Hell-Shaking Prayer by David Wilkerson

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okay hell shaking prayer that's the message hell shaking prayer go to Daniel if you will please a sixth chapter I'm so glad I'm saved let's let's start with verse 1 chapter 6 I'm going to read about 10 verses it pleased Darius to set over the kingdom a hundred and twenty princes which should be over the whole kingdom and over these three presidents of whom Daniel was first princes might give accounts unto them and the King should have no damage then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes because an excellent spirit was in him the King thought to set him above over the whole realm then the presidents and princes sought to find a case against Daniel concerning the kingdom that they could find no occasion or fault for as much as he was faithful neither was there any error or fault found in him then said these men we shall not find any case against this Daniel except we find it against him concerning the law of his God then these presidents and princes assembled together to the king and said unto him King Darius live forever all the presidents of the kingdom the governors the Prince of the councils the captains have consulted together to establish a royal statute and to make it firm decree that whosoever shall ask a petition of any God for man of or man for thirty days save the O king he shall be cast into the den of lions now King o King established the decree signed the writing that it shall not be changed according to the law of the Medes and Persians which alter if not where for King Darius signed the writing and the decree now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed he went into his house his windows were opening the chamber toward Jerusalem he kneeled upon his knees three times a day and prayed gave thanks before his God as he did before nothing changed not even a thread of the lion's den father I thank you for your Living Word I thank you Lord that we don't live by the bread of this world but we live by the Divine Living bread that you have given to us in your word and I come to you father humbly and ask you to take the word that you've given to me and multiply it to this people I pray Lord that you give us understanding hearts and ears and eyes to see and accomplish Lord what you have you know what you want to accomplish in me in delivering it and those who hear it lord I have no strength I have no power of no ability I am wholly dependent upon you and I trust you now that you will do what you want to do through me and in me in Christ's name I pray amen hallelujah again welcome to our visitors were delighted to have you here may the Lord challenge you through the word tonight now in this chapter that I've just read to you Daniels 80 years old he's 80 years old he's outlived two kings Nebuchadnezzar and his son Beau Shazzer and you know the Medes have come now and they've overcome and defeated Babylon and Darius is now on the throne he'd be serving for two years before Cyrus comes to power this is the third king over babblin under which daniel was served this man is both preacher and prophet a great man of God he had started his ministry in Babylon remember as a very young man and he started in prayer there's not a mention in this man's life of burnout there's not a mention of discouragement not a word about getting 5 acres out of town and retiring without any responsibilities he's 80 years old and he's just beginning that is how old pastor Jack West is going to be this next year 80 years old at 80 years of age Daniel shook hell with his prayers his prayers enraged the devil remember he's been promoted now unto Darius this is under the Medes and Persians and he is now promoted again there are 120 provinces 120 Prince's over those and three presidents all co-equal and now King Darius because of the talents and wisdom of this man thought the said of above the whole realm in fact he preferred him over the other two presidents over the hundred and twenty well Daniels main occupation though was prayer he was a busy busy man at 80 years of age he's assigned to be president over these princes in the province his time alone with God took president precedence over everything that he did now this man was over all the intellectuals he was over the astrologers he was made the the main leader over the whole province now this is a busy man do you understand this there's no man can be in that position without being a most busy man but nothing could take away his time for prayer three times a day this man stole away from all his occupation from all of this his his burdens and his leadership needs and he slept he's looked away and spent time with the Lord at 80 years of age he got his direction on his knees this man never had to call a conference he never had to go to a committee meeting to get answers he never had to take a roll call he never had to do this he prayed and God answered his prayers this was a man who heard from God because it was a man of Prayer the scripture says very clearly Nebuchadnezzar for example has a dream none of his astrologers or sorcerers or magicians can interpret the dream and he has decreed that they all be killed and this included the wisemen this was a death warrant not against all the astrologers and wise men and intellectuals of his time that surrounded the court they couldn't interpret his dreams and he said since you can't dissolve my doubts you're dead there's no purpose for your being alive Daniel receives this message and he calls a meeting with his three praying friends Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and they didn't try to interface they didn't try to take a survey among the Jews to find out how they could find some plan to call survival of the Jewish nation they prayed the Bible says they went to their knees they went to their knees to hear from God Daniel the second chapter slip over to slip back this to the second chapter of Daniel if you will please and look at verse 20 through 22 Daniel answered and said see he's prayed and he's got the answer now and he said blessed be the name of God for ever and ever for wisdom and might are his he changed at the times and the seasons he removes kings and sets up kings he gives wisdom to the wise knowledge to them that no understanding he revealeth the deep and secret things he knoweth what is in the darkness and the light dwelleth with him now where did daniel get that he got it no other place than in the secret closet of Prayer he got it seeking the face of God let me show you how important it is I believe to have a a praying preacher or praying people in the midst of declension especially at the at the brink of judgment the Old Testament church at this time was at its lowest point it's in captivity the spirit of Babylon had gotten ahold of all the people the praises of God had been silenced they had lost their song the scripture says and Satan is set on destroying Israel because out of Israel is going to come the seed out of this nation is the seed Christ the Messiah who's going to destroy the power Satan of devil close that and he's trying to destroy the Royal seed he's trying to destroy the seed Jesus Christ and it was Satan himself who initiated this decree you know these men didn't initiate it themselves it had to come from demonic instruction it was initiated out of Hell itself and all of his will is watching Israel is back slid nobody is praying anymore other than Daniel and the Hebrew children there's no evidence anywhere in the scripture that these in captivity prayed anymore they'd hung up their harps they weren't singing they weren't praising God they weren't worshipping it all drifted away got involved in the prosperity of Babylon and now Israel's watching you know I believe this is all in my heart they they're wondering does God still speak to anybody anymore is anybody hearing from God is anybody reading the times does anybody know the secret of the Lord and what's happening and what's about to happen and they are watching because they know that this decree has gone out and in the future faith of Israel depends upon somebody in touch with God somebody that's still on their face before God is God's theater Eve ihling himself to humankind and I'm sure this is this this is on the heart of every backslidden israelite in battle and at the time now Daniel could have gathered the people together you know today what we would do you know there's there are there many bright young men bright young men who are well educated and they want to see crowds and they want to see results and they want to be a successful they take polls they go around the neighborhood polling the people what would you like in the way of religious education what would you like you're not going to church what would would you go to church if just outlined was what you prefer let's see if we can come to some compromise and not confront you in the house of God so they find out people don't like organs they find out that people don't like messages against sin they say and they say that you can't mix F ethnic groups you can't have blacks with whites and you can have Puerto Ricans with both of them and you've got to have an all-white congregation or all-black congregation folks we're doing everything wrong in this church we got a hundred and three nationalities of all colors we're doing everything the book says you can't do we've had young theological students come in here absolutely amazed they said they told us you don't do it this way you can't build a church in this it's all white it's all black or it's all something out you got it you can't the stick with your color and your your kind that's tommyrot that's foolishness absolute you can't do that in this city you can't do it under the anointing of the Holy Ghost he could have called for a march on the capital demanding rights for the Jews he could have got crowds together and demonstrated I'll tell you what I believe the devil Snickers and our parades and balloons they just Snickers at it he Snickers at all these polls I went to church and in Dallas when I was off a few weeks ago I think I told you it and it I just got hungry I want to go and see what's happening I'm so hungry to hear a good message and I went to one of the new contemporary I didn't know his contenders at Community Church and I go and everybody they is drinking cokes and Pepsi's and coffee and doughnuts and there's you doing a service everybody's nonchalant and kicking off their shoes and kids are running around and somebody gets up starts to sing two songs you could have sung to your sweetheart I mean it's it crossover songs they call him and now this church was started by a poll they took a poll to find out what the neighborhood wanted and then they had a skit about how to buy a car a funny skit for 10 minutes had nothing doing the gospel just asked it and then somebody walks them back of the church of phd one of the piece to PhD pastors Pete City walks up no Bible is an yellow piece of paper and a message on how to biddies on your job how to find the right job and how to be a tease about a job and undo about the gospel at all and I have sitting there looking at this crowd of people I'm looking at couples that I'm sure or having problems in their life I'm looking at this crowd of young people who are sitting there bored I'm looking at this whole thing and this is all a result of appall the world is not impacted by super churches the world is not impacted by massive buildings or massive memberships it's impacted only by holy ghosts in exposing truth that gets into the heart and changes it that is the only thing that impacts the world the world is not impressed about a church and a theater on Broadway if people came in here and did not hear something that struck their heart if that did not expose the deep sin that's hidden in their heart if the Holy Ghost wasn't here it's just another show in fact mr. Nederlander who has so many theaters here after cats sucked down last week I saw a few days before it shut down he said Reverend you got the longest-running show on Broadway now no never can a sir had a dream and he could interpret in his piece he's a troubled man he's a troubled man he couldn't remember what the dream was and nobody none of the astrologers and none of the sources knew what the man needed they didn't have any concept they were out of the loop they had no way of knowing how to get to them that's art and he he he represents the modern mindset who can say look I have all the material possessions a man could want I have power I have influence I have unlimited chariots I have access to every pleasure known to mankind but I have no peace I'm a troubled man I can't sleep I have a question in my heart I have no answers and if you intellectuals of you astrologers and you called us yes and even you Daniel all your holy men with you if you can't dissolve my doubts you have no reason to exist you're dead you have no right to exist he's saying as a church you have no result you have no right to be called a man in the cloth if you can't dissolve my doubts if you can't touch my heart you have no reason to be alive when the nation begins to see the handwriting on the wall when judgment becomes so evident in this nation they're not going to be turning to prosperity preachers they're not going to be talking to those who said all is well when the finger appears and it handwriting is on the wall and I see that finger appearing right now the finger is already here and when that finger begins to write judgment and everybody knows it's beginning to happen there had better be some daniels around who can read the times there should be there had better be some praying people not only to pulpit but in de PUE who know what god is doing who are not afraid who have the answer because everybody is going to be like nebuchadnezzar they're going to have doubts they're going to have fears there will be churches all over the United States and around the world when people get up right in the middle the servant I'll tell you how many Skitch do you think they're going to be when the handwriting comes how many jokesters in the pulpit how much straw is going to be preached and giving it fed to the people when the people are losing everything that have many are going to be losing their houses and their lands and their possessions and they're going to get up right in the middle the message and say pastor what's happening what's going on you didn't tell us you didn't warn us I get tired of warning yes I get tired of the word doomsday preach I get where you vote yes in my flesh but there's something in my heart I know that when the handwriting comes on the wall it's gonna be just like Nebuchadnezzar who has the answer who understands the times who can dissolve my doubts we had better be there we had better be men and women of God on our knees he turned to his he turned to his astoria said you're stalling you don't have the answer and I see that stalling in the pulpit today because men have lost touch with God very I thank God for the prank preachers but they're so few so few like the man I told you about pastor 1200 people asked me and my wife out for dinner and his wife said we asked y'all because my husband has a confession she said honey you better tell him or I'll tell him I thought it's going to be adultery and he blurted I says he's the best ur Davey said that I don't he said I have to ignore your preaching got ahold of me said I have not prayed in one year I'm not praying one year successful pastor people church growing and because there were certain people coming who wanted to hear what he had to say because there was no power in it to convict him go to Daniel fifth chapter now this is Belshazzar this is Nebuchadnezzar son in the same hour came forth fingers of a man's hand and rode over against the candlestick against the plaster of the wall of the king's palace and the King saw the part of the hand that wrote then the Kings countenance was changed and his thoughts troubled him so that the joints of his loins were loosed and his knees smote one against another the King cried aloud to bring in the astrologers the Chaldeans and the soothsayers the King spake and said to the wise men of Babylon whosoever shall read this writing and show me the interpretation thereof shall be clothed with scarlet have a chain of gold about his neck and so be the third ruler of the kingdom then came in all the kings wise men but they could not read the writing nor make known to the king the interpretation thereof then was King Belshazzar greatly troubled with countenance was changed in him and his lords were started they were absolutely astonished folks just wait look at me now just wait the day is not far off when those who are chasing silver and gold are going into shock and just as these men their knees are going to tremble absolutely tremble you remember the story in the fifth chapter Nebuchadnezzar sent bill Shazzer being on the throne he has a great feast two thousand of his lords and princes and in a drunken stupor he calls his servants to bring in the golden chalice and the vessels the drinking vessels that they had that Nebuchadnezzar's father had taken from the Temple in Jerusalem and they began to drink wine out of the consecrated vessels and that's when the finger of judgment appeared the finger of God always appears suddenly it always appears suddeniy and so it will once again once again our world leaders our national leaders are going to tremble their knees are going to smite one against the other their countenance is going to change they're going to be astounded greatly troubled that's happening right now all over Europe euro dollar is collapsing and unless they moved in two days ago it would have collapsed it may collapse next week they're trying to bring it back but even after billions of dollars infused in the euro dollar it's shaking strikes right now because of high oil prices all over Europe and folks there everywhere you look there's handwriting on the wall God is warning do it just before the last Depression God tried to warn America with incredible storms and then came a famine there came a drought in the Midwest from Texas through Oklahoma and the great dust storms and folks we see the handwriting on the wall what's happening right now while I'm right now 75 days without rain the ground is cracking opening up and there are dust storms they've got the red the Red Storm now the red sky over Houston they call it the same red sky that came just before the Depression in 1929 folks the very same thing is hope happening over and over again and some of you sitting here here he goes again trying to scare the daylights out of me no we are blind to these things the handwriting is on the wall now folks they're not going to be turning to these prosperity preachers they will not turn to those who said all as well that is being preached from our Pentecostal pulpits Baptist pulpits Evangelic all puppets that God will never bring down America because we send missionaries God will never judge this forget this talk about an economic collapse forget it chapter 6 verse 11 this now is I'm skipping now I'm leaving I'm gonna leave no Shazzer for just a moment I want to go back now to Darius this this is another time and I wouldn't because I've got to move very quickly now Daniels been appointed over these three presidents and over 120 princes or over 120 provinces and they see in this man's life something that made them very jealous they see the wisdom that they don't have they see the blessing of God the favor on this man they see the respect that he has and they attribute it there's no question that rib uted to those prayers that he'd been praying three times a day out his window toward Jerusalem they tie it to that and in in their jealousy that they initiate this decree to try to stop Daniel oh no folks when I talk about Hell shaking prayer how incense the devil must have been that he organizes the entire government structure of an empire against one man all the princes 120 princes gathered together said we've got to stop this man these prayers of this man he's the only Jew the others are Medes and Persians want you he's one praying man now folks nobody else sees be praying except the Hebrew children told that Daniel but God always has a man he's always searching for man and God always finds a man when I talk about a man I'm talking about a kind of a man or a kind of woman they make this decree that no one is to pray to any God now there were many gods there were many religions in Babel and because they brought captives from all of their conquered nations and they brought them and allowed them to worship their gods they feared offending any of their gods and so they make a decree that no one can worship anybody but Darius himself and they make this decree but I want you to know something folks scripture says it in so many words Darius says to Daniel all these who told me all this whale have nothing to say to me they cannot interpret the time they can't interpret the handwriting on the wall listen to scriptures but I've heard of you Daniel that you can dissolve doubts it's in verse 16 you can dissolve doubts and read the times you can resolve dots folks I want you to know that when hard times come when people are in trouble when they're sick and afflicted they're having family problems and things go wrong they're not wanting empty foody's candy cotton preaching they don't want something that tells them they're alright they want to hear the truth they wanted unadulterated they wanted even piercing if it necessary they want the truth he said I need my doubts dissolved you're a pastor here the church I'm telling you you had better be a man of prayer in the days of head ahead because your people are gonna want their adults their doubts resolved they're gonna want a man in the pulpit that can stand there and reassure them what is happening and what is coming in the near future I'm amazed at the terrible misconception in the church world today about what the world wants you see all these polls and everything else they've come up with these ideas that that work only in a time of prosperity of when all things are well but none of these things work when the handwriting appears none of it works when the difficult times are coming and people's families are breaking up and their children are going onto going to drugs and and and their their bank accounts begin to diminish the finger of God is on the wall now we have a belch as in a thousand lords trembling a thousand lords who don't need a skit a thousand Lords who are shaking a thousand politicians who don't know what's happening and thousand politicians that are Tana shhhht what is happening nobody has an answer they're in fear and trembling and Daniel comes on the scene and they tell us that people don't want to hear preaching about sin anymore they tell us that you have to be non-confrontational there's a church in San Diego a charismatic church that advertises I told you this this ain't your mama's Church fifteen minutes is singing fifteen minutes of lecture and football scores during the service wait wait to the wall your finger of yours Daniel comes on the scene not too flattered he doesn't come to give them what they think they want he knows because they've been on the knees what they need listen to what he said da Belshazzar you have not humbled your heart you have lifted up yourself against the Lord of Heaven your days are numbered your kingdom is finished you're weighed in God's balance you're found wanting never know sazer it's all over he told it like it was he told it unadulterated untainted and they loved it they wanted it they put a gold neck on his chains a satin robe on him and make him the third ruler the whole kingdom it's what they wanted to hear they wanted truth that would set them free folks we came to New York City to start a church when we first saw a whole row of transvestites when I look down one day and saw these men dressed looked like very pretty women some very pretty blonds I'm not making fun but I'm I stood there and said Oh God what kind of preaching is gonna take drug addicts alcoholics people that were raising hands praising the Lord and still performing in these shows that were violent filthy what kind of preaching non-confrontational am I going to come down with a pad and pencil and line them up and say now what would you like me to preach so that could keep you coming back do you want the organ out you don't like these songs up here tell me what you want we'll give it to you never this church would be empty this church would have been closed in six months they would have laughed us out of town because every one of those down there were hungry they had doubts it needed to be resolved they wanted the truth and it came forth with power and unction and love and grace and it changed our lives and many of them are here some of them are in the house tonight let me talk to you about the perils of a praying man the praying man is a scourge of hell and Satan do everything in its power to shut him down in Daniels case this initiation of a conspiracy president sought to find occasion against Daniel and they couldn't they couldn't find adulterer that couldn't find covetousness they couldn't find pride they couldn't find ambition they couldn't find anything now it said when they sought occasion I believe that one of those occasions was this and it came right all the pits of hell and it's one of the prime occasions the devil seeks against every Christian every one of you listening and I want you to hear me well now I believe that they tried to involve Daniel in so much state business that he'd have no time to pray make him the busiest man because he was sneaking off let's just pile it on him let's give him so much to do let's make him so busy he'll have no time to pray this is one of the occasions I called a conspiracy of interruptions I'm certain the devil conspired with these co-presidents to involve Daniel in job-related busyness that would take him away from the secret closet ask preachers today why they don't pray one after another it's I have no time by the time I have I fulfill all the demands made on my time I can't do it all I have time to do is to go and many go to the Bible just to find a text and preach on it they go to the bow just to get a sermon and you ask any businessman that's it's not praying anymore why I I just don't have the time it's a conspiracy interruption right out of hell it is one of the most dangerous things that can happen to a preacher or to any any of us that are here to a businessman business women and career people and they Eve even housewife I don't have time by the time I get my children dressed and off for school and get my house damnit I don't have time the philosopher Koren and a Soren Kierkegaard referred to business of Christians as a narcotic I don't agree with everything Kierkegaard writes but he has empower 'full warnings too busy Christians he said it leads to double mindedness he spoke of men falling deeper and deeper into busyness while their love for the truth slipped more and more into oblivion he said it's a mass of connections the stimuli of activity ever-increasing calls upon one's time the more impossible for any to understand the danger he's in the mirror of God's Word is there but you have to stand still to see a reflection but he said the busy man is now moving so fast he has no time to reflect he rushes by now and he sees nothing he may even carry the mirror in his luggage but he doesn't take it out to see and look and judge himself worst of all the busy man is in worse condition than a man with a life killing disease because that man though he may not be able to stop the deadly disease he sees the symptoms growing worse but the busy man has a condition becomes more and more agreeable more and more comfortable the disease of busyness is easier to excuse he becomes less prayerful less conscious about the things of God and his convictions begin to wane and finally his accents prove that he's lost the heat of his convictions but Daniel was wide awake to this this attempt to try to get him so busy he was no longer in the secret clause in a prayer he prayed in spite of it even knowing that if he would end up in the lion's den and you know the rest of the story the decree calling for 30 day moratorium on prayer was signed and Daniel wines up for the lion's den now I'm not going to get into lion's den I'm going to change direction here for just a minute and I'm going to pose this question how doesn't matter woman become a matter woman of Prayer what was it that motivated Daniel to pray so powerfully and shake hell that the devil had to organise a whole Empire to try to shut him down he was that effective one man was that effective with God what what what is it that brings about a pregnant that a man at 80 years of age is praying with more intensity than when he was a young man here's a young man here's an 80 year old man that is seeing clearer than he's ever seen he's hearing from God clearer than he's ever heard before he's 80 years of age and he's lost nothing of the touch of God what was it about him what motivated him where did he get that desire to pray that motivation to pray I want to know because I'm getting up there you see Daniel lived in the New York of his day he lived in time of spirits apathy of drunkenness love of money and great temptations and he's a busy leader and he lived in a time when when very few were praying but why would an 80 year old preacher pour his heart out to God so fervently in the face of the Lions Den you see prayer does not come natural flesh and the devil conspire against it and it's so easy to start praying that it's hard to continue in it so many have been called to prayer and started and maintained it for well and then began to wane over and over but you see in time of spirits of the cleansing and prior to judgment God has always all through the Bible the scripture said is gone looking he's gone searching for those that were seekers after him remember in Jeremiah the fifth chapter don't turn that we hear God pleading run to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem see now and see if you can find a man that executed judgment that seeks the truth and I'll pardon he's an I'll pardon all the sins if I can just find one man that was seek my heart here were people who no longer grieved over sin they refused correction they were fully fed and blessed and prospered not committing adultery now running with harlots and they broken all the bonds of morality and God says I'm just looking for a praying man I'm looking for a seeker after my own heart you find it again in Ezekiel 23 when you read of the cut of the times some allure to ours a conspiracy of the prophets ministers ravening wolves raving after innocent souls stealing from the poor and the widows priests who violate God's law pastors profaning his holy things putting no difference between the holy and the unholy hiding their eyes from sin prophets full of vanity preaching lies false prophets saying thus saith the Lord when God said no such thing God's people were oppressed and robbed and vexed and God cries out I seek for a man among you that should make up their heads and stand in the gap before me then I should not destroy but I found none God forbid that he should be in this house tonight seeking you seeking me and find us not God forbid it had happened in this generation especially among those who were seekers me God found this man in Daniel you see the kind of man God is searching for is going to be found with the word of God in his hand in his heart you see God moved on Daniel Daniel sprang down the ninth chapter of Daniel you'll find him with his word on his lap and he searched and he's seeking the word and he discovers that this is the seventh year 70th year the prophesied time that God would deliver Israel you see God goes through the land he searches every church in the nation he searches every pastor study he goes through every church looking for seekers he's looking for those who are into the Word of God who have taken time not because some preachers put them under conviction but there's something in the heart they see that things happening they see the immorality they see what's happening in the land they see the moral degeneracy and there's something stirring in their heart and they go to the Word of God and it's that person that's in the Word of God it's the person that's beginning to read the times through the word you can't know that times except through being shut in with God in this word you don't know what's coming you don't know it's going to come to your life you don't know what's happening but this is how a man of Prayer a woman of Prayer is made by the hand of God not only faith comes by reading the Word of God but a spirit of prayer from the Holy Ghost comes through being studied with God this is where Daniel God is knowledge that's where he got his wisdom he was a man just like you and me he's a man of like passions he was not a saint any more than you and I are as far as being perfect after he read that he said I set my face to the Lord God to seek by prayer and supplication and begin to fast with sackcloth and ashes and I pray to the Lord my God you see Daniel being a man of word becomes a man of prayer you can't become a man or woman of prayer not being a man or woman of the word the praying man who shakes hell is the one to whom God has revealed the conditions of his church and that man humbles himself and identifies with that condition he identifies with it Daniels discovered the time for God to bless his church his company looks at the church and he says God may be ready to bless but we're not ready to receive he looked at this side and condition of the church of that day he said worse a DAT with the sins of Babylon we've become prosperous and comfortable we've drifted from the moral standards and we once honored and God I believe put this grief in Daniels heart he said God is ready to restore his church he's ready to revive but we're no condition to respond to God's desire because our minds are polluted Babylon is on the brink of destruction it's on its last legs but we are divorcing we're indulging our minds have been corrupted our families are falling apart we're breaking God's laws we're ignoring the warnings of the prophets we're no longer obeying God we've drifted away from it's all in the night chapter go home and read it it's all there pray for revival like you will talk about everything God wants to do and he does and God has a heart to bless his people bless his church and bless your family and mind but if our minds are polluted with the things of this world if we are not seeking his faith we are in no position to receive his blessings let's focus for a moment on our wicked nation I'm not going to prolong this militant homosexuality rules in America unopposed in California now there's a law homosexual homosexuality is being taught it's forced teaching starting at first grade that homosexuality is an acceptable lifestyle first grade drunkenness now that used to be only on a college campus among young people now has hit the high schools it's been in the front page of time it's been in Newsweek it's been a national headlines has been a USA Today the drunken binges in high schools all over America and even in Christian high schools to date we have the inners we have the internet superhighway now listen to me please and I I am not exaggerating I have bet I can back it up I've seen it in the papers and I've seen other counts 90% not of content but of activity on internet 90% is pornography has had a letter this morning from a school teacher that's in this church and probably here tonight she said the they're monitoring the the 15 16 year olds is there on the computers and there they call from Maine often said look at in your classroom and 15 year olds were into pornography watching terrible filth parents won't tell you something if you're trusting your teenagers in their room all by themselves with a computer with Napster they can download that and you trust your teenagers you're foolish don't ever trust a teenager no no nope laughing Christian mother told me last week she wanted to know what's happening his spirit was speaking to her heart she went she did nothing about computer so she went to computer class just to learn to tap in to see what her teenager was watching she tuned she learned how to tap in and saw all the connections to Napster songs by Charlie Manson songs about cop killing songs with f-words songs about death songs about suicide she started to weep and cry and then looked at the other sites at all the pornography sites filthy pornography sites she said her husband got so aggravated disrupt it just ripped it out of the house lifted out of the house so she went to another mother another family with a teenager said do you know what your kids watching I trust my teenager she said MIT would you like to see and so she went into that computer found the same thing folks we've lost the whole generation of kids and I've often wondered why teenagers of Christian parents can come to this church I have preached sometimes under such an anointing I knew that disappear the Lord was on me as if I were in heaven and I knew that I stood between heaven and hell and as a man standing in the gap and I've seen christened teenagers sitting right in this church with their hands folded down bored and chewing gum and I said how can that happen when hardened old-time sinners are getting up and walking down the aisle and some were shaking in their knees trembling and a teenager sitting there chewing gum totally untouched until you find out there lines have been saturated and they can't get those visions out of their mind because if you're watching pornography sir or ma'am and there are many of you hitting sitting here right now you're tuning in you're watching that field and it's Saturday in your mind and that's why you don't pray that's why don't you read you that's why you're not reading your Bible you got your mind polluted and all over the United States we're getting letters now from pastors wives who said I've been trying to find out why my husband has changed he doesn't love me anymore he's empty in the pulpit he has no anointing what's happened to him and they find out they opened the door and they see their husbands watching guilty pornography and here's the prayer that shakes hell it's the matter woman who sees the condition God shows in the condition of the church in the nation and something rises up because he's been in the word or she's been in the word said Oh God I don't want to be a part of this I don't want to get caught up in this world the cesspool of iniquity I don't want my eyes polluted I don't want to be a part of this I don't care who doesn't pray I'm gonna pray I don't care who don't read the Bible I'm gonna read my Bible I want nothing to do with it in a cry of my heart night and day I'm starting to take on ministers conferences and I'm saying oh god I'm too old to care what people think anymore my God we're losing a whole generation we're losing our kids even in this church where people can sit in church and be unmoved because they're in the filth who preachers all over the nation I administer friend who went to Germany and the superintendent of a Pentecostal movement said don't mention pornography because almost every preacher that's in our meeting goes to bed at night with pornography and I kveld God where are the voices where are the people the cry on against the where are the praying people and I say God whatever it takes whatever it takes keep me on my knees [Applause] [Music] Daniel went on a soapbox he wasn't saying yelling at his crowd of what they were doing he said we have sinned he identified with the sins of the people said to us belong confusion of face because we have sinned against him we have been disobedient we have rejected his voice and I say the same thing God opened my heart to what's happening in my own life show me where I have been drifting show me where I lack whole God to deal with it I had so much more but I'm gonna quit I just let stand how those of you folks I don't produce conviction I can't move anybody's art if you've been moved by the Holy Ghost tonight if God's touched you be put anything they put his finger and anything in your life you see Pastor David I'm not a man of Prayer I'm not a woman of Prayer you may want to come down here and say god I'm taking a step tonight I want you to forgive me for drifting you know people who backslide don't even know they're backsliding to become that's the narcotic Kierkegaard talked about come doll insensitive to their own needs and will backslidings in their prayerlessness there's a need for you to come down up in the balcony go the stairs neither side down any aisle and in the annex just go forward between the screens and stand there so I can pray for you there I don't know how to give an altar call tonight except if you're not right with God this is the time if you've been back slidden if you're not right with Jesus come and if God's putting his finger on something obey Him don't say no to the Holy Ghost don't say no to the Holy Spirit don't shake off conviction that's dangerous move in tight move in close please and while they're ministering in music would you step out only as the Holy Spirit lead you we're gonna pray for you and ask God to do something supernatural in your life tonight obey Him as he speaks to your heart [Music] [Music] Hey [Music] - me [Music] Oh my happy to 3a [Music] you [Music] [Music] stay [Music] Oh [Music] Oh the job [Music] [Music] love it the Lord loves his church he loves his people with an undying love but we are so bent on going our own way we're so bent on drifting we're so bent on on on giving up that burden of the Lord that's why yet God has to keep building a fire under sea keeping it and that's what I believe the house of God is for encouragement I believe it's for healing I believe it's for the ministering of grace but it's also for the ministering of stirring up our hearts and our minds to continue in His grace to continue fervently before the Lord I know he has to do that in me he has to do that in me every everyday is to keep stirring my heart I want that I don't want to drift I want that stirring in my as God stirred your heart tonight you feel the moving in the Holy Spirit that's a wonderful thing to have the Holy Spirit moving on you if that's the case thank God for that because you're in a position to be touched and blessed I want everybody in the Annex that have come forward want to pray for you and here in the main house first I want everyone first of all that's coming back you've been drifting you've been cold you're coming back to the Lord tonight to be restored and healed in your spirit I want you to pray with me right now now let's everyone everybody came forward raise both hands and then the annex just lift both hands Bibles Underwood men ever lift holy hands to the Lord will you pray this prayer from deep inside your heart Lord Jesus I do love you I need to touch forgive me Jesus for neglecting you I repent I'm sorry don't let me get too busy don't let me go away from the word roomy back to the closet of Prayer Lord forgive my sin forgive my iniquities and cleanse me give me clean eyes and a pure heart let me not be involved with the sins of this generation give me power over the seduction of Satan now let me pray for your father I pray for those that are coming to you now I don't believe they have to scream at you of Yale or beggar plea so you said you're more willing to give than we are to receive Holy Ghost minister to those in the annex now and minister those here in the main auditorium who taken a step Lord Jesus blot out those iniquities blot out that neglect Lord you said my people forgot me days without number let that not be said of us anymore forgive us for neglecting you O God you've been calling this church to prayer you've been calling us all to prayer Lord Jesus for those that have been indulging in internet pornography those Lord that have been indulging in things that you have forbidden in your word these things that take away the anointing these things that put us to sleep these things that cause us to lie to ourselves and our families forgive us O God blot it all out let there be a cleansing of the blood of Jesus tonight a wonderful cleansing I want you to raise your hands right now and pray this right from your heart Jesus I receive the cleansing healing power of Jesus right now the blood of Christ applied to my heart by faith I am forgiven and I am free and Lord Jesus give me power now of the Holy Ghost to worship and praise and seek your face thank you Jesus now once you give him thanks and praise in your own words thank you crazy
Channel: SermonIndex.net
Views: 596,602
Rating: 4.8552389 out of 5
Keywords: David, Wilkerson, Revival, Repent, God, Sermons, Jesus, SermonIndex
Id: IcwpjXu3z6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 48sec (3768 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2009
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