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as for jewelry [Music] [Applause] [Music] they have one cleaner looks like a bunch of bandages and stuff in here stomach relief let's see what else they have well a bunch of like medicine skincare products empty find a bunch of pillows hey gotta be careful in here the wood floors are a little bit bowed and some of the areas okay we're gonna go check out this bathroom because it looks great [Applause] [Music] so got this back here check that out this is so pretty like it's hard to believe this place is even a Bandhan they still have the towels in here you see this here's the other side of the sink I'm trying not to use my LED panel but this is a walk-in closet pretty nice let's go check out what's in this one Wow we got a shower a toilet and what is this I forgot what it's called but it cleans you but no sink a hairdryer a foam for help this place really is beautiful this looks like another closet or maybe like a linen room because yeah we got an iron table right here I've got some more pillows on the floor I've got some pillows blankets got a foot massager worse thing what that's crazy these must be the people who own the property oh my god they were so cute Wow she's really beautiful we have another giant mirror like I wish I had this bathroom this bathroom is amazing like look there's another little sink there's another wall but why sure and there's another toilet there's a different kind of bathtub if you have trouble like standing and washing yourself and here's this shower you need to sit down shave your legs or something okay so that was just the bathroom in one really big room now we're gonna go down this hallway and we'll see what we find you gotta check this out look at that quill [Music] it's so deep too [Music] right [Music] so you can't swim oh right they're doing YouTube stuff Instagram stuff good Steve Ronan over here getting them shots getting them bangers it's another mirror well know what it's this no way I just found there's an attack helicopter oh no I love it I'm sorry okay guys let's go check out the kitchen Wow look at it so so left the way it was they were kind enough to leave baking soda in it okay all right that's a toaster oven that's a microwave we actually have this at our house I never use the bottom one though they got a condensed milk what guys you got some macaronis little candies this little area over here well that's a Food Warmer let's see how much of this we can see not much but it's a little pantry the kitchen the little seating area Wow I would live here this house is beautiful I would totally live here looks like we have a food storage round like there's this kind of thing there's a little sink again cups like kind of like a dining-room place oh look another bathroom oh that's a walkthrough closet that's really cool looks like we got a supplies closet dark in there I know I'm sorry ah this is where you hang up your coats and stuff oh oh my god that's so cute got a wrapping paper got like arts and crafts things got a box of random things some sewing stuff here's the garage all their stuff is still in here pull toys paint tiki torches flags decorative birds a bed frame this thing that belongs at the store here's my boyfriend guys he made it shout out to him for actually dropping us off going to find a place to park and then making it back he's the true MVP mm-hmm here we got an office area here's more photos of the owner and what they did here with this cute little bench and their cute little pillows this place is perfect it is beautiful it is like and as a gym and probably one of the like best places I have ever been to like I'm so happy to be able to ever like came here and like seeing this like man I hope you guys are enjoying this finally guys we're heading upstairs this staircase is mint that's G Ryan right there I'll put his link you just got here [Music] okay guys the room is full of mirrors got like this little loungy bad thing then we got two twin beds two little chairs and look at them they're so small oh we got another chair and we got a doll dad's me um got a tiny little TV radio desk the phone in here too painting and this is a space heater such a random little room and then we have this random room which I think probably was a playroom closet I don't know what that is though I don't really want to open it and then we come in here and I'm assuming this is the Attic but there is gym equipment in here I got that machine to machines over there this one right there probably another one over there in the back looks like they just built this room on which that's cool you can do that I was just on the casting couch for like the longest so was I look at this room got this amazing staircase look at all these cases you sound hi and we found a safe we're gonna live it for you guys and hopefully open it because we also found directions for it yeah and we got the number suit so you too I'm gonna hop convenience is how you're gonna see you brush it hopefully get aside come on you guys pray for us hit that thumbs up fun let's go man so I'm something more luck we'll have opening this much go bags what up guys we're trying to open this advanced tape that we found inside an abandoned mansion right now every day this crazier I can hear the tumblers there's a second one yeah we got 49 people watching right now carnally 60 and down to the rise hit that thumbs up on the one that's off the more people will see this what's going on everyone next time yeah we've been exploring some bad mansion and this is gonna be a twist on the video opening this abandoned say 69 who knows what we can find yeah we found the combination it wasn't like some closet drawer and we found the key this video will be coming out pretty soon [Applause] that's like Oh yo guys they've comment down below if you know what this is what you'll do that's go to what his dad know but they wrapped it up in velvet so it must be something you guys so this is a bad mansion we've been exploring no one has been inside here so like no one has hoping that's a queer the person was there it was that finger a finger oh man so lucky for you guys I apologize I'm probably not getting good thing going here no in the back dude come on get out my camera is about to die dude oh my god no giggling oh there was there probably real diamonds no way wait we did not just find this we gotta get this appraised or something Wow or maybe just leave it damn I'll hit you with this gold Wow way less appreciate mine guys this one Rita Meeta oh man there's a dude not on the livestream at least but that's pretty well we found someone's passport why open it up for everyone except just blur it out this is a passport from Juneau 3 2003 when does it expire 10 years and that is the expiration date it was issued in 1993 okay and as far as 2003 yeah Wow guys stay tuned for the video this is absolutely insane way we just found what's with us too I used to be like porno say oh we're gonna end it here oh hey Sam attitude boy no way this is an old different old queen no guys this is legit this is a legit rare coin oh my god this is a legit but that they saw that note has wow look at this right this is a diamond what diamonds with morning Hillary to this part know what guys this is legit language it legit this no this is not no one puts a fake coin [Music] you [Music] um okay so we just finished explaining this mansion it was really freaking cool um retail a team working there we found some treasure lots of untouched things so pretty cool I really hope you guys enjoyed this video got my whole crew behind me all the links will be in the description I'm pretty sure I shout them all out in the video this is walking around so um hope everyone likes it and please subscribe if you haven't already [Music]
Channel: obsoleteVoids
Views: 85,118
Rating: 4.4621654 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned mansion, steve ronin, strange places, exploring with josh, urbex, urban exploring, mansion, haunted house, we found treasure, vaidas adventures, g.ryan, exploring with jose california, scary, tresspassing, urbex videos, exploring videos, exploring with cody, exploring with steve, urbex mafia, chicago urbex mafia, exploring crew, rnk all day, untouched abandoned mansion, bandos
Id: fCCtY77Wf38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2018
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