He Falls In Love With A Girl From The Village He Invaded | Manhwa Recaps

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a terrifying Legend has been passed down through many generations of the Cho tribe on Dan wall Island according to the legend beyond the great oceans filled with man-eating sea creatures there are monstrous beings that prowl the land in lust for blood and battle unfortunately if children were to encounter them they would be devoured entirely as a result the adults would caution their children never to venture off the island but the grown-ups must have never suspected that those monsters would invade their own Island Ivan the chieftain of the Cho tribe is worried about his daughter mokran who has gone missing again even her brother couldn't locate her Ivan is anxiously waiting for the fiend Blood Tribe to arrive he vividly remembers receiving a letter from the fiend blood tribes Chieftain informing him of their intention to personally arrive with around 100 Warriors Ivan was clever enough to figure out that the Letter's contents indicated an impending invasion he is worried about how to survive against such ruthless Savages just then his son gazes into the distance his eyes widening he then informs his father that the fiend Blood Tribe has arrived before long the ship reaches the shore and an imposing figure of a red-headed woman steps out at the sight of the ruthless figures towering over them Ivon and his son freeze in shock Ivan tremblingly bows to the fiend blood leader to welcome him the woman introduces herself as Chieftain Freya her smirk and gleaming eyes sent a shiver down Ivan and his son's spines meanwhile moan is in tears calling her father mean for not understanding her feelings she had suggested to her father that he let her fight against seasoned Warriors however her father didn't like the idea of a girl fighting alone and rudely rejected her he told her not to try taking matters into her own hands and to keep her head down as another blabbering mouth wouldn't do good to their people his harsh words deeply hurt moan as she cries a boy hidden in the bushes watches her he hides again as moan abruptly stands up she wipes her tears knowing she can't waste time here and take action as the chieftain's daughter but just then the boy emerges from the bushes and approaches her he Towers over her smiling causing mockrin to shiver in fear she screams loudly catching the attention of the chieftain soon enough the boy excitedly rushes towards them he addresses Freya as a mother who sees her son running toward her with a girl in his arms Freya Ivan and his son all look at the boy in shock but Ivan's shock intensifies as he realizes that the boy is holding his daughter in his arms the boy then presents moan to his mother claiming she's his bride unexpectedly Freya sides with her son Ethan saying she's proud of him she is in tears saying she can't believe he has grown old enough to get married Freya continues rambling on about how she and Ethan's father also fell in love at first sight she remembers how she hauled him over her shoulder and had a wedding on the same day hearing this Ivan and his son become shocked and aware that it's called kidnapping Freya then introduces Ethan to Ivan Ivan extends his hand toward Ethan who gleefully grabs it and calls him father this makes Ivan dumbfounded moin's brother immediately takes her from Ethan hearing his soon to be bride's name causes Ethan to clench his chest remarking that even her name is lovely the scene shifts to Ivan stuck between rather gleeful Freya and Ethan discussing the wedding despite Ivan's silence they continue planning the wedding Ivan becomes anxious knowing his daughter will be in danger he then reveals to Freya and Ethan that moan is only 16 Freya nods saying Ethan is 18 and Ethan becomes happy to be close to moin's age however Ivan reveals that their people don't marry at such a young age taking them aback they both approach Ivan with piercing eyes and Freya asks how long he plans to keep them waiting Ivan reluctantly says 5 years shocking Freya she protests that it's too long to wait but Ethan happily agrees saying another decade or two isn't too long if it's for moan Freya then extends her hand toward Ivan as a gesture of newfound friendship between their tribes which Ivan reluctantly takes later fiend blood tribes leave Freya remarks how bashful they are with which Ethan agrees they both agreed on how welcoming and warm-hearted they were their subordinates listen to their conversation from afar not daring to tell them the truth Freya then asks Ethan if he can really wait for 5 years Ethan Smiles saying he must learn to respect the traditions of his bride's family and tribe he looks forward to meeting her again when the time comes and before that he promises himself to try to become the perfect groom for mokran meanwhile moan tends to her father who apologizes for not being able to refuse the fiend Blood Tribe mokran nods saying he was wise to delay the wedding and asks him not to worry Ivan sits up and assures moin that 5 years is a long time it is enough for a boy's sudden and immature infatuation to fade away and before long he will forget that he ever asked for her hand moan decides not to trouble her father any longer and accepts making the necessary sacrifice for the sake of her tribe she smiles and agrees with him she goes back to her room and starts trembling even though she's willing to sacrifice that young man frightens her he has the eyes of a predator ready to pounce and his limbs are powerful enough to bind her still she wonders if he even likes her or if it's just a passing fancy like her father said the scene fast forwards to 4 years later moan watches Ethan running toward her happily and waving she is shocked and wonders how it came to this a few hours earlier the tribe was preparing for moin's brother's wedding moan was quite excited to eat all kinds of delicious food a woman reminds her that it comes after the couple's main duty the other girls started discussing how they couldn't say it out loud and that it was just another step toward being a child in the world a girl Whispers and gossips about how folks from the mainland do it all night long making the others gasp she sigh remarking that it's a pity for girls who have to marry there but one of them nudges her in the arm asking her to stop since moan is also here she assures moan that it's been 4 years and they haven't shown up once moan laughs saying there's still a year to go but she's probably right then they all ran off to do some errands leaving moan alone moan decides to go rabbit hunting in the mountains as she walks through the village she overhears people complaining about fiend Bloods the tribe was fed up with them as they did a lot of things to piss them off unintentionally moan clenches her bag tighter the fiend Blood Tribe never once visited during the past four years but is now suddenly tormenting them she wonders if they are here to ensure they get through with the marriage agreement she shakes her head pushing her thoughts aside she soon reaches the mountains and starts hunting rabbits but to no avail she sigh realizing she can't focus at all and must go empty-handed at this rate she had wanted to give her sister-in-law a nice wedding gift since she loves rabbits she suddenly notices crystal flowers she plucks them and decides to bring them instead suddenly a snake bit her it starts to attack her once again but it gets stabbed by a sword moan opens her eyes and finds Ethan inspecting her feet he leans toward it and starts sucking the venom out moan starts flailing out of his grasp asking him to wait Ethan looks at her and wipes his mouth he then starts licking her wound making moan blush profusely he spits the venom out causing a plant to wilt moan watches it and realizes that he was trying to suck the venom out she leans toward him reminding him that it's snake venom she then asks if he's all right and if he swallowed it she inspects his face and sees that he's fine but still plans to find an antidote she is cut off from her thoughts as Ethan places his hand on her waist and shifts her onto his chest moan suggests returning to the Village but she suddenly starts feeling dizzy because of the residual poison all of a sudden Ethan takes her in his arms and starts walking moan wonders why she's floating in the air and looks up to see Ethan Ethan grins at her saying they will finally meet again moan shutters recognizing him out of fear she faints confusing Ethan back to the present Ethan runs toward a glum looking moan who wonders why he came before 5 years years Ethan tells her he was heading toward her brothers to say hello when he ran into her he scans her thoroughly and asks how she's feeling now to which she says she's fine moan knows she doesn't need to panic so needlessly as they came as envoys to attend her brother's wedding and nothing more she then hesitatingly asks how he's still standing after sucking so much venom he flashes a huge smile and tells her he's resistant as he's been getting used to all kinds of poison since he was little sudden chills run down 's spine and she wonders how frightening the mainland must be to force children to build up poison resistance suddenly a rock is thrown toward Ethan and a voice calls out to him asking him to work with them he crumbles the rock into pieces shocking mokran and says he doesn't want to leave her she decides to change the subject and remarks that he has changed a lot especially his hair Ethan smiles and says he's been training for 4 years he opens his shirt to reveal his bronny torso causing mockrin to avert her eyes he then says he didn't cut his hair as a token of his hard training he then shyly asked if she liked him better this way moan wonders if she should tell him to comb his hair and confesses that he looks dirty making Ethan teary later Ethan works with the tribes man quite glumly moin's brother Axel points out to his father that the fiend Blood Tribe hasn't forgotten the marriage and they agree on a plan that night Axel watches the fiend blood Savages hunt a bird and prepare a bonfire he is determined to not let moan marry one of those dogs he goes to moin's room and explains how they mustn't let their guard down even if the fiend Bloods have set foot on their land again there's no way to tell whether their chieftain's son still remembers the marriage agreement Axel calls Ethan an evil monster whose black heart is veiled by a smiling face however mokran thinks it's too harsh to call Ethan an evil monster even if he's a bit intimidating she remembers today's events but she quickly pushes them away and agrees to be vigilant she agrees with how much of an evil monster he is Axel Chuckles asking her to come to him or his father right away if something happens he then bids good night and leaves moan collapses on the bed sighing she blushes as she wonders how Ethan could do something so embarrassing without batting an eye no man has ever dared touch her save her brother and father she sigh determined to take extra care hair around him meanwhile Ethan prepares himself and picks up his sword saying a single slash is all he needs the next day moan finds her hidden weapon since her tribe hates Warfare a lot she can't practice it freely in the village she wishes there was a real Warrior to teach her proper Javelin throwing she tries throwing herself but fails each time suddenly Ethan approaches her from behind and corrects her posture he asks her to keep her body turned slightly and point her forearm toward towards the target to help with aiming his closeness and Whispers in her ears make moochan flustered she tries shoving him away saying that's too close and looks back her eyes widen as she sees Ethan whose hair is now short she asks him if she knows him making Ethan free in shock he tearfully asks if she doesn't recognize him moan then instantly recognizes him as Ethan making him beam happily he lifts her up asking if she's hurt anywhere moan thinks of how handsome he looks now she then notices a cut on his face but Ethan Chuckles saying it's just a scratch he then asks about her injured hand making moan blush and she shrugs it off as nothing but Ethan says that he doesn't want a scar on her beautiful hand and blows on her swollen hand mokrin watches him fuss over her hand like a clingy puppy and she bursts into laughter seeing her laugh makes Ethan Dazzle as it was the first time moan smiled at her moan notices him bleeding so Ethan quickly tries wiping it away but moan rips a part of her cloth and in the process reveals herself slightly making Ethan blush this causes more blood to spurt out of his nose not wanting to tell moan why he's bleeding again he hurries away confusing mokran she Chuckles saying he's gotten her all curious later moan gets scolded by a physician for practicing spear throwing but she makes up an excuse as she walks past his house she notices some herbs and buys some for Ethan she waits outside his house for him but it seems he isn't home but just as she begins leaving she spots Ethan bathing himself making her blush she hides herself but Ethan has already noticed her presence he walks outside but finds no one except for a basket with a note on it he reads the note and is moved by moin's thoughtfulness he throws his towel in the air exclaiming that he loves her meanwhile moan dashes home trying to remove him from her head the next morning Ethan is quite happy while moan feels awkward looking at him in the eyes after last night Ethan hands her a real spear saying it will work better than the bamboo stick she has been using he even shows her the description he wrote on its handle he shily says that he feels bad for offering her such a poultry gift but he thinks she deserves it moin is speechless as she realizes that Ethan is the only one who hasn't judged or scolded her for wielding a spear others have tried indulging her in Girly activities or scolding her badly but not Ethan Ethan notices her sadness and asks what's wrong moan smiles and says she loves it Ethan smiles and offers to train her if she likes confessing that he will always be there for her seeing him smile makes moin's heart flutter that night was Axel's wedding the wedding ceremony was soon held and everyone cheered for the married couple on the other hand moan was busy gobbling down food while Ethan watched her fondly he hands her more food from his plate to eat as well moan watches Axel and his bride eat a wedding confection that is only reserved for the bride and groom and hopes to eat it too she remarks that it must be nice Ethan asks what to which she says the wedding night causing Ethan's cheeks to readen moin who has delicious food on her mind for the wedding night since the Cho tribes newlyweds Feast on Delicacies all night says she can't wait for it Ethan grabs her hand and says he feels the same his cheeks turn Scarlet more and more as he gulps down alcohol to calm himself down however when moan seriously claims that when she gets married every night's going to be wedding night for the first month with no breaks Ethan spews out his drink he is now determined to do the best for moan on the other hand Axel keeps a sharp eye on him a few days later moan anxiously finds out moin's whereabouts from the villagers Ivan claims that he still hasn't shown any intention of leaving and has been wreaking havoc wherever he goes Axel informs him that there's a far more serious problem as it seems moan is getting used to having Ethan around this shocks Ivan and he decides to take action as fast as they had planned he then asks moan to go with Dan and gather some herbs on the beach near the island it is because physician Moon isn't feeling well and they need someone to help he shoves her out asking her to go now meanwhile Ethan is still unable to find moochan he finally spots her but as he approaches her he finds her happily chattering with Dan however in reality they were both just leaving for the beach nevertheless it makes Ethan angry and he vows not to let a scoundrel like Dan lay his paws on his sweet moan he discreetly follows them to the beach Dan Peaks at moan surprised to see how pretty she has become and wonders what she thinks of him he then realizes that she is eager to go along with him which might mean something on the other hand mokran was happy to feel relaxed it is a nice change with the exception of an Uninvited Guest she sigh realizing that Ethan might still want to marry him and wonders if he fancies her she is startled out of her thoughts as Dan asks if there's anyone who's caught her interest these days they both chuckled awkwardly there was a time when moan used to fancy Axel's friend he was a quiet Young Lad who was more mature than his peers he was ideal in her eyes and seemed perfect however when she heard the news that he was getting married she didn't feel anything at all that's when she realized that everyone expects the person they are infatuated with to look and behave a certain way and if they turn out different from what's desired then it's difficult to keep the torch a flame Ethan curiously wonders what they are talking about he watches Dan reach for moan causing him to Flinch he immediately comes out of his hiding place and screams Dan and moan shudder at the sight of Ethan sprinting toward them with a heavy rock on his head what really happen happened was that Dan was trying to help remove a leaf from moin's hair but Ethan who got the wrong idea is now Furious Dan tries to explain but Ethan doesn't stop moan realizes that his eyes are not in a state to listen she quickly pulls Dan with her and they run away this surprises Ethan and he releases The Rock in shock moan had seen the hurt look on Ethan's face and wanted to clear things up when she got back but as they collected herbs they soon lost their way and fell into a ditch Dan assures her that the tribe will send help once they realize they are missing however it is now night and there's still no sign of help meanwhile Ivan and physician moon are celebrating the fact that moan and Dan are still out there together this late into the night moan knows they have to find a way out themselves but as she tries climbing her way out she slips and hurts herself Dan suggests waiting as it's a waste of time and effort to do what's beyond one's capability he points out that this isn't like her as she's never been this Reckless and has changed his words make moin's eyes widen as she remembers her own words she wonders if there's anyone who could love her as she is out of the blue an image of Ethan flashes in her mind she is cut off from her thoughts as Dan grabs her hands and asks her to marry him he states that Ethan has corrupted her mind and he cannot let her marry him moan tries releasing her hands but Dan is too strong Dan even tries kissing her but moan tries pushing him away asking him to stop Ethan hears her voice and stares in that direction as moan tries to push Dan away from her she suddenly sees a spear being thrown from outside she grabs it and hits Dan with it making him collapse she stares at the spear and recognizes it as hers as she P she finds a rope being thrown at her she climbs her way up and finds no one around but she was sure that it was Ethan who helped her a few days later it was mackin's birthday Ivan and axel give her a gift they were happy to see their plan working but things didn't look good for Dan on the other hand mokran was sad Ethan is still nowhere to be found and he wonders if she has somehow wronged him or if it's because she has changed she is cut off from her thoughts as a messenger informs Ivan that ships are approaching their port as they reach the port Axel informs his father that it's an invasion Axel then points toward the figure towering above them moan recognizes it as Ethan Ethan leaps out causing moan to hide behind her father Ethan stares at them announcing that it's done Axel is ready to wield his sword but Ethan's mood abruptly changes he presents the ship as moin's birthday gift he Taps it saying she can find his heartfelt message at the bottom which he inscribes himself moan finally realizes that this was the reason why Ethan was gone for the last few days she is cut off from her thoughts as Ethan then Scoops her up and smiles leading her toward the ship he informs Ivonne that they will be back before Sundown Ivan calls him back but Ethan rushes away with his bride in his arms as Ethan rows the boat moan pleads with him not to or he will capsize them it was her first time on a boat Ethan asks her to open her eyes and take a look at the view she hesitatingly Peaks and her eyes flutter open wide she could see water around her with several kinds of fish she places her hand in the sea amazed to see how different the sea is from those Scary Tales the elders have been telling them Ethan points toward a mountain telling her that it's Mount guer Yong located in the center of his tribe's Village he points toward another Island to which moan curiously listens nobody has ever told her about the world beyond their Island before it was quite fascinating for her she turns to Ethan who Smiles at her wishing her a happy birthday suddenly the sea waves intensify causing the boat to sway sideways and mockrin to fall onto Ethan she closes her eyes and wonders if Ethan would be the one just then a big fish approaches them but Ethan kicks it away this brings mockrin back to reality and she realizes how they have been surrounded by man-eating fish this pisses Ethan off and he manages to defeat all of them warning them not to touches moin moan watches the scene unfold feeling bad for the fish just then she not is the fish with whom Ethan had already dealt earlier meaning that there's another left she warns him to watch out and just then the fish starts attacking him moan immediately comes to his Aid and wields her spear toward the fish killing it Ethan watches her in surprise he pulls her toward him and kisses her moan is taken aback by the sudden gesture and asks why did he suddenly do it Ethan confesses that he was afraid that he was going to lose her at that moment and just couldn't bear the thought he apologizes for kissing without asking and asks if he might do it again Mulan is surprised but agrees nonetheless meanwhile Ivan sigh waiting for his daughter to return Axel suggests asking for help from other tribes that are stronger than fiend blood tribes to destroy them but Ivan lectures his son that depriving others of their freedom for the sake of One's Own is neither true strength nor liberty before Axel can protest both Ethan and moan return seeing their happy faces took Ivan and axel aback Ethan raises a dead fish and announces that moan fought and killed it to save his life while the fiend Blood Tribe cheered for mokran the Cho tribe was horrified to hear this Ivan remarks that they might have been blinded and moan seems to be the bravest among them all but Axel clenches his fist and says nothing that night Ivan wonders what the wisest course of action is he is cut off from his thoughts as Ethan suddenly slams open open the door he approaches Ivon making him fear and plead for no Bloodshed however Ethan kneels and asks his permission to marry his daughter earlier than agreed upon Ivan freezes in shock and asks if he has discussed this with moochan confused Ivonne denies it and says he cannot permit this this marriage is between mokran and him therefore he advises him to ask for her consent not his he gets interrupted as Ethan rushes away saying he won't be long he was so happy to become moin's husband that he didn't even listen to Ivan's please to stop as he runs toward Ivan's home in heavy rain Axel watches him angrily from a distance he finally reaches her home it wasn't just love at first sight for Ethan she was his first true love even those four years of backbreaking training were a welcome trial that allowed him to grow into a better match for mcran he does not doubt that she shares his feelings but when he opens the door he doesn't find moan he wonders what she could be doing out in this heavy rain but is cut off from his thoughts as Axel approaches him Axel asks what life awaits his sister in his village taking Ethan AB even though Ivan is against Axel's plan Axel is determined to find a stronger tribe to help them conquer those accursed fiend Bloods the guy heels Ethan says that he understands his concerns but he has also witnessed the eyes of those driven mad by greed and ambition he reveals that he knows very well what that look is and it isn't a pretty sight at all Axel shoves his hand away claiming it to be nonsense Axel forces a smile and says that he will do anything to protect his tribe and loved ones he then leaves to find mcran but he couldn't find her in the village and he wondered where she had gone he notices her broken Spear and turns uneasy wondering if something happened to her meanwhile at the Village of Smithy moan sigh at her foolishness for being overconfident after catching that man man eating fish she started practicing but broke her spear in return she feels sad since it was a gift from Ethan she remembers today's event making her heart pound heavily and wonders what this feeling she has for him is the next day moan returns to the Village too tired to stay out all night she notices a worried Ethan who immediately Embraces her this confuses her and she asks what's wrong Ethan Chuckles awkwardly saying he's been looking for her all night and abruptly collapses moan caresses his face realizing that he's burning up she brings him to her physician Moon who tells her that it's just a common cold he asks her not to worry as even the strongest person comes down with a cold every once in a while he further reveals that Ethan's heart was palpitating meaning he was under a great deal of stress physician Moon then leaves saying he must rest and will be up in no time they all leave but moan decides to stay with Ethan a little longer she notices him holding something and tries to take it but his grip is too strong she finally manages to find it and finds it to be a part of her spear Ethan soon regains Consciousness and pulls moan toward him moan figures that his fever isn't going down Ethan reveals that he was planning to ask for her hand in marriage because he felt certain that she shared his affection hearing this moin's eyes widen in shock Ethan continues saying that he suddenly became afraid last night when she went missing he found himself constantly wondering what he'd do if she were to say no moan hesitates to form a single sentence Ethan Smiles at her and confesses that he still remembers the first time he saw her his heart skipped a beat as he'd never seen a more beautiful girl in his life moin's face sulks and she asks what if she turned dull and unattractive would that change his feelings for her Ethan Chuckles and says they won't he takes her hand in his and kisses it he confesses that whoever she is and whatever he looks like she will always be his mockrin and that there's no way he could ever stop loving her mockrin wonders how he always has the answers to what she Longs for he has shown and supported her in everything if he's really the one she can spend the rest of her life with then perhaps she'll agree after all Ethan then confesses that he loves her and asks if she will marry him moin's heart pounds heavily causing her cheeks to readen and she wonders what's inside her the scene shifts to Ethan apologizing to physician moon for making him worry and promising not to forget his kindness he then turns to mockrin saying he heard she had been at his bedside the whole night and thanks her moan fidgets so Ethan asks if she has something to say she gestures for him to scoot a little closer and then she Whispers something in his ear making him flustered he asks if she means it to which she shilly nods he instantly lifts her up excitedly promising to be a good husband he Twirls around gleefully despite moin's protests he finally stops and Embraces her vowing to never disappoint her since she's the best thing that ever happened to him they then reach Ivan's house where he's peacefully having tea as soon as he hears Ethan's voice his drink spews out of his mouth burning his fingers he forces a smile on Ethan and asks why he's here Ethan cheerfully reveals that they are ready to begin wedding preparations his words cause Ivon to stiffen he then privately asks moan to tell him the truth about whether she really wants it he asks if Ethan threatened or persuaded her to surrender herself mcran denies it saying she is the one who gave him consent Ivan sigh and apologizes for putting her in such a situation moan clarifies that he shouldn't worry as this is what she wants as she steps out Axel grabs her hand and leads her to a deserted place he remarks that his father told him she had consented to marry Ethan when she confirms Axel grabs her by the shoulders and Promises her to seek out more power for their tribe he asks her not to lose hope as he will save her from that Savage's clutches moan Retreats asking what he's talking about she asks him not to do anything Reckless but Axel turns away and says it may not take that long before he decides to abandon her he remarks that she must have seemed like a fine trophy to him as men are dogged when it comes to potential new conquests but when she becomes his and performs her Duty in his bed chamber he will grow dull and when that day comes he will send her back but he stops as he finds mockrin crying he reaches for her but halts as he hears Ethan's voice asking him to stop he says he was standing here listening to How far he would go but he had crossed the line Ethan further states that he might have been turning a blind eye to many things but he isn't a fool he thought that as moin's brother Axel had her best interests in mind MO oan knew she had to do something before things got out of hand as Axel starts arguing she comes in between them and tells her brother that it's all a misunderstanding she suggests Axel talk to Ethan to overcome their differences and hopes he wishes for her happiness Axel's gaze softens moan turns to Ethan and Wishes the same for him asking him to try putting himself in Axel's shoes she then leaves telling Axel that they will go back first as they walk moan hopes she didn't hurt Ethan's feelings suddenly Ethan stopped s and says now is the time to tell him if she wants to back down from this marriage she needs only to say one word and he will leave she asks if he will never return once he leaves causing Ethan to Flinch he says he won't if she doesn't want him to or he may come back without telling her to get a glimpse of her his words make moan smile she takes his hand and confesses that she doesn't want him to leave he asks if she's sure she won't regret marrying him moan says she doesn't know it yet but he has to make sure sure that she won't be loving her as hard as he can he Embraces her saying that goes without saying the day for moan to leave comes soon she bids goodbye to her friends she then approaches her father but doesn't find Axel by his side she had hoped to see him before leaving Ivan wishes her health and happiness assuring her that Axel will come around this causes mockrin to become teary and she says she will be back as she's after all the Cho tribe's wonderful chieftain's daughter the scene switches to 4 days later they were still at Sea and it's been a journey full of strange new experiences but she was having fun and wondered what sort of world awaited her Beyond the Horizon the next day they finally reach Ethan's Village as moan sees the guwy heel tribes home she is amazed as soon as she steps out of the boat Freya happily greets her addressing her as her daughter-in-law she lifts moan up and Cuddles her fondly moan realizes that it must be her whom Ethan takes after Ethan then introduces his family to mcran he introduces his father and three sisters halia Suri and haviva they all look at mcran in amazement his father seemed kind to her and his sisters seemed sweet haviva hands her a mouse as a gift making her shriek in fear other tribesmen gathered to see the new bride and asked Ethan if she was the one on the other hand mokran is traumatized to see the tribesmen looking at her making her feel uncomfortable sudden L someone smacks Ethan on the head and tells him not to let his guard down despite getting himself a girl it was Ethan's childhood friend D they then playfully start to fight but moan thinks otherwise she tries stopping them but when she finds Ethan's forehead bleeding she shutters in fear and wonders if she will be okay in this Village the scene switches to the wedding day moan is dressed up as a bride she spots Ethan and takes the moment in she is really going to be his wife after this they they soon get married and seal their marriage with a kiss that night moan happily awaited their first night together as Ethan had told her that yui he tribe newlyweds commemorate their first night together in a similar way she excitedly wonders what sort of unique Delicacies they have in store Ethan gulps down the alcohol and Promises to do his best tonight this confuses mcran as Ethan makes intimate advances at her she pulls away from him this confuses him and he asks what the matter is she glares at him and asks what's the matter with him confused Ethan reminds her that she wanted every night to be a wedding night for a month straight moan agrees but what she means is the food a sudden realization Dawn on them as they realize the misunderstanding between them Ethan apologizes saying he didn't know the Cho tribe had such a tradition she confesses that she's just scared because it's her first time surprising Ethan he apologizes for the misunderstanding and assures her that they can take time to get to know each other she thanks him calling him my dearest this causes Ethan to blush profusely the next morning she finds Ethan gone he had left her a note saying he would be waiting for her at the clearing since GUI heil's tribal armor was too heavy she decided to put on her clothes instead she then walks out wondering which way to go suddenly three men Tower above her asking if she's Ethan's bride one tosses her over his shoulder and Promises to give her an introduction that she will never forget this makes moan shudder in fear they throw her in front of other men who gossip about her she wonders if Ethan knows there's a band of slavers on the mainland who abduct women and sell them to other men a man loosens her hair tie she had thought all members of this tribe were like Ethan but she thought of how wrong she was meanwhile Ethan hears moochan scream and rushes in that direction he finds a crowd of men suround rounding mokrin he reminds them of his warning about how delicate and timid The Cho tribes people are what really happened was that the person who took her hair tie was just admiring The Cho trib's craftsmanship and their previous remarks about her meant something else altogether they were asking questions about her out of curiosity only he takes moan back he smells her hair which makes him flustered he hugs her from behind and says they must go find a hidden corner safe from prying eyes but when they rush back home they find someone begging them for help Ethan asks moan to go inside while he talks but the woman says she wants to speak to moin Ethan was asked to leave since he was distracting them he notices the tribal clothes he left for mokran and wonders why she didn't wear them meanwhile the woman tells mokran about how the man she loves lives in the Hun tribe which is quite like the Cho tribe her expression turns glum and she expresses that he avoids her gaze and flinches every time she tries to chat with him she then asks asks mokran for ways to win his affection moan asks what sort of things she has been doing for him the woman reveals that she has been delivering five sacks of rice every time she visits surprising moan she further reveals that she helped him hunt split firewood and remove a giant rock she then Ponders wondering if it's still not enough moochan asks her to stop and not force him to marry her she then hands her some flowers saying she needs to try a different approach a few days later the woman tells mokran that they are getting married she says moan was right as her lover told her she had opened his eyes to a whole new side of her after giving him flowers they then leave thanking moin and she promises to tell everyone that she's the perfect go-to for advice the scene switches to a frustrated Ethan as he is unable to get alone time with moochan due to people constantly seeking moin's advice he then wonders if she is using this as a pretext to avoid sleeping with him the next day she meets a a man from the Hun tribe he hands her a gift in return for her advice more people gather to give her gifts as well making her smile now she's finally beginning to see what kind of people guy heels truly are she decides to tell them about it the next time she writes home and hopes they will welcome this new truth without any Prejudice but when Axel reads her letter he is furious Axel writes to apologize to moan for not seeing her off but is glad they can write to each other despite being so far apart he explains that his father got wounded recently but the injuries aren't serious he asks her not to worry about them and says that he's acting as an acting Chieftain until their father recovers just then the door opens and a messenger announces that he is needed at the beach moan finally gets Axel's letter but when she reads how Axel told her not to force herself to spin such lies about the GU heel tribe she sulks she sigh wondering if there's any way to show him the truth meanwhile Ethan's friend from the monong tribe informs him how the sea creatures around Dan wall Island have been Restless lately his friend suggests solving the issue but Ethan asks him to leave it to him he then returns home with a wild boar to surprise mokrin however she's petrified to see the dead animal and collapses later Ethan apologizes but she asks him not to apologize because she is the one who needs to stop reacting to every little thing she then reveals a letter from her family saying she isn't sure what to write back Ethan asks to take a look but mukran hides the letter behind her saying it's nothing special she averts her eyes knowing she can't let Ethan see it as persuading Axel is only her responsibility Ethan asked if her brother had made her upset again startling moan he denies asking him not to worry about her family problems realizing what she said she clarifies that she didn't mean it this way and says he's her husband too Ethan smiles and asks her not to clarify but moan panics realizing he's getting the wrong idea Ethan changes the topic and they go away to have dinner a few days later moan finds the letter gone moan hurries toward Freya and asks if she has seen Ethan but she says she hasn't seen him all day and that he is usually in the mountains around this time moan asks if the village children are learning to read and write Freya agrees saying it was Ethan who first proposed Early Education for their children and that they started out just a few years ago all the children gather around moan to see her but moin notices one of Ethan's little sisters pouting as she sits alone moin then goes to the mountains to find Ethan but finds the place empty she sigh wondering who could have taken the letter and hoping it wasn't Ethan who took it she shakes her head telling herself he would never do such a thing she suddenly hears a voice and runs in that direction she spots Ethan and Embraces him happily but to her surprise it wasn't Ethan she apologizes for mistaking him for her husband but the man pulls her towards him and smiles saying fate brought them here today he confesses that he has become the slave of her love from now on and wishes to be together moin freezes in shock and reminds him that she's married but the man continues making inappropriate advances he finally stops as Ethan places a sword on his neck threatening him to unhand her the man smirks and cheerfully greets Ethan Ethan recognizes the man as Leo Leo says he can't believe he's married as who could have imagined that Ethan the bed wetter would man up to get himself a wife Ethan becomes infuriated and they start bickering Leo's Lieutenant greets moan and explains that they both apprenticed under the same Master as children they always fight like cats and dogs whenever they run into each other Leo draws his word out challenging Ethan to a duel to win over mokran this angers Ethan more than ever and he agrees but mokran asks them to stop despite her plea they continue fighting she frowns and an idea strikes her head she throws a stick between them asking them to stop this draws both their attention and they finally stop Leo introduces himself as the chieftain of the haa tribe he confidently states that his people believe in ruling through inheritance and blood he asks her to marry him and all his wealth and prosperity will be hers moin awkwardly Chuckles but Leo takes her hand and Promises to welcome her if she grows bored of that boore his words anger Ethan more and he asks Leo to back off Leo soon leaves moan calls him a cheerful and amusing friend and decides to invite him someday for tea but Ethan refuses asking her not to let her guard down or run into him even by coincidence his words make moan flinch she had never seen him look at her like that before he apologizes saying he gets irritated easily when it comes to that fool he then asks what she is doing here reminding mcran of why she even came here she informs him that she has lost her letter and wonders if he knows anything about it she then shows him a skull saying she found it in the chest shocking Ethan he asks if she must really have found that letter surprising moan she asks if it was him then to which he asks if he's a suspect ECT now moan knows she suspects him and she turns speechless he asks if she wants to go home to her family confusing her he says she must miss her true family since he could never live up to them he asks if that isn't why she's looking so hard for that letter he points out that she's been here for two months but is still reluctant to put on the garments of his tribe he has also been trying hard to consummate their marriage but she manages to slip away saying she doesn't trust him his words hurt MO and she asks how he could say such a thing if only he knew what kind of inner battle moan had to fight to leave the only home she'd ever known and choose a new life with him she turns away asking him to think about what he wants the scene switches to Ethan handing her the skull and saying he has an idea where the letter is as she follows him she P their married days she thought their marriage problems would naturally be resolved over time without having to sit down and address them but instead of fading away way they have grown to drive a wedge between them that they can't seem to overcome it was expected by moan since she knows they can't know what they are truly thinking without speaking heart-to- heart Ethan soon leads her toward a house they spot halah one of Ethan's little sisters with the letter in her hands this shocks mcran and she wonders why she has the letter halah rushes away and mokran runs after her asking her to stop Ethan tries to stop both of them saying it's dangerous to go up the mountain in this weather but they continue running and so he rushes after them halah keeps running while apologizing moan spots a cliff near where halia is running and asks her to stop but it was too late and halah started to fall however moan jumps after her and catches her halia accidentally lets go of the letter but Ethan catches it unaware of the cliff he slips but mokran catches him by the hand and tries pulling him up but to no avail she asks holia to run to the village and get the elders she then continues trying to lift Ethan up she asks him to use his other hand but he refuses saying he will then have to let the letter go moan decided to hold out until help arrived Ethan confesses that he wanted the letter gone since she seemed to cherish it enough to keep it even from him which made him jealous moan asks him to stop making it sound as if these are his last words Ethan's hands started to slip away and he promised to try expressing himself carefully ask asking her not to leave tears fill Morin's eyes and she asks why she would leave him she tells him not to let go of her hand she says she doesn't need that letter and asks him to let it fall and climb back up this makes Ethan smile but his hand Slips Away causing him to fall moan Retreats calling out for him Ethan approaches him from the side surprising her he explains that with both hands free climbing back was a breeze moan immediately Embraces him and confesses that the letter wasn't what he thought it was it was from her brother and she kept it from him because she thought there was still some bad blood between them she reveals that this Village is her home now and that she never once thought of leaving him soon they will sit under the tree discussing their feelings moan makes it clear to Ethan that this is her home now they both promise to be honest about their feelings from now on and embrace each other they soon return home mokran hopes halah isn't too sh taken up but Ethan assures her she's fine it turns out halah only took the letter to get ahead of her peers in reading and writing and since she doesn't know how to read yet its contents remain a secret they Embrace each other hoping halah learns her lesson moan then confesses that the outfit he prepared for her was quite heavy for her but she says he was right about one thing that she's been avoiding consummating their marriage this shocks Ethan and he asks why moan confesses that she doesn't mind the Embraces and kisses but anything beyond that makes her feel strange all over Ethan smiles and asks if he can kiss her now she nods shyly and he does they then embraced each other and all moan could see and feel was him the next morning moochan wakes up to find Ethan sleeping she remembers what happened last night and blushes it's been 3 days now and moan delivered a letter to Axel she heads toward the trib's people who discuss the newlyweds honeymoon phase but mockrin hesitatingly admits that Ethan doesn't seem happy all day long they all drank to discuss the issue Ethan finds them collapsed even moan was drunk she Embraces Ethan making him flustered she starts taking her robe off saying it's too hot but Ethan asks her not to until they get home making her pout she tries punching him saying he's mean Ethan avoids her attack making her fall flat on her face he brings her home and tends to her wounds apologizing she then angrily asks why he doesn't seem satisfied by that night making Ethan sigh but moan was still angry and bit Ethan on his torso making him faint his unscrupulous State sobers up moan who then takes him to the Village physician The Physician tells them that he has lost so much blood and asks if he has been taking his medicine he denies it saying he ran out of it the doctor reminds him of his incurable Illness but Ethan hastily ends the conversation however moan has heard this and realizes why Ethan's been having all those nose beds after the physician leaves she asks him why he didn't tell her Ethan realizes that she has misunderstood but doesn't know who to tell he tries to explain how he tends to feel OV excited as a newlywed and will be fine after meeting his master moin agrees asking him to take her with him they soon get ready for the long Six-Day Journey Ethan's parents bid them goodbye as well as the other villagers moan was a little anxious since it was her first trip without any plans for a mid-travel stay by Sunset her back achd from traveling on Horseback Ethan stops saying they will set up camp for tonight moan stares at the beautiful view and hopes for her people to see the world outside too Ethan tells her how the place where his master lives has an amazing view too it's covered in Perpetual snow and she will love it there this makes moochan excited as she has never seen snow before in her excitement she lets go of the rains causing her to slip but Ethan grabs her and steadies her moan was now too excited for this journey she vows to remember everything about this trip so she can describe it as vividly as possible to her tribe later they reached the snowy land moan Shivers from the cold but Ethan assures her they are almost there Ethan turns to see mcran but finds her covered with snow he asks her to ride with him so it will be warmer all of a sudden an avalanche rushes in their Direction Ethan grabs a branch and asks moan to grab his hand however she fails to do so and gets Swept Away by the Avalanche her Visions start to blur as she wonders if she will die later a man finds a faint moan Ethan soon regains Consciousness and looks around for mokran but he spots her now as he wanders in search of her he finds her hat and scarf he also finds Bells making him realize where she must be meanwhile mockrin wakes up up to find herself in a warm house she realizes she's naked with a stranger on top of it and asks who he is the man stared at her making her uncomfortable the man sniffs her making mokran close her eyes in fear something about the man didn't feel very human to her just then Ethan enters and when he sees them he turns angry he rushes to moan side and asks the man to name himself but the man stays quiet hence Ethan draws out his sword but just then Ethan's Master throws water on both of them calling him Reckless and impatient later they all sit down to talk while the man scrubs the floor it turns out that the man was just giving moan a change of clothes the master explains that the man doesn't speak because he's a wild child who grew up with the animals in the mountains his master asks Ethan why he needs more medicine he then turns to moan and asks if his lovely wife is the reason why before moan could know the truth Ethan led the master away hastily changing the topic this makes moan wonder if Ethan is sick because of her the scene shifts to Ethan suggesting that he show moan around while master prepares his medicine he explains to moin that this is where he trained for four years to become a strong man for her even though that good for nothing Leo tried getting rid of him he always survived mokran wonders if his illness and quarrels with friends are all because of her she is cut off from her thoughts as she finds the man working she notices how he is even bigger than Ethan and wishes to be strong like him Ethan notices her stare at the mother he turns her around and suggests going elsewhere to make snowmen the master passes by and asks him to get firewood if he has time to be idle Ethan hugs moan and protests that his wife is far too frail and Delirious for manual labor but the master says she's talking about him and his apprentice and so Ethan says goodbye to mcran and heads off leaving her to overthink she decided to find some chores to do to avoid over thinking she then starts tidying up her room but still doesn't manage to feel better the master offers her a drink and asks if they should go on a walk for the day since Ethan asked her to stay inside she hesitates the master assures her that Ethan will understand so she agrees as they walk Master asks moan who she thinks will win in a fight him or Ethan the questions confuse him and she remarks that no Apprentice is stronger than his master this shocks him and he says he cannot be with Ethan they soon reach an ice wall Master remarks that he can't imagine what she's going through trying to fit into a foreign tribe and how she must feel like a failure to become a contributing figure to the new tribe he explains that what brings down this wall of ice in the end isn't Brute Force but gentle sunlight moan realizes that he's right even if she can't be a guwy Hao she has her own strengths she knew the truth but her insecurities kept her from seeing it and her moods lighten up soon it's night and Ethan still hasn't returned she wonders what's keeping them out here so late and decides to go find him meanwhile Ethan was trying his best to return since mockrin was waiting for him but the man with him thinks otherwise suddenly Ethan's body starts feeling heavy and he spits out blood his vision blurs but he forces himself to return to her as everything turns dark he finds moan running toward him it turns out he had ingested a lot of medicine and experienced the this as a side effect Master reveals that now he won't experience nose beds since he has developed poison immunity this causes Ethan to become excited but when Master asks what caused moin's anxiety he stops he lectures Ethan not to stop moochin from socializing and trapping her Ethan reveals that he can't imagine a life without moan meanwhile moan EES dropped on their conversation from the door the master leaves leaving the room for them to talk Ethan then explains why he was having nose beds he then hugs moan confessing that he's sorry for overprotecting her moan kisses him saying it's fine she pushes him down saying she isn't as delicate as he thinks she is she then asks if she should show how tough she really is making Ethan blush the scene switches to Ethan and moan leaving the master Whispers something in moin's ear and bids them goodbye as they leave Ethan asks what Master told her she rides ahead saying it's a secret as Ethan follows her she remembers how Master told her that Ethan may seem frivolous and a bit LAX but he wasn't always like that but he changes drastically after meeting her hence being with the person one truly loves has allowed him to lay down his burdens and lead a happier life master further called moan Ethan's World they soon return to the village and find out that the intert tribe competition is about to take place moan suggests holding the tournament in Cho's Village and they all agree soon preparations were made and they all headed to Cho's Village Ivan is terrified and wonders what is happening moan rushes toward them happily and explains everything to them meanwhile Ethan is confused as to why those man-eating fish didn't attack this time and decides to keep a close eye that night Ethan brings moan food but finds Axel saying this wasn't the marriage moan wanted and that she wasn't in love with him when she became his bride Ethan is shocked and turns away when he hears moochan agree soon fireworks take place and moan goes outside she finds the food and realizes Ethan must have Eaves dropped on their conversation she decided to find him and clear up the misunderstanding despite Axel's protests despite agreeing to sacrifice herself by marrying him in the end she married him because she loved him as she leaves Axel becomes Furious meanwhile Ethan is filled with guilt for forcing moan to give herself to the man she feared he decides to atone for what he has done no matter what he expresses his desire to lay down his life for Axel for forcing himself on his sister but Axel disagrees and so Ethan challenges him instead moan watches them and pleads to make them stop but no one dares to step in as she sees her brother wield his sword at Ethan she screams and just then a terrifying sea creature Dives out of the sea as the creature starts attacking mokrin Ethan saves him he asks her to guide the villagers to a ship on the other side of the island while they do what is best Freya raises her Spear and announces roast octopus for breakfast as Axel and moan gather the villagers Ethan fights with the octopus his friend explains how it was seen 200 years ago when it caused Dan wall Island to be isolated from the rest of the world and is ruthless he rushes toward the octopus and wields his word on its weakest spot with the help of Leo as Axel asks moan to hurry as they have to leave she stares Stars into the distance knowing something isn't right she explains to Axel that she can't leave GUI heels all alone since they put their lives on the line for this island she snatches a spear and rides toward Ethan saying she is a guy heel too meanwhile Ethan realizes that stabbing the octopus doesn't work moan arrives to see Ethan in trouble she thinks of a possible solution Ethan also doesn't want to let go wanting mcran to feel free from this forceful marriage and protect her dear Island he is cut off from his thoughts as he sees moan aiming to throw the spear at the monster she remembers what Ethan thought of her and throws the spear toward him Ethan catches it and stabs it once again thinking the monsters finally defeated Ethan is taken a back as the octopus sprays out Venom causing him to collapse she tries rushing to him but people stop her from getting toward the poison fumes her eyes widen as she sees blood coming out of Ethan's mouth and she sinks to the floor She confesses to Ethan that he has taught her many things the beauty of the sunsets the cold Touch of snow how to laugh how to grieve and how to share her thoughts with different people she promises not to trade her happy memories for the world confessing that she loves him soon Ethan sits up and asks if he really deserves her love after forcing her she shakes her head saying she chose to be with him Axel and Ivan are in Shock as they realize moin's love for Ethan other tribesmen also provided evidence to Ivon of how GUI heel saved them and didn't invade their Island Freya overhears this and says they never intended to invade their Island all they wanted was to drive off the monsters blocking the navak route so they could come out of their isolation and trade with other tribes a sudden realization awakens Ivan and he becomes shocked it seems both tribes need to have a long overdue conversation the next day Freya and Ivan cast their differences aside and promised to build a lasting bond for them all the scene shifts to Axel smiling as he watches the changes between the tribes his wife approaches him with their baby he hopes their children will find themselves in a new and better World on the other hand moan has tied down Ethan as a punishment for giving into an honorable dag Ethan promises not to do it again and he knew he would since this was too cruel moan confesses that she's been waiting for so long to properly confess her love but he makes her say goodbye she then loosens his ropes and they Embrace each other confessing their love a year later Ivan and axel go to GUI ha to meet mokran Ivan is now getting used to the fiery temperament of the tribe as he has now realized how great they are once one gets to know them as mochan leads them to her home she says she has a surprise for them mochan then leads them to meet Freya Freya says she is surprised to know Axel arranged this meeting axel agrees saying he wanted advice on the next intert tribe tournament as mokran watches her brother and Freya interact happily she smiles Shen then leaves to find Ethan who lifts her in his arms happily she confesses how happy she is that her family is visiting them regularly Ethan Smiles saying he's happy for her she then whispered a surprise to him making him flustered he hugged her tightly making moan remind him of the baby he thanks her for being there on the island when they first met and she smiles saying it was her line she then says she is thankful for the dashing Invader they chuckle deciding to savor the moment as well as the moments ahead of them with this the Mana ends let us know what you think in the comments section about this story and stay tuned for more
Channel: Manhwa Tower
Views: 447,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Manhwa recap, manhwa recaps, manhwa tower, He abandoned his childhood friend and she went phycho, he mistakenly went into a dangerous dungeon, boy was the only one who didn't regressed, He Falls In Love With A Girl From The Village He Invaded
Id: W3i8YYoWby4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 46sec (3706 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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