Genius Doctor Gets Sent to the Past and Saves the Young Duke's Life | Manhwa Recap

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the story kicks off as two dubious men Converse about the potential demise of young Duke Eric one asserts that had he remained alive then obviously the madman rodri wouldn't have ascended to the position of the Duke of Sirius meanwhile a young woman sharing their prison cell reacts with disbelief struggling to come to terms with the unfolding events our female protagonist Billy Anne is currently 19 since she was 10 years old she has been hailed as a genius she recently opened her own clinic and wondered if she would have the same reputation as the other doctors however fate takes a dark turn for Billy as she finds herself facing an unexpected and dire fate the place she lives in is the duche of Sirius half a year ago the du's successor Eric aard Sirius passed away his body had been weak since he was young and even when he was an adult he couldn't leave the hospital in the end he passed away as a young Duke his cousin rodri V's eer soon inherited the position of Duke as soon as he obtained the position of Duke rodri joined the rebels and in an instant he turned the territory into a battlefield the rebellion was suppressed by the royal family in a short time most of the young men of the dukum were killed or wounded and the people had to pay huge damage as for Billy Anne she was known to be the best doctor in the territory what she did was just treat patience but the royal family accused her of being a person who played an important role in the expansion of the rebels forces in reality Billy just wanted to earn some money and fame does saving an injured person count as a crime she R cries as she thinks of her own pitiful fate an old woman approaches her asking why she feels so miserable Billy yells about her tragedy asking how a doctor can run away from a dying patient she continues to State how she didn't kill anyone and only Sav people unlike the accusation the woman is surprised and asks if she is a doctor Billy says yes and that she is a very talented doctor so she feels very unjust when she has to die she becomes curious as to who the old lady is since she doesn't even know her the old lady reveals how she gets migraines without knowing the reason that exhausts her upon Consulting with her Billy sigh realizing that it might be perhaps her last Duty as a doctor she asks for the old lady's hands and closes her eyes a while later she diagnoses how the symptom is caused by the huge conflicting magic powers in her body she asks the old lady if she ever arbitrarily accepted other people's magic powers the old lady is shocked that she was able to diagnose her unlike the many hospitals she went to Billy an boasts that she is the most famous genius doctor in the territory she recommends the old lady to drink Primrose tea sunflower and Vier mixed together every morning she also advises her to stop eating beef and eventually the side effects will disappear despite the successful diagnosis Billy feels empty it is because regardless of everything she and the old lady both have to die the old lady graciously thanks her and asks if she needs anything Billy pleads to save her life and the lady reminds her that she isn't the emperor Billy Smiles sadly stay stating that she doesn't need anything anymore Billy stares out the window at the bright moon she comments that she is an orphan and therefore doesn't know who her biological parents are she asks the old lady if she can tell her about this in response the lady reveals how her glass ball was broken by the time she got here due to which she can't tell her she then Ponders for a moment and reveals how she can't save her life but she can give her a chance to live suddenly an eerie atmosphere envelops them and Billy swiftly becomes dizzy collapsing to the ground as the old woman reverses time she encourages Billy to try to change the course of the future upon reopening her eyes Billy Anne discovers herself standing outside the prison the place even looked familiar to her it Dawns on her that she is at the orphanage where she spent her childhood gazing into a nearby mirror she couldn't believe her eyes the reflection of her 13-year-old was staring back at her Billy pinches her cheeks but it surely wasn't a dream she recalls how the old woman said she could give her a chance to live maybe this is what she meant by it she SI knowing she just needs to survive first she has to leave the dangerous serious territory immediately because her medical knowledge is still there Billy is sure that no matter where she goes she won't starve to death Rebel or what this time she has decided not to die so unjustly she stares at the dress she is wearing it is the one she wore on the first day after leaving the orphanage and working at the Village Clinic she Ponders for a while and decides to just run away suddenly the other young orphan children enter her room tell telling Billy not to forget about them soon miss Elburn joins them and Gifts her a pen and diary since she is leaving she hopes for Billy to become a good doctor like she always dreamed of Billy is touched by the gesture especially since Miss Elburn wasn't that well off to prepare such a gift she risked her life to save her who lay in a basket floating in the river she's also a precious benefactor who gave her the name Billy she turns sad at the realization that everyone in the serious territory must die if a rebellion strikes Billy tells Miss Elber that she is not going to Mr zman's place but rather to the sirious cattle upon asking why she reveals that she heard that the main doctor of the Duke of siras Mr ARCA is looking for an assistant Syria's territory was once a peaceful place until the heir Eric died of disease then unfortunate circumstances began occurring if she wants to save the people she loves she knows she must save Eric sirius's life she Ponders how he died so soon the last time she saw Eric he didn't look 19 years old like her he was so sick that his cheeks protruded and he coughed a lot at that time vicount ARCA was taking care of him so Billy wasn't that worried but this time she contemplates getting a head start on improving his immunity and if everything goes well and her mission is accomplished she decides to go look for her parents Billy didn't expect that she would wish to see her parents in her last moments even if she can't find them then unlike her previous life she will get married and start her own family she thinks that maybe then it won't be so bad but first she must save Eric she meets with vicount ARCA 8 falman the doctor of the Sirius family ARCA questions her about whether she can immediately become his assistant now that she is out of the Jah orphanage Billy replies in the affirmative ARCA inquires that even 15 and 16year olds from differenty can't stand a week but she is adamant about becoming his assistant with just a recommendation letter from the orphanage determined Billy agrees seeing his Stern Aura Billy recalls how she heard both The Duchess and doctor of house serus had a bad temper now she knows at least one of those is true Sirius is a rich and Powerful family comparable to the royal family after the death of Duke Sirius The Duchess took over the administration of the territory she was an extremely strict ruler who didn't let even a small mistake slide for the first half of a year or so the bodies of countless servants and Maids were hung up at the palace gate every day thanks to all that the fraud and embezzlement that infested the duy after the Duke died completely disappeared there were bad rumors about the duchess but Billy was certain she was still a competent and reliable ruler it's a shame she also suddenly died around the same time as her only son Eric as she thinks of the past a sudden realization Dawns on Billy both Royals had died suddenly then rodri became the Duke and joined the Rebellion something seemed strange here she gets cut off from her thoughts as vicount arker remarks that he doesn't know if he should call her bold or arrogant he shows her the recommendation letter and asks if she really thinks this would make him want to accept her Billy takes it from him him wondering how bad it must be it turns out very bad apparently Miss Elburn had merely praised Billy for her skills cleverness and cuteness in a rather informal way but Billy is sure she did the best she could they scoff as Billy explains Miss Elburn doesn't have much talent for writing recommendation letters Billy P the man in front of her as she sips her tea vicount ARA Ferman amassed significant wealth by running the only herbal industry in the market and seems to be a genius like her with a lot of medical knowledge because he rebelled and fought back against rodri he died to banne it is such a Pity that he has such an ill temper despite having a handsome face she puts down her cup and confidently declares that despite her lack of age and experience she is better than other kids with more experience even daring him to check on her ARCA calls her an insolent child and agrees nonetheless he shows her a few herbs and asks her to name them to his surprise she names them all correctly even the mongji herbal fruit which is very rare to be seen on the entire continent when ARA points It Out Billy shrugs stating she read it in a book he then asks where the Mii herbal fruits are used to which she answers that they cure abdominal pain based on magic power as she continues to give correct answers to his questions ARA becomes curious as to how she knows these things despite having no experience at a hospital Billy replies that it is because she is a genius knowing he won't believe her if she tells him about her past life she goes with the genius shot knowing it might be the best answer a 13 18-year-old can give ARCA smirks asking why a genius like her wants to be his assistant she replies that it is because she wants to work for a genius who is even more brilliant than her ARCA tells him to register first and warns him to kick her out of the Duke's Mansion if she disappoints him she agrees after which he has her follow him to her room in the Mansion despite the maid's protests he asks Billy what she likes to which she answers sweets he then has the maids prepare sweets for her stating that she is thin and short despite being 13 years old old he scoffs remarking that it may take a long time for her to grow up he takes her to her spacious room and introduces her to Jenny her new caretaker he then allows her to use the dresses present in the room too after asserting that he is throwing them to her as they are of no use he then tells her he will send her some books which she must read before tomorrow to which she agrees he asks her if she won't ask for the number of those books Billy casually Shrugged stating that it wasn't a big deal as she could remember them all without forgetting a word once she read them araiz with a hint of fondness and leaves without another word Jenny warly tells her there might be a dozen books but Billy assures her she can do it since she's a real genius Jenny was impressed and remarked that she was really like sir ARCA when he was a child this surprises Billy and she wonders if Jenny is kidding Jenny reveals how when Arco was her age he used to say that he was a genius all the time she then remarks that she was wondering why he gave Billy his daughter's room which makes Billy even more confused upon inquiring Jenny reveals that this room used to be his lost daughters she reveals that he lost his daughter without ever seeing her because of that his grace had struggled greatly hence the Duke gave him a room at the Manor for his daughter so he wouldn't lose hope and that his daughter could come back any time this made Billy wonder if this might be the reason ARA had that emotion when he brought her here she didn't know about this even in her past life Jenny Smiles at the young girl promising to show her around the manor later Jenny reveals how the young Master's room is at the end of the corridor this makes Billy curious as she wonders what Eric looked like as a child she explains to Jenny how she heard that Lord Eric is in poor health Jenny sigh sadly and agrees mentioning how he's been close to death these past few months Lord ARA tried his best to save him the late Duke passed away when ARCA briefly left his position as the family doctor therefore they are desperate to keep ARA because they can't let Lord Eric die like that too Billy makes a mental note to see Eric as soon as she can as he might have a disease that needs to be treated starting from childhood plus it is good that their rooms are close the next day Jenny admires Billy remarking that she appears quite Noble after she has helped her with her attire however Billy shrugs off the compliment pointing out that anyone would look Noble in such attire yet she follows up by acknowledging her own contribution and noting the role her smooth skin and refined features play in the overall effect Jenny gazes affectionately at Billy likening her to a feminine version of Lord ARA but to Billy that doesn't sound like a compliment Jenny then remind reminds her that it is almost time for her luncheon with his lordship who will test her on the books he gave her over lunch she worriedly reveals how most of the assistants had to leave since they failed the test but Billy positively states that it won't happen to her it is because the books ARCA sent her were about things she already knew her confidence assures Jenny as well as Billy answers correctly to arca's questions over lunch he remarks that she can be useful Billy proudly declares that he wouldn't find a talent like her anywhere on the continent he mentions that she's honest and Billy states that it is the virtue of a doctor not to lie mentioning how full of love for Humanity she is arker remarks that she's similar to him as he is good-hearted too but Billy surely thought the same of him out of the blue arur remarks that he knows what she is thinking he smirks saying that is exactly what he thinks about her Billy stares at vicount ARCA and Ponders it looks like ARA and Billy will either get along very well or be completely at odds with each other ARA explains to Billy her duties she has to stay at the man and replace him since he has his own business to attend to as well he tells Billy how she must know how to prescribe medicine in an emergency which cannot be done foolishly Billy agrees with him making arasan relief he also takes note of introducing the girl to Madam and Mr Eric today Baron eer and his son rodri might be here this sudden news takes Billy aback she Ponders whether Eric and rodri spent time together in their childhood if their bond wasn't strong the vassals wouldn't readily submit to him typically The Inheritance procedure would span several months suddenly a realization strikes her even if they share the same lineage can the title be transferred so swiftly later Billy reveals what happened at lunch to Jenny Jenny is impressed since Lord ARA only introduces his assistants to her grace after an intense series of lectures she is sure Billy will be of great help to him as he's been very busy Billy inquires if Arc is tied up with running his business Jenny sigh and reveals that it's more about finding his daughter ARCA has been following rumors all over the continent and visiting those places himself hence Jenny hopes Billy becomes a great assistant and takes some load off his shoulders Billy doesn't remember hearing about ARA's daughter in her previous life she guesses he died before finding her who could have been either dead or couldn't be found though in this life Billy's purpose is to save Eric's life she contemplates finding arca's daughter too she gets cut off from her thoughts as she overhears a voice calling Eric an idiot for not being able to catch a ball Billy instantly rushes downstairs to see the Third 18-year-old Eric aard and is surprised that he's been handsome since he was a kid as she hears the mean man scold and Gaslight Eric she wonders who he is the man continues telling Eric to not eat too much since he cannot exercise or else he will turn into a pig the man was none other than 17-year-old rodri eer seeing rodri insult Eric Billy turns Furious and makes her way to them ignoring Jenny's questions she confronts rodri asking how Eric can grow up as fast as a 17-year-old boy she tells rodri that the baron is looking for him judging by her clothes and the way she talks rodri assumes she is a noble and so he has no choice but to leave after stuffing some cake in Eric's pocket Billy then turns to Eric asking if he's playing ball she informs him that she's also his age and inquires if she can join in the play confused Eric asks if she recognizes him Billy affirms stating he's the young Duke Eric leered serious she urges him to give playing with her a try and Eric accepts Billy struggles to keep up with Eric's Swift serve and becomes determined not to lose despite her efforts Eric proves to be highly skilled at the game as the match concludes a dejected Eric apologizes to her for not performing well Billy says she lost because he was too good however Eric says it's not true since rodri said it was all his fault he is useless and is the one who only hurts others Eric liked his cousin rodri Eric was always alone since his mother was busy governing the duy after his father passed away plus he collapsed often due to his poor health the the only person who came to visit him was rodri despite Eric having a talent for swordsmanship rodri convinced him not to go to night classes as his health might get worse and as if proving rodri's words were correct Eric's Health would worsen the next day he even encouraged Eric to eat less and keep all these things a secret from Lord ARA or he'd lose the only person he could play with Eric who was only 6 years old was afraid of that he didn't want to lose his only friend so he ate as little as he could and refrained from exercising to get some rest and so neglected by the adults in his life Eric was growing steadily weaker Billy tells Eric to play tennis with her from now on he protests that it won't be fun as he isn't good at it but she asserts he's really good she assures him she doesn't lie upon inspecting him she notices that his condition isn't as bad as she thought he's skinny but his muscles are in good shape she just needs to help him grow up well Eric agrees to her request but asks who she is Billy realizes that she has forgotten to introduce herself cying she introduced es herself as Billy Anne the new assistant of Lord ARA Eric states that if she's ARA's assistant she will be leaving soon Billy asserts that she is not like the other assistants and is better she then makes Eric promise to trust her in whatever she says if she ends up continuing working here he asks for the reason to which she replies that she is a trustworthy doctor who will help him get healthy again she then suggests having dinner together to celebrate their first meeting Eric says he is supposed to eat with rodri but Billy points out that he's leaving using this chance Billy tries getting close to him she and Eric dine in his room observing piles of books in the room she wonders if he loves reading Eric says he used to but then rodri says it gives him headaches so he should stop he also reveals how the previous assistants used to get annoyed whenever he became ill and raging Billy she now understands why he seemed to be keeping his distance from her she also points out how he is eating way too little and gets irritated as she finds rodri to be the cause of it too she convinces Eric to eat well to be healthy and listen to her until he is an adult as she knows and cares about him the most in the world and so Eric agrees to her commands on the other hand Lord ARCA continues researching the whereabouts of his long lost daughter he even searches orphanages with his subordinate deal in person as he reads the orphanage list another wave of regret washes over him if only he had accompanied her to the banquet perhaps this wouldn't have happened back then arca's pregnant wife canani was traveling back to her hometown laby Island to attend her mother's birthday banquet despite ARA insisting he would come with her canani assured him she would be all right as there was plenty of time until she was do she promised to be back as soon as the banquet was over but ARCA assured her he would get to her as soon as his research was over while passing through the territory of the duchess's brother Baron eer she suddenly gave birth prematurely both the mother and baby were in danger but Baron eer who had a wealth of medical knowledge assisted in delivering the child thanks to him the baby was born safely the baron said she had green eyes and blonde hair just like her mother and was a lovely baby as soon as CI recovered she boarded the ship with the child saying she didn't want to inconvenience the baron further and after that c and her baby went missing a while later C was found in a very unexpected place on the mainland but the baby's body wasn't found back in the present ARA is determined to find his daughter even if he has to dig the whole world up steel brings up the possibility that the information about the girl having green eyes eyes and blonde hair might be wrong ARCA States it's true because that's what the baron who directly delivered the baby said he blames himself for misdiagnosing the fact that there was no chance siani would give birth prematurely if it weren't for the baron he is certain he might have lost the baby theal brings up the topic of arca's new assistant and is surprised to learn he is pleased with Billy ARA agrees stating that the girl is clever and he wants her to work longer as with that level of knowledge she can open a dispensary easily he also decides to introduce her to the Madam and young Master now he announces this to Billy and how she must go through the treatment diary in 3 days she gets to work soon enough she reads how The Duchess has chronic headaches and intermittent abdominal pain but apart from stress induced symptoms there seem to be nothing wrong with her why did she then die suddenly 6 years later Billy grows more suspicious when she reads Eric's records toothache stomach ache headache with no cause sometimes he even gets sick to the point of having a high fever she is determined to find the pauses before The Duchess and Eric die in 3 days time ARCA introduced Billy as his new assistant as he had said to duess Isabelle Sirus and Eric to Billy The Duchess seemed young compared to someone in their late 30 seconds however her countenance didn't look good ARA states that though Billy is Young her ability is outstanding he boasts that she learned all the medical knowledge just like he did when he was 13 years old Billy knows she must be allowed to use the vicount lab if she has to learn about the illnesses if so she has to to make the duchess recognize her ability first ARCA tests her abilities in front of the duchess when The Duchess reveals she has headaches every day and stomach AES when she drinks milk ARCA asks Billy what to prescribe Billy explains that looking at her previous data and treatment status she thinks her body is in contact with cold air she prescribes the usual like the vicount but suggests adding a decoction of osus grass and daer Roots she also tells the duchess to avoid dairy products as much as possible and if it's too C she adds zon's pedals and if the headache doesn't stop Billy suggests using serlin therapy satisfied with her answers ARA moves on to Eric next he asks Billy what she would do if the young Master suddenly passed out Billy reveals that according to the core motto and Medicine of zebin she will contact the vicount immediately since the reason for his fainting is uncertain vicount acknowledges her answer and announces Billy to be Madam and the young Master's temporary healer The Duchess becomes shocked and asks if he's really let a 13-year-old treat her for 3 Days ARA assures her that he will recheck until he thinks everything is fine and confirms her skills after that he Reveals His plans to visit the Heria region The Duchess sigh and agrees saying she can't hold him back if he is going to confirm his biological daughter Billy speaks up and asks The Duchess for a chance to prove she's a reliable doctor The Duchess says she will think about it and dismisses them later on her way back to her room she informs Eric how she has a bell installed in his in The Duchess room so they can alert her if something's wrong she also encourages him to eat well tonight Eric agrees to her requests and assures her that the duchess was just worried earlier and meant no harm later in her room Billy Ponders whether she could develop the paternity tests in 6 years time a new paternity test method will be introduced from 10 steps down to seven steps and get results faster in about 3 days she has only seen it in newspapers but has never tried reproducing it herself however she remembers the approximate ingredients and realizes as it might be possible it might be amazing if there was a method to accomplish this until vicount ARCA departs and they can utilize the lab to build it however things are easier said than done as Billy Ponders what she could be doing wrong suddenly the alarm rings red it was to The Duchess room Billy rushes to The Duchess room and seeing her State she knows she must be operated on immediately using a direct magic infusion Billy helps The Duchess feel better Billy reveals how the vicount can't do this therapy since he's a man she then remarks how she would often spend a lot of moments like this if she had a family the duess stares at the little girl she thanks Billy and drifts to sleep almost immediately the next morning The Duchess sends her thanks and many desserts as a reward to Billy wondering who to share all these desserts with Billy goes to Eric's room while eating cake with him she reveals what conspired with the duchess Eric reveals how he also has trouble sleeping which Billy explains is because he doesn't move enough or get enough sunlight she promises to help him sleep tonight and take his hands but only to realize he's burning up upon asking why he didn't say anything Eric reveals how his mother told him not to show weakness to others Billy tries to explain how this isn't about looking weak and that he doesn't have to hide it from her she transfers Eric to bed and tends to him until night Eric asks why he's sick to which Billy sigh she also doesn't know the reason as unlike her grace Eric's symptoms don't match any specific disease Eric tells her to go now but she refuses to leave telling him he should not get a adjusted to the illness as it will only make his body worse dejected Eric says they can't cure it anyway Billy assures him they can and Promises to do her best requesting that he trust her and so till the next morning Billy stays by Eric's bedside Eric wakes up the next morning to find the pain has gone he smiles fondly at a sleeping Billy Anne and thanks her El later approaches her to thank her properly Billy convinces him to go outside with him or else she might have to tend to him all night again and so Eric promises to listen to her Billy makes Eric run laps outside he gets motivated to run faster when Billy says he looks cool Billy is satisfied that Eric will eat more now that he's exercised well a growing child should eat well and sleep well after running two more laps they head inside for dinner Billy Smiles as she sees Eric eat to his heart's content she then has him start reading books again still pissed at rodri for Banning it for someone like Eric who likes reading a lot as Billy tells him to stop now as he must sleep she holds his hands to induce magic Eric points out that she looks uncomfortable and suggests he lie down on the bed with her as there's space Billy is sure Eric's suggesting that with pure intentions but she wonders if it wouldn't be appropriate to lie in the same bed with him and so she refuses saying she will stay here until he sleeps since Billy was tired too she accidentally dozed off as she woke up the next morning her vision was a little drowsy she finds a man beside her holding her hand warmly she blushes and wonders who he is maybe it was all a dream the man speaks up asking if she said he'd never lie to him she said she's the most clever and Noble and that she's the only person who cares about him he asserts that she's always been right so how could he ever let her go Billy wanted to see the man's face but was unable to move at this point she jolts awake from the strange dream she looks around but she was once in Eric's room holding his hand making her realize it was really a dream after staying up all night for a few days working on the paternity test Billy managed to make significant PR progress one last procedure was left for which she needed add off flowers she goes to ask the vicount for them but he auses instantly Billy did expect he wouldn't just hand them over since they are poisonous ARCA gives her two options either she can walk out the door right now or she can tell him why she needs the flower and then walk out the door whatever she chooses she won't be getting those pedals Billy is aware that it's natural for the vicount not to trust her since he hasn't known her for very long she makes him look at her report as it will EXP explain why she needs the Ed off pedals Lord ARA agrees to read it but says it won't make him change his decision however ARA was stunned to see the report that was on the paternity test modification Billy Anne explains how if one mixes Efron leaves and Sira roots in a 3:1 ratio boils the mix for 80 hours or more adds a few add off pedals and decoct it it should be effective in simplifying the paternity tests procedure this would in turn shorten the process by 3 days ARA found the discovery unbelievable Billy shrugs casually stating that all that's left is to figure out the right amount of Ed off pedals ARCA asks how she came up with this Billy Smiles reminding him she's a genius instead of stating the truth that she went back in time she confesses that she studied it because she thought he might find it useful thinking it didn't work she excuses herself later ARA Ponders about his new assistant she was better than his previous assistance the youngest but the smartest and yet she doesn't try to smile and please people all the time he Chuckles faintly realizing she is like him in that sense he realizes how he ended up coming to her room without realizing it he walks towards the door to see Billy engrossed in reading books and smiles fondly he bumps into Jenny on his way back she reports to him the notes Billy wrote in her medical diary about Eric's symptoms reading them ARCA orders Jenny not to keep an eye on Billy andore he instructs Jenny to relay his apologies to Billy for his earlier suspicions and to offer her cake additionally he tasks Jenny with Gathering information about Billy's other preferences the following day Billy and Eric embarked on a picnic Eric mentions that rodri informed him about the abundance of cherries in the area prompting them both to go cherry picking however on Route Billy notices a snake slithering near Eric's feet reacting swiftly she rushes to protect Eric from the snake's attack but in doing so she herself gets bitten and collapses in pain Billy dreams of a grown-up Lord Eric advising her not to walk around with wet hair in the winter or she might catch a cold he helps her dry her hair and asks if she needs help with anything else like a bath this causes Billy to blush and she tells him to stop saying things like this she tells him not to hit him as she will hurt herself he confesses how he never wants to have the experience of his sickness again it was when she tended to him that night that he realized she had become his world Billy could feel Teardrops on her face causing her to wake up she sees a teary eyed Eric calling out to her Eric reveals how she has been asleep for 2 days Billy says says it's common for one to get bitten by a heronia python he asks why she did that Billy Smiles saying that his condition is so sensitive that they can only use a limited number of herbs to treat him it was better if she got bitten because she could take any medicine Eric turns sad and apologizes for being weak she assures him that it isn't his fault besides he is getting healthier all the time Eric asks Billy to promise him she will never do something like that again however she refuses stating that his health is her top priority before he he can protest arcab barges into the room with the duchess he inquires what Billy would have done if it had been a snake with fatal poison because she would have died Billy says she knew it was a heronia python and that she'd trust ARCA to treat her well ARA says it is obvious as treating a snake bite like that is no big deal for him The Duchess thanks and apologizes to Billy who assures her she's fine ARA suggests leaving so Billy can get some rest and she has already put sleeping herbs next to her bed seeing how perfect his treatment is Billy wonders why ARA failed before a Hees that skilled a doctor she pushes her thoughts aside and goes back to sleep wondering what she was dreaming about before as she doesn't remember anymore thanks to the Vic Count's care Billy Anne recovered soon enough she couldn't proceed with her research while lying in bed but that time wasn't entirely fruitless she had earned the trust of the people in the manor Lord ARA once again told The Duchess and Eric he would go to iria while leaving Billy in charge and this time they both willingly agreed to it Eric completely opened up to Billy an and came to spend time with her every day The Duchess extended her kindness towards Billy demonstrating a newfound warmth she presented a selection of desserts crafted by talented chefs and encouraged Billy to choose her favorite additionally she offered to hire the chef responsible for the chosen dessert expressing her willingness to double their current earnings even if they were already employed elsewhere it most certainly seems Billy an has gained The Duchess favor this gesture also served as a reminder to Billy of the immense wealth of the the Duke's family but to think that such a prosperous duy was taken over by rodri and ended in ashes was indeed a Pity Billy wasn't expecting all this when she got bitten by the snake but it seems all has turned out well The Duchess entrusts her to take care of his son she even has many tailor catalog sent her way disapproving of arca's choice of dresses for Billy a while later Jenny approaches Billy asking what she wants when asked if she needs a friend her age Billy States they are too dumb and if she needs one they must be at least 19 Billy obviously becomes suspicious and asks what the matter is Jenny reveals how Lord ARA sent her to see what Billy liked as he needs to apologize for his earlier suspicions seeing this as an opportunity Billy feigns sorrow and wishes for a lab to do her experiments hearing this ARCA decides to gift her a grander lab than his in competition with the duchess gifting Billy dresses he also sends the 18-year-old deal to be Billy's friend when he goes away despite Deal's protests it is because Billy asked for an older kid to be her friend and so when Billy and Eric were having tea deal approached the girl and introduced himself as her new friend Billy becomes shocked and mentally cries as all she asked for was a lab he also reveals how he will be in charge of building her research lab Billy drools in astonishment though she was confused there was no way in hell she would refuse such a great offer theal also mentions how he was supposed to be on vacation but Billy said she needed a clever 19-year-old friend so here he is he bows and leaves Billy Billy Smiles at the thought of having a private research lab with a greenhouse she never expected that she continues imagining until she senses hostile energy nearby she glances up at Eric who has a sullen expression on his face she tries to touch his forehead to check if he has a fever but Eric grabs her hand he asks if she needs a friend and a clever 19-year-old one at that Billy says not exactly but it would be nice if they were older and cleverer pouting Eric asks why older Billy says it's because she'd enjoy the conversation more Eric asks if she likes that man he squeezes her hand asking if he is too young and not fun to talk to or does she not think of him as a friend Billy instantly turns surprised and says she does not think of him as a friend he's a noble and the air to how serious while she is just a commoner this is why they can't be friends seeing him dejected Billy says they might have an even closer relationship than that speaking of which Billy remembers how rodri will be visiting the Mansion soon she'd better build more trust before his arrival Billy States that they are unique to each other Eric blushes asking forever to which Billy says yes as she feeds him strawberries she feels as if she's his parent Eric pouts complaining about how he wants to grow taller and be smarter he is not a 19-year-old but wants to be like one Billy Smiles at his cuteness and tells him to grow healthy if he does a few days passed by and ARA got ready to leave for his journey informing The Duchess he would be back in 3 months The Duchess hopes he finds his daughter this time and tells him not to worry about them since they have Billy here ARA smiles thinking about how they tried to stop him from leaving before Billy bids goodbye to him but ARA says she should accompany him to the harbor since she's his assistant he also has deal come with them so they can buy some equipment for the lab deal tells Billy that his lordship wants to buy her gifts himself but ARCA States he's only going with her because he doesn't trust she will buy the right things as Billy and deal follow him outside Eric calls out to her telling her he trusts her this confuses her but she acknowledges him this was the first time Billy was leaving the manor since she got here and that too is to buy her lab equipment ARCA coughs loudly to catch her attention he points out her dress asking who gave her it Billy reveals how The Duchess bought it for her he comments that it looks too plain Billy reveals that she chose the design hearing this ARCA changes his verdict and states the dress is nice and it's just a hairpin that's a bit too fancy Billy says she thought this one looked the prettiest to which ARA nods in agreement stating it looks good Billy becomes confused while deal laughs awkwardly as they Journey they spot a mysterious figure being apprehended deal discloses that it appears to be the Sorceress caught for practicing forbidden magic emphasizing the consequences associated with such acts this Revelation prompts Billy to reflect deeply yet her contemplation is abruptly interrupted by a jolt of shock when she recognizes the arrested individual as the elderly woman they encountered earlier she never asked the lady who she was since they were going to die anyway but of all people she's a sorceress she gets chills as she recalls how she's the one who manipulated time itself this makes Billy wonder if the Sorceress used forbidden Magic on her and if she did what price would she have to pay she suddenly dozes off while wondering about it the scene shifts to an older Billy trying to explain to Lord Eric that she liked the time they spent together in childhood amused Eric hands her a strawberry and asks her to feed it to him as she always used to back then he uses her hand to eat one reminding Billy how they used to hold hands too Rita is suddenly bed awake by deal who informs her that they have arrived at the equipment store embarrassed Billy exits the carriage and follows deal to the store she notices how she keeps dozing off these days and keeps having dreams too but for some reason she doesn't remember what they are about on the other hand Eric reaches the duchy's training grounds and meets with the captain of serious guards jokin Kensington he expresses his wish to learn how to use the sword jokin reminds Eric of how he stopped since it tires him out but Eric replies that he changed his mind thinking about Billy and deal together he States how he wants to grow tall and strong for which he needs to exercise jokin laughs proudly and Promises to introduce him to an excellent Knight who can help him he calls for zekel kais jokin explains to Eric how zekel is the best night when it comes to teaching young trainees he warns Eric that zekel is strict and doesn't have a great temper Eric nods and agrees to practice more since he is way behind others surprising the two older men as jokin watches the boy train it reminds him of the late Duke the boy has a great frame so he is certain Eric might become as skilled as his father the only drawback is how ill he is though the sword was too heavy for Eric he didn't want to give up or seem like a child he vows to do his best for Billy Anne meanwhile ARA and Billy observe the various lab equipment at the store as deal asks which beers he should order both reply that they should buy in all sizes as he asks more questions deal remarks about how two people with honey brown hair are telling him the same things at the same time he Chuckles remarking that it's like he's joined a family shopping day his statement makes the other two scoff both comments once again at the same time that brown is the most common hair color on the continent as they reach the harbor later Billy sincerely thanks the vicount for the lab equipment as well as everything he has done for her she promises to produce good results and work on the paternity tests she also hopes he finds his daughter this time so he won't need her new method ARCA Smiles he hesitates to produce a single sentence confusing Billy flustered ARCA asks if it's better than the dresses deal Whispers to Billy that the vicount is asking if she likes it better than her Grace's present confused she says she guesses so with this the vicount smirked in satisfaction he laughs saying a doctor knows what a doctor likes the best so his gift is the best deal pleads with Billy to keep saying yes Billy remains confused but agrees and thanks ARA for the presence with that ARA leaves for his journey at night Jenny informs Billy of how Eric says he has muscle pain approaching him Billy is shocked to learn Eric's swordsmanship she suggests he learn it when he gets older since he's still a baby this makes Eric pout cutely and he protests that he isn't a baby he mentions how zekel said he has great talent and learns fast Billy smiles and states that he must sleep early now since his training is at dawn Eric smiles and confesses how he always used to think he wouldn't wake up after sleeping since he was always ill but after Billy stays with him he has never been so happy Billy promises to protect him from such nights and he also promises to protect her after he grows healthy as Billy later approaches her room she sees the red light in The Duchess room blinking red she rushes instantly to The Duchess room wondering how long it has been blinking her grace would die in 6 years if things had gone as before but what if her time got shortened because she was too late but seeing the duchess's voice cough she was glad it wasn't too late yet she barges in to see The Duchess coughing up blood The Duchess tries to hide that handkerchief but Billy has already seen it Billy asks if she has been hiding this All Along The Duchess pleads with Billy to keep it a secret from Lord ARA upon asking why The Duchess reveals how Lord ARA once quit being their doctor 7 years ago that was when her husband Duke Sirius started coughing up blood the vicount said that it was a serious matter and quit advising them to find another doctor as he was looking for his daughter and couldn't be available all the time to attend to him so they found another doctor and the Duke died after that the vicount had no choice but to return she says it doesn't matter whether she dies or not as long as her child is safe Billy promises not to tell ARCA and is glad that at least she now knows and can try treating The Duchess she takes the bloody handkerchief with her and leaves meanwhile Eric continues training with seel who also lectures him on how to lie as it is necessary for people like them when dealing with enemies Billy continues researching in her new lab on the cause of The Duchess spitting up blood one day she reacts and CCA leaves with the blood only to find them reacting this confuses her as this is used as an antitoxin for highi flowers she gulps in fear as she realizes it is poison it wasn't an ordinary disease it seems someone is trying to poison the duchess the poison from the highi flow causes common headaches and stomach AES most people wouldn't think these symptoms came from Poison this person is trying to kill the duchess slowly without anyone knowing but this poison needs to be regularly consumed for a long time to have a f effect at least once every 2 months in small amounts as she observes the reaction she notices how the concentration of the poison has decreased though Billy doesn't know who's feeding the duess poison it is clear who's behind this the people who profited the most from the duchess's death in her previous life were Baron eister and rodri but telling her grace about her suspicions against her brother might destroy the trust Billy has built so far Billy knows she has to find solid evidence so that the baron can't make any excuses as the baron Zack eer comes to meet his sister during one of his visits he asks about her health she states how she is used to it now he asks if she hasn't told ARCA about her symptoms and she says no he says he's glad to hear that as he is worried the vicount might leave again the baron notices her drinking a different tea than hers and points It Out The Duchess reveals how the Vic Count's new assistant is making her drink it but she hears it's not good for men Billy had given it to The Duchess and instructed her to take it regularly brw in water if anyone ask she must tell them it's tea and not give it to anyone else Billy had also requested that she dine with her grace tonight and tomorrow evening to see the effects of the medicine in person hence she refuses her brother when he asks her to dine together he calls her cruel for not spending time with her and The Duchess coldly asks why there is something he has to say only during meal times this makes the baron grit his teeth in anger on the other hand rodri asks Eric why he's ignoring his advice and practicing swordsmanship Eric tells him he is much healthier than before and doesn't stop drinking milk even when rodri tells him he will get fat rodri asks who told her this stuff and Eric replies that it's Billy the new assistant rodri frowns deciding to find out what she's up to however before he can request to meet her Eric firmly rejects it stating that he's 17 this confuses rodri he tells Eric to be a good boy and listen to him since he's his only friend and cousin he asks if it's so hard to introduce just one pretty girl to him hearing this Eric turns enraged and doesn't change his mind mind stating he has a right to refuse rodri since she's one of his people he asserts the fact that rodri isn't a serious since this was the first time Eric had put his foot down rodri was surprised he gets what his little cousin means and grins He suggests Eric lose some weight if he wants the girl to like her because he looks fat otherwise the girl may get disappointed and leave stating that Billy is one of his people and won't be honest like he is and so Eric nods in agreement with rodri reminding him to keep it a secret between the two men at dinner Billy had requested that Seafood be removed from the menu for a while since she couldn't bear its smell The Duchess complied with her request for which Billy thanked her hii's flowers have a distinct smell and if anyone wanted to put it into food they'd go for seafood so in reality she just wanted to make sure the rest of the food was safe seeing Eric not eating The Duchess asks if he's all right Eric apologizes stating that he can't eat anymore this surprises Billy and she wonders why he's suddenly not eating even though he is well she contemplates the possibility that rodri might have said something to him again since they spent time together this afternoon she sigh deciding to have a word with him again what would this family do without Billy after all Billy had asked deal to plant some kef in the greenhouse as a favor she also has him hang a toy on the greenhouse key keep it on the desk in his room and not lock his door for a while she then asks him to let her know if the key disappears not revealing what all this is for as deal Waters the plants he Ponders what the girl is thinking but it seems she is a close book just like Lord ARA but he decides to do as she says as he is certain Billy wouldn't do this for no reason and for some reason he finds himself almost looking forward to seeing what she will do that night Billy asks if rodri told him anything this afternoon Eric waivers stating that rodri said it's a secret between men she asks if he means a lot to him to which Eric nods stating he is his only friend and cousin Billy suggests he introduce her to him but he firmly refuses revealing that rodri called her pretty Billy says he's right and asks what's wrong with that Eric answers that she also likes older boys despite her reasoning Eric refuses to let her meet rodri he pouts stating she wants to meet rodri after being close to deal and calls her a heartbreaker he sigh muttering how he heard it was difficult being with a heartbreaker confused Billy asks who told him that kind of stuff which Eric reveals zekel told him Billy mentally curses at The Swordsman Eric articulates that he doesn't mind her being a heartbreaker as long as she stays with him he reaches his hand out stating that he wants to sleep now Billy takes her hand and asks who he likes more rodri or her she changes her question to whom he trusts more and Eric turns quiet when she reminds him that she is the person who cares for him the most he says he trusts her the most she advises him not to listen to other people when it comes to what he thinks is right or what he wants or likes he smiles saying zekel said something similar and he promises to remember that Billy smiles and helps him fall asleep the scene shifts to Billy in a banquet hall this makes her wonder what a commoner like her is doing here too while wearing such a fancy dress more importantly she doesn't look like a 13-year-old she approaches a grown-up Eric who says she's late and asks if she had fun dancing with that damn Prince he pulls her closer asking if the sly scumbag kept his hand on her waist the whole time he asks where else he touched her he says she's been popular ever since she was young but never thought she'd get even the prince's attention he smiles sadly REM marking that he doesn't mind her being a heartbreaker as long as she stays next to him suddenly a loud noise erupted outside the hall causing Billy to turn her gaze backward Billy jolts awake as deal shouts for her to open the door he reveals how just as she said the greenhouse key is gone as she gets ready to head to the greenhouse she Ponders whether she is dreaming about something unable to remember she shrugs the thought aside seeing that the kefit has grown well she Praises deal she then has him hide and wait for the culprit as they always come back to the crime scene she states that this criminal will most likely return in the evening when the kefit scent becomes weak she gives him a single communication ring to contact her if someone comes so they can catch the thief red-handed in the evening Billy takes a walk with the duchess and Eric however she doesn't get why she has put their hands in the middle Eric reveals how he rode a horse and won the race Billy congratulates him promising to cheer for him only this makes Eric smile Eric notices the ring sparkling on her finger and points It Out Billy realizes it's Deal's signal and suggests the other two see the CFR she has been raising in the greenhouse as the door was open Billy rushed in shouting who's there a maid stood near the Keats trembling in fear she asks the maid if she is trying to steal her krat but the maid hesitates to speak up Billy grins as her plans work she now has proof to silence the baron the maid apologizes saying she just wanted to taste them Billy asked if she wanted to taste an unpopular fruit that's also difficult to eat the m begins to make up an excuse that deal asked her but just then deal pulls out of the sacks nearby he states that he never asked her to do anything the maid was speechless by now Billy reveals how the hii's flower is poisonous and if consumed regularly it causes headaches stomach AES and coughing up blood the seafood that can mask the flower's smell is no longer being served in the palace but this greenhouse started growing krat which can also hide the flower's smell which is why the maid wanted it the maid asks for forgiveness stating she just followed orders Eric asks what's going on and Billy says she wanted to check something which is that she got the signal from Deal's Ring The Duchess orders sir jokin to be brought immediately deciding to interrogate the maid herself she then hugs Billy and thanks her Billy hugs her back hoping the real Mastermind behind this gets caught later deal reveals to Billy that the maid bit her tongue as soon as the torture began plus the maid's identity in Hometown were all fake Billy knew that her existence was a threat to to them which meant she was in danger deal Praises her for figuring it all out affirming how even Eric was impressed back then deal says he isn't sure what exactly happened but she did find out something Billy says it concerns medical knowledge so naturally he doesn't know theal hums in agreement and remarks that perhaps Baron eer would have explained it to them if he were there surprised Billy asks if The Baron's a doctor theal reveals that he isn't but he has a lot of medical knowledge and thanks to that he could help with the delivery of Lord arc's daughter apparently the vi Countess went into early labor while she was at The Baron's estate this is why the vicount doesn't even know what his daughter looks like he was only told that the child had blonde hair like the vicount test and green eyes hence he's been checking on all 13-year-old girls with blonde hair and green eyes throughout the continent hearing this things started adding up for Billy Anne it turns out that it wasn't a coincidence that the poison from the hii's flower was used Baron eer has been planning to take down the duy in a very meticulous and evil way for for a longer time than Billy had thought on the other hand Baron Zach reveals to his son how the Spy Melanie was caught but fortunately she killed herself soon after but he didn't know if she was caught as a fruit thief or also for using poison rodri asks if her grace didn't say anything to him Zach says she doesn't usually say much to him rodri reminds him that they still have Esther and Cain left the baron agrees but decides to have them lay low for a while since they have time as Eric is still young rodri SI revealing how Eric has been acting differently lately even since he became close to the new assistant he hasn't been eating the snacks rodri gives him anymore The Baron's ears perk up at the mention of Billy and he orders him to keep an eye on her he tells rodri to meet the girl who has earned the duy's trust at the age of 13 plus it won't be easy to send their people if the girl sticks around now isn't the time but it would be better if they got rid of her someday the next day The Duchess thanked Billy Anne for what she did yesterday she reveals how the people of the palace fortunately thinks she executed a thief as that made it easier to keep the truth concealed Billy asks if it wouldn't have harmed the reputation of the family to give such a harsh punishment The Duchess agrees that she doesn't have a merciful image but it states that it can also act as a warning to those who come to work here Billy expresses her concern about the real Mastermind behind this having not been caught asserting that it must be a person with professional medical knowledge she suggests The Duchess get frequent blood checks and be extra careful from now on along with as he might be in danger too this worries The Duchess and she has Billy promised to take care of him Billy assures her she won't leave until Lord Eric comes of Age The Duchess asks what her plans are after that to which Billy states she hasn't thought about it yet The Duchess suggests she become their official doctor Billy asks about Aram to which The Duchess shrugs casually saying they can fire him plus he will also be glad to leave to find his daughter she vows to treat Billy better than anyone in the Empire Billy says she will think about it the The Duchess says she will reward her and asks if there's something she's always wanted this makes Billy Anne Ponder she remembers the time she spent in prison in the past in her last moments she had thought of her parents and so she confesses to The Duchess that she wants to find her family she reveals how the people of the orphanage found her on a river bank on the outskirts of the duche so they might be from this duy and so if there's someone who lost a girl with brown hair and green eyes 13 years ago she'd like to take a paternity test with them The Duchess agreed and decides to have it announced to the entire duche stating that everyone needs a family and if she needs a mother The Duchess tells her to think of her as one Billy becomes flustered saying she can't dare as she's a commoner The Duchess sigh sadly later Billy Ponders even marriages between Nobles and commoners are illegal so thinking of The Duchess as her mother would be impossible she's someone Billy wouldn't have dared look in the eye at in her past life Billy comes across Lord Eric and rodri playing tennis Eric spots Billy who Whispers to him good luck Eric nods in encouragement and gives his best rodri grinds his teeth in frustration he tells Eric not to serve like that as it's a foul saying he has no skill Eric states that he intended to shoot there rodri smirks and mockingly remarks that this is why the servants don't even respect him Billy becomes furious at rodri's audacity to break her kid's Spirit she strides towards him presenting herself as a witness and asserts it wasn't a foul but was rodri's Miss rodri turns angry but before he can say something to her her Eric blocks her behind him he warns rodri not to treat Billy like that as he won't forgive anyone who harms her even if it's him rodri asks if he's talking back to him Eric asserts that this is serious and he's the heir to the duy hence rodri cannot mistreat his people in his land Billy watches him in amazement wondering how he could grow so much in just a month rodri inquires if it's being suggested that a mere commoner like Billy holds a closer bond with Eric than he does Billy interjects confidently affirming this assertion she declares how she surpasses rodri in both Beauty and charm rendering him no competition adding to his irritation she asserts her Superior intellect Eric expresses his fondness for rodri but cautions him against mistreating Billy without waiting for rodri's response Eric swiftly departs with Billy later Eric asks Billy about the ring she contemplates discarding it to which Eric proposes doing so together although initially puzzled by the suggestion Billy agrees witnessing their friendship rodri sees with anger complains to his father on the carriage ride back about how he left without getting back at Eric and the assistant the baron tells him to calm down and be patient for a little longer he assures his son that if things turn out well the entire serious estate will belong to him he only has to do what he says he recalls how he told her their first Target vicount arca's wife and her unborn child the baren grins assured that everything will turn out as he said it does concern him that he didn't see the vi Count's daughter's death himself but he is certain there is no possibility of her being still alive and even if she is the vicount won't be able to find her deal meets Lord ARA at the harbor as he returns seeing that he returned alone he guesses ARCA didn't find his daughter yet again instead he brought several presents for Billy but refused to admit it he then asks deal if her Grace bought better presents for her while he was away deal says no but the duchess is doing something even greater than the presents ARCA leans closer to him and asks what it is flustered deal reveals it is finding her birth parents but it seems the few paternity tests that were done have all come out negative deal wishes for good results for both Billy notes how Eric has become a lot healthier than before but he still occasionally has seizures and feels dizzy she somehow has to find the cause and cure him fortunately the baron hasn't made any moves since that incident but it still doesn't feel safe to Billy she did ask The Duchess about Baron eer but all she said was that he doesn't have the brains or guts to devise a scheme on his own could it be that there's someone behind him Billy doesn't know anything for certain right now she pushes her thoughts aside as deal approaches her room he informs her how the vicount has returned and so Billy follows him to meet ARA on her way she bumps into Eric who glares a deal she tells him she's going to meet the vicount so he has her go after making her promise to come tonight as he can't sleep without her Billy meets the vicount and looks at the present she brought she finds a plant among them that she has never seen before the vicount also hadn't seen it and reveals how it's a willow grass he reveals how ayia has lots of rare herbs probably because of its unique climate he says he wouldn't normally be interested in herbs with unknown effects but since she likes them he brought them she thanks him ib's plants are known to have unique effects when Billy turned 19 doctors began trading actively making those plants more accessible she was also planning to get some of them to study however that was when Eric died and things fell into chaos a few days later Billy requests that arur review a report for her she states how she has been studying the willow grass for the last few days and compared its effects with Lord Eric's symptoms if her results are accurate even in the absence of knowledge regarding the cause of Eric's illness before she can finish her sentence ARCA interjects suggesting they might have a solution however he says the treatment will be quite complex she says it's true but there is no other way ARCA says Eric will have to leave for ibia if they use the treatment but he's only 13 Billy protests that he is the only heir of Sirius and they can't lose him to this illness she knows that if Eric goes to iria he will at least be safe from the baron schemes she asserts that he must be sent as soon as possible reminding ARA that doctors should try everything they can to treat their patients ARA smiles and Pats her head he agrees to speak to Grace about it and Praises her for doing a good job they turn awkward as Billy thanks him ARA says the finding wouldn't have been possible without his wise choice to bring the willowgrass here Billy interjects that it was her intelligence that allowed her to discover cover so much in such a brief time as they bicker deal Smiles observing how similar the two are and so the two later meet with the duchess and Eric the duess senses it is a serious matter but she asserts that if it's about his resignation he must wait until Billy comes of age then they will gladly let him go ARCA firmly says that isn't the matter he discloses that Billy found a way to treat Lord Eric's illness this shocks The Duchess and she asks about the method arker reveals how they can use an herb called Willow grass that grows in IIA it's not hard to get but the environment around the manor isn't ideal for storing the amount they need for treatment because it's sensitive to temperature hence Lord Eric needs to get treatment for about 5 years in the South like IIA where the weather is the same throughout the year his symptoms will go away if he continuously takes Willow grass and his health will improve to that of an average person they've got to examine him occasionally even after he's cured but he'd get to live a better life than now plus he assures The Duchess that iria has good security being a large city He suggests looking for other options if the duchess doesn't like this idea but says they believe there is no better option as of this moment after pondering for a while The Duchess tells them to do what they think is best she asks Eric about his opinion fidgeting he says he won't get better if he doesn't go Eric really wanted to become healthy and look more confident in the eyes of Billy and everyone else hence he agrees to go saying he trusts Billy but he says he wants to take a few nights with him so he can carry on with his swordsmanship training The Duchess smiles and Promises to visit him in ibia several times a year but Billy knows it won't be possible as the sea routes will be closed soon the reason she's sending Lord Eric to iria is because Pirates will cut off the sea routes starting this spring they will then stay closed for 5 years until Prince Jade wipes them out during those years they will not be able to go to iria to send or receive letters the good thing though is that staying there will keep Eric far from rodri's influence therefore she is certain he will be able to grow up without getting intimidated by him she really hopes for him to grow bigger even if they are not there to take care of him but what's most important is for Eric to grow up into a healthy man before sending him off Billy lectures him on taking the medicines he must take medicine from the red sachche when he feels weak from the Heat and the blue one when he feels dizzy she continues packing more she thanks him for deciding to go despite it being difficult and apologizes for suggesting the method Eric says she did it for his health Billy smil smes as she notes how he can be surprisingly mature sometimes he confesses how he wants her to come with him but can't Billy also says she must stay here just in case Lord ARA has to leave the palace Eric asks her to pack the snacks rodri gives him to she asks why he didn't tell her this and he says it didn't cross his mind since he's been giving them to him for many years besides he has rarely eaten them since she came here this was truly unexpected for Billy she knew they weren't good for Eric since rodri gave them to him she has Eric leave them behind as eating snacks instead of a healthy diet interferes with his growth Eric then suggests she lie down with him though she initially refuses she has to agree after Eric makes puppy eyes at her she guesses she can do that much for him since she won't be seeing him for 5 years Billy pleads with him to come back with a healthy body and wishes him to grow up well without her Eric laughs remarking that she must like him a lot he asks why she's making a sad face even though they will see each other often but all Billy could do was look at him with sadness a then asks her for a favor telling her not to forget him and how she said they are social with each other even more than friends and also not to say that to other people even when he isn't around Billy makes promises and says she will think about him every day for 5 years Eric agrees with her as well later Billy has a strange dream yet again a grownup Eric asks which scumbag she is leaving him for he demands he give her the name promising not to kill him Billy assures him she isn't leaving him for anyone he then asks why she handed in her resignation he says he endured 5 years of thinking about her and now that he has finally gotten to see her she has to leave Billy reminds him that he has fully recovered Eric kisses her hand confessing how he can't live without her she tells him to stop and Promises to give it another thought Eric turns sad and says she always keeps her distance from him unless he seduces her like this he smirks confessing how it drives him crazy Billy wakes up from her Slumber while Eric is still fast asleep it was indeed a weird dream the duchy bids for fwell to the young Duke who embarks on his journey to AIA Billy couldn't help but be teary eyed to see him leave since they had been spending a lot of time together just to be safe the servants and knights who are accompanying Eric were chosen from those who have worked at the Manor for more than 10 years she was worried about how she should explain it to The Duchess but she consented to it without even asking what Billy Anne plans to do from now on is find proof that Baron eer is the culprit before he can do anything else so that Lord Eric can safely return and rule the duy with this the video ends will Billy Anne succeed in neutralizing the threat posed by the baron to the duche what Transformations will Eric undergo during those 5 years will he retain memories of Billy furthermore can she locate her family and will vicount arker reunite with his long lost daughter stay tuned for more updates
Channel: Manhwa Tower
Views: 47,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manhwa recaps, manhwa recap, manhwa tower, Manhwa king, anistory, mystery manhwa, miss manhwa, romantic fangirl recaps, manga recap, manga recaps, recap manhwa, manga capped, manga summary, manga secrets, recap kun, asura manhwa recap, manga recapped, actiontoon, Animeworks, Recap Haven, Yahello, Manrecapz, Mr.plot, action toon, farming video, latest manhwa recap, Genius Doctor Gets Sent to the Past and Saves the Young Duke's Life, real recap
Id: ezlcdtU7A9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 44sec (3824 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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