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[Music] thank you bless to you Lord God my father [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] welcome to take pictures of her property so I'm just going to give you a quick little tour of this beautiful Farm and we'll take it from there the wind's blowing very strong so you might might get a lot of noise from my microphone but um we'll just come up come up here and uh take a quick view around beautiful isn't it and it gorgeous so peaceful and so coming back of course they this is old Ward old order office so I'm quite sure they don't have electricity here no cows cows getting milked I guess I suppose and uh so we got the uh laundry hanging no washers and dryers here and notice the uh notice the clothes on the laundry very conservative attire that uh that they use I hear in the background lots of children in the in the home and um that's one thing these folks here beautiful people they do have a lot of children I met a lady one time up here in Lancaster who's a grandmother and she said she had a hundred grandchildren and I said 100 grandchildren he says yes it wasn't a big deal it was uh it was 10 shoulder it says I had 10 children and 10 grandchild and each child had 10 children so there you go no big deal hello beautiful Roseanne and uh it's called Fishers and um it's just a beautiful beautiful fruit and vegetables here let's say some homemade root beer this looks good I might have to get I might have to try is this something that you guys make here all right that's pretty wow wow man I might have to grab one of those I love root beer and um yeah it's beautiful I love the uh the pictures and uh so look at the uh look at the sign on the crowd grant me the serenity to accept the things that cannot change mountains faith is not knowing what the future holds but knowing who holds the future beautiful uh one on the wall up there four things you can't ever recover the stone after the throw the word after it said the occasion after it's missed the time after it's gone do you like uh do you like being in the sand it's a beautiful day I love that breeze it's just yeah it's amazing so um yeah I just wanted to meet some folks today is there any is there any place here where uh you know some of the local folks just kind of talk and meet and gather anywhere like that if we can go by some sweet onions uh sweet onions for sale okay um um I don't know do you sell them by the pound or how do you well we sell seven dollars for a half horse show okay um can I get three okay thank you is there a nice breeze here all the time because I mean I I haven't been up here in many years I lived two hours away and uh I was like you know it's been very cloudy today waiting for the sun to come out but uh it's just this beautiful Breeze and I don't feel a lot of humidity today and I was just wondering if it's like this a lot okay so uh how old are you six what's your name yo you hurt your how did you hurt your arm did you fall [Music] what I was climbing up this line climbing up the slide is it around here wow wow okay and how was your how old is your sister thank you so much no you keep changing um oh sure I'll take it so you have a beautiful Farm here yeah it's gorgeous and how old's your sister three and what are you guys names thank you what are you guys names what's your name um that's such a pretty name my name is Mark and do you speak uh do you speak Dutch too lydiana huh do you so how long have you guys been living here on the farm uh it's about two years now and uh how do you like it so are you from the area yeah yeah I was uh well yeah I was born and raised in Strasburg really Fair has lived down uh like a mile from here okay as you guys been here about two years and so far so good are you got look all you guys are working hard what do you what do you guys uh what are you guys working on are you looks like you're working hard today too what's your name Noah Noah no uh wow cool name I'm Mark good to meet you what are you guys working on today you look like you're working huh Cannon what about you Noah what are you working on is that cows and stuff in there okay because yeah [Music] is it just storage now yeah mostly storage we have horses okay okay all right well thank you so much guys okay bye-bye okay well that seemed to work out okay just bought a little something and uh everyone's good [Music] excuse me sir uh I just wanted to ask you I used to I used to come up here a few years ago and it's been it's been quite a while since I've been here I lived two hours away but I was just trying to find out has things changed much in the last three years since all the the insanity going on with the you know the pandemic and all that stuff and uh the you know government stuff going on with that has it changed much in your mind it has would you mind just tell me what that is because I drove two and a half hours up here and I was trying to trying to just uh get a little feedback on that thank you biggest thing I've seen is too many people yeah yeah yeah finding the things that are none of their business give me like an example you mean like you know one of them I work at a place where we sell meats and cheeses and stuff direct okay and government's trying to shut them down oh really trying to keep people from eating what they want to eat oh yeah that's what people want free choice put in their mouth what they want to put in right the government's trying to shut them down they're trying to have too much control yeah yeah sure yeah please please yeah appreciate that it's insane isn't it what's going on it has changed so drastically it's ridiculous you know I was talking to this one guy with the buggy rods where he said that he I don't I don't know if this has anything to do with it but he said he lost he had 14 cows he lost 10 of them with some poison hay uh within the last week but that's probably some kind of bizarre thing yeah yeah be a lot to do with all these chemicals and stuff that people were putting into the crops yeah we need to definitely focus more on all natural stuff the way guys intending it to be absolutely chains and I still say the biggest thing is with all that they're trying to control yeah and you know but how has that impacted you guys I mean how have you noticed that tell me a little bit more about that that's what I'm really curious about it it really gets into oh man it's he's kind of okay it really gets uh into our own private personal life okay way too much uh more more so than they used to right if we pay taxes we should be left alone right absolutely and what was the biggest example where you've seen them uh encroaching in the last and the last three I would say just exactly what I'm talking about you know finish up on all your what you can and cannot eat and do and what are they telling you that you can't eat or what you should eat they're trying like I said where I work and force everybody to eat uh usba regulated Meats just sprayed down right with chemicals and stuff before we eat it sure all the additives yeah we don't want that we want uh trying to uh the consumers don't want that stuff they're trying to keep people from buying what they want to do um I don't think I'm gonna have to spend too much time we got a big yeah we got a storm coming yeah man thanks so much for talking I appreciate it wow look at that you don't happen to have a card or anything like that in case I ever come up again if I wanted to get it if I wanted to get in touch with anything like that I just had eight grades of Education just a simple lifestyle I love that man business on my own yeah we've got customers that want food you know yeah it was intended to and it just absolutely yeah hi thank you yeah he's getting a little he's getting a little spunky isn't he all right we got a big storm look it up there [Music] I don't know how to get in touch with him again and we got a big storm rolling in uh Tractor Supply I think it's the best way to do it Strasbourg Tractor Supply all right all right let's let's uh let's roll [Music]
Channel: Mark Lovett
Views: 238,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: F4bqys8kP4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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