Windy in Dallas! KSAT - KDAL - KBNA | MSFS

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all right I cannot believe we're actually doing stuff here oh man we are here we're doing our thing let's get everybody together here so we can uh get underway or fly through this because we are not messing around [Music] super late uh because I wanted to fly the 700 with the Tennessee Livery and um pmtg sees a livery as a new variant basically and that one was I waited literally 40 minutes and I was like no I'm not doing it anymore so screwed that um I went ahead and just flew the 800 instead and it worked perfectly fine loaded immediately so yeah that was uh a to do so that's what took so long but what's going on everybody Welcome to stream how you doing I'm gonna go as fast as I can here and get the hell out of San Antonio because it was uh it was obnoxious how long this took to load uh and not even this plane I actually ended up crashing the Sim on purpose uh just so I could load this one instead so we're flying 800 out of the 700 now and it is what it is there's no way I'm waiting for that dude it was nuts it's actually nuts all right upstairs looks okay fantastic awesome let's get this underway so I can just get out of here man fuel will be welcome on in everybody sorry uh we're gonna go real quick here so 14663 there we go payload is gonna be a zero fuel weight of 117 705 seven there we go and then we should be good on everything else there FMC time positive pay or Sorry rap page and we're going to do company route of San Antonio up to Dallas Love Oh field there we go Company Route throw it in there stop how's that an invalid entry I literally put that in where it goes yes I did oh I know why it got moved into 700 not the 800. that would be why we don't have that okay so let me edit that flight real fast and throw the other airframe in there because that's the problem here makes sense right and they're gonna screw us with the altitude again not gonna let them 29. I have to re-download that flight plan because uh pmdg still hasn't figured out how to import some brief still hasn't happened yet downloads pmbg if I plan download it so I have to download it I have to take that route file from my downloads folder and then this is what I have to do I do that and then you have to go to your uh your packages folder and then you have to go to the local state packages then you have to go to pmdg aircraft 738 work folder and then into flight plans throw it in there now it'll know what that is put it in the company route and activate it yes that is how long it takes for you to do that oh man Tim Tim thank you for the eight months man appreciate you sorry if I sound a little salty guys I love the 730 so I love the pmg73 but I mean the way that they do some things I just don't understand it um and it really pushes your your patience it really does you try but who wants to fly the Sim after waiting 45 minutes nobody wants to do that it's like why are we here why are we doing this again it's it's crazy to me absolutely crazy Oh Danny Boy think of the 16 months good to see you all right we requested that we're gonna load that in as soon as they let us as soon as they let us pack X let's get you going here no messing around start our flight San Antonio Dallas 29 000 feet yep that is perfectly fine we get out of here early that's even better hit next on that 800 yep happy with it Wi-Fi is on enabled uh no meals only snacks that's good custom safety breeding will be briefing will be from Southwest Airlines let's grab that audio real fast here it's a little loud but at least it's Southwest we'll start it they're loading the airplane there we go load it up please there we go and we are 14-7 right now is what we're showing right there we're supposed to have a total a grand total of 16 on the Block fuel so we'll put 16 in there that's the plan why don't we have 14-7 oh they changed it that's why hold on I know why it's because of that uh the problem with the um the 800 that's what it is so everything changed 1605 too 16052 boom there we go return to you and then payload and we have a new zfw now 129.3 oh stop you cool point three no stop you 0.3 there we go that's better all right now we'll go back to this guy again back to the uh perfect page here execute you we'll get another request on it so we can update those numbers then it'll make more sense we have 16-1 in there now that's that's making a lot more sense to me now it is it is so there we go wait for it 18 reserves 5.7 yeah it looks good there's 16 16 there we go load it there's the new numbers we got it everybody's good and happy Cruz wins we're gonna expect uh looks like it's gonna be two two four five four two two four at 54. throw that in there there we go execute it and one limit I'm happy with that flaps five out of here CG is going to be 25.5 V speeds are thrown in here will let us okay we did something wrong there it doesn't like okay cool uh 4.62 unit trim especially not bad where that's at uh all right departure out of here let's just do this really quick Runway four it's gonna be on the Alamo 3 departure and a transition of alpha golf Juliet execute it arrival into Dallas is 3-1 left or through one right so ls31 right approach on the Batcher four I'm about your four and that's gonna be a transition of ditzy ditzy's in there execute it happy with it look at our legs here legs page looks good we have vectors there that's fine um all right San Antonio I do not want that we're gonna go arnab to Gabi we're not doing the VOR on the on the Airfield not happening not today not know-how yeah who cares uh boom boom boom 136 138 148 148 up here there we go on up to 29 000 feet going as fast as we can here 29 29's in there sweet going to go ahead and we are good on that let's go ahead and get our lights up or we need them it is kind of gloomy out today here in San Antonio so we'll make sure our panel lights are set where we want them there we go Nike over to there we don't want to mess with you later on we're not flying online oh yeah you guys want to join us I can uh do that actually uh not today we don't need it we're only four there we go that's set there to you for you oh that's good down here these are good legs Pages gonna be back to you FMC legs page is there sweet oh they're still loading up in there we're gonna go ahead and do our uh our checklist so make sure we did everything right want to say thank you for everything you've done I've been going through so much get out sorry to hear that Savage Beast sorry to hear that man are you uh thank you for the two months no I don't plan to own my own airplane we're in the 800 because the 700 was going to take 45 minutes to load Yes you heard that correct 45 minutes probably plus probably an hour and I just closed it okay let me get my headspace in the right spot now um what are we doing yeah we're doing this okay interior exterior inspections complete circuit breakers are good now display switches are normal and auto already checked out passenger signs are on Window heat is on engine bleed air switches are on [Music] wait no all three of you come on there we go we're on that Apu bleed you go to normal there we go actually no we leave you on open so we can keep that air flowing there we go appreciation panels good mode selectors auto mode control panel is set oxygen mask we've already checked them before I went live altimeters are three zero zero three cross checked flight nav instruments set morning on theater lights been checked speed breaks down took off warning checked and closed and just start leave us cut off stab trim cut off switch is normal fire warnings been checked Ray doesn't transponder set radar is off Rudder and trailer on aileron trim free and zero parking brake is set Windows closing lock flight attendant briefing complete departure briefing complete logging Brook log book and qrhs are on board feel required 16 16 on board reply checklist complete next will be pushback and we're waiting for them to tell us they're still boarding a few more moments before we can get out of here good on that good on that good timing on everything here we'll get that jet way soon as they are done boarding we're getting out of here what's up Warzone how you doing good to see you good to see you all right we're gonna be ready to go so let's go ahead and do our flows those are good there you can like comes on they're ready to go Sweet let's close that door and let's get out of here jet way going away and we'll go ahead and get uh pushed back and departure we're ready to do this thing AJ what's up man good to see you back check let's doors closed hydraulic panel set fuel panel set Flight Deck door close to the lock transponders transponder push back checklist complete get those chalks removed the last thing we had to do there it's good yep hello Captain hello we are ready for pushback all right do your thing a wing view action here hey Jay baby what's going on bypass pin inserted hey bearder what's up brother I have to agree I suppose is going to do their thing they're gonna do their thing is the ini San Antonio airport very beautiful love it love it and we're going to the new ioni builds uh the new one from Blue Yonder here as well but it's the Dallas Love Field home of Southwest Airlines we're flying to today as you can see we have a straight back push as you just don't have a lot of clearance at this gate you just don't all right let's do it uh straight push back and you'll stop Max 100 yep that's good parking brakes we will release the parking brakes all engines clear start at will we're gonna attempt to one uh one engine uh taxi so we can get out of here quick let's see how this goes we'll get you to auto and packs are gonna go to the off position like that a good there and return engine two start valve open and to rotation the Killer music during the pushback procedure on this aircraft evacuation please utilize this energy for most events only opposed to do so straps to open the pouch how far back do they have to push us outside awaiting your confirmation for a good engine start are securely fast Rochester Miss kitten we'll just do both engines it's a short Taxi regulations uh I could remember in the instructions close seat belts and smoking unlocking gear s .com look for the PIN to our flows all right have to start checklist please generators are on Pro Pizza on anti-ice is off air conditioning panel set recall checked Auto brakes RTO f-star checklist complete oh God are they still doing this stupid thing they are it's taking forever with their little yeah I see the pin thank you bye There She Goes yeah we'll have a good trip bye thank you checklist flop to go to five is green right there verifiers takeout speeds boom boom boom 136 138 148 thanks to checklist flaps our uh five five green take off speed set thrust is take off stab trim is checked my control is free and correct taxi checklist complete you can't uh there's no uh profile to uh share cockpit with the seven three not on a multiplayer server tonight I'm just not in the mood for trolls man last time we had people trying to formation fly with us in a320s and stuff it just it's like you only take so much of it in f-18s honestly before takeoff checklist growing position Runway four we checked it flaps r55 green navigation briefing complete take off warnings just been checked Auto throttles come to arm there we go engine start switches continuous transpire to Tara flight attendance departure place notified and acknowledged before takeoff checklist complete let's ding him before we take the runway start the clock directors should have been on all right I'll see you all in ten thousand feet it's okay nuts got a holes no thrust is normal in Europe Xbox One flaps up oh yeah stupid Mouse bug you're looking around with a mouse and you're holding that down it does not let you control anything in the plane bad for when you're hand flying they have gotta fix that bug man one day maybe we'll get it fixed one day that's been in The Simpsons day one man we all complained about it in uh in beta never got fixed if you want to look you can't post on one seesa no icing conditions some storms in the air but we're not they should be off to our East quite a bit now when we go to Nashville it's gonna be a different story it'll work for that one it doesn't matter because LOL you can't use the weather radar and the PMD g737 you cannot we got a Tailwind looking good are you following the Southwest Airlines sop today so we will be putting our lane lights off at 10 000 not 18 like Delta and there we are dinghamton on your larger portable electronic devices Wi-Fi if you connect to the Wi-Fi you offer complimentaries in places all right we're over 10 000 feet um you know what let's just go ahead and just go to command a on that fine with that clean up the airplane here but everything else looks good there everything overhead looks fine we're down here looking good on our way out to Gabi now 15 nautical miles to Gabi and we are on our way just like that we're 52 minutes away from Landing thank y'all fun take off there cph racing what's going on how you doing hey Dad finally on our way so we're gonna be giving away some Nashville scenery if you guys have Microsoft flight simulator and uh you want Nashville scenery we'll be doing giveaways for four of those four sceneries of Nashville were given away uh and we'll be doing that on we'll be giving away two on this flight and we'll be giving away two on the next flight so let me know if you guys want to uh if you're interested in it but if you're not interested in it and you want somebody else to have a shot at it just let us know and we can forfeit that to another person DCS is just uh it's it's military man it's a different world I'm I'm more civil aviation dude I'll fly the F-18 around with friends and things like that I I don't I haven't flown it in a while um but it's a whole to do for me I enjoy it when I fly it but I don't I don't do the missiles and blowing things up and dog fighting stuff that's not my style and I will let you know I am extremely biased whenever I do my giveaways two subscribers subscribers get 10 times more likely to win a giveaway because I'm extremely biased to them because they're here all the time and they support the channel directly so it's the least I can do is that and we don't let any uh regular users it's usually just regulars and it is the subscribers that are allowed to do it we don't let people hop in and so I don't put uh giveaways in my titles or anything like that they're not just gonna hop in and win something more than likely one of you guys that are subscribers that are here all the time are the ones that are going to win and that's what matters to me I don't do a lot of giveaways but if I do it that's how I do it looking pretty above 18 000 feet standing pressure both sides cross checked I climb checklist my after takeoff checklist is a silent checklist I do in my head or I look at it but I just verify it so it flaps up landing gears up and off packs her Auto Engine bleeds are on pressurization panels checked and they engine start switches are aspired and the Apu is off so that's what we do there the climb's just out to their standard cross check that's the only thing you do on that particular one almost the top of climb here just about 15 miles from it once we hit Cruise we're going to be giving away two copies of the Nashville scenery if you guys win um I will whisper you and then you need to send me your email address so I can send that to feel there so they'll send you the BMT downloader for it so you won't get it like immediately but uh you'll get it soon it usually takes about a day it depends they're really fast about it though and I'll get back to you as soon as I see it come through my email you got it Jeremy but you fly in the SIM you don't want Nashville scenery you got it Scott you fly the Sim too you guys are too nice y'all are too nice we're gonna be a quick turn in Dallas man quick turn to Nashville I try I'm gonna try to make Nashville by midnight we'll see if we can do it I doubt it'll happen though maybe maybe midnight 30. hey rookie what's up brother oh and he's gone oh there he is oh you got it Jay we're about to give away two here at 29 000 feet oh very cool James Drake good to see you man how's photography business going for you you still doing that foreign well the good news is when I was trying to uh load the PMD g737 700 with the Tennessee Livery on it by the way every time you load a new livery yeah it apparently you have to compile the whole airplane again which is kind of ridiculous um so uh when that was happening I went in and I downloaded a ton more new music so we have a lot new a lot more tracks to listen to why are we leveled off at 250 is that a constraint I think it is oh because we can only go to 25 I guess okay I mean that's fine we'll just uh change it up it's a short flight that's why all right so we're here let's do it trailer Swift you won a copy of Nashville scenery trailer Swift all right just send me your email in a whisper send that email in a whisper and I'll send you your key and then I will email them each and you'll get your downloaders from there so what you do is they'll send you the downloader and you just put the product ID and the little passcode thing for it and then you can download it that's all it takes for that all right let's give another one away roll it a dad one I don't think he wants it though as much as my dad is here in my in the streams he has never won anything in a uh in a giveaway no way we won't roll okay Jeremy the two that were like I don't want it Jeremy there it is and Jeremy doesn't want it either you certain you don't want it going once claps 31 47. I lost one eleven five three one three One Eleven five three one three one right three one right minimums 687 687. 687 sets give yours the J or re-roll all right we can give it to Jay that's fine so trailer Swift NJ you both uh send me your emails and I'll send you your keys and Jay just shoot me a whisper so I can grab your email and send you your key it's our turn we're totally biased on our giveaways here on this channel sorry uh just just here actually I can whisper you hold on let me do it and just send me your email button top of the Cent coming up here let's turn our music down a little bit here and let's get uh focused up for the approach because it's gonna happen pretty darn fast here uh let's open it up skip the navigraft chart so you can see what we're actually doing here I'm gonna unload the old flight report or a new one and here we are in the boxer 4 arrival arnab arrival right here so up to Charlie 280 between 240 and 300 so ditzy coming up on our yep there's ditzy right there actually so we're fine um so yeah 280 knots there it knows it right there you can see right there two four oh so we'll put 240 right here in the v-nav we'll go ahead and start The Descent now so Hit The Descent and descent now execute it right on that rnp beautiful Trulia 280 there's that Frosty's 280 between 18 and 15 then knead and then Breeze uh uh at 900 240 tough it nine thousand seven thousand down our Earthly and then uh big tax at 240 knots five thousand feet Quinn then botcher then we're gonna get radar vectors out to the ILS for the runway which is actually 3-1 uh right so we're just gonna make that left turn off here and we'll be pretty much good to go so we go boxer direct from there looking at that so I'm fine with it so let's see here after botcher we can just go straight to fascia and we'll do that there we go happy with it go for lightning tense for the drag step descent yeah we know it's gonna be a steep descent but that's okay it's the Southwest way man ah we're good on that we don't even need any speed break right now so we'll put it back where we got it put it back where we got it from works for me Auto brakes will be two today because it is a shorter runway on the right side um and actually we can look at that and we can go to the charts go to the taxi charts Airport parking spots so 301 right right here and we're gonna be going to Gates gate uh 17. that's what we're going to so 17. you look at the uh airport information for takeoff minimums and all that one thing you can really you can do which is really cool is you can go back to the um the main map so if I close this out if you go to this Junior think of the 11 months appreciate you we have this right here you can actually put that we zoom in on Dallas down here I don't know if it wants to load we can get the airport there it is right there there we are and you can see all of the things so three one right we'll make our left hand turn probably at Mike five left turn on to uh Bravo and take as they're closed so I have to take Mike down to Bravo five and then in uh to gate 17 gate 17 is going to be over there where is k-17 here I'm just not seeing it 19 20 18. maybe we'll go to gate to 18 right because not 17 maybe it was 18. no it's 17 but I don't see it there so we'll just go to gate 18. right there that's what we plan on doing all right we need to be down next at uh keep on coming down buddy you nabbit Frosty we need to be at 18 000 on that so 18 for Frosty from there a little high on our stuff here but we can get back up to speed let's look at this stupid uh chart not paying attention tacos get that out there there's those spoil the speed breaks my first flight Sim uh was FS 95 but I wasn't like into it you know um I didn't get into it till FS uh 2002. and then really into it in fs9 2004. no I have no interest or not on my own airplane it's that's just a money pit I don't need it's like buying a boat I don't need it man don't need it at her above 15 here so we can actually go down to 15. we'll be right on our rnp a little bit better here we're grabbing it right now only 900 above oh yeah Landing elevation we need to see that let's breathe it real fast missed approach it's gonna be climbed at 1000 climb right turn heading 5000 on heading three three zero not bound on CBE VOR radio zero four six outbound of finger uh do you mean 36.4 CB and hold if we have to hold but we're not going to worry about that so if we do uh go Miss we're going to go ahead and climb to that thousand feet and then right turn uh to 5 000 feet on heading three three zero and then we will Vector ourselves again below 18 000 feet off standard pressure three zero one one that is cross-checked yeah good old project Open Sky man project freeware hgag any good friends back in the day and project development Skye posky husky posky Frosty at uh 18-15 so needle be at 11 000. so let's just continue that descent down to 11. so yeah Dallas is not a 3-1 right it's not a long Runway so we are not going to be floating it we're not going to be greasing it we're going to try to hit the markers it's giving you guys a heads up our passengers are 95 satisfied right now expected arrival 33 minutes out and like I said it's gonna be a quick turn to Nashville those wings are bouncing tavers I'm sure I saw you around back then that's back when I used to do flight Sim radio you remember flight Sim radio me and uh Emil serafino uh that was the second part but then we had Jeff Gossett and uh David bigger which is now a meteorologist out in La so you ever see uh meteorologist David bigger on uh on TV that's that's old David bravado gaming think of the subscription welcome to the stream family thank you very much Peter what's up that's cool are you talking about Jeremy gotcha John T okay I remember you man holy moly John taverns holy cow and then my buddy Kyle sherb as well he's with quality wings yeah I've shown our age a little bit that's okay speed brakes are well it's not armed out it's out right now we're on the rmp looking good 258 knots where I was D cell down to 250 at 10. let's continue down to 10 000 feet is helping out greatly with the uh the speed look at the plan we can see what we got going on here it's just a left turn there so we could step through it on this arrival here thanks Paige step through it so there's Quinn and all that okay we don't need to do that so we need to do big text to fascia so that's easy enough to fix so just Big Tex to fascia so fascia will go up here right underneath big Tech so right on Quinn just like that and execute it there we go that's what we're gonna have it do and back to map mode making our right turnover need now at 11 000. at or above 10 000 below 11 000 which we earned right at the moment right on the rnp looking good here 900 000 a briefs there's the slow right there we're good 900 000. come up on ten thousand feet here shortly keeping those food breaks out for now don't need them now we'll go put them away break is armed in the room needs to be right we'll see how it goes on the way in 29 minutes out oh yeah bearder well me and my dad we used to play Pacific air War 1942 Pacific air war that was so much fun uh the good old Jane's uh good old Falcon 3.0 Spectrum Hollow bite always been around it I've always we've always been into Aviation Jane's ATF I love that one because if you shot your wing man down here we go I'll see you in hell and Falcon they would be like uh yo your fries are done if you shot him down but it was on the PC speaker so you can only imagine how great that sounded 10 000 feet Wing light Bingham continuous check there let's get that airport elevation in there correctly that's what I was doing field elevation is 487. it's close enough but let's let's be right I should just put it right to 500 because that's closer to five or nine hundred thousand feet looking good continue art is sent down tough it's going to be at 900 000 as well so 7 000 and RV probably so you kind of hang out here four now and that turbulence is fun big bumps big bumps we hold here at 9 000 feet for now good view of Us coming in to Dallas getting those thermals and folks with the flight tech cap speaking about 27 minutes out from Landing in Dallas you're landing on uh Landing to the north and uh wins down there about uh I don't know about seven seven knots and uh we'll be on the ground here shortly we appreciate you flying Southwest this this evening and we'll see it you can swipe it is Bumpy look at this I love it big bumps big bumps yeah I'll be doing a fly in here soon enough to do a bush flying Adventure probably next week I have a lot going on with OC warp on Friday so probably not till next week get something you should be on the southwestern point of the terminal let's have a look-see it's a weird gate isn't it it's just not showing up here on this I see gate 18 and another 18. oh that's supposed to be probably 17 and there's 18 over here there's a duplicate that's kind of strange that's how we're just gonna go over here into 18 12 or 18. defending all right down to 7 000 feet we go seven thousand or below it's two to intervene there it goes we are getting rocked man look at those look at that yeah quack it would make sense of this case it's just not on the chart it's not a big deal that's just what I saw on FlightAware for that good turbulence right here man one for the seats for the landing please this is all we lights are online lights are on everything's good upstairs awesome speed race arms Auto brakes too approach checklist by nav instruments are verified cabin notification complete altimeters are checked uh three zero one I should just do one more three zero one five cross checked approach checklist complete wanna go big tax of five thousand bring it on down after big tax for a slowed down to 10 210 then 190 towards fascia here oh yeah this game has turbulence you better believe it it's real real turbulence too set to so it's all real world weather we don't have the time set right now because it'll be night time here but um yeah it's definitely uh windy let's get an update a weather report here I thought it was like seven knots out of the north but I think it changed the Metar says zero two zero six knots okay so it's about the same all right fascia's 2500 at or above so 2500 will keep that descent going down to 2500 at or above that's good there and we're gonna go to a heading select mode about right there it's a nice intercept here turn here and turn all right we'll go flaps one speed checks or flaps one speed intervene slow down to 190. pops 30 147 00 a little bit more of a descent than that there bud let's go flop five speed checks flash five there's Dallas right there on the left wing looking good my airplane this thing really didn't want to descend did it more turn here set up for our approach from the approach our left turn now that is some gnarly winds there man not wins but uh turbulence turn going towards fascia oh man that's a big bump these passengers are feeling this one today man I'll tell you that right now holy cow that's crazy 16 miles from the runway back over there got the runway in sight we're gonna shoot for Daddle at 2200 let's do it there we go smoothing out a little bit more here localizer is alive very bumpy very bumpy indeed want to go 2500. whoa big Bop I think it's knocking those wings over oh that's rough right there that's some rough air it's all that heat man all these storms the energy for these storms in this area you're down 15. I'm 47. come on don't you do that for me I thought alarms my airplane my throttles Cloud slope alive so we know that the winds are light on the ground but up here they're not so we're going to be ready for that it's 30. and a landing checklist landing gears down three green flaps are 30 30 green speed brakes armed and continuous on the engine start switches playing a checklist complete only 3-1 right clear land let's do it one thousand calmer after we got out of those thermals man way calmer 500. 400. 300. approaching minimums minimums 100 50. 30 20. 10. versus out greased it around in the Wind and some brakes I missed our turn off we were going to but that's okay we'll just use the whole Runway Slayer them this is a little Runway why not that was a fun approach man I really enjoyed that one I truly did 34 p.m and it's currently about 59 degrees Fahrenheit you can now use your mobile device are closed so we have to take this all the way down I'm gonna put our missed approach out soon then but that's all right I have my hands full I did I did beautiful no thank you dude that was the most turbulence I've experienced in the 7-3 so far so that was uh that was moderate turbulence on Final that was pretty amazing thank you guys for the kind words remember that whole thing right there is completely closed it doesn't like to do the bleed yet got ahead of myself all right GSX what we got here worth parking ramp really they don't have any Gates in this scenery why not why would they do that it's all ramp unless they're calling them ramps maybe they are let's go to ramp 18. we'll see if they're there now they're just calling it ramp instead of gate I think off to Nashville next quick turn here Dallas no messing around 49 minutes on the clock for that fight we are 13 minutes ahead of schedule that's how good that Tailwind was 13 minutes ahead all right Jager have a good night thanks for hanging out with us as always we appreciate oh I need to get all my lights what am I doing is that a gate right there that is our gate right there okay they're buried in that all right stop he's always parking brake shut them down let them up oh APU we're in a hurry there we go and seat belt signs are off free to get off the airplane we're just gonna do a quick one here quick turn so we're not doing a d-boarding on this guy so we're just gonna ask for the jet way to come out to the airplane which it's doing right now and Beacon Light comes off uh like that sweet welcome to Dallas fun arrival let's check out the scenery well if it'll load holy moly dude whoa hello is GSX killing our frame rate oh my Heavens it is jeez GSX all right well I want to go see the airport so we don't need to look at GSX the fact we might just get end up getting rid of it let me do that real fast I'm gonna go GSX and I'm gonna get rid of it jeez man here's the airport look at that you ever been to Dallas Love I've been here many many times like that they got the bar here hanging out the bar he's gonna kill my friends when I look back there oh yeah not as bad not as bad as it is getting rid of that stuff what we can ask it to do the uh I know there's people uh playing music up here got a Whataburger in here can Pisces it's pretty neat it's all the other Gates let's have a look-see the rest of this stuff here Associated Air Center there GA all these things those have a lot of cool airplanes over here at this at that Hangar over there that we're fine now that we restarted GSX pretty cool okay now we can go up here and have a look that's gate 18. there's our plane quick turn let's do it let me follow the flight plan Asheville aircraft type 737 it's a 800 let's see what flight level they actually fly out here Asheville I mean Southwest 874. 74 and they are given us 39. it's good during the flight and download the flight plan throw it in there real quick they're still deboarding I'll get you our numbers in a minute once we're finished so if I plan downloads we're playing right there got it all right flight plan is filed and we're gonna be the menu plus actions fuel extra ground Services look at those chalk set I'm sure and all that stuff is not doing its thing okay cool uh return to you fuel out of here is going to be 19058 there we go and the payload we're gonna have a zero field weight of 126.9 [Music] there we go that's correct a route page here and let's do the thing a b n a property route activate it execute it next page nope uh perfect page here we're gonna perform get the request for those in from that information there still d-boarding and they're complete sweet we go to pack X here menu and the flight there's our information I'll send you guys the card here as you can see we had a landing rate of 239 it's right where you want it man right on the markers too so I'll send you guys a report here's our report card for that flight save it done start the new flight here 39 000 feet yep that's the one Wi-Fi equipped yup that's us no meals on board custom safety in southwest let's do it done starting all right they're boarding the next flight already load those numbers you'll love to see it there it is right there planning for 19-1 they say there we have planned nineteen one we have 19.0 we'll just throw that in there that's good here's the winds two two five six six two two five at 66 knots that's good there N1 limits 26k on that flaps five departure out of here uh CG and trim get those units right there four six six for you pretty close right on the money um cool 466 on that let's get our departure out of here we're gonna be departing on Runway three one left on the Linder five departure Landry five departure uh loose intersection and that's gonna be off of one three left or sorry three one left there we go execute it uh arrival into Nashville we're looking like the Chesney 2 arrival on the 2-0 left so testing two on two zero left it's gonna be a transition of Memphis I lost two zero left approach probably Reba execute it we'll have a look at it in a second let's go ahead and go to plan here and we make sure all these guys are all set where they're supposed to be I did not do this not bad and probes were on too that's fine for now IP bleeds good there everybody's happy upstairs sweet uh back to what we were doing like I said we're doing a quick turn so we're just not making a not messing around here legs page here let's have a look-see out here uh off of three one left on up two uh vectors to Schram but we're gonna do is we're just gonna go around to Schram so let's make it easy on ourselves there we go just direct out the SRAM and then uh we're gonna go to laundry probably step it up there it is right there out there to uh Church and Jake's and he was all down loose then we got Memphis widows Chesney balls jet go older then gossip then nouveau and then we go to Reba so vectors to Reba after that but we'll just go ahead and throw Reba right there on that that works for me it's a little bit of a slant there to it but we'll just be vectoring ourselves once we get close anyway I am perfectly happy with that unable 258 yeah we will be don't worry about it all right cool that's awesome back to map mode back to 20 on you let's get this in here 39 000 big ones is what we got here 39s in there three one zero uh 313 actually and then we're gonna be back to this page here take off speeds right here be 148. what's that right there settle the flight directors after our flight let's get it right there awesome [Music] check that everybody's good down here off flaps are up as it should be and we're still boarding right now a few more minutes we're gonna be out of here uh so that's good RTO for you uh over the panel we're just gonna get this ready to go so we're gonna be fast out of here let's come back on keep that one off there they're saying welcome aboard a quick fire test on some things here two gpws test windshear windshear terrain Terrain flexibility services form the actions required if you are not able or prefer not to perform these episodes feel free to use your cell phones during the rest of the boarding process but we do ask that laptops tablets and any other larger electronic devices are secured once your department thank you and welcome aboard seat belt signs come back on and folks welcome aboard Southwest flight 874 service up to Nashville one hour 36 minutes a day will be cruising at 39 000 feet a few more things here going on with the paperwork before we push back from the gate uh and we appreciate you choosing Southwest welcome aboard engine bleeds need to be in the on position for start to go 191 on board good dude let's get caught up to you guys sorry I'm trying to get everything I can done as fast as I said it's gonna be a fast turn so we're just going fast through it uh all right cool the throttle quadrant is separate but it does have one on the actual yoke itself it's right down here these little two guys if you don't have a throttle quadrant you can use that which is pretty neat okay let's get this thing reset stopped right there we're ready to go when you are beautiful pre-flight time let's do it good afternoon ladies and gentlemen's away number 26 with the uh Tailwinds not bad position hello Captain we are ready for pushback wonderful good morning or afternoon or evening good night we'd love to see it 390 departure checks completed bypass pin inserted right before pushback checklist actually doors are closed High jog panel set fuel panels set five deck doors closing the lock transponders transponder pushback checklist complete that's a pretty fast turn wasn't it not bad not bad release parking brakes please there you go release parking brakes please commencing push all engines clear all right let's do it start valves open into ladies and Gentlemen please direct your attention to the screen for an important safety demonstration position emergency X on this aircraft two window x's and two extra doors in the back signs over here to life on the floor a safety information card is found in the feedback or leadership pocket in front of you should be a bit of a water evacuation please use the license as it easier to see foreign [Music] thanks for hanging out with us [Applause] here from Air craft Laboratories Federal Aviation regulations or podcasts or compliance for all lighted passengers isolation valve to close if you are traveling with children or anyone else we're not going to Atlanta don't worry it's not a thing left is clear right is clear have a good trip you got it let's do it single engine taxi baby due to the true Southwest way today uh a Palmer yup that's the idea we're doing it doing real world Ops today to save fuel simple as that save fuel save money we don't do our after start until uh we have started both engines so we'll do that once we get closer to the runway down here speeds 137 139 or 148. cabin is ready for takeoff they're ready to go okay Platinum seats for departure please turn in one yeah do a single engine uh taxi on the 737 all you got to do is go over here make sure that your packs are are uh on after you start so you start engine two like normal and then uh you just put the pack to on and then close the isolation valve and then you are able to uh taxi on one engine with keeping the AC flowing for the passengers back there all right after checklist generators are on probe Heats on anti-ice is off air conditioning panel set recall checked oh Auto brakes RTO taxi flaps are five five green take off speeds 137 139 148 cross checked thrust takeoff stab trim set bike control is free and correct tax checklist complete or takeoff checklist on my position three one left that is verified flaps five five green navigation briefing Complete Auto throttles are armed and start switches continuous transponder Tara flight attends have been notified and acknowledged before takeoff checklist complete let's do it start the clock quick turn baby quick turn yeah I get those packs on thank you yeah floating uh taxi lights there in I and Runway lights that's interesting not sure why that's the case 40 and toga airspeed's alive 80 knots throttle hold to rust normal Europe [Music] nav let me now come down here it takes a minute sometimes flops one can be nav you want some crazy climb speeds out of me I don't know why you're doing that bud try it again there it goes Henry said it doesn't like that uh that departure procedure that's okay flaps her up super windy on the way out just like it was on the way in ten thousand feet through my silent check uh checklist this is also a reminder this aircraft is equipped with onboard Wi-Fi if you wish to connect to the Wi-Fi you will be required to offer complimentary in-like communication to our partner connect to the Wi-Fi to find out more information it's a fun departure we got out of that out of the bumps pretty fast though that went bad hello everybody from from uh from Paul welcome to the stream how y'all doing man that was a uh that was a bumpy arrival and bumply departure for sure now we're gonna get the energy of these storms we had to fly over these storms see how this goes all the way to Nashville I know it's like what is it doing in Nashville has the storm showed up to Nashville yet they might have hard to say what's up Bryson how you doing what's up sooner Nation how you doing thank you Paul for the raid welcome on in everybody we just flew out of San Antonio into Dallas Love Field and now we're flying from Dallas to Nashville Tennessee pressure cross checks all right command a autopilot's on upstairs looks good 39 000 feet that's selected and just starts are set to off and anti-ice is off everything's good there we're 19 500 for 39 000 feet man coming into Dallas was super bumpy probably the most turbulence I've experienced in uh in Microsoft flight simulator it was pretty epic you guys missed it it's a good time and we did a Southwest Style on the way out Jack thank you very much for that 20 months I really appreciate that man um we did a single engine taxi and then we uh fire that engine up right towards the uh end of the runway it was awesome throw that sucker into uh the isolation valve into the closed position what's going on man good to see you Paul how was the Knights of ocrp are you a cop tonight go and kill that now another autopilot flew around with Diaz nice you know somebody had a really good um RP idea I'm gonna run by you guys I need you both involved for it yeah on our way to Nashville now once we hit our cruising altitude we will be giving away two Nashville sceneries and then I told you there's more but wait there's more we're going to be giving away we're gonna be giving away Las Vegas um Las Vegas DLC for Tower Sim ulator three as well they're steam keys so you need to have a steam version of tower simulator three foreign Paul you would not believe the turbulence we experienced on the landing if you can go back and watch go back and watch the landing of my La of the last uh just the arrival into Dallas alone you don't really have to renew your your private you always have your pilot's license yeah you just have to stay current so all I have to do is go get a medical uh physical and then go do a bfr and once I've uh done my flight review then yeah like just what Paul said right there flight review and then you'll be good to go which I've done before but then I just never flew so I was like I don't really need to dump money into something I don't need right now but if I wanted to finish my IFR I would definitely do it yeah wait till you see the arrival into uh Dallas man it was unbelievable I hand flew the entire uh ILS approach and we were in moderate turbulence the entire time no joke yeah real-time weather and we're on our way to Nashville I think we're going to experience some weather coming into Nashville I have a feeling yeah I can't wait to watch your uh Microsoft flights Behind these videos um I watched your uh your A320 flight to Las Vegas the next plane on your old PC it was awesome I learned quite a few things about the Airbus I didn't know that's usually how it is Nashville is one eight zero six knots 10 miles visibility broken at 10 000 overcast twenty thousand alternate three zero one two okay so the weather hasn't really made it there yet I'm gonna look at and see what they're showing oh that line of storms is moving through Nashville 100 right now so we are going to deal with some weather on this route yes we are and some pretty gnarly weather at that and considering we don't have a working weather radar in this we're gonna have to go off a visual so it could get rough I think this flight's gonna be rough guys I really do we're 14 minutes into our flight 20 300 feet here looking good on the climb look at those seat belts uh off once we get to three nine or zero that's awesome Steven it's a really really cool uh job man that's what I wanted to do but uh YouTube had other other things up at sleeve for me it's been a much more profitable and enjoyable career I love that Wing view right there look at those clouds man looks so real sometimes three uh 39 39 000 feet mannequin yeah so I could tell you we're gonna toot our horn a little bit on our turnaround in Dallas how long do you think we were on the ground in Dallas 15 minutes maybe probably 15 minutes because we've only been live for an hour and 55 minutes and we flew from San Antonio to Dallas yeah 10 to 15 minute turnaround that's how it's done man so in world flight that's how fast uh whenever I was in the cockpit with MAV that's how fast we could turn a plane we would turn the plane faster than uh what the Sim would allow sometimes I know Paul me and you we're going to turn that plane at 10-15 minutes it's a guarantee guarantee I don't dilly dally I do everything you need to do and then do your checklists man you're gonna see 10 minute turnarounds I promise you I know Paul loves the uh the Airbus and I I love it as well but he's going to he's going to have a special uh the 737's gonna have a special place in his heart after he flies it as much as he's going to but a lot of the guys that uh would come down to fly that were real guys they uh they flew the Airbus too it's all CRM last night for the evening at uh 39 000 feet will be giving away two more sceneries we gave away two on the flight from San Antonio to Dallas we're gonna give two more seniors where we're going to right now the Nashville scenery uh from field there provided by field there uh or give away two of those and then we're gonna be we have four keys of Las Vegas if you guys have Tower simulator three on Steam I have those codes for you that you can just put in and activate immediately if you win but like I said before if you those of you that just showed up um we're I'm very biased when it comes to giveaways on the channel um I don't do giveaways a lot on the channel um and I tell the sponsors that I don't do it because I don't like giving away like a big huge yoke or something like this and uh it just goes to some that's gonna go on eBay and sell it um I I only let regulars and subscribers uh enter that just being that is what gets you entered into it and then we roll it so subscribers have a 10 times more uh chance of winning than anybody else because we are biased like that I want to make sure it goes to the good people that deserve it so many people will show up to a stream just for a giveaway or stick around for a giveaway and I make sure that that is not the case look at this though we got a 92 not Tailwind I love it love it love it I've had that happen before where I had somebody um win something and then they complained about it to me because they had to pay for the um the uh border or the uh Customs paperwork or whatever it was it was like twenty dollars this thing was like a 800 or like I think it was like 800 or something that piece of equipment no it was less than that it was like 400 piece of equipment and they were complaining about that and then they made me pay for it I paid for it so after those experiences I was like man you know what no and then there was another person that won uh a wheel or something like that and they sold it on eBay and they laughed about it in the chat it's like well okay that's cool now I know now I know oh James I'm sorry I completely missed when I asked you that question if you still do photography now that you're around I see you yeah Joe it was and it was already a big deal because they're like I don't really want to ship it overseas we should have put that in a stipulation they didn't oh man yeah you can just feel the energy of the storm system we're about to fly towards you can just see it the visuals are there you do nice it's all good white leg but if you guys do win and you don't want to use the scenery you don't have Microsoft flight simulator you know you can always just say hey I don't want it roll it again we give it to somebody who does that's how we do it around here that's how we do it it's yeah Joe it's a Squall line moving through there right now and so how it works and you can see the build up over here um on this side of the uh the left side of the wing right here you see the build up happening right here because Meteo blue is what they use for the weather system in Microsoft flight simulator and if you go to Media blue you can see what we're actually going to be dealing with but it is on like a 5 to 15 minute delay sometimes so the storms will be a little further behind so no matter what we're gonna have to fly over these things hey Dad I'll see you yeah you just see the right here in front of us this is what we're gonna be running into no working weather radar on the pmbg so even if we had the default weather radar it would help us navigate these storms I'm gonna harp on it every time because I just it's something I still don't understand yeah I bought radar scope for uh for for desktop for Windows I love it man I use it way more than gr level three oh no problem Joe do your thing Shelby 1734 what's going on good evening been watching you for years on YouTube with the lives and videos but this is my first live here welcome to the Stream how you doing yeah the desktop is way better man way better we're gonna be at 39 000 feet so any clouds that are above 39 000 feet we're going to deviate around that's just how that goes that was cruising in 0.77 let's go let's do that we got that 102 knot Tailwind right now we're going to utilize all the tail when we can shaving off some time here another point my Jeff Van Kerr here where I have watched every video and now I'm bored without Jeff liver without any YouTube videos it's a very rough life that's funny I got a lot of projects in the works and for those of you guys that didn't see I I put a community post out today if you go to my uh Reddit I have a subreddit um and you submit your Landings and takeoffs I'm gonna be doing a reaction series to that so I look forward to seeing your guys's submissions on your best Landings and takeoffs and the reason why I put takeoffs in there is because everybody is so buku about uh Landings but they don't realize that takeoffs are equally as important and they're just as skillful too many people just nail the throttles and then you'll see them just like Drift Off The Runway Stephen wants you four five six six that's really cool man Aviation is something absolutely special and you know just being here and watching these streams and learning more about it when you get on an airplane you fly somewhere you're going to know more about it than you ever did which is really cool one to go Alex I need to get get with you about an iRacing thing I want to talk to to you about so just remind me in a PM I'm sure I'll forget Cloud surfing time yep we're right up here where the wispies are all right 39 000 feet turn that fast seat belt sign off and folks from the flight deck flight you're having you on board today but our flight up to Nashville we're at Nashville right now we're about an hour and nine minutes out winds out of the South about six miles per hour and uh temperature there 64 degrees we should encounter some storms on the way in we'll probably have to DB route some of those uh before we I could finally get in to Nashville we'll keep you updated along the way if we uh run into the weather and sit back relax enjoy the flight three Niner zero looking well all right it's time for a giveaway all you have to do just be here that's it all you have to do is just be here that is literally it is Steven one two four five six six you won a Nashville Center impact if you want it if you don't want it then we can roll it again give it to somebody else it's up to you man but if you use this what you guys have to do is send me your email and then I can uh I can send that to them and then they'll send you the BMT downloader for it roll it again okay it doesn't want it all right rolling again Boeing dude 22. where are you Boeing dude 22. oh Wonder giveaway of Nashville scenery welcome aboard he'll take it all right all right love to see it just send me your email I sent you your key you send me the email I can send that to them and they'll send you the downloader all right let's give it another one away let's do it Mr Alex Arena won you're a mod though so you're you're kind of a no on that one sorry bud you weren't supposed to win do you want it though I'll give it to you man I'll give it to you will you do you want it I told you we're extremely biased here all right he's Gonna Take It I love I love it all right how many you guys have one you sent me your email in uh Discord there Alex but how many of you guys have Tower Sim 3 and you've seen the Las Vegas scenery man look at that nose up pitch on Cruz that's crazy with that Hunter one not Tailwind pretty crazy dude it's great Paul says it's great but how many of you have it because I do have four uh four sceneries to give or four of those DLCs to give away for that game I have four of them but if not a lot of you guys have it I'm just gonna self pick people to give it to but I wanted to see if it was worth doing a giveaway on did you see they updated your controls you can now fly the PMD g73 you've got to be kidding me EJ that happened today you've got to be kidding me no I did not know that please tell me you're not trolling me EJ you'll make me cry after the day I've had with the PMD g73 you don't have it nope okay natural dude I'm so excited finally oh Ryan's gonna lose his mind Ryan's gonna lose his mind all right so so far I'm gonna give two of these Keys away one to Paul and one to uh White League and these are just uh steam they're just steam keys so just activate them like you normally would you know again that's all you gotta do it's that simple it really is that simple yeah Paul you get one white leg you get one they gave me five keys for this by the way so we're gonna play five of these these will just work I don't need your email or anything for these no problem at all man big things to feel there for providing these keys and let me do whatever I want to do with them it was really cool of me to do that 150 nautical miles out to Memphis and then on top of the fence right after Memphis here so we're just keeping an eye on that weather we're looking good as of right now see where it's at once we get there CKC Richard I got you man you just activated on Steam you have to have a steam version field there we don't feel there it's feel there f-e-e-l-t-h-e-r-e but I know I feel there is feel air yeah that's the one no problem Richard not a problem at all man all right so we've given away two we've got or so we've been away three we need we have two more who else has Tower Sim 3 and once the Las Vegas DLC on Steam you gotta have the steam version I guess you know I guess you could do the steam version you could probably install it no it won't let you do it that way that's true I think you can extract It Anyway there might be a way to do it but I don't know how nope we might have to dial it back to 790 we'll dial it back to 790 . look at that beauty yeah Paul those dates are not um not a hundred percent in concrete because I think Ryan had something happen during those two days we might move that around to later in later in the month or earlier so I have to get with you we really need to just nail down the dates honestly that we can all agree upon because I don't want you to ask off for work or whatever and if not you know so I'll uh I'll definitely talk to you this week about it I already know you're going to be what what's your call sign going to be when you fly the A-10 on Friday because I already know you're an A-10 pilot all right cool yeah it probably won't it won't be that weekend because that weekend he has he has something he has nothing the rest of the month only those two days were a no-go for him so we'll we'll figure it out very soon that way we can book all the stuff we need to book yes for out there rookie it'll be in July I will definitely let you know the date as soon as we nail it all together actually you can be a part of that conversation how about that I'll have you and MAV uh Ryan and uh Paul and we'll uh we'll just nail it all down so anybody else want this want a Las Vegas DLC for the steam version of tower simulator 3. anybody else you watch me hit 250 at ulna don't lie to me airplane I'll hit it the chase do you have Tower Sim 3 on Steam now you own it J-Dog what's up how you doing good to see you sure ATS trucker what's up I'm doing good J Dog had a rough start to the stream but that was before I even went live I tried to load it the PMD g737 700 which I've been flying like I flew it just the other day it was no problem but if you have a different Livery and apparently it has different antennas or something on that package then you have to sit there and recompile the whole airplane and it was 45 minutes in and I said nope I'm just not doing this so I loaded up the 800 it loaded it in nine minutes took forever making great time here though 95 minutes out should be landing it around 1am I'm thinking about buying the thrustmaster th8as orthoping some on the Logitech one at the moment it depends on what you want man but yeah it's it's metal construction I've been using it for I've had mine since 2016 and it's had no issues and I put it through the paces um if you want something that's super super heavy like a huge metal box then attack makes their shifter that is like a tank but if you don't care about that and keep in mind you know um at the fanatec box is probably like this big it's a huge fat box with the shifter on it and the th8 is about like that it's it's a much smaller one and it has a clamp to the desk uh whereas with the phantotech you really can't do that so um I would uh I would I would say that th8a is fantastic for what you're getting and I've had it forever I'm sponsored by them but I'm always honest with you guys about it and for those of you that uh have Microsoft flight simulator on Xbox the the this airplane right here is coming to it very soon actually they're gonna be releasing it on Xbox very soon BMG 737 awesome Chase fantastic glad it worked out for you man enjoy Las Vegas I'll use the honeycomb Alpha yolk I have actually if so do you recommend frostmaster Boeing yoke over it uh CKC Richard they're not the same thing so uh let me explain what I'm talking about so this one here I'm gonna pull it back just a little bit I don't want to disconnect the autopilot but it's it's a pendulum just like a real Boeing so like you know they have a huge uh a huge pole that goes down into the floor and it's on a pendulum right like this with the honeycomb it's you're gonna get a you're gonna get a small little pole behind it and it pushes in pushes out now it does 90 degrees left 90 degrees right um but it's a tiny little pole and it's got a little bit of an indentation on it so it's like it's not a perfectly smooth but it's not bad it's it's a really good product I do like the honeycomb yolk however these are very different worlds when it comes to what you're looking for honestly and then the Yoko yolk I had that thing is a super heavy yolk it reminds me of like flying in a like it's almost like almost a turbo prop um very expensive yolk but it's a push pull as well it's not a mechanism that has the uh has the pendulum on it that makes all the world of a difference and the uh the TCA Boeing yoke is a full metal design with plastic casing around it so don't let the plastic fool you it's a super heavy yoke it feels great um I've been I I've been over the moon with mine and the tprs are incredible they are super heavy duty love mine the only thing I've had the only problems I've had with mine is they squeak um but I could fix that myself if I wanted to another thing with the Boeing TCA Boeing yoke I haven't ever put the other spring in there you could put another spring in there and make it even heavier if you want to which I might end up doing because after flying the Sim at rookies it's got a really heavy feel to it and if I put another spring on here it's going to be a very similar feel to it but one thing that's really cool about the 737 yoke uh in like rookie Sim is that it's kind of like a ratchety feel to it so when you pull it back it's kind of like how these ratcheting points to it so you kind of have way more control over what you're doing this doesn't have like a ratchet feel to it it's got a throwback to it but it's pretty darn heavy here it is in full what I'm talking about here you see how it pulls back this way here's the pendulum down here right there it goes all the way back to about right down there then you have your throttle you have your throttles right here if you if you want to use them if not you can always use you know you can get the pack and the pack will have one of these units on the left and then you can have three slots I have two side by side because I do seven four or I have the two in the middle for a 737 uh setup like I have right now and then those are the tprs down there and they're a full metal design fully metal hey Yoshi what's up I didn't get any uh thing about you giving a random subscription away I didn't see anything pop up sorry if you did thank you very much CKC Richard I have the honeycomb Alpha I am really thinking about the getting the TCA Boeing so another thing for me is that the honeycomb if you look at pictures online and you know this Richard um the throttle quadrant looks way bigger in the pictures than it actually is when you're you actually have it those are tiny little pieces they are not big at all now you can get the 3D printed parts for it to give you like a more of a 737 one or you can get one of the uh much higher quality ones that are add-ons for it as well but they are very small so keep that in mind don't let the pictures fool you yeah Dad has the tprs and he loves them yeah anything's better than those Alex is scitec the thing that the scitec and the Logitech because Logitech bought the scitex out which the sites actually should be the mad or mad cats pop the scitex out and then they eventually were bought out by Logitech um they're all the same product they're Fisher-Price toys compared to the thrustmaster TCA Boeing yoke to the honeycomb and uh you know virgin fly Yoko yolk absolutely jdog always good to see you I was getting some Landing data in here shall we flaps 31-46 throw that right in there ILS 109 35 201 we'll brief our approach in a minute 109.35 1935 10935 set there and then we had 201 on the course 201 all right slow ways out before top of descent but about 20 miles out we do our briefing and the Chesney arrival so we need to unload this flight and import our last one so to Nashville from Dallas and there it is right there we're almost to Memphis VOR or vortac and then we can see here Nashville the Stars the Chesney to Arnav approach or arrival um so we're gonna be coming out of Memphis here on the zero seven one outbound radial for 97.5 miles to widows widows is going to be at uh flight level two one zero a little bit of uh don't worry about that it's going to slow down we just got hit by a huge gusts to win there it's slowing down you got it airplane you got it slowly down to 0.78 there it goes it's fine um so we just have flight level two one zero uh then we continue for another 32 miles zero six Niner outbound radial from Memphis to Chesney Chesney is going to be between flight level one Niner zero and twelve thousand then we go to balls and then we go at 900 000 jetco and then ulna 250 knots between eleven thousand six thousand we're gonna be landing on Runway oh uh 20 left to thank two zero left so two zero left it's gonna be over here so we're gonna just go ahead and from ulna go and uh I think we're going straight out to Nuvo so we'll be 13.8 miles uh to GD stf there so 250 knots six thousand feet Nouveau at 220 knots six thousand feet then we go to Joe glow at uh five thousand feet 210 knots slow down to 190 and get vectors for the ILS 2-0 what was left not right approach so it'll be the left Runway here so 2-0 left approach and we can see the uh we got a river there good um good visual indicator there on that guy looking at our approach for ILS 2-0 left right here we can see we got one nine three five two zero one we've already set all of that uh if we go missed we're gonna climb to 1300 feet then a climbing left turn to 3 000 feet on heading zero four zero and outbound via the Nashville VOR radial outbound zero seven two to Lenin intersection DME 25.1 to Nashville and hold or as directed by ATC but if we go Miss we are going to go ahead and just make a left turn out we're gonna do the climbing left turn up to 3 000 feet and re-vector ourselves to Cramer for the approach once again Lane elevation is going to be 5.99 so 600. that's set right there looking down here on the ILS we see Reba is what we had set in our uh FMC so 5000 feet right there uh almost the top of descent here we're gonna reset the mCP back to that star so the star was going to be Chesney two we need to get down to uh with us at uh two one zero so 21 000 feet in the mCP we'll let the airplane naturally come down actually you know what we'll do we'll go down to 21. like this come on come on it's loading tiles in I believe the Sim catch up there he goes so 21 and we're right here at the top of descent so there we go she's already starting her way down and we're going to just pull those uh those speed rakes to flight the tent to help that as well but back to our approach we know what that was uh 2-0 left important thing down here iOS 751 on the barrel so seven five one Barrow seven five one and cross-checked look at the taxi chart here uh airport information here two zero left we're gonna come off of 2-0 left uh and we're gonna make a right turn on Hotel three and then we're just gonna take Hotel up to Juliet Juliet to tango six into the ramp uh as we need to parking gates are right here we're expecting Gates they don't have it on that one let's see what gate they're using here we're gonna be taking gate C20 so C20 is right here so we're coming on Tango six and we'll just continue around and we'll park at C20 are any available Gates that are close to C20 as much as that goes there all right this guy can go up we hit our rnp no problem altitude intervene please two one zero let's expedite that a little bit I don't know what it's doing here there we go fight the tent again for you I don't know why it didn't do do that got us way off rnp um so that's the approach briefing complete I'm talking about Nicole all the time she's doing just fine doing just fine Nashville meter matar's uh wins column 10 miles of visibility light rain overcast 10 000 now three zero one four if you guys have any sinuses you might want to uh plug your nose because this is going to be a hefty descent it's what it's doing right now this is an ear popper because I don't know why the airplane over flew that rmp so much but it did we're too busy doing our approach briefing yeah this is the storms right around here you can see the difference in the cloud structure here a little bit more menacing with the cumulonimbus set upstairs looks good fuel quantity 12-1 plenty of gas love it love to see it and folks for the flight deck we've started our descent down into Nashville about 39 minutes out from National right now winds are calm at the moment and uh if we run into weather We'll advise uh you guys along the way we appreciate you choosing Southwest today hopefully we'll see you on a future flight have an announcement it's been done gonna be Auto breaks one so Chesney's at 190 900 000 a ball so we'll do one nine zero so this thing will just keep on doing its thing it's on the rnp now we're good don't even need that drag right now honestly all right Scott have a good one thanks for hanging out man as always yo and I flew out of Harrisburg uh about a month ago I Saw Three Mile Island off on the right hand side on the ERJ yeah this weather's looking a little mean this doesn't make wet conditions Let's Go Auto break two today or change it up for the captain we can do that it's gonna get bumpy yeah we're gonna use some anti-ice for this for sure once we get down here closer to the soup just don't want to pick up anything out of here we're negative 10c right now keeping an eye on it negative nine now I was gonna see if it was going to be closer to zero I mean you don't technically need it right here but we're gonna be we're gonna do it just in case negative four it's warming up as we go down right on rnp looking good only 67 off I'm grabbing it though ever so slightly it should be a good seven two or seven thirty seven pilot and get my heading selected where it's at remember they said that that uh that cloud layer was at 20 000 feet so you can see we're starting to break through it now see the river got some rain right off here on the left see that that's all rain right there see the rain curtains it's awesome so we're gonna deviate to the right just a little bit get around that weather see another build up right there that's bad you do not want to fly through that the rainbow look at that oh it's a double rainbow sky Barbara came we're thinking of the cheer really do appreciate that man yup we'd be dodging some storms on the way in figured we were going to uh just like that it's gone yeah Chase I totally agree man that's one of my biggest complaint is that they just won't even put the default one in there it'll be so easy to do below 18. 306 cross checks get intercept back on our lnav here more build up right here off our nose but we should be clear of it through here we're not flying into that storm right there we're just gonna stay there look to the right of it yeah look at that build up right there that's that's a nasty cell right there on the right not completely organized but close enough our bear gamer thank you so much for getting the subscription to unknown is back baby appreciate that and gives in another one another two out actually the chiamena and then smoke welcome to the stream family thank you to barbaric gamer for that all right we're right back on our stuff here we're still high on this RNA or in the rnp steep descent down to 10 here to altitude intervened 10. and here's the problem they have ulna sets at 11 000 that's incorrect why do they do that six oh I see why okay it knows the difference between the two it's it's either it's either or it's loaded in once it's done loading in we'll be able to fly again here come on do your thing thank you speed intervene 240 unable it you know right at balls lie lies I tell you lies six thousand we'll be going through this rain curtain not much we can do about it it's kind of over the airport those rain curtains look awesome too fast we're grabbing our rnp now looking good here down to six thousand feet hey gost what's up toker welcome back Joe primary gamer I've been watching you since 2016 believe it or not your videos are sparked my interest in being a cop and has given me many good interactions the public in doing so keep being a spark of inspiration Indiana Deputy very cool barbaric that's really neat actually happy I could give you a little insight on some things like that yeah the raiderscope desktop app is fantastic man it's worth the 30 it's to me it's better than gr level three and you get the high-res uh radars now you don't have to pay for the subscription for the pro series or service or anything like that I do do that because you know I want to chase this summer boy this is some nasty stuff right here on the left I think we're going to be skirting right around it looks like but it's going to be interesting that's for certain demon is back there to the raid welcome 6 000 at or above 6000 at or above five thousand to show glow so we continue down to five then Reba's five thousand but we probably want to go all the way up to Ariba honestly we'll just intercept the thing in there and then we'll we'll do a uh we'll shoot the approach from there once the uh line slip comes down a little bit more all right folks are below 10 000 feet continuous Landing lights are on everything's good upstairs welcome to Nashville enjoy the arrival for those of you that won the Nashville scenery you're going to get to see the Nashville scenery here soon enough to be on the ground rnp looks good it's gonna be bumpy through this part right here once we get underneath the clouds we'll turn off that anti-ice sen checklist altimeters are checked minimums are set 751 that was cross-checked land data is set approach briefing Complete Auto brakes two seat belt signs are all on pressurization panel is set recall checked approach flight navigation complete altimeters are checked approach checklist complete into the soup we go what's up firefighter I won't forget the spoilers we need them right now we're deciding we're in the in the rain now is the rain she breaks armed heading select zero two five now we need more a little more drag it's gonna be in the soup we're gonna just shoot the whole ILS approach out to Reba we'll Vector ourselves to Reba since we don't have any can't see anything down to four we get the altitude intervene please it's all right since we're fatigued on this flight I won't be shooting the eyeless approach hand flying it in the suit normally I would but I mean we've been flying for a pretty long time right now so we're not going to put ourselves in a situation where uh we don't need to welcome back white League I was gonna chase yesterday but uh it was a blue sky bust in St Louis when I woke up that morning there we go we're starting to break out of the clouds a little bit here now keeping that out to ice on for now we're gonna go about another mile or so here nicely hand flight I mean we'll see how it goes here my airplane [Music] speed checks flaps one platform a speed to the airport on the approach perhaps five speed checks Fox 5. localizers alive slopes live perhaps turn not a bad intercept for hand flying hey that worked out great 2500 you're down I was 15. 25 30. run away in sight our throttles I'm starting a speed brakes are armed gear down three green like in switches are to continuous play the land 20 left let's do it 500. approaching minimums 400. minimums 200. 100 50. 30. 20. this is out [Music] stolen all right thank you all for being patient on the approach I had to have a good old still a cockpit that was a that was a fun approach thank you for talking me into hand flying it it was a lot of fun to do actually thank you guys concerts are 95 satisfied currently they say in DC I had two great flights two great Landings man what an incredible day of flying and we had to deal with the weather of course yeah I use pack X p-a-c-x no thanks Ray I'm just reassuring uh MAV and uh rookie that I deserve the captain status for world flight they promoted me to Captain some Captain the 737. fake 737 but still it's pretty darn cool if you ask me this isn't our turn is it right it's the next one and please open up my airport info please not showing me on here hold on oh that's the wrong oh because I'm on the wrong charts I have to do the one that's in here yeah Rookie's here Nashville taxi yeah it's the next left is the bridge there are we taking either one it don't matter around the fire station it's this one right here it's just slightly off that's why noise throws me off so now since we're doing real world Ops we're going to shut down our left engine here and to do that it's pretty easy we're just gonna put it on Apu power okay so we just go to our AP Power here and then we're going to go ahead and uh we're going to close that isolation valve AP bleed comes on and the left pack can go off and we can shut down engine one [Music] just like that shouldn't seem like it did anything with it the pack there we go y'all remember our gate number it's gate uh C20 so let's see if they have it here this is the Nashville scenery that I gave away to y'all I see no oh here we are C 20 is what we want there it is still in position is too small no it's not stupid let's choose a different one choose a gate we can actually go to oh they sent a markzler anyway okay we'll go there anyway there I think of the 46 months man appreciate you yeah I agree Joe that would be a thing which we could do yeah there's the scenery for that it's damn good I'll do I'll do a flyer around so you guys can check it out too you can see what you want like I said I'll send those emails off to uh to feel there and then they will send you the downloaders for it yep I see our gate over there an after landing checklist is uh silent so that's the reason why I don't say it out loud but I did it all except for the engine start switches I think I didn't put those back nope they were I did put him back just kidding just kidding I was on it man a weather radar off this will be shut down checklist for blinding you buddy it happens to the best of us AP B power shut them down let them up light off the park and we go sex this parking is too small for your aircraft shut up bring that jet way out anyway I don't want to hear it none okay the lights on you can open up that cockpit door as well unlock it first remember where that's at oh you can't okay I'm saying up let's have to do it over here oh well I know there's a way to do it but I'm not worried about it to be honest with you look at that we did it so here is the scenery it's not like an ini one where you have the inside modeled it's got you know the building structure there for the most part but it's very light on the frames that's the greatest thing about it really detailed not bad at all we've got the uh here I'll put this away you don't need to see me no more got the little Tower here you got some more stuff over here but you see the actual buildings modeled right that one there more gates over here actual airport uh arrival spots right here this is the Nashville scenery I'll speed up the Drone so we can showcase a little faster another building over here with cars got the fire station there all that then you have the ga ramps and all that stuff over here I think there's something else over yep it's over here GA ramp that's an interesting spot some more buildings more GA stuff or more hangers control tower there or ga more custom buildings or hangers here's the uh the military complex here so you got some you got a chinook there that looks like a yeah it's a chinook got an Apache helicopter there some Blackhawks Seahawks some uh using a quarters and whatnot over here some more military stuff here another building over here it all lights up at night too I'll show you that in a minute some more buildings got some hotels and stuff industrial spot over here cargo ramps yeah it's really good on performance get the actual VOR you guys have you you've heard us talk about vlrs and I can actually see one here it is see each spokes the radials there it is the Nashville VOR some more buildings over here see downtown Nashville right there so let's see what this looks like at night so you got the undulation in the runway there absolutely cool as well the rails lights going on sober take care see the vor's lit up but the ramp itself is lit up really well and this is something I love to see the proper use of lighting at the airports like white ramp lighting not everything has to be yellow we have a mixture of it over here some sodium lights you see they're actually modeled like B1 you know b11b13 each Gates modeled really well oh they put my uh jet way away because they're jerks you dang jerks but all the buildings have Lighting on them not too shabby there's the fuel Farm in the firehouse all lit up the ga ramps are all lit up as well you see the control tower it's pretty cool military ramp all lit up yeah not too shabby right not too bad at all All Things Considered I think there is another flight simulator yeah another simmer out there Iron Condor simulations I'm gonna send you guys over to them I watch Iron sometimes we'll see the fly on the Cirrus for the most part but I'll send you guys over there thank you so much for hanging out with us tonight for those of you that won the scenery be sure to uh look in your emails tomorrow I'll get you a setup y'all have a great night show iron Condor simulation some love from us and you all take care we'll see you tomorrow bye-bye
Channel: Favignano Live
Views: 25,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jfavignano, Episode, Series, microsoft flight simulator 2020, flight simulator 2020, flight simulator, Microsoft Flight Simulator, Flight Simulator, Microsoft, thrustmaster tca, tca, thrustmaster tca boeing yoke pack, thrustmaster tca boeing yoke standalone, pmdg 737 msfs 2020, pmdg 737, pmdg 737 msfs, msfs dallas love field, inibuilds, inibuilds ksat, feelthere kbna
Id: wpP9QiM2mDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 18sec (12198 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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