X Plane 11 - FlyJSim Boeing 727 V3

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hello everybody welcome back to explain 11:00 once again this is the Boeing 727 v3 by fly J sim it is finally here it hasn't been released yet in the next couple weeks you will be able to purchase this airplane I was lucky enough to get a early copy from fly JM from Jack and a big THANK YOU to them they know how much I love the 727 and we're like here you want to stream it you want to fly it here you go so there is one bug that I know of because this is a beta version to say airplane and that is the flight director and the FMC don't talk to each other as of right now it will be fixed when it's released but as it stands that is not going to work with that said we're gonna do a flight from Memphis down to Austin Bergstrom International Airport here in the mighty 727 and I this is amazing to have this in x-plane 11 number one but number two they made a freighter so this is a freighter version now I don't know how to open any doors I don't think you can open any of the doors but it's a freighter nonetheless with that said we are doing the pipe II for departure now X plane is not updating so I don't know why we have to do the pipe III departure puppy transition we're gonna do echo Lima Delta vor there and then it's gonna be a Windu transition and the Suzy three arrival because we can't do this to Z 4 into Austin will depart out of here at 3 6 Center and will arrive in Austin on 1 7 right flight level would be 3 to 0 today it's at 32,000 feet we'll get the airplane loaded up here shortly and get the fuel situated I'll show you a little bit more about the airplane here on the Left we've got a little menu that pops open here we have our V speed card here now as the airplane stands right now it's we full of fuel and stuff so we haven't put the numbers in yet so these are all gonna be incorrect but you have a landing card as well the airplane is red because it's showing hey your max landing weight is just over the top and you can see the blue line is outside of the outside of the center of gravity no bueno if we move on here we've got our options menu here I'll put this guy away and here we can change the clock time from local to Zulu if we want it would change inside the airplane co-pilot call-outs are enabled I love those yokes are visible weight display is set to imperial you can change it to metric if you'd like weight and balance is enabled you can disable if you don't want to mess with it and cockpit windows are cleaner right now you can set up the dirty it kind of adds more dirt to the actual little creases of the window and tcats vsi is enabled if we turn that off we won't have that lovely via side gauge here we our field of view we've got exterior sounds we can increase them or we can decrease them as we see fit interior sound the same way I love having those options now system you can have an MMS in this airplane and we're gonna use it today that is enabled if you turn that off you won't have it in their breeding it's just the default uh that's a mess so that's a big there you could turn a GPU cart or an air card on do you want to start the airplane that way area don't mind that that's the weather updating but no physical models pop out when you turn those on sadly so keep that in mind and the final thing is that we have the maintenance system we could turn that on if we would like and this will enable failures for the airplane you have airframe failures engine one two and three and the APU 727 was notorious for having APU issues at the end of its life trust me you don't even know how many times I've had a hookup they air start and fire it up that way let's go ahead and hide that guy away and here is our checklist we have checklists before start checklist engines start eckists you know all that stuff with that said that is the Boeing 77 v3 let's head up into the cockpit and get acquainted so here we are on board the Boeing 727-200 and check it out it is absolutely gorgeous Jack went above and beyond and his team of people at fly J sim look at this I want to show you something really cool here now you see that light splashing out onto the panel like that that is she will light that's not a texture so there is custom lighting in here for every single light so at night it will actually light up things around it in an HDR PBR fashion with that set you can see it's a three-man airplane if you guys haven't seen me fly 727 before welcome to board but number two if you want to see how I got the airplane up and running to a from a cold and dark state on my father on a live channel I did put out a video on there of a flight from Austin here to Memphis in the DHL 77 so if you want to check that out feel free and you can follow along so that's the gauge I was talking about right there now if we open up our options here we turn that off check it out boom got the old standard IB si we went to TK s1 a lot of 72 sevens at the end whatever I was working with them they all had those what else I can't think of anything else I think we're ready to go as I said this is good to go here I have the nav selector here in the aux nav that is what's gonna pick up the FMS so that'll be fantastic keep in mind when you move this originally it will engage the autopilot so I'll just disengage it not a big deal pitch selectors over here we will be doing IAS hold on the way out and then we'll do my cold after that we use our vertical speed as we see fit to go up and down but we will also have to click right here to alt select to capture the altitude it's an interesting autopilot system it steals peri I believe is the name of it what else nothing else we have a working weather radar which is fantastic to have is our altitude selective there and yeah I think we're ready to go flying let's go ahead and get to the weight and balance situated as you can see it's in the red right now so I used some brief and I got some numbers here our load sheet today is gonna be thirty four thousand two hundred pounds so thirty four thousand two hundred you can click these little guys to change them go to go up and down and wait as you see here and you see how that jumped right right there just by taking that out right there was fine so this is position two we want our heaviest cans in the front so this is gonna be thirty four thousand two hundred total now if we look at our cargo hold wait we've got 3,000 750 but we don't care about that we're looking to change this number right here passenger wait so we're gonna fill that up we're gonna take the can out of the door cuz we're not on a 727 and freighter like this if we put that right there that's where the door is and it's a to get that can out so we're not gonna do that or 39,000 we need to be at 34.2 so we can take out another can there and that's 35 we could take out another can there and we're at 31 980 we can take one out there that's 27 3 and now we can add a little bit more well actually no what we can put one really a cookie sheet or something here in the middle 34.2 is what we want so build these guys a little bit more a little bit lighter can in the back here and then we'll put a bull can probably right here for thirty four point two thirty four three we'll take it not too bad not too shabby and the center of gravity is right there 20.6 that will work fuel 34 I'm sorry thirty-five thousand seven hundred pounds today it's at 35 look at the total fuel weight right there it's we're at 25 going thirty five point seven so 35 we're gonna take some weight out for this guy to make it fly okay doesn't wanna do it thirty five nine five okay max landing this is gonna be a little crazy on that we don't want that let's take a little bit of a weight out of the airplane here or maybe not we have cargo up here we want that take those guys out have a fly wake it there see we can do here it balance this out alright to make this thing fly I'm gonna have to take out a lot of weight right there so we're only gonna be able to take looks like twenty five thousand seven hundred forty pounds because of how much fuel we need to take and we're just gonna be safe about it so we're just gonna go with that not a big deal optimal altitudes three four five we're doing 32,000 feet today so we're not worried about that all right so weight and balance is done I'm happy with it I'm gonna sign off on that load sheet we are done there let's get the ATIS and it's one two seven seven five let's do that seven five information Lima 1700 Zulu weather wind calm visibility more than ten sky conditions 2,800 view temperature 3-0 dew point two four altimeter 29.92 arriving from standard pressure center three six left three six right departing runways three six Center three six left three six right advise on initial contact you have Lima we have Lima let's go ahead and get our pushback situated here and go to better push back here pre-plan the pushback where do we want this airplane to go well we're gonna have them push this out right here back behind this and be 11 right there you got it we'll do that let's go ahead and hit this the before start checklist battery is on apu is on bus right now stall warning let's go ahead and give it a shot here right here that's working emergency exit lights are armed lights out passenger signs as required we have them on it doesn't really matter window Heat that's what we want window Heat were yet right up here yes turn those green lights on window heat is on and radio radar transponder right here we'll just squawk whatever there and we'll just turn it to on let's put it on t-ara that's fine parking brake is set APU we're good to go on that so what we're gonna do is an engine start checklist which is gonna go beacon on and all that but waiting for the pushback to show up and once he's here and pushes us out we'll fire up the engines we go ahead turn our beacon on because we're asking signal to the ground that we're ready all right as we're pushing out let's go ahead and get the airplane ready to start so we got beacon on galley power comes off and it is off pax come off so those guys get close engine bleed valves will be open all the way across the board we want 30 plus psi and we've got it right there and now we can start engine number three first so we open up the guard and we'll put it down into the ground mode and we're gonna watch for into rotation which we have right now I want that to be at 20% and we'll add fuel to the engine and they've almost got us completely straightened out of here cut up on 20 just now so there's 20 add fuel all right they can disconnect and look for the hand signal on the right and there he goes he's pulling away listen to those sounds they sound great all right the light is out right there as you can see we have fuel flow we have in one rotation actually all right we'll look for the pin on the right-hand side have a go on all right so we are starting engine number two now and I'll show you what it looks like from the inside when we are firing it up remember we wait for the 20% on the in - and we're going to get it right there and we add fuel there it goes right there fuel flow is rising as you see right there we have egt rising keep it an eye on it and we have n1 rotation and - so climbing and their gifts start mouth is closed let's go ahead and start engine number one you just repeat that for three engines before takeoff checklist will do here in a few moments that looks pretty stable right there to me let's hop over here to this guy and we're gonna turn on our hydraulics be there we go and we have pressure looks good lights are out there let's go ahead put these guys on bus like that gonna Gen number two galley power can come on if they need it today but you know Paxson come back on and it's one on three open two left and right close I'm just doing flows right now until we get good here out of prac trip is checked clean doors are still open right now cargo goes to normal for the heat outflow moving down here we go two flights for that three to zero Lannie altitude in Austin is going to be 541 so put it a 541 by 540 will work just fine yep that is fantastic and alright I think that the panel is set and we can kill the APU now and the APU is dying there we go alright before takeoff checklist we'll just do it now anti-ice as required pitot heat that's those guys they are gonna come on left and right we've got flight instruments set for departure we've already done that flight controls that's right down there so if we go to right rudder we'll see it move there left rudder neutral looks good elevators we check those and flight controls are free and correct speed brake is full forward it's down but we'll put it out and check it and that's why if you were out on the ramp you would see all of the three breaks open right now and speed breaks fully forward as we wanted them to be alright stabbed trimmed set for takeoff so let's go ahead and get a little card out now cuz that's what we need and we're gonna be flaps 15 for departure there they are stab trims would be five zero three so five is right there so just bring this guy forward to about right there that's gonna be perfect and ypres sip knobs we're gonna set those in a second here so V speeds are gonna be 132 132 V 2 of 144 and you can see the bugs are already set right oh maybe they're not maybe they are not we want to set them 131 132 is what it is so right there 132 for VR same thing ooh okay so he was like no I'm there dude whatever that's fine b2 144 put it about right there that's good to go and then eeper is going to be set at two point one three so we want two point one three on this guy there's two five one once the reefs about right there is gonna work just fine so look the same thing for him yep right there and same thing for him just wouldn't have that one yep those are sets that's are gonna be our takeoff power and our climb will be 92 on into all right so that's good to go yep no man wants to be ninety 7.4 on that takeoff so that'll work just fine all right so those are good to go let's get back to what we were doing on the checklist stab trim is set for takeoff flaps we want 15 one two three there they go galley power is on Electrical has no lights yep that looks good fuel heat is off hydraulic pressure B quantity is good and normal APU is off and we set cruise altitude right there 32,000 feet and flight ground switch to flight we just did number two engine bleeds are closed just like I said one three open two left and right here and eeper and airspeed bugs are set we are ready to taxi down two three six Center gonna be a little bit of a taxi but that's alright let's listen to the beautiful sounds of the Boeing 707 taxi light on parking brake released [Music] all right we are taxiing on out of here not worried about any panel lights or anything like that we're gonna cross runway two-seven here and we're gonna continue down to three six Center which is right off our nose so we just basically go right down that way and that's what I intend to do when I watch out for traffic because we do have world traffic 3 working right now the only issue is that I don't have any parking spots or ground routes for them so they just kind of appear here at this Airport but they are hearing on the less and lot to keep an eye out for them left side looks good and clear right side is good and clear late across to 7:00 and will continue down to 3 6 Center [Music] all right almost down here two three six Center and it's a little dark in the panel so I did turn up the panel lights a little bit let's do it cleared for takeoff checklist start switches are not guarded now they are they are guarded transponder is on t-ara so it is definitely on out landing lights are gonna come on let's do it now there they go Auto pack trips which we did that a minute ago those are good to go norm cut out after takeoff checklist will be the next thing so we are ready to get on out of here we're almost down here just to turn to their rights and we'll be on our way all right we are clear for takeoff let's just make this turn here and line up on three six Center don't take too much power to do that and what we'll do is we'll stabilize the engines and half and then we will advance them for take off power you'll hear the copilot call out the V speeds no first call out 80 knots which we will cross-check on the takeoff roll we're lining up now think handles like a dream on the ground the taxi characteristics are just fantastic that's good right there were lined up and we're gonna go ahead and advance the throttles to half let them sit there for a second that's good right there and takeoff power but right on their takeoff power is set airspeed is alive 80 knots that's cross-checked b1 rotate rotation speed on up we go positive rate gear up hold this 359 at about 2,000 feet per minute here one mile DME - that will start our turn here shortly it is right there at zero zero zero and there's the turn right there six miles to that let's go and start a turn and in three to six or five miles and flying it right now a lot of traffic around here is on the TPS there it's a nice roll off there as we increase speed rail mosted 200 knots we're gonna start cleaning up the airplane flaps five pull power back to 92 for n2 three miles to that and flaps up getting the trim where we wanted three miles DME climbing through the clouds here walking speed we want to be 250 under 10,000 we'll pack it a little bit more there's the turn 274 now 6 miles won't take very long for that we'll do a nice shallow turn here we're going to increase it does that needle went quick didn't it the power back a little bit here flaps are up lights are out we'll do it after takeoff checklist here in a second here as we roll off that's good right there watching our speed I'm gonna bust 250 below 10,000 Amer lined up right there pretty nicely all right after takeoff checklist please seatbelts which is on anti-ice is closed gear up and we'll put in the off position flaps are up no lights Auto pack trip cut out my drug pressure quantity that would be all for the flight engineer right now we're flying two to three now two to three it is yeah thing handles like a dream it really does and flying it holds 250 perfect all right hydraulic pressures and all that's good to go back on course over the Mississippi River a little bit more power in here that isn't too shabby all right now we're climbing out of Memphis no problem [Applause] and another turn here to 175 let's do it only 5 miles for that add a little more power here for our climb managing air speed with our pitch here still manually flying it we're not using the autopilot yet we're all off on the heading here look at that climb into one 5,000 my by Memphis that's Memphis right over there so that's the FedEx facility there and we just took off up there and now we're on our way to Austin just like that we're at 250 so we should be able to put this into is hold here let's try that into is hold and let's go ahead and engage the autopilot system to follow the track automatically it should hold 250 here and we want into of 92% is about right there and it'll increase our climb airplane is behaving just fine we're at nine thousand four hundred airplanes tracking as it should and will increase that to 280 after we crossed in thousand feet here there's 10,000 feet laying lights come off should have gotten the taxi light too but that's okay oh we didn't turn a strobe on whoopsie there's one thing you forget when you're on a three-man crew one person to a three-man crew all right so above 10,000 we can increase this ever so slightly to 280 now what we want to do is go to one 5,000 let's go ahead and clear ourselves to our flight level 3 to 0 here I'll show you the reason why we'll hit that and then we'll go over here and hit alt select it's armed and it should do ok there now what I'm gonna try to do here is slowly advance this to 280 and the airplanes gonna dive down a little bit here as we do that because wants the increased speed still watching me at 92 percent yeah right there still bringing it up and to 80s about right yeah 50 50 60 70 to 80 to berate the next line it's watching our vertical speed here don't want to get get our flight crew too sick here there we go that'll work just fine there 280 is set airplane is picking up speed it'll start increasing its climb again and that's pretty much all there is to it the 77 now remember what we used to have to do is we had to sit here and look at charts and go off a DME before we made our turns but having the FMS tied in really really is helpful it really is okay looking good here on our climb 13,000 feet we don't even have to touch the altimeter after 18,000 because we're already at standard pressure it's that simple and then the airplane will automatically pick up three two zero as we told it to right there with that we'll keep an eye on the weather radar if we need it but I don't think we do right now almost two one 5,000 we are 5 miles to bebe as you can see right there and there's a pipe and then we've gotta Buffy eld and then our descent will start before too long because that's the long stretch between eld and Windu and then we went to 80 at 17,000 at or above or we might we need to be below to 3-0 to solo but everything else is checking out okay right now we are pretty close I think we're in the Mach zone now so we needed to do is increase this to Mach point 7 - that's what we're gonna do we're gonna put this in Mach heading or a Mach cold mode here and then your plane is making its right turn now now we're gonna put it to Mach point 7 - is what we're gonna aim for here airplanes gonna bring its nose down quite a bit increase that speed but it'll pick it back up no problem checking our climb power it is good right now and the airplane is picking the speed up and then it's gonna start bringing the nose back up and we'll continue our climb up to 3 to 0 over that's the Mississippi there it's very nice hundred feet to go and we're almost to our cruise here as you can see yep leveling off right now at flight level three to zero and we are finally up here we are 99 nautical miles to echo Lima Delta and then after that we have a 243 nautical mile stretch to Windu so we've got a lot of crews in here to go and join the view out of the windows here as we have ortho scenery all the way down to Austin it is gorgeous we just keep an eye on our fuel we keep an eye on the hydraulics pressure which everything looks great right there and that's pretty much all we are to do here at cruise I mean we have a checklist for it let's see here and a 792 flaps up at 200 done all that stuff my cold oh yeah flight 11 to Niners here was our mock hold ooh Emmit 78 so we did a little early there just got to keep an eye on that that's all I need to do descent is the only thing that's left to do so we're here cruise we are cruising along 54 miles out from echo Lima Delta and as you can see we are cruising just under Mach point 8 I might actually pull that back just a little bit more about point seven eight before I was looking for 0.79 because we don't have to pay for the fuel so why not you know make it to go by a little quicker normally we just open up the chart and you would you'd go off of your pressure and all that whatnot and set your peepers but we're not going to worry about that today we're just going to be cruising them pretty much as fast as we possibly can on the way to Austin 50 miles now so not not too long to eld and then we make that turn towards the window all right folks checking in here been sitting here for a while on this cruise we're at 32,000 feet 42 nautical miles to win do as you see right there 41 as it stands right now so what we're going to do is put this thing into vertical speed mode and we are going to descend we're gonna flip this guy up 1 2 3 4 5 that's pretty good right there for an initial descent and we're gonna pull our power back a little bit more about 75 and 2 that'll work right there and we're gonna put this guy down to what we want which is 17,000 feet so let's go to 17,000 and I'm gonna go ahead and tell it hey arm the altitude we are on our way down initially 500 feet and then we'll increase it once we get a little bit probably bout 30 nautical miles here from when do what we're doing is we're we only have 18 nautical miles after when do to get to 17,000 below 23,000 which we can easily do so we're just gonna start early 1 2 3 4 5 there we go just ever so slightly getting artists it rolling in here and look at the airplanes already at all right at Mach 0.72 now and slowing beautiful views of Texas all around us like all the dirt roads out there in little homes really really beautiful scenery here alright and we're gonna increase it ever so slightly pull our power back some more there we go that's a pretty good healthy descent we're gonna get it almost to 2,000 feet per minute here shortly but it's always good to start your descent early because you only have 80 18 nautical miles between the window and solo and solos gonna be 280 and all that then miss low or whatever that's called that's going to be 21 miles and then seven nautical miles to Susie then we get to move into shade right there's gonna be 4,000 it's going to be are gonna be the out too we want to be at when we are trying to establish ourselves on the approach so we are in the descent stage of our flight how about it let's bring it down even more and that is looking great we should get to 17,000 no problem before we get to window let's open up our checklist here so descent approach seatbelts are on anti-isis closed landing lights we'll worry about those when we get to 10,000 feet radio altimeter will put it it uh I don't know 500 figure so doesn't really matter flight instruments will be set to there are two nine nine two now so let's go ahead and let's start doing some things here I lost four one seven right it's gonna be 1 10 9 5 2 1 10 9 5 I don't put it in both sides cuz I've had issues of this thing not picking it up at all so 1 10 9 5 that looks good there it's in normal and of course is going to be 175 and we'll do the course we can't do it now but we'll do that when we get get closer so that's looking good unless we got flight instruments hydraulic pressure quantity is good in normal and pressure and cooling doors should be set quickly doors are open right now I'm not really sure what the process is for the cooling doors will we keep them open the during the flight or closed during certain phases really really not sure there's a winding river right there that looks awesome okay so I think that's good we're on our way down 26,000 feet now and we are 14 miles from wind ooh and then we have that further down to 17,000 so we'll do that we'll probably level off at 17,000 feet as well that'll kind of work out for everybody pulling back power a little bit more we're gonna maintain a slower speed here that looks good all right we're on our descent phase into Austin all right we are 14 nautical miles to Windu and we're at just now 21,000 feet remember not a big deal we don't make the 17,000 we just needed to be below a 23,000 when we get to solo not a big deal since we crossed Windu so I'd say we were going to Windows we're going going to solo that's what I meant to say it's 12 miles to solo and this is where we are right now and look at that we're gonna be just fine 11 miles out we're gonna be below 23,000 we're aiming for that 17,000 miss Lowe is gonna be at 13,000 that's what we're really gonna be working for there just pulled up back a little bit there all right it's a little slippery coming in but everything checks out okay know if you see our weight and balance in real time right now look at the landing whey has reduced dramatically since we had to take out that Freight that we couldn't bring along all right everything else looks good here coming up on 18,000 feet next and keeping that 280 knots 250 we got right there we got to 60 70 80 right about 280 right now where we're at at flight idle that'll work out for everybody and we'll get the local altimeter here shortly we need to pick up Austin Austin is going to be 1 2 4 4 so 1 2 4 4 let's try that not picking it up yet we're still pretty far out but that's alright I might get it on my phone just so we have that information but right now we are three miles to that one to go look at that we're gonna make 17,000 right it's so low that's pretty damn good so keep it going down here shortly this would be a good time to slow the airplane down get that little bit of power here that's just a horn that turns on when you don't have the flaps out there are 17,000 there one line let's bring it on down to 13,000 there we go right there and we'll go back to vertical speed mode and point that nose down and the airplane is headed down we have 20 miles to get the 13,000 at 250 so we're gonna make sure this airplane is slow slow slow it's right above the horn that'll work just fine there keep on descending made that just just enough there was fine all right sweet all right so ATC would tell us what the altimeter is so it's gonna be two Niner eight Niner I just looked at that I didn't look at the the weather report in an Austin we'll wait for the meats are or we'll wait for the ADIS to pick up so I'll just put these guys on a two Niner eight nine or four that that's the local altimeter setting so that is going to be good on our checklist they should be happy with us there we're at 15,000 feet is sending to 13,000 and they will be just alright here we keep bringing that nose down I'm really trying to bleed the speed off here there we go that's a little more of a hefty descents yeah so that's all good to go next thing is gonna be the landing checklist we're not even worried about yet they're beautiful orthos scenery all the way down here look at that lake over there that looks really cool really cool indeed 10 nautical miles here I want 250 13,000 we're gonna make that no problem because once we get to 13,000 is gonna slow to 250 and then we make our way down descends descends he says it's gonna be at or above 16 but a 10,000 at or above below 16,000 feet so there's a lot of room to play with here with these two intersections and then a door above it Vader and that's gonna be 8,000 that's not a big deal we can easily make that we're just trying to stay right on time with it looks like we're doing pretty good there the big one's gonna be Jedi and then that's gonna be I love how it's a fader in Jedi it's gonna be 210 at 4,000 and then chayton's 4,000 at or above and then Brahms will be 2,100 2,100 is gonna be what we want there I believe it's 1600 a final but leaves me 2,100 that's okay altitude light comes on when it's a thousand to go oh we are still descending okay oh you know why we did not hit the outs intercepts damn it that's all right well let's descend down to 10,000 feet information November that'll work for me the bring the visibility rose sky conditions 20,000 whew Richard Reid month 2.20 altimeter to nine nine three three see it changed departing runway one seven left advise on initial contact you have November we have November now let's just get that wind check again a lot of stuff to do here in the airplane lower in our descent phase so that is okay and I'm looking at the turns that we had to zero for austin-bergstrom int L information November 1901 73 to brown is City more than 10 sky clear okay three six dew point one eight altimeter to 991 arriving runway one seven right departing run okay we got the weather we know what to expect there we do we do sitting down to ten thousand we're gonna capture it this time so we'll be alright it's like three miles to that so we're gonna make that just where we wanted it and it's gonna help slow the airplane down at 10,000 feet we turn the lane lights on and slowed to fifty we just don't want to go below 10,000 so this is really gonna help slow the airplane down in that one mile there's 10,000 right there lane lights are gonna come on turn that wing light on to for extra there's the turn and now we go ten miles to Vader 8,000 feet let's do it 8,000 you got it vertical speed descend airplane is slow here that should climb a little bit here keep the speed down then take long we get to 8,000 feet there all right that looks good let's have a look here lap speeds 60 a 190-200 it's not really for that magical number of 200 and start putting the flaps and not a big deal put that away airplane is slowing up quite nicely got that 210 speed we want and lane lights are on this is not armed again we got to make sure it's armed every time just plain will log catch you looking I'll tell you that a little bit of power here will maintain let's get it slowed up to 210 right here that's good to add in that power to maintain it we need a little bit more of a descent there buddy go back to flight idle on him interested to see what this thing's gonna do this is Vader 2 0 for 2 0 for a Jedi chaid is 3 0 0 that doesn't make sense we're just gonna go from Jedi we go to Brahms direct that is what we're going to do so let's go ahead and click that into there and we'll hit execute because 2 0 4 2 1 7 3 makes more sense but it had a intersection there it's gonna shoot us off to the north and I don't want to do that that doesn't even make any sense that's gonna capture the altitude here we got 2 miles to get to there so I keep going to send him buddy maintain the speed pretty darn good here and we've got 1 10 9 5 on both sides we're gonna be ready to start picking up the ILS hopefully if we do not pick up the ILS we'll just shoot a visual approach 1 7 right not a huge deal there's 8,000 right there and then now we go Jedi to 4,000 to 10 4,000 feets you got it orbital speed mode and we are descending and then after that we go to Brahms 2,100 feet we can easily do that a little bit of turbulence here not too much on the way in and we'll go to a heading hold mode actually and try to pick up the ILS so we are not too far out from the airport see the highway there we'll try to find the airport out there in the distance somewhere one seven three so still out there a little bit 15 so that's 1821 about or upwards just roughly 30 miles out still so that's the reason we can't see the airport just yet and I will be putting it on a heading mode here in a little bit we're gonna pick up we're gonna get at least going to Brahms and once from Brahms we should be good and established okay five thousand seven hundred feet we're looking good here he's gonna throw a slats outs gonna help slow the airplane down that's the airport right there on our left that's our runway right there we're gonna be parking right there if you're wondering that's what we're doing so I'm actually okay with this heading let's just go ahead a two one zero on the heading and we'll put him to turn knob here there we go we have the ILS popping up now kind of given ourselves a little bit of a manual turn here now it seems to be okay right there let's go ahead and we'll put it on a Volokh and it will try to pick up the localizer here I've got the glide slope popping in yeah we know a little bit of turbulence here on the way in flaps five help slow this puppy down we coming up on four thousand descended two thousand one hundred feet you hit this mode switch and go to one hundred that's how you switch between those two seems to be good doing pretty darn good there it's audible I'd slip over there too and then we go to auto and then GS you know that's a good question let's see what our options are here manual glide slope or Auto glide slope nav Lok on the nav selector and auto glide slopes gonna do both if we do that it should arm the approach I mean we'll find out if it does but either way I think we can just do a visual approach here we can we can just do this ourselves we've got the stuff we're just gonna get the scent of 2100 and then we'll intercept the glide slope and we'll do a visual approach for 1/7 right since there's not a cloud in the sky I'm not worried about it airplanes slowing up really nicely here you know you're gonna go my to us wait for the glide slope start coming down here make sure that armed the altitude capture is okay slowing up the flaps 15 we down.if 2104 you know it there we go that's gonna help slow her down gear down um 2,100 feet right there let the airplane slow down yeah yeah yeah all right let's look at our cards here we've got landing speed here US 129 today so 130 and you can hit set bugs for that too it'll set the bugs automatically for 129 there we go add some power here alright let's go ahead and just kill the autopilot this thing it's gonna try to do some crazy stuff to us here it doesn't even seem like it's even picking up the ILS does it really doesn't seem like it is at all hello hello put that away laughs 20 I think the ortho in this scenery has has some discrepancies to say the least that's alright lands X light comes on right on the glide slope now so I'm happy with that letting the airplane slow up flaps 30 glide slope is working just a little bit below it okay the eyelets did work we just came in a little shallow that's okay oh yeah glide slope try to get on V rough here that'll work right there you have plus five about 135 is what we're looking for here yeah we're getting on the glide slope shut up all right flaps 30s next I said flaps 30 of em at 25 on the last one whoopsies and that power when you add those that last setting a flapping man it really starts to slow this sucker down you'll be ready for that yeah we know you got autopilot and lights and all this stuff like hey sure there we go let's trim this thing out a little bit here it's ballooning all right are the speed brakes they are armed now I believe minimums landing at that power yeah glide slope just one off of it the other thing a lot don't it yeah it's it likes the balloon that's okay watch the speed here watch our kind of porpoising back and forth Jack said that he is working on the the flight model right now so the the pitch stuff is gonna go away in the final the verses come out well we'll see how rough it was I have the had that plugin that makes it always look a lot worse than it is that's for sure I'll make the high-speed here I'm the greatest approach since for sure and we made it to Austin everybody and clear the runway here and then we taxi back to the ramp bring our flaps in there we go strobe light comes off we bring these back speed brakes lane lights come off and then we would do APU start so we'll do that in a second here oh yeah you have to hold it down so this being an airplane that you have to manage by yourself I wish you could just hit that start on the APU and it would hold for you but you have to hold it for like five seconds until it activates [Applause] make our left turn here we go all the way down to the cargo ramp on the right there's a Southwest plane leaving a little power here but we don't hold him up a lot of traffic over there there we go that won't be a problem for him so now we're straight in Louisville here you'll see we can get this APU going also don't mess with anything one two three or five that might be enough I don't know see we'll find out if it is it's still going up yeah this that should be good I should get the APU up and running all right let's taxi back to the cargo ramp after landing checklist window heats will come off we'll do that after this next turn that way I don't put this thing in the grass that wouldn't be the best with it because I can't really reach it from here so we'll wait I know that they're working on a smart copilot plugin for this thing that you can have three people do shared cockpit in this thing and that's gonna be awesome it'll make it a lot easier there we go we can now go ahead and do it now so window heat comes off just like that anti-ice is off pitot heat we can grab those over here these guys right there boom boom those are off flaps are up lights out radar transponder can go to the off position alright speed brakes are fully forward down galley power or we can turn that back off flight grounds which goes to ground there it is an APU start and we'll put it on bus here in a second get this thing lined up there we go yeah 737 Behind just wanting to do stuff like you - the clothes and clothes there we go APU is good and we'll put the essential power on APU APU is on bus and after landing checklist is complete it's going over here to the right right right in there all right I could see their ramp we're going to right in front of us here and at 7:37 one have plenty of room to get on out of here now got the wing light we'll turn that guy off keep the beacon an Avalon for right now and I'd forget they have Marshall is here I don't think they do but we're going right over in there right in that position there that's the FedEx ramp oh they haven't seen a 727 in a very long time if they were retired so be sure to let me know in the comments below what you thought of the airplane we'll see the landing but you've already seen the landing but I haven't seen it yet because I wait until everything's all shut down before I do that it's just in case you know the sim crashes and I lose the important stuff they turn this way and we're just going down there just between that power cart there and there's belt loaders actually the power cart you know right there is yeah that'll work pretty big for a GPU that might be the air start yeah we're gonna go right in here right on this spot it'll be just fine we do this start our turn and text a light off turn it on in the 727 is kind of like a 737 you just line up the taxi line on your your primary display there and you're good to go for the most part that's pretty straight right there the stop right about here I'll be fine parking brake goes set and we can shut the engines down because we're on the APU power don't you get all these lights coming on these three right here as we shut down and we can turn the beacon eye off and Ladue shutdown checklist seatbelts are off beacon is off exterior lights as required be in the navs on start leavers are to cut off parking brake is set let's glue APU ground power is on we have it on APU hydraulic beep pumps come off let's do it now and air conditioning for bleeds come open there they are right there and we are good pax set they are good on right now we don't need them turned off because keeps the airplane cool that is pretty much that other than secure your checklist guys that's gonna do it for the flight today from departing out of Memphis coming down here to Austin let me know what you thought in 77 and I'll see you guys next time take care [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jeff Favignano
Views: 235,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jfavignano, Episode, Series, code, zero, gaming, X-Plane (Video Game), fly with me, jfavignano x-plane, jfavignano fly with me, x-plane 11, x plane 11 boeing 727, x plane 11 727, flyjsim 727 v3
Id: h5dOQ_8GVXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 6sec (4206 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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