Living With the Amish for 48 Hours (you can too!) in Lancaster Pennsylvania

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hello from my parents house this is where I grew  up in Amish Country Pennsylvania but so today we   are going to spend a couple days learning all  about the Amish yeah we're going to an Amish   home stay that was very difficult to find actually  we're going to stay there for two nights and yeah   we're going to try to learn as much as we can of the Amish people yeah so right now we're   going to leave and drive about 45 minutes away  there's like a museum about the Amish so we're   going to try and stop by the museum then we'll  check in for our Homestay hopefully they talk   to us and we learn a lot of them yeah we'll have to see  how authentic it is cuz usually Amish are really   like separate but I don't know it says the people  that have this home stay are Amish so we will see   how much we can video how much is real and all of  that yeah we're going to tell you everything let's go Amish Village yes this is stop number one we're  at this place called the Amish Village which is   supposed to be kind of like a museum Amish  house tour there's bus rides you can do all   around here like Amish country but we have  the car so we're not going to do the bus   ride but yeah hopefully in here we can learn  a lot about the Amish before we go stay with   them yeah I see a buggy there yeah let's go  interesting little Museum yeah there are   two options here there's a house tour and a and  then self-guided farm tour for $13 and then it's   more if you do an hour and a half like bus  tour thing now we're in the Amish farmhouse   tour so no videos here and then I guess we  can walk around everything else the farm tour we just did the house tour and now  we're walking around the Farms it was a lot   of information I don't know if we told it  but that is the a Amish house and now   it's turned to museum yeah and yeah she was  explaining everything how they live how   they dress what all the clothes like  specific clothes for specific situations how   they live without electricity why they live  like this and that they came from Switzerland   that they didn't know they moved from Switzerland  the north of Switzerland and Germany to here to   Pennsylvania and they like it here so they  started living here yeah and here in Lancaster   county is the biggest County for Amish in all  of America right yeah all over the world I guess   yeah there's a buggy there I want to see a buggy. yeah  we're going to walk and see everything now so on   the farm now there's so many little areas you  can go look at and it's a self-guided tour so   now we don't have a tour guide but it says a lot  of things so what is this about this is the milk house here's the barn it smells like a barn very much oh there's a lot there's donkey oh  look at these little ponies Carles has   a new friend hi hi you're so cute Hello Little  Pony where's your friend he's staring at the wall these are all the local Amish towns  Bird in Hand, Intercourse yes Intercourse is   the name of an Amish Town. Strasburg,  Paradise, Amish Wares with a covered   bridge here's a water wheel I mean there's  so I think that's a Schoolhouse back there   next to the buggy yeah I mean if you want to  learn more about the Amish it's nice this place yeah   all these buggies and just the house and to  see everything if you are not lucky like us   to go to the homestay you can just come  here you can go inside right yeah it has steps the Amish Village Lancaster PA hello hello  that's cute I need a picture of you school house   one room Schoolhouse enter to learn  which Carles has already seen not inside   but the outside of a one room Schoolhouse cuz  the there's an Amish Schoolhouse right next to   where I live yeah like 5 minutes so we drive  past all all the time. oh there's no class going on look and here's all the horse  drawn plows so the Amish can't use tractors   like powered tractors so everything's horse  drawn or the little mowers you've seen them   out mowing the grass already but I don't see  a little mower here are you having fun yeah I   think it really worth it if you want to learn  more about them yeah I mean we only paid $13   each and yeah that's nice here's a little store  I want if there's actually things inside it yeah   it's like oh the marketplace she said come here  and you can buy all the canned stuff that you want oh really there's all candy so many  can products what do we have here Carles   whoopie pies who brought you  whoopie pies the other day Mennonites yeah   my Mennonites neighbors they bake some whoopie pie and they brought them up to the house and   Carles was shocked to see a bunch of Mennonites in  the house. Seriously we didn't buy dessert because we're having dinner tonight with the Amish couple  at our Amish Homestay so I'm thinking they   must have some type of dessert whether  it's like whoopie pie or Shoofly Pie hopefully so the other one is food store  this is there's a big quilt there you   want to buy an Amish quilt this is XL that's too big better? nice now it's time to check in yeah  we have to go to our home stay now oh here why   is the bridge covered wood rots quickly when  exposes to weather so this will last 100 years   or more as opposed to one that's not covered  is only 15 to 20 years have you seen a covered   bridge before uh no not like this, not a wooden one no huh yeah  they have them here not super frequent but I've   seen them yeah all right I really like  this museum okay Carles approves yeah yeah now   we need to drive it's only what like 15 20  minutes from here and we'll be at the home   stay yeah now the real Amish experience yeah  the real Amish experience we'll see how that goes I think we made it I don't know where do  we park I don't know there's a horse this   is going to be our Amish home stay for tonight we  have arrived oh here he's coming out for us   we are inside we've been here like an  hour talking to Ben and his wife's over here   making dinner we're going to have dinner in  a minute but it's so cool um yeah no he's   telling us so much we have so many questions  and he's so nice and we need to show the lights   later up in our room there's like battery  powered lights and stuff which is so cool   I didn't know they have that we're going to  have dinner soon so I don't know what we're   eating but she's cooking dinner and it smells  so good here's a living room and over here the kitchen fire we'll run out and  get our stuff you ready you got our yeah our new suitcases. how is your new bag? yeah it's amazing we have these bears here this here is our  room yeah yeah it is really nice yeah and this   is so cool so this light here how do I turn it  on it's on the switch oh here yeah it looks like   a normal light but it's battery powered battery  yeah with the lights and battery yeah cool and   you can see here this is also so cool this like  a car do you see? you plug it in like like a car I   don't know where the battery is but all these  cords back here all these you can see all the   plugs and everything to make it work yeah and  here you can just plug here and then the fan is   going to work but yeah we have light in an Amish house yeah  I was surprised by that so even talking to Ben   in our first hour here was so interesting so yeah  basically like that like they can't use electric   but they have battery power for so many things  battery and propane yeah and a little   solar panel also on the roof yeah so in the  kitchen for all the appliances and stuff he said   they run off propane so they have a refrigerator  they have other appliances that are yeah either   propane based or a solar or a battery yeah and  and to cook they use a stove but they have   gas also yeah there's even a phone line but the  phone is outside cuz they don't want it to like   interrupt them so yeah there's a phone somewhere  little phone booth that is theirs outside yeah   and also one thing that he told us that he  really surprising is they travel a lot they   they can take trains and he was telling us that  they travel all over America with train that I   didn't know that like they just travel yeah so he  said the main two things are like no electric and   they don't have driver's licenses so they can't  drive but his son owns a landscaping company so   he owns trucks he owns all the equipment they  use but he has someone else who's not Amish   work for him and that person drives his truck  so even though he owns it he can't drive it but   he'll be next to the guy driving it who's not  Amish so yeah so many cool things but like I   had no idea but it really nice because it's not a  fake house that we were uh afraid that would be   like a fake home stay or something but no it's  totally real it's really cool yeah so   we have to go down now cuz we're going to have  dinner but I want to show the bathroom cuz the   bathroom light is so cool also also he said that  we are allowed to take videos and everything but   not to take videos of them like in the face he  said they won't pose for pictures but we can   take pictures of them like from behind like if we  don't tell them um like they're not going to pose   for picture like smile but we can take pictures of  them working or whatever he said it's fine so yeah   it's it's yeah it's a really cool experience  so far and we've only been here less than 2 hours bathroom normal toilet normal  shower and here so this light run on a battery this is what they used to use for  light here with like actual gas and fire but he   said it's not like the new ones with batteries  are so much more safe cuz you're not going to   burn the house down okay also we have these new  suitcases our new look at these so quiet and   they spin amazing so yeah these are the suitcases  we've been using for our travels here in America   they are so nice by level8 and yeah they're  quiet 360 wheels and they're aluminum so they're   both like really hard they keep all your stuff  safe and they look so fancy TSA locks so they're   TSA approved so you can lock it while you're  flying and you're good to go Carles locked his   yeah they're so nice and inside these little  tabs keep all your stuff safe so nice and then   it comes with packing cubes the packing cubes  you can change these to know what's inside so   they're so convenient but yeah these suitcases  are great we have a discount code we'll put in   the description but yeah level eight nice okay time  to eat with the Amish. Smells really good yeah they are known for to be a very good uh with the food right? the food yeah good food he said veggies and stuff are   from here fruit so it'll be interesting what  we try some meat is that I guess coleslaw beets   lime beans mashed potatoes corn creamed corn are  you excited yeah I never tried any of this just   mashed potato no? too Pennsylvania Dutch for you I  think you're going to like it yeah corn and the   mashed potato smells so good so good and look at  the light hanging here with the battery there's   the battery that's so cool we are in our room  it's what 7:30 yeah it's 7:30 and it's so dark   outside already well downstairs it's so dark  we have this we have our light here our light   here right yeah dinner with the Amish couple  so that was really fun and it was a bunch of   like yeah home cooked food mashed potatoes corn  lima beans beets some sausage um yeah it was   good though yeah they are really nice so we  could ask all the questions that we wanted and yeah they talked about everything  they were curious about Spain, what we eat and yeah   like it was nice having dinner with them yeah  cuz we could just chat about whatever and I'm   asking a lot of questions and they answer  everything yeah um and then after there's   another couple here so we went out together to  the barn he showed us his horse and then we all   played shuffle board yeah which that was really  fun too I was not good at it but but it was fun we did lose yeah it has lights an interior light a blinking light that means you're turning shuffle board this is shuffle board? yeah a huge shuffle board I love to play it slide this thing over you get a point this would get 10 points and 8 and 7 don't get it on here because that's minus 10. oh minus 10! if it touches the line it is  no point it got to be completely not touching the line you got to get the feel of the board yeah cuz I have  no idea it's your first time? this is going to be embarrassing put it completely in and you can go forward until there and boom two hands or one hand doesn't matter usually one hand one hand oh man oh minus a lot thats zero no? no points for Carles you two are the same. yeah right? eight nice I think we're going to sleep early and then tomorrow we're going to   do the buggy ride with Ben but we have breakfast  first at 8:00 a.m. so we have to be downstairs   for breakfast at 8: yeah and also we are going  to the Amish Market no? the Green Dragon yeah yeah we're   going to drive around and go to some places here  on our own and then we have to be back for the buggy ride Good morning good morning  it is almost 8:00 which is breakfast time but our   room is very bright right now um yeah how you  sleep? good I mean I was going to say it's very late   for them because they wake up at 5AM yeah we need  to run downstairs and see what's for breakfast   yeah I want to see what's for breakfast we  had some pancakes we had muffins uh grape yeah   all homemade plums peaches grape juice coffee  yeah it was a good breakfast yeah so good um   and we learned so much more stuff so like we  ate breakfast with the people who live here   and we were all just chatting the whole time so  what I didn't know that those old order Monnenites   and old order Amish that are really similar like  the Monnenites also use buggies so I guess the main   difference is Amish guys once they're married  they can't shave their beard they don't have a   mustache they shave here but they have beards and  Monnenites never have beards they're always shaven   and Monnenites can use also bicycles and cars  the new order no? yeah some Monnenites like my   neighbors yeah yeah so they are more advanced in  technology or they accept more the technology   you know the Amish can't even ride bicycles they  can only Ride Scooters because they don't on a   bicycle you can go far and they don't want them  to be able to do that they have to learn to use   the horse and buggy but they can use scooters and  they were telling us here that in the recent years   a lot of the Amish have started to motorize  their scooters like put a battery pack on it   which they said the church probably didn't like  but now so many people have it they don't think   they'll make a rule against it but the church says  like what's allowed and what's not allowed and as   technology advances like in our world like the  non-amish world the Amish are constantly making   like new rules as well about like what's allowed  and what's not allowed to kind of keep up with   changing technology no like even here where we  we are staying they have a website so we could   book here online and yeah they say that they  asked the the church leaders and they say yeah you   can have a website and you can have have 'English'  people coming to your home if it's good for your   business which I don't think we mentioned to Amish  anyone who's not Amish is called 'English' so we're   English like we're American I'm American he's  Spanish we're both English here I'm English now   I'm not Spanish yeah so yeah uh anyway today we're  going to go to the pretzel shop yeah the Pretzel   Factory and a local market yeah and then we're  going to have the buggy ride that I'm so excited Martin's Pretzel bakery there's an Amish squirrel we are at the Pretzel  store yes we are open um run by Monnenites I think all the pretzels we can go  on a tour the Pretzel Factory yeah crazy so many pretzels how many of these can  they make a day? 22,000 a day yeah wow oh my God so many these are all from today? yeah in the oven there? that was so cool we went in we have  all our pretzels now we went in and the girl said like was telling us about them and asked  if we wanted to do a little tour and she took   us inside and showed us all of them it's so crazy  I'm surprised how many people are working there   yeah she said they can make 22,000 pretzels in a  day and some of the people in there can roll 20   of them in a minute but anyway my dad's eating  Martin's pretzels my whole life they're a thing   from here in Amish Country and yeah it was cool  to see inside the factory really nice yeah so   now we are loaded up on pretzels we're going to  go to the market we made it to the Green Dragon   yeah we're trying to find parking yeah is  it busier than you thought it would be? it's so   busy it is very very busy yeah so this Market is  only on Fridays and all day Friday right here in   the middle of Amish Country weird there is Chinese stores  also yeah there are there's yeah Chinese stores   across the road from Amish stores across the  road from everything look there's everything here sticky buns those look oh the ones with icing  there's the whoopie pies those are the ones you have   to try know what this looks so good cinnamon  rolls covered in icing that looks so good but   these on here are the whoopie pies these are real  whoopie pies look at all of them so many whoopie pie yeah you need a whoopie pie this here Shoofly Pie that's the one you have to try it's like   from here look in the picture yeah you can see  wet bottom Shoofly Pie that's super Pennsylvania Dutch. We are going to have it tomorrow in the buffet no? I don't know hopefully but if not this is the place to get it this is the place to get it lemonade very refreshing they were Monnenites? yeah try that's good it's sweet Carles decided to try a whoopie pie I mean were  you going to take it home and we're going to try it   there yeah real Amish made are you excited? sure  yeah me too I haven't had a whoopie pie in years   how it's called? peanut butter balls peanut  butter balls we were going to just get the whoopie pie   but then we saw they also had peanut butter  balls and we had to get peanut butter balls cuz   Carles has never tried them no but sounds good I don't know about the whoopie pie I don't know what's inside but peanut butter balls sounds good yeah both made by Amish  so they should both be really good we'll have   to try them when we get home we have them in in  this building you want to go in here oh cinnamon rolls that looks so good these look so good yeah are  we going to get that too this one looks so good   should we get two? no we have enough soon as we  got in we saw the lady making cinnamon rolls so   we had to get a cinnamon roll too yeah they look  so good now we have three desserts what do we have a   whoopie pie peanut butter balls and a cinnamon  roll yeah we have three desserts and we don't   have lunch it's crazy yeah they're all just so  good though and I want Carles to try everything   so we're just keep buying dessert the pretzels  that we bought earlier yeah a lot of them you   just went to their Factory how do you feel I  think we're leaving Green Dragon now yeah was nice   though yeah a lot of Mennonites, Amish uh other people selling their  home baked goods and stuff selling everything   clothes uh food yeah everything that you want  yeah so we have a lot of dessert now that we   can try later I think we're going to try and take  it back to the B&B and we can split it with the   other people there yeah we are back and now we  are about to go out on our buggy ride yeah finally   yeah he's waiting for us now to harness up the  horse to the buggy so we can watch that and then   go out for a little on the roads not with this one  with what one with your car oh no no he is ready? he knows what's happening? yeah let's go for a ride Star we can pet her? yeah yeah I don't remember horses being so big the horse is almost ready Carles oh it moves don't break it a little sideway your leg okay  wooo and I'm other side? buggy time so you said the buggies can only go 10  miles an hour is like the fastest they can go?  that's about the speed yeah but the horse can go 15 18 miles enough but the average is about 10 miles yeah huh not a fast way to get around yeah I know but it can  be very relaxing yeah yeah when you can   compare it to a car it seems a lot slower  but no it's so nice the horse and the fields yeah it can also be pretty romantic  taking your girlfriend home on a Sunday night how is it? it's so cool eh? yeah it is so crazy though it feels like  you're back like 100 years ago yeah seriously are you riding now? yeah that was so fun that was so fun yeah it  really was yeah totally worth it  and it was crazy too cuz we were asking him so  many questions um like he said all the buggies   are kind of similar in size but his wife's family  has 10 people and they used to fit them all inside   the one buggy also the age that you can drive  so they don't have licenses there's no age cuz   the max speed is like 10 miles per hour but he said he's  seen kids as young as like 10 years old in charge   driving with a smaller pony not a huge horse  but that's so crazy like 10-year-olds driving   that yeah and they have two buggies we went the  the one that we took it was the Sunday buggy so   they have one buggy for the week and another  one for the weekend so we took the fancy one so we just had a second little not  really breakfast but coffee and we all shared   some snacks we tried the cinnamon roll peanut  butter balls and whoopie pie from yesterday yeah   so good yeah which was your favorite? uh peanut  butter but it fills a lot yeah I mean it's it's   kind of candy but so good um but yeah we all  just sat there for like an hour uh playing   little like games electric free games that they  have here and talking chatting telling jokes it   was really fun it was really nice this two days  here we learn a lot mhm they answered any any   questions that we had and yeah they were so  nice it was definitely really enlightening   like we learned so much here and I think it's  a great experience yeah cuz their way of life   is so different but yeah we learned so much here  it was really cool yeah if you're interested to   learn more about them and how they live yeah  that's the perfect place to come definitely   recommend yeah yeah and just today the buggy was so fun oh it was really fun byebye   Amish house bye byebye shuffle board bye bye horse. Oh I need directions I don't know where I'm going @NATALIEANDCARLES
Channel: Natalie's Passport
Views: 17,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amish, lancaster, pennsylvania, horse and buggy, mennonites, amish homestay, usa travel vlog, amish museum, amihs
Id: -oHFxopIKKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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