Pipeline 6 on 6 Branch Welding

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so we got this corroded pipe again guys we got the correct rods we got some 6010s and some 8010 pipeliners that's about how i clean my tacks you don't want to take no risks remember you don't want to attack in here or in here because this is where you'll be cutting your straps you want to clean well all around one thing i didn't i did notice i probably bubbled my my ears too much you don't have a lot of welding to do there but it'd be all right all right guys so we got some 60 10 1 8 rods we'll be running about 88 amps at 60 dig and pretty much what i'm going to be doing i'm going to be starting my arc here in this secure tap heat it up and progress this way i don't want to have any starts to stop here like i said before i got quite a bit of a gap and actually i'm going to weld those first because as soon as i get to welding this the pipe would shrink so it would probably bring my ears in closer to the pipe forgot about that one i haven't done a branch in a while so let's start doing it here now we got the other side of the throat pretty much we're going to be doing the same thing i could have started it it's a little bit light uh tighter on the other side i should have gone off from anchorage but we're still fused in there started pushing me out there yeah [Music] [Music] so that's the way our route is coming out in there guys we got a little fingernail there and that tie-in so we got to go extra hot on our hot pass right around that area just to make sure it's completely fused now if you got any spots where you think you didn't fuse you could always grind it down and and go over with the 6010 to make sure you're actually penetrated but it looks like we're we're in there like i said if it wasn't all perfect but all you want is everything to be burned like all the walls to be burnt down and a root in there let's go ahead and put a hot pass in there all right guys so we've got some 8010 pipeliners now i don't really well down here with this machine so bear with me i'll set it right around [Music] 125 and go from there now one tip i am going to tell you guys i was having issues on my first couple couple branches that i did back in the days so a little tip for anybody that's struggling and it's blowing through or you can't get your rock deep in there to wash your trash out don't tell the inspectors but i use 60 10 1 8 sometimes for the hot pads just where i was going to cut my straps without their scene and seeing me now they see you and they catch you they must don't blame me for it because you're not allowed but that's what i did and i gotta win with it i finally didn't do it we're gonna do the same thing guys start and don't stop anywhere around here you might be able to stop here now you got a little thicker rod so let's see how far we can get [Applause] now with the hot pass guys what i'm paying attention to is the top and bottom toes of my wheel making sure the arc is fusing into it and it's burning out the trash as long as you get your arc fusion into both toes i guarantee you that trash is coming right out now if you're not catching one of the sides you might catch some slag in there so be careful with that and i think we're running pretty good at that amperage we could probably go hotter but for this video safe we'll keep it there make sure hopefully we don't blow through tie-in on our hot pass this is where i started at you want to go ahead and grind that out you want to leave a little ramp in there and you can fuse into the to the hot pad [Applause] to the portal so a seven inch grinder would be much better with a buffing wheel to clean it up don't be scared of that up there you're going to burn it out just make sure you tie into the walls sometimes you ain't got no pin holes in there you'll be all right that's our half pass could have gone hotter maybe i don't know that's it i'm not used to this little bitty machine i used to run an s8200 i love that but uh that's how our roots coming out after the hot pass it's all all fused in there so we're good so okay i don't know what flat hands don't really like to downhill it's up i love it though that way okay it's so fishy right there so after the hot pass and the hot filler it's probably one two thin right there it's still fused you're good over here everything's feeling good usually on a 12 inch branch you can stick your grinder in there and the inspector makes you buff it out so you can look at your bead but you can't stick a grinder in there guys still look at it though pretty confused so that's the way that's coming out i'm having some issues i don't know if you guys can see in the portal but i'm having some issues somewhere around here but it's it's the corrosion in the pipe falling into the puddle but it's creating a little undercut there that won't happen with clean pipe but let's say you did and you were actually undercutting the top of the pipe what i would do i would get a metabo blade and clean all that out that way you know you for sure 100 no slack is getting caught up on that undercut but that's the way that looks right there ready for the for another fill one thing i am going to tell you guys don't lose track of the bottom that way you know you can guide yourself on the cap so leave yourself a little lip in there to hang on to so that's the field right there i think we're ready for a cap what do you guys think 2b 3b beat ten beat cap and this is what i mean right here on the ears guys i went out too far so it's gonna look kind of droopy in there so we gotta be able to feel the top on this side it would look better with three beat cap but everywhere else this is good for a 2b cap ask your inspector how many caps he wants otherwise you get run off so i'm gonna go ahead and start from the bottom and work my way up and um yeah i'm gonna try to do a 2b cap so but we'll see we'll see as soon as we get done with the first cab [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so we're ready for a top cap oh that's the way it's looking hopefully don't look too ugly with two beads because like i said i bevel the ears back a little bit too much get it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] poor little yes welder clamp burnt it out i ain't got a clamp anymore are you ready bro yeah you guys ready let's go get him all right let's go ahead and finish this load up to put them on [Music] god damn get that pipe bro so this corrosion was getting into some of that well but i ain't really tripping about it [Music] so that looks probably would look better with 3b but i ain't bout that live so that is it right there guys [Music] a little bit of that welding going on [Music] this is all right i promise i've done better [Music] that's about it guys 2b cap in this corroded pipe hopefully that gives you a glance of what to expect what to do some tips body positioning broad angle average dig and hopefully you guys really use that out in the field remember my mistakes that's why i'm putting this video guys to help the community out we're gonna have a shortage of welders i guarantee you in the next about 10 years so we need to get a ship together man myself included all right guys hopefully you guys enjoyed this video and found this video useful so please don't forget to like share and subscribe to the channel and hit the notification button it would really help me out with the algorithm my my sleeves man they smell great i'm burnt up but i'm hungry now guys it's so i'm getting ready to get some pizza appreciate you guys watching see you guys around [Music] you
Channel: Vantage Welding
Views: 316,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UmYhm3EqlKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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