She Teleports In A World Where Men Are In Short Numbers And Females Are Goddess-Like Figures

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the story starts with the introduction of a strange world called elision in this world men are born from the stars I didn't call it a strange world for no reason in order for the men to get married the women are summoned from other dimensions moreover instead of spending their first night together after marriage like they do it on Earth it's the complete opposite in alision the system allows women to have several husbands since there is a shortage of women in that world anyways one day as our main character named yua was going to the library to study for her finals but she fell unconscious and when she woke up she found herself in a place that resembled a prison there were several other girls in the prison with her who spoke a different language as she looked outside she realized that she wasn't in South Korea anymore suddenly a carriage stopped outside and the roof of the prison was lifted the girls noticed several men in masks staring at them directly trust me the plot gets better as all the men were busy trying to RIS up the girls one formally dressed individual who seemed to be a servant came to you in awe and told her that his Master had taken a liking to her he gave her a necklace and asked if she wanted to meet him as Y and a held the necklace she began flying in the air and landed straight into the balcony the servant led her inside the palace where she saw his master sitting in a chair caught in his own thoughts he was trying to appear mysterious however just as you thought things couldn't get any weirder a man in a cat mask came in and demanded that Y and I be handed over to him since he was the one who saw her first first of all you can't make demands like this while wearing a cat mask and second why are they treating her like she is a rare Pokemon or something anyways the two of them start arguing and finally ask yua who she wanted to choose she pointed her finger towards the mysterious guy and in the next scene the two of them were engaging in Mona negotiation yeah the spending a night together before marriage thing the guy was named even and after finishing up with the Mana negotiation yeah we are going to call it that from now on the servant came up to him and asked if he was satisfied with the girl he told him that he chose to be her sponsor the moment he saw her after waking up the servant gave UA a set of new clothes which were a sort of uniform for her classes in alision At first she hesitated to wear the clothes since they were quite revealing but the servant told her that it was the first day and she had to wear the uniform he also offered to help her wear the clothes this man is getting a bit sus not going to lie anyways she rejected and told him that she will do it on her own after getting ready she had her meal and the servant informed her about the schedule he had to go to lemis legs diverta for her classes today and go to the slave market later to get some young boys who will act as her servants yet just a normal day at Aion also for legal reasons nothing weird happens with the boys the servant then asks her if she has any questions that she would like answered uau immediately asked him why she could understand his language just now when she couldn't understand it when she got here the servant explained that it was all thanks to the pendant that he gave her earlier it was called Locus and it worked as a translator for her later she rides a magical Carriage to diverta for her first class her first class is on sexual education yep that's exactly what I was expecting the teacher was named Julia and she told them that she will be teaching them about efficient ways of Mana negotiation and how to protect their own bodies then she goes on to Yap about the Mana of aligan men so basically the Alan men have two kind of Mana one which they can easily control and one which is hard to control women can convert the uncontrollable Mana to intra which can be controlled easily so that's why Mana negotiations are important yeah it's a bit confusing anyways all the women meeting their sponsors is due to the blessings of alision at the end of the class the teacher gives them an assignment to receive a man's Astra and come back you know what it means the next lesson was on the social education course which basically explained why all of the women were brought to alisan again the teacher started yapping but the short version is that the people of alisan were born with a male body so they had to bring in women from other dimensions in order to marry a ritual happens every 3 years and all the women which are chosen by the stars are summoned the teacher finished by giving a logical explanation to all of this which was that it all happened because of Alan's will I mean you can't argue with that logic she then told them that she was also like them when she first came to this world but with time they all will slowly lose their memories of the past life and adopt to their new life here after the class is over yua is walking in the hallway still thinking about everything the teacher said lost in her thoughts she accidentally bumped into a women with red hair she immediately apologized but instead of saying anything the women Stood Still while staring her directly in the eyes moments later the servant entered the scene and asked her if she was friends with the women he explained that the women belonged to the dominant class of the alisan society in alisan there were five classes the top ranked classes were the Reed and dominant uan A's sponsor even also belonged to this class after that were the lower classes consisting of wealthy commoners and the general public the slaves in the slave market belonged to a class that was lower than all the five classes the servant informed Yu a that they were in the market which sold young boys nothing illegal about that he told y a that she got to choose which boys to take back home with them he advised her that one of the boys must be a bit grownup and the other a bit younger so that they can start working immediately as she stepped inside the market her gaze met two young boys who were staring at her she immediately chose them as her slaves but she didn't really treat them like slaves as she let them travel in the same Carriage the servant noticed this so she told him that where she is from they have already abolished slavery and kidnapping too back at the palace she asked the servant if she should take a bath but he told her that even had arranged for them to take a bath together I know where this is going my man probably needs some more Mana anyways she doesn't want to Bath together at first but then remembers the assignment that her teacher gave her and changes her mind a moment later even enters the scene and asks her to Bath together at first she tries to act hard to get but eventually agrees to bath with him on the condition that he doesn't exchange any Mama the the bath actually turns out to be a large pool with hot water and they are both fully clothed so you all can Cal down even starts asking her about her day and it starts to almost feel like an interrogation where he is asking questions and she is just responding anyways she tells him about her assignment and how she needs to have Mana exchange with someone to Ace it after helping her with the assignment they are both lying in bed yua asks even about the guy from the first day who was wearing a cat mask even asked her if she was talking about the jerus Bellis he tells her not to be so curious about him since he is just like any other guy as spelis was the same guy who tried to take you and a away from even earlier however when she was made to choose between the two of them yua chose even saying that ESP spelis was too violent and had a loud voice I mean him wearing the cat mask should have been enough of a red flag however hearing her tell him that he was violent struck a nerve and he started shedding tears even quickly grabbed yua and flew away from the scene like Superman while as spelis could do nothing but walk watch even though I don't like him I kind of feel bad for the Catman now back to the bed even asks you and all why she was so distraught he offered to take her for a cream tea date the two of them started walking along the massive Mansion as they walked even explained where each pathway and door lead uan a on the other hand was listening to none of this and was lost in her own thoughts after he was done yapping she asked him if there were any places where she shouldn't go and he told her there were none since it was basically her own home at their tea date even gave her a present that contained some sweets to compliment the tea okay I'm getting jealous now she tried the sweets and said that they were the best she ever had UA also saved some for Leo and verta these are the two young boys she brought back from the slave market the next morning Y and a woke up and realized that she was getting late to her classes today she rang the bell to call the boys who were both dressed in servant uniforms and told them to press her uniform for diverta the boy went overboard and told her that he would help her put on her clothes what's with everyone's obsession with putting on clothes for her anyway she tells him that it won't be needed and he hands her over a letter and a present the letter is from ESP spelis dical which is ais's full name if you didn't know you a realized that this letter was from the Catman but was unsure why he would send her a ladder and a present the spelis had given her a necklace as a present since she was getting late she quickly threw it at Leo and told him to put it in the dressing room as verta and Leo looked at the letter they realized that yua was already gone wish I had the same motivation to go to my classes as she entered the class the teacher tried to make it worse by announcing to the whole class that she was late the teacher had a Strang looking thing in her hand and she told her that this thing will be grading their assignment today I don't even want to know what that thing is since you Anda was late she called her to be the first one on stage to try the assignment marker as Yu and a grabbed the thing it turned into a muscular man confused she looked at the teacher who told her that she had completed her assignment really well after that she called on other students to grade their last assign assignment as well after she was done grading she told them that the only person who brought this much Mana for their first assignment is Miss Felicia she was the same red-haired women who bumped into you and a earlier the teacher told them that if they continue negotiating Mana it will only increase their capacity to hold more Mana in the future which will further improve their way of life so they should all work hard for their Mana negotiations after giving this motivational speech she tried to make a cool exit but was stopped at the door by Felicia she told her that she wanted to make an announcement in class Felicia said that a supervisor will be coming to visit the houses of all students in the near future if they are being treated unfairly at their house or if their sponsor is forcing them to do anything they should alert the supervisor before leaving she gave one final look to y a which made her Panic after class she ran back to her carriage while regretting not being able to apologize to Felicia in a better way as she sat in her carriage as spelis watched her from afar the next morning she woke up with flowers and letters form asell as she held the letter in her hand even entered the room and asked her if asellus sent it to her she wonders if even is mad at her but instead of being mad he tells her that he won't stop asellus if he actually wants to marry her however he should have asked him first since he is her sponsor u a told him that she couldn't marry iselis since she only met him recently moreover him suggesting that she marry someone else made her emotional she said that she wanted to continue living with him hearing this he took her to a walk in the garden as they both sat in the garden even gave yuanna a present the present contained different paints that were made at callan's public art studio upon receiving the present she asked him how he knew that she liked painting he probably stalked her in sta anyways he told her that he knows everything about her and that it was the season for importing tools so if she needed anything she should just tell him as he was talking he noticed that yua had started crying she had always been a loner in her life on Earth it was a new experience for her to receive a gift from someone else she thanked him by pushing him to to the ground weird way to thank someone but I'm not judging her emo mood shifted to something more Sinister and she told him that the weather was nice and it won't be cold even if they took off their clothes yet then they negotiated Mana later as y andau was painting in her room the servant came up to her and told her that there had been a situation as she walked down the stairs she saw asell standing in front of her he told her that he was there for an inspection nice try buddy try coming up with a better coverup story next time y a asked the servant why the cat man was here and he told her that there had been cases of unfair treatment of the sponsors recently and that's why the whole of alision is under inspection you andau finally remembered that Felicia mentioned an inspection at diverta the servant welcomed the Catman and offered to take him to the living room on the first floor but he kept staring at you in awe the servant noticed this and told him that it was inappropriate behavior to stare at someone on their first meeting moments later they were all in the living room the spelis ordered that everyone expect you and I'll leave the room after the others left he started asking her questions about herself however when she mentioned Ian and the answers he got mad and asked her if she knew how long he had been looking for her he told her that even after doing so much to come here he has to hear that bastard's name the Catman told her that he was here to rescue her from the clutches of the demon named Evan he then asked her why she didn't choose him that day when she was given the choice Yu and a decided to be honest and told him that she didn't like Violent Men she said that even never raised his voice even once in front of her hearing this a spelis got a bit emotional and asked if all he had to do was to lower his voice this man just doesn't give up he stood up from the couch and sat close to you in awe he then grabbed her hand and told her about how much did he kept thinking about her from the day that he first saw her so basically he wanted to sleep with her Yan a refused at first telling him that she was dating Ian however he told her that he came here as an inspector to make sure that Ian was not limiting her right to have free Mana negotiation with anyone she wanted so in summary she should sleep with him because there is no one to stop her can't argue with hard logic Yu and a tried acting slick by not agreeing to it straight on and instead indirectly telling him to proceed he took her to the bed and as they were about to commence Mona negotiation a spelis unknowingly held UA's wrist too hard which caused her a bit of pain the Catman immediately stepped back and uau told him not to do anything without asking her next time this made him a bit sad since he didn't want to hurt her seeing him sitting like this reminded y andau of a big cat she thought to herself that it would have been impossible for her to meet handsome men like her back at Earth in alision men want to be accepted and chosen by the females regardless of their own status this is why females are able to have multiple husbands you andau realize that she could do whatever she wanted since she was in alision now so she decided that it was okay for her to do the thing with alision strangely this time she could feel the Mana inside of her when the Mana negotiation was finally done aelis Sat by her side like a cat and asked her if he did good since it was his first time she told him she had taken in too much mana and was tired so he should just leave for now hearing this the Catman packed up and left after he left the door to the drawing room opened and the servant walked in IM man could instantly sniff that she had done something horrible he told her that even though it was okay for her to have Mana negotiations with multiple men doing it with aelis was a mistake since their families are on very bad terms politically however Yuan all was too tired to hear his BS so she fell asleep again the next morning as she woke up and got ready she heard a knock on the bedroom door and even walked in he saw that the kids were helping her get ready so he told her that he will wait Yan a told the kids to leave and asked him about his relationship with as spelis hearing his name changed the facial expressions of Ian Yan a told him that he visited today as the investigation officer he immediately knew that something was wrong since someone else could have easily been assigned to be the investigator he asked her if he did anything inappropriate to her and she told him the entire story this confession felt like a big boulder to Evan a boulder that had just fallen on his head he fell to his knees from the shock Yan tried apologizing for what she did but he told her not to do it since she didn't do anything wrong even told her that it was his duty as her sponsor to make sure she could do anything she wanted a while later the two of them went on to eat some snacks she told even that she could feel the magic inside her from all the Mana she had received even was mad at first since out of all the men as spelis was responsible for making her feel her magical powers however he kept the anger to himself and put on a smile he congratulated her and told her to go to diverta for a test the next morning yuanna found out that the servant went to Ellis's office as soon as Ian went to work and punched him in the face moreover she could use magic now UA had acquired floating telekinesis magic which allowed her to levitate small things on will it also helped her in painting she went to her room and started levitating a bunch of flowers and jewelry however she soon realized that the things she was levitating were gifts from a Bellis she thought that the gifts he gave her were burdensome since she already had so much jewelry as she was trying on a necklace even walked into the room and asked her if that was her preference she asked him about his reason for visiting her and he told her that he didn't need any reason to visit his lover I can feel the RZ hearing this made even happy and they started preparing for Mona negotiation however she noticed that even had a bandage on his arm she quickly stopped and asked him what that was he admitted that the bandage was due to his fight with a spelis he took off his shirt to reveal his injured chest she got emotional after seeing the injury so he told her that it was nothing compared to the wounds he had endured during his Expeditions he said that he and ESP spelis had never been on good terms with each other and used to fight over minor issues all the time meanwhile in her mind y a vowed to not forgive as spelis for all the injuries he caused to even the next morning Yu andau decided to take matters into her own hands and left while even was still sleeping verta and Leo tried to stop her but those baby hands were not enough to make her stay she told them that she was going to Ellis's house to get revenge as she rode the magical Carriage to Ellis's house she thought of all the good times she spent with him by good times I meant the Mona negotiations she tried to stop herself from giving into the temptation of that handsome Catman after she reached the house she was stopped at the gate by one of the servants who asked her to identify herself she told him that she was there to meet iselis but he didn't let her through and told her that she should go back as verta and Leo were taking her back to the carriage another Serv ran up to her and told her that the Lord had ordered to bring her inside as she went inside she noticed a guy sitting on a couch with his back turned towards her his hair resembled that of a spelis so she thought the man must be him however as she went closer and angrily touched his shoulder the man looked back and it was someone else she immediately apologized and told him that she mistook him for a spelis the man told her that he didn't like a spelis associating himself with lowly women like herself the man kept yapping about how she wasn't Fit For A spelis and y a kept listening moments later apellis entered the room and saw uau sitting on the couch the man turned out to be his father Yuan A's mouth was left wide open when she realized that the man was his dad she told as spelis that she had been looking for him but now she was thinking of going back since she didn't make an appointment before coming here just as she planned apellis didn't let her leave and told her that he was happy that she visited his mansion He asked her if his father said something to her his father told him that he thought that the weird women was being a nuisance to him but aelis immediately denied it saying that uau wasn't like that uau grabbed his hand and told him that she came here to say something important to him asellus suggested that they go to the bedroom to discuss the important piece of information she has you already know where this is going anyways the two of them went to the bedroom and you and all started checking if he was hurt anywhere she started with his face which didn't seem injured but when he took off his soup she saw that his entire chest and arm was badly injured looking at this she started crying and told him that she she came here because she was angry that even got hurt but she didn't know that he was hurt this badly too she also told him that receiving letters from him without any reason was a bit too much for her and he should stop doing it Yuan a told him that she didn't need his presence and they were just like a burden to her at this point Yuan a was there to end it all so she said that there was nothing between them anymore and that he should forget about her however before she could leave as spelis came running behind her and apologized saying that he just wanted to have a physical relation between them since he knows that she will never become his women bro once the Mana hearing this y andau flipped again and told him that she won't be satisfied with just I don't even know what is going on with her anymore after their Mona negotiation session a spelis told her that she could stay for the night as even would be busy with his work anyways he promised to take her back the next day the next morning she sat in the garden having breakfast with a spelis who kept staring at her he told her that it would be nice if she could speak more comfortably with her instead of being so formal all the time or over since they were BAS basically dating now she should give him a nickname Yuan a decided to play along with him and asked him if he would be committed to her for his entire life the spell stood up immediately and told her that he doesn't even think about any other women yua tells him that starting now they will go on dates every week expect on the weekends on her way back to Evan's Mansion she realized what she had just done she was basically dating her sponsor's foe however she decided to let it all go for the moment and sleep when she woke up even asked her about the weekend thing she asked him who told him and he said that aelis came into his office and made a big scene she asked him if he was mad at her for dating aelis but he reassured her that it was fine and he would always be standing besides her as her husband hearing this made her shocked since she wasn't planning on marrying him anytime soon even quickly took out a ring and asked her if she wanted to be his wife seeing that she was hesitant with her answer even stood back up and apologized to her for asking her to marry him he said that it was selfish of him to do that since he was trying to restrict her to fall in love with just one man he gave her the ring and told her to put it on when her heart felt like it even also told her that it is time for him to make arrangements for her meeting other guys who could be her potential husbands the first guy she met was wearing a formal green suite and almost burned his mouth form the hot tea after that she met a lot of other guys who proposed to her and wanted to have some of her Mana all of this overwhelmed her and she started screaming this caused her to wake up and she noticed that she was in bed with a spelis she quickly hugged him and told him that he was the best he told her that she looked tired and asked if it was because of Evan she told him to calm down and said that it was nothing after that he hugged her and they both engaged in Mana negotiations this man was sure does like Mana negotiations the next day you and a sat at a large dinner table with Evan he told her that it had been a while since they last ate together and asked her if she slept properly last night don't worry man she slept more than well last night even told her that Lieutenant Arnold wanted to meet with her again it was the same guy who accidentally burned himself with the hot tea hearing his name made her feel disguised but even told her that he wasn't the guy she was going to meet today the man she is going to meet is named Lieutenant Colonel Samuel Dietrich he told her that Samuel is in the same class as he is the dominant class you and a decided to meet Samuel and a meeting between the two was fixed later that night as she was sitting on the bed the kid came to her and told her that there was a guest waiting for her downstairs you and a knew that it was Samuel and went on to greet him Samuel was a blue-haired man with blue eyes he offered her a drink but she refused saying that she didn't drink she told him that instead of having a drink first they should engage in conversation Samuel smiled and told her straight up that she wanted her to engage in Mona exchange with her when she hesitated Samuel got angry and started being rude to the servant yua told the servant to do as Samuel said and told him not to be rude he stood up and said that before they begin with the Mana exchange he wanted to show her what he was made of so basically he wanted her to take his Mana in her mouth and she refused saying that she never did anything like this before he didn't care and threw himself on top of her despite the servants watching all of it she told him to stop but he kept going so she grabbed the wine bottle in her hand and bonked his head she then poured all of the wine on his head asking him how he liked it this made Samuel mad and he called her arrogant yua wasn't going to let it slide so she told him that he was the one who was rude stubborn and into perverse things can't deny the last one she said that a man like him didn't have any place in this castle with this she pointed her finger towards him and used her magic to throw him back a few feet the servant was surprised to see her use magic she told him that she had been using it to lift small things off the ground suddenly Samuel stood up again with a strange smoke surrounding him he told her that telekinesis was one of the most basic forms of floating magic she had powerful Mana inside her which belonged to two dominant classes Samuel lifted her up using magic and gave her another chance to get his dominant class Mana however yua stood her ground and refused to be forced into to Mona exchange hearing this Samuel got mad and started talking about how he was better than even suddenly he got lifted off the ground with a purple spell which seemed to be used by even he told them that he was going to his room but he can see that his house needs some cleaning he told Samuel of the punishment he would get for his crimes but he doesn't need to worry about it since he will kill him right here as even was about to kill him yua interfered and requested him to let Samuel go he told him to get lost and Samuel ran out of there faster than usan bolt later even told Yan a that he would be going on a deployment so he is worried about leaving her in this home he said that he will take her to the Palace since he knows she will be safe there the next morning yua and as spelis sat down for breakfast probably discussing important matters like the weather and the existential crisis of Serial choices he was asking her about the places she would like to visit he mentioned riding ranch but Yan a didn't know about it he told her that in a riding ranch you can ride Griffins and even osaurus hearing this you andau got excited but she told him that she hadn't done anything like that before as spelis reassured her by saying that he was the best beast Rider among all of his friends and he will personally teach her later when she got back to Evan's home he immediately hugged her as soon as he saw her she asked him if he was okay and he told her that he just wanted to hug her for a moment the next morning as they lay in bed she asked him why he seemed a bit odd the previous day he told her not to worry about it and asked if she wanted to visit the art gallery with him later since they were having an art exhibition with many famous female artists she told him that she would love to go with him and gave him some sweets to try even told her that he was busy with all the exercise they had for the deployment and he also had to prepare for several VIP meetings with kian's Marshalls he is from the royal family of carian and his name is Sir Kaiser ilan's Mike and borf he told her that he requested to set a date on the day of the Morse to meet her personally and he replied back with an invitation using that invitation she can enter the Royal Palace without any cause or eligibility and she will be always welcome welcomed as a guest even also told her that he will accompany her to the Palace after reaching there he told her about Kaiser and how he was born inside an unattended egg he told her that the identity of his parents is not well known however he was determined to be from the Royal Blood so it is believed that his parents were from a high rank too anyways they reached the palace which was a lot bigger than uau had anticipated they first met the secretary who told Evans that his fiance was wearing a rather simple dress Evans replied by saying that it was according to the dress code hearing this he took them both to the Garden where Kaiser was waiting for them after having a small chat he went straight to the point and asked her if he could exchange Mona with her bro could you be a bit more subtle even told him that it was a matter of discussion between him and uau so he left leaving them two behind after they were left alone he asked her if she would consider him to be her husband so Kaiser the man who apparently can teleport like a Love Struck magician traveled all the way from lemis Lake just to meet you in awe talk about commitment he was was hoping to marry her right away unless her appearance and personality did not meet his expectations however Kaiser forgot to account for her feelings towards him he never thought about her rejecting him so he asked her what she thought of him and if he was going to be a good fit for her as her husband hearing this yua was a bit overwhelmed and told him that it was too little time to make a decision she then asked him why he chose her and not the other candidates on her first day Kaiser told her that there were no other candidates for him he only came to Lisle to meet her you andau was flustered but she asked Kaiser if she could take a moment and discuss with her husband First Once More the secretary came in and told her the way before Vanishing like Batman eua didn't know which way to go and was now lost in this big Palace however as she was starting to worry even came from behind and hubbed her he told her that he was grateful to be the one she chose on the first day it was selfish of him since I was starting to get afraid sir ilanis had been a role model for even since he was young he always stood against corruption and Injustice so even was afraid of sending her off to him because he thought that she might start comparing them both and when she found out that he was better than him in every aspect despite Even's insecurities uau assured him that comparisons weren't on the agenda but even with the confidence of someone who knows he gives excellent hugs vowed to always stay with her he told her that he didn't trust this Blues to protect her but with Kaiser he can be sure that she will be protected moreover whatever happens he will always stay with her the next day Y and a got ready for the Mona exchanging session with Kaiser as she opened the door to his room she saw him already sitting on his bed waiting for her before they even began she told him that the exchanging Mana didn't mean that she will marry him they all say that however as she was about to start it turned out that Kaiser was a Mana virgin meaning that he had never exchanged Mona with another women in his entire life finally something most weebs can relate to he told her that since he was not familiar with Mana exchanging with women she was going to have to bear the brunt of it Yuan a gladly accepted the assign assment and started with the deed they did it a couple of times and he told her to call him Carl so from now on his name will be Carl so Carl and you and I went for it like I don't know how many times until Yu a said that she was about to puke the Mana was too much and she couldn't handle it during one of their sessions she passed out a doctor was called and he told them that the cause of her fainting was the Overflow of Mana she took in so much Mana that her body couldn't contain it so it had to go out some way he told Carl that a normal woman might not have been able to take this much Mana but for some reason Yu's body is capable of storing this much Mana while only being her first year of Mana exposure since Carl was from the royal family his Mana was quite pure and taking that and can be devastating compared to other impure Mana anyways it was the Mana that made her faint 3 days later yua is still to wake up Carl's secretary the unsung hero of the Kingdom delivers the news that yua is still in the Land of Nod Carl now facing the possibility of an eternal Royal nap contemplates the consequences of her prolonged SL Lumber will there be a royal where's Waldo game in the palace he still hadn't gotten his answer from her he thought back to the time when he was told about you and a she was a women fit for his political stance so he went to meet her for him it was just part of the job and he had no interest in her at first however his perspective changed when he met her in person upon looking at even he could tell that he was in love with you in awe Carl knew the reason why he was hesitant to let her meet him he was afraid that she might start liking him and leave him behind Carl sat at the bedside waiting for Yu a to wake up she was having a dream where she kept calling Ian's name Yuan a finally woke up to see Ian sitting in front of her she immediately hugged him and told him not to leave her alone he told her that he will be always be there to love and protect her no matter what she chooses he then asked her about Carl and how he treated her she told him that she felt dizzy at the end of it for some reason maybe doing it a million times was the reason anyways she said that she enjoyed it so Ivonne was happy he told her to rest but she insisted that he lay with her for a while as they both lay together he asked her about her age and she told him that she was 21 Evans told her that his own age was 30 this year while aalis was 23 UA asked about Carl and he said that he was 109 years old okay 109 years and no Mana exchange what was he even doing Yan a said that he didn't look so old and even explained that was because Carl had Royal Blood and lived on a different time scale from other people this is the reason he asked him to take care of her he can be there for her even after he is gone you and I asked him if he was telling her to marry Carl she said that she was ready to marry Carl but she also wanted to marry him this made even stunt she told him that once he gets back from his deployment they can both marry moments later they saw Carl looking at them from the door Evans was about to get up but you and I told Carl to join them she said that she wanted to lie down with the both of them okay this girl is getting too comfortable now later Y and a was sitting with some other girls at diverta one of them congratulated her for her marriage as they were chatting the student body president Felicia showed up she was staring at Y andau which made her nervous the other girl asked Y andau what she was telling them she asked them if she could stay at diver's dormatory for a while back at the Mansion she saw even reading a book about birds she sat with him and he started telling her all the details about those birds uau wasn't actually listening to him she was busy trying to figure out why he seemed so happy U finally asked him why he was showing her all of these birds even told him that once he goes to the deployment he will be gone for a few months however when he is back with the trophies he got from the deployment he will give her the gifts youa figured out that even smiles when he stressed that's why he seemed to be happy when in reality he was stressed about leaving her later she met as spelis who was mad when she told him that she was going to get married he asked her if she was going to marry even but she told him that the man she was going to marry was Carl and even to hearing the name of Carl made him calm down and he told her that if it's was Carl then he can accept it he then started teaching her how to ride Griffins after she was done with it she went over to Carl who asked her if she would go back to caran with him y andau rejected saying that she felt more comfortable here in lams Lake after that they both got together since they had an important task for today the task was to choose the engagement ring and for that Carl's manager had called in the finest Craftsman all of them started selling their precious rings to Yu a who felt quite overwhelmed Carl asked her if she found any ring that she liked yet but she told him that all of the Rings were so good that she couldn't choose one of them them she then had an idea and told him that she wanted a ring with a pink diamond suddenly all the Craftsmen gather around her showing her the best pink diamond ring that they had looking at the situation Carl showed her a ring and asked if she liked it she said yes and the ring was finalized next came the dress which was also a bit difficult to choose however she found a beautiful dress that matched well with her pink diamond ring the contract was made and the two of them were finally husband and wife after getting married Carl told her that he needed to go for now and he will be back back in a while she asked him if he was the reason she was summoned to Aion instead of answering her he grabbed her and threw her to the grass yet you already know where this is going they exchanged Mana after Carl and even left y a decided to be independent for a while and focus on embracing elision by herself instead of relying on someone else she went to di IA where she saw a lady in glasses reading a book she told the lady that she wanted to stay at diverta for a while and gave her all of her documents the lady was surprised to find out that her husband was a first class lead anyway she got the room but the lady told her that the rooms were all next to each other so they were not soundproof if she made any noise at night she would get a warning and continuing to do it would result in her getting a room at the back and for some reason the hallway was guarded by shirtless guards who were jacked up anyways the lady showed her the rooms and finally decided to give her a room that was closest to the entrance upon entering she realized that it was smaller than her room at the Mansion but it felt different almost like it was her her own moments later Leo and Vera showed up with food but Yuan a told them that they should give it to their next door neighbors as a way to greet them she knocked at the door but no one answered as she was about to leave someone finally opened the door and she saw that the name of the girl at the door was Korean the girl was from the same place as her and the two of them started chatting about how they were adjusting to their new lives the girl was named gonan and she told you and a about all the factions inside diverta she told her that you have to meet other women from the factions that you belong to the two of them then went for a bath where gon told y about the social Gathering where men from all social classes are present she told her that you can figure out a man's class just by looking at his attire Yuan a noticed several girls staring at them and talking among themselves Geon told her that they were from the class Union and they belonged to the same class Union as her after they got back from their bath yuanan noticed a letter at the door of her room it was an invitation card for the class Union they were talking about earlier Yu a told gon that they can go there together but she hesitated saying that she would rather not go since it is filled with girls that have lots of boyfriends and husbands moreover you andau was pretty and likable unlike her Yuan a grabbed her hand and told her that she wanted to go there with her at the class Union Yuan a was greeted by Maran and Carrie they were the ones who had sent her the invitation letter they both noticed gon to and told her that there were some new girls so she should go and say hello to them later as they were all sitting together Carrie asked yua how many guys she was seeing she told them that she was seeing three guys at the moment the girls were impressed with her since it was her first year and she was already with three guys as they were all bragging about dating multiple guys from the third classes Yu a sat there wondering if she should tell them that her husband is from the first class suddenly she noticed that gon was missing so she left the party to go find her she found her reading a letter from her boyfriend which made her wonder if her own letters were reaching Carl the next few days you and all got tired of those social Gatherings women of higher class were treated like a different bread as thought only our world had that problem she wondered if she should take a break from the social Gatherings as Y and all was walking towards her room she saw gon who was happy after receiving a letter from her boyfriend Yu all went back to her room and wondered why Carl hadn't written back to her yet both Carl and even were gone now even though aslu was still around he didn't think to asks for her well-being hu a felt a bit lonely she opened the box with all of the jewelry she got as presents and gave some of it to gon she told him that she didn't need it anyway so she could have it gon thanked her and told her that she had something for her too it was the tickets to a performance where her boyfriend was the main performer she asked if she could wear the jewelry for the performance and you and a said of course the two of them went to see the performance but gon was shocked when she found out that the guy performing as the lead performer was not her boyfriend she got sad and walked away while yua followed her to try and console her Y and all left gon and went over to the actor to ask him about her boyfriend she asked them if they knew anyone by the name of of G that works here the guys told her that he left the theater 2 weeks ago and was now working at the sarahan goods shop hearing this Geon was unsure what to do she told yua that she will talk to him herself when they got to the shop they saw him carrying huge bags and getting kicked by another man gist was shocked to see her in front of him she asked him what was going on and he told her that he got fired from the theater since his act was mediocre at best and they found someone better looking than him to do the job he said that he didn't tell her because he was afraid that she might leave him since the only reason he met her was because of the theater hearing this Geon told Y and a that they were leaving and they both left just standing there alone after that gon didn't leave her room for 4 days and started skipping her classes she didn't even talk to Y and a one day as Y and a was sitting at a table a girl with blue eyes and hair came to sit with her and told her that she should stop wasting her time trying to help that useless girl it's always someone with blue eyes she asked her what she meant by that and the girl told her that she should be careful around other girls here since they would want to use her to get a high ranked boyfriend or husband she suggested the same about gon at first Y and I didn't believe her but then she saw gon wearing new ribbon and bracelet which her boyfriend couldn't afford she knew something was not right later she met the same blue-haired girl again and this time the girl gave her a key to geon's Door telling her to confirm it herself yua hesitated for a moment but finally decided to check out her room while gon was away inside her room she found letters from as spelis as well as Carl and evens moreover there were presents that they had been sending her to but she never received them Y and a couldn't believe it and the next time she saw gon she ignored her completely she then went on to meet the blue-haired girl again and asked her if all girls were like that the girl told her that some of the girls were worse than her however her group was different she invited her to join her community which was actually just two people the two of them sat there and yna asked her who the other person was suddenly Felicia entered the library and asked the girl why uau was here moments later she was was hugging her like she was a cute kitten or something okay I didn't expect Felicia to be like this but I'm not complaining she told her that she looked even cuter up close and that she couldn't take her eyes from her when she saw her for the first time but she already had a supporter so she didn't want to bother her at the time Felicia told her that the name of the group was the student body Yuan a thought that her new group was a bit weird but she still liked it later as they were walking outside yua saw a spelis who came to visit her she immediately ran towards him to give him a hug the spelis had brought a lot of gifts with him like always seeing as Bellis Maran asked her if her sponsor had cut her off y a asked her about the person who told her that turned out it was Geon at the social Gatherings she told everyone that y anda's sponsor had cut her off and that is why she was living here this came as a big shock to Yuan a and before gon could leave she stopped her by grabbing her hand Yu andau asked her why she did all of this and Gian burst into tear and told her that it wasn't fair for her to get everything so basically she was jealous that you and got all the presents and high rank boyfriends while she got nothing so she tried to steal her presents as spelis noticed that gon was wearing one of the bracelets that he had gifted to Yuan a gon still argued that it was her own however Yu a told her that if it made her happy she could keep it gon finally walked away after throwing the bracelets away later yua apologized to aelis for giving away his gift he told her that it was no big deal since he could just buy her more she then told her how much she missed him and they began their Mona exchange by now most of the girls knew that yua had a boyfriend from the second class she decided to keep her first ranked husband a secret for now anyways her new group was treating her well especially Felicia yua also received letters from Evans where he told her about a souvenir that he sent to the housem made of a monster hide he said that they could use it to make new shoes for her Y and all went back to the mansion to check out the monster's leather that was going to be used for making new shoes for her the butler explained that this leather is very hard to get as there aren't many people who can kill the a monster with a single strike however Y and a didn't think that converting the leather into shoes would be a good idea since it was too shiny the butler suggested that she turn it into a belt instead and you and a agreed after having her belt made the butler introduced her to the man who would be replacing him since he was going to be retired soon he told her that he was above 70 years old now so he couldn't serve her anymore my man is pushing 70 but still looks like he is in his 20 seconds Yuan a continued walking through the entire Mansion getting back memories from her previous visits being there made her Miss Evans even more and she wished for him to get back to her soon at diverta she was sitting with her friends when Felicia told her that she was about to get married soon so she might have to leave she was getting married to the minister she told them that they must visit her and attend her wedding h and a also told them that she was about to get married too upon knowing that she was getting married to the royal family member the two of them couldn't control their Joy they promised her that they would come attend her wedding no matter what day by day y a got more popular popular everywhere she went girls talked about her saying things like she is in a relationship with three high-ranking men even though it's her first year they were also some girls who were jealous from her in her class the teacher taught them the process by which all babies are born in alision so basically when the mother is involved in Mona exchange she starts forming an egg on her chest which is the size of a thumb with time the egg grows and detaches from the body after that taking care of the egg is upon the male she explained that if the women was involved in Mona exchange with multiple men she would have multiple eggs forming in her body hearing this Y and a began to think if she would also someday bear the eggs of the children of Evan Carl and the spelis after class as she strolled back to her dorm Leo the messenger of excitement came running even had returned and he was waiting outside the gate it's like a scene from a romantic fantasy movie complete with a dramatic Sprint towards the awaiting hero he looked a bit different since he had cut his long hair even told y a how much he missed her and asked her if she was doing okay she asked him the same question to which he said that since he met her he is fine now my man knows how to talk he then picked her up and took her to the carriage after getting in he closed the door and started kissing her once they got back home even got even more aggressive and started getting ready for Mana exchange Yuan a thought to herself that even would have never done something like this in the past and he sure had grown more dominant after they were done Yuan a said that she needed some rest so they both went to the bed she asked him about the hair and he told her that he had to cut it since it came in the way of him during battle he told her that he would do his best to regrow it if she likes longer hair Y and a then showed him the belt that she made from his gifted leather but instead of looking at the belt he kept staring at her after even came back Yan all left the dorms and packed up her stuff to go back home Felicia and her other friend told her that they would miss her Yan a reminded them that she was only going from the dorms and will be meeting them in class every day her finals were also about to start soon so yuanna had a lot on her mind even helped her in in her studies her last exam was Mana evaluation this was the exam where they tested the Mana of each girl using a scale after all girls were done testing yua stepped on the scale which caused it to break since she had too much Mana yua apologized saying that she broke the scale but the instructor told her that it happened to girls who have multiple high ranking husbands however it was still impressive for her since it was only her first year Yan a went to evens and asked her what the mono system meant since she couldn't understand it he told her that most people people in the fourth and fifth rank had Mona score of 2.8 but there were some who were at 3.4 everyone above 3.5 are considered to be in the third Rank and are eligible for military to get into the second rank you need to have Mona score above four and to get into the first rank a person's Mona score should be above five which is extremely rare Yuan had a Mona score above 3.5 so she was considered to be from the third rank she hugged Evas and thought in her mind how lucky she was to have such amazing husbands the summer vacations were here in Y and a received two letters one of them was from divertis and she graduated and the other was from Carl who was asking her the criteria by which they should invite people to the wedding even explained that in alian weddings are a great way for the bride to meet new men so that's why he was asking uan a asked him if she could invite some of her friends to the wedding and he said if she wanted to she could invite them she sent the wedding invitation to her two friends so she Evan and both of her friends sat in the carriages and started making their way to carian it took almost 4 days to get there on Carriage after reaching carian Yuan a couldn't stop getting Amazed by the sights of the city even told her that there was a river where she could go with her friends the four of them got out and started looking for Carl's home Yuan all pointed at a big house and asked even if that is Carl's house he laughed and pointed at an even bigger house which was basically a palace and told her that this was his house inside the palace Carl welcomed them himself you ordered the secretary to escort all the guests to the guest house the three of them went with the secretary while you and now walked with Carl to her own room her room was beautiful she asked him if he prepared this all for her he told her that he wasn't sure about her preferences so he only prepared the basics she can decorate it as she wants after the wedding he said that they have wedding details to discuss so they should probably move to the reception hall they had two options for the wedding Avenue one of them was the main ceremonial Hall at the carian headquarters while the other was his Manion she asked him which one you preferred and he told her that he didn't mind either of the venues but the main hall is available for anyone's marriage since she wanted to keep things special for her marriage Yu a decided to choose his Mansion as the wedding Avenue they finalized the dresses and the list of guests who would be attending the wedding Carl asked her if she knew about the bridal night which was basically an aligan tradition to exchange Mana the night before the wedding to have proof of Mana exchanged between both Partners Yuan a told him that she was tired so she slept the next morning she woke up with him still awake and she asked him if he slept at all he told her that he didn't need to sleep he is literally a vampire I'm convinced he then asked her if she would be more rested tonight since it had been some time since they had exchanged Mama hearing this Yu a told him that there was no need to wait till the night since they could just do it right now after it was over she got ready for breakfast even was also there he told her that she looked tired and asked her if she had a busy morning he said that there was an egg cake for her that she would really like at breakfast both Evan and Carl kept feeding her different things like a baby and she sat in the middle after the breakfast even told her that her friends went to shopping for her wedding she could join them but they had so much to do for the wedding as she was doing all the preparations for the wedding even came to her and gave her a ring he told her that it was an engagement ring and he will choose a wedding ring for her later the ring was a way of letting others know that she was engaged to him she already had the engagement ring of Carl on her fingers later that night Carl told her that it was their first night together to show the guests the proof for their Mana exchange the wedding was going smoothly but y andau was a bit tired because of last night she didn't even have enough energy left to meet all the men who had come as guests to the wedding however when she saw her friends and the guests she immediately lit up and went to them to celebrate later as they were all having dinner she wondered where as spelis was and suddenly he was behind her he met Carl with an awkward handshake as Spell's father was also in the guests a guy asked him if his son was dating the wife of Siran and he told him that he was dating her before she became his wife the man complimented his son to which CasCal said that he took after dad on choosing the right woman y could hear all of this and remembered the time when he was calling her a lowly woman anyways his dad made quite a show at the wedding even told yua that after his dad passed away CasCal raised him as his own son but as spelis was always picking fights with him this is why the two of them were on bad terms with each other after the wedding was over yuanna was busy organizing wedding gifts and cards later they had a meeting to discuss a spell' engagement event U and a told them that they didn't need to plan such an event as it was only just an engagement but as spelis insisted so she fell for his charm and agreed to the engagement event CasCal asked you Anda which type of events she liked and even told him that she liked sophisticated events this fueled an argument between him and the spell who believed that you and all liked extravagant and fancy parties seeing them both fight made CasCal laughed and he said that they both look like brothers before the meeting was over you and a told as spelis that before he returned to Lamb's slake he should meet with her privately this made him extremely happy later as she was walking around the palace he stopped her and threw her on the bed where they both started having Mana exchange the next day she was hanging out with her friends Felicia asked her what it felt like to get married yua told her that she felt busy her friend then asked her about marriages on Earth but strangely enough she couldn't recall anything she told them that she couldn't remember anything about her past life Felicia told her that it was the same for her you and a started thinking that instead of trying to remember her past life she should focus on living her best life here at alici all the memories she made here and all the friends she had she was glad for all of it and she was happy to be in alision during the engagement day CasCal made an announcement to start the event he also announced that he would be gifting an estate in the capital to his son's fiance this caused a bit of a fight between as Bellis and his dad who told him that he was planning on building it in front of his house at this point just send the old man to a retirement home CasCal began to show the entire building design and plan to U A telling her that she could also have a studio inside the house later some of Ellis's friends came to visit you and a when they left she jokingly told as spelis that she wanted to marry all three of them which made him get upset she then smiled and told him to get back to their room since she wanted to spend some alone time with him make sure to subscribe and leave a like if you want me to continue the manga from here on thanks for watching
Channel: Manhwa Tower
Views: 101,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manhwa recaps, manhwa recap, manhwa tower, Manhwa king, anistory, mystery manhwa, miss manhwa, romantic fangirl recaps, manga recap, manga recaps, recap manhwa, manga capped, manga summary, manga secrets, recap kun, asura manhwa recap, manga recapped, actiontoon, Animeworks, Recap Haven, Tensei, Yahello, Manrecapz, Mr.plot, action toon, She Teleports In A World Where Men Are In Short Numbers And Females Are Goddess-Like Figures
Id: 2soMk8SxZRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 45sec (3105 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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