A Whole Different Animal | XP11 Live!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everybody and welcome to the live stream on March 13 2018 hi you doing check out this beautiful airbus a320 100 right here in front to your colors and we even have an orca whale on the tail because that is my favorites whale it's my fate one of my favorite animals of all the time is the orca whale hope you guys are having a good time if you had her Alexander good to see you I saw red beard Anubis in there earlier what's up brother twisted paradox thank you for three months in a row very kind of you sir insane Juan hello hello hello hello hello shailen eh what's up how you doing our code hello to you Barney pates how you doing John 3:24 thing for three months in a row appreciate that dude very kind of you officer 123 with three months in a row as well live streams hope to get into OC RP and play with you one day that would be awesome dude feel free to apply alright guys we are going to be doing a flight from Reno Nevada and we're going over to Denver or going east up to Denver I have makes sense to fly into Denver is frontier I suppose right I have the airplane in a turnaround State what it's known as what kind of a turnaround state I don't have the IRS as a line yet but the airplane is ready for us to start messing with it so let's go ahead and do exactly that top up in here start the I&S or - the IRS is yeah let's start the i ns that's a good one that's a good one I did POW out with Thai with cats trader that knows his airplane quite well and he helped me out with some things that I had issues with and it's it's a work and it's a work in progress my my skill flying this airplane so let's go to the browser and we're gonna sim brief because we know if we do down gonna need that one let's also get the weather for Reno and let's get the weather for our destination of Denver the same thing with this one I'll do okay then Utah UT fell I heard it was gusty over there and a little bit one four zero one three not too terrible here in in Reno we've got winds out of three two zero one five gusts in the one nine so even a little more than the night 10 statute miles of visibility a few clouds of Fox out r500 broken 6,500 broke at 13,000 broken 20012 is our temperature dew points here at 3:00 on 1380 row let's go and put that in there to nine or eight zero on the qh looks looks good to me peak wind two three zero two six that was it 23:31 not a big deal okay beautiful babies in Reno with vitamin C there you go fantastic let's go ahead and jump to some brief is we're all come together well let's get this thing going the mcdu mcdu way are you gonna do in it page first so we're doing K are uh no Romeo November Oscar two kilo Delta echo November boom return to that like number give me a flight number guys off top your head let's choose a frontier flight number for us tonight I will choose the first one I see if it's not sexual in nature how about that 722 I like it flat 722 BAM Cost Index we're gonna go 90 again cuz why not don't our cruise yet and all that we rely on the IRS so we have stuff happening that looks good let's go over to some brief let's start our dispatching for our flight and we're not gonna do it by frontiers we're gonna be using the LUT lido light oh yeah because I'm not going through that nonsense again not understanding what a certain airline wants to do Frontier flight is FFT we flight number 722 flight 722 departing kr and oh I'm going to K 10 alternates good depart whatever don't care and do the time it's good enough for me every 2100 series it's not even in this airplane it's not even in this database so that's why our numbers are a little screwed up and then we have to Pat manually add cargo so let's go one point it's good like three kilos of cargo Heineman that'll work for me Lida we want kilograms yes 60 minutes review sir fuel works for me there's our blackjack I go to Lima Lima Charlie then Bravo alpha Mike then we gun the J 154 to tease those we deal with 54 between those two oh we're gonna get on the the jet way that are the airway and I'm not sure how we do that so we're gonna learn that together how about that sound like fun yes it does Zack sound a sudden B I don't know that's a dark dark blue hi tonight man yes we want to generate the flight plan please use legit oh it's a sweat plan here here we go yes bugs didn't hit 1 million it was awesome or at lunch with him today whenever he hit 1 million was awesome very very very happy for him for tear 72 everything was good flight level 3 7 0 my god that is up there we're not using world traffic 3 because I don't have any ground routes and it was like no I can't do it and was like alright well if you can't do it then I'm not gonna worry about it kind of win-win you know see how fuel weight we'll get that in a second here let's go ahead and go to that let's find out what we have for this stuff block fuel it's gonna be seven Niner five seven seven five nine or five seven seven nine five seven seven nine five seven said it looks good back to this passengers 131 I don't think we can even do a hundred well I think we can't do a hundred every one of these I think it's gonna be a full flight 131 are close to close to that okay and cargos 1.4 total okay so cargo is gonna be a little thing I'm gonna have to get used to so 1.4 kilograms is just not enough to even worry about I'm thinking more along the lines of we're just gonna add cargo ourselves how I know well it says to not do it that way so we're just no cargo that's okay I went a little bit of ballast going on in the front as always there we go gotta have that okay that's our goods zfw is 58.8 we'll see what that actually ends up being 58.8 zfw is 31.2 doo doo doo doo doo 52.4 sounds a little off but that's alright we're gonna have them go ahead and grab that weight request we're boarding our passengers on board here alright that all looks nice in it performance tab you get our VR in RV to speed we're gonna do 132 for our rotation or a v1 speed as well there we go transitions gonna be 18,000 feet alright flaps 1 and it's going to be what it's gonna be down 0.3 and then down 0.3 I did learn with that meant check take off data oh I think we have to recalculate our these feeds no no no if that meant check take off data if you auto-shutdown why why is this being stupid have a fault on the master switch why I started the APU and then they shut it down automatically Oh fuel love now I'll find out what's the star I don't Lee it's gonna start the does that that's something new great now let's just turn them on the these anyway I normally have these on see if that does anything for him they want fuel pumps for some stupid reason if you ought to shut down fantastic now worried about it okay backs what we're doing I'll take 15 CL there you go everything's great fantastic just checking you guys out here Rob's here whiskey what's up brother thank you for the cheer for if she ate that GPS primary okay back to what we were doing here is the AP used to be it's stupid few low PR to be not load to fuel in there maybe that's our issue know we add to the fuel we have fuel in the airplane it's just master switches a set at fault can we not change that I guess it's I guess no APU cool so that means we're gonna be starting at the stand with an air start perfect external there an external bleed for this I don't think so but there is I don't know how to do it she would be starting both engines off of the air cart which I assume it's gonna get it assume it's going to get it we'll see if it does or not all right so let's go back to flex 1045 set it's good not allowed yeah we know that allowed next phase brief so everything's good for clim okay sweet all right so what we're gonna do now is go to the flight plan we need to make our flight plan here so we are doing the blackjack departure whatever the hell that is we're going to find out blackjack and see winds are out of the north here in Reno we're going to go with three four left three three four left I think cuz we're gonna go with ya blackjack of its they're not allowed okay great you don't have a blackjack good god I don't know what old one to use like a burner thing about three months in a row appreciate that dude yeah we have a ground power already out there hooked up that's what we're on right now see ya the AP you just failed on us I don't know what happened there I literally started it up like I normally do turn the master switch all the way to three seconds or so started the AP you it was on and running turned on the AP bleed everything was fine the airplane was running on the APU but then it just failed out of nowhere so I guess we're not gonna have a SID yeah I guess we're not gonna have a sit I just I don't know what else to use hungry three P P vine three let me let me look these up good god man can't ever get that can't ever get lucky with it with this stuff it's a matter of the naviga if you pay for an Ave agree and then you got a deal with it when new planes come out it doesn't work I mean that's alright that's part of it you know hey Reno you KRS no get airport information can you not do it with the effects it just doesn't work internet website doesn't work cool it's opening it up in a bunch of tabs over and over I don't think this browser supports it I think that's the issue okay good enough so much for that already having a Google to try to get something here krn oh Sid can we just go directly to this will that open it yep the ticket so they let me have a blackjack in here what the does that mean are they just saying to go to direct to that intersection Matt maybe I think that's what they're talking about okay so that makes sense yeah direct to blackjack I should have seen that blk Jake okay son of a took roll f2 blah blah blah and then we do blackjack so be okay JK making it a lot more difficult than it should be okay got it then we go direct to LLC it's good and then we go to ban that one and then what we want to do is go to next Waypoint TCH wait a minute Airways yeah via vein the j-15 4 - TCH j14 - TCH I think this is how we do it it could be completely wrong here and then J 5 6 this CH e j 5 6 yep CAG I'm just watching the the chap make sure no is shot on me that I'm doing something wrong and the kale to arrival alright temporary fly playing that guy [Music] yup let me did a kale to arrival into Denver whatever we can find look runway so wins in Denver are one four zero one three so out of the South by one six left what are they usually used in Denver I'm not very familiar with with with Denver do we land on one six left there one six right as one six right looks like a lot more runway I'm gonna go to one six right on this one I'll wait and see if anybody has anything to say about it yeah I do the same thing Alexander I'm gonna go one six right it's longer for self and see a lot people say one six left but is that based off of are you just trying to guess I'm I'm little one six right sorry kill to know transition took your flight plan that there we go insert and let's see if we have a disco we do have one there let's go for the top and let's step through it everybody the flight plan together all right so here we go direct blackjack on our departure so we go to Jack Black Jack yeah Jack Black we go to Lima Lima Charlie Bravo alpha Mike in the airway on goes the screws goes to bvl there so Bravo Victor Lima then tango Charlie hotel then Nelson then Charlie Hotel echo and when there's our top of the scent and French scarf Thomson and there's our arrival into Denver on one six right looks just about perfect there and then we would hold it bruised if we have to so very cool I'm very happy with that back to the arc I don't know how we're gonna start these engines up to the gate ball we're gonna do our best all right so that's good we're gonna be going to flight to level three seven zero which is way up there but we'll just do it since we have so much to manage as it is is a single pilot yeah one six right that's what I chose tjk I could have swore it was I mean just based off of that it looked like it was probably that case three seven I'll do nothing else to add their performances set all right flap open yeah I don't know if I don't think you can fix your AP it once it's once it's broken guess guess we had failures on for that or something okay so that's good speed it's gonna be managed altitude to be managed vertical speed is going to be managed nope met this imaged or not there we go okay that's good to go max on a break break fans are off alright folks I think we're pretty much ready to get on out of here I don't know about you some brief everybody else looks good yep alright let's go ahead and plan our way out of here so we're just gonna push out to the right yep let's go ahead and do that better push back going to the right crowded cockpit plan acknowledged call me through the menu when you were ready we will do that yasss flap open I don't know what the that means and I don't flow fuel OPR means APU is enough okay good to know all right we'll call him up when we need to not gonna start pushback yeah we have to start up on the ground so let's get this thing taken care of let's go to our doors here service cargo those guys can go bye-bye let's get our doors page open here so we're gonna make sure let's close the cabin door passenger Kevin remove get that thing to go bye-bye removing the jetway away cabin door is closed you see if the air cut air everything works they're online you know we'll see if it works me doing the ground start at the stand because we have a tena APU today lovely lovely stuff checklist mister our before start few lean is good Chuck's I'll remove traffic codes remove a panel ap you don't have it external power is going to be on right now doors or closed beacon is on you're clear to start engine number two although we can get everything on the engine too and then we can push back you'll see how that works blow start air pressure and I don't know how to do this with a air cart maybe the bleed doesn't do it not air maybe I don't know yeah yeah normal North look feel pressure is normal you try to figure out how to do the wouldn't be eighty you bleed it would be whatever bleed we can get off of the air cart which doesn't seem like it's being too helpful here having that on there doesn't seem to matter the packs were on maybe that'll do it and see no that's not gonna do it either nope it's low error yeah low air pressure it's nothing to do with the packs those are all Auto on an air bus anyway I'm looking for external bleeds I just don't you would think they'd be on the air conditioning pack through supplying them and then DRAM air APU bleed I don't know what this is maybe that's the one hoping that bleed there and see if that's it never had to do a ground start that was it found found the long we needed for that start an engine numeral oh field truck that's what we forgot get out of here [Music] no the bus tie is it's all automatically done on this airplane it's a little bit different here we go got a good start we're not going to go ahead and start engine number one for anyone right we are on the gens external power can go off there we go and we can also go to auto with that guy the packs are good then kill those and the ground power unit let's get the pushback go in here so that's what you have to do when you have it in OP APU and when we get into Denver we're gonna have to pull in with the engines running until they get that all okay that was the story of my life for the 7 but working on seven two sevens van that's all they ever did it's a little bit different today than normal without an APU planes a whole different animal that's actually pretty cool and real-life air started Airbus's the pain takes a couple of ignitions I believe that the grisaille I do believe that 70-72 going like forever dc-8 were a - not gonna lie so a little bit of a delay getting out of Reno today but that's okay we got it working okay all right you're good to connect sir yeah Airbus is a pretty much pretty it's really automated the whole system is it's pretty amazing how it works so looks yeah that works so connected and BiPAP get inserted relief parking brake pocket blades parking brakes are released everybody push back all right while they're pushing back I'm gonna go use the laughs be right back all right is having the rest of my coffee here as we're pushing back out of the gate operationally complete that parking brake all right parking brake is set there clear to disconnect the towbar we're disconnect and we'll see you on the left-hand side all right we'll wait for the pin we'll see you next time thanks for help let's go flaps one here do it from the wing view of course as always it's the best way to do it just apply controls okay I'll do the porting back here like a trolls page board no back middle flaps gonna be down or the trims gonna be down at the 0.3 we got that right here so let's put the pitch trim down to 0.3 0.3 perfect right there is set all right after start checklist we already did all that engine wing anti-ice is good if you bleeds are off if you matches off this trim just set engine mode selector or gonna leave it over there that's good spoilers armed flaps are set rudder trim zero you can fly controls free and correct we didn't do the rotted enough right rudder neutral left rudder neutral very good as we see right there all right hand signals received let's get on out of here ladies and gentleman taxi clearance obtained and let's go taxi on there and release the parking brake we're out of here let's go to Denver everybody bye-bye Reno it's been fun bunch of FedEx and UPS over there on the left of us I didn't need some plain emotes you're right Annabeth's 100% correct I'll look into that for sure I feel like we should change our our guys position on this flight let's get like a wing seat back here it's something a little bit different you know you can see here not the window okay a little bit there there we go that's good on this one yep got rid of our other wing view that's okay this one we need to move number nine we're gonna just move them over here actually do a little different side this one well I'm moving the airplane I'm gonna go ahead and hit the brakes a little bit let's do way in the back who's way in the back here way up this way there we go that's a classic be right there when you're in the very very very back there we go got this wing view and then the other one change it up a little bit you know [Music] I feel like you get a good a different sound with everything it looks like world traffic did load I'll turn ta on RA on anyway the one landing Southwest Airlines I did Lud okay it didn't tell me that it did it we just like there's no ground routes I'm like okay so planes land they disappear but that's that's alright that's because the Reno's see me I have its static aircraft they're not actual aircraft that's the reason why I know pilots behind us TJ unfortunately I'm gonna look into getting ground rats for this Airport where he knows a cool airport to fly in and out of I don't know why I never do I was thinking of doing something a little bit different than we normally do you know Jeff stick 39 thank you for that did appreciate that approaching 0-7 and there's all those landing right there very nicely done sir very nicely done indeed moves it from the side watch him go Whitsun bye got another one behind him landing still using the side stick you up using the gladiator mark 2 pro I love it to get another Southwest nope it's ERJ of some sort or J 175 or something like that potato that be petite oh that would be really cool to do ORP in VR but unfortunately can't because it doesn't work with um it doesn't work with 5mm currently VR doesn't or the program you have to use for GTA 5 for VR which is vorpax he's landed on the right runway it looks like oh he's laying on this one nope he's on the other one that'll work [Music] all right parking brakes it we are good with a auto brake max takeoff config press that guy let's go ahead and do that take off configs on normal there he is American Airlines ERJ landing on the right runway over there cool alright back to what I was doing for takeoff - gasps - set engine mode selectors are our good break town we checked it 150 we are good we're at ten degrees Celsius so whatever that means Creek fans are off slide tables are stowed takeoff clearance is obtained Stern lights all its next folks [Music] just go ahead and do the turn off and will doing will do everything so they all know where we're at I clear the flight line it looks like it's good to me somebody out there nope we're good approaching three four left yep we're good hit our chronometer here BAM on runway three four left yes we are and we are clear takeoff flex 45 so airspeeds alive in its v1 rotate positive rate gear to manually fly the arc to still manually flying it it's following our flight director right now that's it you're gonna climb got much better with a side stick you have to get a little cool little here and there nothing too bad good right there autopilot is good 9,000 feet turn 50 knots looking good 10,000 feet check faint lights out when lights off it's a green all right beautiful departure out of Reno we might be able to see Rena off our right note I guess not or in the clouds airplanes accelerating it's close view over there we'll stay in this wing view until we make our turn towards blackjack these airplanes are not designed to fly without the autopilot that's why you do not do it if you want to fly with no autopilot and even it like a 727 or 707 like old old stuff had a Sperry auto pilot at an old system it's not it's you know sophisticated is today but you fly airplanes with auto pilots commercial airliners you do you would never fly it ham fly the entire time yes seatbelt light is still on it's going to be on all the way till we get the cruise we're over blackjack starting our left turn why don't I stream on YouTube because I am a twitch partner I'm partnered to twitch cannot do that why would you want to hand fly anyway that would ruin nap time pick no bacon that's gonna fly exactly why would you want to do that do I see a time where pilots are no longer needed no I don't airplanes are already completely automated systems you just need to have pilots in there that that are keeping the airplanes in check that's their job all right we're looking nice 16400 18,000 feet we'll set our stuff let's do the 10,000 foot check where it did after takeoff those are good spoilers I'm not gonna disarm me they make the sound engine most like just good - actually what you got all that stuff 10,000 feets was checked that's good yep we're good until the pre descent nattie live 37 do you want to watch our Racine is tomorrow at 9 p.m. Eastern right here on Twitch rolling code three I'm told that it has the PTU bark but I haven't heard it personally I listen in the windy views and stuff and I still haven't heard the bark which sucks I do want them to change that so let's go to Niner Niner two and I usually push it in and pull it back out and that's fine standard there we go let's go outside in Bartlett six nine four thank you for that subscription welcome to the street and family appreciate that dude miss anybody else did I do Molly yes I have my PBL my private pilot's license I'm not a commercial pilot now yeah I think that talk to everybody fly and see world Soph the boss well even better we're going to Denver their food service on this flight nope well there will be you can get like you know a small Kanak not even a can you'll just get like a little cup of coca-cola or whatever and peanuts and pretzels or where the whatever they give you these days yeah milk mug I think that's the reason why I didn't say it originally because it was ridiculous but thought about getting into berated I mean out of them I I did my instrument I did like I started doing my instrument strength training and yes it was expensive I was paying like a hundred forty dual in at the time but now I don't I'm not kind of not going to be a commercial airline or a commercial pilot in any sort of fashion so I kind of just fell in love with swimming or I made a long time ago that's what got me into real aviation but I've kind of swung back to simming over general aviation I disagree Fresno wolf the flight simulator for me is to simulate a flight from point A to point B flying is a very very very safe thing and failures and emergencies all that are just such a small percent of what flying is all about in my opinion we're flying the flight factor a320 Superman I haven't picked up the Tullus yet I'll have to do that I've heard great things about it no I have not been to EAA been - gosh one of these times and go into Sun and fun though so for those of you that are going to Sun and fun down here in Florida I will be there oh I remember the 77 engine flameout my dad the cloud said I'm using right now this is um ultimate weather XP 2.2 and I just I got it this to change the sky color does everything is it it does a lot more than just the clouds so the default clouds with X plane are actually not bad at all and they're they're 3d they're volumetric these are not these are more 2d but to me they it covers the ground a lot more realistically so that's reason why I'm using it one thing I don't understand this recently explained has not been putting in turbulence at all the weather stations are not giving me turbulence I'm getting these fluctuations of the wind like here and it winds aloft and the winds aloft have been broken too cuz they're just showing like out of the north it had like five knots like it would be like 18 70 knots or something if you're up here on the jet stream when we get up and we get up higher up it hasn't been doing that lately it's just been doing this back and forth nonsense and I haven't gotten any turbulence at all so I don't know what's going on with that Nashville to San Francisco that's way too long of a flight remain ma'am release is landing light on wine oh that wouldn't it and go all the way off did it that'll be life it doesn't play the video oh wait yeah the renderer doesn't work in this sadly doesn't work but you guys can see yourself on here be leveling off here shortly that wind is pretty bumpy like it's it's it's Swain is pretty good let's do a flyby view chemtrails - did you - Dan Jane didn't did you - damn damn really I'm not gonna hit that button today activate approach face but I did learn how to fix it you got a prog and you enter your current altitude and it'll fix that issue if we do accidentally a pro do approach phase and we don't activate approach face or about ten miles out from the final approach fix that's what it means so now we know you learn something new every day hey Peter mr. Peter Loki I knew him brother we're flying to Denver on the a320 here I do like frontiers colors they're cool we're almost at our top of climb we're three seven zero to be right after Bravo alpha Mike captain for a day 737 I don't know what that one is but I am going to Vegas for flight sim Expo well I check out flight sim world again I think I will they have some more things popping their way but it's just it's the ESX thing it's it's the feel of the airplanes on takeoff and landing and the way they behave in the air that's what does it for me I just that's why I don't use prepared and I don't use any of the ESX or ESXi X is a stuffer five M whatever you call it or is it the same thing he is expert in Fahrenheit I don't know don't remember what it's called anymore doing well Jaden how you doing Harvick's been kicking ass man ESP that's what it is thank you Alex I'm so used to saying yes accent five M that's what our server is running the ESX framework DOJ uses the ESX framework now they just switched over to it finally Yeti the great thank you for gifting a subscription to trick lowball very very kind of you sir Delta was not the one for that right there that so do you have to beat someone up that that's United thank you for that cheer there pro craft legend whitey thank you so much alright we're coming up on our topic lime here soon I don't know but the way the amount of wind we're getting a shifting around him this might be a bumpy flight into Denver we're gonna probably turn off the seatbelt sign after that but if if it continues to be bad we're gonna turn it back on no seat RP emot-- would be awesome well all in good time and have a good one swig tag is 35 take care of brother I know problem call me it was good to talk to you man all four Stuart hearts racing cars on top I know dude it was amazing like Almirola really is doing good then the den to do the day I didn't down alright coming upon three 700 right here and if you're wondering I have the ground spoilers armed because watch if I unarmed them it makes that rumbling sound so that's the reason why I don't have that on there air three 7l you're free about to move about the cabin and use the laboratories 37,000 feet [Music] but keep an eye on the turbulence if I mean this isn't really turbulence you just wind moving us around but you know what I bet Airbus has a weird thing with this I bet 9 means 90 I'll be willing to bet that be something weird like that oh that wouldn't make sense because it would be like zero zero five or something like that I don't know what that means it should be a lot more than that see stopple what's up dude spoiler sounds yeah for virus city yeah I can do that let's let's do that actually there we go there we go now I don't have that rumbling sound on all the flights that I've ever been on I've never heard those things rumbled that loud whenever they open those up honestly never noticed it before I don't know about you guys we are flying from we just departed a Torino and we're headed to Denver so right now our flight plan looks like this check takeoff data how about we don't how about we don't need it there we go even better let's check our faces here real fast without screwing this up throat see this says l1 6r I don't that if we selected a final I don't know if we selected a mile s or not really don't know let's get some data for this thing let's get some arrival data it's going to be Denver's let's go ahead and refresh this one go Cayden meet our is this thing doesn't like to refresh on its own here you go one floor one six zero one three expect that number 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 temperature is or that 9.4 Celsius but r9 se transition altitude 18,000 feet full mmm da worry about the previous phase previous phase do not hit activate approach phase cuz that would screw it all up I want to do that do not want to do that we got over here international flights are way too long we'll do that one time on a stream though or what yeah if we do a long stream we'll do it across the pond or something you're gonna bring Finding Bigfoot back to the channel when they finish it I'm still waiting for them to finish it the end of the great wettest can make to some but the others yes serving you can make a lot of money if you do it right but it's only if you get good tables I mean people always do some stupid stuff where they don't do that we're gonna hold off on doing a charity stream for a while I got completely burned on the last one so we'll see I didn't get really burned I mean I'll have to do some more organizing with it come on scrubs here soon enough all right come over here so I can see you guys over here a lot as we get nothing but no DOJ comments I'm gonna be staring at that's alright trick love oh it happens ma'am yes is a Perry where airplane this airplane is $90 like I think it's eighty nine ninety five or something it's really expensive but you get a lot of airplane for that money though it's a matter if you really love the Airbus systems then it might be an airplane for you but a lot of people say no I don't they don't understand the difference it's well worth the $90 study level peter hoover i have to agree with you it's a it's a fantastic airplane but there's a lot of people don't understand the reasons why or how like with a niche like this and the flight sim community these companies have to charge quite a bit of money when they when they they do full-on simulations of an air airplane I'm Jack sell apiece I'll be watching twitch mid-flight so that's where the man with guts when we fly absolutely and the FAA has these approved by the way these tablets they're all the your approach plates and all that stuff they're all in there and go right in there and and load them up and this one you can't and don't believe so this brightness yeah its brightness I don't know what that one does I'm not gonna click it either I don't click random things in these airplanes anymore I've learned my lesson been in the air for 32 minutes long way to go still folks yep maybe Dan lives there yes yes very cool ex logic Yeti's getting close to a year man well the airplanes that have to have the backup system in there so that's what they do I think your potato appreciate that yeah Peter Hoover to me honestly explains just it's the way the airplanes feel and how how they are and the the blade theory physics just makes more sense to me I've never been a fan of how Microsoft Flight Simulator flies explain is quite challenging most people that try it out are kind of like blown away by how challenging it can be to land but you know airplanes are they're not the easiest thing in the world to land the bigger ones are but messages are more stable yep their craft feel like a rock and p.3d I agree and not to mention it's just when you land it's just like you flare and this is like you're down it's not like this movement you don't feel like the airplanes action landing on the surface line in real-time Peter yes yes and though and we could change it to the evening time for our arrival haven't used any of the night lighting this thing yet there's a nightlight in there it's pretty cool we do a little bit evening here the Sun down on the edge I love flying at night that's my favorite time to fly but for stream wide stream purposes and other things like that I tend to not do it why on the a320 fly factory three winning candy Pearson what's up brother how you doing tonight it's winds starting to get a little more violent it seems doesn't it we'll just let the Sun go down naturally and if we get into Denver with the Sun down we do the weather is live yes using live weather albeit not the greatest I don't know why I can't get turbulence in X plane anymore let's get the sways just the sways tonight mazaki thank you for three months in a row appreciate that dude how much further till the Denver we had a long way to go still in fact I might bring the Sun back up just a little bit more just because Peter Cooper I have I had ex enviro but yeah I'm waiting for the new version to come out I uninstalled 107 because I have too many issues with it wonder if this thing has a whether it are looks like it does it's another thing we won't register what I'm doing here II no no it works or not I don't think it does now you can't click on it it's not modeled yet not yet and not a name 58 thank you for that subscription with twitch prime appreciate that dude I'm not a name well it makes me happy man thank you so much it's awesome that the content would produce on YouTube and here on Twitch it's an honor to be able to entertain young you guys really is no we didn't have the radar last night we had the terrain try to scroll a little I did this girl will doesn't work it's not work mag burns yes I could use VR if I wanted to I'll have to do that one of these times so I can see the chat while I'm in VR in the plane what's the worst weather I've flown in on explain some some nasty thunderstorms in when I was flying in the st. Louis one time that was pretty bad it was really bad turbulence and the it was just blinding rain and like it was down to like minimums to the runway it's pretty crazy TJ if there was a decent 787 I would use it there just not a good 77 for X plane same thing with the a380 I don't use the a380 for the same reasons Pepsi man I've done plenty of those iris I've done plenty of IRA scene streams with the wheel cam that's awesome peter hoover yeah the old fsx series was a spawn man it really was oh damn used to be an Avalon awacs Kenny Peterson very cool dude Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma bruised banana - I have to agree with the Ellen Allen that's a good visit good one and zoom in on it if it's there it was right there he says do you see a change in how we the people view entertainment like we're we slowly moving away from TV like me I found myself watching more YouTube and other shows on the internet more than my TV I do the exact same thing man i watch more YouTube and stuff than the another television and I'm pretty much unplugged I only watch television for NASCAR i watch like you know on fox or whatever because the commercials are such a nightmare Kable dizzle is it waste online let's see you use it for one thing which I only use it for one thing look steering wheel do I recommend for truck something with no budget honestly I use I use thrust match TS pc racers when I use its but any of the thrust master wheel bases are pretty nice like you can get some really good ones and then you can change out the rim if you'd like hey roses rose I see you're in here hello oh yeah virus city I forgot about that when I was flying the twin otter in de saber Jason L that's awesome man I wish I wish NASCAR would just do on-demand I would buy that in a heartbeat the T 300 RS is a great great wheel base as well all is well Bebo w88 thank you sir trudge sir 14 what's up brother how you doing we're up here at chillin at flight level three seven zero almost two TCH here think of Charlie hotel so we got CDC H Nelson CH e and then we here top of the sent right after CH n so a little bit further to go Sun is starting to set behind us I always do mount and then zoom in because you get that air-to-air shot and it slows the camera down and it's not as nearly as loud that's another nice thing about it these slow panning shots that look cool saw the Sun over here blow that cloud neck over there that's pretty sweet yes there is a cabin in here excuse me scuse me scuse me I actually do need to use the lab so I'm gonna use the lab we go ahead and do that I'll give you guys a nice little little thing over here you see out the side back there too it's pretty cool the hole over here pretty nice all right I will be right back I'll give you guys yes I do on this one be right back we are back nobody's been gettin kind of moved around in the Arab it from the the winds but no turbulence no clear air turbulence or anything it's quite strange honestly forty-three might be what's up brother how you doing man it's going well dude Brown doggy thinking for the cookies longest flight i've done in explain probably like st. Louis down to Miami or something like that or was Fort Myers pretty long flight animals are doing well Bendis in here right now laying on the ground can someone tell me if streamers benefit from twitch crimes subscriptions yes we do we do get a cut of that I love SpaceX I think it's amazing what they're doing loon the time in Luna is not in here now where she's at any time around doggie nice Jaden yup bred to Colorado learning a Harvick whipping everyone's ass I think it's amazing he's an incredible driver trying give David that but he wasn't having it that's funny oh nice Yeti that's awesome dude that would be cool night mode you know what we should do it I don't know why I don't have it in night mode will even let me oh it doesn't even pop up at the top this is the mic a mobile version of it or something or if it's in here nope I'm not really sure how I do it in this version they're having a night mode on my other one the lower right of the video okay the city settings dance nope yeah report me the intermode aha there we go much better theater mode yeah that looks much better on that I like it getting close to our arrival no not closer so quite a ways out but still better than nothing now in pink clouds happen in there let's do a flyby yeah the dark-blue names are always hard to read that's what I have on my other monitor is the dark-blue names that's why that's hard to read them login to get knighthood now yeah it's all right this will work for now Greggy Greene names of the wind Yankee exactly I can't discern a little bit better on the other monitors so that's fine with me PC noob it's not a screen mod it's um it's part of the flight factor a320 does you have one on this side and then you have one on this side over here to independent from each other so if you have a co-pilot you can go through that which I believe there is a shared cockpit file for this airplane where they're working on one but when you are then will you'll be able to have your own tablets which is really cool it's starting to get scary good you know it's at that level yup tjk absolutely that's aviation in a nutshell nope we always welcome me here killer Keith now shared cockpit works if you get the plug-in fort you have to buy a plug-in it's it's not very expensive it's like 10 bucks it's called smart copilot and you both have to have smart copilot keys and a license version of it and then you might have to do some port forwarding depending on if you're you've got to be the master or the slave and then you connect to each other and then that's pretty much it that you have to read site notes and a lot of airplanes saying like you know you can't have this or this which makes sense but you can take turns transfer control to each other but whenever one person is the pilot and command P I see then the other person does all the first officer duty state they're not they don't fly the airplane or anything they're going to be doing all the other stuff - the sunlight hitting that all those seats inside there that's cool one thing I do wish that they would start modeling the next plane is a lot of these developers just won't won't mock they'll do awesome airplane models but they don't put pilots in the damn cockpit like come on let's get with it why aren't there any pilots in the cockpit that's one thing is the kind of irks me we need pilots vivid zip thank you sir glad you like explain well that's cool with that Sun lighten up the tail right there that's amazing and gold and glow of the Sun yep it's a orca whale on the tail orca whale on the tail everybody a CT unknown it's going well man how you doing tonight don't recommend next plane 11 absolutely man it's it's a fantastic sim and the default airplanes you get like the default 737 is it's a joy to fly like it's it's good even the md80 that comes with it like those third they're enough to definitely get your feet wet in flight city it's by far one of the best and if it's just mean the copilot should be a DLC should be included yes and know that it's it's kind of messy the code the code required to ride it all I could to make it all happen it's not built-in to explain itself but I think would be nice of laminate research research would put that into the game semi I really do think that I have to agree glad I could do it fire city Kenny Pearson yes I play guitar I play bass clearly with guitar I play piano I play drums and I sing do it all Greer's banana I do believe I do plan on doing more more vlogs and shoot a vlog for tomorrow probably shooting a vlog tomorrow for the channel so be on the lookout for that top of the cents gonna be after charlie hotel echo and that's after we have 113 nautical miles or so I don't let that hold up is that that is to speed out yeah learn 10 nautical miles in 30 and 30 so still always to go I start to see it out right here is there a pink light on in here now well maybe it's part of the Sun sexy barely peeked up yeah it's definitely part of the sunset remember the memo about the thing with the [Music] man it looks so good especially when it's like right down the side of the airplane air you can see the shine of it no it's cool of course bruised banana we weren't for you guys I wouldn't be doing this you know Nach madness March Madness that that March Madness or three might be likes frontier I was here and starting soon oh Kenny have a good night man take care of yourself Slevin found all the lighting in this I'm not figured it out for the lighting I think they come on automatically but I don't know where the actual knobs are for the lighting of the panel that's this stuff now by the weather haha okay that makes sense well that's cool straightforward you done dust hello how you doing welcome to the stream I Racine is taking place at Auto Club Speedway in California tomorrow we flew in there from Phoenix last night on stream so Monday's are gonna be doing the flights from the track to another track we flew coach because our CNR racing team is pretty much bare-bones in right now the weather for arrival and to have a look at it it is let's uh let's actually go back on it so we can re redo it so we have an updated weather information here one four zero ten not so we have its Denver one four zero one zero ten statute miles visibility a few clouds 14,000 feet with 25,000 temperatures 62.8 about seventy three zero one four this is the breakdown of it if you want to look at the breakdown 1 4 0 10 you might have to update that information temperature changed a little bit too it's six the altimeter changed to three Zittel little three zero one four not by much just a little bit means the pressures going up nicer weather laying on 1/6 right pretty dissents gonna be eight asitane I'm CDU because good to go we did all of that now back here sees good little breaks we're gonna set those seatbelts science and all that I got you basic stuff here pretty basic stuff we're gonna start our descent down at the top of descent we're probably just gonna have have it do something a little more simple here probably go down initially - so your flight levels there 8,000 probably initially we're gonna be busy by then so let's see where the intercept he's right there that's if we have to go around so Jetsons it's 7,000 so we're probably gonna have it to send down to 7,000 because the Denver airports at five thousand three hundred and seventy feet Jesus you can realize that yeah we'll have it go down to 7,000 initially forty-three might be appreciate the cheers man best airline experience I've had I used to fly a airline called USA 3000 they had a fleet of a320s they were like owned by Apple Vacations nice to fly them frequently they're amazing so like a flight from st. Louis to Fort Myers Florida they would give you a full like sub sandwich chips and a can of soda to start your flight they gave you that to you before you start a taxi this is pretty crazy and there it is always really really nice and I just always had some of the best flights in my life on on that airline so I really love them sad that they're gone Kevon g14 we're flying from Reno we departed on to Reno Nevada and now we are on our way to Denver we're getting close to our top a descent into Denver International Airport am furious thank you for the subscription welcome to the stream family appreciate that dude see stopple I started my route was to go to be a commercial pilot and then things changed I ended up doing YouTube instead yup Midwest Airlines used to give you a fresh chocolate-chip cookie now he's gone USA 3000 that airline when I was talking about fuel on board right now at 4300 kilograms everything in this airplane is in kilograms they don't have it impound swords and an option to do it in pounds yet unfortunately what made me go into the youtubes it just went that way I had no intentions for it to be what did but once I saw like what it could be that's when it like when I was working at the airport I would come home and do videos I was doing it as a hobby and then to do jutsu full-time it becomes a full-time job like it becomes a very full-time job especially doing YouTube and streaming but on top of that it was to the point where it started you know doing well and it was it was it was growing at a rapid rate and I had to make the decision at that point if I was going to quit my job and go do this or do both or you know be miserable and and not take that chance because once I went full-time I was doing two videos a day and I was doing it but I didn't leave my job until I was making the same amount of money off youtube as I did at my job so once that happened we had crossing that threshold and then it just kept going from there I never had any intentions to do it but once I saw that this opportunity presented itself and it was going to be something great I was like well I'm just gonna do it what position did you hold when you worked at the airport I was a ramp agent I've been I've been contract supervisors before I've done all sorts of stuff have the equipment operations yep the old airport blogs there's plenty of those too still on the flow of the channel too kid hogs 250 what's up brother Naga luc1 thank you for four months in a row appreciate that dude thank you so much that's what wing view here yeah I can't really see much the Sun went down and it's still going down behind us there my first gaming rig it wasn't really a gaming rig was a Dell XPS 1000 or no DeMint Dell Dimension 2500 or something I don't remember what my original one was been a long time makan I appreciate that man thank you so much yep the intone of 124 i would i did i did load that thing now at one time sometimes my favorite airport was always RSW middle Southwest in Fort Myers Florida when I would vacation down here and visit my grandmother it would land there and I was so happy to be in Florida I've always I've wanted to live in Florida to LA like 16 yielding dust I have I met bugs in 2012 we started YouTube together right around the same time Pablo honey please come down to Florida hazard hand-washing uris classic Jerky Boys things coming down to Fran our death Pablo honey yup my grandma lived in Port Charles lived in Punta Gorda well she still lives down in Punta Gorda so I down in that area but yeah I'm in the port of Charlotte many times damn Wesley Snipes yep that's pretty much what I had back in the day almost over charlie hotel echo and then we get to our top at descent soon enough what's up Andrew weii one one seven how you doing by the Orlando Sanford Airport school whoo man that's a nice hit of win there go ahead and flip on the seatbelt sign we're getting some crazy jumps and wind here so I don't want it to get too crazy for people what's not you had bad turbulence and all people screaming like they were dying where was that at Hey look at this we're almost to our top of the cent let's send it down to 7,000 feet I mean very careful how I touch that very careful indeed it's good to turn on the seatbelt signs anyway because we're getting ready to start our descent about some boy plays thank you for three months in a row appreciate that man thank you so much we're starting our initial descent soon and you're gonna turn on the terrain on nd so we have that as well painting about that because we have a lot of mountains in the area I don't trust all of these arrivals that as well all right top of the sensor right here I'm gonna just press it in right there and begin our initial descent into Denver International Airport quite a ways to go still Chetty Oh what's up brother yeah look at this wind pushing us around alright let's go ahead and it to do really good to do I gotta checklists pretty scent II just don't care about it do good to go now that your see good auto brakes gonna be medium set seatbelt signs are on anti-isis required plug details are stowed and we'll do that with the approach checklist not an approach mode yet that'll be a little pink dot those times don't let correct wing anti-ice on a plane is slowing attempts only 43 there that's not too bad but we're just gonna be careful on the way in you know do it that way moonshine Ranger what's up how you doing man like what does the cabin look like at night very dark it looks like this very dark you can't see a damn thing Chad we've departed out of Reno Nevada and now we are making our initial descent into the Denver International Airport flying the a320 the flight factor a320 in x-plane 11 I need a little bit of this there we go open up those on the wing spoilers to assist with the descent why is this airplane descending like a madman what are you doing it's descending at 6400 what are you doing what the is this it's coming back now if Jesus man what is this doing what are you doing you dumb dumb thing okay it's not doing any more of a Jesus line now the airplane still needs a little bit more work what do you say they're like we're gonna get in don't worry about that you're gonna feel it but sorry guys your ears are gonna be popping on this dissent sponsored by Airbus look at the legs page why doesn't seem like it wasn't supposed to do it see Thompson's 18,000 for 20 and then 13 and 12 it's a nice step down I just don't know what the hell they're thinking really don't on the kale to arrival it's doing all right now it's just it the airplane just freaked out for a second I don't know what happened there 19400 feet yeah we know that was spree speed breakout we'd have it out for a reason because y'all are crazy go put it back to half so it's not so nuts but man anyway those feed brakes still out it's supposed to be I see why because the planes starting to do its step so we bring it back tamo descent more way past table a descent or an 18650 into Denver or Thomson now and down we go forty-three might be already through a pack of gum dude at yours popping yep sorry about it alright we were three zero three zero one four so let's go ahead and go these are one four set altimeter setting yeah three zero one for you talking about altimeter setting you dummy three zero one four are you crazy the chicken head tell me that let me I already know turn on our wing light now you can see yeah now we can I see stop well thanks for stopping by man hanging out with us I was good to see you dude oughta break some medium 15600 remember guys when we get to 10,000 feet we're gonna go to a sterile cockpit flying tables of stone exterior lights are on seat belt sign is on landing system Chuck versus ations good ECAM status is good and your landing checklist so whenever we hit our glide slope Nolan 14200 and coming on down is the city down there right uh never it looks so pretty actually I love it does such an amazing job of doing the ground lighting like that their night lighting is just second to none don't nice descent profile going on here almost two beyond affinity and beyond like Schrom and their finals gonna shred looks like there I'll sit I'll sit shred I said yep shred a 3-2 that one so rival has very particular parameters to it kay bartels thinking for three months in a row to appreciate that ssam see bossman one of my best experiences while flying was when I flew over New York on the cloudless night at 40,000 feet it's an amazing view I bet it was man it's a lot of lights down there I've flown I've flown near New York City at night and seen it it's pretty cool ma'am 2135 you got it brother I plan on doing that we actually had a BAM we had a vor tonight that was your name at Bam vor Bravo alpha and Mike Kayle intersection here 11,000 feet let them know we're going to be seated for landing tonight let's go ahead and activate approach phase is confirmed we're gonna approach phase lane lights gonna come on those winglets own awesome and playing start to slow down see brakes are armed we have the airport in sight localizer is alive I'll land up on it now once we get the localizer here we roll offer and go to approach mode get the airplane configured here for its arrival and I'm the approached count three single localize it's alive and landing checklist name is Rochelle Tuesday's forearms and do that here in a second so we grab the glide slip we put a gear down go Fox one it's kind of a pain in the ass to get it into 1 plus flat say that much yeah we know it we have it in a PU thanks for the reminder their airplane you're sterile talk with guys so I'll see you when we get on the ground geez this airplane is really pitching down what this what is this what are you doing he's being ridiculous tonight put the gear down trust this airplane put some more dragon to it that's two and there you go airplane figure it out a little bit that's good it's a glideslope top stream see the meter says the winds are coming out of the south and then we get here and they come out of the north I do this explain weather is so sometimes I don't understand it sometimes edges the stupid stuff it was a really stupid stuff that's cool [Music] it's no control this is some ridiculous weather is so stupid not realistic in the slightest 1,000 approaching one six right that's good because that's all related on five hundred for landing 300 200 okay that divide slips a little broken and okay great time to load something in 100 when it above my come on now 30 20 we're down reverse sixty clear take the high-speed here three times is what we want brakes are hot take it easy getting off that runway here my fans are on go down a little further I'll make a left turn ahead over there to the gates alright guys how's it good landing we'll check it out on the replay when we're done here we have no apu so we can't start the APU but we can turn off the landing lights and those sexy lights the nose there after lady spoilers or retract those guys BAM be careful going on the Silica's our brakes are still pretty hot way the brake fans on but still you never know 3:40 they're doing good they're cooling off let's let it keep on rolling flaps bring those in check the 300 or trying to get down to 300 without using them again here that's all we have this the high speeds and we're gonna go ahead and take that guy back to standby turnoff terrain on nd don't need it thank you Yankee race glad you guys like the flight it was fun welcome to Denver International Airport I don't know where frontier goes any help would be great we landed on one six right and now we're headed to the terminal three lights or good ap use enough bling into Isis off to make sure we were okay on that front you know strobes and those guys off brakes do not want to cool down because we have to keep using them going down this damn Hill alright this is a good spot we didn't have to cross that runway so Terminal one wears Terminal one from us negates the a gates will figure it out approaching three four right not landing on three four right any concours a gate see negates last set of gates on the right okay well the deicing stands out here that's cool we'll go down that way then I guess I probably see some of our company airplanes I'd imagine somebody just taxi didn't over there it looks like things are starting to cool down we need to get them down to 300 now this is not default seeing this is one of the scenery well it's not I don't believe it's not pay where or anything the freeway of scenery there's frontier right over there now we know where we're going man this thing wants to taxi fast slow your old bro bricks of silt 380 break fans still on trying to cool off parked down between there and there it's another gate little tog all the way buddy this thing's like floating the line is so that's a problem and that's okay tough more than right here yeah it's always too far isn't it this airplane does not want a taxi slow tonight for whatever reason okay we need to have ground power in the hover cart let's get those out there with the Devils and external power is good began off seatbelts on off there we go we were here at the gate everybody we're in one piece let's go watch our landing shall we go just turn these I love this matter those gonna be on we're gonna hit all our and back it up they'll be all right here remember there's no sound on these guys we landed right down that hill I'd be closer actually - up here oh yeah we just kissed it on there let's back it up don't be that far be a little closer to it yeah that was a good landing for sure not bad at all and over the hill it went into our wing views of landing I'll do this one first I wish the strobe lights worked in the replay I wonder if we can turn those on no it doesn't matter this is broken either way of the wing flex was not bad at all even from there watching the left side wing view that's the one to do Ron doggy take care of man have a good one thanks for flying with us tonight is the classic be right here looks so freaking cool man the takeoff captain coke I don't it'll crash the sim flight rider go back that far it was such a long flight that would not do well at all it would definitely crash it for me cleared the runway and we put our speed brakes down and bring the flaps in and all that when we did it right around here can't remember or if it remembers it at all wait healthy there they went just took us forever to put them back down took a long time for that to happen and they went we're coming into the gate well alright guys I think that's gonna be it's for us tonight I'm gonna send you over to large Pharma he's doing some EDI piece some IDI out of peace instead so be sure to go over there and say hello to him show him some love he's been having some major internet issues over there lately so he wasn't able to do anything in for a while but thank you guys so much for flying with us tonight I had a blast thank you so much love this airplane we actually did it right we only had a couple screw-ups but it wasn't terrible you know it could be it could be much worse that is for damn sure but you guys enjoy your night I will see you next time take care [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Favignano Live
Views: 40,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jfavignano, Episode, Series, code, zero, gaming, X-Plane (Video Game), fly with me, x-plane 11 beta, jfavignano x-plane, jfavignano fly with me, x-plane ff a320, flight factor a320, xplane flight factor
Id: m_bKmhy4rp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 13sec (10393 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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