ABANDONED BODY SHOP FIND First Detail in Years BMW E36 M3! Satisfying Car Detailing Restoration

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wd detailing, hey guys welcome back to the  channel i'm rj this is wd detailing and this   video is sponsored by manscape but more on that  later today we're down here at neil classics with   john mcdonald who is the owner the curator the  uh the ceo if you will and he has allowed us to   come in detail this 1995 bmw e36 m3 but john is uh  what the second owner because you bought it right   so i'm the second owner i bought it at stoddard  porsche which doesn't exist anymore but it was   literally a thousand feet this direction i bought  it in the year 2000 right off the front line   i was a recent college graduate i had no money  i had no business buying a car like this and   got my hands on what at the time was my dream  car in the 90s this was everybody's absolute   uh pinnacle of performance that you would hope  that you could afford i couldn't afford it but i   got my hands on it the prices on these currently  are yes through the moon right now people money   are a little older they have jobs they have a  decent career they've got some expendable income   and now they want the card that they wish they  had then yeah i just do happen to still have   mine but anything specific that you had done that  that made it you know that made it your bmw or so   the thing that i was determined to do was to keep  it stuck because at the time it was popular to   accessorize and modify and there was all  kinds of things that you could have done   to get more performance out of it or make it look  more modern and thankfully i couldn't afford to do   any of those things so mine is still totally stuck  so yeah i had plans for an audio system and i had   plans for performance upgrades and i did none of  it um so uh i've just enjoyed it yeah i mean it's   got a pretty thick layer of dust and dirt on it  how long does it take to accumulate some you know   so this is carefully accumulated over probably  four years i hate to say probably four years   it used to be that i would try to drive this  car all the time and drive it through the summer   but i just haven't had a time yeah so it's been  sitting over here being neglected and i have kids   car seats don't fit too well in the back i mean  i've got them i've got car seats in the ferrari   out there so i i could put car seats in it it's  just been something that i've you know sort of   been sitting over there in the corner neglected  unfortunately man you know if i could ever get   to the point where i could neglect a classic bmw  m3 and drive other cool cars man life's uh going   pretty well sure sure yeah i mean i feel bad about  it so i'm glad that uh we connected with you guys   100 to be able to make it look how it should  cool well without further ado great sounds good all right guys so it's brent here and i'm not  going to talk too much on the car you already   saw a lot of it before and they talked about it  but on the interior you will see that there was   a complete layer of mold i don't know why these  cars that after they sit for so long they always   have mold in them but this one did too but what i  do want to do is take a second and make sure you   guys are subscribed to the channel and that you  like the video if you enjoy it obviously you know   it helps us out a lot it keeps us motivated all  that stuff so i just want to say thank you guys   for all the support you've been giving us recently  you guys have been killing it and we want to keep   doing this keep making these videos and for the  question of the video make sure you guys leave   your answers in the comments below if you were  a youtuber what kind of content would you make   obviously you're watching car detailing content  i'm sure some of you guys would like to do that   but not everyone likes to make that stuff  or even watch it so what would be your thing and now a word from our sponsors so  we're working on this really cool bmw   that has all original paint and is obviously  covered with a ton of dirt dust and grime   and we need to remove that as safely as possible  without scratching or nicking the paint underneath   manscape which is our proud sponsor of this  video and wd detailing has come out with the   new lawnmower 4.0 that allows you to shave your  body butt and balls without nicking or scratching   guys it's a whole new balls game the lawnmower  4.0 uses ceramic blades with skin safe technology   to help reduce mix and cuts so you could groom  with confidence along with four trimmer guard   options to get the hair to the perfect length  it's perfect because it's both cordless and   it's waterproof so you can even trim in the  shower which makes for an easy cleanup too   it even has a wireless charging system and  a tri-level power indicator to see how much   battery life is left and other razors  definitely don't have that it also has   a travel lock feature to make sure your trimmer  doesn't buzz or drain battery in your suitcase   guys we've been approached by a lot of brands  and we have disregarded all of them because we   didn't believe in the products they were selling  but manscape products actually work i can vouch   for that my boys have never been so shaved and i  have never felt so safe shaving them so use our   code wd20 or click the link in the top of the  description or pinned in the top comment and   you will be taken to manscape.com where you can  get 20 off your total order and guys like i said   it actually works and again we really want to say  thank you to manscape for sponsoring the video   and creating a product that we can actually  feel comfortable telling you guys that you   should purchase especially if you care about  your boys so guys check them out and thank you manscape now getting into all the plastics and the  leathers like the seats inside the car we got   this new tornado attachment that has the  apc gun attached to it and guys if you're   in the market for something like this i would  definitely definitely recommend getting it   it might not be as satisfying to watch maybe  it is i kind of like watching it myself   but it cuts down the detailing time from an  interior being maybe three to four hours you   could get it done in like an hour to two hours  top so um it's definitely worth investing in   and it just makes sense for us to keep using  it moving forward so hopefully you guys still   enjoy watching it it just does such a good job  we can't in some situations we might not for the   most part it's definitely the best tool to use  and you'll even see when the leather seats are   said and done they looked a million times better  the only negative i will say is that it kind of   fills the air with apc and stuff so moving  forward we didn't have our respirators with   us this time because we didn't know this was going  to happen but definitely would recommend wearing a   respirator while you're using this tool because  you don't want to breathe all that stuff in so so foreign okay so hmm oh um you uh so moving on to the exterior we actually did that  first but for the video i put the interior first   but we wanted to cover up the  windows because they wouldn't   roll up and obviously you don't want to get  too much water or any water inside the car   so the first order of business was to tape  up the plastic on the windows and actually   when we were done they did a very good  job there was like no water that got in so c so so you just saw us wash the car and the paint is  still rough to the touch i don't want to do it too   hard but you can hear it it's it's it sounds like  sandpaper and what's happened is over time uh much   like our skin paint is porous and as it's set in  this garage and collected dust throughout the hot   summers and cold winters the paint expanded and  then contracted and in doing so it literally like   kind of like absorbed this dust that was  sitting on it for that long which is why   even a wash still leaves the paint  you know rough to the touch so we are   going to have to clay that off and you  can actually hear it sounds awful but a lot better so so although the car's been sitting for a  while and dust has been completely covering it   you guys can see there's still swirl marks  in the paint and they're scratching so   obviously we want to take care of that  today along with some of the oxidation in   the paint so we had to try a few different  pad and polish combinations and eventually   we got to the yellow foam pad and that  seemed to work the absolute best for us oh oh you so what would we pull in we pulled in at  like 10 10 20 in the morning after 10. you   guys have been at it for what a good eight  and a half and a half nine hours now well   10 30 to 8 30 roughly so whatever that is my  brain's too fried to do math i think it's 10   hours i think it gets 10 hours yeah yeah it  was never a math whiz but right um but man so   what you're saying is under all that there was a  car yeah yeah i'm like i'm scared to look a little   bit oh my god yeah it uh oh my god i could see the  clouds the reflection i could oh my i had no idea   that it was going to take as much effort as it did  with the hood and the roof how did you get this   kind of a shine out of this paint it's actually  smooth now you can actually it's not sandpaper   anymore honestly i would say that the entire  time that i've owned this car uh-huh i've never   seen the paint look like this in 21 years that  is like that i have not seen it look like this   that's like the absolute best compliment that  you could ever hope for especially with a car   you know of 25 years and you've had it for 20  you know right yeah i've owned this car for yeah   most of my adult life it looks amazing guys yeah  i am really impressed and and for being original   paint and right right original paint that  honestly is probably a little tired in some   ways for sure yeah it definitely it definitely  took a lot of elbow grease yeah yeah and uh   wow and you're always tiptoeing because again you  know original paint so you got sure sure no my   gosh guys i am really really impressed i mean we  actually tried a different method of cleaning okay   on the interior where we used a uh it's called  a torn uh called a tornado which actually like   uses air and an all-purpose cleaner and actually  kind of like whips it in it almost feels like a   soft brush but it's it's actually air and i can't  believe that it it revived the level the leather   uh the way it did so honestly it was covered in a  like a huge cloud of mold that looked terrible and   this looks amazing it was a wildlife experiment  in here and it looks outstanding to say the least   yeah wow i'm genuinely impressed yeah and like i  said you know it's really amazing there's been so   many days where i wow you know minivans and scrape  gum and it's you know days that you're working on   something like this sure it doesn't feel like work  you know it goes yeah yeah i mean there's like   you know your personal appreciation and enjoyment  you know we're blessed that we get to do you know   something that we love and other people enjoy  it too which is it it blows my mind that we   even have the support we do yeah yeah you guys  have got something really really cool going on   yeah thank you well we could have done it without  you so yeah appreciate it thanks very much yeah i   really genuinely appreciate it it looks amazing  thank you very much yeah uh and with that being   said thank you to manscape again for sponsoring  this video and thank you all for watching hit the   like button the subscribe button or wherever  they may be and we'll see you next week bye
Channel: WD Detailing
Views: 1,476,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wd detailing youtube, youtube wd detailing, wd detailing, car detailing business, car detailing, the detail geek 2, the detail geek, stauffer garage, asmr, deep cleaning, carpet cleaning, detailing, satisfying video, satisfying, extractions, barn find, abandoned barn find, car interior cleaning, barn find restoration project, interior car detailing, body shop find, bmw, bmw m3, bmw e36, bmw e36 m3, e36 detail, m3 detail, bmw m3 detail, bmw e36 m3 barn find, abandoned e36
Id: Ab8Pz47e4D4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 35sec (1775 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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