Flybywire Airbus A320 Neo Full Tutorial for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

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[Music] welcome to my channel and i'm back with you once again with another video of microsoft flight similar and today i'm going to do a tutorial for airbus a320 by flyby wire it is a video for the beginners so if you're at the bigness stage this is a good video for you in which you will learn the basics of flying and plus flight planning take off taxi checklist starting the plane from the cold and dark state descent management and then ils approach and landing so therefore if you are at a certain level of flight simulation and you know how to fly i think this is not the right video for you but still if you want to stick around most welcome thank you very much and if you have any suggestions do let me know in the comment section so i will start this video uh by telling you how to download this plane and install it into microsoft flight simulator and from there i will uh carry on with the tutorial and we'll just cover all the basics and everything uh so just stick around and there's so much to come so first of all i will tell you how to download and install this plane go to as you can see it on your screen this is a site of i've also given the link to this website in the description so you you can just follow that link and you can download this plane uh what you have to do is this that you have to go to this website and you have to download the installer uh you can download from here or you can download it for from here you can see this is the installer and once you install the installer you will have um options of different planes which you can just simply install into your directory in which the planes are installed from microsoft flight simulator and from there you can access this plane and you can fly okay so once you've downloaded and installed this uh what you call the installer i will tell you how to install the plane so now here is the installer and it is already installed in my system and the plane is updated but it's a very simple process so once this installer is installed you open it you will see airbus a320 new or a32 nx it says install for you it will say not installed you simply have to select this option and then plus you will see an option to install the plane from here you can just check it uh before downloading and installing the plane just make sure the directory is properly uh selected just go to settings and install directory as my microsoft flight simulator is a steam version and plus it is stored in my d drive in the program files so there is a folder that's common in which there is a community folder in the microsoft flight simulator so this plane will be installed over here uh so just make sure the directory is properly selected and i don't think so you have to change it it picks up automatically for me it just picked it up automatically so nothing to worry about once installed you will just be able to use it in microsoft flight simulator uh just after installing the plane uh restart the microsoft flight simulator because while this installer is running you cannot install the plane if the microsoft flight simulator is up and running so you have to shut it down and every time when you are planning to fly it uh just make sure uh the update is there a few days back there was a there was an update for microsoft flight simulator and especially the flight planning part of this plane was not properly functioning and due to this reason i just gave a break for one week because i wanted to do this video uh one week before but there was an issue so that's why i just stayed back but now i just a few days back i checked the update and there was an update which i installed and now everything is up and running so every time when you use this plane you make sure the update is there and you have the latest version of airbus a320 new from so once the plane is installed you can select it from your plane directory in the microsoft flight simulator as you can see it is coming as fly-by-wire simulations a320 neo leap okay cruise speed is 455 knots maximum altitude 39 800 feet and during seven hours a range is 3500 nautical miles so if you have a flight of 300 3500 nautical miles or less than that you can use this plane otherwise you have to use same for seven or seven at seven for longer flights okay today i'm going to do uh this flight uh uh from karachi and this is my favorite route i always do this video i love flying from karachi to the way although i want to do it from istanbul to dubai but it's going to be a three or four hours of flight time uh but this is a short flight of two hours so it takes around about two hours 15 minutes or 16 minutes so uh in the microsoft flight simulator i will select opkc it is already selected otherwise you can just type it in here opkc and you can pick up the airport before i move further i will select select uh the timings i will use a preset time and i will use a morning time uh let's pick up early morning that's good i love to fly early morning so let's keep the time at uh 6 30. great 6 31 it's okay so this is how you select you have to and multiplayer all players uh air traffic go to ai uh if i select yeah oh yes live traffic i can select and then i can use a uh preset time and plus you can also select the custom weather otherwise the weather is uh live right now and the time i have set it myself otherwise i always uh fly according to the lifetime but for this video i'm using a using the daylight so that we can see everything okay so that's it and uh plus uh my flight will not start from runway 25 well rather it will start from the gate because i want to start the plane from the cold and dark state and from there we will move on to the runway we will be getting the clearance and everything um but in microsoft flight simulator um you can make a flight plan there is a video uh on my channel in which i have given you a complete uh walkthrough of the flight planning in microsoft flight simulator using this interface anyhow but for this video as i will be bringing in the flight plan from the same brief and i will be manually entering the flight plan or rather uploading it from sembrief so i will not be using microsoft flight simulator uh capability of flight panning although there are videos on my channel but uh still that's it so in this tutorial i would like to interact with the mcdu and tell you how to program the mcu and enter the flight plan into it so let's start the flight from gate 49 okay so everything is set now early morning flight from karachi i have not selected the rival airport this is what i will be selecting during the flight planning and i will start at gate 49 with my airbus a320 by fly by wire so let's go and fly this plane okay so here we are at the uh karachi airport opkc that is the echo code for the karachi airport july international airport and this is our airbus a320 new which i will be flying to dubai today and let's uh go and fly this plane so right now you can see the plane is parked at the gate and this plate is in the cold and the dark state everything is turned off uh so let's uh start the procedure before i proceed further first of all uh i will um close this ai radio communication atc i will just turn it off because i don't want the the ai to automatically interact with the atc because obviously as this is a tutorial so i will be taking you through different steps and if it is on the atc will automatically uh give us the clearance and and the ai will go for the push boy i push back and everything so i just want to avoid that and want to take things into my own hands the matter into my hand so first of all i will turn this thing off and then um if you check this option you will see a checklist it's a very long checklist and you can go through all the the procedures but what i've done is this that for this tutorial i have just tried to uh make a very um nice and clean uh short checklist because there are many other things in this checklist which you can just check so if you're doing it on your own you can just go through all the checklist and there are other videos of airbus a320 in the microsoft light simulator in which i have shown you how to go through the checklist but right now for this tutorial i've prepared my own checklist and i will not be jumping to this one because then it creates a lot of confusion doing too much back and forth uh so i will just uh just stay over here without opening the checklist and i will just go through all the procedures and everything that will be easy for you and still if you have got any questions you can always ask me in the comment section so first of all this is the overhead panel and over here you will see two options turn on battery master one and master two we have to turn on the batteries because everything is right now turned off and we cannot even interact with the atc as you can see so the electrical systems are all off so first of all i will turn on battery one and battery two okay now at least the electrical systems are working and uh you you can see that we can now communicate with the atc the radio is on you can see the radio frequencies also here uh the best thing about this plane by fly-by-wire is this tab uh it's not there in the airbus a320 uh the default plane which is in the microsoft flight simulator it doesn't have this tab but this version has a tab uh so we can interact uh with this tab and um i will just take you through all the procedures and everything okay um then um the tab is on and now what i have to do is this i have to call in for the ground power just to tell you the basics uh there are the plane starts on the batteries then it goes on to the external power uh which is the gpu ground power unit the ground power unit comes and powers up the plane till the time everything is done over here in the parking and it's time for the push back once the push back will start we will we will move on to apu that is the auxiliary power unit this is a generator in the plane which gives power uh to the plane till the time engines are on and once the engines are on then we will cut off the apu and then the power will be given to the plane by the engines so three procedures first ground power unit then apu and then and the engines so so three things you have to keep in your mind uh so before uh i connect to the external power right now you can see that it is uh right now if you look at this upper panel it says available so right now it is available but the best thing in this version is you can call in for the ground service and you can just see that external power is here you can just call in for the external power and interestingly if you go here and if you go to the ground service you can also tune into the ground service and from here you can also call for the power supply if i go out i think we should see the gpu being connected is it yes you can see so this is the gpu which is right now giving power to the plane so let's get back and let's uh turn on the external power so right now once i have turned on the external power everything is up now uh display uh you can see this is the pft the primary flight display this is the nd which is the navigation display and for the pfd you can increase the brightness so that you can see in the morning uh this is the ecam which is the display for all the control controls and the on all the systems of the plane you can increase uh the brightness of the ecam from here okay and for the co-pilot also you can increase the brightness from here okay if you're flying in the night uh you can also increase the lighting of this uh this panel uh but right now it's it's it's daytime because so that you cannot see it but in the night it looks really good and for the overhead panel you can also uh increase the brightness and decrease the brightness you can see now that the lights are on and plus from here you can increase the panel brightness you can see it's increasing and plus for this display also you can increase it it looks nice in the night but anyhow we're flying in the morning so that that's why uh it's not that good but still uh that's it so once you have uh increased the brightness and everything and before i proceed further i will now be uh turning on the 80 irs i will be setting it to nav so that the the plane's gps is working and the plane knows the coordinates from the gps but before proceeding further i will tell you one fact go to settings and go to uh this option same option okay in the sim option you can see that ad irs align time and dmc self time i've set it to fast real and instant you have three options if you set it to real right now what will happen is this that once you will turn on your adrs and you will set it to nav it will take six to seven minutes uh for the navigation display to show the navigation and everything uh right now you can see there is nothing coming up because the plane's gprs is gps is off not the gprs the jeep is off and there is there are no coordinates so that's why you cannot see anything in the nd display in the navigation display nd display it's not an nd display it's navigation display or nd okay anyhow sorry for that okay so i've said it fast what happens uh when you select this option is this that you know uh you can uh once you turn on the nav it will just take one minute and if you set it to real time uh or uh yeah it will take some time and plus instant the moment you will turn it on you will see something uh coming up over here right now i've set it to fast uh which is good now let's turn on the adrs nav so the moment you will sorry set it in half the moment you will do this uh you will see this message over here iris aligned in two minutes so it will roughly take two minutes to align and to show uh something on the navigation display the plane and and the path and everything okay so it will take some time anyhow now the plane is up and running the air conditioning is running everything is done turn off no smoke prompt light it's on so smoking no smoking sign is on okay anyhow i will just uh try to keep this thing uh short this tutorial okay now once uh this option is done then from here you can go to the atc for the clearance and you can try to get the clearance because right now after all this startup procedure the initial startup procedure i would like to enter the flight plan because we have not made the flight plan earlier in the in the initial page of microsoft flight simulator uh so for this i need to know the runway from where i will be taking off i can set the runway myself but now here you can see that now the navigation display is is up and running as the irs alignment is done and plus the pfd is also on so that's it so if it takes some time you can change it from here in the settings okay so as for the flight planning i should know the runway so that's why i will go to um the clearance and i will ask for [Music] the departure as i will be heading towards dubai so this is west of uh pakistan so i will request for depart to west airbus taxi for takeoff sierra x-ray 2-0 karachi ground airport is currently afr it's amazing it's amazing uh let's uh let's do it one more taxi for time departure to the west here without the sierra x-ray karachi ground airport is currently afr okay no issues no issues when do is this i will uh select the runway myself and then from here we can select the option and if the tower gives us a different runway afterwards we can change it so from here i will move on to sim brief because i will be loading uh the flight plan into the mcu from the sim brief so let's go to sim brief so here i am in same brief okay um if you are new to this website it's very simple you have to simply make up make your login and once you're logged into the system uh you can make a flight plan and then from there you can load it into the microsoft flight simulator so the flight will be from opkc that's karachi chennai international airport and i will be landing at omdb that is dubai okay and we have an alternate uh airport which is oma i think it's abu dhabi ah date is 26th of november and everything is good now select the airframe and it's a320 new okay and the departure runway right now i can select 25 left i will be flying from 25 left and rival runway let's keep it 12 right it's a nice approach it comes directly from the sea if you're coming uh to do if landing and coming to dubai and landing at runway 30 left or 30 right the approach is from the desert and if you're coming for 12 left or 12 right it it's from the sea side so i prefer to land on 12 right and 12 left so for today i've selected 12 left okay so once you have selected these two runways and then select the passengers i will go with the sorry i will go with the full passengers here it is and zero fuel weight it's automatically selected by the the the sim brief okay and the cargo not carrying the cargo so it's all right now you can see that a flight plan is already there this is the flight plan and just to check the authenticity of the flight plan you can just go to the map below and you can check uh the takeoff and and the landing so that's it we'll be just coming in from here and then this is the approach and then the final lining you can also select different options from here like different uh what you can say flight plans uh so initially the flight plan that was selected you could see that this was not the right one it didn't have a uh a proper what you can say departure procedure in the flight planning there are two things remember it's a a sid and a star said is a standard instrument departure and star is standard arrival for the instrument for the for the flight plan uh so your flight man should have proper acid and star for the departure and for the rival right now you can see that for the departure the procedure is not normal uh it's just a dot over here and a straight line going on to a certain way point in the flight plan uh all these dots are the waypoints and these black lines which you can say is the airway you can see over here all the num all the way points are in alphabets lockheed who said these are all waypoints and if you see anything alphanumeric uh like this a four five four b five four zero p five seven four it's an airway so airway is this black line the airway which the plane takes to go from one point to another from one waypoint to another so from melim to passover uh this area is a454 so that's the basic so right now if i've selected this uh flight plan you can see that it's not good as the departure is not coming properly it doesn't happen like this that plane just straight away flies out of the runway there is a proper departure procedure if i select this option you can see then there is a proper departure procedure over here in same brief uh malam let's let's select this one and let's see okay so you can now see that uh where is melon bellum yeah you can see that there is now a proper departure procedure okay so you can you can use this one as i've been flying a lot and making lots of flight plans i know uh the plane uh while flying from karachi to dubai goes to malam and then goes to imped that's the last one uh this is the sid and this is the star mlo one f and the last and the first points are the sid and the star these are the way points all the way points and this is the a wave it's very simple so now we have a flight plan so uh we started off with entering the arrival and the departure airport opkc and omdb airframe select that runways um capacity of the passengers and then select the flight plan that's it so we have a flight plan and let's go and generate this flight plan here you go so now the flight plan is uh up and um the fuel is coming is 7434 kilograms and the cruise altitude is set to uh 360 flight level 360 which is 36 000 feet 26 november that's it that's these are the basics that you need to know now let's go back over here in the cockpit and do one thing go over here in this option and get the flight information from the same brief now you can see that it's updated and uh op c to omdb alternate is coming zero fuel weight is given average when ci cost index is 42 right now set i'll tell you later what the cost index is and the cruise altitude is flight level 360. that's uh 360 that is 36 000 feet okay so now everything is done what i'll do is this while i'm programming the mcu this is the mcu multifunction multi multi-function flight control display unit i will call in for the ground services and i will go here and i will call for the baggage i can call in for the catering you can see now the jet was getting connected so you can see uh this k1 is open for the catering this is for the cargo and this is for the cabin so in the ecam the lower ecam you can see all the doors are open if i just go out of the cockpit you can see baggage service is coming the jet way is connected and the catering is coming okay now i will anyhow uh just to tell you that you can also call in for the ground services from the tab uh for the passengers for the forward door for the baggage and for the fuel okay you can also do it from here i will be calling it for for the pushback from here but anyhow i just use the atc so now go on to the mcu and first of all i will tell you how to link your mcdu to your sim brief because if you're using it for the first time obviously your mcu is not linked to same brief so you have to do that click this option mcdo menu okay and then select options go to aoc go to sim brief and over here you have to enter your username and as you can see uh that my username or the pilot id is there for the same brief um you as you have seen it on your screen don't try to use it otherwise you will be using my flight plans but anyhow you can enter your username and once you enter it is always there in the system you do not have to enter every time so it's just a one time thing so once you enter that uh you connect it to the same brief then you can just pick up the information from sim brief and from there everything is done now what i'll do is this i'll go to mcu menu and first of all i will click atsu i'll go to aoc and i will try to get the weather report you can see this wx request so you can just click this weather request type in your departure arrival airport that's o p k c click this option this is known as the left soft key lsk so lsk1 this is lsk1 lsk 2 3 4 5 and 6. so i will click this left sorry right soft key this is on the right side i'm really sorry for that rsk right soft key one and then omdb i'm always confusing left right i don't know why anyhow so opkc and omdb you have entered and just uh click send and your message is now sent now soon you will receive the weather report and let's see uh an option should come over here uh company message which says you have a message from the company and then uh there is this printer in the plane you can get the weather report printed i'll just show you how it's done company message so this you can see in the upper ecam you can see company message coming up so you can go to received messages and you have a weather report station not available anyhow just print it and i was just uh showing you this this capability in this new plane otherwise we can always tune in to 80 is to get the weather report as you can see over here in the clearance can i see atis yes you can see atis so if you turn into karachi atis you get the weather report anyhow if you click this paper it will be just displayed over here so you will you should see uh the weather information over here i don't know right now there's some issue for the opkc the weather information is not coming from but for the omdb the weather pressure weather report is here with the atmospheric pressure and everything and the wind speed so this is a small capability i just wanted to show you that is there in the airbus a320 by flyby sim now uh let's go back and uh let's i'll take you from the beginning go to mcdo medium again and go to atsu at some point if you are lost go to aoc menu again and from here go to init press now you can see that fmc flight number departure destination ete this is all blank now as i've already made a flight plan in the same brief so this mcdo is connected to sim brief if i could click this option init data request initiate data request if i click this you can see that all the information is updated the flight number which is there in the sim brief you can change this if you want opkc is the departure omdb is the arrival and and that's it now if you go back and uh you click this uh weight and balance you can see the block fuel the taxi fuel and the trip view so everything is there uh so uh right now how much is the fuel in the plane it's 9520 if i click refuel load you can see now it is set to 7420 you can see so uh the fuel is now adjusted in the plane right now what we can do is this we can call in for the fuel service and if i go back and if i go to the ground service and if i call for the fuel service okay so fuel truck is also coming and just to tell you you can also call in for the fuel from here by the way this is the this is the tug for the push back okay so now this is all done and now what we can do is this now we have to fill in the rest of the information in the mcdu uh so for this now we are not going to this mcdu menu you don't have to go the anymore go to init now in in it you will see um there is a from 2 and company route flight number cost index cruising altitude and everything first of all i will enter there from and two that is the departure and the arrival airport so this is o p k c slash o m d p if i click this so you can see there's nothing showing up over here the screen comes up just press return so you can see this information over here okay uh before this entering this airport uh you must have seen that there was an again an option coming as uh init request if i would have pressed this one this all page would have been automatically updated from the same brief but now as i told you before that i will not use this option i will be interacting with omcd uh mcdo and we'll be telling you how to um enter your flight plan so that's why i'm not using this option to automatically update the flight plan yeah i've decided to basically show you how to interact with the mcu and how to enter your flight pan otherwise if you would have pressed this option everything would have been automatically updated so flight number i will keep it at aa123 i just go with my initials and the flight number and the cost index as we have seen before cost index over here is 42. so cost index 42 airlines use the cost index based on the fuel consumption this number is from 1 to 99 the lower the number uh the faster the plane goes the higher the number the slower the plane goes basically it is the rate at which the plane will be burning the fuel obviously if you're going at a high speed you will be burning more fuel and if you are going at a lower speed uh you are burning less fuel so 42 cost index means that once the autopilot is activated um the plane will not go really fast it will just try to consume sorry what you can say conserve fuel and will try to not go for a high speed will be at a reasonable speed so you're not burning too much fuel as the fueling is not done you can see this uh this option in screen as soon as the fueling is automatically done uh you can see the total max takeoff weight uh and everything so it is here you can again adjust the fueling and we are just getting 39 of the fuel anyhow just getting back to the cost index so this is some some science rocket science when i started uh the flight summaries i couldn't understand it took me a lot of time to understand the concept of cost index but anyhow so let's say if you're using let's cost index 10 uh the plane will fly very fast so it will be burning more fuel and if you type in 50 it will be going slightly slower and burning less fuel so every airline has their cost index which is given to the flight management system so that once the plane is flying on autopilot um the speed is adjusted in such a way that the fuel is burned according to the cost index of the airline so right now as we have a cost index is 42 so i will just put it in here and the cruising altitude is flight level 360. so what i'll do is this i will type in fl 360. this is how you're going to give your flight level the cruising altitude fl 360 and then for the slash you can just use the slash that's it so remember you have to follow this format so it's very simple flight level 360 and the temperature at this closing altitude the mcu will automatically select it that's minus 51 degrees if you know that you can enter it by yourself otherwise minus 51 is here that's it anything else no so init is done and let's go to init b ah just click this option and go to init b this this was init a and go to init b zero fuel weight and zero fuel weight center of gravity it is automatically calculated although the zero fuel weight is given over here what will be the um weight of the plane with zero fuel so it's including the the passengers uh the cargo and plus the weight of the plane so simply click this and you will see it's 46.3 25.2 so this is the zero fuel weight center of gravity the fms needs this calculation further uh for the flight management and uh plus fuel planning just click this and you will see uh block confirm so that's it so in it and in base program just i forget uh just don't get into all this i don't even know how to do this as i'm not an actual pilot i just only do flight simulations whatever i know i do it otherwise if you want to learn more about it there is a documentation available on the fly by website you can just simply go and uh and consult the mcdu documentation and from there you can get the information okay now uh i can uh go to flight plan and over here now this is the flight plan page this is kind of tricky if you're new to the mcu's and you don't know how to program that it's kind of difficult but somehow just keep on practicing it it takes me also a lot of time practicing and practicing and practicing one time you just get really perfect with this uh but just to tell you as soon as you are opkc and omdb this this is your uh departure and this is your arrival and just ignore this line uh so this is the flight plan first of all we have to select the departure as you can see in the same brief i have selected just go to edit flight let's go back because now it's it's done so i will be flying out from 25 left and my first uh point or the set is mellow one f so i will just simply go and click here departure and i will select 25 left and i will now you can see in the runway 25 left is selected just click this up button it will just scroll down and mellow one f just select this and that's it and transitions this this point is for transitions in some in many of the airports especially in europe and in america there is a transition but right now uh on this route there is no transition so do i have to worry about that um otherwise uh if there was a transition you have to enter a transition but for this flight line there is no transition maybe i will just do another tutorial in which i will tell you how to use the transitions and enter them into the system so now it's done and you can simply uh click insert now you can see this thing that there is a departure procedure that's been set into the mcdu that's opkc 25 left and then all the waypoints which you will be taking and you will go to melimp as you can see mellow one f will take you to melom okay so mellow one f has taken you to melon by following all these waypoints video clap and that's it if you want to see your flight plan visually uh you can see it over here in same brief as i told you before you can do it over here and you can even go to your planes navigation display and see whether it's properly updated or not so go back and over here uh arc mode is selected right now you can set it to plan a flight plan mode and you can see in the navigation display and the flight plan is populated up till uh so if i keep on pressing this up button it will take you through the points okay so right now it is showing you that you are going from karachi to this waypoint to this waypoint to melum and then from ellen straight to omdb right now you can see the procedure for the omdp is not selected because we have not entered the uh the star but right now i will not enter the star i will just populate the rest of the flight plan okay which is all these airways and waypoints we can do this or we can skip this totally up to you but we have to do this so i will be now entering all the waypoints and the airways it's very simple to do that click melon click airways now via so first after melon we will take a away that's a four five four so i will type in a four five four now we click wire so this airways here and we will go to pass off pasov picked up a b540 is another av sorry b5400 two m i v e k i am uh uh sorry for using this option of uh switching uh uh back and forth between the same brief and uh this flight simulator the reason being uh i've seen most of the youtubers they're doing good videos i've learned a lot from them but they just tell us during the flight simulation that we are um we i've already prepared a flight plan in the same brief and they just put a a screenshot over here uh initially i remember i was when i was very big very big now when i didn't know uh basics about the flying and for the flight planning it was very difficult for me to really understand how they're updating this flight and how to getting the airways and and the waypoints so when i was uh looking at the same brief as it was difficult but because mostly they were showing this page which is uh which is which comes here after generating the flight plan so they were showing this and i was getting confused that i couldn't see this kind of display but because once you're new to all this thing it's very difficult to understand and to you know read all this and and understand what is going on you can see this this copman and then there's so much coming up but over here in the same brief uh if you go back this view is a very simple view and it gives you a very nice view so that's why i keep on switching between sim brief and and and what you call this simulation so that you can understand what's happening so after mavic you can go to p574 p5 and then um we'll go to imped that's the last point i m p e d that's it and uh type in insert now you can see that all the waypoints and the aways are automatically updated so that's how you um do it okay you can also enter a waypoint directly without entering the away uh although right now i'm not doing it i don't want to mess around with this flight plan but it's very simple what you have to do is this if you want to fly directly to a waypoint or do you want to enter it into the this mcu you simply type in the waypoint let's say if it's whatever it's it all is four is and then you simply click omdb this option and you will see this waypoint automatically getting entered into the system and then you can click insert over here so if you want to directly enter it it's okay otherwise that's the procedure and if there is there are certain uh route after empire you want to enter simply click empad and then go to airways and then you can also enter wire and points if there is a there are further waypoints than this point so it's easy to do that anyhow this flight plan is simple and you can easily do that so now you can see all the waypoints up if i go to this flight man you will see that it is updated let's go back to opkc just to show you okay and that's it impact so impaired was the last point you can see and then empire directly we're going to omtv so there is no proper um uh procedure for the arrival so now we will enter the procedure for the arrival so click this option just your destination that is dubai click arrivals and i am learning at 12 right this is ils 12 right so i will see this runway i will click this and you can see the star is impe3b can you see this imp e3b if you cannot see it then you can scroll through all the star okay so right now impe 3b just click this option and uh and that's it via rerec uh star is there and uh plus uh there is no what you can say a transition so it's okay via vric this is automatically selected do not don't have to worry about that click insert and that's it return and now just go through the flight plan and the nice flight plan is updated that's it so you can see there's no discontinuity there's no issue so flight plan is good so now the difficult part is up i'm always not really comfortable with updating the flight plans like this through omcd anyhow just taken me a lot of time to basically understand the basics and i've been trying in my videos to basically give all this knowledge to you guys so that you can easily do that but still if you've got any issues with mcdo you can always let me know in the comment section okay now once you've done that now we'll go to the performance side now over here you will see this option flaps slash ths you have to uh set the flaps and plus the pitch now let's let's go over here so for the takeoff i will be using flaps at two degrees so i'll select 2 just you can see over here then slash i will type in the pitch the pitch is basically this is the pitch trimmer you can trim the pitch of the plane while flying the plane's nose is pitched up or pitched down you can adjust that during the flight so for the take off um you can select the flaps and plus the pitch so that the flight management system knows what are the flaps and what is the pit so according to that it will select your v1 vr and v2 currently i'll also tell you what is v1 vr v2 so the pitch is let's say if i keep it at 0.5 i use this number you can use 0.2.5 and up pitch up because obviously we're taking off you're not [Music] going down so it's 2 0.5 up okay so this is up this is uh this is a format that you should learn you can keep flaps one two three one or two is good and then slash up point five and that's it you need the flaps and flex to temperature flex to temperature is basically uh the plane adjusts the flight management system you tell the flight management system that that that what is the outer temperature so let's say if the outer temperature is 40 degrees and obviously um a par a certain part is given to the engines and you give full power to the engines during the takeoff uh the engines might get heated up in in higher temperatures let's say 40 degrees or 45 degrees uh so in this you basically calculate flex to temperature there is a formula given you can search for the internet to to see how to calculate the flex to temperature there is a formula you can calculate that and then you get to the flex to temperature but somehow this is a temperature that you enter over here and you always keep it higher than the outside temperature just to tell the plane that outdoor temperature is is let's say 40 degrees or 45 degrees so according to that your autopilot system or your flight management system the fms um uh adjusts the thrust of the plane during the takeoff so that the engines are not overheated i hope i've explained it to you well uh sorry ignore this error i don't know i'm having issues with my internet connection just keeps on disconnecting me from the internet anyhow uh so flexible temperature is basically a temperature higher than the actual temperature so let's say if the outside temperature is 40 you enter 44 or 45 as per the formula the way you calculate that i'm not getting into those calculations very complex uh so you just deceive your flight management system the game servers are currently unreachable please check your internet connection thank you okay i don't i don't care about that just ignore this message i keep on keep on getting this message okay uh so um so let's say if the outside temperature is 40 degrees you set the flex to temperature at 44 or 45 you tell your flight management system that higher the outside temperature is really high and you should adjust the throttle accordingly so that the engines are not overheated it's very simple so let's say if the flight if the outside temperature is right now let's say i'm just giving you an example it's 36 degrees uh so and your flex to temperature formula gives you 40. so just enter 40 and that's it it's very simple you can always know what is the temperature of the departure airport and you can always enter it over here if you want to study further you can just search it i have i have that formula it's a very long calculation that we have to do anyhow uh i will just now then go to v1 i will click this option and you will see a v1 speed 121 i will just enter it over here vr at v2 122 and v2 at 126. now what is v1 vr and v2 these are the speeds at which uh the vr is the speed at which you will be rotating you will be pulling back on your stick and will be taking off from the runway uh v1 is uh the decision speed at which uh during the takeoff while you are running on the runway um or um you it is a speed at which you can still abort the takeoff and you can stop till the end of the runway but if you exceed this speed then it's dangerous to stop and abort the takeoff and vr is after the v1 vr is the speed at which you rotate you pull back on your stick and you take the plane up in the air and v2 is the speed 126 at which the plane can still fly on one engine if there is an engine failure great i've been doing it really well so v1 v2 vr and v2 this is also displayed over here now once you select your v1 vr v2 so on the pft the speed is here okay transition altitude transition altitude is the altitude to basically set your barometric pressure i will be just going through the basics of the barometric pressure but anyhow just remember right now that your transition altitude is 10 000 feet and thrust reduction okay now some basics of thrust reduction right now this is our throttle and it is at the idle stage it should be here okay uh this is uh the position for the reverse thrust and this is zero thrust this is climb flex and toga four positions for your thrust okay so once um i'm just giving you a a theoretical thing that once uh you are going to take off you will keep your thrust over here full to toga that's 98 of thrust after this thrust you will now not fly on this toga at 98 percent thrust because if you're just climbing and cruising at full thrust your engines will uh get heated up and they will catch fire so the it's a very short time on which um through which you fly on toga at 98 throttle and then you reduce it to climb you keep it here this is how much ninety percent of thrust or eighty-nine percent of thrust okay so that's the basic so while running on the runway tech uh for the takeoff you take off at toga at 98 and then after a certain time you reduce it to climb and you do that because uh engines if you're running on the full power obviously they will get heated up and they might might catch fire or there will be an engine failure which is dangerous so that's why thrust reduction altitude is the altitude at which you reduce your thrust from toga to climb now that's it and let's now keep it here at zero percent we don't want to keep it here okay so that's the basic so thrust reduction is is like this as now when i will take off you will see if you think so performance is done so that's it this is regarding the uh mc2 so we have done all the all the flight plan is there we have weight and balance we have our init a and in it b we have our performance v1 vr v2 the flaps and everything and flex temperature engine out uh thrust reduction altitude transition altitude everything done so this was the the the tough part and the boring part now um i will just go with the startup and push back now the the more interesting part so this was a theory related to mcu you can study it further as i told you before you can study it further if you want okay so here i am now in the cockpit so right now what i'm going to do is this that i am going to [Music] um do some basic checks i have to check for the flaps you can see over here the flaps are up then speed break disarm okay so here is the speed brake the speed brake is used to basically apply brakes to the plane and the air if you're going too high so right now they're armed just uh left click and move your mouse up and they will be disarmed right if you go down they're armed and up they're disarmed and then you can uh apply your full bricks if required i think maybe in this flight i will be using them i will tell you how to use your flight brakes once we are in the flight okay and uh um windshield de-ice on let's see if it is on this is one something really important this is the button turn wheel wheelchain windshield the ice on so which means you're uh sorry yeah it is on okay so it means that uh once uh at the cruising altitude and you are going for your descent you might see some icing on the windshield so that's why you turn the heat on so that there is no icing on the windshield this effect is right now i think not there in this plane but anyhow okay now as now we are going for the pushback so i will discontinue all the flight services uh jetway this connection so now the jet way is disconnected and you will see the door is closed so all the door is closed and you can see on your lower e cam okay catering is done fueling is done power supply is uh done okay now uh we can right now move on to the apu so now what i'll do is this i will go to the apu that is the auxiliary power unit and turn on apu master switch i will put on this and i will turn this on apu switch onstart and i will wait for this button to show available once this shows available then you can turn on the apu bleed so let's wait for some time and let's see what happens cigarette cigarettes now you can see that available sign is here it takes some time less than a minute but once it's there then you have to turn on the apu bleed and now the plane is on apu okay right now we can disconnect the ground power unit but before disconnection let's uh disconnect uh the external power so now as now the plane is on the axillary power unit uh we don't need external power so right now it's on we can turn it off so once the external power is off you can just go here and you can see if the ground service external power you can just call it off okay or maybe you can also do it from here which is uh request power supply end if this option is showing here this option was not showing here because i was using the planes uh tab for this and if you go out you can see now this external power unit is disconnected and this van has moved away so let's get back into the cockpit and that's it very nice okay so let's uh check if we have uh the seat belt sign on no smoking on then beacon lights okay we turn on the beacon lights because once the plane is in the parking position you turn on the beacon lights just to tell everybody that you are going to start the engines so after the pushback we will be starting the engine that's why you have to turn on the beacon light so beaker lights are important you have to turn them on uh turn on the nav lights and logo on landing lights we don't need that wing lights we don't need that because it's morning otherwise you can turn on these lights and that's it no need for the lights in the morning or in the daytime okay strobe okay stove is set to auto sorry strobe is set to auto and uh that's it i'm actually uh checking the yeah what you can say the the the checklist if i'm missing anything or not so that's it so in this checklist there are many other things that you will perform uh before the takeoff if you want to go through the checklist it's totally up to you but these are the basics which will be more than enough to take your plane from one airport to another and you will be able to fly your plane easily so before the push back i can release the parking brakes because if the parking brakes are on you plane will not move so that's why uh release the parking brakes but before that let's go for the clearance i think right now we can get the clearance best request if i clearance for instrument flight planning fb let's see one [Music] so 10 000 feet so i will set the altimeter to 10 000. okay so right now we have got the clearance for the takeoff set the altitude to 10 000 i have not said this altimeter i will just get back to the basics of this one once uh the pushback is completed so now as we've got the uh the ifr uh clearance we can release the parking brakes and i will go on to the tab and i will call the tug as soon as i will call the tug you will see this stud moving and it will just go under the plane's nose wheel try to grab it so that the push back can be carried really nice just love this okay okay now um i will uh go for the back you press this button and you will see the plane will start to move back okay now as i am flying out from runway 25 left uh i will just show you this map you can turn on the map and you can just know um how to taxi and where to go so runway 25 left is over here this is the runway okay this this runway is 25 left so i will uh after the during the push back um we will tell the um the pushback tuck to turn us uh right it's it's it's you are seeing it from the from the this view it shows you left but we talk about from the pilot's perspective so from the pilot's perspective it's right we have to turn right okay and then i am aligned with the taxiway and then we will move on to this taxiway from here and then take c to this point hold and short over here and then once we have the clearance for the takeoff we will move on to runway 25 left and then take off so this is the basic so now i will call the tug to turn right just press this button and you will see the plane is moving to the right side okay once uh straight we will stop what's happening here look at this you never see this in real life happening in real life i wish i could see this in real life okay now i will stop it we should have been on this line i'm just trying to um uh to master this uh technique of uh really knowing when to turn left and right so that we aligned with this line we should have been on this line anyhow uh it's good um even if we are here uh somehow it's uh it's a good thing and then what we can see push back has been stopped and go to tower remember this thing don't forget to do this otherwise your tug will not uh will stop so you have to call in the atc and ask for the pushback to stop okay so you can see now the tug is moving and now you can turn off the engine so to turn on the engines it's very simple just go over here in the lower panel this is the engine mode selector set it to ignition start and then press on this turn on engine 2 master first you turn on your engine 2 and then engine 1. so just click this and you will see your engine running so engine 2 is now up and running let's go out external let's jump out of the cockpit and oops i forgot to do one thing my bad my bad my bad oh fuel pumps are on i thought i skipped them anyhow let's see if it's i'm really sorry for that now you can see the engine 2 is running a little bit of confusion anyhow the i turn on the fuel pumps okay but you have to make sure the fuel pumps are also up okay they show the sign off it means they're on okay uh no if they show off their mean beans they're off i forgot to turn on the fuel pumps this is something really important don't forget to turn them on i think i was concentrating more during this tutorial and i forgot to do that so with the apu you basically turn on the fuel pumps because if your fuel pumps are not on uh the plane engines will not start my bad sorry for this now you will see that the engines are up sorry for this actually there's so many things that you have to cover during the tutorial you miss few things okay so now um you wait for engine 2 to stabilize it will stabilize once this number is stable then 2 percent then it's time to turn on engine 1 and with this you can lower your flaps by 2 one and two set two flaps to position two you can see now the flaps are extending so always remember to turn on the fuel pumps with the apu so once i was doing the apu i should have turned on the fuel pumps somehow i just skipped it in my checklist my apologies okay and i will also wait for this engine to stabilize and engine 1 to stabilize and during this time what i can do is this i can go here and go back to clearance and i will ask for the taxi ready okay so your engines are now stable seat belt signs on no smoking on engines are stable now it's done time to turn off the apu because we don't need apu so turn off the apu and the apu bead and that's it so the apo is off and we are ready to taxi so parking brakes are already released i didn't apply the parking brakes but after the push back you have to turn on the parking brakes anyhow just give some throttle and the plane will start to move towards runway 25 left let's adjust the view accordingly you can use the rudder to move the plane during this uh tutorial i am assuming that you are familiar with the controls the basic controls of the plane so i am not going through the through the configurations and stuff it was slightly high the speed and you could see that you know the plane was moving very fast so i had to reduce the throttle for um the taxi it should be uh 25 otherwise it should be less than 25 20 25 between that according to according to it so that your plane is not going too fast and if you don't know how to taxi and where to go as i told you before you can simply consult the map and you can see now the plane is moving we will miss the first left hand and from the next we will just turn left and hold short over here before this runway to get the clearance for the takeoff okay i will just try to follow this yellow line centered so let's uh now turn left from here you will see a straight uh line a yellow line and a dotted line you can see a dashed line over here so this is the point where you will stop and ask for the take off clearance let's go and ask request take off clearance from karachi okay now a few basic things i would just like to touch uh because uh right now uh we have got the ultimate 298.91 uh what is this actually the plane um has got sensors and those sensors uh the sense okay i will acknowledge that thank you very much okay so the plane's sensors basically use uh barometric pressure to gauge the altitude of the plane so we have to actually adjust the barometric pressure of the plane so that the plane can can actually and accurately calculate the altitude so right now the barometric pressure at the karachi airport is 290.91 that is in q and h you can also use different units q and h sorry different units between hpa and in hg so right now this unit is in hg 29.91 if i move this you can see this this uh meter moving over here the altimeter so it's two nine point nine one so you have to adjust your ultimate so your barometer pressure so that you are aligned with the um what you say the tower otherwise uh your altitude will be misreported and will not be properly calculated so always remember to keep this thing in your mind and after 18 000 feet we will set it to standard and the standard barometer pressure for the flying is 29.92 so this is at standard so we are slightly below standard at this time and at 18 000 feet i will change it to uh standard okay so that's the basics so now as we've got the clearance for the takeoff so it's time to release the brakes uh you can release you can engage the brakes from here parking brakes but i didn't do that anyhow you i was using the brakes which are configured on my logitech 3d extreme stick as i told you before that in this tutorial i'm assuming that you are familiar with the basic controls and your controls are properly configured so i'm not just going through the basics of the controls that how to engage or disengage your gears or to have a reverse thrust you can always uh use some other videos or some documentation for the microsoft flight simulator to see how your controls are configured uh but this is how it is so once aligned with the runway i will just give full throttle and at vr i will rotate and then okay so that's it aligned with the runway 25 left let's give bar and here we go let's get give full throttle as you can see the throttle is not getting fully to 100 over here on your screen you can see the bar it's slightly less because we are using this feature flex210 okay over here now you can see this is v1 and vr so rotate sorry the plane was going slightly left right because i was telling you a few things uh now once up from the runway if you are climbing positively then press g on your keyboard to um get your gears and turn this to arc and so that you can see okay now this is i was over speeding i can increase the vertical speed going at a very high speed oops now it's reduced the thrust to climb okay and it's time to track the flaps over speeding this control okay as i was also turning on this option this thing happened but anyhow don't mind that and turn on the autopilot i'm just turning on the autopilot and i will set the speed to 230 knots i will just now give you the basics of what happened right now okay now just left click and i'm using the mouse so i will click on my wheel to get this now the plane is climbing to 10 000 feet the speed i've set to 230 knots now i will give you the basics so you can see this that right now uh the thrust is adjusted to climb this is the climb uh we saw that error because um i was flying at uh i was taking off at a very high uh very which you can say full throttle the so that's why this issue happened okay and then uh you could see those red lines um at the beginning this is the speed i should not be going more than that during the takeoff because i had flaps at position two you can take one so that you can go at a high speed uh below ten thousand feet remember do not exceed more than 230 knots as this is a tutorial and plus i am focusing on other things i'm just playing around with different things and talking to you as well so might i might skip few things but just to just to tell you so after the takeoff you have to actually adjust your vertical speed in such a way that your plane does not exceed 230 knots right now you can see over here your vertical speed is 35 which means 3500 feet per minute so if you increase your vertical speed uh your ground speed is reduced obviously if the plane is climbing up i cannot go really fast so the you have to basically compensate your speed according to that so i was also trying to do this and trying to increase the vertical speed or the cruising what you can say the climb rate of the plane so that the speed is under 230 this is one point another one at a certain point uh 1500 feet i was supposed to reduce uh the climb thrust but while uh doing this video communication thing i missed 1500 and i think at 2200 i reduced it to the climb thrust but this was kind of a mishap i don't want to redo this video because i don't have time for re-takes i have a full-fledged job i also work this is the weekend that i get to enjoy myself and during this weekend i make this video so that i have time for the for the re-tech so i just do it one time okay so now at 10 000 feet uh speed is at 230 knots and uh let's ask uh for the increase in the altitude as a climb altitude is ten thousand thirty six thousand feet and um i have observed one thing that if you are doing a manual flight planning and you are entering into the mcu directly um somehow the atc does not tell you to increase your altitude so i will be asking the the atc for increase in the altitude so once you have selected your altitude uh right now you can see the plane is not climbing but the altitude is coming over here in order to start the climb again select this option and this what you can say the altimeter and select it and then press left and then click on the mouse wheel it goes back this is an issue i'm facing anyhow for me it just like zooms out many things many challenges but this is how you can do that okay so left click and then uh you can adjust it accordingly okay so now you can see that after uh uh clicking with the right mouse button and then pressing on the mouse wheel uh the plane has again started to climb to 20 000 feet as now we are above uh 10 000 feet you can increase the speed to 280. i tell you why i'm managing the speed myself i'll just give you uh some introduction of that as well and you will know okay so left click and then click on the wheel on the mouse and it will zoom out automatically by the way a nice view of the cockpit but you can see now the plane will increase the speed to 280 knots you can see it over here so the plane is is increasing the speed okay uh as i was telling you before that the plane has got while during the climb uh the plane has got two speeds one is the vertical speed at which it is climbing and plus also uh the horizontal speed which is going forward so these two speeds have to be maintained in such a way that the plane is climbing at the given uh speed so let's say if you uh keep your speed at 280 knots uh it's if i keep it at 300 your vertical speed will be less because obviously plane is also climbing and going forward so you have to manage it accordingly so the vertical speed will reduce so if you want to have a higher climb rate reduce your speed if you want to have a smaller climb of rate increase the speed very simple right now you can see the plane is climbing at 3 600 feet per minute at a lower speed but if i increase it to 300 to 320 this vertical speed will reduce so that's why i'm climbing at a very slow speed that's exactly slow speed 280 knots but i think if i uh change this mode to the autopilot mode um it will climb it will go up to 300 if i'm not wrong based on your cost index as you remember i told you before uh so that's it so right now the plane is climbing to 20 000 feet and above 18 000 feet i will change the barometer pressure to standard right now let's give the control of the speed to the plane and through the fms with the flight management system as per the information that's entered in the mcu so over here i will left click and then i will right click then you will see the speed will disappear you will see dashes n plus and dot it means now the speed is managed by the autopilot right now i'm not managing the speed as the cost index was uh low it was uh a cost index was high 42. so right in the speed is set to uh roughly 290 if i would have set my cost index to 20 then uh the plane would have been going at high speed and burning more fuel so right now we are going for a slightly more uh fuel efficient flight and that's why the cost index was higher as it only before higher the number the slower the speed lower the number higher the speed it's inverse okay now the plane is about to level off at 20 000 i'll go to this video communication once again and altitude increase to ten thousand more so right now it's leveling off to twenty thousand i will go to thirty thousand feet okay so now we have got a clearance for three zero zero left click and then click on the mouse wheel so now the plane will climb to thirty thousand feet okay so after the take off just giving your basic uh in order to turn on the autopilot i uh pressed on this button now let's give you the basics of the autopilot there are two types of modes in autopilot one is the manage mode and one is the selected mode what is the selected mode and what is the management this is now this altitude is now the selected mode i am selecting it myself so now the plane is climbing as with the selected mode but you can see the heading has got dash and plus a dot and plus speed has also got three dash and plus a dot so it means uh they are in the managed mode so now as per the flight plan and as per the information entered in the mcu the flight mcdu basically programs the flight management system and flight management system uh is uh a feed for the autopilot on best on on which the autopilot manages all uh the your your heading um your navigation plus your speed and plus your altitude so that's why um um managed mode is is good then the autopilot will decide itself uh how to manage your your flight your navigation and plus your speed the right now but altitude i'm doing it myself otherwise we can also go for a managed mode so remember in airbus a320 there are two modes uh selected mode and the manage board right now altitude is selected mode and speed and heading is managed mode very simple so now as we are above 18000 feet i will again press on this button with the left click for to change the barometric pressure to standard and press on the mouse wheel i will press and it will move to standard and you can see standard is coming over here so now uh some basics of the primary flight display you can see thrust time you can see op climb altitude nav so it means if they're all green and altitude this this you see this display it means everything is now maintained by the autopilot and we're doing everything as per the autopilot okay so let your plane uh do all uh the autopilot do all the calculation and everything uh right now we're climbing to thirty thousand feet i will get a further clearance for six thousand feet because we will be climbing a cruising at thirty six thousand feet so i will go for altitude increase to six thousand okay so now what the tower has given me clearance uh for 360 but asking me to climb up to flight level three zero zero and then expect three six zero so once i'm at three zero zero uh flight level three zero zero uh the tower will again ask me to climb up to thirty six thousand feet let's go out and enjoy some view enough of the theory i know if you if you will be doing this flight for the first time you will face few issues if you have any uh questions or if you think i've skipped anything and you want me to elaborate do comment in the comment section and i will tell you about it but um anyhow uh during uh this whole flight i've been trying to cover all the basics all the all the primary uh things that are required to fly the plane the flaps are also configured on my logitech extreme 3d strict so i retracted the flaps using that option but you can also use your mouse for this but obviously during the takeoff you cannot just like go with your mouse and then you know do it like this otherwise i use my stick for this okay so now uh we are climbing up to 30 000 feet and soon we will hear an option to climb up to 36 000 feet it's roughly two hours and fifteen minutes flight okay now the plane is leveling off hopefully the tower will tell us to climb further okay so now we've got a clearance for 360 and that's it our job is done left click and then mouse wheel and the plane will now go with so if you if all of these buttons one two three and four this is for your vertical speed right now the vertical speed is managed by the autopilot so you don't have to worry about the vertical speed but all these buttons they've got three positions one is uh you you pull them out and you push them in uh i think while going for the manage you push these buttons in the real life and for selected you pull them back so this is what we are doing right now uh so once i click left and press on my mouse wheel we pull it back and once i left click and then right click it pushes it back pushes it oh yeah so once you push you are flying in the managed mode and once you pull these buttons out you are uh flying in the selected mode just simply simple some basic things still if you are confused on this you you don't understand you can ask me anytime in the comment section but it's very simple so right now if let's say if i want to manage the speed myself i will adjust the speed right now you can see the speed is coming in mark i will also tell you what is this so i will set it to 0.7 mark and i will left click and then click on the mouse field and now you can see that i am manually adjusting the speed so it is going down okay and if i left click and then right click the speed is managed by the autopilot it's very simple now what happens is that above 30 000 feet the air is thinner okay so air gets thin so that's why um 100 kilometers if you if you're going at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour at the ground uh it is not similar to going at 100 kilometers going up in the air because let's say if you have given uh thrust off uh 50 on the ground because there is too much wind reduction uh sorry friction so because of the wind uh you have to give 50 percent of throttle to be at 100 kilometers per hour but maybe once you are above 30 000 feet uh in order to go for to at 100 kilometers per hour you don't have to have let's say uh full uh throttle you must 50 of throttle maybe at 40 or 30 percent of throttle you can just achieve 100 kilometers per hour because uh air is thin and then there's less reduction so that's why above 30 000 feet uh the speed is not um actually as per the ground speed there is a difference so the difference comes you can just read the theory on the internet as well but just to keep it very simple uh for this tutorial above 30 000 feet you always change your units to mark you can see this button over here and this is the button if you press you will see knots and then you will see a mark so right now if i press this you will see speed speed means your speed will be shown in knots and mark means your speed will be shown in marks right now the plane is flying at 0.784 mark which is 260 knots if you remember before uh 30 000 feet the plane was flying at 290 knots if i don't remember yes if i'm not wrong the plane was climbing at 290 watts as per the autopilot so as we are climbing at 290 knots but after 30 000 feet the speed is set to 0.7 mark so now uh 290 knots is not the speed of the pain rather it's 260. so as soon as as long as you you keep on climbing and you keep on going on a higher altitude the speed will keep on reducing but marks will never change mark will always be 0.7.7 but your ground speed because this is knots is is the speed of the plane below 30 000 feet so it will keep on reducing so this is some theoretical thing uh you can study it over the internet but for this tutorial i'll just try to keep it simple it also i every time when i'm making a video and trying to explain this concept of mark and speed i always get confused and don't find appropriate words to explain it to you but anyhow just for your simplicity and for this tutorial just remember one thing above 30 000 feet change your speed to mark and your mark should be between point seven and point eight and that's it because then you will be over speeding right now if i'm if i'll set it to point eight mark or point eight five mark i think we will be overspeeding because you can see this red mark we don't have to go higher than this so it's better to have it between 0.75 and 0.8 right now it's 0.7 how much is the mark is 0.78 this is how as per the cost index so 0.78 is there is the speed let the autopilot decide the speed and while uh you are descending the autopilot will again up below 30 000 feet will change the speed from mach to knots so that's it so right now we are going at a cruising altitude and in the tab you can see the map as well so on this map i think my internet is having issues i'm sorry my i think that's why you cannot see it uh due to the internet issues i don't know why my systems are up and running internet everything i don't know every time i'm trying to make a video anything happens anyhow i don't care if i'm disconnected from the internet so right now we can consult this map and we can see where we are flying and you can see uh we are about we have crossed this uh point malam and now we're going to uh also crossing panel and now moving to parrot and then after this uh there is a long way to go i think some one and a half more hours to go in this flight that's it now i will wait for the tower to give me the clearance to descend and once uh descend uh clearance is given then i will start my descent and then i will tell you how to manage your descent and then perform an ils approach and then land your plane uh so anytime soon i will be hearing some communication from the atc uh to start the descent and then we will start the descent uh so this is um a lovely view of the cockpit that i was enjoying right now uh very nice uh let's uh jump out of the plane and uh look at some some of the sceneries outside [Music] nice view [Music] let's uh [Music] move on to this view where we can change the cameras uh flying in the gulf amazing view amazing plane uh by far um i've found this plane to be really nice this airbus a320 neo by fly by wire it's a nice plane i've been flying planes in x-plane 11 and microsoft light simulator and honestly speaking i have enjoyed this play in a much much more than the other planes the only issue in microsoft flight similar is the calculation of the top of descent unfortunately i don't know uh there is uh some issue in these planes that no matter what you do you don't get the top of this end indication in the nd or the navigation display top of descent is actually the point from where you start your descent and uh if you are familiar with explain 11 you will be knowing that in x-men 11 you will see at the top of descend if you are flying the flight factor a320 or while flying 737 in the progress you will see the top of the descent over here obviously in this mcdo the top of descent is not shown over here uh the top of descent indication comes over here as a green arrow which tells you that from this point you have to start your descent if you want to uh manually know uh what is your top of descent the point from where you will start the descent you can just go and refer to the flight plan and from here you can um somehow get a rough uh um idea of the top of descent uh so this point m-i-v-e-k muvic uh you should be at uh flight level 360. that's 36 000 feet at db 520 you should be at uh flight level 110 that's 11 000 feet uh so this can give you a good idea that after mimic you have to start your descent you can descend to flight level one one zero if i look at the screen uh mivic so this is mavic and the next waypoint is db520 can we see five to zero no we cannot uh it must be somewhere here or another way is to turn on the constraints and once you turn on the constraints on the navigation display you will see that db 520 flight level one one zero one one zero and uh plus uh this is showing you all the constraints at different waypoints so this is also a good way to uh to guess so let's say if after muvic um if i'm flying at 36 000 feet i have to descend to eleven thousand and uh or maybe some point earlier because if i start my descended music i think it's a very short distance not a big distance to uh to reduce uh the altitude and uh plus every waypoint once you turn on the constraints it's also showing you uh the speed um at which you should be at the different waypoints so the altitude and the speed so let's say this way point you should be at uh 8 000 feet and your speed should be 210 knots okay so it's a good idea but um in the microsoft flight similar to the atc carries out all the communication and it tells you uh when to start the descent i will wait for that if i don't hear this communication then i think i have to take the matters into my own hands i have figured out one thing that every time i'm flying this flight path and entering the flight path into the mcu the way i've done it before uh the top of descend is not announced by the atc and doesn't tell me when to decrease my altitude so i will wait for some time and then i can start the descent over here in this uh uh tab you can also see then when you can when you should start your descent so if you click this sync it means your altitude is synced with the current altitude of the mcdu that's 36 000 feet and your target altitude should be 3 000 so you should descend to 3 000. so ah you should be and your descent angle is minus three degrees so um before the destination uh you have to start your descend at 104 nautical miles before the airport so this is it [Music] [Music] so uh [Music] uh so uh if you look at the ending you see these circles these are basically the circles uh for the distance so in the so in the uh so while looking at the navigation display which is over here uh you will see that these circles and this is basically the distance okay now i have got an instruction to contact the emirates center and once we contact the emirates center because right now there is a handoff going on between musket and emirates i think afterwards uh i will be getting instructions for the descent okay so the tower is asking me to continue okay now the descent has started because now right now you can see that if i increase the distance you can see uh the runway is uh within the 80 knots of the distance this is 180 80 80 knots and this is 120 knots you can see and this is 80 nautical miles sorry not not nautical miles so this is the 80 nautical miles this circle and this is the 120. so this is very simple so you can see that we got the announcement to descend or the instructions to descend 22 thousand that's flight level two two zero if i'm not wrong let's cross check once again two two zero okay so once i've adjusted the altitude over here i will left click and then press on the mouse wheel it will zoom out i don't know why this thing happens anyhow this is very annoying i think i should find another way to do that to change the controls i am not really getting enough time to to research into all these things because as i told you before i am short in time uh the weekends are the only time when i can make these videos and upload and you must have observed that for the for a very long time at least for the last two weeks i haven't done any video there were some issues with this plane as well after the update uh anyhow fly by rsm updated this uh this plane and i installed this update i think three or four days back then i've been practicing it a lot because obviously in order to make a video to make uh myself familiar with the plane and all the controls and how it's behaving in the microsoft light simulator so that's more important so right now we're descending to uh 22 000 feet and i think we are in the vicinity of uh dubai no not now uh crossing over oman but soon uh will be in dubai okay now my internet is also working initially there was some issue with internet so my internet is also working and you can see it on the map over here you can interact with this map so instead of opening the map from there you can just like see it and we'll go straight and then come back from the sea and then land now the speed is in the managed mode uh i am letting the autopilot decide the speed itself and i'm not uh interacting with this with the speed now the altimeter is set to standard and below 18 000 feet i will change it to uh i will like enter the barometric pressure if i get it from the emirates center can i tune into atis right now no i cannot okay we can see it from here from the weather report uh it's very bright cannot read it okay can i check it from here if i go to this option and if i go to atsu and if i go to aoc menu and weather no um i have to go back and yes message meta and it's ecam and engine system if i change my view can i just read it it's because of the sunlight i cannot see it you know no i can yes it is one zero one four you can see and this is given in um hpa so uh we can set it to one zero one four or we can wait for the tower to tell us okay if you're a tall person standing in the cockpit i think you'll see the cockpit like this but i think your head will be bumping over here okay so now we have the clearance for three thousand feet so i will descend to now three thousand feet left click and then uh click on the mouse wheel button it's set to thirty three thousand feet no not thirty three thousand feet three thousand okay that's it so three thousand feet so you can now see that over here in the pfd you can see uh flight level zero three zero so we will descend to 3 000 and the speed should not be more than 185 knots if i'm not wrong so let's reduce the speed and let's see if i take the flaps right now what will happen no no not at this moment okay let's reduce the speed to first of all uh 200 and then i will reduce it to let's reduce it to 180 let's see what happens uh will there be any impact on the decline and the descent rate the descent is at right now to 29 which is 2 900 feet per minute if i set the speed left click and then click on the mouse wheel set to 207 anyhow let's uh first of all decrease the speed to 270. you can see that vertical speed is not decreasing it's coming to zero because the speed of the plane has to be reduced i can use air brakes right now no there are i can just oh let's not do it from the mouse let's use my stick i've got one button configured for the air brakes now i've applied the air brakes and you can see the speed is reducing let's go out and let's see what happens so you can see the air brakes being applied you see these flaps coming up these these parts of the wing this is air brakes so once the brakes are up the plane is reducing you can see the drastic reduction in the speed and with this i can take the flaps and the flap settings are given here at 230 knots you can take one flap so below 230 i will i will get one flap now right now vertical speed is 600 feet per minute we should be designing at a higher rate because uh anyhow once the speed is reduced i can take the flap so so you can see with the flaps you have a speed limit of 230 now uh suddenly the vertical speed increase and i think now the vertical speed will be more than 3000 feet per minute because we're going at a slow speed so at a slow speed the plane can and let's now disengage the air brakes i don't need them anymore press on the step button and the air brakes let's reduce the speed further to right now 185.99 uh take more flaps you have we have an error for the airspeed i know because it's at 200 feet uh knots i should take uh two flaps okay so let's so we have a clearance for the 30 right i will not change it okay i can change the runway from here from this uh what you can say over here but what i'll do is this from the from the tower i will i will uh cancel ifr because right now i've got clearance for the 30 right i can change it from the flight planning and i can change the runway to uh 30 right but right now i am heading towards runway 12 clear touch and right left traffic runway zero right clear touch and go runway three zero right number two hairless cancel any conversions okay very good we don't need that anymore um i should be landing at 12 left at 12 right but it was giving me clearance for 30 right i can change it right now oh you can see the airport i have uh seen this view in real life once i was coming landing in dubai coming from riyadh back in 2019 yes during summers and the plane was coming from this direction and we were coming from here and then the plane was landing at 30 left or i think it was 30 right so this video is also there on my youtube channel you can just go and watch that okay so right now the speed is under control it's at 185 i will reduce it further 280 descent rate is good we have some distance to cover i think i should be at 3 000 feet before the approach and can i take full flaps no three okay let's reduce it further 270 because full flaps is 177 knots i will keep it at 170 and i will take the full flaps so now we have full flaps and 13 000 feet i'm just reducing the speed so that i have a higher descent rate so that we are at 3000 feet before the descent i've uh cancelled this ifr tracking i don't want that anymore so that's it because uh 30 right i could have changed it as i told you before but this for for this video as it's a tutorial i just wanted to tell you that if you make a flight plan how you will land it otherwise from impede we can we can go to the flight plan and over here we can change the destination and this whole flight plan will change and then the plane will try to land at 30 right right anyhow for this video i'll just keep it at 12 right but if you face this issue once you're flying you can always change your runway by changing the destination as i told you before so let's uh jump out and see what's the view of dubai right now although it it's evening in dubai right now and this this approach i have experienced this approach i was coming from pakistan it was a flight from istanbul to the way and where it's triple 7 300 yeah it was an early morning uh landing in november so it was the same approach landed at uh 12 right exactly so a nice view uh if we want to see this view why it's showing the inverted you cannot even change the view anyhow this is the view that you're getting right now so you can see the way you're on the right side on your screen you will also see bush khalifa nice view let's go back cockpit and uh here i am at eight thousand oh star she had to change the barometer pressures from standard to qnh 29 did we get the altimeter so it was let's change it to unit one zero one four it was if i'm not wrong it was one zero one four uh we go here and uh atsu received messages aoc menu receive messages meta one zero one four okay so it is one zero one anyhow the atc is not tracking our flight that's why it doesn't make any difference but still you could see this error coming up standard was blinking it means you have to change your uh barometer pressure from standard to the given q um either it's hpa or in hg so 6800 and still some distance to cover so we are good four flaps are there although i should have taken the full flaps up to 5000 anyhow i just wanted to increase the descent rate so that um and this point in time i'm um over here when i reach here uh when i'm uh aligned with the runway and not at a higher altitude it's better to be at a low one rather than higher because if you are at higher altitude obviously you'll try to reduce your altitude and in this case it will be difficult to control your speed if you're at a lower altitude it's okay uh so i always prefer to be at a lower altitude rather than a higher one number one number two is a concept of a glide slope i'll just try to draw it on the screen using the mouse glide slope basically is the angle or your plane takes in order to touch down on the runway and this glide slope is starts at at the way i think it starts at 3000 feet you can refer to the airport charts if you want and from there you can see that at what altitude you should be catching the glutes a glide slope for this uh what you call for the ils approach but i think at the way it's three thousand feet so at three thousand feet you if you imagine this point on the screen as shown by the mouse so you um your angle is -3 degrees so you're going down like this and eventually you touch the runway at the right point if you're following the glide slope at a right point if you are above obviously you will overshoot and if you are below and your angle is more you will crash before the runway so you have to be at the required altitude in order to catch the glide stop so that you can turn on the ils in order to turn on the ils and airbus a320 you should use this button ilis approach button which is l if it shows ls or ils is instrument landing system so you can turn the ils on i will turn it on once we are aligned with the runway over here in this point okay what i'll do is just right now i will change this radio frequency to any other frequency let's say 124 and i will just click this one to can i do that 125 it should let me do okay if i change the to vhf 2 let's see what happens i should not be hearing this communication anymore okay so you can try it on your own and you can see how it works adjusting the view properly so that i can see the runway from uh the good distance i think i have a proper view and just two more left turns and then we are aligned with the runway uh speed is 170. once aligned with runway i will reduce the speed to 150 knots and that's it flap full flaps it's going to be a full flap landing i shouldn't have been taking full flaps right now just before the runway but anyhow as i told you before that i was trying to reduce the speed to a great extent so that the rate of climb is good so that um i am below the given altitude at a certain point because i as i told you before in order to catch the glide slope it's better to be at lower altitude rather than at a higher one because if you are coming high it will be very difficult to control the speed and your landing can be a disaster so if you're at a lower altitude it's good okay so this turn and then another turn let's move on to the external view and you can see now the plane is turning left and trying to align itself with the runway this is the way you can see it here and then there will be another left turn in my approach arabia 134 is i should stop hearing these this communication somehow i'm unable to do this i've never done it i have i've been uh configuring these radio controls but right now i don't know not been able to change the frequency you can switch to your ils frequency ils is a video frequency that the plane uses to now you can see the plane is now nearing uh the runway and uh it is aligned with the runway with a slight adjustment and then we are on the right side yes you can see the 12 degrees you can you can see that you know as this is runway 12 right so that's why it is hun it is at 12 um degrees great now i can press this ls button and you can see uh that plane is slightly off from the course there are two diamonds one vertical another one horizontal so for horizontal alignment your diamond should be over here in this middle and for vertical alignment uh your diamond should be here so right now i think the plane is trying to align itself with runway 12 right it should align away this diamond should be here in the center okay as now i'm at a slightly higher altitude than then the then then the given point so that's why this this diamond is up if i if i was coming really high if let's say if i was at six or seven thousand this diamond would be over here so if you were seeing this diamond above this yellow line it means you're at a lower altitude and you are safe and at certain point in time over here um between the runway uh this diamond will come in the middle so it means that you can then start your ils approach and you can start the descent so right now you can see that the autopilot has automatically adjusted itself with the runway and now we are horizontally aligned with the runway now for the glide slope to catch so let's wait for this diamond to come here in the middle and then you will see this button approach i will press this button approach and the plane will start to descend uh so let's reduce the speed to 160 at the low speed with full flaps it's easy to control the plane with the flaps you get not only the additional lift but it also creates a drag which helps the plane to reduce the speed and obviously at lower speeds you need additional lift that's why the wing span increases with this with these flaps and you get an additional lift at the lower lower speeds so the airport and the runway is just right in front of you this diamond is coming in the middle as soon as it's it's in the middle i will press approach the plane will catch the glide slope and then it will automatically starts it start at its descent towards the runway and here it's coming you can see now here approach and as soon as i hit the approach button you can see the plane has started to descend it means that the plane is trying to catch not only trying to catch but rather it's uh trying to follow or following the glide slope and eventually at a certain point we will be at the point we will touch the runway at a nice point 150 i'm further reducing the speed uh below 2000 feet i will get the gears or let's get the gears at 2500. okay it's the time to lower the gears one more thing before the landing yeah this entire skid option should be on and plus your auto brake should be set to maximum uh anyhow right now i cannot select maximum so that's why i always select medium so auto brakes are set to medium and entire skid is on so this is the runway this is 12 lift and this is 12 right and these are the terminals we will be parking over here so everything is looking good now for so far so let's go out and have a quick look the gears are down the flaps are full and coming in straight good if i want to have this view nice view by the way let's go into the cockpit and uh i will be disengaging uh the autopilot i think uh when i'm near the runway this thing i don't know why it happens the scenery is getting refreshed anyhow speed is at 150 knots everything's good full flaps speed set to medium anti-skid on gears down everything is looking good i'm very bad at landings and i hope uh today it's a it's a good and a nice landing my first ever landing in the way was in airbus a320 by air blue it was a direct flight from pakistan to the way so i will now disengage the autopilot and i will not try to land the plane manually you can see i'm trying to keep this diamond in the middle by pulling back and pushing down on the stick slightly off from the runway which i should have been in the middle i don't know why this thing happens every time when i'm trying to land anyhow just fixed my alignment oops i hope today there is no disaster i am always trying to perfect my landings in the microsoft light simulator uh smooth landing now i'll just uh activate the reverse thrust oops there was a plane on the runway that's why you should have got uh clearance from the the tower it's a bus a380 okay i will just try to turn uh left way before right uh okay so there was no collision avoided the collision anyhow uh so that's how you land the plane oh i've done it okay so i have exited the runway earlier because um i didn't want to hit this a bus a380 uh so that's it now it's time to get back the flaps we don't need flaps anymore so i have retracted the flaps and everything is good um i'm in the cargo view of the airport anyhow thank you very much for watching this video and you have if you have any questions do let me know i keep on making different videos so do subscribe to my channel and you will stay updated with that i will right now not complete the taxi towards the gate but if you want to do it um on your leisure time and if you have time you can do that anyhow again thank you very much for staying with me and don't forget to subscribe too much i hope to see you soon
Channel: Atif Ahmad
Views: 1,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fligh Plan, X Plane 11 Flight Plan, Airbus A320, Airbus A320 Neo, A320 Neo, Flight Plan, MSFS, MSFS 2020, Microsoft Flight Simulator, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, MSFS Flight Plan, MSFS 2020 Tutorial, MSFS 2020 Flight Plan, A320 Neo Startup, Starting Airbus A320 Neo, Starting A320, Starting A320 Neo, Plane Startup, Startup Checklist, MCDU, Programing the MCDU, Karachi, Dubai, Engine, Engine Failure, ILS, Approach, Autopilot, Airbus A320 Tutorial, FlyByWire
Id: bXLqmu_ZVpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 51sec (7791 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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