitting in   a horse stable for the last 10 years now we  don't have a ton of background information on   this car but what i can tell you is that the owner  would drive it around the stable area for a while   and let it sit for a long time and once you  see the inside you'll understand why it got   the abandoned title and before we get to  the interior make sure you guys take a   second and subscribe to the channel with  your notifications on that way you don't   miss our future uploads now as you can see  some barn mice made this car their home   and i can tell you that we luckily didn't find  any while detailing the car which was a relief   to say the least because it really would not  have been fun finding any dead mice while we   were pulling this thing apart and for this  video the way i ordered it we actually did   the exterior first when we detailed the car but  i want you guys to see the interior first so you   can understand why this was called an abandoned  barn find and the last thing which you guys know   we always do in every video it's the question of  the video leave your answer in the comments below   i think i'm gonna do this for every barn  find what year do you think this bmw is so anyways so if you guys have seen any of our  recent videos where we needed a pet brush   you know we used to use the lily brush but  now we've been using this one made by analan   and we actually want to give away 10 of them to  you guys completely for free and this is also not   sponsored or an ad or anything we just love this  brush and we want you guys to have a chance to try   them for yourselves so if you want to win one all  you have to do is be subscribed to our channel and   leave a comment below with the word analan in it  along with your instagram name if you guys don't   leave your instagram we can't contact you and you  can't win so make sure that you put it in there so the car actually had no floor  mats but it did have this in the   trunk and we decided to take care  of it as soon as we pulled it out   that way it could start drying while we were  doing the rest of the car and luckily the   stains that you see ended up coming out  so we were really happy with the result so so the rest of the interior did have some mold  in it uh it wasn't as bad as our last video if   you guys saw that one but it was still there so  we made sure to take care of it and thoroughly   clean everything that way when we return it to the  owner it was safe to drive and it looked brand new so oh so so so so one so moving on to the leather seats these things  were absolutely destroyed they had mold on   them they had mud on them they had dirt they  had everything you could think of even hay   so we gave them a really good deep cleaning and  then when we put them back in the car at the end   then we put on the conditioner to give it  a chance to soak in but also look good when   the customer got their car back and i see  comments sometimes asking if the conditioner   or the dressing that we put on the car makes it  greasy and oily and it doesn't all it has to do   is take some time to soak in and dry and it won't  be oily it looks great when it's done so as long   as you're using good quality products  you should never have that problem so i want to remind you guys if you're enjoying  this video to hit the like button for us it   does a lot to help us get our videos out  to more people and it shows us you guys   are enjoying the content which continues  to push us to want to put out better and   better videos every single week so take a  second like the video and enjoy the rest this oh and we never really show us cleaning the door  jambs especially in these hard to reach spots   for the camera but i thought this was actually  kind of cool so i set it up for you guys to   watch and it was really satisfying even for me  to do in real life but basically all i did was   spray degreaser into the door jamb let it sit  for a second so it could run off a little bit   and loosen up some of that grime and grease and  i took a spray bottle with just water in it to   rinse the rust away i think it did a pretty  good job for the spots i couldn't reach into   now finally moving on to the exterior the first  thing we did was the engine bay and we took our   leaf blower to try to blow out as much of that  hay and that loose stuff is possible first before   actually cleaning it and then we disconnected the  negative terminal on the battery before using any   water in there just to be safe and make sure  no problems would occur further into the detail foreign now another thing the owner did mention to us  when we picked up the car was that there were   a few holes in the roof and like i mentioned at  the beginning of the video we actually did the   exterior first so we weren't really that worried  about water or anything getting in there because   we were gonna gut the interior anyways and  clean it up completely so it really wasn't   that big of a deal plus the owner told us  he didn't really care and he wanted us to   clean it anyways but we did do our best to  try to avoid it although it was pretty much impossible moving on to the wheels i'm not joking you guys  i think this might be the most satisfying wheel   transformation i've ever even seen in my life wait  till you guys see the before and after pictures at   the end of the clip it's absolutely insane how  crazy these turned out but basically we had to   use three different products we used brake buster  we used iron fallout remover and we used a heavy   rim cleaner because these rims and these tires  have just been sitting collecting dust collecting   dirt never being cleaned and they were awful but  when you see them at the end you're gonna be mind blown foreign now before we went ahead and corrected the  paint we made sure to spray the entire thing   with an iron fallout remover to get all  that iron out of the clear coat as well   as clay bar the entire car so when  we finally got to using the buffers   all that junk wouldn't clog the pads and it would  make it a lot easier to actually correct the paint   and if done right you can get this done pretty  quickly and it enhances your detail by a lot maybe so after we got done peeling the tape  off i left in a clip for you guys just   so i could show you that i'm a  better baseball player than rj   that's literally the only reason why i left  it in so you'll see it right after this clip you
Channel: WD Detailing
Views: 1,338,741
Rating: 4.8411312 out of 5
Keywords: wd detailing, car detailing business, car detailing, the detail geek 2, the detail geek, stauffer garage, asmr, deep cleaning, carpet cleaning, detailing, corvette, satisfying video, satisfying, extractions, barn find, abandoned barn find, ammo nyc, car interior cleaning, barn find restoration project, interior car detailing, biohazard detailing dirtiest car ever first wash in 10 years, barn find bmw, bmw e30, bmw e30 restoration, barn find restoration bmw, bmw, bmw detail
Id: R7JLy1E-h04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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