A Very Important Game | Missed Messages

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hey guys welcome back to my channel and welcome to a new game I was on Steam the other day looking for free games to try out and I came across this game called missed messages and I thought the game design looked really cool and it really just caught my attention so I'm really excited to play this I don't know what it's about as usual I never know what the games I'm playing are gonna be about but I have a feeling it might be kind of a dark so just gonna give a warning right in the beginning but let's just get right and I'm really excited and this music is really cool I want to look up this song when I'm done playing because I really like it so anyway let's just get in trigger warning there are mentions of suicide and self-harm in this game okay so yeah warning watch at your own risk I'm kind of scared now okay perfect for staying inside and finishing my work [Music] work stuff what even is a four dimensional shape I need to work and I'm so bored I can't focus goth GAF's iphone wants to send you a note what's this should I accept it sure I would have to all I have to work or accept that I guess I'll work I make a valiant attempt at working after some minutes I get tired and want to take a break okay let's accept this so cute that is really cute that's a poem I have a Pomeranian and look plums go back to work send me back send note back let's send a mean back I wonder if she'll respond am I supposed to do something goth tips iPhone wants to send you a note except you're welcome so pastel princesses MacBook Pro what are you up to go back to work focus but can't focus working what can't focus I'm working if I can't focus I love that Pomeranian so cute [Music] listen you know schwa oh no I feel that I hope I'm not distracting you I also can't focus and procrastinating with makeup right now let's see the makeup girl thank you you're sweet let's see the makeup I'm sure you work hard on it pretty tough hand beautiful mother you're the cutest hi you're the most beautiful Oh sis I'm your note OMG no you you're so cute go out with me sure I like doing this right this is weird okay yes want to meet me later tonight outside my room I don't know where this is going to meet you guess I'll see you soon that's really cute later that night I went out to meet goth girlfriend before I left my roommate opened her door the artwork in this game is really amazing you're leaving when will you get back probably after 9:00 Oh why I really like this song um no reason okay bye then wait um before the day ends happy birthday what you remembered no one else remembered I didn't even remember of course I remembered [Music] that's so sweet thank you no thank you for being my friend gosh what what why are you telling me this I just thought life is so short oh no don't leave can I stay I don't want to leave her why not express my appreciation for the people I care about in that case you're also an amazing friend thanks for being my friend too oh I'll see you later no no no no no no no I want to stay she needs me I feel like she needs me no I don't want to go I met up with goth girl she told me her name Amy we walked to the roof laid out a blanket and watch the Stars this is gorgeous isn't this so pretty the clouds and okay let's hump ask sky arts sky are these choices like really important because I don't know okay the sky is gorgeous tonight I know right I'm forever that girl that gets really excited when the sky is in pretty colors what do you think of when you look at the sky nothing for once only a feeling damn nothing you know when your mind is completely it's constantly noisy and look at the sky and I realize it's so much bigger than me my problems mean nothing compared to it and my mind quiets that's so poetic it is that's very poetic it's very beautiful what time pass arts airdrops arts so you're into makeup hell yeah I am God can you imagine being so powerful you can transform into different people because I can that is cool that's a cool thing about makeup God is a woman what time pass and carries as a sky darkened I grew addicted to a me smile it's getting late we should head back wow you're cute goodbye kiss why not sure [Music] you're the cutest no you I'll see you later see you I had turned my phone off to save battery on my way back home I checked my phone missed messages may said you're a great friend it's not your fault I'm scared mom says hey sweetie how was your day I don't like where this is going when I came back home I felt cold nervous but I didn't know why I don't like this anymore I don't want to play oh my god okay I'm in bed [Music] mmm I don't want to look don't come in call the place I'll know what to do love me don't come in the room oh this is heavy yes is heavy I don't like this okay animal I don't think I can do anything don't come in coldly yeah I can't okay call please I called the place as I stared at the door not blinking when they arrived I felt myself looking down on the scene myself her the police that eventually came a disembodied feeling and heard myself scream endlessly my disembodied itself watched me move and talk like an actor in the surreal circus I found myself in I overheard strangers and friends alike talk did you hear what happened no what someone committed suicide that's so sad went who where the second floor you probably don't know her may know but that sucks most pitied the way she went but didn't miss her but I remembered her smile her laugh the way she'd behind in small ways I couldn't forget her when new people came into my life I searched for her in them I couldn't help it I hope she was still there it was only during the funeral that she that the reality sunken at the funeral I heard her singing now sad and slow her singing when everyone else forgot and her not being there anymore to remember as I listened to her my disembodied self crashed down to reality the pain hit this time without the anesthesia of shock this was real she was dead and we were putting her in the ground the end missed no one saw coming could I have was there a message I missed I'm doing that again so did I mess up was that avoidable I'm gonna try again I think I screwed up per usual a heavy Blizzard stretched on for miles in the distance I saw a figure this is different me it's not safe here may is that you come back she just smiled looking content amidst the dangerous hail as if she was going somewhere better as if she had heard my voice lost in the blizzard don't go please don't go alone she disappeared into the snow I didn't miss my chance okay okay I wake up in a cold sweat fearful but not sure why what was that about never mind that I should start working new go out the door my roommates door she used to keep it open now it's usually closed I remember that dream I had no I wanna go in it the door to the outside world go in the bathroom sure I do not want to be in my laptop right now I want to I do what I got to do then go back okay that did nothing t I really want to go to my roommate fine okay okay oh my computer I need to work but I'm so bored I can't focus I'm gonna decline no decline work I spent many minutes trying to go oh yeah go away go away I don't need you I tend to focus I begin to lose focus again that's weird I hear voices seems like they're coming from my roommates room okay getting closer hear voices listen although my Chinese was bad I could still detect an angry Chinese mother when I heard one what's up me too lazy why don't you her mother's fast luxury and Chinese sometimes paused for a soft murmur of terminate a firm affirmation affirmation I cannot speak it and then continued I felt like I was listening to something I couldn't I shouldn't have so I distance myself from the door no back to the laptop I need to be there for me okay you go away I don't want anything to do with you I do some work and start wondering when I'll ever have to use this and realize he won't ever have to wear as bone medium I love Bill Nye the Science Guy to answer my important questions the noise from my roommates room has quieted down can I go check on her the door my roommate May I wonder if I should check up on her yes you should knock I hesitated them not for some reason I feared what I might find hello she's so pretty yes um [ __ ] what should I say looking for sock hang out you okay [Music] if I say you okay like she obviously isn't so I feel like that's not the right thing to say I'm gonna hang out maybe because maybe then she'll talk or it'll make her feel better you wanna hang out in my room and do what I don't know talk yes but I have work to do no you don't take a break come on come on man come on you always have work to do you should take a break besides we haven't hung out for a long time and miss you I shouldn't use it I could use a break to be honest and I miss you too okay hold on a sec hey MA she went back into her room to get something when she came back we lay on my bed looking at the Setting Sun I don't know I'm going between life and sky life might be let's go for life what are you up to these days I feel like we haven't caught up in a long time um a lot and also not much a lot uh sorry I haven't stayed updated Pat stay updated like I'm your favorite TV show don't worry about it that I just feel like I don't make enough time for you that's okay you're not obligated to oh yeah it's your birthday right I forgot you remembered of course I did she's saying me happy birthday oh thank you for remembering I feel like I messed up by choosing life as the years flew by my birthday became like any other day no one else had remembered it either but she had because she was amazing um stare outside dream how are you I don't I don't think how are youse gonna go well just like life I'm dreaming I don't know I had a weird dream oh I'm telling her about my dream oh man that wasn't a good idea Oh what it was about you actually it was kind of haunting oh my god I need to hear this now you know I you were in a stove snowstorm and I called for you but you didn't hear me and I lost you huh what is that what does it mean I have no idea but it's stuck with me I hope you're okay I hope you're okay to me it's just a dream I don't think this is gonna help I have a really bad feeling it's not here if you're still scared by bedtime I'll tell you a bedtime story okay oh yeah bedtime stories what do you dream stare outside how are you I'll ask her how she is so how have you been fine just tired yeah I kind of figured someone big mood how so I don't know like a bone deep tiredness day after day Oh what do you mean depressed stay outside she's depressed so do you think you're depressed um maybe I took antidepressants a long time ago but felt like they didn't work that sucks maybe it's the type of antidepressant maybe you need to try a different one don't take my advice actually I know nothing ha ha me me neither maybe me neither not just about this but in general I feel you has it gotten better the tiredness not really by now I kinda just wanna die this is really hard this is so realistic honestly you just don't know what to say ok stare outside has been one for a while so this is relaxing but I'm also getting tired ha ha really I'm wide awake I think I'm just tired in general how so do you ever feel like every day is the same day so relatable it's still really kind of it's a satisfying sort of monana monotony and now I can't say that what is that word a day where I stay inside windows open tea and a book is the good [ __ ] oh do you not feel the same I don't know I feel like I wake up do things I don't enjoy go to sleep oh then do it all over again things you enjoy it's cliche but why not do what you love it's not that easy very true if I knew what I loved doing I'd be doing it by now but I don't know what I want to do is this constant I'll help you you like nothing I'll help you I'll help you my dog is about to jump off my bed I need to go rescue her we'll figure this out I'll try out every hobby and profession with you if that's what it takes thank you why are you so good to me because I'm worried about you and I care about you I want you to feel better what time pass parents she is just with her parents and you're printing that up oh yeah what were those noises about hmm earlier in your room my mom called sorry did I bother you no she sounded really angry though yeah she and I is everything okay with you two I don't know every time my mom calls I feel sick angry want to talk do you want to talk about it Oh talk about what why she makes you feel that way hot you sound like a therapist how are you feeling why are you feeling that way oops I just want to help you yeah I know I was always a golden child when I was young I was good at everything so my parents never pushed me to work hard at anything as I grew up I started lagging behind because I didn't put an effort the only thing I would put effort into was writing he yelled at me when they caught me writing writers weren't engineers or doctors writing would never make money now my life is slowly falling apart and instead of listening to me and helping me my parents are yelling at me for wasting time playing games Wow thank you for telling me this that's [ __ ] thanks for listening it's okay to be sad writing I just don't know what I'm gonna say and writing maybe if I encourage her writing what did you write about before your parents made you stop oh my god it's embarrassing you can tell me okay you won't laugh I promise Harry Potter fanfiction hahahahaha you said you wouldn't laugh sorry I'm just surprised don't be ashamed that's awesome I love Harry Potter uh if you say so I do say so Oh time pass we talked more about everything and nothing from TV shows and means to our worst fears and biggest desires before we knew it evening dawn I gotta go I have work no you should stay II have a sleepover yeah good luck I'm always down to hang again yeah thank you for listening to me it really means a lot although I also had work I didn't regret talking with me one bit yawn Wow time flies by fast I kind of need to use the bathroom must be all that tea we have other our wait oh yeah better sorry just needed a minute okay I opened the door to my roommate Mae she didn't seem to hear or see me I don't know this is really hard to watch Lindsey hey are you okay obviously she's no okay I'm fine I'm sorry why are you apologizing I wait why can I not say oh oh I was able to click on that one before I thank God I didn't go in that room because I probably would have are you really okay you don't look okay I I need to go wait don't go can I hug you she nodded silently I hugged her I wanted to say something yet didn't want to break the silence after a pause she spoke thank you I guess I'm not okay I just say I'm okay because it's a gut reaction yeah it's just the easiest thing to say it's hard not to I don't really feel okay but I don't want to bother anyone especially you you're so kind and made soothing emotions on your back wait thanks for being here of course I know this doesn't look good I needed to punish myself I don't deserve your kindness I really don't hey yes you do you're a good person of course you deserve kindness is there anything I can do hug just hug it's been months since that day Mae and I have gotten closer I'd even consider her a best friend in dark moments we held each other's hands although I supported her I didn't want to feel responsible for her didn't want her to be dependent on me so we drove to every therapist in town until we found one she liked one night Mae hugged me by surprise Mae thank you me what for I don't know how to say this without seeming emotionally constipated thanks for caring about me for listening to me I couldn't tell you before because I was sad but I appreciate you really Oh anytime thank you too for being my friend you teach me to be more kind oh my god no you know you uno reverse later the night she gave me a note both haunting and touching it read I was buried in the blizzard the snow pelted powerful and unpredictable never-ending and weakly cried for help and no one came my voice lost in the snow but you saw my messages you grabbed a shovel helped and I could finally open the open my door the end hope there's something to look forward to after all things thank you for playing bye Angela he inspired by real-life Evan and Joan I don't know how to say that how do I see Oh and Genji you know I hope I did not totally butcher that name okay um I got both endings so I don't know if there are different endings I'm sure based on what you choose you'll get a little bit of a different story throughout but I absolutely loved this I am really glad that it's free for anybody to play I think it's a really important game for everyone to play it's important to remember that sometimes you need to be willing to ask for help and other people need to or just should try to remember to offer help and just ask their friends and family if they're okay if they're not sure because you never know what's gonna happen and when somebody needs you so I really related to this and it was hard to play this some of the moments were kind of triggering kind of hard to get through but I really loved this and I hope you guys did too sorry if it affected any of you it is a little bit triggering but overall I think it has such an amazing message and I love this so much so to the people who made this you did an amazing job and props to you because this is incredible so thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you my next one bye
Channel: Bethany Meyer
Views: 1,414
Rating: 4.96875 out of 5
Keywords: missed messages, missed messages full gameplay, missed messages gameplay, missed messages walkthrough, mental health awareness, missed messages song, missed messages music, missed messages soundtrack, losing interest shiloh, missed messages game, missed messages jacksepticeye, missed messages markiplier, missed messages review, missed messages death, missed messages best ending, missed messages open door, missed messages playthrough
Id: devFEEBdhjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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