So I think crit Sylas might be secretly broken...

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all right everybody welcome back to another video today we're playing some silus in the mid lane running electrocute Sun impact eyeball treasure Mana flow band and Transcendence we're going to go crit silus there's this new build going around with him his passive Auto attacks actually have 130% ad scaling I thought it was only 100% so we can actually hit larger crits than normal with that and they crit for magic damage so we'll be building ad but doing magic damage which is kind of cool the blue of the blood sweeter it see carai could go all in level one with e but I'll get hit by her Q so I got hit by it anyway yeah the build is we're going to go rocket belt first Essence Reaver second third item is infinity edge and then we can try and build more crit I guess but if we have those three items we should just be able to pop people we could build a collector The lethality is like somewhat wasted on it though so I don't really want to build it but there's not many other crit items that give damage oh wow that hurt I need level three level three is when I have a nice burst combo it would have been level two if I started with E I don't even have to land my abilities really I can just let me get the cannon I can e in then W her like this and then since I'm on top of her hitting the the second E is easy let's shove her into turret Teemo jungle he's actually going to be decent versus me because of the blind how beautiful a world is without where's their bot Lane we can reset the rocket belt will help me stick to people give me a dash give me more burst and sheep that's all they are oh yeah we can do wild arrows that K's good ad and then there's one more what Shield bow ldr wouldn't actually be good here they work their fingers to the Bon serving a they'll never we have Morana top show them there is more to life you know what she probably thought it was a Teemo top and I thought it was a uh Teemo mid I didn't even notice that he could have jungled that happens to me a lot in Champs like sometimes I see them pick a certain champ that I think is going to go in a lane and then I completely ignore all the other Champs and the possibilities that they could go in that lane too also we don't have to build attack speed cuz we get attack speed with the passive the empowered Autos are like almost instant well if I go in he's just going to empowered rout me which why do it look like we crit there we still win the trade I guess it's worth doing from the rubble true order will be I cannot e again there an enemy has slain they have decent alts for me to steal I mean since I'm building ad change I don't really think they'll do much damage oh she kind of got exploded um I think I have to flash no I'm fine tradition is a crutch for the Mindless I'm fine sios has a lot of uh early damage he usually falls off pretty hard late unless he has uh super good alts to steal oh no not the creep block okay she got creep blocked too all right the rocky belt for more added burst this this do we get a seal no more M it all ends now that's just more inventory space for Less crit items I think we'll have to go Essence Reaver IE wild Arrow Shield bow or the in any order but that's going to be our four crit items and then rocket belts our fifth item and then we have boots we could sell boots for something but they're about to fight a dragon it doesn't look like anything's for sure yet I'll match it oh wait Riven Al actually seems perfect for this I'm going to get more ad I mean I could get a nice triple Nautilus Al here if i y this you didn't even get to play the game there she was CC the whole time yeah so I aled Nautilus and the Nautilus Al knocks up anybody in between navori yeah I could go noori the thing is navori doesn't give any damage anymore so it's not the greatest for burst I don't really think I'm going to need my combo back up again I think they're going to die from one combo they're already dying from one combo my wave clear should actually be not terrible either because it does the splash damage and scales too sewing the seeds of rebellion I wonder if the splash damage crits also there is no oh no I didn't realize she had ignite chase me oh I'm going to die to the burn aren't I oh my God no I thought I was going to live I don't know why I thought he was just going to chase me through all those shrooms that was so close I thought I was going to get hit by the karma Q when I was coming back over the wall and just die that was is pretty crazy though for early duels even if he's really low if he has W up I'm healing so much and I'm bursting you can never count him out unless he cced and ignited oh that's a lot of damage too bad MF is an immobile champ and can't really do much but brand does too much damage so it evens out that's cool oh that's not cool oh does she still have arm oh my God I healed oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh she Ed en how did I live I'm going to die okay that's fine treasure hunter yummy push this I'll take it I think I might have had rocket belts back up maybe not um I'm guessing we still want Sor shoes I guess I'll grab those before getting Essence Reaver I died many deaths in my cell this is nothing that was close yeah I think stealing Riven at level 16 or just in a team fight is actually going to just doesn't rivol give me like 50 something ad maybe even more there's a rat ah he's too fast ARA's right here let's casually do half of her health I didn't care for it well I kind of needed to hit that I just have so many spells I'm just launching her Queue at her in the middle of my other combo no more slums no more dungeons I don't know if I beat him I mean I'm two levels on him but he's going to Blind me and I think that actually waste my ability or my Autos an En oh he died I will show them a world without I think he died to steal a grub hello thanks for the health my heal will fall off though because it scales with ap they locked up but let loose I want to rock about this but I don't think it clears the wave I need another Cube okay let's get this I guess haste Ally has I don't even have to crit either I just have to Auto attack I just realized I don't know why I thought it was only on crits just has ad scaling he commits any further than this he's going to die oh he'll get Nautilus at least myap oh is there nobody there to clean him up wow where the heck's Teo I got to push in this wave I serve no one and I got to get this pling two hits will do it though I can full combo him from Full hpct cuz he went torch he's actually really squish squish MO Ruben all right J she has a m first item I don't know if I can even her could you think cannot go unpunished oh how did that not hit I knew I could go for anybody but Riven she has a MTH so she just kind of shreds me the yeah where did my ad go up to I didn't even look there it scales with 25% ad I think but it also has AP scaling since I'm silus I don't really know how it works oh my god oh she's got Infinity Edge Look at that she might die cannot me uh-oh oh got exploded how is a Morana top beating a Riven top I mean I guess she just binds Riven when she goes in but and she's just pushing Teo can't really gank that well does silus still get the ad scaling if it's converted into AP what to look when I yo it ow for the well this doesn't have ad scaling as it is there's a Riven in this way oh that one CRP for 400 is alive what is this secret code we need to decipher I oh can not take your alt feel like riven's just going to come back mid for me our chains are only a strong I we have an ocean drag so in like 10 minutes I'll be back to full health I am the true ow he's going malignance next uh Mor are you okay I guess I could go top okay I was like I don't really want to wait who do I need naus it all ends now I mean they're going to go for Mid or top turret with that or maybe they'll just get B time to crack the I mean at least he doesn't have a leandri they still kind of hurt I've never seen a Morana just run over a Riven with such ease I don't know why I'm taking these stupid shrooms they don't even do anything all right I don't need to Auto attack I can just keep mashing my w I guess I could use him for some empowered Autos you still have all oh I dodged it oh my goodness my Cannon no an ally has been slain it took prison for me to find Liberation your team destroyed yeah Z is going to be diff difficult to get to because of her alt and then Nautilus peel guys think I can kill this know sometimes you got to Pardon your oh my goodness I I rocket builted through him screwed up ohe yes run oh my God another Dash what can they do to me that they have not done I'm free oh my God I made it out the reevolution must I need Infinity Edge I need to see what this damage is like with ie no prison can hold me their shackles are now my weapons that IR 600 crit 600 magic damage crit I mean they are building Mr I wonder if it's just cuz we have a lot of uh AP Champs I think that's maybe what it be D why is she kind of tanky oh yeah she built uh a it scales with ap that sucks it barely give it gives me 138 there is a nautilus coming behind us we will there's just shs everywhere well I got exploded we have Infinity Edge how might you get a void Stu this is only going to build Mr notless you are talking in all chat sir and morgana's typing in what is it it call binary [Music] no my goodness okay they overc committed oh my goodness how many turret shots do you guys want to take they were winning that so hard until they literally took like 50 turret shots oh my God I will be the monster they think I am where's Wen all I think this person is uh not right in the head what is this good evil te has destroyed a turret this guy is on something he knows more than us my Cannon time for the Kings to Bow ah I'm not going to be able to hide anywhere blood I'm going to keep running cuz like I don't know where any of them went I feel like it might just be better for me to keep the 50% crit ch and then just build like a void stab here just cuz every single one of them has an MR item except Teo oh attack Retreat consolidate oh shoot forgot this riven's baby Faker I mean I got really good damage if I was able to just fight both of them there a man who seeks control is a man who needs to die I mean surely at Le at least one of them I see two where's Teo I think I could be Teo beautiful R anyway I'm actually clearing the camp super fast with my Autos all right oh cloud where's Teemo is Teo AFK oh teo's dead like I could do more damage with wild arrows and have more crit chance in ad but they it would do more damage if I just build this so I'll build this and I'll have 75% crit we'll do uh no more King no more Queen void into wild arrows or void into Shield bow Shield bow might be better I don't really care about the burn I have a feeling the burn won't even apply off my crit anyway cuz they're coded as spells blood thirster doesn't give crit and I don't even know if it's going to heal me their shackles are now my weapons how's that there is she ah you're going to die for this aren't you are you even going to get it no yeah I'm very bursty this is good not bad at all oh re oh I got the void oh one more wave let's blow cuz like even though I'm building ad I'm actually like 90% magic damage still the only physical damage is that those Auto how do I miss every Cannon like what is wrong with me it's the game it's not not me yeah I think I'll do Shield bow cuz it's guaranteed to work whereas the wild arrows I don't know if it's even going to work on my crits magic is rising I not yeah I'm actually clearing camps and stuff faster than an AP silus would I think cuz I remember silus is actually pretty slow at clearing camps and I got wave clear what about turrets okay it's still magic that's weird oh it's cuz they're empowered cuz I'm doing physical now I can't really Al Z cuz she's going to jump up in the air I don't really want to jump into all these people [Music] kind of want to get rid of this all and take a Zia Al it's much better I don't know what just happened but they're all going to die damn why is she healing oh my God I don't go down that easy that was fun that was a good fight an enemy has been SL my Autos are smacking oh Karma has a like a healing build if I hit a shroom I'm going to die your team destroyed an inhibitor I don't think it's over I think they respawn I mean if I push mid with them it's over but this guarantees that we still win and we might have a chance at another fight which I want to have they work their fingers to the Bone serving a king they'll never meet I'm I will get a red I don't know if the game's over or not it's not I don't know why we never did Baron either attack speed nashes I mean I already have like one 25% attack speed on the Autos 1.87 I would actually I think attack a little bit fter with an ashes it wouldn't be that it'd be okay I'm just going to get more crit though cuz I only have 50% chance at crit or 70 no whatever they how did there get to be a shroom here oh he's got items look at that they do half my health now oh no that which restrains US uh you know we might be throwing this is only Elder up in 40 seconds if kha'zix dies oh brand got his alt off okay look at this oh no like this is why brand is one of the most balanced Champs in the game he pressed R and literally They're All Dead double kill no I was born a mage the master freaking shrooms bro Shadow flame I mean I'm already critting I don't know if it work maybe it would okay he went boom boom he was a Teemo now he's no longer a Teemo don't worry Misfortune I'll help you I got to finish my item she's like screw you guys I'm going for the Nexus Al I'll ping her just to see if she blows a gasket must show them there is more to life oh yeah I need a sweeper well good thing it took Teemo this long to get his items cuz he is a he's a problem damn I'm melting well Bran's probably doing just as much damage as I am oh she said my bad all right I feel bad now No More Kings no more Queen oh I can get red pot it all ends now uh red or blue I guess I'll go red since I have more ad weeper I kind of oh are they on Baron there's no way they'd be doing Baron with an open base they don't even do it fast unless Z got her all 24 ad H there's one oh I see oh 1100 crit 800 I killed Z in two hits no how did she not get executed Misfortune you finally get to do it hooray that was actually fun that was actually stronger than I thought it would be you guys enjoyed the silus game make sure to leave a like on the video also subscribe to the channel if you haven't last but not least leave a comment below let me know what Builder champ you want to see next want to see our damage chart if the client would ever load oh Vanguard just logged me out guys so I'll edit it in I guess all right we did 53,000 damage let's see how much physical the magic yeah look at that we actually did 3400 3500 physical damage how much should we heal still we probably healed a lot yeah 16k here's our Rune stats and I'll see you guys later thanks again for watching peace
Channel: Zwag Xerath
Views: 104,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -OEkpX5yJTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 31sec (2011 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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