A Tour of Yandere Simulator's New Street

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ZappDCrai ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 17 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

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Yan-chan: what did you say Midori: YAN-CHAN can you help me with som- Yan-chan: stabs

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/vade22 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 17 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Anyone found the new headmaster tape yet? Am I allowed to ask that?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/fangirl_otaku7 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 18 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
at various points throughout yen dairy simulators development I've discussed whether or not the game would benefit from the addition of a small town there are numerous practical reasons why a small town could potentially improve the game however creating such a large environment would significantly extend the game's development time and that's something I would prefer to avoid so I eventually arrived at the conclusion that instead of building an entire town it would be much more pragmatic to simply add a single Street that serves most of the same purposes a few days ago I received the assets required to build a single Street in yandere simulator so I could find out if the concept works as well as I'd hoped in this video I'll show you yandere simulator z' new Street and I'll explain what kind of functionality it might provide in the future you can access the street from yandere Chan's home because you have to go to school during the day you can only visit the street at night however in the final game you will be able to visit the street during the weekend so it is possible to see it during the day time for now you can press the spacebar to instantly toggle between night and day the Street currently contains 8 locations a hardware store a manga store a maid cafe a hair salon a ramen restaurant a music store a convenience store a videogame store and an electronics store when you enter a store you see a portrait of the shopkeeper who operates it for example in the convenience store you see a cashier if you don't press any buttons for a while she gets bored of waiting for you and starts messing around on her phone currently this cashier is the only shopkeeper portrait I have but in a future update every store will have a unique shopkeeper ideally every store will also have a unique interface that suits the theme of the storm similarly to what can be seen in the persona games the hardware store was inspired by a situation that I frequently encounter in the hitman game I'll explain in some of the hitman games you can choose what equipment to bring with you on your next mission you can bring guns poison bombs but you don't have the option of bringing certain everyday items simple objects like screwdrivers are often essential to complete a task in hitman but running around the entire map wasting a bunch of time looking for a screwdriver is extremely annoying I always thought it was weird that I'm allowed to bring shotguns assault rifles and sniper rifles but I'm not allowed to bring a simple screwdriver to save myself some time it would make sense if yandere chan was allowed to bring certain household items from home to school at the start of the game her home would probably already have several common items like a pair of scissors a box cutter a screwdriver etc but if the player disposes of these items at school or destroys certain one-of-a-kind items at school they should have a way to replace the items that were lost the hardware store would sell some of these items and would also provide cool weapons that can't normally be found at school for a long time yandere chan has been able to increase her stats by reading manga at home I didn't know how to make manga available to the player so I just put books on the ground around school the purpose of the manga store is to finally provide the player with a more logical way to acquire manga the maid cafe simply allows yandere chan to access her part-time job as a waitress which is how she earns the money to afford all of the products I'm talking about in this video this is currently the only way for yandere chan to earn money but now that there is much more emphasis on purchasing things with money perhaps yandere chan will be given alternate ways to earn money in the future until now the player has been able to change their hair at any time by pressing the H key on the keyboard this is fine for a debug sandbox but it wouldn't be appropriate for a finished game in the final game the hair salon is where yandere chan would go to change her hairstyle or dye her hair like in most games with character customization there would be an actual interface for it instead of just pressing one key on a keyboard you've probably noticed that the exterior of the building looks more like a barbershop than a hair salon in the future many of these building models will probably be updated so don't worry about their current appearance too much the street also has a ramen restaurant this restaurant could be just for decoration but it's also possible that perhaps it could serve some sort of practical purpose for the player maybe you could listen to people gossip as they eat ramen and learn gameplay tips or you might overhear critical information about your current rival next to the ramen restaurant is a dark alleyway where hey if I seen that guy before nah I think I'm just imagining it anyway the next building is a music store in the old days some video games had a sound test screen where you could listen to any music from the game soundtrack the concept of the music store is to let the player unlock tracks from yandere Sims and track that you can listen to on a music player in yen dari Chan's room this might have been a cool idea in the 90s but these days people just look up video game music on YouTube so this feature might not be very appealing it's entirely possible that in the future the music store will be replaced with something completely different that has a more meaningful benefits for the player the convenience store sells items like cigarettes alcohol and condoms which can be put inside of your rivals book bag to frame them for bad behavior because yandere chan is a high school student she can't normally purchase these kinds of products in order to gain access to these items you will first have to obtain a fake ID from info chan yandere chan has a video game console in her home where it's possible to play minigames but there has never been an interface for obtaining these games the game store exists to provide that interface maybe in the future it'll be possible to play super yandere 64 yen dari tail Midori forest or coudair a simulator in yin dare a Chan's home by purchasing them from the game store the final store is the electronic store this is where gandara Chan might be able to purchase useful technology like the camera and tripod used to film a kidnapped victim in her basement it could also provide yandere chan with devices that can cause distractions I don't want to bring up hitman every five seconds but in hitman the most useful gameplay mechanic is the ability to throw a coin to direct attention away from yourself without this mechanic the game would be far more tedious and far less enjoyable enter a simulator does not have a comparable mechanic you can create a distraction by giggling or turning on a radio but this attracts attention to your current location rather than directing attention elsewhere I don't want to give yandere chan the ability to throw coins because I want Andheri simulator to be different from hitman in as many ways as possible a reasonable alternative might be giving ender each and the ability to purchase a device that can be activated with a remote control such as a radio being able to activate a radio remotely would finally give Ian Dury Chan the ability to direct attention away from herself which would permit the kind of stealth gameplay that I want you in derry sim to have it's better than just putting bushes everywhere right anyway that's the sort of thing that the electronic store could provide I can think of at least one other way that a street could improve gameplay this student coconut Haruka goes on dates with older men in exchange for money in Japan this is called enjo kosai which means compensated dating if you want to expose coconuts dirty secret you only need to eavesdrop on a phone call where she discusses enjo kosai and then gossip about it online but perhaps the player should be required to actually catch her in the act of enjo kosai and take a picture of her with an older man in order to gain the ability to spread rumors about her that's another potential use for a street in yandere simulator spying on your rivals and gathering evidence that can damage their reputations this concludes the tour of the street in its current form it's possible that it will change drastically in future builds based on feedback from players it's kind of an experiment or prototype right now let me know what you think of the street and your suggestions might shape the game in the future in case you're curious about asana and ribรฉry I've been making steady progress I've been working on the last remaining content required for asana to be complete her suitor Rai burrows weaknesses her befriend betray elimination method and the events necessary for getting her expelled from school however I have also been dedicating a lot of time to fixing anything that looks Genki or buggy and making sure that asanas events are as polished as possible I know that probably isn't super exciting to hear about but trust me it's going to improve the overall experience a lot speaking of asana and ribรฉry there's actually something I'd like to share with you as you know characters react to corpses differently depending on their persona cowards react by running away teachers pets tell teachers etc Rai Behrouz reaction to seeing a corpse is to run to o sana tell her that the school is not safe and then run away with her recently I accidentally killed Oh sana right next to Ryba room without Ribery noticing that's not supposed to be possible but that's beside the point when Ribery discover dose Ana's corpse she said oh my god is that a dead body then she said I need to find Osan ax and get out of here then she ran up to o sanas corpse and said o sana something horrible has happened we need to get someplace safe and call the police then she started running away taking asanas corpse with her this is exactly the sort of thing that I am taking care of right now it might be funny to look at but I definitely don't want anything like this to occur when asana is officially released that's why I'm spending a lot of time double-checking and triple-checking every possible set of circumstances and fixing every bug I can find that covers everything I wanted to say in this video thank you for your patience and thank you for following the development of yandere simulator
Channel: Yandere Dev
Views: 1,406,936
Rating: 4.9097075 out of 5
Keywords: yandere simulator, yandere sim, yanderedev, yandere-chan, yandere
Id: iDEo3FjusTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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