A Villainess And An Innocent Prince Get Attracted To Each Other | Manhwa Recaps

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Miss Rose of the charlier family is our protagonist she's basically a dating Sim nerd who spent most of her time gaming and so the universe thought to bless her and curse her at the same time cow you may ask and if you didn't I'm going to tell you anyway after dying from an accident the universe pulls her into the game she loved so much Prince of Prince also known as Prince of prince in this game you search for the one based on how compatible your pheromones are and if your pheromones respond to each other you're said to be in heat but here's the twist usually you'd expect her to be some sort of hero but she gets pulled in as the vainus instead the textbook bad guy you know the whole shebang she has to be bad terrible and everything in between the poor girl will always feel out of place see a blessing and a curse Rose is betrothed to Prince Theodore of Korat a Dashing Young Man a game character she's always had a crush on but doesn't have the right to have well unless she wants herself and everyone else in the Sim to die anyway Rose leans more towards the path of living she's ready to let let him go so he can find the one but their sparkk of passion and their Fatal Attraction to each other will forever be the biggest hindrance to this Mission Miss Rose is in heat and cannot control it and Prince Theodore on the other hand doesn't help matters as he takes her to his private quarters and attempts to ravage her completely no he's not a vampire just really hot for our girl he's already sweating huffing and puffing as the passion takes over him despite all their efforts to suppress how they feel towards each other at this moment they cannot deny their desire never has something wrong felt so right chartu Academy isn't your regular High School where you have one teacher taking multiple subjects God no this one's fancy Hogwarts fancy the upper classman send their kids here and obviously it's where Miss Rose to charlier attends just by walking past some of her mates she instigates murmurs yeah our girl has it like that big purr it's just jealousy though but who wouldn't be jealous of someone so beautiful she has this Golden man that can put the sun to shame with naturally blushing cheeks and melons that can quench The Thirst of Any Man Too bad she's the villainous who no matter what she does will be hated I never apply for such work because I like people liking me don't judge her crush on the flip side is Prince Theodore van heml a muscular dark-haired God proficient with the sword and kind to his core I haven't seen them but I bet his abs are rock hard and mesmerizing too forgive me for going off anyway Rose ignores all her haters and approaches the prince she still can't believe he's her fiance and already blushes just from seeing him his birthday is coming up and there will be a ball party she shouts to express her excitement unfortunately his majesty doesn't return it he walks close enough for Rose to be stunned into silence and tells her to ask his Butler for anything she needs rather than making small talk with him rude much he even walks away without a proper goodbye leaving Miss Rose to decipher what he meant she concludes that it has to be because she's not the heroin like she has to be Supergirl or something to get a proper date apparently the simulation she he played over and over again was made to favor The Prince and the heroin he's supposed to meet the innocent girl at his coming birthday party and fall head over heels in love with her while Miss Rose gets exiled to the countryside she's reincarnated before Prince Theo can meet the heroine and all she can do now is watch as the game unfolds according to the plot or so she'd thought in pulling Miss Rose aside was one of the last things she expected I mean it was against the script but who can stand in the way of RedHot passion who a few hours before he pulled her to his privacy Miss Rose was receiving her daily dose of SN remarks from other dignitaries at his Majesty's birthday party a girl needs a hate to shine you know she catches a glimpse of Iris the brown-haired innocent looking heroin also known as her rival that she's not really competing with Miss Rose traces iris's gaze and discovers she's staring hopelessly at the prince she can't even complain because his majesty looks so yummy and uniform our girl has to shake off the trance as she remembers that his majesty meets the heroine at this very party that this is where they discover they're the ones for each other she walks up to Iris and immediately asks if she has taken a liking to The Prince and as a commoner the girl is stumped she tells Miss Rose that she's just happy to have been invited this moves Rose to thinking how cute iris is how good of a girl she is and how easy it'll be for the prince to like her she instills some confidence in Iris urging her to go talk to his majesty and here I was thinking she liked him for herself Iris lets slip that she's surprised at how nice Miss Rose actually is and her face gathers into a frown faster than bug's bunny would accept a carrot she takes her advice anyway and walks up to Prince Theo asking him for a dance our girl observes them from a distance and can't help but admire how suited they are for each other she a real one for that though this Rose gives up on the prince she turns to leave as quietly as possible but her emotions become a wreck she begins to cry her eyes out it's giving sad girl stupid enough to not pursue your man girl just as she's about to step outside she hears Prince Theo's voice voice from behind he asks why she's unusually civil when he was just dancing with another girl I think this Prince Theo person may be toxic and because Miss Rose is a finished woman she still gives him a listening ear the prince tells her that they're still engaged and should get at least one danc in before she scurries away she agrees of course she does apparently the game sequence was supposed to be the prince and Iris meeting up and spending the rest of their life together his majesty coming to her makes her wonder if there was no spark between him and the heroine she wishes more like all the time she spends thinking about the situation gives the prince the wrong impression he thinks she's uninterested in Dancing with him but beseeches her because of the crowd staring him down our girl tries to explain herself but she's short of words she reflexively gives him her hand and as soon as they touch it's the 4th of July in the house Sparks Fly left and right faces blush the red of day old strawberries and hearts beat like hand drums in an African concert our girl is left questioning what is happening it's even more obvious that the prince feels it too he pauses almost like his brain is buffering for what to do next the only words that come out of his mouth are come with me followed immediately by him grabbing Miss Rose's arm as he pulls her away to privacy toxic toxic toxic but I like it she follows him she has no choice but two he lays her down and then presses his Mass against her heavy breathing begins as they stare quietly into each other's eyes he can only wonder what she'll taste like what his hands against her bare flesh would feel like this Rose cannot believe that she's actually in heat with the prince this throws out everything she's been worried about you know that moment you compare reason to desire I know you have no discipline so desire always wins she moans a little the edges of her cherry lips with just a finger as Theodore pulls off the hand of her dress he gets in closer kissing the nape of her neck and Miss Rose shuts her eyes to savor the Ecstasy the prince intertwines his hand in hers using the free one to unbutton his shirt he kisses her forehead and then cups her face in his hands as he's about to kiss her lips he suddenly bites his finger to the point of bleeding what sensuality turns into Panic as Miss Rose snaps out of it to ask if he's okay he rejects her bluntly telling her not to touch him and then apologizes as he walks away the nerve on this Prince our girl feels so bad like the prince really did dislike her she gives herself Solace saying it's probably for the best according to the prince of Prince Sim should the villainous end up with Theodore everyone would end up dead judging by game logic a third party would plot to assassinate the prince if he doesn't pick Iris and Rose being at the scene would get murdered too so for our girl this is literally a life and death matter message to the girlies without life there's no Love Don't Die for a man unless it's Channing totam Rose couldn't get any sleep throughout the night as thoughts of the prince Theo incident kept her up she still couldn't believe how much passion had escaped her how much she'd wanted to do with him the thought of what would have happened had she not stopped there crosses her mind and she blushes all over again Oliver her Butler of many years interrupts her musings with questions about her well-being and out of Shame she shuns him for not knocking he says he did knock a couple of times and moves to adjust Miss Rose's outfit for school she thinks he's cute but he's like an elder brother to her Things become awkward when Olivier asks about Theo and Rose going missing from the party she stutters her answer and the butler already moves to the defensive asking her if the prince had hurt her she can't seem to stop stuttering he then implies that even if Theo is the the prince he would take care of him our girl becomes so embarrassed that she screams correcting Olivier in the process he falls calm and quietly asks her to reach out to him any time at all that's right put the nice man in his place school that day is Lively as usual but all Rose does his stare at the prince from a distance it seemed as though nothing happened the night before better still it seemed like she was the only one bothered by it her attention is pulled away by Whispering gossips around her seat and as someone calls her name from behind she answered ansers rudely before noticing that it's her Crush he asks if she has a second to talk I hate talks they're either awkward or just plain horrible unless they're code for the deed wink wink of course she has a second she inquires if his wound still hurts but the prince swipes her gesture aside he pulls her to privacy with the promise of having something to give her the prince flashes a bottle of pills before Miss Rose asking if she knew what they were the expression on her face is both one of Shame and surprise don't do drugs though apparently our girl has a dirty mind she'd thought the pills were birth control he says that their medicine to suppress heat and fresh shame washes over Rose at this moment she tries to cover her tracks by pretending that she already knew it turns out he'd stolen the drugs from the Castle's medicinal store room stolen only because his compatibility with Miss Rose must be kept a secret where my girlies at if he's hiding you from the fam you got to let that man go pulling Elsa on his trifling ass although Rose knew if they were found out they'd be made to marry as soon as possible that would only draw their deaths closer Prince Theo gives her one pill not too tough to swallow if you catch my drift and he takes one too Miss Rose is left to wonder if the pills even work despite Theo saying that they take effect immediately he leaves the entire bottle with her because the effect of the drug only lasts a day the prince cannot butress enough the importance of both parties taking the pill per Adventure one of them doesn't take it and falls into heat the other could be pulled into heat as well the prince moves to cuper face for a kiss yet again Miss Rose is already shy when she discovers that he was just checking how well the pills worked she quickly regains herself that's how proper girlies do there's another problem they have to face though no matter the pills they take both their families still expect marriage from them the prince says he would never want to have SE with Miss Rose if they're not in love he wouldn't want to hurt her like that our girl's heart melts like butter on a hot pan as she blames this for Prince Theo leaving her hanging the night before on the flip side because of this he's been thinking of breaking their engagement Miss Rose's facial response is far from what the prince was expecting and he asks if she wouldn't leave him if she had the chance the vainus lies like a child afraid to get beaten up she tells him that she's been thinking about the same thing too she hasn't she fails to mention that it's only for fear of death the prince expects resistance from both families and proposes they create a situation where everyone around them will conclude that they're unsuitable for marriage Miss Rose offers to be the scapegoat he fights her on this wanting to save her reputation but our girl is adamant the things we do for love Prince Theo looks kind of sad he concluded that she wanted to leave him so bad that soiling her reputation didn't matter he just throws in the towel and agrees to do whatever lady charlier thinks is right she thanks him and wears a smile so mischievous that the Joker would love to add it to his catalog the next class was to take place in the chapel this gives Miss Rose the idea to make the prince carry her there just to show how much of a stuck up girl she is the prince tries to whisper to her begging her that she needn't go that far sorry guys something about medieval romance makes me want to say things like needn't cometh hitherto our girl disagrees with the prince and makes him carry her anyway it works you can hear gossips in the background already throwing pity comments to The Prince and snide remarks to the girl he's carrying all this while she's enjoying the ride the bulk of his arms and the heat from his chest she has to actively fight herself from getting too excited she doesn't stop there when it's lunchtime she's given the best tea in the Kingdom but turns it down saying she wants something sweet guess what she takes it a step further Miss Rose calls a random girl and asks her to go into town and get her some macarons the girl is confused she complains about having classes soon and Miss Rose pulls rank on her asking if she dare oppose an offspring of the charlier household you go girl fear falls upon this Rando and it Sparks up the right conversations from the crowd as people ask who she thinks she is this doesn't stop Miss Rose from bullying the poor girl the prince comes by to shun her actions unknown to him that our girl was already feeling pretty bad on the inside she hasn't even replied to him when Iris pops up and offers to go get the macarons Iris explains that it's because Miss Rose had encouraged her at the party and so she'd like to return the favor somehow how cute the macarons arrive and she tries to feed one to the prince but he tells her with a straight face that she's going too far where my girlies if he's not down to play send him away this Rose then asks him to feed one to her instead for fear that not acting full of herself enough she takes it up a notch proposing that he take it straight from her mouth the prince acts out and pushes his chair to the floor this brings silence to the entire yard and he drags her away to do the deed sadly not he continues scolding her behavior and she continues to defend it she asks him one more time if he'd like some macarons and just then his heart begins to thump heavily early signs of heat begin to play out as he pushes the basket of macarons to the ground cornering Miss Rose with his Mass with shortness of breath he asks if our girl took the suppressants he prescribed she says she did but in her head she doesn't recall taking any come on girl the prince tries his best but cannot fight his urges he grabs Miss Rose by the waist as his tongue Finds Its way to her ear he begins to slowly nibble on it moans of pleasure Escape our girl's cherry lips he's racking his brain for a way to stop himself but nothing is forthcoming all he wants is his Rose all he wants is to ravage all of her and school was definitely not the right place for such a thing he'd have her for lunch you know our girl is a snack and more Prince Theo finally gets his hands off Miss Rose long enough to ask her what happened to her pills it turns out she left them back at the Mansion both parties shudder from the raw attraction making the prince struggle until he brings out his own bottle of medicine he inserts a pill into Miss Rose's mouth personally and asks her to swallow after some time they regain themselves and the villainess begins to apologize just then one of the prince's attendants pops into the room with an an emergency letter from the palace Miss Rose is worried as Theodore reads the letter in silence he explains to her that the king and queen had requested he bring her to the palace on the next holiday if terrible timing had to choose a situation in history it would be this one just when they're trying to keep their distance from each other they resolve to get through it together or get into it together I'm sorry I can't help it fast forward to the visit in both parties head to the Palace in the same Carriage the prince asks if she'd ever met his parents under such conditions and our girl answers in the negative since she was reincarnated she only had her Knowledge from playing Prince of Prince to work with unfortunately she skimmed through a lot of rose's information while playing pretty ironic the prince looks glum he laments about Miss Rose losing a chance to be somewhere else with anyone she wanted were it not for their engagement she previously thought that Theodore didn't care for her that he didn't have any sympathy towards her but she was wrong all he wants to do is help them get through the night Miss Rose buries her face when he speaks and just then the carriage hits a bump throwing her onto Prince theodor's person as she lifts her head she meets the purple eyes of the prince staring into hers and she closes her eyes half expecting a kiss eares if you manage sentiment you avoid disappointment our girl gets disappointed as we've established Theodore simply grabs her by the shoulders and puts her back on the seat next to him so she won't get thrown off again she shoots him a half-hearted thank you whilst thinking if she was the only one that felt the energy just then she was Prince Theodore seemed nothing more than a closed book to her they arrive at the palace and Miss Rose has never seen such beauty her face can't even hide her Intrigue she's welcomed by the king and queen and she curtsies to return her thanks the king jokes around describing how small Miss Rose was when he saw her last older people always do that who's going to tell them that we don't care the queen picks it up from there as she's really taken by how much of a woman Rose has grown into she tells them how she simply can't wait for them to get married the prince informed informs his parents about taking long rides with Miss Rose the next day that he has a few things he'd like to show her Tim and Miss Rose go on a horse riding date if you asked either of them if it was a date they'd probably deny it just take my word for it it turns out Prince Theo had nothing to show her he only needed to convince his parents of their relationship status and horse riding was the perfect way to spend time without getting too close to each other some part of Miss Rose expected more when will she learn he asks her what the problem is but she keeps quiet they get off their horses when they arrive at quite the beautiful Creek Prince Theo used to catch some fish from it as a child with his bare hands just saying he's a catch our girl isn't that funny or the prince has a broken sense of humor either way she jokes about him being raised by wolves but turning out to be a fine Prince somehow this gets the prince defensive about his stable in royalty Miss Rose then suggests that he take a day off from being the prince since it was just the two of them there anyway Theodore is no fun but Rose learns that his life is much much harder than she had seen when playing the game their visit to the creek is short-lived and as they ride back Miss Rose entertains thoughts of marriage with the prince only that she thinks she'd be unfit for a prince with no end to his worry on the contrary Iris would be perfect for him her thoughts are interrupted by sudden rainfall I know my girlies would love to see the prince all wet they stopped by a shed to dry off but not soon enough to save Miss Rose from catching a cold she's so embarrassed but the prince sources his only blanket for her to wrap herself with she tries to return it so he wouldn't catch a cold too but Prince Theo says ladies first if he ain't kind stick to your grind our girl stubbornly turns it down a second time talking about him being the Crown Prince and his health being important to shut her up Theodore shares the blanket Miss Rose sheepishly tells him that they're too close to each other and Theodore blames her for not giving him any other choice yeah right just to be sure he inquires if the vainus had taken her pill that day they both ease up when she says yes the prince goof around asking the vainus what she would do if he were to pursue her in that very moment no heat nothing he threatens to even kiss her cupping her face in one hand Miss Rose can't help herself she's been sprung even before reincarnation the prince abruptly turns away smiling as he tells her he's just kidding he's amused at how easy it is to mess with the villainess he' thought she was the kind of woman who would disagree when she clearly didn't like something he's such a tease though our girl denies it claiming that she was about to push him away Theodore gives it a rest he observes the skies and concludes that the rain isn't going to stop anytime soon immediately Miss Rose's mind begins to wander they were about to share the same blanket and she knew that she wouldn't get a wink of sleep that way time passes and the prince thinks our girl has fallen asleep he calls her name and when she doesn't respond he pets her head kissing her hair alongside as he stands up to go check on the horses Miss Rose bats one eye open she'd been awake the whole time and was now wondering what the hair kiss meant after for the whole rain ordeal they head back home the prince tries to apologize for putting Miss Rose through the entire ordeal but she's absent-minded I'd bet it was the hair thing again but I have shitty luck it was the hair thing she couldn't summon courage to ask the prince what it meant without exposing that she was pretending to sleep The Dilemma continues in her mind as she wonders whether the effects of the pills are getting weaker for fear of death she hoped not as they arrive in town There's a small Ruckus up ahead the prince pops his head out and notices that it's IR the heroine had been robbed on the go and the force with which the robber bumped into her sent her falling and scraping her knee barlees don't go around falling for robbers Miss Rose immediately feels pity for her and offers to treat the heroin in the carriage Iris feels blessed to have been treated by someone of rose's caliber and extends her gratitude as she's about to leave Miss Rose suggests that she take the carriage with the prince lying that she was about to get out anyway the vainus is already leaving when Iris shouts that the carriage can fit the three of them just fine fine Rose counters her point with something flimsy but she feels like an evil genius for setting them up like that shaking my head girlies study Rose to know what not to do she doesn't look back despite the prince screaming that it's not safe for her to walk alone with a smug look on her face Miss Rose continues on her way meanwhile back in the carriage Iris tries to make conversation with the prince the stubbornness of Miss Rose pays off as she's walking by an alley some roughl looking men start hollering at her asking if she'd pay off their tab she tries to wave them off but no one likes getting the hand am I right they swipe her purse and she screams for them to stop but they just keep the inappropriate remarks coming as soon as one of them tries to touch the vainus Olivier appears twisting the arm of this Bandit all the way to the back lady charlier has a mix of gratitude and fear written all over her both men run after this you know how news travels fast but ol ofier traveled faster after hearing that Miss Rose had left Prince Theodore's Carriage he inquires if she was hurt before SC scolding her she lies that she just needed some fresh air like air isn't everywhere Oliver just scolds her a little more promising to continue when they get home she follows him quietly upon getting home she opens up to him about wanting to break off the engagement and when he asks why she doesn't give him any of the real reasons she just blames it on Theodore taking more of a liking to Iris the villainous reiterates the rest of the plan to Oliver and he offers her his help the only problem now is that she has no idea what Oliver is is planning the next day he helps her to school only for him to see Prince Theo there too Olivier immediately beckons on lady charlier cupping her face in the presence of everyone including the prince and starting to think our girl blushes in any situation because what's this redness in her cheeks it turns out that Oliver was just carrying out a jealousy test yall know the one despite her initial reluctance he fraternized with her some more even kissing her cheek just to see the prince's reaction Theodore cannot believe his eyes and neither can the village less Miss Rose squeals as she asks ol of ear what he's doing he just shoots her a small smile and says it's part of his strategy she feels the need to explain herself when the prince comes close to them but before she can he only bids her good morning and tells her not to be late to class well played boy unfortunately Miss Rose had expected more she scolds herself in that moment and heads to class it's lunchtime and ol of your pops up again this time with a ready-made tea set her classmates begin to ask her who he is and she explains how he's her capable Butler Oliver takes it from there apologizing to the girls for being a nuisance and offering them some tea they immediately flock around him throwing Praises on how capable he is and how much they love men like that this definitely has nothing to do with how tall or cute he is you wish the prince and his friends are walking by in the distance and they draw his attention to the Ruckus Olivier is causing and how he and Miss Rose seem so close immediately they mention the kiss Prince Theo looks away in disdain jealous Amos it's time for dance practice and the villainess is stunning as ever she puts on a solo show that impresses everyone and then she's asked to find a dance partner most of the other boys are scared because they think if they step on her toes they'll get executed they probably will but as the prince is about to offer his hand ol ofier's cute butt Cuts in their Harmony is undeniable and everyone can tell everyone the prince stands in a corner silently steing the glare he shoots at Miss Rose sends shivers down her spine jealous Amos Return of the jelly at the end of the school day Miss Rose is trying to gather her things in class and the prince approaches her asking if she could spare a moment she can already tell what it's going to be about he starts off by questioning her intelligence saying there's no way she's blind to what's going on wrong move but Miss Rose doesn't take offense she just gives Oliver as the answer the prince looks frustrated he'd been the one talking about breaking off their engagement but now he's scared that both their reputations will suffer if people see her with another man lady charlier apologize es blaming Oliver for forcing it on her this infuriates The Prince and he yells at her about being the lady of the house and still not being able to control one Butler he quickly realizes that he's lost control and it's his turn to apologize he blames his actions on hers and then those of her Butler she tries explaining that this wasn't the first time oliveer dropped her off in school or even entered Academy grounds but all of these aren't the reason she concludes in her head that it has to be the kiss and guess what she blushes again touching the spot where Olivier had kissed her the prince catches on and grips the hand asking her what it is she's thinking about talk about the devil and he shall come dressed as your butler Olivier steps into the empty classroom midc conversation seeing the prince grip his lady's wrist sends the wrong idea to the butler this Rose explains that it's nothing for him to worry about but the prince just continues to stare at Oliver through the side of his eye the literal bombastic side eye Theodore apologizes and unhand the vainus before turning to leave the next day all Oliver walks Miss Rose through her schedule for the day telling her that he'd pick her up from piano lessons after school unfortunately our girls still distracted by the events of the day before she keeps remembering the prince lamenting about his suppressed feelings Oliver notices and inquires about it our girl wonders if he's psychic and then lashes out at him complaining about the prince being upset by his public display of affection jealous Amos jelly Unchained with a smug smile the butler tells her that the prince is not just upset but jealous just as he'd expected he tells Miss Rose that Theodore is yearning for her she bursts out laughing in disbelief normally the prince is cool towards her gentle even but she attributes it to his duty as royalty Oliver begins to shower her with compliments calling her perfect and impeccable he continues telling her that Mere Men could be easily overwhelmed by her beauty and gentleness girlies you got to get yourselves an oliveer someone to lift your spirits when you feel down this Rose complains that he's just trying to butter her up up but does nothing to stop him Oliver then points out that Iris cannot hold a candle to Miss Rose and the prince marrying the heroine will have no proper basis this statement refreshes Miss Rose's memory of the game sequence apparently their difference in social standing was also a barrier to their love in Prince of Prince the heroine had to fight the villainous for the hand of his majesty to ensure that the game sequence is followed Miss Rose plans to pick a fight with Iris and lose on purpose meanwhile Iris runs into Theodore on her way to class and greets him with a wide smile she trips on a rock and her books are sent flying piche but cute anyway the prince helps her gather them up and proclaims that she's quite careless before waving her goodbye Rose stands in the distance admiring the prince she snaps out of it after sometime and then approaches Iris with an impressive frown she immediately accuses the heroine of learing at the prince but Iris has no idea what Miss Rose is saying she denies it but the villainous pushes harder accusing her of almost jumping Theodore's bone what a sight that would be flustered and Confused Iris continues to deny the allegations Miss Rose says it's all an act and challenges Iris to a duel for his majesty all of this is to the hearing of other students word begins to spread and everyone is anticipating the battle girl fights always hit different Prince Theodore calls for the villainous so he can confirm the absurdity he's been hearing from his mates she can't tell him about the game sequence and so she apologizes for making a move without him he points out that even if Iris wins it won't automatically dissolve the engagement the plan actually depended on Iris being common born if someone like her can beat Rose to charlier then it would cause a chain reaction that could ultimately achieve their shared goal to break up the prince takes a moment as things begin to clarify for him Miss Rose would throw her reputation by losing even worsening her social standing the vainus is ready for whatever comes all she wants is the prince's help he doesn't believe Iris can beat Miss Rose in normal combat and so he Pro promises to judge the battle himself Miss Rose expected his help but not this much after he reassures her her face lights up and she thanks him a Fresh coat of Hope had been painted over her worry or so she thought after she leaves his majesty Miss Rose slumps and her mates immediately run to her rescue the vainus feels just fine well except for her temperature going through the roof she's worried because the battle with iris is the next day so she finds her way to the academy infirmary the doctor overviews the preliminary results stay that her pulse is stable all Miss Rose wants to know is the cause of her fever but the doctor has no idea he asks if she can think of anything that would cause it and the example he gives hits too close to home he asks if she is on any medication her mind immediately flashes to the heat supressing drugs and she nervously tells the doctor that she can't think of anything Liar Liar what's on fire her breaches because she ain't got no pants on the doctor then offers to run a more detailed test and Miss Rose frantically disagrees for fear of being found out out she lies that the fever has settled and rushes out of the infirmary Breathing heavily her next stop is Prince Theodore word already got to him about her visit to the infirmary he doesn't get a chance to talk to her about it because she slumps again Theodore catches her before she can hit the ground she apologizes and he asks if she took the pills the heat keeps increasing as she's in his arms she did take the pills but it seems they're no longer strong enough to hold back the heat girlies never underestimate the hold these sons of Adam can have on you the prince doesn't panic he recognizes her condition to just be an Affliction from the Heat and not fullon heat he carries her back to the infirmary but the doctor had left for an important staff meeting so it was just both of them there Theodore is reading a book and the weary villainous asks about it it's a record of previous cases with the heat suppressing medicine his majesty had stolen it from the palace after reading through Theodore concludes that the drugs indeed caused her fever he discovers that the drug can suppress sexual desires but they don't just go go away it varies depending on the person taking the medicine or the amount of sexual tension why is no one saying that before Miss Rose can ask what to do next he exclaims that there's one way and gives her a disclaimer that she may not like it he begins to undress exposing his glorious pecs to the already hot villainess I could swear that the temperature of the room went up she asks him what he thinks he's doing and the prince repli is holding you he proceeds to get into bed with her his massive shoulders grazing her gently apparently if they have just enough body contact the fever would go down she's a bit skeptical that it can't be that easy but his majesty simply climbs at top her the eye contact gets crazy Miss Rose has to look away she says she thought he didn't like her moreover he isn't even in heat he gently picks up her hair kissing it while maintaining such disarming eye contact he says he just wants to help her and Miss Rose gives herself over to him to do whatever he wishes in her head she chants how it has nothing to do with love and it's just an emergency measure but we all know that's a load of BS yes the prince slowly peels off her coat revealing the tops of her melons he whispers in her ears begging her not to tense up not to resist his touch amone escapes her lips as he kisses her neck followed closely by affirmations of his gentle nature Theodore goes lower peeling off her panty hose dare I say the vainus really like this he intertwines hands with hers and presses his Mass hole against hers the dialogue in our girl's head changes now she's certain she loves him they both fall asleep in each other's arms but Miss Rose wakes up first she's looking much better feeling so too she blames the side effects of the drugs for putting them to sleep but that can't be it come on now she's still admiring Theodore When someone knocks on the door and steps in immediately taking the vainus by surprise Olivier had come in and was welcomed by the half naked bodies of his employer and the Crown Prince Olivier's expression switches from one of concern to one of disdain as he asks Miss Rose about what he's witnessing his majesty wakes up just as she's trying trying to explain he calls Oliver a nosy Butler and the butler claps back telling the prince to think of his position I'd ask for a bread knife but that wouldn't cut out this tension he dismisses Oliver and the air stays awkward until they both get dressed upon getting home Miss Rose is busy thinking of how to get Oliver to shut up about what he'd seen if her parents find out they'd force her to marry the prince immediately she approaches him again but they get interrupted by Lord charlier returning home she never liked him so much because in the game he'd used his daughter as a pawn in a political marriage the vainus welcomes him and the first thing he asks is how things are going with her and His Majesty she doesn't reply instantly because of how overwhelmed she gets in his presence Lord charlier explains that a wedding between House charlier of corat and the Royal House of Siberian will preserve peace in the family there's no way she can tell him about breaking off the engagement lucky for her ol ofier Cuts in showering Praises on Miss Rose's excellent work in school her father just nods and tells the villain is not to bring shame to his family that was a close one later on Miss Rose thanks Oliver for not telling her father and begs him to continue to keep what he'd seen a secret none of it matters Olivier only wants to hear what happened from Rose's mouth and she Dilly delies he concludes that the prince forced himself on her she definitely should have said something earlier the vainus screams in her defense denying Olivier's accusation of his majesty the butler then asks again for the whole story she explains that she still wants to break off the engagement and Theodore didn't do anything that she didn't want Olivier's takeaway is that she agreed to have sex with the prince she's left in defense mode all over again but her story makes no sense would the truth have set her free though much to her surprise Olivier chooses to believe her knowing full well that there's something she's not telling him he Pats her head and says that whenever she's ready she can tell him them he resets to his Butler duties and tells her that they'll inform the school of her health conditions and get her some time to fully recover several days pass and the villainess is feeling much better she sits in her study to peruse various ideas on how to attend to the coming battle between herself and Iris a maid interrupts her musings with news of the Crown Prince coming to visit seeing as Oliver was out shopping Miss Rose plans to milk this opportunity she bolts outside to meet with his majesty all he has to do is ask her if she's feeling better and our girl blushes the red of stop signs Theodore cups her face and Miss Rose almost loses it he asks if she doesn't like being touched by him she hesitates to give an answer and the prince declares that if she doesn't hate it he'd like to keep touching her dude has no fear dude is forward as hell Miss Rose shy reminds him about their initial plan to distance themselves and Prince Theo being a tease clarifies that he just meant for them to touch a little daily to prevent a repeat of the heat incident the villainous gets embarrassed because of how off point she'd been and blushes up to her ears Theodore pulls closer to her and asks why she's so red a koi smile pasted on his lips when Miss Rose loses her composure he bursts out laughing dude definitely knew what he was doing they head inside for some tea Prince Theo then asks what the villainess has planned for the battle with Iris she apologizes for postponing it and blames Oliver for the delay his majesty already suspected this anyway dude is still jealous but dude will never admit it Miss Rose informs him that she'll go to the academy the following day even if she has to sneak out and the prince promises to let Iris know he inquires if our girl has thought of a way to let Iris beat her because let's face it Miss Rose is weak in only a few things if any she suggests a few menial subjects but they're all swiped Away by his majesty she finally suggests that he disqualifies her for cheating just when she's about to win this idea makes more sense to the prince but he's scared for Miss Rose's reputation our girl isn't she promises to lose without anyone noticing Prince Theo teases her saying she actually likes Iris despite the tough act she's been putting up true to her words Miss Rose heads to the academy the next day she runs into Iris practicing her dance moves and offers her some advice to help her improve why are they so nice to each other I want war not peace the villainous notices the bandages on Iris it turns out the heroin had been preparing brutally for the day of their battle all Miss Rose can think about is how much of a hard worker iris is she even tells the heroin to try and keep her on her toes because she will work hard to crush her Iris shoots her a full teeth smile and Promises to do her best later on Olivier blocks Miss Rose seeking a private conversation with her the topic apparently he'd found out her plan to lose to Iris and the villainous wonders who could have snitched Oliver is both disappointed and Confused Miss Rose had told him that she was planning to break the engagement because his majesty has been warming up to Iris and now she wants to fight for him the butler was smart enough to put two and two together all by himself so the snitching issue was a hoax unfortunately no one's getting stitches Miss Rose adamantly asks what the problem is with letting Iris win this question ticks off Olivier he proclaims that no matter what happens no one from the house of charlier is allowed to lose they'd put in so much work to train her and that cannot go to waste unfortunately these memories belong to the Miss Rose from Prince of Prince and not the one who reincarnated Oliver cannot understand how she can accept such ridicule even if it's to break an engagement but the villainous remains adamant about it he has no choice but to give in but in exchange he requests to be present at the Battle even if it's just to lend a shoulder to cry on afterwards get yourselves two Olivers they share a moment as she calls him over protective but in a cute way he then reminds her that her next class will be soon and they part ways word gets around that the prince will be the judge of the battle and he shows up in the yard to announce the criteria he starts by announcing the battle to be in 3 days time with emphasis on nine categories including arithmetic geometry astronomy grammar rhetoric dialectic music pain painting and finally cooking Theodore then asks if Iris and Lady Charlie approve of the categories and both agree the heroine puts her hand forward to shake on it but Miss Rose slaps it away she warns Iris not to try and be friendly with her that she'd put the entire challenge together just so she could crush her this gets a rise out of the crowd as some of them patiently await Rose's downfall for a chance to laugh at her meanwhile ol ofier quietly suks in the corner the three days go by in a Flash and both ladies sit for the first part of the battle the rich test his majesty orders silence in the hall and gives both women an hour to round up each subject Miss Rose begins to brainstorm away to score lower than Iris but not so low that people notice that she threw the tests on purpose as she brainstorms people nearby think her expression is because the test is difficult this gives her an idea the total scores get pasted on the wall for everyone to see while Iris makes 455 Miss Rose comes out with 420 scoring the lowest in humanities she notices that people are beginning to talk about it and puts on a show demanding that she's sure of what she wrote and all her answers are correct the prince indulges her and they refer to just one question from Humanities about how to get bread to poor people Iris gives quite the logical answer while Miss Rose gives a self-obsessed one if people hated her before which they did they hate her more after hearing her answer they move on to the second phase of the battle which is cooking and present the theme to be desserts for tea parties this Rose approaches her opponent and asks what she'll be making you know to feel out the competition and make something worse iris is making florentines and the girl is dumb as a fiddle forgive my French she struggles so much to cut up the almonds that Miss Rose is forced to take the knife from her when she's asked why the villainous screams at the person telling him that she wants to show their difference in skill despite all the help iris's florentines end up super salty she'd mixed up the sugar for salt automatically giving Miss Rose the win what's a girly got to do to lose around here the villain is tries to think up a way to salvage the situation but she begins to feel hot and woozy his majesty realizes that they hadn't touched that day he lies before the crowd that lady charlier had cut up her finger when she was cooking and gently licks on it he's lucky he's lying cause this isn't Twilight or blade she catches his Drift But others don't they begin throwing questioning glances their way the prince coily suggests that they head to the infirmary to fix up her finger and she agrees with him he offers to escort her and gives everyone else a break they are stupid people more questions arise from the crowd but the two don't wait around to answer they find a place where they can be alone he carries her to the academy Auditorium she's Shifty in his arms but he assures her that it can't be helped them touching is the only way to cool her fever and so she should just enjoy the ride he rims her lips and tries to encourage her she'd been putting so much effort into losing that it stressed her out she apologizes but that isn't his point he just needed her to know that he was there to help just then ol ofer knocks and ERS with some bandage he announces that he won't ask about it but should she show up without any bandage on her fingers it would raise more questions than answers his majesty gets defensive claiming that he brought the villainess to the auditorium because she didn't look well Olivier attacks him politely saying Miss Rose is from house charlier and is totally capable of taking care of herself these two should get a ring and fight it out who's with me Theodore excuses himself after this and they head back to the competition several challenges Tak place up until The Sing Off they'd been evenly matched up since the beginning and the vainus has to come up with a last resort iris's singing is quite impressive as it causes cheers to roll in from the crowd and Miss Rose decides that she'll miss a note on purpose when iris is done she happily approaches her opponent expressing how much she's wanted to hear her sing Lady charlier sees how much effort the heroine has been putting from the beginning but talks down on her for public eyes after seeing how invested iris is Miss Rose decides to give it her and sings her heart out even her haters Jam their hands together for her performance Prince Theo is left with the tough decision and everyone especially Oliver awaits his choice the video ends here and I will see you in the next part thanks for watching
Channel: Manhwa Tower
Views: 32,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manhwa recaps, manhwa recap, manhwa tower, Manhwa king, anistory, mystery manhwa, miss manhwa, romantic fangirl recaps, manga recap, manga recaps, recap manhwa, manga capped, manga summary, manga secrets, recap kun, asura manhwa recap, manga recapped, actiontoon, Animeworks, Recap Haven, Tensei, Yahello, Manrecapz, Mr.plot, action toon, A Villainess And An Innocent Prince Get Attracted To Each Other
Id: yfHX9fC7KJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 11sec (2591 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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