Tour the inside of our Amish Farm House

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good morning friends and Beautiful People we are still alive barely but we're here so we are living on the farm we're still moving this is uh the view from the porch where we watch the sunset we show you there's the pond and that little uh building there is for fishing gear and life jackets there's my new dryer my clothes dryer and then there is you can barely see the barn for the for hubs and then I'll show you the porch what's I mean yeah it's very exciting here out here right now there's not a lot going on out here and so because there's no shame in my game I'm gonna give you a little bit of a tour of the house all right this is the living room you'll hear the echo you can see where I was a little chilled last night and rolled up with some blankets but this will be our living room and this is the bed that will not fit up the stairs I'll show you why in a minute this is our dressing room it's actually one of the eight bedrooms and then here's the one room we're going to have to remodel that's the bathroom none of this furniture is where it's going to be this is where there used to be a wood burner in here but the kitchen stove keeps it warm enough they really don't need it that is access to the water heater and I'm going to have to show you that because that's pretty amazing so this is it's just like a little bump out the other house had one too I put my two treadles in here so that I can sew and I mean look at the The View while I'm sewing doesn't get any better than that so we will probably in the winter put our little puzzle table in here too but see there's uh built-ins everywhere I don't know what I'm going to put in those yet so those are empty and there's another set over on this side sorry if I'm giving you a vertigo and then this is another so that's our coats Amish use pegs they don't have 500 coats like we do so we're gonna have to figure something out but this is the hot water tank one of the two there's two of them and I want to show you you can see there the pressure I'll show you a little something here in a minute so this is my kitchen and this is the yeah we just had breakfast this is the white gas stove and Amish put in two spigots so what we'll do is we're gonna take out the sprayer put in one spigot and uh switch out the other two one of them will be um some kind of a water filtration system and then you know obviously we have boxes everywhere I do have a lot of cabinet space not as much as the other house but I've got an amazing Pantry so it's all good so that's where we hang things to dry in the winter and this is their equivalent it's from Ashland it's made in our state this is my cook stove and what it does is when we're running it see these pipes it also heats the hot water so if we've got this running we don't need to use what I'll show you in a minute that is our hot water heater so let me show you the situation with the stairs see how the door comes to there well we have to take out that top little inch see that just that little bit of a bump in we got to take that out so that we can get our bed up the stairs and then this is our master which is why we had to do the dressing room it's where all of our all of our the rest of our furniture is for our bedroom I'll go ahead and show it to you I wasn't going to because it's a freaking hot mess but you know there's never any shame in my game so this was what they used for the master and then the room that we're using is where they had the baby and so there's the mirror for the top of this it's the only mirror we have in this house of this banjo and then I want to I do want to come around though because I want to show you so we've got built-ins here also hubs is pretty well claimed them all and then there's access to the bathroom there and the bathroom's got one of those built-ins as well all right and then coming back through so well mostly the two of us will mostly live on this floor which is one of the things hubs was looking forward to so here when we look out this window you really can't see it that well from here so we'll go out to the porch there's another porch here and this is where we come to watch the sunrise for my coffee because again another amazing view this is and then we stuck our table out here it's nice to have covered porches for once there's the quilt shop and then there was a little fella asking me so let me zoom in for just a moment so I can show you that propane tank is really an air tank and there's a you can barely see the little engine in there but every five six days we just run the engine long enough to fill the tank up with air and that's how we get water out of our well it's pretty amazing the setup and then the gutters go into that cistern so we've got backup water as well all right so whoops just about hurt myself now we're going up the stairs now these are wide stairs which is awesome and Amish don't usually put trim up so we did luck out there this is one of the bedrooms this is one of the boys's bedrooms and this is where I told the moving company to move all the dressers don't you think they're beautiful again none of our dressers are in here except for my high boy and then my old Hope just and then that was when they left so that'll probably go out to the trash but for an Amish closet I don't know if you can see it is pretty decent size because usually they're not even half that size and this was the ornery little boys room again nice wide go away and what's funny is you know we have so this goes up to the third floor this is going to be the library so we'll put the bookshelves in here and it's a couple of chairs see if we see any cows I don't know where the cows are this morning so this is another one of the bedrooms this is the smallest of all the bedrooms and it's decent size especially for an Amish house this is another one of the bedrooms obviously this is where the little girls were and I want you to take a really good look at this bed I got this off of Wayfair which I shouldn't have done uh the bed itself was an antique it was my kid's Grandpa's when he was growing up so I ordered a mattress and box springs from Wayfair and we slept on that bed the first night well I say we slept but we really didn't sleep it was awful so you know as long as you don't have any weight to you I'm guessing that would be okay but then this has got a decent sized Closet in it again for Amish it's huge and this was a chest of drawers I had or dresser that I had it's an antique I've got all of the handles inside the the drawers but it was out in the barn so I've got to clean it up I don't know how much I'm going to do to it and then this is where my little fella put the two dressers was it that sweet of them so I guess that's where we're gonna put this bed and then again this is like whoa as far as storage space for an Amish home and then another bedroom over here now they paint their ceilings with a gloss paint to reflect the light but what I love is how many windows there are because we really um you know in the summertime obviously don't have and again this one's got that same nice sized closet we don't have to run the lights as long we are using our oil lamps but I almost showed us another lamp that I've got to show you because it's uh it puts off more light than the regular light at our old house so now we're going down the stairs I do love that we can shut this door and only have to heat this one floor [Applause] and friends if you're off-grid living you need one of these lights in your life it's chargeable with a generator I don't you can't tell but man that thing it blinds you it puts out so much light all right so now we're going to go to the basement well hang on here this is the mud room and then this is another built-in and there's all of our hooks for our codes so those are our work coats and then this is where I don't know if you noticed in the bathroom there's no sink they don't put sinks in their bathrooms this is where we wash our hands and brush our teeth and this is also where hubs is allowed to have clutter we keep all our flashlights here so we can find them right now but this will be the only place where he's allowed because he could he's really bad about when he comes in from the barn just laying stuff on the counters so now that's the only place and we did hang up our key rack there's a story behind that still no cows uh oh hubs is moving vehicles around that can't be good and then I have a pantry here nothing in it but my Barky but I keep this door closed so that that room stays cool a little more burning heat now we're headed to the basement this you'll just uh some of the stuff around here is just amazing so this here you can burn wood or we've been using these little wood bricks right now because the wood that they gave us sucks and we couldn't get the water heater so here is where the water is so when you're not running that stove upstairs you can actually run this down here to keep the house from getting hot to heat up all of your water so again there's our clothes there's no uh place to hang them right now and then there's my washer and dryer that are going to go on Marketplace because I'm going to be using just the double tubs and then my you saw my dryer outside but otherwise I do have these hook or these wires run across this porch the other porch and the one I'll show you right now the porch I showed you that where I like to watch the sunset so there's that white gas tank which is the spawn of all evil I want nothing to do with white gas as soon as we can we're definitely putting in a propane stove and then this is this will be the canning kitchen so and then there is that little door is my uh Root Cellar and it stays nice and cool in there and you can see I think I still got a little bit of unpacking to do that door goes into my pantry which is a nice size room and then here is another bathroom don't laugh there's no shame in my game but this is it and this is the one we're using the most oh I do have dirty clothes there I have a closed shoot that comes out of the other bathroom there's our shower yep right onto the floor we might fix it up a little we're talking about putting in a little bit of a glass brick wall but that's it that's what we're using right now if we want to shower and the re the big thing was we had to put in a new shower head they don't use the showers and I and I don't know why they just use that bathtub but they didn't leave us a bathtub plunger so we had been going to the other house to uh see there's Windows everywhere we've been going to the other house to shower this is where they keep their wood right now this is just our I can't go all the way over because I don't want you to see what's on that wall but uh we've got more of those wood bricks [Applause] in uh uh tote City those are all the things I haven't there's the two blue Eddies we've been wearing them out actually we've only used 50 of one of them and we've been here for a week but we're only using it to charge phones in my laptop for work and then this is that ended up working out really good there that's all hubs's grill supplies this is another covered porch and she used to hang clothes on here but you know what she took that wire with her so that's it This Is Us for right now and I will I've got a couple other videos recorded it's just getting them uploaded so I'll try to see if I can upload this one from here we don't have Internet installed and I'm using my phone as a hot spot and it takes a little bit longer all right friends till next time be blessed and be a blessing and maybe I'll show you my smiling face thank you have a great day
Channel: Appalachian Mercantile
Views: 77,117
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Id: WSlmn_3HMr4
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Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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