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you know as a pastor we could you know everybody wants to talk about their issue right you know it's Cancer Awareness Month and it's it's Domestic Violence Awareness Month and it's pastor Appreciation Month I say it is pastor Appreciation Month I said it's fast thinking everybody's agenda is primary to them but today I want to I want to talk to you from the subject proverbial that's my subs good a proverbial and I'm using that subject because what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna read a couple of verses out of proverbs chapter 15 if you want to follow along in your Bible or your Bible app and I'm not going to exhaust or examine the verse per se and unpack it for what it means hermeneutical II I really want to use the verse as a as a launching pad to share some things that are challenging me and my life things that I'm learning things that I'm not anything that I've mastered most of the things I'm managing in my life and trying to work through the challenge of being a preacher's are you got to come up in front of a congregation every week and even talk about stuff that you haven't even gotten to gather yourself and so you don't get to wait until you got four years under your belt to master that is all I would talk about is the same thing every week so so this is a challenge so it's not gonna you know you probably ain't gonna say a lot in this message hopefully you'll think a lot and hopefully it'll make you want to act differently or do some things differently it'll be a challenge so if you take a notes I think that's a better way of learning by the way when you can write down so one thing to hear something is another thing to write down what you heard that mattered then it's another thing that put asterisks beside the thing that really matter so you can go back because you write down a lot of stuff but it's the thing whenever you put an Astra beside that's that thing as you supposed to do something about and then you got to put it into your calendar and put it into your plan and I'm gonna do something about this so I'm gonna start in proverbs chapter 15 in verse 1 and I'm going to talk about three different three different things I'm gonna use three Proverbs reverses in this chapter to talk about three different topics and the first one is versus a gentle answer to flex anger but harsh words make tempers flare so a gentle answer there are two types of responses given in this verse first there's a general answer and then it says what that does it deflects the anger then it says there's a hoss word that you can respond with and it makes matters worse it escalates things like like and and and and we're all put in positions in life where we can do one of each somebody said something to us that we know somebody we're in relationship with somebody we live with somebody we don't know somebody can say something to us in the store like like so we can be analyzed I know you you know I was in front of you and then that's your moment that's your moment right there is what the Bible was about I mean we always have opportunities to go there or and here's that there systems at work there are always systems that work what this verse reminded me of is our social systems I'm gonna give you three of them three social systems that they came to mind first of all before I get a system understand that an answer is expected when you get so when somebody says something to you in both cases there's an answer once a gentle one the other one's a harsh one and so so so typically we're supposed to respond there's some there's some things we should ignore in fact in proverbs 26 and 4 always loves proverbs 26 4 and 5 because it seems like the Bible is contradicting itself well watch this in Proverbs 26 for says don't answer the foolish arguments of fools or you become as foolish as they are cuz I don't even pay him no attention then the very next verse says be sure to answer the foolish dogmas of foods or they will become wise in their own estimation so like do we answer them every night it depends on the situation it's case-by-case like there's some times when it makes no sense to respond to someone that's why you can't create you can't create a law behind this like you know what I checked everybody they're crossing the line with me I check all them you don't want to get checked don't come at me as I checks people like that's your so so so you don't want system and you don't when you had a system say I ignore all foolishness I won't even pay it no mind don't even respond to it ignore delete block all that like you got it you got to be open to God for every circumstance in every situation one time it may say God says I want you to say something to that or just let that go cuz you got to say where do I Altima want to end up by the way if somebody comes at you wrong try to respond on the same platform that they came at you in in other words if somebody emails you something that was offensive always and always respond knowing that the person that emailed you is not the only person that's gonna see your response they blind copy 200 people they show them how you responded so always you you you you you can get offended by a single person but you're gonna respond to an audience always know that so be wise just elbow somebody say I think that was for you I don't know you right thing now let's talk about these systems the first system I'll talk about what's up coach per system I want to talk about is this reactive system so there's a reactive system net it's sort of like a person who operation reaction doesn't reflect before they respond is react to everything we should tell them out even if they even if they say it softly is still violent so somebody comes to damn and challenging my cell my saying I bet you wouldn't know they any raise their voice but they just stabbed you right in the heart you many buddies reals this calmly cuts you up ain't no it ain't no see see a soft answer cannot be a just because it's soft doesn't give you permission for it to be sarcastic young-sam I'm saying don't laugh too hard we're gonna take us her yeah just just keep look straight ahead so so so reactive people just just just like they're combative it's just there's no time what would are better responses to be reflective like okay you know what let me think about how I want to come back on that based on where I want this to end up in the future like what what - I value whether my vet can I put my values into this moment because this moment may take me somewhere that I'm gonna regret later and this person may be a little article of lure hostel right now and you don't want to condescend to people like can't you just calm down you don't talk to another adult like that you don't want to talk to them like a child you need to understand this perk we never somebody's upset they're hurt I don't think we understand it we just think people just angry for no reason people who are angry are just operating in an advanced stage of hurt because nobody's gonna stay hurt and disappointed long they're gonna get ready to go operate and rage I'll tell you another thing the operating in in a moment so beware am i reacting or am i reflecting am i reflecting on what do I want the outcome to be alright here's the second system that I see when it comes to this soft answer there's a system some people are very defensive they operate from a relational defensive system and by that I mean this is a person who they spend most of their adult life trying to convince everybody of how good a person they are so here's the problem with that when you try to bring something to their attention that they did that hurt that hurt you but they're not even denying that you're hurt with the kid with their with their incredulous about is that they had anything to do with it like I'm sorry you felt that way for this that's not even the kind of person I am I love the Lord I have worked hard on controlling my time I would never do they can't they can't empathize what you're paying because they're so busy trying to defend their innocence some of y'all nine years you know exactly the person somebody coming in mind right now and whenever you go to a person like that and you're trying to be understood about what they did they can't really enter into your pain it would almost be like something now some of y'all may not believe this but I really do I really am a Christian I feel some of y'all prior don't believe it like I'm really I'm really all in with the Jesus thing and saying that would be like somebody coming up to me and saying you are atheist like did dude that only makes sense I certainly wouldn't be doing this if I was an atheist and I'm saying that's the reaction you would get from a person who's indifferent their system is defensive when you try to get compassion from them they're like they're like nevermind you bleed now and you said why you looking me like this I just can't believe you would think that's something like I would do something like that are you serious look at this listeners for all my defensive people who operate in that assist system go to Romans 12:3 for me Romans chapter 12 verse 3 here's the verse I want you to grasp hold up it's not to condemn you so help you think differently because of the privilege and authority God has given me I give each of you this warning don't think you are better than you really are be honest in your evaluation of yourselves measuring yourself by the faith God is giving us you are not that great you are not so great that you're not capable of hurting somebody intentionally subconsciously or unintentionally instead of trying this way this is what we should do when somebody comes at us expressing her what we should do is to say we should listen to them prove to them that we've understood what they said by saying listen I think I hear you saying this this and this and you put it into your own words until they say yeah that's it then you validate them and you say you know what it makes sense that you would feel that way and I apologize that my actions or inactions or my words or silence made you feel that way I am sorry about that is there any way you would like me to handle that differently in the future I'm gonna say that again first of all you listen to the person then you share that you prove that you understood see we listen to a person just we really listen it we just wait no no stop speaking so we could defend ourselves like a courtroom like alright great oh I know you ain't going you finished oh you listen with uh I understand understand flip that around that means you stand under a person teach me I want to know what it's like to be I don't even have to agree with you I just want to understand you you might be way off in what you're saying but my job is to understand you if I value the relationship if if I value God people matter to God most of us don't respond that way that's why we had fights and arguments or silence and our relationships because we don't try to try to understand the other person we're so busy trying to be understood how can you think that bout me no understand then validate and say that makes sense I can see how you would have felt that way and I'm sorry that my actions or inactions or my words or my silence made you feel that way and is there anything you would like for me to do in the future differently when this happens I can't guarantee I'm saying can we discuss an amendment going forward who's gonna argue with that the reason why there's arguing is because we don't handle it that way here's the third system that I see in this and that's what I call the fear - aggressive system most people who are very aggressive in a relationship are really scared and I know it's hard to come I know it's hard to connect fear with anger but most angry responses are born out of fear in fact some people will try to fight you some people you're in a relationship we'll try to start a fight with you because they're afraid you know they're afraid of they're afraid of the distance in the relationship they're afraid of losing you so they'll pick a fight with you cuz at least if we're fighting you're paying me attention I know it sounds dysfunctional because the last thing you would think you would be doing to me if you want me to stay is to fight me but they don't it's not logical it's emotional in fact I can prove it to you some of you may not believe this but the next time you're angry and set up ask yourself why am i angry what you should I say an even better question is ask yourself why you're afraid pastor Jeff you save us all time the answer is in the anger ask yourself why am I afraid what am I afraid of you say we keep how can you say I'm angry I'm afraid I'm saying anger is his fear in its grown State and it's in its expression anger is a protective of fear let me give an example how many of you have been in traffic by the way you ever notice when you in a rush somewhere you always end up behind somebody ain't no rush they put on their turn sudo don't turn they turn without putting on attention going off slow causing congestion its traffic its construction you ever just got how do you ever gotten mad while you were driving right watch this now watch this down what are you afraid of I'm afraid I ain't gonna get to I'm supposed to get on time I'm afraid they're gonna start without me I'm afraid I'm a missing opportunity I'm afraid I miss I'm afraid I ain't gonna get a seat in the main sanctuary y'all ain't gonna help me with this I'm afraid I may end up in overflow instead saying can some of y'all rather jump in hell in the city overflow you like ain't else true I've been here 12 years I ain't over so so so I'm afraid I might lose my job I'm afraid I might get penalized I'm afraid they won't respect my presentation because I showed up late I'm afraid of all that right that's what's driving the anger but if you can look at the fear and say you know what what's so bad about overflow and why should I be afraid of it and we're so bad about I'm doing my best see if you can minimize if you can reduce the fear the anger go down am I is this too much for y'all this morning let me move on to something else that trigger me so I'm reading through the progress these these verses kind of like they trigger me like you have had something trigger you so this is what the next verse did for me and verse 6 it says something interesting it says there is treasure in the house of the godly but the earnings of the wicked bring trouble and I said there's a difference between wicked people and godly people and money now because I know how some of us are we don't want to be called wicked so let me do it like this sensing and wicked and godly let's call it wise and foolish because we embrace I'm foolish but I am wicked so let's go with that it made me have a financial conversation and what I'm trying to learn and understand about money and how wisdom and ignorance or wisdom and foolishness because you don't wanna call my ignorant either how money let me do this anybody who got a large bill like a hundred some large bill you got a large one can i just--can out can I use it for this just the illest just I'm sure I will give it back do you have it on you know I don't know she said you know she she's thinking she got a large bill to pay and the reason why she raised her hand is because she's seen our church pay people's bills and buy people cars and stuff so when she said do you have a large like I could she's still taking notes ain't even look us I got a log bill who has like a hundred dollar bill okay let me have it can you bring it up here that was good you got it this one hundred what is it she says a hundred and I want it back hey I want you to think about this hundred dollar bill for a second and think about what we can do with it no what was the marriage a blast concert ticket how much does them cause I couldn't even go huh I'm saying when you get $100 in your hand did you think about what you can get like somebody right now there's a there's a there's a sale online that you saw it's a lady I feel you in here and you know it was $79.99 and we're shipping and text I can ban I can get this today there's things you can buy for $100 you know what else it's not much we can do $100 you know she can do it just hundred dollars you can invest it and then don't touch the hundred dollars only use the interest that you make off of it so if you make four percentages on a hundred dollars you made four dollars so you can do what you want with your four dollars and you don't even you never touched 100 that's one thing you knew it here's nothing you're doing it you can invest $100 and then reinvest the percent that comes into it and only take a percentage that may be less than inflation so did you your money is still growing or you can take this hundred dollars and invest it and then invest all of the dividends and keep reinvesting it it says it's a mindset the mindset of the wealthy don't think what can my money buy they think what can my money earn you do it this way you'll remain poor you come to this level you'll be in the middle class the further you go around this line the wealthier you get it's a mindset we have to change the way we think about what what what we think about the treasure that we have and money we don't think about our money working for us we think about us working for money getting a lot of it so we can get a lot of stuff with it you can have your on your back you better hurry up put up on the screen for me I want to show you I saw this young man is Joshua sheets has eight levels there eight financial levels I want to walk through with you I'm not gonna write them on here but I want you to look at these you can take a picture of it or you can write them but I wish I had one of them red dot things anybody got one of them but they still make those anyway let me just talk to let me just talk through them so so level one is financial dependence financial dependence means that you do not have enough money to take care of yourself that some system some program or some parent or some partner is helping to finance your life so you're dependent upon somebody's helping to pay for your expenses it may be the government it may be a parent it may be a partner but you're not your you have your financially dependent level to is financially solvent and that means you are able with your own income and revenue stream to pay for all of your bills by yourself without government assistance parental assistant partner assistance you got it on your own nobody's paying for your insurance and then somebody paying for yourself own for you or somebody went half on your car note you you're now it also means you pay all your bills on time even if it's credit card debt it doesn't mean you're not in debt it just means you make the minimal payment every month all right that's being financially solvent and by the way many of us have lived in such a poverty mentality that this is our life goal to hit that level I just won't be on my own you don't want to have nothing else just want to be on my own just want to make enough to pay my bills level three financial stability is when you don't just have enough money to pay all of your bills on time even if you're paying debt and paying interest on the debt and interest in accruing on it it also means when you're financially stable that you also have something called margin you also save money which means you have some kind of funds set aside which is very critical by the way because life happens and if you don't have some kind of money you can go to for an expense that you weren't expecting you can go right back up this line and be dependent again because you can't pay your bills on time having cushion is critical ooh that's a good statement having cushion is critical it's also having financial stability puts you in a place where you can seize opportunities a lot of us can't move on opportunities because we don't have any money to work with we don't have any money to move on opportunities that's called an opportunity cost now watch this every one of these sections this places in between you can be I want you to start looking at where am I on this continuum level four is debt freedom let me talk about that for a second that freedom now not all debt is equal I get there some some when you when you have consumer debt and you have debt on depreciating assets that's not wise debt there are some debts you can have that's a kind of an investment in something that's going to give you a return on your investment that's a better quality of debt but by and large for the most part debt is an inhibitor to wealth creation especially in this world in which we live where we are so committed to buying stuff like like like a house let's say for a house for example somebody buys a house because that's the American dream to get a house I want to own my own house I want all my whole house and we look at that as if it's such a phenomenal investment well it all depends on how the markets going in all depends on how much house you get instead of instead of us trying to go qualify and get as much house as we can like we want to get a 1.8 million dollar house because we can afford it now we now here's the thing that's no longer a wise investment because it's now a luxury expense because you don't even need that much house now you got a furnace again you can't have a Potomac house and a Potomac Avenue set up now you gotta put Potomac stuff in there Nega have Potomac people over now you gotta have guests got happy you can't get your furnace room down down the thrift store that now you got go up to the place to go get the stuff now and now you gotta have a decorator come in and put custom curtains on the window now you got to put all this money into it now you can't have your grass looking nasty cuz you don't want to look ghetto cuz you're in a nice neighborhood now you gotta have somebody come in and landscaping it and trim an edge and cut and we kill and all that and all experience now you have you trying to make it seem like it was a wise investment but it's restraining you here's another here's another tricky debt it's student loans there are people listen to me right now there are hundreds of thousands of dollars in upside-down and student loans and here's why they the financial industry loves student loans it's cuz they you can't get out of them who wouldn't want to give a loan if the person can't get out of a student loan will follow you to your grave you can't claim bankruptcy you can't say I was crazy I was mentally ill I ain't mean to do that they're coming to get back even if he was 18 when you got the loan which is how how divisive it is they're getting kids in this kind of bondage because they want to go to these great schools and get these educators there's not even getting them jobs who I can stay on that all day that freedom not having any commercial consumer debt number 5 is financial security financial security watch this by definition it's when you can be solvent pay all your bills on time not have any debt and and you can do that off of the dividends off of your over your investments that is when you're not even living off your salary you're living off your investments that's financial security now you say well how can you do that well there was a study that came out the Trinity study came out that says all you need you have to have x 25 your annual financial need will give you will allow you to live if you can live off a 4% of your investment portfolio in other words let's say you only need $40,000 to operate and live all you need is a million dollars that's paying you four percent interest and you're financially secure you're not to work any more well and with the inflation it's gonna make you have to do something but anyway people people who are financially secure usually don't retire because people who are financially secure are usually doing something that they enjoy people retirement stuff we don't like but most people don't get to financial security doors I'm you're like you gotta understand this your passion is your greatest pathway to wealth that's good that's why the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer the or keep getting poorer because poor people ain't even doing what they're passionate about or they love and their habits with money are so poor but even though I know most of us operate somewhere between one and two and maybe three I want to lift the thinking of our church to such a degree that if there was ever a need in this church where I said I need everybody here to write a thousand dollar check because of an emergency need that exists in our congregation something like that where everybody pulled let's check where I'll say who we make it out to pasture but most people I said at Heiser a sales not what I'm saying we got to go up higher than that and it's not a white or a black thing it's really a green thing it's a think it's a mentality Lord shake my mind up the word capital comes from the Latin word head all moneys cuts in your head how do I think about money financial security the next one is financial independence financial independence it's when my assets or my mind my interests or my dividends from my investments not only pay for my necessities it pays for my luxuries they don't have to use any of my salary I can use them money off the investments to live at the same level cuz you know a lot of people retire but they like cut the light off and I ain't mad at you cause I ain't even retired well you know he retired whoa whoa whoa there's a level of wealth you get to and your lifestyle don't change whoo Danny I don't care if you ain't trying to go there you got to talk to some people and we all need to have friends like this you got to read about them but we read nothing because we watching hip-hop wives of Atlanta we watching TV wasting time seven financial freedom financial freedom is when you have so much money coming off your dividends you can live your dreams not just your luxury you say always your bucket list starts disappearing financial abundance is when you have so much money you don't even know what to do with it I don't know who gonna get it I don't know who gonna pass it on to and you can give generously so so my question to you is where are you on this continuum where are you think about where you are and what do you need to start doing stop doing or continue doing to go to the next level where are you what do you need to start doing stop doing but some people just stop blowing money get tight get stingy stop having it we like looking like we got money you win best dress you won if your portfolio is your closet you'd be a zillionaire but it's all depreciating yeah it doesn't even hold its value anyway think about where you are why don't you start doing stop doing continue doing to go to the next level I want to go back to the to the systems for a second what times what time opposed stop did the clock did they ever start the clock okay I don't know let me go back to the systems when I told you about the three system reactor system defensive system of fear aggressive for your aggression system here's what I want to ask you what are some ways you can be more reflective in your relationships than reactive and here's an important one is there anybody that you need to apologize to for operating in an unhealthy system like when you see yourself it's easy to see other people when you hear preaching and say boy she saw me to death what he should have been here I'm gonna get him the tape it's a whole different level when you see yourself and you say to the people who've been impacted by your behavior I just want you to know that I'm sorry I'm sorry for cuz I'm really defensive well I'm really reactive and I'm and I want to acknowledge that that I've been that way this is this is church y'all for real I was asking Lou I said how come I can't get when the messages where people shouting and run around throwing money on the stage like come on you got to get on the organ and stuff dude told me after service last night he said I was in a church like that and I was running around the church like that and I was buck wild so I'm just saying I'm not against that I was we could do both but what really matters is what you do when you leave right because it's hard to invite somebody to a church to head and change you why am I looking anywhere in that area he's my third area proverbs 15:17 it says a bowl of vegetables with someone you love is better than steak with someone you hate that kind of makes sense so my my my inclination is to talk about that from the standpoint of who you spend time at the table with but what I really wanted because I'm not trying to examine the passage what I really want to talk about is nutrition this verse talks about vegetables and steak and I'm not gonna make a case for eating meat or not eating meat or but I do think it's important when we put in our bodies in fact I want to talk about when we eat and what we eat and while we what we when we while we I'm saying this y'all because anybody is my age or over we remember a time when people we've heard of people who died of old age how many of you used to hear that memories here people doubt old age you don't hear that anymore people die of old age in with the disease and most disease can be tracked a diet it's what we're put in our bodies in many cases we're killing ourselves with our Forks and I told you having mastered this but I'm paying attention to it like what we eat like what needs to get what needs to be dis me there's some things we already know isn't that right and you know that ain't we know we shouldn't eat that and then and then like what kind of supplements do we need to add to our diet because there's such a nutrient deficient world that we live in and some of the stuff we don't have any nutrients in it so we got a supplement and the reason why this data is not so relative ailable to people was because in the medical world they don't talk about nutrition a whole lot then I paint that's not how to get paid if you go into a private practice of a private doctor that doctor is in business because he has patients hear me good this is no sleight against anybody in the medical world this is a fax the medical profession is a busy just like every other business you stay in business because you got clients who wants to render a service to anybody there will never need you again um San Jose if I do here I would never do your hair so good you ain't got to come back i'ma do it so in two weeks you'd be like these edges got their gun to put that thing back on them again putting that thing on the meshes again you know that J lingo keypad anything come back up on you let it ring yeah it's not a pedicure manicure a car wash none of that stuff the last ever people are in business because they have clients to come back I'm not saying the doctors certainly not saying the doctor wanna see you die but what benefit is it of the doctor if you're so well you never have to come back if I'm in practice to practice treating illness I need ill people and the way people are paid in the medical world you get fees for service the services you get fees and payment for is pills and procedures hear me you don't get paid for counseling somebody for lifestyle changes that make them well if we change the way people got paid and they got paid for people who were well that would be different no you get paid for writing writing up prescriptions and doing the procedures do y'all hear what I'm saying so so and here's the other thing it's not even a slight against people in the medical world cuz I'm not saying they're bad people at all what I am saying is this most medical school people who finish Medical School have very little training on nutrition forget about nutrition being a diversion to illness what about nutrition power to reverse illness if God everything we need medically had to be coming out of the ground in the garden because there were no pharmacies so how do we oh god I got a lead us alone and then we're to follow somebody all right you're gonna are you gonna get email here's here's what I know about church so I grew up in church and as a preacher as a young preacher I used to be slim but as when I started preaching I started getting because all the sisters and the mothers in the church want to feed you but they will feed you vegetables they feed you cake and rolls and macaroni and cheese and fried chicken and the stream brings a dainty was there a snap they they and they got a piece of fat back and turkey neck in their swimming to be swimming in ain't nothing is like a pot of high blood pressure most of the Deacons and officers were all walkers most people when they have hypertension most people have diabetes everybody in this sick it everybody loved the Lord and so why you eat like that cuz I got my high blood pressure medal I got my cholesterol pill right here got my club got my stuff right here from a sugar then we pray over the food Lord bless this food for the nurse for the nourishment of my body now how schizophrenic is that and we've been true I've been trained I smell it and want it how many even if you're vegetarian I'll let you smell Popeyes you be saying lord have mercy with it where is it where is it but you can't smell raw vegetables I'm moving I'm talk about when we eat I can talk about that till we go home when you eat is important to eating late at night like right before bed is unhealthy it should be a three hour window before our last meal before we go to sleep this thing that I'm learning about now about intermittent fasting that allows your body to continue you burn fat overnight and into the next day as long as you can go for helps your body to stay in a matter metabolic rate a metabolic state because as soon as you eat insulin hormone is release which stores fat when you're not eating growth hormone that burns fat is released and so one of the ways of losing or maintaining weight is to not eat all the time like compress the times that we eat and be selective in the things that we put in our bodies cuz you there's some things you can't reverse just some even if you pray over it then here's the what about why we eat you know there's a connection between mood and food and all y'all skinny people that's trying to laugh at us fat people and yeah y'all slim sick it's muscle you he just had he's had a genetics that it just don't show but I don't mean you well just had to get them to you know since we're gonna get everybody today like like how many you notice when you said how many like me you feel your feelings making eatin wanna eat something bad when you have certain feelings might be sad or lonely or you miss your mama or you miss something do you ever notice you never want raw broccoli when you miss your mom well I sure wish I could just have me just just a whole head of broccoli you want something else Pisa ice cream and this is the cycle the emotion that made me want to eat it introduces me to an emotion of guilt and shame outdated which sends me through this cycle of emotional eating and depression and emotional eating and depression and we become actually addicted to that cycle so here's my question what do I need to add to my diet and what and what one thing will I get rid of no one just try to go in your house and you just clean out the cupboards and you hang on nothing to eat in there like start eliminating one thing and even if God gave you the grace to get away with eating in a long time see his angel it's not just about the quality of life y'all the quantity of life it's the quality cuz people still living a long time but they're not living well a long time it's the last two years of your life you can't stand up long we're not having to lay down you can't sit upright we're not having to lay down you can't walk and for money you can't help ya like that's quality and I'm saying all of that's connected to how we nourish and nurture our bodies one of the greatest gifts - Vicki and I got was a granddaughter for my daughter had a baby and this little girl I'm getting so attached to her I'm 50 years old in her and now I'm calculating what am I gonna do to be here so I can see her development and stuff and it comes back to that table I got I got a lateral see you gotta pay attention what's on your plate whoo that's good oh he got a lot on my plate cause I'm a pastor so I can't have a lot on this plate and I had to write stuff on the other plate ooh that's good look at somebody say what's on your plate thank you Lord for your word thank you for this truth may it transform us not just inform us may transform us in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 3,629
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Keywords: Proverbial, food, eating, finance, finances, money, relationships, love, marriage, saving, investing, diet, nutrition, Jesus, God, Bible, Sermon, Pastor Battle, Keith Battle, Zion Church, DMV, Maryland, Church, Christ, Christian, Bishop Jakes
Id: LCxuL5Z83K0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 36sec (2436 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 08 2018
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