Malphite but I one shot Kindred so many times he rage quits the game (HE WAS MALDING)

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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some Mal fight in the mid lane running Comet Mana flow Transcendence Gathering storm eyeball and ultimate Hunter we're do an AP Malou fight lot of burst damage and we'll do malignance so we have our alt up more often sure might try some new tech where you go a nasher's tooth because you can clap with your W do some extra oh yeah his W skills with ap so nashers could be pretty good plus it gives haste a lot of AP now you don't want to throw too many rocks level one cuz they do eat up a lot of your Mana but my com was up there Lux really wants to uh me damn she still got me though fck chill I'm just a rock oh at least I had a shield he does have barrier too an ally SL so level six I could still kill her though is a Rough Lane though not getting any minions oh my God she's not getting any either though comet's almost up then we'll poke my Cannon I can't get a single Minion this game is cursed not expecting this Lux to be the most aggressive Lux in the world he has no Mana left though no tele Port injured is probably going to be here [Music] surprised with how much poke I took I'm still like relatively healthy and she's completely burnt but I know there's a kindred coming it's probably going to come from top side down I'm a wizard moment he's going to try to bind me I could kill Lux but the problem is she's going to bury her and I don't even have any Mana but I'm close to a level up just have to be ready to run from Kindred again oh no she's got the speed Shrine yes leave me alone what did I do Lux is going to hit six before me I think just cuz injured keeps pushing me out of my [Music] XP oh they're ghosting that's why I see that is why they're ghosting the stream that explains more than enough got it a has disconnected a has Rec I'm tilted how is she level six already where's my level six oh she didn't have enough Mana to Al an ally has been slain she should die know your name and she flashed a has connect oh my God all right farming is optional this [Music] game farming is optional well at least I got boots a su has disconnected a su oh no not the disconnecting connector haven't had one of those in a while top is 03 okay balling is also Z oh no 02 two and one actually all right Lux has no Summoner spells I think her barrier will still be down when I have all at least she does doesn't have a chapter got to remember she also like if I sucked at farming this game she's even worse she's just going to non-stop spam her spells so I just need to sit back and wait I'm moving as fast as I can KN has the same bar cool down as barrier I thought it was shorter I thought barrier had the shortest cool down of them all they might be the same though I know barrier is shorter than heal enemy kill well I think we need to go take a trip to the bot Lane before this game's over o about to slam dunk on LeBron James oh my God wait there's two of them really don't want to flash one you run you can have it I don't care okay two more ultimate Hunter Stacks can we recover from this early game yes I am totally not tilted I'm actually so over losing all the Minions I don't care if I miss these okay I'm going to lose a lot of Health here oh wait she already aled didn't she I'll go bu migma Mo all right so let's look at the stats 90 50 15 hm they're both good I might build both I don't know you're not getting this she didn't get it I'm not doing any damage though I guess I did enough he's got are I don't think she can alt if she's hit by the knockup she needs to use it before 5 and0 I need sorcs I mean I can make it so Jin can't play the game the only thing that could win them this game is Darius being too hard for me to kill and Kindred Al saving their team but other than that I could actually still carry this I have 60 farm at 11 minuts 11 minutes I'm actually like bronze enemy has going to sell my Grandmaster account for $10 RP code so I can buy the weed malite skin an ally has slain Here Comes The Rock uh he's going to get Kindred aled where you going oh I didn't have Comet oops wait a second these rocks are brutal I don't remember the slow being that long I mean they're like all ranged am I even going to be able to use the nasher's tooth I feel like the Lich Bane might be better cuz I only get one Auto attack plus the move speed I know they're running they're doing malma that hit me they're doing migma nashers too Top Lane but Top Lane you can actually Auto people I'm down to do a l that it's pretty low cool down already who do I need Darius uh he did just die I think or something sure this is like a nightmare for playing a mage mid though you're playing against an AP Mal fight who already can click one button and almost one shot you from Full HP and then you got to deal with a Zach who you can't even really Ward for his ganks because he just jumps over two walls I would hate this match up an enemy has I really wasn't expecting to do that much damage I was also expecting her Dash to get her out of that but she used it at like a millisecond too late she did get the dash off but it didn't actually get her out of range well maybe he'll be chunked I don't have alt though so I think he knows I'm [Music] coming I need level 11 I just run around and get free kills every time I Evol I have to be very careful though and try to not die let them have that an enemy has I tried alting it's not up okay I don't think I can one shot her cuz of barrier I think her flash is back up too I'll protect you oh if that hit me I might have died I can kill her now I want to try to not Al though I don't need to Le landed everything like a boss um I'll slap this turret a few times I guess they had a AFK oh yeah they're [ __ ] they be uh stream sniping I forgot about it they could have won that though change my name oh yeah somebody left who was it though which one oh kindri oopsies all we got some more Mal fight in the mid lane we got a Pantheon this time I'm not too excited for this cuz he could block a lot of damage with his e if he uses it properly rather have the one shot of Lux who knows we could still delete this guy pretty easy if we play it correctly see they're pretty heavy ad I could incorporate an hourglass into my build but I'll probably still go malignance into uh um either l or could potentially do the ners this game we will be able to Auto attack Pantheon [Music] more still looking for that kill pressure at level six when I have Al if I can chunk him down to like half HP before I have r so far farming is going much better this game those Q's hurt though I need my shield to come back up before he cues me again two one we're good if I have Shield up every time he pokes me I only lose like a little bit of HP that is a really good trade level three though he's going to be able to block some damage oh I missed one but it's okay he knows something's up I mean if we can get anything here that oh no no no no no no no no no no no no he might live you got a potion he lives he lives he lives okay he got Pantheon sums he didn't need to jump into the turret after he already burned everything I wanted to flash on him but like he's either going to stun me and then none of my abilities go off or he's going to just have e up who's our jungler Kane try bait out his he oh he's got no Mana I didn't need to bait it out oh hey how you doing bro I'll see you [Music] later all right much better than the last game what if we get the double Rage Quit special o minions well I got to stay I'm probably not going to get this cannon no I [Music] will where's Pantheon guess it takes him a while to get to Mid okay I have a lost chapter so I already have unlimited Mana to spend this is perfect because all I need to do now I'm going to buy an extra potion just in case we fight a bit all I need to do is just keep throwing rocks at him if I do short TR trades he can't always have his e up it has a really long cool down and he has just refill which is 150 HP 200 hp my bad okay wait did they buff refill could have sworn it was worse than that Jax is making this guy's Lane miserable cuz he just came back to Lane with half HP now although he could base here so I'm going too of now he's St well since I already killed Pantheon should I use my ALT to go bot they're just basing oh I'm a rock I'm playing one of the highest skilled champions in the game guys want to see me outplay him I'm going to die to the turret I threw the rock he's saving his I mean I don't even I don't think he'll be able to use his uh e fast enough to block this watch wait he's typing he's typing got him got him got him [Laughter] out [Laughter] played it worked it worked I forgot about that strategy you just asked somebody a question and while they're typing it they either get ganked or you just all in them so then they have the chat box open so if they press any of their spells they're just typing still just saw a dragon I need him I don't think I'll get him ooh he might go over the wall come to me come to me he might be out oh can't hit okay I'm getting something here okay okay I got to be ready to get him as soon as he pops out oh damn Teemo almost killed him run run run run run run run look at this big wave why is elaoi building armor into Teemo I guess she still wants to go ice porn to Perma slow him it could work still all right Pantheon has no alt you know I really want to go all bot but what if I just go get this migma first don't St me under turret ow I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I what if I go get my migma this guy too I'm going to die oh my goodness the womis comus but did he just flash on the dragon I saw that my rock Auto we'll take it uh oh my I that's the second time I've done that this week I'm pressing C and then I press the stupid uh flash button I guess I guess that's why it's better to have flash on F cuz I wouldn't make that mistake an ally has been slain flash on F is pretty cringe though well out of all the Spells it's best he blocked the auto attack what if I there's no way he falls for it again ow what else can I ask him about okay what the the hell was that what was that I don't know if I have enough HP to survive I'm dead okay I leveled up as fast as I can okay if he um if he ended his e and double tapped it so I would get hit by the second part of the damage I think he would have killed me been SL okay you guys think I can get this plating before he alss and kills me I'm definitely not going to get it but I'm committed okay wait wait we're fine we're fine I need to go like I go this way but I might have a shorter distance we're fine we're fine what was that noise oh that's Kane who just who just hit that flowy Pantheon he did all somewhere uh where did I say I was going this I mean we I'll try the nashers I don't know might be fun I feel like this malma with nashers and taking Halo blades would actually be a really good power Spike on your all the issue is like Comet carried me through ear it's going to be really hard to play without Comet that our Ash I'm not even going to be able to kill her full HP hit her poak her down okay I mean she's not going to type while she's fighting nice you get the kill I get your farm air trade are PL te I mean what's more expensive nashers or Lich are they both the same price L is uh actually more expensive isn't it 31 yeah lch be more expensive I mean nashers is actually better than Lich 162 if I get three Autos three or four Autos with nashers it's better which if I'm getting 50% attack speed I might actually get a lot of Autos SL and then that adds more damage on my w too since I'm getting more W Autos off no you shouldn't have stunned me my e wasn't going off I'm like why am I not doing damage I mean that guy still does a lot of damage for being one and four an ally has been slain it blue cane it's blue cane I might not be able to run away from him and nashers gives um what's it called I already forgot better wave clear oh yeah I think melite has really good attack speed scaling too or something I don't remember I know they like buff the tanks attack speed for like jungling and what not I don't know well I got five out of five ulti Hunter one more stack for eyeball we'll do nashers into maybe Lich we might need to go more I don't know do l don't okay let's just go attack bot Lane your turret has been destroyed going to die before I get there oh wow oh wow a boo buff oh no I have to Al out I should have just nuked Lux but she actually like was not taking that much damage yo Faker chill bro what the hell no oh bro who this Lu just got possessed by Faker that's aggressive thank you for the shutdown oh my godest how much do I need 5 you won't get away with this well she's got no flash now maybe she would have just flash my ALT if I aled her maybe she was just like the universe was ready for her to outplay me no matter what I did guys I might have lagged I definitely lagged guys I might I might have lagged look at this I have four ping normally I have three cely Jack's got this or Ash you feel like helping him oh yeah that's good help uh okay at least a q didn't hit yeah my my Ms went from 3 to 4 like right before I aled and like a gust of wind outside just like I don't you know you know what I'm saying right I'm I'm A League of Legends player nothing's ever my fault all right let's see this attack speed with this thing though well I don't think we're in the lead anymore so I need to be very careful see I can't alt in if I don't have any followup we have SL an enemy I got a blue b okay oh gosh I have Al in 15 if she starts recalling now she's out I think she's out oh she's there still got 196 damage on nashers so far L ban would have been better for those fights cuz I only got like one or two Autos but does it give more haste I saved 100 gold okay I'd like this I mean they're canes oh Lo's not here no more I don't think they're on it unless Kane respawned and went to it which looks like that happened I just don't want to get Pantheon stunned into like 10 other abilities oh he wants her okay this is good I have Al in 10 okay do we have Ash Arrow soon what is that going to hit uhoh not have all okay can we get a ward over the wall anybody any warders damn it oh I don't need a ward there we go I wanted that dragon thanks for the shutdown okay got her uh where do I go I kind of want to just get like a death cab still got to be careful with her I think we can burst her yep oh stay still stay still maybe seraphine can save you I I don't know I'm kind of liking this nasher's attack speed actually I'm not getting a bunch of Autos off but I'm like it's really easy to get that first Auto off with my w oh clap clap clap yes sash good job all right well the tides shifted pretty quick on this one I don't know about the baron guys it's a little early I don't think I'm going to flash for her I'm moving as fast as I can uh I don't think he has alt but I don't want oh it's going to extendo extendo Al where are you Fu you think that's going to save you cuz it will an ally oh she died an ally aha okay it was a trap your turret has been destroyed come on no can we get a like for the cannon please it's the it's what he would have wanted for you to like the video take out my frustrations on this crab uh I don't have all oh wait she's winning she's winning keep autoing you got oh you're dead wait sorry can't let any of those tentacles hit if she got the auto off a little bit faster I would have gave it to her but if she hit the tentacles she would have healed what are they building items do we get the Lich Bane I'll get the Lich Bane I could do lichbane void staff or if they build a banshees Veil I'll build a I think Kane Kane's getting edge of Knight but I don't really care about him let's take the freebie Pantheon's kind of more annoying than any of the other ones just cuz he has the at point and click stun and then I can't actually burst him fast enough your tret has destroyed yes he should I do a full attack speed Mal fight video I I've done like the CR lethality M I can't go this way I don't know where Lux is my teammates seem to be struggling a bit seraphine's good I'm moving as fast as I can at least has the correct build at least he's playing for shrooms he will be useful he has his power Spike he just needs um I don't know what he's going he might be going Blackfire which is fine too Dragon yeah Proto belt will break a banshee's veil we just DP an ally has been slain I don't know if we can get this okay D I could have kept punching her I'm doing so much damage oh she missed I died there ow I just took 2,000 damage get the dragon get the dragon get the dragon yes all right I'll take it I'll take it damn I didn't think I was close to dying there okay teo's online an enemy oh storm surge is good too um they are getting Mr it would be wise to get some penetration I could do uh [ __ ] Bloon is that like a looks like a teapot but it's like a blob ring would give a little bit more haste I might need the void though just to do like that extra little bit damage I can sell boots for uh what's it called Rocket belt sorry not sorry walk out of this one okay the Lux actually does the most damage on my God I'm getting he has Al he might be able to beat me rock no yes Ash MVP he coming oh my go Ash you suck reported reported reported reported team has destroyed a [Music] turret out played out played out played I probably absolutely shred turrets oh god oh this is too much I can't take it my little heart can't take it got to get out of here yeah I probably could be a really good split Pusher wait I need like a little bit more money we could get [ __ ] Blom yeah I could kill a turd in probably like 10 autos all right big damage we could try and pop aoi really quick and then that would relieve all the baron pressure Works yes it's doing damage oh you know what's cool they're after I ult them they're stuck in the magic resist shred burn from migma oh no I'm dead too I I knew Lux was there too that's fair Brom Brom maybe they're going to chase down bro use your damn shrooms whatever it hit you're tilting me you got a shroom build I see one shroom on the map what the hell you doing with them they might not Barren they got a lot of time though oh they go wait Jack steals this I believe in him he's not going to steal he's not even jump to a ward anything he had a ward too destroyed oh my God an ally has been SL we're throwing we're throwing Deluxe is carrying them got to go get dragon I don't think we can Del is so strong if she waits in a bush and just ults so hard to do anything uh Kate's top we're going to lose top oh Juke nah Kane's one shotting me now too ouch and he has a spell shield so I can't outplay it U what do we got Ash and Jax are get dragon they got two people on their team that can one shot me an ally has been SL it works we need Kane's spell shield popped down this is the fury of an ice going I do a flash up look for a Wombo we just kind of got a turtle okay get Lux is waiting somewhere I guess I need to just like ignore Alla I want to take her out of the fight first so she can't B but everybody else is kind of too strong if uh Lux and Kate stand together I'll try to flash all them I mean if I take both them out and Kane kills me it might be worth we can just chill in base and farm think they're going to go take our blue got it they're still waiting top I think they want they're trying to use alla's bait I'm moving as fast as I can they're definitely waiting at our red where shrooms where the shrooms at this going we Turtle sure they're too scared to Siege at least Ash and team or farming up we could kill her I don't need don't mid not getting any the Kane is waiting for me now to oh we got an arrow he's super slowed need that stamp spell shield off kinge wait what are you doing what are you doing bro let just take him out he's going for ash he didn't even get her wow he Lu not to clear this wave though Dam it oh why are you alone at we can't Siege luck dead why are there three shrooms there whatever need shrooms like you have like so much haste where are the shrooms put the shrooms down bro put them down put put them all down fast as I can here think we just that works I can't believe a spell shield was enough I don't know when I play Teo the whole map's covered in shro now watch somebody play Teo there's like one shroom on the map I think we went off that cane pick toon Lux is somewhere in a bush Arrow hit I have Al in four I have to just go for Lux Lux is going to Al this wave or dragon bu is actually just hiding that's fine save the team I think we've got it oh there's a huge wave top we got to go to Baron I don't know what our jungler has been I don't know if we can actually I could kill Lux here but I'll die I don't think they have Vision right I'm moving as fast as I can this spell shield goes down we win pan is splitting they'll do Baron before we get back there though they're not on it we got shrooms I want to do blue but I really don't want Kane to find me cuz if Kane even hits one ability on me I'm dead cuz he'll press R kill her that's all happened to my health is that really from one Lux Sal sing get her oh no I'm I screwed up I got one shot by one cane Q oh oh no I got K aled oh it was a good try this one was kind of a 1v5 though I'm not going to lie Jax was terrible front line Teemo didn't put down the shroomies but it was still fun the Omega bot Gap and then I got countered by spell shield nobody on my team could pop his spell shield so he wins damn I could have hit my ALT on that cane though I missed my fault too destroyed wait they might not even be able to end we're going to Triple inhib us though we even buy I mean I'm the only one that can pop the spell shield cuz nobody else can hit him we still have a chance but that lux is literally one shotting us now I don't have home guards we got to just fight we go Baron we got a little bit of time they're all going to base got it probably lose but it be how it be we got to go for it bro I'm just so tilted from seeing all these shrooms like where are the shrooms in the bushes and the choke points they're just always in the middle of the lane and stuff or by a wall we need to get this in recall before they back door leave leave leave we're going to lose at least two I know I'm moving as fast as I probably just going to lose Teemo now maybe I can get Kane after he goes [Music] from okay it's not over yet I feel like they could have ended this the game instead of triple inhib well now they can't end but we can't we can't do anything we got too many minions to clear oh Dragon I forgot about that fine um keep going his spell Shields popped I don't have all though oh I don't know about that one okay we got to go back to base Lu's just going to Al away we do have Baron though this spell shield I'm so bad dude I keep choking every time I want to alter why are you so fast what is this Oho she's so fast an enemy has been slain thirsty Ming as fast as I can well Kane died Lux just is like perfectly sitting right at the edge of my ALT range but I wanted to Al Kane there DN I don't have flash now I think I get rid of this this for a banshees or an hourglass maybe an hourglass so Kane doesn't one shot me oh look how much those shrooms are doing now huge the base the base the base F this scripting this is going to be like an hour long game man anthion has not once used his E when I aled him yes what I do oh they're starting to hit the shrooms dude I'm so bad that hit him 30 seconds they just don't commit they keep baiting they go halfway in and then they run away got it well we got to do something soon uh that's pretty big and our inhibs are respawning oh Kane's coming in we can push with the Wave Watch The Wall ja is 8 Seconds I dodged it again he can all oh that seraphine Al barely didn't reach him come on go team go go team go get him jack yes go go go go go go go we have a wave Lux is going to fault it though man they might be able to get an inhib they should get the inhib but I don't think they can handle CU of lck come on get it get it get ity uh they could try or we could go bar in either one yeah hit it hit hit it she used everything go go go go go yes good job team let's go you know we had a million chances to Al so it was only a matter of time until we hit stuff that was a good game I like fun games like that when we win I thought once we lost all the inhib though we were never going to be able to leave the base Ash for that one arrow that got the Lux I couldn't do it so she stepped up 84,000 damage here's our Rune stats any post game Lobby salt from Lux no make sure to leave a like oh wait thank God I didn't lose LP yeah it's a normal game or trash Lobby the Caitlyn yeah make sure you like comment subscribe I'll see you guys later peace still going oh yeah I did juke like almost every alloi I think I got hit by one
Channel: Zwag Xerath
Views: 201,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 89piTy6Qheo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 10sec (3730 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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