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all right guys they're playing atrox Top Lane once again is split two this time we're playing atrox versus The Champ that you got you guys all hate we're playing as team with top and for the ruins we got uh conquer Triumph haste we got last end overgrowth and then specifically second win Doran Shield combo all right we we uh we're going to have a fun time eight STS into Teo is actually very playable it's a very good one spe specifically taking haste for a reason here too so the plan about this game is that we are going to let hro I mean Teo do his thing when we hit level three and the wave will push into Teo that's when we start playing aggressive so we're going to fully respect Teo right now teo's level two is extremely powerful um he got the push first so we're avoiding him if you can get level two first into Teemo you can get like a crazy lead early on but I destroy he took it way like long before I did I have a fantastic build this game that I'm going to use into team comp because they have like aali mid they have teot think going to going for mod this game First Blood also profane Hydra maybe Eclipse an ally has been slain got it I'm going to lose that last hit I'm not even bothered too much we have a jungle coming top but might not be able to use my jungler right here the wave is under my tower I'm not going to leave my uh wave behind couldn't get the wave with the auto reset got it okay we are in a good position right now let's see if that Teo comes back he might be very scared from my jungle so he might stay or he's done the recall and he might come back with more items either way I have the porch right now what okay got the center I'm going to ignite press my potion two you have an enemy y this was the most unexpected like way of fighting cuz I actually came up with the idea of him coming from the river or he would go for a reset I didn't think of the scenario where he would actually come out of the passive and then use the passive for more damage that is really surprising to me okay now for the build we are actually going for two items in specific so what I want to do is either go tat or Eclipse I think for this game I'm just going to go for eclipse and then after Eclipse we will specifically build this item now what we can also do is we can go profane Hydra and then build into this item an ally I think I will go for Eclipse first and then we go into mall is what I'm thinking that's like the most optimal build against emo he will never beat you if you have that item combo never he just doesn't stand the chance okay once again the wave is slow pushing towards me jungle is actually pathing top I think we'll see how that's going to go I should be able to win I got flash Advantage I believe he used flash I'm going to see if I can Zone him out from the you this is worth for me cuz the wave is pushing in my direction if we go for this fight he will lose the full wave nice he lost the full wave not exactly the the most worth he did lose the full wave but at the cost of my HP so we got to be a little careful right now oh I was actually going to e for but my qu up for like second longer my bad my bad I've taken too much damage we have to stay safe for a little bit Freedom will come oh I'm glad that I have second wi dor Shield combo this game and we also have my passive so we we'll make a comeback eventually but it's going to take a little while an ally has been slain got it all right pretty good we got an XP lead against Teo for obvious reasons cuz we we're trading that for my HP before so now we just have to stay very patient wait for my HP to come back use my passive and hopefully not get caught by a few more Autos if if I can you know avoid getting Auto for the next like two minutes I should be able to make a comeback into Teo always use your e for like an auto attack reset guys I've been saying this a lot of times but the amount of people I've seen playing H rocks and not using your e like that it's crazy a lot of people actually don't use it like that they would just use it for positioning que only which is super surprising to me we have the wave slow pushing right now if we can get a reset that will be worth a lot more than killing Teo right now so I'm prioritizing the push here a lot more than actually looking for kills at the moment just going to get away from this H he's that man this is such a worth risk 100% cuz if we kill the Teo I'm going to run for my life I'm probably getting ganked if we kill that Teo over there the reason why I forced like that was for one reason only I'm dead yeah I'm dead anyways it was for only one reason if I kill Teo under Tower he will lose the full wave okay that's the only reason why I forc like that and I took a big risk for this it's actually turning my whole Lane around it's very good for me um we're just going to go for more damage straight up I can go for Merks and have a fantastic time but if I Rush Eclipse I can snowball this Lane super fast all right wave is pushing towards me once again it would be very smart decision for my jungler if he was actually going to gank my Lane but he's actually passing bot Lane the whole game I will end hold on let's place a war down seems like he puts some shs down as well to bait me I suppose again like you can you can make this laning face like incredibly simple and easy and just go mercs but that would be also be at the cost of like potentially not being able to snowball as hard as you normally would so it's up to what whatever you want o decent I'm trying to thin out the wave because the wave is too massive an ally has been of course I missed these two I've to be honest I've been losing way too much Farm because of Teo at this point but unfortunate I need to have like 400 more I can actually all in Teo right now I've got like level eight he's level seven I should be able to win oh he messed up big time oh he's walking to that direction enem yeah I tried dodging my uh my Kum and I have my item right now this guy's ignite so I should be able to stay for at least one plate very nice I'm pushing an X to same like the other he's uh walking back to Lane right now I should have the time to do this now we reset as fast as possible but we're going to buy eclipse eclipse is super nice here cuz it gives us the the raw damage the ability haste and most importantly it provides us the shield so we can do the combo and gain the shield every single time so our short trates they should be better than Teo right now also my Allin should be better than Teo as well now I just need to get my Merks as fast as possible and that's a I'm looking forward to buying specifically this item cuz that's going to make such a big difference so I may split your shoulders from your spine I'm the pushing this out Teo will come back for me I think he's roaming or trying to roam at least I don't see the the bellat anywhere currently will killer run for my life glad I pushed this I actually troll myself this is worth for me the wave went down onow he didn't get a single last for that I also got um also got that plate over there of course I have to walk into shrooms we I think that belf Fett could still be top but I I'll just have to wait like 20 seconds the most annoying thing about Teemo is that he's got like shrooms all over the lane super annoying to play against you can technically counter with Ren but we don't have this yet we have the yellow jinker now we'll change we'll change in a bit I think that belf fat is probably gone right now don't think he's here anymore I for death now I wait so useful my passive got my passive ready belf fet's going showing him bot Lane that's good and he flashes instant all right yeah that's where that's where my item procs so that's why you know I can I can hit my Shield I can H my combo for my shield and win every single trade the exact same way look got you bro now we push again using e for like an autch reset I do this literally all the time try and get another plate because it's is 13 minutes 18 in the game has been SL an ally has been slain whoops has destroyed got everything just got the entire thing well there most of them are mid their bot Lane are currently missing two but I don't think they're going Top Lane your team has destroyed very nice man we have 2.3k we have a choice to make now we can we can actually overstay because the Drake just went down that's an option we have I'll run I think I might probably end up like farming for my item instead of backing found them serious I missed this WOW kidding I missed that opportunity that's unfortunate you guys did not see that bro all right no worries I should have I should have done that differently and murder my SM an ally has been slain we're good to go uh I'll just push this way foul then we're happy actually I'm going to I'm going to go back now and not pushed because Teo put rooms down and I don't have proper Vision very nice the uh next item that I'm building is a little situational so we could go into profen Hydra right now which I'm probably I'm probably going to end up building this we can also go into s Sky um or that St but I don't think we're going to go that St I am not your enemy might go profen Hydra for more damage enemy a lot more damage actually uh belf Fett is top but he's walking away play just to be sure there's actually a country W this guy probably doesn't have Flash oh I walk through a shroom as I old okay fantastic yeah that's what I talk about before those rooms are very annoying am I getting ganked by uh belfi right whoops put a point to my w accidentally got them both put a point to my w by accident right now welcome to the life of atrox guys this is it this is it bro one versus three an ally has been SL nice combo eclipse and the uhy multi memorius this this build is broken man your team has destroyed this build is absolutely broken we can buy proen hyra over like 600 away good um let's just go for more damage shall we got my mercs now good for team up good for coling I don't have a lot of armor this game actually I got no armor at all but that's fine as you can see we don't struggle with belf right now enemy has slain see if I can push mid then we push top again Drake spawns in 1 minut 20 we need to secure that Drake have to we are the stronger team at the moment if I'm there so uh in order to prepare Drake in one minut I want to push top all the way out to Tor Tower and then rotate when I push the last one and then uh then we try and win five against four that's my plan whoops okay we quickly take the next W here 40 seconds before the Drake spawns so we should have a little more time left for the next wave then we instantly go through the jungle an ally has been slain actually got my teammates dying right before the dragon which is super bad for us so I might not be able to make the difference anymore sound of maybe we can actually cuz I'm way stronger than the enemy team maybe we can do like a two versus four play right oh you actually went to the right side an ally has been okay don't you Teo Top Lane we win literally the best play you can make in the game when you play Top Lane guys and you push Top Lane out entirely to like Tower your opponent cannot move cuz you will lose like a full weight and you win like Teemo was in Top Lane right now the whole time because of the play we made earlier like how nice is that man forc Teo to be Top Lane he wasn't even part of the fight anymore we just rotate and we win despite being outnumbered we are stronger than the enemy team so you can basically you can basically see us as like more than one person we are way stronger we can actually one for two very easily maybe even one versus three we are super strong at the moment so we can afford to like miss one guy if a drake spawns there's no jungle Camp anymore I actually want to try to split push B Lane IC them an ally has been SL I don't think that I can change him he's taking red buff right he apparently had Vision so will out the aan can go top if he wants and farm there uh bit's going back in Jungle I'm going to see if I can follow him an ally has been slain this guy putting me out to the test bro he's not going to beat me never I don't think oh aali is still in bot Lane apparently she's trying to uh disengage but she can't nice uh one guy needs to go back to Mid Lan I'll take the wave that's about to arrive I think that Bel like Pike does like Pike has no interest in fighting me if he actually allins me he often he either allins me because there's someone like following him or he Onin me because like he's just doing like troll stuff he's he's playing like a Sho yeah oh he messed up I need death STS actually teesty yeah I'm going to buy Destin for sure like no doubt that stand here I come more damage we are living into ability Haze this game bro be so much ability haste already that's the nicest thing about this build you have way too much ability haste your your e is like little to no cool down in the late game your tret has destroyed an enemy has been slain they're doing it surprised they actually managed to get it could maybe prevent from getting back to Lane flash again okay would have been pretty cool if I actually got him you know I'm getting blinded so I can I uh I actually keep on failing to like beat this Teo he always gets away he gets away very consistently I Must Destroy even let's go the shro placements and all that stuff and his blind are working out like I'm not killing him like she walking into his room every time another flash by the enemy team I think that by jungle probably has him going to move from the left side yeah let's go we need to get to that dragon as fast as possible think we we can probably get it they're overextending in bot Lane your turret has been destroyed eny an ally has SL you got to be serious right we're not getting anything here that's like H that's so disappointing I left my jungler behind for this play right here kidding me dudes h i I actually regret my own decision right there whatever I need like 100 more super hard game in my opinion I hope that oan is going to make it to the L game oan is really like really really far behind we have four items we need like one more item and I think that's going to be a Shen I'm just going to go in cuz I'm stronger way stronger uh Blitz has never hit the Que in as far as I've seen before Zia I did hit good nice we're uh we're turning this stuff around that's good this bike sound is so annoying he doesn't do anything though your team has destroyed the [Music] turret wow wow hre goodbye dude destroy yeah that that Pike is just there to exist in might my opinion he nearly beat himself if he actually took that one I would have beat him bro I would have straight up hit my q and my profen Hydra I would have come back on this guess might be stolen or not not yet yeah that Pike is so annoying man wow that Pike actually H it another one 2.7k I can nearly buy the Shen need a bit more sun sky would also be very nice an ally has been slain wow serious oh wow okay they have a lot of Z and Flash um I think I may not I may actually not go for shoin at the very end I may actually go for sunnd sky at the end I can probably use this more than than than Shan currently I I Shan would be quite nice though has destroyed I'm going for S Sky the uh shoin will eventually replace my boots but Sandra sky is definitely a better option in my opinion I'm going to run mid uh mid lane again let's go look at my EOD out right now absolutely fantastic it's going to be a team fight should be a winable team fight fil my flash yeah I'm not going to bother like chasing the P down I don't care that much wow he's going for that man we can't go Baron right now but like I want to see how far we can can get you know in my opinion like this is actually Baron call right here but let's just see how far we can get your team has destroyed an ally has been SL don't you well there we go no Baron needed we just finished the game yo this is atro Top Lane thank you so much for watching today's atro video and I'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: Daveyx3 Gameplay
Views: 13,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aatrox, aatrox lol, lol aatrox, aatrox league, aatrox league of legends, aatrox guide, aatrox guide s14, aatrox guide season 14, aatrox top, aatrox top guide, aatrox top guide s14, aatrox top guide season 14, aatrox gameplay, aatrox gameplay s14, aatrox gameplay season 14, how to play aatrox, how to aatrox, aatrox challenger, aatrox s14, aatrox combo, aatrox runes, aatrox build, aatrox build s14, aatrox build season 14, best, daveyx3 gameplay, daveyx3, league of legends
Id: 4oyNA2r9DWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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