MAYDAY. Engine power lost power on takeoff. American A321 returns to Dallas-Fort Worth. Real ATC

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202709 contact watch every day mayday mayday mayday American uh 2709 engine issue uh we are on a left-handing 165 up to uh ten thousand it's American 2709 departure radar contact at 2 700 State attention sir okay 2709 we're gonna run some checklists and then we're going to return to the airport 2709 Roger just slide the rnf sir by heading of uh maintain 5000 please okay you want to stack on the r nav and uh 5 000 American 2709 yes sir American 2709 we're direct to uh laryn at this time Roger that sir do you need to do you need to expedite to go back to the airport right now I need to know 2709 where uh the airplane is stable we need to fly the airplanes a little bit I'll call you back to maintained five thousands by the rno okay American 2709 do you want to go any higher sir 5000 good for you America 2709 we are good it's 5 000 and uh we're gonna come back around for one eight right are you an emergency sure at all well we're gonna go we're gonna stay in emergency aircraft the air the aircraft is stable are you declaring emergency I declared meeting yes sir sorry American 2709 you're clicked at the DFW Airport the radar vectors just maintain the rnf for now turn north here shortly okay five thousand maintain the rnf departure Mark twenty seven zero nine uh nature of the emergency uh nature of the emergency was a uh uh engine uh power loss and uh that's that's where we are right now American 2709 turn to the right hitting at three four zero back in 2709 turn right hitting three four zero three four zero American twenty seven zero nine second twenty seven zero nine when able uh forward uh Souls on board and field remaining in time [Applause] back in 2709 Roger will enable heading a 360. there's gonna be traffic at your two o'clock five miles turning to the West leveling at 4 000 is a company Boeing 737. three six zero looking for traffic 2709 1987 American 2709 American uh we're on American 2709 confirm uh CFR is going to be uh wait for us that's 0.709 Roger one uh 18 left you said 20 right American 270 or not right four thousand maybe twenty seven zero uh let's do uh could you take us out to uh to Johann Severance 2709 actually 2709 is starting to slow up uh we we are ready to stay fresh three thousand zero seven zero Max 2700 say again 170 American 2709 okay 2709 uh we can we get uh further right temperature America 2709 cleared the ILS Runway 1e right on a 150 heading and three thousand uh negative uh looks like the engine is is back with us uh we're we've got basically a normal airplane here but uh we're gonna stick with the ILS uh 218 right be advised uh we will be stopping on the runway for uh for an inspection from CFR as soon as they clear us we'll get off the Runway 35 7 American 2709 thanks for the help too power marks 2709 ILS one eight range 6.709 right so Amanda 160. Fiddle in one e right 2709 did they let you know we're gonna be stopping on the runway yeah I was just checking with your intention you're gonna stop on the runway our American 2709 be advised uh the it should be a left engine that needs to be inspected Roger left engine that needs to be inspected thank you [Applause] uh evidence of uh damage fire or uh debris or anything like that that would make it on safety Tech negative it's still running from 0.7 they're not good okay American 2709 Roger I think it's that's uh that's good enough to go ahead and move the aircraft so we're going to go ahead to vacate I'll get and start working on [Applause] everything I'm just let me know when you're ready to clear uh [Applause] foreign
Channel: You can see ATC
Views: 24,568
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Keywords: atc, mayday, engine failure, aviation, pilot, emergency, flight, engine power loss on takeoff, airplane, landing, takeoff, runway, engine failure on takeoff, failure, aircraft, cockpit, emergency landing, real atc, air traffic controller, controller, traffic, tower, airport, control, airlines, airport tower, real atc mayday, atc audio, engine, airbus, jet, fail, air traffic control, departure, approach, live atc, atc recording, dallas, dfw airport, fort worth, texas, dallas fort worth, a321, airbus a321
Id: O0ghzPYHm4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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