He Pretends To Be Weak But Reveals He Is The Strongest Demon To Save Elf Girl | New Anime 2024

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everyone thought he was a lonely orphan but he turns out to be the strongest Arch demon and marries a beautiful white elf the story starts with a knight who Corners a woman in the woods and attacks her with a knife the girl screams for help before trying to slap him away but to her absolute shock and horror the moment her hand touches his face the entire skin on his head comes off revealing a grueling layer of red flesh underneath the Knight reveals that he is a sorcerer who wants to cut up and use her pretty face to fulfill one of his spells just as he's about to stab her someone approaches him from behind and grabs him by the head the sorcerer asks in shock who it is only for the brown-haired man named zaken to ask the same question back at him zaken tells him that he was trying to get some sleep but all the shouting in his territory ruined his Slumber the sorcerer realizes zaken is a fellow Sorcerer And he messed up by trespassing in his territory so he tries to sweet talk zaken by saying that if he lets go he will share the powerful sorcery Secrets he discovered from his research zakin coldly replies that he does not need to learn any magic that requires hurting people and crushes his head in his hands squirting blood all over the girl who simply gets knocked unconscious because of the shock zaken immediately realizes that he might have gone too far and has definitely given her some PTSD he uses magic to clean up the crime scene so that everything reverts to normal the blood on the girl's face gets off while the Knight gets his face face back and lies on the ground dead after this he notices that the woman is wearing a cross and realizes that she is from the church which is bad news because the worshippers are the sworn enemies of sorcerers and despite saving her he might be blamed for the attack still zachan decides it doesn't matter to him and decides to finish the job by translocating her to another Village while hoping that the girl will think it was all a dream when she wakes up he tries to finish his casting Circle but something fears with his magic causing it to fail he turns around immediately to find another very powerful sorcerer named Barb appear in front of him Barb looks at the strange scene and asks him what happened zachan explains that he was just teaching a lesson to a creep who wandered into his territory Barb disagrees with him about calling the other sorcerer a creep because the sole purpose of sorcerers is to pursue power and other people are just fuel to be used to become stronger zachan stays silent at this statement when Barb senses that the woman on the ground has a lot of Mana coming out of her and that they should use it in their magic but zaken refuses by saying that he is not interested in sacrificial magic and creates a magic portal again to translocate the girl to a nearby Village he tries to return to his Chambers to follow through on his much needed nap but Barb insists he has come to zaken for a good reason he reveals that one of the 13 Arch demons has died which is enough to get Zach's attention the arch demons are the Pinnacle of sorcery and those who earn the title have boosted mana and the power to command lower ranked Sorcerers Barb explains that the strongest Arch demon named Marco who lived a whole Thousand Years died and there is going to be a huge auction for his possessions in his territory this convinces zaken to go there but he's pissed to have Barb come along with him because he knows that barbs only invited him so he can be a leech and use his money to buy things they reached the arch Demon's territory which is a bustling city named Ceno it is already overflowing with people who've come for the auction selling and buying goods while a bunch of slaves sit in a dark alleyway awaiting their future Masters zaken notices the tight security and Barb explains that lately some Sorcerers have been abducting a lot of girls with huge amounts of Mana to use in his sorcery which has caused a panic zaken wonders why anybody would want to do something so risky and pick a fight against the church suspecting that they must be planning to summon something big like a demon the two enter the auction Hall and take their seats as the moderator tries to auction off the items to the riled up audience Barb points out they are in the midst of a celebrity crowd which includes some of the most powerful Sorcerers who are being considered as candidates for the late Marco Arch demon seat Zach and asks how the successors are decided to which Barb replies that the remaining 12 Arch demons will debate and decide who the the worthiest sorcerer is to receive the throne eventually the moderator Hypes up the crowd for the final item in the auction which is revealed to be a pure bird elf a rare race of magical beings who are closer to gods and nature beings than humans the moment zaken lays eyes on her he is overwhelmed by her beauty and his heart starts racing the moderator starts the bid at $10,000 and zachan immediately calls $1 million which surprises every every single person including Barb who tells him that it is too much money even for an elf and asks what crazy sorcery he's planning to use her for zaken merely gives a smile so unsettling that it even creeps Barb out he immediately jumps down to look closely at the elf and notices a chain around her neck the moderator tells him it must be there to stop her from escaping but nobody has been successful at breaking the collar later that night deep inside the forest where Zach's Castle is he decides to try and have a conversation but his years of being an incel have made it impossible for him to learn how to talk to women before he could say anything thankfully the elf speaks up and requests him to let her ask a question he is immediately struck by the sweetness of her voice and he tries to play it cool but instead sounds annoyed when he tells her to ask away she introduces herself as nephie and with sad eyes asks him how she is going to die zaken is shocked over her grave Mis understanding and he immediately tells her that he is not going to kill her which makes her believe that she will have a fate worse than death after seeing the torture devices in the womb zaken gets embarrassed because he never got rid of the previous owner's things because he was too lazy too he gives the excuse that they are just for decoration and insists that even though he is a sorcerer he has no interest in torturing or killing her for any reason whatsoever he asks whether she has a family but she claims that she is an orphan and also a cursed child but does not explain further she then asks that if not for sacrificing or torturing why did he buy her and because he can't openly s for her yet he tells her that she doesn't need to know that he walks up to her and tells her that they should look around for a room where she could stay she interprets this as him saying she will pick where she dies making him realize that this girl was probably enslaved at a very young age and was told all her life that she would be sold to to a sorcerer who would sacrifice her making it the only thing she believes this reminds him of his own difficult childhood when he was an orphan and had to steal and fight for food which makes him more sympathetic towards her he tells her that he wants her alive because he needs her which surprises her because no one has ever told her that they need her he then starts taking her upstairs and asks her if she is scared of heights she tells him that sh will let him hang her any way he wants but the baffled Zack and yells at her to shut up about torture she apologizes for her old habit and suddenly slips but he catches her arm and drags her upstairs finally he opens a room at the top of the tower and claims that she could have it only to be horrified as he sees a guillotine machine and a pile of skulls inside she gets confused by his mixed signals and again offers her head but he quickly creates a small energy blast and completely destroys everything inside the room leaving it empty they both go inside and nephie for once seems interested as she goes into the balcony to look at the Moon zaken is relieved to see emotion on her face but is disappointed that he can't use sorcery to get the moon for her suddenly nephie asks whether she could stay in this room and z and happily agrees starting their friendship nephie wasn't able to sleep in her room because it was so inhospitable so she slept by Zach's Throne while he was unable to sleep due to nervousness as he has never been this close to a girl before by the time sun comes up he decides to get some breakfast while nephie finally stirs awake and folds Zach's Cape which she used as a blanket Zach and soon walks back with some breakfast while nephie immediately greets him with a good morning it turns out that no one has greeted him before so he gets confused as to what he should say in return and simply tells her that he got food with a scowl and immediately regrets it they both belong to the floor gang and start chowing down while while zackin thinks about why he is such a big failure nephie notices that he is eating the same thing as she is which confuses her and she asks about it this makes him realize that the food that he is eating is way too plain and only slaves and pigs eat like this he realizes that he will always be a disappointment and starts eating the piece of jerky again when he suddenly remembers that this is the only food he has ever known in his life because when he was a young orphan this was all he could afford and maybe a piece of moldy bread he wonders what kind of food normal people might eat when suddenly nephie speaks up and asks permission to cook food for him this takes him by surprise as he never imagined he could ever get an anime wau who would cook him food he immediately Don his cape and tells nephy that they are going into the town to get some groceries they soon call in Yuber but he suddenly realizes that he has no money as he used every single penny to buy nephy he immediately acts like a heal freak mom and tells nephie that they are going to walk he starts thinking about ways to get money and wonders whether he should just threaten the cab driver when suddenly he hears a bunch of commotion and turns around to see a bunch of robbers robbing the Uber guy on knife points they start capturing the passengers to sell them into slavery when zakin notices that this seems to be triggering Nephi's PTSD as she also probably got enslaved like this he decides to show nephie how cringe robbers are and uses his magic spell to send a blast of lightning as a warning which scares the out of the goons who immediately decide to rush him at once a fat ass fatty tries to attack him with his axe but Zach and styles on him by stopping his blow with two fingers before shattering his axe into small pieces he then pretends to punch the Goon but flicks him instead which is enough to blast him back on top of another robber The Hooligans start crying like little just like any other bullet and call for help when suddenly a sorcerer emerges from thin air it turns out that these goons hired the sorcerer to help them and the hooded idiot immediately tries to scare zaken by producing a magic circle filled with burning hot flames but our Arch demon is completely unfazed and swipes away the entire flame wall without any effort this surprises the hooded idiot who immediately tries to land a follow-up attack but to his surprise his magic C has been nullified and now is in Zach's control as he simply walks ahead and uses a single finger to bring a lightning blast so extremely strong that it leaves a crater behind at the place where the hooded guy was standing then he turns towards the robbers asking them to come at him which scares the crap out of them as they start running away he then turns towards nephie again hoping to impress her and says that she shouldn't be worried about these bullies as everyone knows they are lame to to his utter surprise the people near the cab immediately start thanking her for saving them while the disgusting furry gives him a bag of silver coins as a thanks and also asks him to give them his protection for the rest of the way to the town he can't believe that money can be earned this easily as he remembers that he has destroyed a lot of robbers in his hood but no one thanked him before but immediately realizes that it is all because of nephie as he looks less scary with a cute girl on the way to the town nephy asks why he helps these people and while trying to say something smooth he ends up making a fool of himself once again upon reaching the town he starts thinking where to go when he realizes that he doesn't know anything about the stuff that girls need for daily life and even if he asks nephew what she wants she won't demand anything he suddenly notices a Tailor's shop and decides to head inside alongside nephie as the furry shopkeeper immediately gets scared after seeing a sorcerer come in zaken is pretty used to this so he simply pulls nephie forward and tells the furry to get a dress for her the furry is entranced by her beauty but also notices the slave collar around her neck she acts all cheery and takes nephie back into the changing room before dressing her up in an extremely skimpy dress which my ex wore when she went to meet her guy best friends zachan gets embarrassed and tells the furry to immediately put some clothes on her otherwise he will will burn his shop to the ground the furry immediately goes back in and soon comes out with nephie dressed in a beautiful maid's outfit the furry explains that the dress is made up of high quality silk while the boots have healing properties for her zaken asks whether she likes the dress and for once nephie tells him that she does like it after buying the dress they head over next to a blacksmith's Place who also gets scared of him but feels better after looking at the pretty nephy he tells the Smith that he wants him to remove Nephi's collar which surprises the Smith a bit but he looks at it regardless before telling zaken that the collar has strong magic and cannot be removed very easily he then tells zakin that the collar shouldn't be removed forcefully as it might end up killing her he asks what could be the best way to remove it and the Smith tells him to look for the original key zachan remembers that even the moderator at the auction didn't have the key either so it might become a problem zackin thanks Smith and gives him some money but the guy refuses to take payment and reminds him that once he got attacked by a bunch of robbers while he was pulling up to Zach's crib and at that time he saved his ass and destroyed the robbers while the Smith and his daughter were too scared to even thank him properly and just ran away zaken tells him not to worry about such small problems and leaves alongside nephie by the time they get all of the grocery items it's already evening so Zach and decides heads to eat out tonight and takes nephie to a nearby restaurant they both sit down together at the table as food is brought up to them but he notices that nephie seems very uncomfortable she reveals that all her life she has never eaten like this while zaken thinks how alike they are in terms of their childhood he reassures her and she tastes the small tomato which blows her mind away and to thank zakin she also feeds him with her own spoon while zakin feeds her as they start acting like cringy L struck teens the other customers laugh at them which makes them insecure and they quickly leave into the night and head back to the castle the next tells him that she did and it's in the dining hall he starts walking ahead and after collecting his courage he says good morning to her and heads straight for the dining hall he is stunned the moment he sees the dining hall as it looks straight out of a fairy tale as it used to resemble a graveyard but nephy renovated and cleaned it completely he walks towards the chair only to see a piece of freshly baked bread on the table which surprises him as they never bought bread but nephie replies that she made it fresh for him he gets really excited to taste her food and sits down while she pours out some tea for him he asks whether she has eaten already but she shakes her head so zaken tells her to join him on the table but she replies that she only thing for herself so he asks her to sit on his lap they both get embarrassed but nephie finally sits on his lap as he feeds her from his own hands while all meals together from now on a couple days pass by and zaken was busy reading books while magic spells that he is learning and points towards some magical figures on a paper he asks whether Elvin sorcery is different but nephie claims with a sad face that she can't use sorcery zaken finds it weird as she has a lot of Mana compared to any normal person but proceeds to show her the basics by drawing a magic side to creat in between is very high then the person with the higher level and monopol can take control of the weaker person's Circle and tells her that they can draw an entirely why is he trying to torture them instead of Killing Them zaken replies that if he kills them the church will send someone else but if he hurts them they will tell the story to everyone and people will start fearing his powers the Paladin realizes that zaken is bluffing as he doesn't want to kill anyone so she takes her sword out and swears to kill him zaken creates a magic circle but she rushes forward and slashes the circle in half surprising zakin with her strength she keeps running forward while attacking but zaken calmly Dodges all her attacks and tells Cy out and claims that she is using her powers to kill Sorcerers without caring for whether they are innocent or not willin is able to get it free and thrusts the sword strong and simply flings zaken in the air and towards a tree hurting zakin Dodges the strike and grabs her blade to his surprise she Whispers to him that he needs to pretend that he got killed by her otherwise the church will never let him live in peace and send another stronger Paladin to kill him zachan asks why he should believe a paladin and she replies that he didn't kill her men and also saved her life before zaken realizes that if anyone finds out about this she will die a horrific death when suddenly nephie came she responds that it wasn't magic but something called mysticism zaken remembers reading about it but thought it was just a myth because it defies all laws of magic nephie continues that she is the only elf who could use this because she was cursed when she was born she is the only elf who had white hair and was able to talk to animals and trees alike and because of that people called her a freak and hated her one day their Village got attacked and all the villagers told her to defend the village with her freak Powers but she decided to surrender while the entire Village was slaughtered she tells zakin that she felt happy when the villagers who tormented her the entire life were getting killed and then cries about how bad of a person she is to think like this Zach and however tells her that he thinks she did very well as if it was him he would have killed all the villagers and the attackers himself she was expecting him to kick her out of the castle tells her that she will always stay with him as he can't live without her food anymore nephie starts crying out of relief while zachan hugs her after a short while zaken is finally able to quiet her down and they both sit opposite to each other nephie feels pretty embarrassed for crying like that in front of her master but zaken reassures her that he liked how talkative she was today whereas usually she doesn't speak much Nephi's attention gets drawn to his hands and she asks whether they are really badly damaged zaken finally remembers about his hands but claims that they don't seem to hurt anymore he takes out the bandages and to his surprise the wounds have disappeared completely he asks nephie whether this was her doing but she refuses saying that she didn't do anything zaken realizes that nephie has a lot of dormant powers and she must have healed him unknowingly when he was holding her head in his arms he thanks nephie for healing him which seems to stun her for a bit zaken asks whether everything is okay and she replies that he has never thanked her before that's why she was caught offguard zachan feels terrible as he realizes how mean he must have looked to never say a word of thanks when she was cooking and taking care of him every single day later that night Zach rests on his throne thinking about the long day that he just had when he spots nephie standing behind a pillar she looks at him with an embarrassed face and asks whether he would like to sleep with him this catches Zach and offguard who doesn't understand and why would a beautiful woman like her ask him to sleep with her he confirms with her whether she knows what she is saying nephie innocently replies that there is only one bed in the entire castle and that to zackin has given to her so that she can sleep comfortably while he stays all night on his uncomfortable throne and she thought it might be more comfortable for him to sleep in the bed with her zachan thinks about how pure nephy is and then tells her that he stays up on the throne all night to make sure the barriers are maintained and no enemies try to sneak in the castle hoping to to catch him offg guard she quickly understands the situation and sits down on the floor asking him to lay his head on her lap so at least he can be a bit more comfortable than he is on the chair zaken can't believe that he is being offered a lap pillow and knows that only an idiot will refuse a lap pillow so he gladly accepts he asks why is she so nice to him and she replies that even after knowing that she is cursed he still told her that he wanted her by his side and also accepted his Mystic Powers which she can't thank him enough for zaken tells her that she never needs to thank him for anything before putting his hands on her cheek as he asks whether she wants to learn how to use magic properly he claims that from what he saw today he knows that she doesn't have a lot of control over her sorcery but the amount of Mana she released was incredible especially considering that a huge chunk of it was subdued because of her colar he can't promise that learning basic sorcery would help her gain control over her Mystic Powers but at least she will be able to defend herself better she asks whether she would be able to protect him from trouble as well and zachan calmly replies that she already protected him from those knights from the church today she thanks him for accepting her as his Apprentice she immediately hugs him while this moves zaken so much that tears form in the eyes of one of the strongest demons in this world as he thinks how nice it is to have someone in your life the next morning while he was having his tea Barb walks in the room and asks whether he is fine as he heard the news that zackin was a attacked by the church zachan claims that he was attacked but the knights were very weak Barb tells him that he also heard that one of them had a sacred sword and zachan tells him that the Paladin girl did have the sword and was pretty strong as she destroyed a couple of barriers around the castle while they were talking nephie brings him some tea and he suddenly remembers her from the auction spilling his tea Zen quickly uses his magic to catch the spill while Barb asks whether it's the same elf that he bought for so much money zaken claims that it is when Barb asks why hasn't he sacrificed her yet zaken replies that he is not a barbarian and instead he has taken her as an apprentice Barb sits down again as he realizes that with an elf by his side zaken can probably use every single kind of magic known to man zachan feels annoyed that he is talking about nephie as an object and claims that it was nephie who scared the knights Away by her magic Barb remembers the mess he saw outside and ask asks zakin whether he is after the arch Demon's seat zakin thinks about how he only needs the key to free nephie but lies about it and replies that he does want the seat he knows himself that he is unlikely to be chosen because he started learning about magic just 10 years ago whereas other sorcerers have been studying about magic and its properties for hundreds of years and have amassed a great knowledge which he can't even come close to Barb finally gets up and leaves while nephie asks whether he he is Zach's friend zaken immediately declines by saying that he doesn't have any friends but nephie claims that he seemed to be having fun talking to him later that day he takes nephie out to fix the magic barriers that were destroyed by the Paladin in the hopes that she can learn something from it after that day nephie started learning about sorcery while doing all the household chores as well she learned all about the basic magic circles and often cooked food so nice that zaken wanted to kiss her hands soon nephie learned all the basics of sorcery and zachan told her that she knows enough magic to do some basic spells soon a month passes by since he started living with her when a magic bird tries to enter Zach's barrier but he stops IT using his magic circle the two-headed bird calmly delivers a small envelope to him and flies away immediately zachan opens the letter only to find that he got summoned by the 12 Arch demons to present himself in the city of the sorcerers the next morning he goes down to the city and enters an underground lirer he enters a huge door only to find it completely jam packed with all kinds of sorcerers the moment he presents himself one of the arch demons speaks up and zaken immediately feels the immense pressure and the intensity of their magic power as they overwhelm him completely they start talking about how young he is when zakin pulls himself back together and with a fake bravado asks the arch demons whether they brought him here just to waste his time or do they have something to say to him one of the arch demon commends his bravery for speaking to them like this and cut cuts to the chase telling him that he has been selected for the position of the 13th Arch demon immediately after that the arch demon produces a red magical Crest in the air with such an immense amount of Mana concentrated inside of it that zaken starts feeling sick the arch demons claim that this Crest belonged to the previous 13th Arch demon and if zachan accepts it will be passed onto him alongside its power and Prestige zakin looks at the arch demons and asks why they have chosen him as there are sorcerers who are much older more knowledgeable and even powerful than him the arch demon agrees that Zach's powers are still very weak but the fact is that he has some latent abilities which are so powerful that none of the sorcerers here including the arch demons can kill him he continues that zaken was only eight when he killed a very well-known sorcerer who was not weak by any means even though zachan was a child with no magical power he was able to understand the flow of mana and the technique behind the magic just by observing at once and produced an even more powerful spell to kill the sorcerer to earn his freedom the arch demon tells him that his sorcery is so unique and Powerful that he can overpower any sorcerer in the world and no one could do anything about it zaken looks at them and asks if he is so strong then he could just kill all of them and take all their belongings this makes the arch demons laugh as one of the old Arch demon tells zachan to be mindful of where he is standing she claims that zaken is strong indeed but if he tries to cross them they will take every single thing zaken holds dear he immediately thinks about nephie and how he couldn't put her life in any danger he starts thinking about his options as he knew from the day that he became a sorcerer that a normal life is something he cannot have but becoming an arch demon will mean that he will be diving into a darker path altogether he knows that nephie doesn't deserve to walk this path as she will just suffer because of this Darkness the arch demon pulls him out of his thoughts and asks him for an answer zaken looks at him and puts a condition for accepting the title The Arch demon asks what more could he want than the title of one of the arch demons and zaken replies that he wants all the possessions of the previous Arch demon the sorcerer agrees to the arrangement and produces the crest before zachan absorbs it on his hand officially becoming the 13th Arch demon of the world that night he returns back to his castle where nephie was happily cook him a lamb stew which he loves nephy happily greets him but notices that something seems off about him he claims that he went to meet the other Arch demons and now has the property of the previous Arch demon who owned nephie he produces a key and immediately unlocks the slave collar on nephew's neck which falls to the ground immediately before she could even process what was happening he tells her that he is now the 13th Arch demon and has no further use of her before kicking her out of the castle nephy sits down on an empty Alleyway in the middle of the night unable to process what just happened to her she gets up to go back to the castle but finds the broken slave caller remembering that her master who told her that he would never leave her alone and wants her to stay with him forever just kicked her out like a stray dog nephie wanders around unable to think of a life without her master when suddenly a girl ends up calling her over and asks whether she is okay shouts at the crowd that she hasn't done anything the birdwoman ends up taking her to a local Tavern where the Paladin regains her composure and introduces herself as chastel the birdwoman calls herself Manuela and asks whether she seriously didn't do anything to nephie because she seems to recognize her nephie stops Manuela and tells her that even though they were fighting chastel never tried to hurt her and it was one of her subordinates that attacked chastel thinks about how the guy who nephie attacked with her Mystic Magic got so much PTSD that he can't even look at a tiny plant now as he fears they will eat him the tavern Cook gets nephie some food but she claims that she doesn't have any money for it Manuela tells her to eat up as she will take care of it but tells chastel that she will have to take care of her own food nephie tries the food and it makes her remember the lamb stew that he cooked for zackin with so much love and tears form in her eyes immediately she starts crying completely while chastel asks whether she did something with a worried look nephie tells her that she got kicked out by zaken and starts balling her eyes out as both chastel and man wher run over to comfort her and after finishing her food but now it seems like he was just using nephie for his own benefit nephie however defends Zack and and claims that he is not that kind of a person Manuela asks what happened before he kicked her out and nephie tells them that he came home and told her that he has become an arch demon this surprises both of them and they explained to nephie that this entire town was more or less run by the 13th Arch demon who was a pretty decent person but after his death things started getting bad and girls started getting kidnapped by Sorcerers to use as a sacrifice Manuela tells him that he needs to save her while he thinks that if he tries to save her this would clearly show the connection between zakin and the white elf Manuela gets pissed at zakin for looking so confused when he should be rushing to save nephie and tells him that she wanted to come back he can't believe that she would try to come back even after he treated her so badly and kicked her out he looks down into the Earth as he tells Manuela that every single sorcerer in this world is extremely selfish and he is no exception that is why he will find nephie and get her back because she belongs to him and no one else he vows to make sure that she is safe even if he is forced to sacrifice the entire world for it and gaining all the power he needs nephie opens her mouth and tells him that all his planning will be in vain because zaken has already become the 13th Arch demon this really shocks Barb who gets pissed at the fact that even this thing that he so desired got stol stolen by zaken he angrily grabs nephie and drags her towards a magic circle claiming that he will gain so much power after sacrificing both of them that he will become even stronger than zaken and crush him he starts dragging her once again but nephy fights back and claims that she belongs to zachan and is not to be touched suddenly a hole is blown through the cave as zachan emerges from the dust if you liked this video make sure to subscribe for part six and make sure to check out this brand new anime about a loser who gets reincarnated as a prince with Godly abilities
Channel: AniRoll
Views: 147,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime recap, anicapped, ani plot, aniroll, recap animes, anime summary
Id: DoLRh_Z36_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 16sec (1936 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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