A Tour Of A New Amish Dawdi Haus in Lancaster County, PA

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as is typical this amish farm has been sold from one generation to another the original owner the great grandfather sold the farm to his oldest son the grandfather grandfather raised his family of boys on the farm when he retired from farming he sold the farm to his oldest son who works the farm today and raises his family here grandfather has lived with his second oldest son for the past six years since retiring but the time recently came for the second son to marry his house was to be remodeled for his new bride and a dotty house was to be built onto the farmhouse for grandfather to move into but where would grandfather live while one house was being remodeled and the dotty house was being built in a barn of course the upper story of the second son's barn is a large open room where church is sometimes held and youth groups occasionally meet this room was temporarily refrigerated with a kitchen bathroom living room and bedrooms after eight long months the dotty house is finally ready for grandfather to move into hey chuck here from garden spot acres let's go check out a new daughty house this is a grandma and grandpa house built onto a present amish family home before we go in though let's check around the outside of the house show you how it's built onto the regular farmhouse here the dotty house is on the left here and you can see the regular house on the right hand side behind the red wagon there the white wagon you see off to the side of the church wagon they just held church here this past sunday so this section on the right hand side there would be the kitchen you walk in these back doors here to the porch and you'd be in like the living room sewing room area now you're swinging around to the other side the portion of the house you see to the left that's the old farmhouse and the left-hand portion of that house would be the mud room now let's take a walk inside we're coming into the front door here this would be like a mud room nice sink mirror cabinets [Music] and here we have the washer room [Music] water hookups here's the window for where i just came in [Music] the bathroom here obviously [Music] here's the back window [Music] bedroom [Music] big closets more big windows [Music] walking into a sewing room here this looks out the side [Music] a sewing machine nice sewing cabinet here [Music] lots of closets refrigerator will be going in there [Music] and stove coming over here window looking out the back [Music] nice big pantry [Music] take a walk upstairs here [Music] another nice big bathroom [Music] [Music] a little small extra room here nice windows overlooking the gardens [Music] another nice bedroom [Music] this is on above the porch here in the back porch see the horses over in the horse pasture [Music] [Music] so [Music] like an attic room here all finished off [Music] be for storage it goes that way quite a ways but you can't see it's too dark in here [Music] very nice [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] back porch [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] buildings [Music] [Music] thank you so much for coming along on the video grandma and grandpa actually moved into the house the very next day hope you enjoyed it we'll see on the next one have a great day bye bye [Music]
Channel: AmishPA
Views: 118,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZeWD4945aZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2022
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