The Appointment - Full Movie | When is your final appointment? | A Rich Christiano Film

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] morning honey good morning dear the church called they've moved mrs. Lincoln surgery up an hour this morning she wants to see you before she goes in okay you know sometimes I feel more like a pastor of hospital and I'm a church with all the visits I make up there you might want to finish your breakfast before you read the editorial on page eight she after us again have you taken note of the traditional Church in America lately churches now battle one another to see which can build the biggest empire instead of battling the forces of evil they demand exist TV evangelists preach out about heaven in hell and depending on how much money you send them determines where you go Hefner's mansion has blessed immorality than most churches and if you want to find hypocrites they congregate in churches every Sunday morning certainly the all-seeing God is noticed and doesn't need me to point these things out I wish once I'd get a chance to relax at home and watch my favorite TV program which is of course of the devil without a church group coming to my door proselyting for my soul at last count there were nearly 400 denominations of the Christian Church in America weren't there only twelve apostles you'd think there'd be only twelve groups but more denominations mean more churches which mean more jobs for those fast-talking three-piece suited prophets of God called preachers where the love of money seems to be the root of all their sermons I'll support the United Way any day there may be a god but the hypocrites playing church are giving him a bad name let's get on with our programs of feeding the poor housing the homeless and reforming the downtrodden then issue them this morning stay out of a church because if you go there you'll end up more messed up than you were before amen brother No thank you thank you [Music] [Music] weekly Stu Harris no ma'am that's classified nine three three eight seven seven three sorry thanks for calling well thank the government this is still a free country and we can say what we want hey if you think you're right right the editor maybe you'll run your opinion but you'll have to sound more intelligent than you get on this phone call thank you another critic Liz it's only the 14th call some people think their religion too seriously our religious people are always criticizing something and those will keep giving them something to stew about that's part of my job I wouldn't be surprised if some of those fanatics were out picketing in from the office later today hey we can pass the plate make a buck is why do you keep going after the religious issue why don't you know where it was used to date a preacher once he tried to hold her hand after only the fourth day that now it's down at the stake [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] Oh Liz you're set to cover that art opening tomorrow night right right I've got my interview set up with the artist at 6:30 before the opening hey Liz what are you doing Friday now I have it all planned we'll have dinner I have tickets to a play no come on Liz we'll have a great time 3431 [Music] [Music] keep your fingers crossed the boss is deciding about Hawaii later today let me know as soon as you find out maybe you better June is Watson [Music] may help you sir which church I attended if I attend is no business of yours and I can guarantee you this it's not the one where you're playing hypocrite by [Music] Liz Watson yes I have a message for you it's from the Lord Lord whom the Lord Jesus Christ uh-huh Liz on September 19th at 6:05 p.m. you are going to die oh look mister my name's not important I've already had 15 calls this morning nobody's threatened me quite like you have now if you'd like to file your opinion with the editor his office is right down the hall I'm not here to threaten you this I'm here to give you a message from the Lord the Lord yes on September 19th at 6:05 p.m. you are going to die sure if you'll pardon me sir which one do you want to use [Music] Oh Steve I forgot to tell you some nut came by my office this morning and told me he had a message for me from the Lord the Lord he didn't yeah he said on September 19th at 6:05 p.m. I'm gonna dock this guy's sick over something no just some religious nut who read one of my articles I can't believe it quacks out there Liz you keep writing these articles someone's gonna knock you are thinking they're doing God a favor that sounds like something one of those hypocrites would do coming oh is it September 30th ten days Honolulu you prove that oh why here we come Eric the boss needs you okay coming plane ticket what's this about you and June going to Hawaii that's only a rumor well that's not fair I've been here just as long as you have well never seen a man to do a woman's job what about Frank he's been here longer than any of us oh the plane goes down I'll bring Frank back of pineapple no wait a minute we're gonna discuss this Olivia did you walk out in the middle of this it's not fair [Music] hello Liz I thought I was through with you have you thought about what I said to you yesterday look I'm sorry if you're upset about my article but that's the way I see it the Lord is giving you information that others never get please act upon it well until you can prove to me that you're from the Lord I think I'll sit tight death is something no one likes to think about this but it is a reality death comes suddenly too and for most people it's too late to get right with God look I have a busy day so if you don't mind I know you have distractions Liz that's the way Satan is did you put this Bible on my desk it has the answers to eternal life I gave up on those fairytales long ago please act upon what I said to you Liz your time is running out oh by the way mister I can't die on the 19th my boss is sending me to Hawaii on a business trip on the 30th for 10 days and I've never seen Hawaii and you never will [Music] have you heard the mayor just done the mayor what happened they're not sure they just found him a half hour ago I can't believe this they think it's a heart attack Jun and I just went to that luncheon with him last week what do you expect the guy weighed 275 pounds well I never voted for him anyways heart attack not yourself tonight Liz I've got some things on my mind too bad about the mayor the bridge between their fantasy dream how do you get impression I was trying to take its magical mystical zones of chiropractors we not only look at the spine we also look a different joint society we work with certain conditions like headaches leg pain yes a problem is that the public thinks you only deal with backs and I'll tell you this he's gonna be our next mayor you don't mean Phil wheeler the City Council sure he's got the political clout he's got the money behind Stephen so been married before sweetie but I still can't get over what happened to the mayor hey where are the numbers okay who's that yeah when a man upstairs ecology ecology right death is something no one likes to think about Liz but it is a reality death comes suddenly to and for most people it's too late to get right with God stairs ecology hey Liz we got you're leaving on a non-stop for the Honolulu on the 30th at 5:17 p.m. 5:17 good I can't wait to get out of this place it's real no please I need that story on that artist okay I'm coming with it Eric I need that picture of the artist just a few more minutes will you hurry up they need it down at layout you okay Liz I've been better Liz I I noticed a Bible on your desk yesterday and I was just wondering that some fanatic gave me that you know why isn't that all you people are always trying to cram your religion down people's throats hey no wait a minute Liz don't say all you know that I became a Christian a year ago and I heard some nut comes into my office two days ago and tells me that on September 19th at 6:05 p.m. I'm gonna die what is it with you Jesus freaks look Liz I don't know about this guy coming into your office and saying you're going to die that sounds crazy but don't categorize all Christians as freaks and don't let this guy affect your view of Jesus I am sick of hearing about Jesus Liz Jesus is our God he created us and then went to a cross to pay the penalty for our sins he wants to give us eternal life if we personally receive him what makes you think your way is right there are so many religions in the world and I know a lot of religious fanatics who don't live any better than I do Liz you're confused about the same stuff I was I used to say the same things until I realized the truth I know there are a lot of different religions in the world but they're only two different ways that people are trying to get to heaven they're either trying to live a good enough life to to earn heaven or they receive eternal life as a gift by entering into a personal relationship with Jesus as their Lord all religions and people fall into these two categories you take Buddhism a Hinduism a Mormonism or most of the people in the church they're all trying to earn their way into heaven but the Bible says that no man is good enough to earn salvation because we've all sinned and the ultimate penalty for our sins is eternal separation from God and hell I'm telling you Liz you get this point and you're halfway home almost everyone misses it here I thought you weren't gonna preach to me don't you want a Tony line look for 22 years I lived my life for my hurting people using people pursuing sinful pleasures I was frustrated empty inside and scared to die when I cried out to Jesus to save me he changed my life he gave me inner peace joy he took away my fear of death and gave my life purpose listen Jesus Christ gave me eternal life and I'm convinced he's the only way to get it are you finished you go out on the streets and ask people how to get to heaven see what they say most everyone will say they're trying to live a good life to earn their way into heaven either that or they're too busy with their sin and they don't care I'm telling you Liz this is the biggest lie of the devil it's sending most of the people who die straight to hell I do that but I'm afraid some religious fanatic might threaten my life again look I don't know about this guy telling you you're gonna die he sounds like a quack what if he's right what if you do die on September 19th then what Liz where are you going to spend eternity I guess I'll go to hell with all the other sinners huh you let me know when those pictures already will ya [Music] do you ever think about life after death is that loonie still bothering you no he hasn't been around for a while he's really effective he has all right he hasn't affected you I just asked a simple question boy sorry I asked [Music] [Music] how do you think you get to heaven heaven well I look at it like this I don't necessarily do right but I don't do wrong either so I feel my chances just as good as the next man's how do you think you get to heaven believing God live a good life don't break any of the details believe in the man upstairs keep your nose clean take care of yourself take care of other people be basically a good person I can't see being condemned to hell for the rest of your life for being good on earth who cares [Music] how do you think you get to him well I think as long as you're sincere about what you believe and you try to live a good life then you'll go to heaven good question I suppose if you live a good life go to church once in a while help people less fortunate than you are then again I know I'm not to get to heaven how's that not the way I've been living lately I can't believe in the Ten Commandments there are Ten Commandments aren't they live right and go to church heaven I I don't really think much about him don't you know you're gonna die 22 [Music] how do you well thank you have to be a good person go to church don't hurt anybody if your deeds that way your bad deeds you'll get there how do you get to heaven well if you live with it live while you're down here on earth God's bound to take care of me when you get up there how do you think you get to him well a lot of praying hard work two blocks down three over there's only one way through Jesus Christ you see there's only two way that people are trying to make it into heaven anyway either they're trying to earn their way into heaven by living good and doing good things or they're trusting in Jesus Christ and they've accepted him in their heart is more than saving you see the devil has so many people deceived into thinking that you know that they can make it into heaven by doing good but the Bible says that there is none righteous no not one in the only way that we can avoid being separated from God is that we accept Jesus Christ in our life Bible says that he is the way the truth and the life no man comes to the Father but by him so you see you and I we have decision tonight either we can accept Jesus or we can try to do it on our own okay Liz I've got good news and bad news what you want first now what you're not going to Hawaii on the 30th what what do you mean we've been making plans and everyone on the good news is you're going early err the president just announced an emergency summit meeting and I want some coverage good I can't wait to get out of this place Thanks I'll give you all the details should get back with you later good oh by the way you better get packing you leave on the 19th [Music] no Steve I'm alright I'm just a little tired that's all I had a hard day at the office I told you it's not the thing with the religious nut I just don't feel well yes I want to see you before I go to Hawaii the plane doesn't leave till tomorrow evening after 5:00 I'll call you when I get to work in the morning I promise bye fifty four spins third place yeah here we go and this is live video we're now watching from our remote hookup at the International Airport to repeat an all World Airways jetliner had to abort its takeoff just a few moments ago and crashed at the end of the runway the plane was carrying a reported 236 passengers and crew there are unconfirmed reports of casualties we will be bringing you a live report from our field reporter Barbara Burke who is at the scene and should be on camera within a few moments we're looking at unedited live video from our remote camera at the scene as you can see there are ambulances and rescue personnel who are still rushing to the scene to repeat this was a flight 348 all I'm not going what's this I said I'm not going why not I can't make it not this time yes you've had your heart set on it I can't make it just get someone else there's bound to be someone who would go in a minute what's wrong you have impose with Steve know things with Steve and I are fine I've just got some personal problems some things I have to take care of as a matter of fact after today they will all be taken care of Liz you're not making much sense here listen if you make me go I'll quit my job I mean it all right you don't have to go we'll get somebody else I'm sorry dude it's her pride [Applause] [Applause] look why don't you take the rest of the day off no I want to be here okay I'm alright if everyone would just leave me alone I'll be okay I'm sorry I can't go to Hawaii but I can't go not today don't worry about we'll find someone else [Music] hey Stu gillies have you seen Eric he's off for a couple of days I think you went out of town thanks to you bet [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] two blocks down three over there's only one way through Jesus Christ you see there's only two way that people are trying to make it into heaven anyway either they're trying to earn their way into heaven by living good and doing good things or they're trusting in Jesus Christ and they've accepted him in their heart as Lord and Savior you see the devil has so many people deceived into thinking that you know that they can make it into heaven by doing good but the Bible said that there is none righteous no not one it also says that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and the only way that we can avoid being separated from God is that we accept Jesus Christ in our life hey that's it what what do you want want to grab a bite no my treat bill I said no or you ad you today [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you still doing you scared me I thought you were going to Hawaii um Frank could you hang around for a few more minutes please can't girl we got a hot one tonight please Frank just for a couple more minutes I can't I've got a goal is I'm supposed to pick her up at 6:00 please Frank [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] exciting news where Bank Club number checks that protect time 603 just two more minutes just two more minutes less [Music] [Music] - it has the answers to eternal life [Music] [Music] it's ridiculous I'm not gonna die this guy doesn't know me there's no way he can know when I'm gonna die it's just a nut I'm sick these religious nuts disrupting my life just don't let this fanatic get to you just be calm you're not gonna die not gonna die I'm not gonna die I'm not gonna let this guy get to me I'm not going to die [Music] you're gonna burn [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Christian Movies
Views: 349,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Appointment Full Movie, Karen Jo Briere, Art Oden, Leslie Basham, Jim Ostrander, Frank Rogers, Rich Christiano, Christian Movies, The Appointment Movie, Entertainment, TV, Movies, Films, Movies Online, Online Movies
Id: 5oXNj13E8z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 19sec (2299 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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