Poor Girl is Bought by the Duke's Evil Stepmother to Kill Him, But She Saves His Life Instead

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a pink-haired girl was sold to the rich bedd and handsome Duke as a wife as she takes care of him and cleans his body her touch excites him but his stepmother poisoned him and he can't wake up love fate and a dash of temporal uncertainty Collide in a whirlwind of emotions the girl follows a journey and finds herself entangled in a peculiar predicament while she choose her love over her owner in the beginning we see a girl with Pepto bis small hair she gets screamed at by an acid tongue middle-aged woman who is telling her to kill her husband under a sick 6 month deadline she asks her why isn't she saying yes can't she do it does she have any idea how much money went to her family if she really wants to see her brother become a knight she should behave properly meanwhile that girl has no idea what this snark is even talking about she feels pain in her head she then remembers her father telling her that she's being sold to the Duke's family and that it's going to help their family the girl suddenly remembers that she is Victoria and the woman in front of her is Helen her newly wet husband's stepmother and the Lady of the Duke's House Victoria thinks about why she is asking her to kill her son right now what kind of absurdity is this Victoria apologizes to her and says she made a mistake because she was too nervous Helen tells her to remember clearly that she is not a duchess and that she's here as a concubine her Mission must not exceed 6 months Victoria obliged saying yes mother Helen tells her that since it's her first night she should go take good care of her husband tonight wink wink Victoria dumbass wonders why she can't remember or anything and she goes to look in the mirror she is shocked by herself because she's so cute but it's not her real appearance in a flashback we see a kitchen assistant who is barely learning the job and working her bones off as an assistant to the chef working for less than the minimum wage one day while she was working the last thing she saw was the Raging flames of an exploding gas Victoria wonders was she supposed to be dead she pulled her cheek to check but it hurt and she was alive the pathetic kitchen assistant is no longer here and now she is a completely different woman named Victoria she thinks the only fortunate thing is that the memories of this body came to her mind completely although she was a noble she was not wealthy and the only happy memory is when she was hugged by her mother as a child caught between her successor brother and sickly younger sister she always lived like a mouse yielding and enduring she was then sold to this ducal family like a concubine and married she says my name is Victoria out loud and wonders if her voice sounds very familiar she first thinks about Victoria in Wonderland but then remembered that she read a novel with exactly this content in her previous life it was a story about a wife who tries to kill her husband at the behest of her mother-in-law however the wife was nothing more than a minor character who appeared briefly in the introduction the name of the wife in that novel was Victoria 2 Victoria is in the novel and her husband is sick when she goes to check on him he looks really handsome and Victoria wonders if he's been in bed for 6 months why he looks so hot and not rotten and stinky and if his lower body is firm too Victoria is a Loki pervert she thinks he's a sick person and she shouldn't be lusting over him like that no matter how handsome he is she thinks about why his mother wanted her to kill him and what happened to Victoria in the novel she suddenly recalls that in the end Victoria got life imprisonment for poisoning her husband RMC thinks about how this is really unfair she had already died once why should she die twice Victoria tells herself that this is a dream she needs to wake up from she then looks at her husband thinking he looks like a handsome Grim Reaper she complains to God like a crybaby and asks why he is doing it to her she can't come up with a way to live no matter how much she thinks she thinks about how if Mr Handsome wakes up she could survive as well that night Victoria sees a dream where it's dark and there's no light and suddenly someone comes up from behind and hugs her Whispering There Is No Escape for you Victoria wakes up scared and wonders why did she have such a vivid dream she wakes up next to her husband usband with her hand inside his shirt she is flustered and wonders even after possession do sleeping habits remain the same the husband she has to kill his Carlos Dr he succumbed to the poison from his stepmother but he was a talented young Duke with exceptional abilities Victoria remembers in the novel that Carlos couldn't open his eyes until his death she asks Carlos about what it feels like to lie and wait for the day to die is she destined for a similar fate dreaming strange dreams and all suddenly a grumpy servant barges into the room room and asks Victoria if she's awake she introduces herself as Victoria's servant and brings her fresh water Victoria thinks it seems like lady Helen has sent her to keep an eye on her the grumpy servant Maris tells her that she bought water as requested and gives her water on a plate with a napkin Maris asks Victoria if she's hoping to be treated well for being sold she wants her to express her anger and she's going to snitch to the Mistress of the house immediately Victoria washes her face with that water and changes her clothes as Maris tells her that the lady is waiting for her they both head to Helen who is waiting in the living room Victoria looks at the room and thinks it is sparkling she then thinks she should stop staring at her and say hello Victoria bows down and asks her mother did you have a good night's sleep Helen tells her now that she said don't just stand around and sit down she's such a cranky old lady Victoria thinks even if she says hello it's a mess Helen asks the servant is the doctor here yet and Victoria wonders why she needs a doctor just then Dr Jeremy arrives and greets her Victoria remembers Dr Jeremy he's a quirky genius skilled in poisons he is the one who created the odorless and colorless poison under the orders of Lady Helen he used this poison to bring down the Duke Helen tells the doctor that he is late and he apologized for the delay he tells her that he spilled the poison plant pot while handling it Victoria wonders if he is the one who is going to be working with her Jeremy introduces himself to Victoria saying it was nice to meet her for the first time she thinks thinks about how he is Lady Helen's hunting dog but since she is going to work with him she thinks perhaps A New Path is about to open up Jeremy gives a poison to Helen and she asks him if they feed him that poison does it mean the Duke will die within 3 months Jeremy confirms explaining that even consuming a small amount of this poison will start to Decay the organs leaving no traces behind so even if an autopsy is performed later no one will know Victoria thinks about decaying organs and how someone can be so cruel Helen laughs and says the poison that made Carlos collapse was quite impressive but this one seems equally potent it's worth every penny what an evil woman Helen asks the doctor that when the organs Decay will the Duke feel any pain he tells her no he won't feel any pain and the Duke will be in a deep sleep State money hungry Helen says that's a relief but 3 months is a bit tricky she wants to delay the Duke's death for 6 months because then her own son Edam will be 16 years old and he can inherit the title of the Duke then at this rate because Ed is Young someone else from the branch family could be pushed in his the air Jeremy says that considering the young Master's age to inherit the title he was asked to make a sleeping poison he tells Helen not to worry because if she controls the poison well she can delay the Duke's death for up to 6 months Victoria takes charge on hearing this and says she will control the dosage well suddenly a servant tells the lady that the young lady and the young Master sent a letter Ellen seems delighted with this information and says she was worried about how they were doing at the Academy Victoria is shocked by the change in her behavior and asks Helen the permission to leave she leaves with the pathetic poison maker doctor and suggests that they discuss the unfinished business in a quiet place she asks her servant Maris to wait outside while she goes to Jeremy's Studio she thinks it's well soundproofed and thus perfect for their conversation Jeremy tells her to let him explain the dosage of the sleeping poison he mentioned earlier but then Victoria interrupts him she reveals that he is 35 years old and a well-versed medical expert his hobby is collecting poisonous plants he asks her flirtingly my lady what are you doing right now Victoria tells him that she knows a lot about him Jeremy says he didn't know the young lady would be so interested in him she says he was brought here by her mother so she found out something she didn't expect he says he didn't have anything to hide but if she treats him disrespectfully The Madam won't stand for it Victoria says that if he knows that the Madam is merciless why did he meddle with the Duke's property Jeremy gets mad as he hears this and says what is she talking about she asks him if she pushes his shelves right now would he still be as bold as he is sneaky Victoria knows from the book that behind this shelf Jeremy keeps all his poison plants which are as costly as a mansion Jeremy took advantage of the confusion in the duy and secretly acquired poisonous plants by stealing from the treasury Victoria thinks he may not be a good man but using Jeremy who now has a clear weakness might be beneficial for her she asks him if she says this to Madam would he survive Jeremy gets scared for his life and then she tells him she only wants one thing from him in exchange of covering his lie later that evening a cute servant named Adolf approaches Victoria and asks her if she is going to control the Duke's medicine from now on he was a loyal servant to the Duke but Helen stopped him from seeing him Victoria tells him to leave as she already has the medicine and thinks that doing this kind of thing is not good but she has to survive too Victoria was about to give medicine to the Duke and grumpy servant Maris was there to make sure she did her job Victoria feeds the Duke the medicine she then asked Maris to leave as she wanted to rest after that she tells the Duke not to worry because what she has fed him isn't poison earlier she asked Jeremy to make an antidote for the poison the Duke had consumed but he told her that there was no antidote even if they stopped giving him the poison the Duke would die within a year so the best they could do right now was give him some supplements which is exactly what Victoria just fed him she thinks about Duke and how he is Young talented and super hot to think he has to lie in bed until he is killed by his stepmother is a burden to Victoria she thinks how he is so handsome with such a short life that's a waste even if he's left like this he will die within a year even if she disappears from the Duke's side Carlos will die and there is nothing she can do suddenly she feels Duke's arm plops next to her she tries to check it rolls up his sleeve and sees a huge wound she gets shocked after seeing his wound which is all healed but a scar is still there she thinks about it and realizes that his enemies not only fed him poison to kill him but they also neglected his wounds Victoria thinks that she can't save his life but at least she can heal his wound she touches his wound and sees light coming out of her hand which is the greatest shock she has received ever since coming into this world she wonders if there is something wrong with her she then looks at Carlos's wound which is all but healed she wonders if a wound healed with light could be because of the divine power thanks to reading numerous fantasy novels in her past life if she is well aware of magic and divine power emitting a white light without any special activation words this ability to heal wounds is undoubtedly divine power she thinks that the original Victoria didn't have this ability and KN is a buff she got after possessing her body she heals Carlos's wound completely and feels relieved that there's at least something she can do she thinks that in a situation where even absurd possession occurs if there's a god with conscience they should Grant this level of ability she says goodbye to Carlos and leaves after Victoria leaves the Duke's hand starts shaking and he opens his eyes damn he woke up from her touch that's so romantic a moment earlier Carlos saw a beam of light at the end of the tunnel and he reached out for it however just as he was about to escape the darkness and enter the light his dream ended and he suddenly opened his eyes he wakes up and looks around wondering what has happened his brain hurts and he thinks about how it seems like he woke up from a terrible nightmare the shadow of death has followed Carlos since he was a child not long after he was born his mother died in a tragic death and the child of his new stepmother Helen who came in right after his mother's funeral also died as soon as he was born everyone expected that Mrs Helen would be kicked out now but she was lucky not long after the Duke fell from a horse and became disabled when the Duke's reputation fell to the ground due to various scandals Carlos was only 2 years old Madame Helen took control of the duy but she began to find the growing Carlos annoying so she did not hesitate to do anything to kill him when everything failed she even sent him to the battlefield at 12 years old so that he would die there but he returned even stronger moreover since he made great contributions in the war Carlos succeeded to the dukum at the age of 16 but he had a younger sibling while he was away and he was not going to show any Mercy to his evil stepmother he sent her and her servants packing to a distant Villa and got engrossed in developing his territory but he got so busy that he forgot the existence of his stepmother and that was how he got poisoned Carlos wakes up and thinks was she the problem after all how long was he unconscious he realizes that must figure out exactly what happened he takes off his shirt showing his erotic upper body which Victoria the Pervert really likes he walks around thinking where was his dressing room anyway he checks his hand and suddenly finds a scar that was there had vanished the doctors and priests had said the scar from the dark magic in the war wouldn't heal no matter how much divine power or magic potions he used he thought the wound would have gotten worse since he had been unconscious for so long what on Earth happened he thinks at least he woke up that's what matters he gets all dressed and jumps from his balcony to the other room to meet Adolf who goes into shock Carlos asks him how he has been and Adolf says your grace I am glad you are awake Carlos says he will receive his greetings later because right now he is more curious about the situation in the duy Adolf tells him that as soon as the Duke collapsed The Dowager Duchess moved her residence from the other Villa to the main estate also the chancellor and the captain of the knights have been expelled from the court and the Knights have also been disbanded the Duke thinks about the black lion Knights who led the war to Victory the Duke's proud and loyal men must have been a thorn in the sight of Lady Helen he asks Adolf how long he has been down and learns that it's been over 6 months now Carlos remarks that it's enough time for lady Helen to take control of the court and asks is there anything else he needs to know Adolf tells him the Servants of the duy have been repl placed by her highness people and a man named Jeremy has become the duch's personal physician then he hesitates as he tells Carlos that he has been married the Duke is shocked and Furious because he can't believe his ears 2 Days Later Helen tells Victoria that she heard she carried out the tasks well Victoria says she will continue to do her best to support her mother's intentions Helen tells her to make sure to manage Carlos's Affairs properly from now on and Victoria affirms Helen also tells her to make sure to keep a closer eye on the gentleman l Ling down there Jeremy looks at Victoria but she gives him a death stare indicating that if he plays any tricks he will die Victoria thinks she has secured evidence against the Shady doctor beside the poison plant the shop where Jeremy conducted illicit transactions is so distinctive that she hasn't forgotten its name even if he denies his actions if they raid that shop Jeremy's name will surely come up Helen then tells everyone that öa Melton sent a letter saying she's coming here and tells Victoria to handle her stay here properly this comes as a shock to RMC and she wonders why is öa coming out already öa Melton is supposed to come after the Duke's death but she is appearing so soon Victoria realizes that this means that the story of this world is different from the original work the title of the novel she entered is offering a crown to urza is the protagonist of this work she hurriedly comes to the capital upon hearing the news of her cousin Carlos passing it was a suspicious death but the funeral of the Dead Duke proceeded quickly The Duchess was also under trial for the crime of poisoning the Duke however seeing the duchess continue to deny the crime urza begins to sense that there's someone else behind the Duke's death naturally she suspected Helen who was the stepmother and trailed after her but before finding any evidence related to her through the conspiracy of the villains her family and Terry is utterly destroyed angered by the loss of her family and territory öa in an attempt to restore the Duke's honor roams around searching for scattered Spirits at the time she treats the unfortunate third prince who had collapsed on the road and they both fall in love with each other the story between the two ended with a happy ending the problem is that it was only a happy ending for the two while the protagonists were happy in the final event many characters who helped the protagonists ended up dead Victoria never wanted to get involved with them but now it's just before the main events start in Earnest she tried to quietly save the Duke as soon as possible but with this it feels like everything's over Victoria asks her servant should they attend to the Duke now she says yes the Madam ordered it yesterday meanwhile the Duke is exercising in his room to get back in shape two days ago when he woke up and talked to Adolf he learned that Helen claimed that if there's a lady to nurse and care for the Duke he might regain Consciousness soon Carlos realized that she forced the marriage trying to gain control over him that way Adolf tells him that the fortunate thing is that it's only been 2 days now Carlos asks him to keep the fact that he gained Consciousness a secret for now he needs time until he can recover his power and if he moves hastily he will become Helen's puppet the Duke Le asks Adolf to tell him everything about the woman who became the duchess he tells him about Victoria who came from a poor Noble family and was basically bought to be the Duke's wife Carlos has no sympathy for her and he thinks she's someone who will try to kill him back to the present Victoria comes to check on Carlos and he quickly gets into the bed Victoria opens the windows and says good morning to Carlos she says that he looks even more handsome to today like a carved sculpture of God the Duke is flabbergasted because the woman is so flirty and he wonders what is she planning to do Carlos is lying there wondering why she is talking to him like he is a dead body what the heck is going on Victoria looks at the door and sees Maris with the water and napkin again Victoria asks her what is that and the rude mid tells her that is the water and napkin to wipe the Duke's Body Victoria is shocked and Maris thinks the reason behind is that doing the work of a servant is embarrassing for her however the actual reason she is so stunned is because the Pervert inside her is Awakening on just the thought of handling the Duke's body she looks at the Duke's be chest and prays to God to not let her become a predator who takes advantage of an unconscious man Maris tells her to stop being dramatic because they need to finish this by dinner time Victoria feels like she wants to run away but if she does the trust she has built up will crumble as Maris tries to take the clothes off Duke Victoria holds her hand to stop her the maid says she can't wash his body with his clothes on and Victoria wonders if it's really okay for her to let Maris help clean the Duke's body she doesn't trust the servant because she believes that she might be up to something on Helen's orders so Victoria screams at Maris tells her to leave and says she will do it alone Victoria then stares at the Duke and thinks that there is no one else who will take responsibility for the work except her if she lied and said she washed it they will take her word for it and if she doesn't take care of Carlos properly his skin will be damaged he is a living person so she can't just treat him however she wants she decides to just think of him as a statue she is cleaning and not as a man she takes off his shirt and starts wiping his chest while telling herself to focus she cleans his arms and back thinking he is just a statue meanwhile the Duke is thinking about what the heck is going on when she is done Victoria tells herself she is good at cleaning because the Duke's sparkling she tells herself to keep the momentum going and finish the rest as she tries to take off his pants but she can't bring herself to do that part she thinks about leaving it for tomorrow like a procrastinator but then thinks that she has to take care of him in the future and she can't just keep on cleaning his top as she was about to take off his pants Adolf runs in screaming and Victoria thinks she is now totally screwed Adolf was walking past the Duke's room when he saw two servant girls talking about how Victoria is now taking care of the Duke one girl said that she heard Victoria even washed his body hearing this Adolf started to panic and ran to the Duke thinking how the Duke is repulsed by the touch of others he even refused to be served by his servants and now he is conscious and a stranger is going to touch him everywhere outside the door Maris tries to stop him but he still barges inside and Victoria gets flustered before she could say anything she thinks she should calm down first if she panics she will look even more sus Victoria screams at Adolf asking how dare a butler come in without knocking Adolf apologizes and before he could even say anything Maris walked in screaming at him saying that even though he is a butler he can't just barge in like that Victoria thinks about what is wrong with Maris since lady Helen might be targeting the butler she can't give the made any excuse to nitpick Victoria says of course it was quite rude but there must be a good reason why the butler is in such a hurry Adolf says he was so surprised to see her doing something that only servants should do that he couldn't help it Victoria smiles and says that being too surprised can lead to that she can understand that grumpy Maris says that even so that doesn't mean what the butler did is just going to be forgotten and declares that they need to tell the duchess right away Victoria asks Maris if she is sure but the grumpy maid is sure and leaves to tell Helen everything on her own after that Victoria asks Adolf if he is going to leave now or what she tells him that she still needs to finish cleaning up the Duke and he asks her if he can do the rest Victoria remarks this is the task her mother gave her but Adolf says she doesn't mean for her to do it all by herself he is not saying he will take over all of the Duke's care he just means he will help her out with some tricky bits Victoria thinks about it for a while if Mrs Helen had ordered her to do it alone Maris wouldn't even have pretended to help besides if the butler is here he can take care of the Duke's man Parts she leaves the rest to Adolf and says she is leaving because the Duke would be more comfortable with his touch than hers she tells him that she has already cleaned his upper body so she should leave the rest for him after she leaves Adolf tells Carlos that everyone has left and he gets up Carlos tells him he is truly exhausted and Adolf asks him if anything hurts as he apologizes that he couldn't come earlier Carlos tells him that it's okay it's not his fault Adolf helps him get up and put his shirt back on Carlos says he thought that the girl would be timid and submissive given that she was married off like a piece of property however she is a totally different woman than he expected and he needs to keep an eye on her he then ask the butler if he sent a letter to Baron Melton Adolf replies positively and tells that he sent a letter to Baron Melton as asking him to send lady Sienna here he has also informed The Madam yesterday that Sienna is coming to the capital on Sienna the Duke's retainer and an excellent magician arrives she will be able to divert Mrs Helen's attention they could also receive further assistance from her Carlos declares that once Sienna arrives they will start moving in Earnest and tells Adolf that he should stay quiet in the meantime Adolf says he has something he forgot to tell him earlier he reveals that after Carlos collapsed The Madam sent him medicine for him to take but now his wife Victoria is in charge of that medicine earlier he was stealing the medicine but now he can't do it anymore he didn't think he would be able to steal that medicine anymore Carlos asks him if he doesn't trust the attending physician so much that he stole the medicine he soon deduces that Jeremy is also Mrs Helen's man Adolf says according to the servants he has exceptional knowledge of poisons and possibly he could be behind the Duke's collapse Carlos asks him to bring Jeremy here because he wants to interrogate him personally meanwhile the metlin family's Carriage has arrived with fiery red hair like the Setting Sun and green eyes like emeralds Sienna Melton is a beautiful lady Helen greets her but she ignores that irritating old lady completely and goes to Victoria to introduce herself as she greets Victoria Victoria thinks she is raising a death flag right away but she just wants to live for now Victoria confronts öa firmly telling her that she has got the order of greeting wrong she should greet the eldest first while she says this RMC is is actually freaking out because she means no hate to öa urza apologizes to Duchess Helen saying that she misunderstood the order thinking that when the Duke is absent his wife The Duchess acts as the head of the household Helen says it is no big deal and tells her that she must be tired from the journey so she should go and get some rest Victoria then goes to the Duke's room again with Jeremy she tells Carlos that they will be seeing each other twice as much from now on once when she wipes his body and once when she gives him medicine Jeremy tells Victoria that the Duke is in deep sleep right now so he can't hear anything she replies that she still has to greet him and the doctor agrees Victoria then asks him if the Duke's face is glowing because she wiped it really well Jeremy says it's not possible because the Duke is still poisoned and his body will be gradually destroyed so his complexion can't improve Victoria thinks it could be the holy power she used and she asks the question to the doctor putting it just like a hypothetic situation Jeremy tells her that it's impossible possible the Duke is in a state where he can never wake up so no treatment will work she wonders how did she heal the gigantic wound on the Duke's arm then Jeremy asks her why she is asking him such questions all of a sudden and she lies to him that she is just wondering Victoria then feeds the Duke's medicine and suddenly gets an idea she asks Jeremy to drink the rest of the Duke's medicine to prove that it is not a poison but just a nutrient drink he immediately chugs it and says how could he betray The Duchess since she holds his weakness pleased by that Victoria says goodbye to the Duke and Jeremy wonders what a strange woman she is he is about to follow her lead when Adolf walks in and asks him to stop Jeremy tells him that he just gave medicine to the Duke with that Adolf walks to Carlos and tells him that Jeremy is here as he sees the Duke wake up Jeremy gets scared like he saw the ghost of his grandma he begs him not to come close to him and the Duke asks if he should just kill the traitor his doctor harlos puts a sword to his neck and asks him if he can really beg to spare his life even after he poison him Jeremy says he was just following the orders of the duchess he didn't even know who he was being used by Carlos says he might be true but it doesn't change the fact that he ate the poison he made Jeremy begs him for forgiveness promising that if he spares his life he will be loyal to him he claims to know the uses of tens of thousands of herbs and even promises to act as his witness when he accuses his stepmom of poisoning him in the future on adolf's advice Carlos says he is just going to watch him for now he then asks Jeremy when did he in the The Duchess start giving him the medicine instead of the poison The doctor replies that it was 4 days ago which is coincidentally the same day Carlos woke up now he is curious if the new medicine is really just a nutrient Jeremy assures him that he was forced by Victoria to switch the poison with a nutrient drink but it was nothing special now Carlos is confused and wonders why she would do it and disobey the order of Madam he wants to know if Victoria is really up to something else Carlos thinks all he ate was supplements and that definitely has nothing to do with his Awakening he tells Jeremy that since he made the poison and he knows the best he should check his physical condition now Jeremy says yes but then the Duke scares him by brandishing his sword and telling him not to do anything stupid Jeremy immediately agrees and checks the Duke's heartbeat he exclaims that it seems almost like a miracle because even though the Duke hasn't fully recovered from the effects of the poison his condition now is good enough to be safe Carlos says since his condition is stable can Jeremy make an antidote now and he promises to make it within a few days after that Carlos orders Jeremy to hide the truth of his Awakening not only from Lady Helen but also his wife he tells the doctor to behave as usual and follow her orders because if he reveals any information to Lady Helen she will accuse him of betrayal and cut off his head Jeremy Shivers and says he will keep that in mind after he leaves the Duke asks Adolf to check his arm Adolf gets shocked to see that the wound has disappeared Carlos tells him that when he regained conscious ious the wound was gone he wants to know if he had any scars when he took care of him 4 days ago Adolf tells him that there was definitely a wound until the morning 4 days ago he tells Carlos that only Victoria visited him that time and he thinks that she might be behind this the Duke replies that perhaps she has something to do with his Awakening too meanwhile Victoria and Sienna are at the lunch table and Sienna asks her if she would like to take a tour of the palace with her she claims that she wants to get closer to the duchess and see the palace while RMC is a bit hesitant to do that Helen orders her to show hers of the palace and she obeys she thought she could take her on a quick tour and then return to her room but it turned out into a full-blown walk Sienna talks about Victoria and her biological family and while they are walking it seems like Maris wants to tell her something arza takes Victoria for some private tea time without the meddling maid she claims that she thought she was going to be lonely here but now she has found a friend in Victoria she asks her to be close to her and Victoria wonders what should she do now Sienna Milton is fair and kind but when it comes to her enemies she is very merciless Victoria thinks she might not have taken a liking to her but rather she might be trying to get information about Lady Helen from her after wondering about her response for a long time Victoria says she is really happy with what öa just said she even apologizes for being harsh yesterday and urza says that it was her fault to begin with she promises to make sure to get along with her in the future and with that vict Toria says she must leave now since it's time to visit the Duke as she leaves and escapes the palace she finds a book about her Divine Powers the book says that if she becomes a priest under the protection of a temple there is a special law that even Aristocrats cannot touch a priest carelessly but she needs to be a virgin to become a priest even though the first night of their marriage was not held she legally can't say that she is a virgin because she slept in the same bed as her husband on top of that Mrs Helen won't allow her to go out to the temple anyway Victoria then goes to the Duke's room and Jeremy brings her the water to clean up Carlos he tells her that Adolf sent him here since everyone else was busy Victoria is not happy that he is here but decides to accept his help in cleaning the Duke's body she tells the doctor that she will wipe his upper body and he can do the rest he is surprised by what Victoria said and she finds it suspicious Jeremy had heard many stories about Carlos the youngest Duke and Warrior it is said that the sight of him cutting down enemies is quite monstrous but now he has a woman Tak taking care of him and touching his body Jeremy asks Victoria if she'll keep doing this and she replies that it's like wiping a statue for her rather than a human body Jeremy once again panics and coughs and Victoria offers him water she says that he's acting strange today and demands to know if he is hiding something he says it's nothing and he is just in a bad mood today she decides to accept his words and then tells him to get to his job and clean the Duke's lower body she doesn't trust him enough to leave him alone with Carlos and Jeremy feels terrified that he is going to mess with a fully conscious man's down under suddenly Adolf arrives there and says he's now here to take care of the Duke Jeremy thanks him for coming right on time and Victoria says that since the butler is here she and the doctor are going to leave the Duke wakes up just as she leaves and says she's really annoying he doesn't know what to do because that woman feels like a throne stuck in his throat she greets him regularly and sometimes talks to herself in an unintelligible way he is also concerned that she disobeyed orders and changeed the poison it's hard to know her intentions but externally she plays her role as Helen's puppet perfectly however he thinks that if Victoria fooled Mrs Helen she can fool him too she's smart and he can't predict her if he gets too close she could be poisonous to him harlos asks Adolf what Sierra is doing and how she is because hasn't seen her for 10 years Adolf says she's still the confident and smart girl as she was when they last saw her Carlos says he's glad that she's still the same and orders Adolf to bring her to him at dawn he sneaks her into Carlos's room at dawn they are both really happy to see each other again and urza greets him as the Duke Carlos tells her to quit the formalities and call him like she always does she is happy to hear this and calls him brother with that they talk about how it is a miracle that he can still wake up now Carlos wants öa to help him in the future and asks is that okay for her she replies that she will do anything for her brother Carlos is glad he has finally met someone he can fully trust they both sit and have some tea while while urza asks him if he wants her to find the culprit the Duke says yeah because his Aid was dismissed and his night was disbanded so he can't do anything right now that is the reason he called her here in the first place also because it's her social debut soon she can go out with the Pope's approval and if not she can always use her magic öa asks Carlos what does he want her to do and he tells her to go to the temple first later that day Helen urza and Victoria are sitting in the garden for some tea the old hag asks Sienna that since she has always lived in the countryside is it difficult for her to adapt in the capital herza replies asking her from where did she hear about it because recently her Village has been in frequent contact with the capital as they go back and forth in their passive aggressive War Victoria is sitting there wondering when they are going to stop since the Tea Party Started they both have been attacking each other and the result is Sienna winning Victoria thinks about how she already has some big problems of her own since she hasn't found a way to go to the temple as she is wondering about what should she do about it öa suddenly tells Helen that she wants to go to the temple öa thinks about what her brother told her earlier that she needs to go to the temple and after that she must go to an in called da star and hand a letter from him to the manager there for now this is what he needs and he had asked Hera to make up a reason that his evil stepmother can't refuse now Sienna says that she came here because of the Duke's bad health and she wants to pray for his recovery with all her heart so she wants to go to the temple to pray Helen says she can't allow that but Victoria says she should understand her feelings Helen thinks that öa must be planning something and tries to be firm but Victoria suggests that she can accompany öa to the temple the old woman is not yet convinced but she dismisses öa because she wants to talk some sense into Victoria as soon as they are alone the cranky old Helen starts yelling at Victoria and asking her what she is doing she claims that they should stop Sienna from going outside and leaking anything out Victoria says that's why she will go with her and keep an on her if they deny her she will think they are planning something and sent a letter to her family who will try to come and check up on the Duke's condition Helen really needs to protect the Duke but only until her son is mature enough if the rumor about the Duke's illness spreads all the families and vessels will intervene and she can't let that happen she says that it's not a bad idea but asks Victoria if she can really keep an eye on urza she is confident that it will be easy and finally gets the permission to go to the temple by fooling her stupid stepmother-in-law soon Adolf tells the Duke that Sienna is going out with Victoria claiming that she also wants to pray at the temple Carlos thinks about how he told Sienna to be careful of Victoria but Sienna told him that it's not a problem because Victoria seemed naive and gullible Carlos couldn't understand what she was talking about so Sienna clarified that the Pepto Bisal pink hair golden eyes and a small figure make Victoria looked like a puppy wanting its Master's attention harlos just thought about how the woman who deceived Mrs Helen and trick Jeremy could be naive he thought that she is hiding her true self from Sienna so he told her to be careful around Victoria just in case now he thinks he should have told Sienna the truth but he couldn't open his mouth earlier he wonders why did he not say anything is it because he was worried that Victoria would be in trouble his judgment seems to be clouded whenever she is involved he wants to know what is she thinking so he tells Adolf that he has a job for him the next time Victoria arrives at the Duke's room Adolf tells her that he has finished washing the Duke's body he says that it would be too much of a burden for her to take care of the Duke every day Victoria says that lady Helen asked her to do it but he says not to worry about it and Promises to make sure no one finds out about it she should leave it for him and rest for a while when he's here Victoria agrees and Adolf leaves her alone Victoria sits next to Carlos and thinks it seems like adolf's doing it for her sake but there's no doubt that he's trying to get her away from the Duke after all she's Mrs Helen's person on the surface she says now that the line has been drawn between them she feels resentful she remarks that she shouldn't have gotten attached but she's grown attached to Carlos she wonders will she be able to stay indifferent when she hears the news of his death there is nothing she can do for him anyway because she will leave the Duke's household soon as soon as she leaves the room the Duke wakes up and thinks about why she is leaving the palace did she not follow Mrs Helen's orders because she had the intention of leaving from the start he feels kind of weird and Melancholy that she is going to leave him the next day Victoria Victoria and Sienna are riding a carriage Victoria is very excited because it's her first time in a carriage Sienna says that Victoria seems to be in a good mood today and she replies that it's because she hasn't gone out in a long time Sienna says that she heard that Victoria did not go out very often even in her hometown she replies that it's because it's a rural estate and her family's finances are not good they soon arrive at the temple and Victoria is mesmerized by the scale of it a priest comes out to greet her and she is impressed that the temple gives special treatment to the Nobles the priest tells her that they have a separate prayer room for Nobles and he will guide them there Sienna asks Victoria would it be okay if she used the private prayer room first because she wants to concentrate on her prayers with a sincere heart Victoria thinks it looks like Sienna has something else up her sleeve and that is good for her because it will help the evil hag Helen suffer later so she says it's okay for her to have a private room and Sienna thanks her and leaves Victoria goes around and sees a statue that she thinks is really beautiful just like the Duke she then thinks her standard of Beauty has become Carlos and gets embarrassed by this fact she wonders what Duke would think about her if he knew she is a pervert she then finds a book about divine power written by the first pope the book starts with the intro but she skips it like a pro Victoria reads the book because since the author was the first pope the information must be trustworthy the book says that divine power is God's blessing however not everyone can have the same divine power the divine power held by the the clergy varies according to the Divine will those who can warm the body or heal minor wounds are considered novice clergy Adept in their modest abilities those capable of healing major injuries are in the title of senior clergy however those who can swiftly mend wounds or treat internal injuries are regarded as Elite clergy and the first pope writes that anyone who wants to be regarded as an elite must be at least of his level Victoria thinks she can heal major wounds which is Possible only at a senior clergy level she certainly healed the Duke's wounds thoroughly without knowing how great her power was she thinks that having this power is great but what if she were to become a senior clergyman she pictures a life of responsibility paperwork and politics and she wants no part of that Victoria thinks that she can just hide and live in moderation Who would know she's hiding something special she then asks the handsome statue of the god and asks him to not give her an oracle out of nowhere to make her life hard she stares at the Statue and suddenly hears a voice calling her name Victoria freaks out thinking that the statue called her but it turns out that it was a priest outside the door a violet haired priest comes in to give The Duchess the tea that the head priest sent this is the most ideal view of a priest Victoria had imagined because the girl looks really innocent and Angelic she asks the girl if there is a qualification that one has to be chased to become a priest the girl affirms and then Victoria uses the age-old method of talking about a friend who is married but is chased due to circumstances she asks can someone like that become a priest the girl tells her that there is no precedent so far but there once was a woman who suddenly developed Divine powers and became a priest those who suddenly gained divine power regardless of their qualifications or virginity can become clergy even if they have not undergone the blessing ceremonies during their youth Victoria asks the Violet haired girl that as long as they have divine power is it okay to get married she tells her because they are already loved by God it is okay for the person to marry another the girl claims that she handles record management for their order and can assist Victoria's friend she gives her clergy enrollment application form which everyone must fill to become a priest she tells her how to fill out the form step by step first she should write that she has divine power in the special information section afterwards they will conduct a separate sacred power test at their Temple once the divine power is confirmed the registration process begins Victoria thanks the girl for the details and she replies that they need to help her with this because her friend will soon become a fellow vant of God Victoria is taken aback by this she then asks the Violet haed about her name and obviously her name is violet Victoria tells her that it's a very pretty name and thinks that she must repay her one day Sienna and Victoria go back home later and Helen says they are late after sending öa to her room she asks Victoria why they are late did they stop somewhere other than the temple Victoria says no they just prayed at the temple and she heard from the priests that ö never left the VIP praying room Kellen is fine with that and then tells Victoria to go get medicine for her husband Victoria gives him the nutritional supplements and says seeing his handsome face doesn't seem to improve her mood either her application form falls out of her pocket without her realizing and she just holds the Duke's hand and says there's nothing she can do for him after she leaves he wakes up and asks what she can't do harlos thinks about Victoria she didn't even greet him as usual and said she's leaving this place he wonders why was there a sadness in her voice soon after that Jeremy brings a completed antidote to the Duke however he hesitates in giving it to him and when pressed for answers he says that it's a strong medicine the Duke asks him if it's poison and will he die if he consumes that Jeremy says that's not what he means and rather the detoxification process is really painful he had put painkillers in the nutritional supplements the Duke took but he thinks they can't do much Carlos simply tells him to just give him the antidote pain doesn't matter to him he just doesn't want to be trapped in the dark Ness again suddenly Sienna knocks on the door and Duke tells her to come in Jeremy sees Sienna for the first time and thinks she is really beautiful however he gets hit by something from behind and Sienna tells him it's not good to stare at other people for so long Jeremy suddenly realizes that she's a powerful magician who can use magic without drawing a magic circle Jeremy cutely apologized to her and the Duke asks him to leave Sienna then tells Carlos that she went to the in he told her about and met the manager there and when she showed showed him the letter he gave her he was speechless tomorrow she's supposed to meet the Duke's counselor at the Inn harlos asks her if she got caught sneaking out of the temple and urza replies that no one noticed it because she got out quietly and even used illusion magic to cover for her absence Carlos then asks her if there is something strange about Victoria she tells him she did not feel anything strange she used a private prayer room so they weren't together as for today she is just like an excited puppy going out she asks him if she should keep an eye on her he tells her that there is no need for it and she should just focus on Gathering the knights after that the Duke takes the medicine and Adolf says he's going to stay by his side all night he says he has no need for it and he can leave now at night Victoria is frantically trying to find her clergy form since she has not seen any commotion from Helen's side she is sure that the form is not with her and she thinks maybe it's in the Duke's room she goes to his room with a lantern and finds the form on the ground suddenly she hears some sounds coming from the Duke's bed and immediately goes to see him and finds that he is groaning in pain Victoria panics wondering what is happening to him she says he's the most important thing for her now and leaves to call the doctor she goes to Jeremy and says to quickly come along since Carlos is in pain they both go to the Duke and Jeremy says that maybe the medicine they gave the Duke earlier is spreading now he says the medicine he made works like this and asks Victoria to trust him she is still suspicious of him but says they can't do anything but just watch him in pain Victoria feels sympathetic to him and she just can't keep turning a blind eye she sends the doctor away and then thinks that maybe with her divine power she can reduce Carlos's pain right now she uses her divine power and prays for Carlos so that he doesn't feel sick anymore the divine power works well but Victoria feels weak after using it on the other hand the Duke finds himself sinking in the darkness again but he doesn't feel the pain anymore suddenly he finds a light in the sea of darkness and wakes up to see the light in front of him he gets up wondering what just happened and then sees Victoria sleeping on the bed and wonders why is she here Carlos had never seen Victoria directly because he always had to close his eyes in front of her he thinks what Sienna told him about Victoria who had pink shiny hair and gold eyes she really looks like a puppy as urza said but Carlos wonders why is she here in his bed at this time and why does his body feel light the light that Shone on him in the dark The Disappearance of his pain this feels familiar it feels like what he felt recently she was the only person who visited him during that time Carlos believes that this is no coincidence that it will happen twice and the person who saved him must be Victoria he knows that the Divine Po's warmth is definitely different from Magic moreover recovering the human body in such a short period can only be done by the pope he whispers in Victoria's ear that he will never lose her because he needs her by his side now he doesn't want to be locked in the darkness again as he puts Victoria to bed gently has realized that it was a too risky method she soon arrives at her destination and a guard helps her get down from the carriage Victoria wonders if the voice of the Guard was always this good because he is the same guard who accompanied her before too after that the girls begin walking to the temple and as Victoria walks away Sienna gives a side eye to the guard inside the temple Victoria learns that if one trains the divine power like magic it becomes more than just healing power it has the capacity to develop into a self-defense ability Victoria thinks that if her divine power is strong she can attack the villains in her life like Helen and the grumpy maid suddenly Violet knocks on the door and asks Victoria if she will be going out today too Victoria thinks she came in at the right time and they both go out and see a guy with golden hair giving out food and healing people Victoria has leared that the temple periodically opened its doors to take care of the poor by Distributing food and treating the sick and not long ago she started volunteering at this poverty relief Center she goes to meet the senior priest pryan and he tells her that she's been very helpful again pryan a priest from a poor background is one of the Rising Stars among the priests and has the potential to become the future Pope in the original novel he was described as a reformist who changed the temple with strong sanctity and a blade likee coldness Victoria has also come across new information not mentioned in the novel pran and her cranky old mother-in-law don't have a good relationship Violet told her this story that when Helen came to offer prayers at the temple one day she got into a fight with a poor guy here her words took the young man's life the priest pryan was very angry but it is said that the court sided with the Nobles since then it is well known that the Discord between those two is quite severe Victoria thinks that even in the absence of rumors she reasoned that if she personally sent in the clergy enrollment application Helen might learn about it and it might end before she could take appropriate action Victoria knows her secret so Helen cannot just stand idly while she is trying to become a clergy member in the worst case they will try to get rid of her moreover having examined the temple laws while going back and forth there is a provision that no one can force someone who possesses divine power to become a priest in other words not everyone with divine power has to become a priest considering all these circumstances instead of submitting the clergy enrollment application form directly she decided it would be better to make pryan an ally of hers she goes to him and he thanks her for coming every day he has finally opened up to her but since Victoria is Helen's daughter-in-law he didn't even smile at her at first she thinks he is someone with even greater Fame and power than Helen and a person with a Resolute demeanor that wouldn't waver under the Temple's pressure that makes him the perfect candidate to help her meanwhile Sienna and the guard reach an in she tells the guard that they are at their destination and he should take off his magic ring now it turns out that the Old Guard was none other than the Duke himself who had disguised himself using magic just as they enter the Inn they find two guys who are astonished to see Carlos there the cmer one is tsiri the counselor of the Duke while the guy balling his eyes out is David the captain of the knights both of them are emotional on seeing Carlos healthy and say that this is a miracle bestowed by the gods he thinks about Victoria and says he can't argue with his recovery being a miracle the Duke then says that he knows very well that everyone is working hard in their respective positions but he needs to move up the schedule a bit David asks the Duke if he's asking him to Res schedule the plan and he affirms he inquires about the status of the knights and learns that almost everyone has gathered and they are all waiting for his Awakening Carlos is pleased and then asks how is the investigation into Mrs Helen going David says that it seems she has been involved in quite a few unsavory activities during recent time she has been had been consistently offering bribes to one of Emperor's bootlickers as a result her son has managed to secure the top position at the Academy without missing out Carlos is impressed and says that collecting such evidence will prove useful in completely discrediting Mrs Helen the fact that she attempted to poison the Duke is reason enough to eliminate her but there is one issue which involves the current emperor of the Pentagon Empire the corrupt Royal Dynasty is to blame for the Imperial Authority's steady decline on the other hand due to the Duke's growing reputation on the battlefield the emperor believed that the Black Knights whose skills surpassed those of the Imperial Knights posed a threat to his authority the only hope for the corrupt Imperial family is the Crown Prince but he is currently unconscious and bedridden and now the only serious Contender to be the future Emperor is the second prince who gained notoriety for his immorality having firmly stated that he will not support the second Prince Carlos knows that the emperor must be even more disappointed with him even after he fell without any warning the emperor remained indifferent without taking any special measures he even allowed the unverified daughter of a minor Noble to marry Carlos without any validation the Duke knows that the emperor seems to wish for his demise as much as his stepmother and they are both on the same side that is why they must gather as much evidence is possible to prevent the emperor from using Force David says that as soon as the evidence collection is completed they will communicate with urza and inform the Duke Carlos then asks Sienna has there been anything noteworthy with The Duchess in recent times she tells him that she heard that she has been volunteering at a relief center for the poor for some time now meanwhile Victoria is giving food to the poor and she's really excited here even though she didn't even have time to talk to her Target pryan suddenly two little boys come to her and Victoria asks them if they need bread the older boy said yes but he asks can he get some soup too because his younger brother has an upset stomach and can't eat bread Victoria tells them that they can eat as much as they want Victoria gives them a hot bowl of soup but the little kid accidentally drops it on his hand and starts crying hysterically Victoria looks around and sees that everyone is busy so she she grabs him and heals him with her divine power the little boy asks her if she's a priest and she says not yet but she is going to be one so they should keep it a secret Victoria gives them food again and then suddenly prian asks her if she used divine power Victoria thought she was going to reveal it slowly but she got caught like this she admits that she knows how to use a little bit of divine power pryan blesses her and thanks her for healing the child Victoria then says that she needs to tell him something and asks can they have a word with each other private he takes her to some quiet place outside because there are many watchful eyes in the temple and unfortunate rumors about the lady could spread Victoria thanks him and says that she aspires to become a priestess and to achieve that she needs his assistance she tells him that her mother-in-law will try to prevent her from becoming a priestess Victoria reveals how she was abandoned as a child by her own family and through a complex Arrangement between Helen and her family she became the duchess on hearing this pryan says that he's willing to assist her whole heartedly Victoria gets happy thanks the high priest and holds his hands the priest tells her to watch her hands and Victoria apologizes oopsies he says it's okay and let's discuss the plan to persuade Helen tomorrow meanwhile Carlos is watching them from a corner and thinks Victoria was not here just to volunteer at the relief center and there was another motive behind it even if Helen applies pressure the temple cannot turn away Victoria if the high priest supports her considering the high priest's unfavorable feelings towards Helen the confrontation becomes even more feasible he has found a truly perfect candidate also considering the hardships in Victoria's life it might be the right thing for her to join the temple but Carlos doesn't want to let go of his light under any circumstances he must hold on to her with everything he has no matter what it takes a few days later Victoria looks out the window of the Mansion saying it seems everyone is bustling about because an important guest is arriving after pryan promised to assist her news arrived that 3 days from now the priests will come to the Duke's Mansion to treat Carlos under Helen's order the priest visits the Mansion once a month to use their divine power on the Duke who remains incapacitated while their divine power has not contributed to the Duke's recovery Helen who wanted to show that she is taking care of the Duke kept calling in the high priests once a month the high priest received substantial donations from her giving them no reason to decline her monthly calls Victoria had told pran about this and he said it seemed like a good opportunity he's going to the Duke's residence using the excuse of the frequent visits and she should announce that day she wants to become a priestess seeing the right time now Victoria touches the Duke's hair romantically and says that it's time for her departure now she feels uneasy about leaving him and heads out for the priest's arrival before turning around and looking at the Duke one last time everyone downstairs is dressed extra and Helen announces that the priest is coming today to treat the Duke so Sienna should refrain from any unnecessary chatter Sienna is suspiciously obedient and Helen wonders if she ate something wrong soon the temple Carriage arrives and Helen gets shocked on seeing pryan among the high priest she wonders why is he here and she is clearly not happy about it pryan greets her and says that she seems to be in good health Ellen asks him if her good health is disappointing him and he replies that he heard her son is not getting better and she seems to have no concerns Helen gets Furious and asks if he's accusing her of being a heartless mother but then the situation is hand L by the other priests and Helen asks Victoria to guide him to the Duke's room everyone gathers around Carlos and the priests start using divine power on him Victoria thinks their divine power is warm and dazzling seeing the priest's sweat she thinks about when she used her power on the Duke and fell asleep next to him however pryan looks fine as one would expect from a candidate for Pope as the priests about to leave pryan says that he still has something to do Victoria realizes that it's time for her to leave and say goodbye to Carlos pran declares that the reason he came here is to choose a new priest and immediately Victoria declares that she wants to be a priestess because she has divine power she wants her skills to be tested here today and wants to live in the temple everyone is stunned to hear this Victoria turns to Helen and says that she is going to become a priestess for her husband the poor Duke she s that she couldn't help him as a wife but as a priestess she will pray for him for the rest of her life Helen screams at her and asks how dare she speak such nonsense there is no way she can become a priestess Victoria thinks that she knew she was going to be mad but it looks like she has lost her mind she is about to hit Victoria but pryan comes to her def cranky old Helen yells at pryan telling him to get out of her way because this is none of his business he says it's his business too because Victoria wants to become a priestess Helen says she's her daughter-in-law and she won't let anyone run her house in front of her as they fight Victoria thinks that if all this continues pryan will end up being resp responsible for everything that happens Victoria says she asked him to help and it is not his fault she claims that she was never fit for the role of Duchess and even the Duke hasn't gotten any better since she came so she will live as a priestess and pray for him suddenly a sound comes from the Duke's bed and Adolf yells that the Duke is awake no one can believe that Carlos has really gotten better and they think it is a miracle Victoria thinks his sharp eyes are exactly as they were described in the novel Carlos keeps looking at her which makes her nervous he asks Victoria if she's The Duchess and then turns to Helen saying that he doesn't remember getting married and wants to know how did all this happen Helen immediately says that it's all for him she suddenly took charge of the duy after he passed out she didn't have time to worry about Internal Affairs so she brought in a wife to help her keep the house and take care of him she exclaims that she can't believe he's awake and it's a miracle for them Carlos then says that he wants to talk to The Duchess but pryan apologizes to him and says The Duchess hopes to become a priest Priestess another priest says that the only reason Victoria wanted to be a priestess was for her husband so now she must have known he to do that Carlos then tells pryan to come back after 15 days because right now he's confused about the situation and he still feels like he's not doing well the situation will stabilize after this time and then they can hear the duchess's decision again the priest leaves with pran and Victoria thinks the Duke will suspect the situation if she insists on going even though he's awake then asks Helen Sienna and Adolf to leave and let him resolve this situation with his wife this leaves Victoria feeling shy and awkward alone with the Duke Victoria thinks she's going to black out if left alone with Carlos she wishes that Helen is stubborn this time and takes her out of this mess but the old cranky woman can't show her true colors in front of the Duke Helen leaves her alone in the room and goes out Victoria believes that the Duke will see her as just a girl his mom brought over she wonders what she should do now and immediately Falls to her she says she is not a person under M Helen's will and begs the Duke to help her she reveals that Helen told her to kill him but she didn't follow her orders she also has a witness in form of Dr Jeremy Carlos says he knows the truth and that Victoria should get up now from the floor because it's cold Victoria is shocked to hear this and wonders what he is saying the Duke takes her hand and helps her get up and holds her close to him he then says it's better to sit down and talk Carlos tells her he thinks they might have a big misunderstanding he has no intention of killing her he just wants to thank her for her divine power Victoria is shocked at how much he knows about her Divine Powers since he knows it there is no need to lie and Victoria reveals that she used her powers on him a long time ago she asks if he has been conscious since then and he asks her does it really matter Victoria says she cares about it thinking about all the times she gossiped and yapped in front of him Carlos thinks there is no point in telling her the truth he claims that he used to regain Consciousness a little when she used her power on him but he was fully awake this morning she asked him why he pretended to not know anything and he says that was for her sake it's uncommon and pretty unhinged for a person to be able to save others with divine power like this perhaps the only person who can do that here is high priest pryan he tells Victoria to imagine someone like her competing against the only candidate for the position of the Pope would the priest leave her alone Victoria agrees and says that even in the temple there is a disparity between the priests there will be those who will praise her and those who will her then there will be a power struggle and she will end up as a scapegoat Duke says he has something to tell her he tells her not to become a priestess and to stay by his side Victoria says she doesn't want to Duke says he is not asking her to stay for free he will give her everything she wants power and money Victoria says she doesn't want this she could die at the hands of his mother how can he ask her to stay he says if she doesn't want power or money he can give her his body Victoria gets flustered and almost falls for the Honey Trap but then she asks the Duke if he is insane she then apologizes and says she can't stay with him because his stepmom won't let her the Duke tells her not to worry about Helen because she will soon be expelled from the duche Victoria says then there is no need for her to stay here because she was the one who brought her to the duy she asks him if she's not his Savior and he should let her become a priestess because he owes her one he says he won't let her since he hasn't fully recovered yet she's the one who pulled him out of the darkness so she should take responsibility Carlos is not happy with just the bare minimum he wants that full princess treatment Victoria asks if she stays for 15 days will he let her find out more about her power he holds her hand and promises he won't put her at risk at night Victoria wanders around the palace like a ghost and thinks she can't stay like this she'll be staying at the duche for 15 days so she needs a check with Jeremy about the health of the Duke he said he was going to kick his mom out soon but she will come back if he gets sick again come to think of it Helen seems pretty calm even even though she's at risk of being kicked Out Victoria then sees that the light in one room is still on and goes inside she sees Jeremy on the floor and everything is a mess just like my life she asks Jeremy what happened to him and immediately knows this is Helen's doing Jeremy says that fortunately he didn't die Victoria thinks it's a good thing he didn't say anything about her plans to Helen that she didn't poison her son she tells him that she's here to find out about the Duke's health is he fully recovered or not Jeremy says he still needs to recover but he will get better soon at least he won't pass out after he's fully awake Victoria thinks that doesn't make her comfortable she will be fine for 2 weeks but what if she's not allowed to go after that Jeremy says he's very tired and if there is nothing else she wants to ask him he will go to rest Victoria says he's no longer needed but gives him a piece of advice she says that if he wants to survive he should leave Helen's side first and tell the Duke the whole truth before leaving the duy Victoria then tells him to get some rest now and Pats him on the shoulder and leaves on the other hand Sienna and Carlos are talking in his room and she cannot believe that it was the duchess's prayer that saved Carlos he tells her that he heard her voice clearly and advises öa that it would be best to keep Victoria's divine power a secret from the people Sienna says there is no way Carlos completely misjudged the duchess because he initially thought she was a bunny girl she asks him if she's still related to his mom now and he says maybe she wasn't under his mother's will from the start because she doesn't seem to want to obey anyone's orders he tells Sienna he will take care of things with Victoria and she should just focus on her task after that Adolf asks the Duke if he will return to his former duties Carlos replies that he should act sick and take some time off he then asks Adolf did he tell his mom what he told him he affirms and says that he told Helen that the priests will come in 15 days and asked her to be careful not to spread unnecessary rumors about Victoria Carlos is satisfied that Helen is quiet until now and she didn't object to anything except replacing Victoria's maid he orders the butler to find a new and trustworthy maid to hire because it doesn't make sense for The Duchess to be without Maids later Jeremy visits the Duke who is quite Furious that he's late he apologizes and explains that he was talking to Victoria Jeremy claims that she gave him advice because she cares about him and Carlos is jealous that Victoria is close to the doctor seeing him so Furious and jealous Jeremy tells him that he is not at all close to The Duchess and instead she threatened him with his weakness she visited him just because she was worried about the Duke's Health Carlos is pleased to hear this and then tells him that he'll investigate the poison further in a week he knows that Helen is going to try to kill him again so he gives Jeremy a gemstone and tells him to record everything she says to collect proof Carlos is already on the move for his next plan he believes that the unconscious first prince is also under the effect of the poison that was given to him and he might do something about him on the other hand Jeremy also sees this as a golden opportunity if he takes out the poison from the first Prince's body and Records the evidence the Duke might save his life later with this the video ends tell us what you think about it and leave a like if 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Channel: Manhwa Tower
Views: 48,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manhwa recaps, manhwa recap, manhwa tower, Manhwa king, anistory, mystery manhwa, miss manhwa, romantic fangirl recaps, manga recap, manga recaps, recap manhwa, recap kun, asura manhwa recap, manga recapped, actiontoon, Animeworks, Recap Haven, Yahello, Manrecapz, action toon, farming video, The Villainess Reincarnates as a Princess and Marries her Husband for the Second Time, Poor Girl is Bought by the Duke's Evil Stepmother to Kill Him But She Saves His Life Instead
Id: zTCxci0z1TU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 41sec (4001 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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