Who Is Guarding The Front Door Of Your Home? by David Wilkerson

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[Music] [Music] like you to open your Bibles to Nehemiah the seven and just leave it open if you were placed on your lap I'll be coming back to that through the course of my message this afternoon praise the Lord again welcome to all of our visitors me Chester the Lord has already touched your heart and now made the word do a convicting cleansing work in all of our hearts who's guarding the front door of your house Heavenly Father I ask you to speak clearly in me and through me and to all of us lord I thank you for your word I thank you for the Holy Ghost that takes the word that in itself is dead without the anointing of the Holy Spirit and brings life to the word this is a precious word Lord but it had it was given by the Holy Ghost holy men of old were moved upon by the Holy Ghost and Holy Ghost you moved on the hearts of men and now anoint this word that you brought forth from the very throne of God the Father Lord sanctify my lips and my body and my mind and give us ears to hear we pray in Jesus name Amen you know what's happened to our school system in the United States they now have metal detectors at the doors our schools are hotbeds of Gnosticism atheism evolution it's politically correct in our schools now that you cannot have a Bible in class a teacher cannot even lay it on the desk a teacher can lay any book on communism pornography playboy anything but you dare not lay a Bible on your desk our schools become so corrupt and so vile we think of our children shooting one another now it's incomprehensible that seventh-grade boys can take guns and mold down their friends and their enemies without any sorrow not any thought about killing folks there's not a person within the sound of my voice right now that could deny that our schools ever since we shut God out of them have been taken over by Satan himself not just colleges but high schools great schools all the way down to kindergarten now with new AIDS teaching and all kinds of foolish doctrines and devilish talk these things creeping into our schools but let me tell you it's not the schools that are damming our kids it's not the schools we think about media because many many parents blame the media especially MTV now folk I don't even know what MTV is it evidently it's a music channel because we don't watch television in a home don't have a set I've got a monitor but I don't have a synth then that we watch but I understand that kids run around now with I've heard on the radio rap music and I was in a music store not too long ago and you look at the lyrics I couldn't believe my eyes that such filth could be could be perpetrated what kind of minds what kind of money greedy new music companies credible music companies that push this perversion incredible and young people are given to music and you see them running around now with these things stuck in their ears used to be big boom boxes now they folks I'm glad that's not bull box I don't want to hear what some of them are listening to but folks it's devilish absolutely deadly since creeping into the house of God even do you know what your kids are listening to do you have any idea folks have used at that moment you see posters coming in now with pictures of these devilish looking creatures in these rock-and-roll bands you better mark you better do some investigating and what's up that folks let me tell you it's not the music ministry it's not the media that's damning our kids that's not the issue that's not what I want to talk about I could stand here and rail against the music I could have gotten all kinds of distich psy could have really made a case I see our kids sinking deeper and deeper into depravity because of the music that causes a spirit of rebellion to get a hold of their hearts but that's not what's damming our kids well what about the compromised Church what about the backslidden Church what about the church now that's bringing the world in to the house of God what about churches now that are denying the virgin birth they deny heaven they deny Hell what about the churches today that are bringing in all of this foolishness and our kids laugh at it kids get bored you go to many churches today you won't find any teenagers you won't find any young people none to them religion church is absolutely irrelevant they have no time for church whatsoever you know this is what happens when I talk to parents about why the kids go wrong and I usually get it's well they got in with the wrong company in school they got in with the wrong crowd or though they'll say well I I don't know what happened but I know that the music that my born my girl that's on drugs and and I'll tell you what Oh over the many years I've worked with drug addicts and alcoholics I'm going to tell you the music is tied to that culture the music there's hardly anyone on no teenager ever started a non pot that didn't get that read done yes idea and they got up every time from his music and don't say well my might more my girl got in with the wrong crowd they blamed the crowd they blame the school they blame the church there are people that don't go to church or they never darken the doors of this church and yet they send their kids with somebody and they they really hope that within the two hours we have them here in the annex that will make angels out of their rebels and if we don't make angels out of their rebels their kids go bad they blame Time Square Church and that's happening all over the world there are there are some sitting here right now you're hoping against hope your boy your girl has got a problem or one of your children as problems and you're hoping that's a somebody up there in the sunday-school department it's going to somehow magically get through your kids and it's still some principals will keep them from the devil it's never going to happen in two hours there's no magical thing they can say no folks where's the blame then what because we parents have a tendency to blame even Christian parents to blame all of these other influences as to why their kids go wrong you know once a month we dedicate babies little children here on this stage sometimes they'd be 15 to 25 babies up here and their parents and I love to do that we take oil we anoint them and you've heard how I pray oh god keep them from the wicked one build a wall of fire around them and keep them and every time I've done that ever since we've been in this building never ever since we've done that I look at these parents and they walk offstage and I sometimes my heart sinks because I know that many of those kids are glowing that not many but a number of those kids are gonna go to drugs they're gonna go to alcohol because some of those parents are not gonna set the example some of those parents are gonna blame everybody else but their own responsibility and some of those children are gonna be lost they're gonna be lost I that's why I pray Lord don't you hear me Lord don't let one of them go don't let one of them go it won't be the problem it won't be caused by this church a lack of the anointing or a lack of a true word that does it and that's gonna be their music alone that does it is not going to be their friends it's something that happens in the home the responsibility of a parent now I'm not going to tell you how to raise your kids I couldn't even begin to get into that that's not what my message is all about but who's losing our children who's to blame all these forces that we talk about are usually blamed but let me tell you something that many of you may not want to hear this afternoon there's something happening in the charismatic movement and even in some evangelical churches that absolutely amazes and frightens me there's something happening now in in what we call Holy Ghost circles people who claim to have the baptism of the holy ghost who claim to have more than any other Church has and and claim to be the source of revival in the land today and there's something absolutely amazes me and at the same time frightens me because I see thousands of parents running all over the world getting on buses and planes going by car and every conveyance possible to go to some revival meeting now folks I am NOT putting down revival meetings I'm not putting down manifestations I'm not putting down and I know that the Holy Ghost manifests in many ways he has his own ways Who am I to say how the Holy Ghost had manifested himself upon human flesh but what amazes me that many many of these who are going to these meetings are mothers and they will leave their family and they will go with some other ladies and they will go from meeting to meeting to meeting and they asked for the Holy Ghost to come upon them and they get some a movement to work of the Holy Spirit they say upon them experiencing manifestations and they come away saying God really touched me and they go home so happy and rejoicing and testifying this great great move of God and then go home and our teenagers aren't even in the house the teenagers are running around teenagers are giving their souls to the devil nice music whoo what good is it what does it matter what is it profit you gain the whole rhythm go to a revival on the face of the other loser kids where are the children love where are your children when you're running around trying to get a blessing I know lady preachers teachers kids are gone to hell but they are teaching you how to raise your kids I know because they call me and asked me if I've got a place for their drug addicted sons and daughters pastors who have given their time to their congregations in so little time to their kids and floats up all of this talk about revival all of this talk about we need a Holy Ghost revival I'm sick and tired of hearing that from parents who don't even have a bird for their kids you need a revival in your home need an awakening in your house [Music] [Applause] the charismatic movement has developed a cockeyed interpretation of revival its cockeyed it's out of kilter it's it's become the definition revival is some manifestation the flesh is some emotional thing where everybody happy people land on the floor laughing and making all kinds of animal barnyard noises and folks now they're talking about gold dust falling from the sky and gold teeth being filled folks I heard that 50 years ago I heard it fifty years ago folks I can tell you more than that when I was in my teenage there was oil they said coming out of hands and I got so angry as a young preacher and I said how do you know it's not Sunoco how do you know it isn't gasoline you know people would get your hands sweaty up in up in check up in in Canada just recently they did a a national survey of those who said the Holy Ghost and filled their teeth and a revival when it was a rather no well-known man and his death is so the telecast pulled his records out where he had filled the teeth did investigation all 11 of them have been jailed lives folks we are making a joke out of the Holy Ghost then he's not a joke and what bothers me and what concerns me and breaks my heart is that while parents around enjoying what they call these wrestling's and revivals the kids are gone straight to hell the kids are laughing let me tell you what I believe that true revival is the true work of the Holy Spirit first of all it's restoring the gates that guard the house from abominations and it's parents guarding the doors of their houses that's what the book of Nehemiah is all about if I want to learn a New Testament truth I'd go to the Old Testament to look for the type I go to the Old Testament because the Bible said these things were written for our admonition or for our teaching our learning upon whom the ends of the world would come and I've made that a habit all my life if I want to understand the New Testament I go to the Old Testament because Scripture explains scripture here - the seventh chapter and Nehemiah the seventh chapter were very vividly shown what happens to the church and times of ruin and apostasy plummet look at me for just a moment he and maia his time he had some 43,000 free Patriots go back to Jerusalem and what they find in Jerusalem is a city whose walls are torn down and engaged there lying in ruins totally in ruins he said because of our sins our enemies have dominion over our bodies and we are in great distress did you hear that because of our sins the enemy has dominion over our bodies and we're in great distress and when you're under the Dominion of sin and when sin creeps into the church it brings distress it brings bondage that spreads like poison all through the body and there there was nothing but ruin and you see what really bothered Nehemiah is be is that there was no safe place in the city now Zion a Jerusalem represents in our time the New Testament church that represents the Church of Jesus Christ it represents the church and what we see now it's a type of what has happened in our time to what is called the church and there is ruin there is apathy there's devastation because the walls are down and the gates are in ruin and I'll show that to you in just a moment it's a picture of the religious system and when Nehemiah went into the city and they began to rebuild the houses and the walls the enemy was coming in and is pleased Sanballat and Tobiah all of the Midianites anyone thieves criminals prostitutes coming and going because there were no walls and there were no gates there was no protection folks that's what I see happening now in so many church circles I see walls that are coming down walls and protects him those walls are truth that we once stood for we stood for this word of God and anything contrary to this word was not allowed in the house of God but somewhere along the line because of sin and compromise the walls have been torn down the gates have been ruined and destroyed and now the Bible said the wild boar has free access representing the devil and demonic power free access because of no walls and no gates now Nehemiah represents God's plan of restoration he represents what a true revival is you've got to have walls around the body of Christ there has to be truth that rises up that keeps the power to wickedness and darkness and so far and no further the gates have to come up folks when I hear from parents who write to me and say pastor Dave you won't believe what's happening in my church you won't believe what's going on and these are not complain us these people are not bitter these are praying people godly people who are worried about their kids then they sell youth pastor is a lover of wild music in our church I get this from Baptist churches I get him from charismatic assembly God Pentecostal churches all the united states and you know I one of the largest mailing lists in the United States [Music] hundreds of thousands these parents right say you won't believe what's happened in our church our church has been fire for God people usually conceived at all there's nobody been saved anyone there's a death and now on Saturday nights they move all the chairs in the annex or wherever it is they move all the chairs and they bring in these she said you you can't believe the rock groups that they're bringing in that have taken the same music and just thrown a little bit of Jesus words in some Jesus words into to justify it she said those performers are tattooed and they have rings in their tongues the belly buttons are signed with rings and she said they they look violent and have that stance of the same ungodly rock and rollers in the secular world they come staggering in the church and one woman said I went to my past and said I don't want my teenager to be lost the pastor said there's no problem send them they'll be blessed and the mother decided to go to the church to see what was going on and she said I was horrified they were body slamming each other then the church slamming their bodies against each other up against the stage that is supposed to be the work of God I'd say the walls are down the walls are done there was a pastor that allowed the walls to go down and allowed to be intimidated by his own young people afraid delusions are going to give money things they want when I see a church bringing in punk rock when I see multitudes run after every wind and wave of doctrine wanting some new thing and glide through such foolishness I say the walls are down a revival manifest the true manifestation of the work in moving the holy spirit it is the heart cry of the godly who said O God raise up the walls hallelujah in Chapter 7 verse 1 and came to pass when the wall was built and I had set up the doors and the porters and the singers the Levites were appointed now look at me please Wendy of my went in and saw that rule and he didn't call for the people to gather round in the middle of this ruin and have a shouting party the only manifestation you saw were people that had picks and shovels the only manifestation you saw were those that had brick and mortar in their hand and trumpets and swords and they got to work building up those walls because they said we don't want we don't want this church anymore to have the abominations of the land keeping into it so they built the walls those were the only manifestations you saw later the glory of the Lord would come down and fill the house so that they couldn't minister but folks that's not the time there comes a time to shop until the walls are up not until the house is sanctified again why are some people running around seeking manifestations when they ought to have a pick and a shovel in their hands and God help me to reveal the walls how can you laugh when your kids are going to hell how can you sit around in to house that God just get blessed when you've got family members right on the brink of Hell itself so the gates are up now blood bitter walls and gates without people to police them without people with discernment to know who gets in and who is not allowed in and what comes in and what does not come in and so when the walls were built and the gates were up Nehemiah appoints look at verse one again and I had set up the doors and the gates and the porters and the singers of Levites were appointed he appointed laymen by shifts to stand at those gates these were not preachers these were not priests these were ordinary they were singers choir members musicians people from all walks of life they were appointed by this righteous leader here my artist what's the gates what's the gates there's a pastor of a very large church in the United States was exposed outrightly exposed for adultery caught in the act and also for mismanagement of funds large church but the Deacons had a meeting and because he was such a pile such a buddy because he's such an eloquent speaker in fact one of the women in the church told the newspaper said I don't care what he did I have a hard time getting my church my husband to church but he'll go to hear this man so I don't care what he's done I want my husband in church he's going to stay and some pastors who were concerned he was so well-known in the city and they wanted to make sure there's no reproach on the body of Christ so they went to the elders and deacons and said would you please let him have time off for six months and let us minister to him and restore him they said no he stays in the book never missed the beach there mr. beat and and I say to myself those elders those Deacons those leaders were supposed to be Watchmen at the gate so let the spirit of adultery and these spirits of the world did not creep into the trust that was their colony that was their obligation I want to tell these elders that are here now an idiot leaders of this church you have a right before God and not on it right but I beg of you if you ever hear me or any minister of this church bring anything into this pulping that's contrary to this book if you see anything in our lives that is unlike Jesus Christ and his open sin you have an obligation to stand up and if you sit any Department of the church to stand up against any invasion any sign of any any area of the church you have you have an obligation to be a keeper that God has ordained you he has called you to be keepers of the gate and all the leaders of all departments of the church here to be keepers of the gates heed that no teacher brings in false doctrine so that no one is living in sin you don't just throw them out you you bring it to the leaders and you counsel with them but I bring myself under authority not only in Jesus Christ but to other pastors into elders and to submit everything I preach and the life that I live I'm not talking about what I've seen and what I experienced when I was a young preacher my first church I tried my best and I know I made some mistakes and in in leadership but I'll never forget today those bossy elders who tried they driven off every preacher in 30 years little turn 250 people little country church my first past I was 19 years old sure you're gonna make mistakes at 19 but I remember them calling me in and set me down there's four of them just set me down not know what hit me they just accuse me of everything but I was dictator I was living that was that and they just railed I mean even give me a word and I didn't know any better I just got up and it said my Bible says touch not God's I'm going to do my prophets no heart I knew they were the wrong spirit [Music] and I said brethren I'm walking out on you and I'm turning you over to the grace and judgment of God and I lived to see the day very shortly after all four of them were severely judged death and sickness and disease you can't you can't rise up against God's anointed but folks I'm not talking about elders and deacons who have ruled churches and chastised and intimidated pastors I'm talking about that I'm talking about godly men and women who care about the house of God they want to know that they're teenagers and they're young people can come in and hear word of God and there's no food easeness in the house of God there's conviction of the anointing of the Holy Spirit and that's not going to happen until people rise up on all sides fast and pray and believe God and every one of you listening to me everyone that thing's times for church is your home church you've been appointed to be a keeper at the gate that means when we call you to fast and pray and seek God that's you standing up just like Nehemiah said appointed to watch your client oh god keep us pure keep us holy let there be no bigotry into the church that the be nothing between blacks and whites and Puerto Ricans or anybody else keep the church holy keep it care [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah Nehemiah then said verse 3 we read it with dis listen to it and I said unto them let not the gates of Jerusalem be open until the Sun be hot in other words said I don't want any dark thing nothing done in the darker quiet of night he said this won't be a house of sunlight this is going to be an open house where everything is open our hearts are open pastures are open everybody's an open book nothing dark nothing hidden so you don't even open the gates until the Sun is up glory be to God and while they stand by I let them shut the doors and borrow them here anything unlike Jesus shut it down keep it out Oh glory be to God keep it out of the house keep the abomination out of the house of God now here's my message and a point watches and the habitants of Jerusalem everyone in his watch and every one to be over against his house now here it is in the original he appointed guards from the inhabitants of Jerusalem eats at his post and each in front of his own house and door each one in front of his own house and his door now the reason I said who's guarding your front door here in New York my apartment doesn't have a back door I've got one door that's my front door most of you live in a house with one door now some of you got to God bless you but what we're saying here that I as a parent and responsible I am responsible everything that comes in that door I'm responsible or every label of music unresponsive every magazine every book I'm responsible for every friend I'm responsible for everything I've been set as a guard at the front door of my house who's guarding the front door of your house you said well I'm a single parent you may be here as a mother and I know God put in my heart to encourage some of you mothers that that no husband's no father in the house and you very very discouraged because you know very very difficult it is but you're the guard you are the guard you can't sit around saying I am on my son my boy and my daughter my girl needs a father right now your father your mother your everything through Jesus Christ you have to be the guard you let down your guard if you wait for somebody else to come and do the job it may never happen you can lose your kids in the process two teenage boys that went on a killing rampage in Colorado this past year where was where were the parents these kids were making making pipe bombs in the Bay Inn in the garage did that mother never go in the room to clean the boy's room because there were all kinds of demonic paraphernalia devil paraphernalia notes left around about murder and killings there was no guard at the door these kids were running around like mafia in black long coats and black hats and then black eye shadow did that mother ever wonder didn't dad then see what's going on well well they dancing folks huh it happens really sucks man I was at the shopping mall with my wife the other day and I'm getting out of my car and here comes some kids toward me I'm not trying to be facetious oh they look like escapees from in some Asylum god bless [Music] tongues hanging out with everything in the world and they stigma if you're gonna do it stick it back in don't let me have to look at it their peers they're not just glue or pierced think of the infections what kind of mother and dad comes home it sticks out their tongue at mom look now we may laugh at it but folks it's it's it's a life and death see these are symptoms these are symptoms it did somebody crying outs kids crying out dad mom you're neglecting that you're spending all your time you're too busy for me you don't have time for me so they get with their friends and these are all signs and symptoms when they way they do things to the hair and their lips and the piercings this is something cry out no I'm not as I told you I'm not here to tell you how to raise kids I'm trying to tell you that one day you and I parents we stand before a holy God we stand before the judgment seat of Christ and we're going to answer for our children we're going to answer how we've raised our children we raised them in the fear nurture and admonition of the Lord have we set the example before them if they heard the cry I heard the cry of praying parents all my growing up days I told you what I heard my mother pray up in the third floor and I'd be out playing in the backyard though God keep David and Jerry juanita root the Lord get ahold of David she she prayed more for me and I couldn't understand I thought I was especially is this that was a bigger problem the resident and I heard her pray one day old God vehicle if y'all rather you take him now I'd rather he'd be saved now take him if he won't live for the devil and I mean my mother prayed and fasted for me and I did the same thing folks I have four children it all up involved in some kind of ministry husbands and wives serving the Lord 11 grandchildren serving the Lord even the youngest have a heart for the Lord because Lord told me years ago that was to pray for this pray this prayer for my children and it gave me the prayer and I give it to you and if you take it to God every day got a lance for you Lord make my sons as oaks beside the waters of life and make my daughters as Pauli stones in your palace that's what we're to pray according to proverbs and I prayed I really keep them from the wicked one and some of you singles one day God's going to give you a mate and you're going to have a child or more and this this is going to be a responsibility you don't everything else I say hear me right now you may have lost one of your children you may be sitting here grieving right now said brother Dave I'm hurting because I had a tender child or my children once tender and now I have a boy or girl on drugs or you may have somebody in prison you may have a child that's gone astray and in trouble and you hurt and you grieve over it but I'm telling you when you look back it could be you have to acknowledge that you were too busy you acknowledge there's a lot of mistakes you've made that you can't recall the pay you can't bring back the past but you have leverage now you've got something that still works and that's to pray and seek the face of God and bathe them in prayer and preach Holy Ghost miserable upon them till sin becomes so miserable to them and brings them back to the cross hallelujah you have that power and authority in Jesus lay hold of God in their behalf and if you still have children in your home that are that are halfway that that is the time to lay hold of God more than ever before by setting the example seeking his face you need to be praying for wisdom can I just offer you parents something I've learned something I've earned this gray hair you better believe it I used to first of all dad one can I give you some good old-fashioned grandpa advice don't look at every problem your has is terminal because just about the time they dump something on you and you're worrying about your friend they're often forgotten all about it they've moved on to something else take it to Jesus pray through never forget it don't preach if you're kids if they're backslidden don't hassle the mom don't get on their back and just preach and preach and preach because a mother told me one time and she came to me she said mom my boy his backslidden he smokes and he drinks it comes in all hours of the night and I have to wait up that this mother wait up to him two or three o'clock in the morning she'd be up there waiting and where were you questions and all of this and she said Pastor Dave what am I going to do I said you're gonna you're going to you gonna stop preaching to him first of all because every time he'd get up in the way she'd fix breakfast she'd say honey please go to church with men he says I don't want you ever talking to me about church they're gonna want to hear anything about it and I said would you please stop preaching at it and just pray for him and when you go home tonight don't you wait up from you go to bed even though you don't sleep pretend you're sleeping when he gets when you get up in the morning fix his breakfast don't say anything about church notice anything about God about Judaism alone pray for him love him do what is right as a mother but but no more preaching she should okay she went home that night and he came in about one o'clock and she wasn't there she went at the door when her kitchen she went in the kitchen mom it's up in the bed pretend to be asleep she got up and done the next day and he comes cranking into the kitchen for his age and bacon and said I got in at 1:30 last night she said good for you son [Music] and he couldn't get over because you know he just been using mom manipulating her and they'll do that to you she said son you know the rules if you want to break them fine but I'm not gonna lose a sleep over it anymore I've turned you over to Jesus and she said you don't have to go to church with me anymore he saw go if I wanna go nobody [Music] [Applause] it took only less than two weeks that boy came to church and got saved [Applause] every man at his door now if you're married your Christian family sir you are the priest of your family you're the one who's to take the authority and it should never and mother it should never be wait till your dad gets home you if you're on your knees you've got the spiritual authority they will listen and and mother another piece of grandpa advice don't ever scream at your kids I've had drug addict after drug addict tell me I still hearing in my ears a screaming mother screamed and screamed and screamed you could hear them down the street supposed to be Christians screaming at their kids you could scream your kids right into hell and though the power is not raising their voice and then your kids lose all respect for every word your word doesn't mean anything because you said you do once more and I'll get you you don't do anything you don't pick up the belt you don't fly the run one more time and about 20 times later you still say one more time and he's laughing at you but when Dad walks in the door there's got to be a holy respect for his word and that comes often by applying proper discipline and you have every right until your children are of age to set the rules for your house you set the rules for your house whether they run whatever it is my belief if you raise them right if you'll stand by the book God will honor you and when they're old they're not depart from the way it may be down the road somewhere but God somewhere along the Lord they're going to bring them back to that place because you stood for the word of God you didn't compromise on the Word of God you wouldn't let your children intimidate you and tell you what things how things are going to be you took the stand not as a dictator but as a loving father two loving mother amen now before I close this afternoon I want to talk for just a moment I want to bring a word of hope folks I didn't expect this this is not some great theological discourse this is just out of my heart today something this week that God just put in my heart that there would be those of you here that are absolutely concerned about your children some of your Christian parents and you're worried and concerned about how your children gonna be raised in this wicked age because of the school system because of the way society is going and you wonder what your teenagers would become maybe of little children you're concerned about it and some of you single mothers especially God has put this on my heart and I'm going to give you a promise from the Word of God a covenant promise that if you lay hold of it and God gave me this last night I said Lord I've got to have something from you and the Holy Ghost led me to this particular covenant promise and I want you to go with me to Isaiah 44 before I close Isaiah 44 if every parent listening to me now will claim this promise God's gonna work a miracle in your life and home through your children now before I tell you where to go in Isaiah would you look this way for just a moment and those in the Annex God never moves on a praying pastor to preach something that isn't relevant for some reason this had to be preached this afternoon as he knew who would be here he knew the cry of some of you somebody maybe grandparents weeping and grieving over your children first of all if you're not going to fast and pray none of these covenant promises I'm gonna give you now have any merit for you at all they don't apply to you but if you have if you're willing like Nehemiah when he heard about the walls down he heard about the gates destroyed the Bible said he mourned he wept he prayed he fasted and if you have a concern you said I want my children to grow up as godly young people I want my children to be strong in Christ I want you to read with me follow me the first four to chapter 44 first four verses yet now hear o Jacob my servant in Israel whom I have chosen thus saith the Lord that made thee inform thee from the womb which will help thee fear not now look at me please Isaiah is speaking to the Jews of his time he's also speaking to the Church of Jesus Christ it's very clear in the context he's speaking prophetically of our time in which we live right now and God is saying in this right now here o Jacob my servant Israel now there's an Israel of God that those who are chosen whom I've chosen those are chosen in Jesus Christ if you can sit here right now and say pastor David I know I'm chosen I know I'm in Christ then here's the word of the Lord for the next verse thus saith the Lord that may eat and form thee from the womb which will help think fear not here's his message to you right now don't be afraid don't let the devil lie to you you gonna lose your kids don't live under bondage and fear keep the concern keeping prayer but have faith right now my God who chose me from the womb is going to keep my children God's going to keep me from fear of the enemy destroying and getting into my home and destroying my family my husband my wife my marriage I will help you fear not o Jacob my servant and Jerusalem that means the righteous through soon is the the interpretation there is righteous whom I have chosen now folks look at me can you say in all faith that you aright this person before God through Jesus Christ and His righteousness can you say I'm chosen in the Lord raise your hand if you can't wave it at me I am chosen I'm righteous not my own but the righteousness of Christ then this applies to you this is your covenant promise look what it says in the next verse I will pour water upon him that's thirsty and floods upon the dry ground now look at me do you sit here right now I will pour water have you been getting the water in your thirsty soul are you feeding on when I'm preaching right now are you feeding on the Word of God as the Holy Ghost poured floods of water on your dry soul have you no dry spells in the Holy Ghost came and lifted that gospel did he touch you then this next verse why won't you claim it I will pour my spirit upon thy seed and my blessing upon thine offspring that's your children and they shall spring up among the grasses willows willows or trees that grow fast and spread far willow trees one of my favorite trees you see them in beside the water course we fit into wherever there's water you're going to find and the very water that the holy ghost is pouring on you he's going to pour on your children and the Bible says I make you an ironclad oath promise a covenant promise that if you'll cast out your fear and put your trust in me seek my face pray hold your children up name them right here in this verse I will pour spirit upon thy seed put your kids names there upon thy Michael upon thy Susan and my blessing might think of it my blessing upon your children I have claimed that I have proven it well glory to God his word is true you say my boy is back said my girl is gone keep feeding and the word seek his face and believe this promise right now and you that have children are additional high lay your hands on them that's our mothers sleep and just go once should we can lay your hands on them take this verse but you memorize it memorize it and Lord you you've made me this covenant promise and I'm tell you God told me to tell you this I'm telling you now that's why he had me preach this right now many many children are going to be saved from the powers of hell out of this service now many of you from the elders to the flyer and all over this house God is going to save God is going to save your children because you have laid hold of his word and you believed it my daughter's laid hands on their children while they were in the womb sang songs to them encoded scripture verses you'll get a hold of your children you lay hands on them mother sleeping say now in Jesus name I claim this Lord you've put water on me you're satisfied my thirsty soul and you made me a promise you're going to bless this child of mine you're going to keep this boy you're going to keep this girl I don't care if he's 20 years old when he's sleeping go in and pray the same prayer you watch the devil run you standing [Music] hallelujah [Music] we all I got that off my heart you realize I was preacher to you today I was pastor and grandfather you're clapping for Jesus amen Lord betta gun how many of you know I'm not gonna say I'm gonna say how many of you have unsaved love teenagers I don't want to do that I don't put you in a spot we're gonna just take it to the Lord we're gonna take it to the Lord by your head Jesus there's something else you're trying to say by your spirit no want to hear it I want us all to hear it Lord the devil is trying to destroy every Christian home and Rob every Christian parent of their children trying to deceive the children trying to engage the parents and such activities that they are not taking the spiritual time making them so busy they don't have time they're not taking the time to pray and seek your face Lord we need to repent of that I'm asking you Lord to burden my heart in the heart of this church for all of the unsaved children and all of the children Lord that are going to schools Oh Lord Jesus our children when they go to school and and fight through hail and you see all their friends into wild stuff Lord they've got to come home to something where there's peace and power with the Lord they've got to enter in a home where there's no turmoil Lord there should be no fighting no bickering they should come home to a place of peace Oh God for the single mothers the kids shouldn't come home and watch the mother watching television soap operas those kids need to leave the house every day with a prayer set over them and mother pray for them while they're gone and they need to come home to loving arms and to a mother who sits down with her children and reads the word and prays with them Oh God help us to establish family altars but I think you're the family altar I still have with Gwen and I we still pray every day we pray for our children even though they're married and our grandchildren even though many times we don't see them no god I pray I'm know in my heart that this simple message is going to be the salvation of a host of our children thank you for them Lord keep them by your power I want everybody raise your hands and ask God right now to save all of our unsaved children father I'm asking you right now to put this burden the Holy Ghost on our families even the singles can pray for the mothers and fathers and for the children and the teenagers God especially for our teenagers oh god they're facing hell in school and and just walking the streets God send a guard if they have no father God you be their father send angels to walk with them God give wisdom to mothers and fathers I pray in Jesus name he is Lord he's risen from the dead and he is Lord will you sing that for just a moment he hears Holy Spirit just now told me what I was feeling I'm gonna make this invitation very very succinctly and for certain people only up in the balcony here and even in the Annex Holy Spirit spoke to my heart there were there some of you sitting here right now listening to me you're looking back over your childhood and what you've been through and the hurts that you've had and you have carried for a long long time there's some people here that have carried a root of bitterness toward one or two parents you've had something you've not been able to deal with it it has you said almost ruined my life or you say it did ruin my life but and it may be also those that have been divorced you're a single mother and you're here and say pastor David I am overwhelmed I have got to have a burden I want to pray for you if you're here you're you know there's no husband or father in your household you have a child or more I want you to come if the sphere Lord is moving in and I want to pray God give you strength and wisdom and I'm praying for those who have bitterness God made that clear to me I don't know where your act don't walk out of here carrying that and those in the Annex you can come right down go to the back of the auditorium there and the officers will show you how to get into this building walk down the aisle come and meet me right here now don't be afraid to cry let it out right now let that that stuff come out and and these single mothers God God has a word for you got as a touch for you he's going to give you wisdom and those that have this thing that you're carrying now if you're backslidden you're not right with Jesus come with these that are coming right now as we sing he is Lord again he's Lord of everything in your life he's going to deliver you God's gonna do a good work in your heart right now [Music] see a lot of handkerchiefs a lot of Tears but you see the tears have to come from the heart that's that is ready and prepared to say Lord I will give up everything in the way of a grudge or bitterness toward anyone who has ever hurt me doesn't matter anymore you can't relive the past you can't bring back anything of the past let it go will you let it go right now in Jesus name let everything go and for mothers and for those that are here right now lady to this altar by the Holy Spirit look at me please for just a moment all your single mothers hear me please get in a habit starting today when you go home get in the habit to get your Bible out this goal please just go through the Book of Psalms to start go through the books song put a checkmark on every every chapter read it if you can only do two or three chapters a day if it's a long chapter like 119th song take two or three days to read it if you have to every day because the Lord's going to give you wisdom and direction right here and then by your head and ask the Lord right now you you this Isaiah 44 can remember that Isaiah 44 verses one to four say it right out Isaiah 44 one to four again Isaiah 44 one to four that is a promise the Holy Ghost gave you I want you to cling to that and I want you to quote that every day and want you lay hands on your children but folks I want you to pray don't ever bring into your home any video don't turn on any television that has one word of feel don't let your kids go and watch Disney now or anything else that's full of demonic New Age filth that's going to flood their mind you're gonna take you got to be the standard you got a guard you've got to go to you have to be the doorkeeper now you've got to be watching the door you're the one now I'm going got to give you a Holy Ghost gumption Oh Holy Ghost firing your belly so to speak said Oh God I'm not going to turn my kids over the devil I'm going to I'm going to set some standards in my home now and I'm going to stick with them Father I pray for the mothers first of all the single mothers that you would give them strength you've given them a promise you stirred their hearts then you're going to keep them an order you're going to keep their children that first the lost sanctify these mothers every one of them to be mothers of God mothers of Zion for those backslidden for those that are coming to this altar now we need a new touch for those Lord who need to lay down all kinds of bitterness and rebellion laying down things that have to be given to Jesus Lord let it be done now through the might and power of the Holy Ghost I want everybody came forward to pray this with me now Jesus I come to be serious before you no games I ask you Holy Spirit to give me power and wisdom I ask you to help me to forgive and to forget every hurt against me everything set against me everything done against me in Jesus name I lay it down I surrender it now Lord Jesus cleanse me purged my heart of all sin and iniquity and join me close to you and give me faith to walk in the Holy Spirit and the fear of God I love you Jesus and I know you heard my prayer and I give you thanks now thank him right out loud Lord I give you thanks I give you praise Thanks I give you praise I am free I am free I am free you know that folks time is getting away in just about 50 minutes we start again camp meeting time so I want you to turn around and I want you to just a good god bless you or a hallelujah praise the Lord some good word to these five people around you as you walk out of this church singing I am free I am free [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: SermonIndex.net
Views: 292,888
Rating: 4.8386259 out of 5
Keywords: David, Wilkerson, Revival, Repent, God, Sermons, Jesus, SermonIndex
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 52sec (3772 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2011
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