A Thief In The Night (1972) | Full Movie | Patty Dunning | Thom Rachford | Donald W. Thompson

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which keep coming in from all over the globe confirming it as true to say that the world is in a state of shock this morning would be to understate the situation the event seems to have taken place at the same time all over the world just about 25 minutes ago suddenly and without warning literally thousands perhaps millions of people just disappeared a few eyewitness accounts of these disappearances have not been clear but one thing is certainly sure millions who were living on this earth last night are not here this morning speculation is running higher than some alien force from outside our system has declared war and some feel it to be a spectacular judgment of God [Music] [Music] [Applause] the event spoken of in the Hebrew Christian scriptures is described somewhat in the Gospel of st. Matthew chapter 24 verses 36 and on and Jesus Christ is reported to be the speaker and he says and I quote but of that day and hour knoweth no man banquets and parties and weddings just as it was in Noah's time before the sudden coming of the flood people wouldn't believe what was going to happen until the flood actually arrived and took them all away so shall my coming be two men will be working together in the fields one will be taken the other left two women will be going about their household tasks one will be taken and the other left so be prepared for you know not what day your Lord is coming what does all this mean it means exactly what it says any minute any second could be the last chance that anyone has to give himself to Jesus because when he returns it will happen that fast the Bible says in the twinkling of an eye millions of people will suddenly disappear leave this earth to meet their Lord and a shark world will discover suddenly that what the Bible said was true this is no joke this is not a fairy tale it will happen just as sure as you and I are here right now so Christian be alert and friend if you haven't given your life to Christ do it and do it now because the rapture will come and Christ will return it says in the Bible that he will come as a thief in the night [Music] [Music] was filled with guns and everyone got trampled on the ready children died the day screw called a piece of bread goodbye Oh bag [Music] to change your mind the Sun has come and you've been left before and by the sleeping man she hears a noise and turns [Music] walking up a hill disappears and ones left standing still [Music] my son has come and you've been [Music] and everyone that traveled on the floor I wish we'd all been ready children I the day's grew close the piece of bread goodbye a beggar I wish me there's no time to change your mind the Sun has come and you can left me and wife asleep in bed here's a nice and turns her head he's gone I wish we'd [Music] what disappears and what's the standard stay I wish we'd all been your mind the Sun has come and you've been left be [Music] there's no time to change your mind how could you have been so blind the father spoke the demons died son has come [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's be [Music] you've been let's be [Music] you've been left behind [Music] [Music] [Applause] this guy over he starts flushing he was really looking miserable dead creature thought he was really different theory what do you think about what he said some people get all strung out of the things that don't even matter I mean wow not like he was Cushing I mean I go to church about every week I try to follow the 10 commandments I read my Bible once in a while I try and help people think what are you gonna do maybe I'll go back to the Teen Center and hear a little more about what he has to say oh brother look I played a bundle for these and I want to use them you can always get converted later [Applause] that's right Chinni in a way it is free what I mean is it doesn't cost anything but your life that sounds pretty expensive well it might seem that way until you realize that you're letting the God who created you the God who cares for you more than any other person could that you're letting him take over there's no way you can lose hi cuz I forgot some of my tickets maybe won't need them I'm Jerry I'm Diane and I'm Jim and I'm just dying to get on that Midway going to church and trying to follow the commandments well that's okay but you can't confuse that with true Christianity you see the Bible tells us what we already know about ourselves we just can't be perfect Jenni and yet our God is a perfect holy God but there's no way in his present state or in ours for us to get together [Music] there's no way we're gonna get on this thing together this is her captain speaking welcome aboard the first fully automated flights every system has been thoroughly checked and the entire flight is guaranteed not to fail but to fail dr. Phil but he's done it for us Jenny that's why he came to earth Jesus Christ was born a human being and he grew and lived for life that God's holiness demands of each of us and he was punished and killed punished as though he was one of us that seems so unfair whoever said love is fair when you begin to see just how far God has gone to bring us back to himself you'll begin to see what the real meaning of love is [Music] [Music] stick with me sweetheart you understand with the meaning of flying really is [Music] Oh God I know I spent a long time of my life just doing what I wanted to I haven't given much any thought about what you wanted and yet you have everything for me you gave your life for me if I were the only person on earth you would have done it just for me so that money sins can be forgiven and you say you'll come now and live in my heart oh I want that dear God I want to be forgiven and I want you to live in me take my life dear God amen [Music] now remember Jenny God always answers prayer he has he already has I feel it I feel him I feel like if I had wings I could fly but you don't need wings now Jenny [Music] [Music] your next review Philippines home Diane took mine well that's that I guess what do you mean have you seen the new lifeguard at the pool no hold I am here you know that really surprises me I thought that guy she met at the fair really got to her you know Jerry oh I didn't meet him oh that's right you were back to the youth center at teen town oh that's too bad we met a couple really nice guys no that's not too bad I met Christ what I met Jesus Christ I knew what that guy was talking about I'm a Christian now oh that's great Jenny I hope it works out well for you maybe giving you a bad time about it a son no not really of course I've only been a Christian just a couple days I tell you something pretty soon you're gonna run into difficulty I don't mean just people but Satan isn't very happy about shitty saying to give your life to Christ he's just gonna do anything you can to try and get you discouraged and get you depressed I'll tell you that you're not really a Christian or tell you you can't live a Christian life or just anything you can to try and get you down Christ will give you the strength and the encouragement that you need to overcome all your difficulties if you'll let him talk to him often Jenny about everything through Christ you have available to you all the power of heaven to overcome Satan isn't that neat what's that well Jim and I know diabetics fear we want to go waterskiing Saturday at the dam we want everybody to go [Applause] hey you know let a boyfriend of yours such a bad guy for a preacher because no preacher he's my boyfriend either well isn't he the guy at the fair who was making all that scary talk about the end of the world and all that's just something Christians believe in what do you believe all that I really don't know enough about it hey patty how's your new boyfriend working out just great I really like him well if you really want to keep him my child maybe it's time I taught you a few of the facts of life where are you going just for a walk why don't you stick around you may learn something I'm sorry Diane I just don't want to hear that kind of talk maybe we'll have our little talk later after the children go to bed hey did you tell me your guy was working in a Z not in a zoo at the zoo he's studying to be a veterinarian so it's a really good deal for the summer he that's loyal Jerry's a pre-med student we got ourselves a couple of doctors ooh well what's Jerry doing he's an ambulance attendant who yak well you think it's kind of gory sometimes but a lot of the time he just sits around all day and waits to be called he says you never know when it's going to happen no one knows when it's going to happen when they asked him jesus said even he didn't know the exact time but it's going to happen one of these days and it could be any minute now Christ is gonna come back for his own after that it's gonna be pretty awful here on earth like what well for example the Bible says that right now the Spirit of God is holding back the full force of evil in the world but after the believers go the spirit well - that means a whole new ballgame only this time with no rules evil will just take over and the evil one the Bible calls him the Antichrist - the Beast will rule supreme so we just don't know what it would be like to live in a world like that the good around this still has the support of the Spirit of God after he goes Wow you really believe all that yes I do lots of luck I'll say one thing anybody that's left here is it gonna need it if you really believe that you couldn't even look at your watch without wonder if it was gonna happen now yeah but to the Christian it's something we look forward to the non-christian is waiting for the end of life and doom the belief is waiting to meet the one who gave a sign the beast you talked about was he the one who goes around marking people my grandmother told me about a lot of terrible things are supposed to happen the mark of the beast has talked about patty it's probably some kind of identification mark based on the number 666 says in the Bible that people won't be able to buy or sell anything without it kind of a super evil credit card only it'll be on your hand or forehead anybody tattooed my forehead Diane you didn't even have to be around when it happens yes yes you do do i oh because I like you sweetheart can't you see that and I am the Antichrist I don't know if that's true or not but if it really is in the Bible then why does not Minister ever talk about it and so when one embarks on an inquiry of this kind plain old and I might add god-given common sense shows us immediately that those differences which men of all deemed worthy of death are really dead forces now to illustrate this for yourself ask yourself the simplest of questions do these so-called basic tenets of Christianity really affect me at all for instance ask yourself would I appreciate beauty any less if Jesus were not virgin born or ask yourself would I respect the rights of others less if he had not gone about the countryside performing miracles or ask yourself could I really be considered so gross as to somehow be responsible for the death of the Son of God would I be so harsh is to condemn humanity to a fiery pit could I be more merciful than God who is reported to be loved No you can see where we're led by these simple obvious questions to insist that the Bible is anything more than the poetic expression of those greater principles by which man lives with man is to box oneself in with a wealth of opinion and counter opinion which really doesn't matter because it really doesn't affect the way we are what matters my friends is what we can know about man's relation to man create the universe in six days if you like but don't force me to accept that myth as fact and make our relationship depend upon it upon my accepting it believe in a real atom believe in a real Eve believe in real serpent [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you just kinda hang in there shiny we got the best duck is in the country lined up and putting their thumbs where'd you get this [Music] why won't they let me see him what they said no one I know I know don't they have any feelings in this place [Music] big pardon afraid you're not going to be able to see them right now will it be alright it's not possible to fully evaluate the situation at this time your friend was bitten by a large Indian Cobra now that's serious business you mean you don't have anything to help him with there's no serum to use in this case your friend is allergic to horse serum and there's no commercial medicine available no serum what are you gonna do is he gonna die well there's very little time and we're hoping that a blood transfusion will provide a necessary antidote now we've gotten a hold of a man who owns a large snake farm who's been bitten several times by Cobras his blood has built up the necessary antibodies to fight this kind of [Music] [Music] dear Lord you said in your word that everything works out for the best to them I love you I'll be your strength please let you make it if it's your will you know what the reason is behind this crisis give us face use it and give us a courage to accept your will please Lord let them get here in time to saved you [Music] was he doing yes [Music] Lord granted this boy another opportunity but even through this experience he might commit his life to you we would ask your Lord that you would speed the help that is already on its way we ask all this in Jesus precious name Amen [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well he's going to be alright now [Music] are you [Music] I haven't felt this bad since I ate my sister's first meatloaf you had a rough time yeah rough time I'm glad I'm glad you're okay I really am you know there's a lot I mean you don't talk now I'll talk later when you feel better [Music] [Music] yes you hi mrs. Jim Wright how do you do Jim and this is my sister Susan Susan I use the one that tops it by the Cobra is caddy here no and I don't know exactly why I'm here either except that I was told that you prayed for me and the pastor came to see me before my transfusion it's really strange but I remember after he left I had a deep peace and something told mask all the making I can't explain it and I don't really understand what's happening you came to the right place to find out I'm reading this morning from Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians chapter 5 beginning at verse 1 these are the words that we find in this passage when is all this going to happen I don't need to say anything more about this for you know perfectly well that no one knows the day of the Lord will come unexpectedly has a thief in the night when people are saying all as well and everything is peaceful and quiet then all of a sudden disaster will fall upon them as suddenly as a woman's birth pains begin and these people will not be able to get away anywhere there will be no place to hide now how can we be sure of all of these things you'll recall that last week we talked about some of the specific prophecies that had to do with the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ now this morning I want to talk to you about some of the signs of the end times and one in particular namely the sign of the Antichrist when the time is right then the Bible tells us that a very great and strong and powerful leader will appear now who will that leader be do we have any indication in the scriptures as to who this person will be yes the Bible has an answer for that the Apostle John tells us in first John these words indeed many rightly will call him the Antichrist the Bible further teaches that this individual will be instrumental in bringing about a season of peace in the world although his ultimate end will be a revenge against God he will be a very evil person now some think that if Christ were to come back in 30 years that this individual could be living at this particular moment and actually if Christ comes back before 30 years then it's altogether possible that this man is active in government even this very day I've talked to many of my Christian friends about the rapture that moment when Christ will come back to receive all believers unto himself and I'm simply amazed at the number of stories that I have heard of people who have had the experience of thinking that the rapture had already taken place I'm reminded of a neighbor that I had back in Nebraska who got up one night in the middle of the night took off his pajama tops and went downstairs for some iced tea in the meantime his wife awakened out of her sleep and discovered that her husband was gone turned on the light found his pajama tops and was immediately convinced that the rapture had taken place and that she had been left behind while from of our studies of the past few weeks we can conclude that we're living now in the end times the days in which we live are seeing many prophecies being fulfilled that we have never seen fulfilled before and surely this serves to remind all of us that the time is short at best and if we would be followers of Jesus Christ we must join his band now stand you had to go to your hands so I came home early mom [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and a foot long time might reduce Jesus into my heart but I thought I could do it anytime and then get away all right right I want a soul of Jesus into my heart right now you've heard it many times before you know how to do it your Lord Jesus please come into my heart I know you died for me and please forgive me from all my sins [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the best of luck to both of you [Music] [Applause] [Music] and I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your car to make some nourishment thank you what do you think about all this honey it's all beyond me I've been raised in the church taught to do the best I can to believe in God and hope for the best what else is there I mean I'm good I don't lie I don't cheat I'm as good as the next person maybe better God made us for himself that he might enjoy us and we might enjoy him and also that we might enjoy each other but we well actually you broke that relationship when you didn't choose Christ I never made that choice have you ever chosen for him well maybe not but my minister says we don't have to get all hung up on that theology stuff god is love and he's not going to destroy us because we can't help doing wrong is he it's true that God is love and that God is holy but God will also punish sin I think I understand but where does love fit in how could a god he loved me caused me to go through what I did well Jim you have to understand that there are times when God uses circumstances in our lives to bring us into a close relationship with himself look at it this way what chance does you have of making it after your accident well not too much none at all there was no way that your body could produce the antibodies that were needed to fight that poison but someone else had been through it his blood had the cure exactly his blood had the cure and all you had to do was receive it when you received his blood that saved your life that's interesting I'd never thought of it that way before Jim the Lord Jesus Christ loves you he died on the cross for you he shed his precious blood for you that you might be saved all you have to do is accept just like you did in the emergency room in the hospital when that man came in and gave you his blood you had to receive it if you hadn't received it you would be dead this very moment think about that the Lord is offering you eternal life an abundant life with him you have everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose all you have to do is ask ah thinks you're having happening fast for me lately but if this is the way God works it sure is powerful the way you used a crisis to bring on something good I believe it I believe it I'm ready to accept Christ [Music] oh boy we lick the beaters when you get down yeah you can I hope a petite women feeds with lots of I see it swirl the icing in there to me sad icing so would you in the door and ask mrs. Thompson if I can stick the better you be sure to be here when I get back don't worry sweetie if I'm gone you'll be gone too [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] to link the situation never before has an emergency like this one been contemplated airports have stopped all flights in New York alone three large jets reportedly of crashed one is takeoff killing an estimated 56 person in California meanwhile traffic on all major freeways has come to virtually a standstill due to pileup where drivers disappeared leaving their vehicles to the mercy of passengers this is just in from Central News Agency the UN has established a special emergency committee and we'll be making an unprecedented worldwide radio and telecast at noon today and the purpose of this broadcast will be to assess the worldwide situation and establish methods and procedures in handling possible problems and danger facing the world as we know it today now be sure to tune in either your radio or television at 12:00 noon Eastern Time 11 o'clock Central Time on utn the united television network ladies and gentlemen as I speak to you this day my words are being translated into every major tongue and dialect in the world this morning the United Nations met in emergency session and formed the organization you see represented by this symbol unites the United Nations Imperium of total emergency the Imperium is designed to exercise total power for as long as the emergency exists and again no final judgment has been made as to the exact nature of the emergency but unite is anxious that until such judgment has been made all feelings of panic and fear be held in check the Imperium is made up of leaders from ten major world power consisting of six committees from within those countries of six members II you could be sure that the Imperium while taking absolute control over government during this emergency will truly represent your feelings and need it is because of this potential threat to our entire planet that this one-world government the Imperium has been formed and each member of the World Council wishes to assure those of his fellow citizens that as soon as the emergency is passed we will return to self-rule or all day [Music] the Imperium in Norway wishes to infringe upon the rights of the citizens of the world it is just a simple necessity that each of us identify with unites and fully support its progress in strategy before the emergency we were at each other's throats let unity be the positive result of our common dilemma report today to your local unite identification Center and show yourself a true citizen of the world [Music] name birth Matney address 7110 Oliver Smith Jones 25 back of the hand or forehead well it wash off no it's permanent back of the hand [Music] put it right there I'm not afraid to be a good citizen named Ernie Gebhardt address 1334 you stole apart its own Dylan 50 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're not there I'm really [Music] [Music] it can only be assumed by the Imperium the foes and civilized centers of the world who refuse to be identified are working against the goals and purposes of the Imperium perhaps even in cooperation with the forces which brought about the emergency it is therefore been declared by our leaders that in the interest of world safety all people who do not bear the mark of unite are subject to arrest and prolonged inconvenience the Imperium wishes all citizens to one why did I [Music] [Music] oh are you really gone is your Holy Spirit really gone are we going patty are you one of them unite no but you're still here another one mother how many how many of I misled how many are still here because of me it was all there I I read it I studied it I preached it I preached it really didn't matter how many still here because of me I can't eat I can't sleep all I can think about her all I can see are those faces who are out there every Sunday Oh me you don't have the mark that is in my heart before it ever happened that's not good enough let's go [Music] now young lady what's your problem what oh this says that you don't want to be identified I suspect there's some certain misunderstandings I know what's going on is evil maybe too late for me but I'm not going to join it there now you see there was a misunderstanding so you're one of those religious people aren't you you think the emergency is something called the rapture and your Knights a worldwide power for evil the Beast you know about that well of course when the emergency happened every possible explanation was explored by a computer and frankly that explanation was high on the lips we since ruled it out this does this look like a 666 you look I'm not that stupid I know that's a computer readout for 666 well Turner doesn't believe me that these come to say that this terrible evil doesn't exist Reverend Turner certainly we talked to him earlier this morning and he's going to say that joining us is really and everyone's best in good interest Reverend Turner [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah so damn how do I get to the damn right okay Jerry will be [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's no time to change our mind how could you have been so blind father spoke demons died [Music] you've been less be [Music] you've been left behind [Music] you've been left behind okay all units we've got her safe in our arms [Music] will not be able to get away anywhere and these there will be able to get away [Music] to get high anywhere and these there will be no play able to get away anywhere and these there will be no play able to get away anywhere and these there will be no play able to get away anywhere and these there will be don't play able to get away anywhere [Music] there will be no place [Applause] [Music] reports keep coming in from all over the globe confirming it as true to say that the world is in a state of shock this morning would be to understate the situation the event seems to have taken place at the same time all over the world just about 25 minutes ago suddenly and without warning literally thousands perhaps millions of [Music] from outside our system has declared some spectacular judgment of God the United Nations is in a special emergency session as are the governments of most of the countries of the world and reports coming in say that there are some members of nearly every government missing Bishop Franklin Sullivan the chairman of the church Confederation has proposed that this might actually be the rapture spoken of in some areas of the [Music] the very fact that we are here unable to discuss it aside enough that it is [Music] somewhat in the Gospel of st. Matthew chapter 24 and verses 36 in on Jesus Christ is reported to be the speaker and he says and I quote but of that day and that hour knoweth no man no not the angels of heaven but my father only but as the days of Noah work this is just in from Central News Agency the UN has established a special emergency committee and we'll be making an unprecedented worldwide radio and telecast at noon today and the purpose of this broadcast will be to assess the worldwide situation and established methods and procedures in handling possible problems and danger facing the world as we know it today now be sure to tune in either your radio or television at 12:00 noon Eastern Time 11 o'clock Central Time on UTM the united television network
Channel: Christian Movies
Views: 855,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A Thief In The Night Full Movie, Patty Dunning, Mike Niday, Colleen Niday, Maryann Rachford, Thom Rachford, Duane Coller, Russell S. Doughten, Jr., Clarence Balmer, Jim Grant, Donald W.Thompson Films, A Thief In The Night Movie, Entertainment, TV, Movies, Films, Movies Online, Online Movies, A Thief In The Night - Full Movie, Gary Bayer, Alana Rader, Malcon McCaiman, Jerry Houser, Sarah Rush, James Blendick
Id: s8a4fiqfADU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 54sec (4134 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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