A Terrifying Experience at Insane Asylum (Madison Seminary)

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madison i always tell people is its own type of location the energy in there is so strong it's just so like apparent basically this is probably the most like psychologically effective place i've ever been though dizzy nauseous poltergeist activities this is not a good spirit place it is possible that we are dealing with a demonic kind of entity i think it's you soon something's attached to you if you do have attachments to you guys it's gonna be a wild ride oh [Music] no way that's the light is that the that's so ominous is that where we're turning in i think so because it's like in 250 people yes dude the madison seminary of course is there any more ominous sign than that [Music] nice that wasn't you let's cut that [Music] oh god three feet of snow look at that reinvestigate oh god dining movie speaking of the shining we're going to the stanley hotel next week that's going to be our finale of season one actually family of season one you're ready for that guys oh your son was like flickering all ominously i just got here i've never seen that happen before yeah we thought that was set up no no i'm already not a fan of this place dog just look what happens when you get inside what happens mate oh god they're all staring at you absolutely not son no you don't just walk in there's this many dolls staring in your direction dude look at their eyes this guy's pretty horrifying honestly these ones their eyes are so tight dude that guy's tripping on molly oh my god that baby's just on bars right now yeah like what this is the only room of this entire place that we're investigating wow yeah it's kind of anticlimactic just [ __ ] kidding right here man oh god it is freezing in here dude it looks all set up i wonder if adam like set all this random stuff up yeah i think it's like he decorated this there's a stranger cult [ __ ] in here too what is that it's a triangle that looks like weird hopscotch i oh my god and he said he didn't set that up why would that happen on the first night that we're here the poultry guys in this community know you guys oh yeah things always happen no matter what they're probably like if you guys heard of sarah colby yeah i'm unsubscribed to those lame fox what if there's like an anti sam and colby in the ghost community and they just leave comments on our videos [Music] i'm not gonna kiss guys we are at a place called the madison seminary not even going to say what's up we're not saying what did you what was that there is no one in the building and something just moved wait that was the front of the building no that was downstairs definitely at this place called the madison seminary yes not semen whoa were you guys having semen on the brain i still have a little on my teeth if you're like me you have no idea what a seminary is apparently it is a college that prepares students to be either priests ministers or rabbis so this is like a religious school but it wasn't only a religious school it's got multiple layers of different history which gives this really haunted vibe it is a place that is endowed with steeped in trauma this place was built in 1847 and for 50 years it was that private school and then was turned into a widows and war veterans sort of like area it was a place where women and orphans who had lost their husbands and fathers to the war came to live so it was like an epicenter of grief it was actually prone to see people commit suicide here at this building and ever since you see the apparitions and then asylum kept a bunch of mentally ill people here and everyone who worked here was a prison inmate it was known as the nut house and people referred to the people here as nuts kind of similar to the fairfield infirmary they would keep these patients and people up in the attic during the harsh conditions of the summer and winter patients would just suffer a lot of dehydration and they would go crazy due to just being locked up in comfortable situations because we're in ohio so it gets extremely cold and extremely hot and this didn't have heating cooling up here you can literally see our breath in here then it turned into a police officer and then adam bought it it starts religious and then extreme trauma yes and then insanity that seems like the perfect recipe for a haunted place and then that's the police come in it's like what yeah like almost like this violent imposed order but they couldn't even stay there for long so basically right after the police moved in the people started not wanting to even come to the headquarters because they're like oh god this is literally like a ghost portal they were starting to hear stuff themselves they were only here for a couple years and they put it on the market and when they put it on the market they said caution building may be haunted the police were that scared that they had to put a disclaimer do you imagine the real estate agent trying to sell this place it's like it's really nice 88 rooms it's really beautiful and it's maybe haunted anyway everyone's kept over there so guys this building is actually insanely huge it's it actually has 88 rooms in it and the hauntings are rumored to be started at the beginning of the 20th century so it's been haunted for a very very long time legend has it that there have been approximately 200 bodies found here it's frequent for people to experience shadow uh visitations they will get disoriented dizzy nauseous like there's even a reports of people getting like choked culture guys activities things moving around getting pushed this is not a good spirit place and they don't like men apparently the worst of all the paranormal manifestations have happened in the last five years my name is adam kimmel i'm the owner of the madison seminary out here in madison ohio i'm steve brought i own haunted nights which is a paranormal event company i'm dylan stevens i work with steve with haunted nights madison i always tell people is its own type of location it's just the energy in there is so strong it's just so like apparent i've slept in fairfield a bunch of times i've never slept in this building i don't think i could you see stuff on the ground all the time like walking around outside like you can't get away from here stuff happens in this building like it's all over the place why is this place haunted why are people experiencing things why does it keep getting creeper and creepier things are staying i think we've had over 10 000 people come through in the last four years all those different teams like yourselves you came from another location probably like we just came from fairfield right so we still have that kind of stained on us we're leaving our energy in places right right this gets into the theory of attachments and what's unique in this case is you guys have been to a lot of places that normal people in this field don't get to go to right dracula's castle chernobyl winchester mystery house what if things attach to these investigators and then they fall to another location they're like i like the way this place feels that's exactly what we're trying to figure out right now yeah yeah because things that may be attached to you guys are gonna like come here and maybe they'll stay and it's like that's why i think the haunting elevates how do spirits know to move from place to place like i was that was like a video game like you had an attachment you went somewhere else you unlocked a checkpoint they know how to get there it's right portal it's like a portal in a sense right so they know the more you keep moving with an attachment and knows how to get somewhere i call it taxicab theory they jump on to you then they leave and then they jump on to you they go somewhere else but it lets them go everywhere they need to go and if they want to go home they tell you through the estus method when sam's chained in the ass this almost reminds me of what an egregore is like just people bring their own energy into a haunted spot and then it therefore becomes haunted yes and i think that's a lot of what we experience the energies you guys are gonna bring if you do have attachments to you guys it's gonna be a wild ride when you feel this energy do you tend to feel something negative or more positive i don't even like right now as we're talking about this like i feel really like numb-ish you get this like like sixth sense you just know like something feels off before i bought madison people were ghost hunting out here but after i got it we amplified it this place is turnkey constantly with teams coming in wait questions for you dog how would you say you've created the environment rearranging energy all right this doesn't sound weird you know like when you're in a funk and you're in your house and you just feel like you're like it's just you're down and everything but your house the mess and everything if you were to clean your house like wash the dishes fold your clothes everything all of a sudden the space feels really good like it had brand functionality right when i got this place it felt like straight depression like it was just bad so we cleaned everything up so you're trying to make a place that is inviting for experience correct me if i'm like wrong here you're not trying to make a negative place are you when you say like negative spots like i don't try to to glorify what like up in this time when those women were up there and stuff you know i keep the doors open i always tell those ladies you can walk around you can do whatever you want right this is still your home i'm recreating it to show that it still is their home so when you're recreating the rooms and stuff like that that's why i'm doing that you know well it's actually really interesting to get your side of it because when we were researching the seminary we came across some like an account that you are the reason the place is haunted [Music] so i guess one of the infamous ghost hunters mustafa gadolari believes that adam is the reason that this place is haunted but not just because he's been known to twist the history but because he may have tried to trap a demon in the walls mustafa's saying this we're gonna get down to the point of it there are these occult sigils painted all over the seminary apparently these occult sigils were not some sense of protection not some spell that was supposed to make these spirits at ease was actually to conjure up and trap a demon inside these walls again we all done by adam they came from the lesser key of solomon which is like the book of the dead so that's like witchcraft which is why again like we're saying there's a lot of history but it's all gotten worse since adam's here we're gonna get down to it and let it be said adam's dope let's go figure out exactly what is going on here dude i'm nervous you know ghost hunters mustafa no god yeah do you want to talk about that really quickly yeah he's a piece of [ __ ] mustafa thinks you are the reason the place is haunted and he thinks that you're what's keeping the spirits here and you have uh created an occult environment to try to trap energy here hey i'm very familiar way said we did we did spar a lot and that's fine everyone can have their own opinions but i disagree the thing was this place was haunted prior there were a lot of teams coming here and doing stuff when i came here wasn't a self-manifestation of saying that i was manifesting the haunting yeah we were just so curious about it because it's such an intriguing conflict it was such a huge bold things to say because i've never heard this anywhere else well and with so much like confidence to say something that like you said it's an opinion everything in the paranormals there's nothing where are you coming up with something that is this is a fact he is keeping people here well i guess a good question would be have you ever done anything besides you know rearranging your thing to conjure for a lack of a better word something to come and be more welcomed here when it comes to like it's like a cult kind of stuff and summoning i don't really participate i don't say anyone can't do it i've never sat down surrounded by candles or anything like that oh you know yeah yeah which which we 100 believe there was just like the research of what are they called the sigils on the wall the lesser key of solomon like again to to go off of like how it's like a really unfound claim to make one of the things they refer to as a sigil or a drawing to bring spirits in yes is a shuffleboard like you know what i mean like that's where it's coming they really are real real i think that is a sigil to bring in spears and they're like no it's a shuffleboard yeah we read it was from a necronomicon and so we were like it's literally and that's why we really want to talk about this and shed light on this situation because people don't understand that if we were trapping spirits and there are locations i won't say we don't want to cause any problems i have heard of locations putting sea salt on the window seals to trap a spirit almost like it's modern day slavery thinking that if my spirits aren't here jeez no one's gonna come right anyone who knows me anyone i have never told a spirit you have to stay you can leave at any time are we qualified to know we're just going to say are we qualified enough what makes you think i think you have the power to tell a spirit because they are good right exactly right there's no way there's no way and you're the first in 2016 to open this place for paranormal investigations right yeah like publicly before they were doing it a little bit but this is a whole new level so then what's to say that it isn't like retracting a little bit like an igor and it was just other people's energy that brought this spirit in here but at the end of the day you would welcome more and more spirits 100 100 that just makes this whole field interesting honestly my biggest thing is just be kind in the asylum you know those women did suffer a lot and there is a dark energy there is but i think a majority of time is going to be it's a lot of misfire [Music] there's one specific haunted doll known as ohio's most haunted doll ever and his name is maddie oh like bee for the old viewers out there that have seen the shanley host hell episode you guys know that i had a relationship with a ghost named betty and she was a prostitute but are you even flirting with ghosts bro yeah so he picks up even the undead he's holy crap i've been missing her ever since you better be wearing protection son either this maddie will be flattered that you also like other maddie's or she'll be jealous and hate you we're gonna have to go see if this doll is really haunted but the scariest part about this is whenever we are talking to the doll you have to hold its hand or else paranormal things will happen to you that's the rumor so maddie's kind of high maintenance of course we would come to the place with the most haunted dog in ohio the most haunted doll in ohio that doll right there is considered to be ohio's most haunted wait wait wait which one which one this right here is this maddie that is right there to the left oh my god when i bought the building it was just the dentist chair upstairs that this place was just emptied around that's all there is dude oh my god there's no way we walked straight up to these dolls it was like the first thing we did when we came in that thing blake's only allegedly people have seen the arm move eyes blink the nursery used to have this before i did so some of the workers were finishing up right when the buy was finishing and all that the two of them come down the ramp with the doll they said this verbatim they go this is maddie and if you take care of her she'll take care of you in this building and then they were like do you want us to get an address for or anything like that i'm like oh my god no it's fine it's fine holy crap and they left her standing and then they walked out you know we talked about possessions of people in attachments things like that well items can have those attachments too but i think they have to be special if spirits know hey that doll's getting a lot of attention well i'm gonna latch on to that you're gonna be talking to this doll aren't you yeah do you notice she's basically got something that mirrors your tattoo on her dress oh yeah what that shit's crazy this is the occult sigil now you also pointed this out yeah i immediately pointed this out is this like a sign is this just a shuffle board for the old person though so this is what summons the dead here this is actually our vessel what demons are you trying to trap people on cruise ships actually just we're on the ground floor of ohio cottage so this would be your basement oh this is technically the basement so this is [Music] the basement here at the seminary is supposed to have a mysterious hole in it no don't take that dude no trust me i'm trying to be spooky they believed that there was a nurse murdered because she was in a dramatic affair with one of the doctors here the doctor didn't want anyone to find out he waxer then buried her in the middle of the floor and overlaid it with semen so uh so you've intercedement so we got the nurse under cement and it wasn't until years later investigating the mystery the current owner adam actually had dogs come in and sniff or a corpse rebecca she's a psychic i've worked with her for nine years she got this vibe that there was a woman crying out there saying that you know she had been sexually assaulted and murdered and to this extent we brought in cadaver dogs three different cadaver dogs landed in the same spot right in that room when we did the ground penetrating radar there was an anomaly about three feet away from that the anomaly was detected when it was dug up nothing was there but that was like an urban legend when i came here this used to be owned by the police had at the fire department they had this urban legend for a long time saying there's a woman buried in the floor whoa oh my [ __ ] that's the hole that's the hole right in this area three feet down is where that anomaly was my stomach dropped when they said it's the size of a football you know the mistreatment of women and stuff we were thinking what about an abortion what about oh my stomach dropped because right away that's why i'm like they're going to open that up and that's what they're going to find yeah but they proceeded and those guys were digging for a good two hours but when they kept going you just have this the soil we talked to the ground penetrating radar guys they're like in our 20 years of doing this we've never had a phantom anomaly that big and not be there when we dig up wow do they have any speculation about what it might have been that caused it or were they just like that was the wind no they were just confused and that was it they apologized sorry for uh [Music] lots of stairs these past few days oh dude okay so you guys saw that outside right when you drove by you know the the light flashing right yeah yeah i have no idea why that light is doing that right now it's just our luck we brought sally you brought us up hey she wants to use me for my power i think one thing you guys are gonna notice tonight is each floor the energy does feel a little different some places feel a little heavier than others time moves slower in this area there's video of this thing opening and slamming shop like repeatedly on video with nobody standing here oh whatever drawn to it yeah that's the only thing i interacted with in this hallway that's good we're a great pair of fishing yes well dude if we're going with the taxi maybe we're just carrying the spirits around with us right now and interacting with the things that they would want to be interacting with well we were the ones that opened the door he's the uber driver okay just cause i'm the uber driver doesn't it not a passenger that's that's true that's that is true that was like elegantly [Music] where do you think after being here for a year is like the most active spot sarah's room so as we walked in here you guys saw that there was a bunch of dolls but apparently there's another room in this building somewhere it's called sarah's room and it's filled with dolls sarah is an entity that is a little girl that haunts this place of course just like the belair house like the sally house like the fairfax there's a theme we tried to get all the ones with the little demon girls i don't believe in demons if i saw it tomorrow i would believe but it's it is possible that we are dealing with a demonic kind of entity the thing about this though i think if you were an [ __ ] in life you're an [ __ ] and death right yes yeah human emotion doesn't change it's like if charles manson died you think he's gonna be a nice ghost right oh no but he's gonna be misidentified as a demon because he's gonna try to hurt you and he already knows how to play the religion card he knows if he says lucifer you're gonna creep out thinking you're dealing with something no nobody really knows sarah's origin there's a rumor that she could have actually been a student when this was a school way back in the 1850s and she just died here randomly that's all apocryphal so we don't really know what our friends steve and adam are saying is that they don't think that sarah is actually a little girl at all though she might be the negative energy that's here just manifesting themselves as something enticing that like pulls you in because it's gentle just like the sally house it's just interesting how each of these places connect in weird ways so do you believe that there could be a possible puppeteer entity like that a negative person that will just travel portal to portal through these like places that could like pose as multiple different like little girls little boys absolutely and i know you've encountered stuff like this i talked about taxicab right what if this is just they all know how to get to all these different locations and you're the conduit yeah you're the one that's bringing it to me what [Music] you're like better be charging a lot where's my paycheck you can all be deep but i think when it really comes down to it sarah's room is the most fascinating whoa oh this is sarah's room oh god what am i you know we talked about portals at fairfield yes discussed yes what i didn't say though is a lot of people believe that closet door right there is the portal no way oh dude just like velocity yes which is where we did the uh the rev to say on where you sat in the closet so i'm gonna keep in mind though feliska was before sally there is one thing that i don't think sarah might like you baby trump baby trump oh my god any definitive proof of reincarnation same haircut and everything one other thing that we're talking about at fairfield the offerings yeah this again is happening right here who are you offering is that just to get communication or is it because you're feared and you want their respect if someone's trying to buy my respect by one dollar that's probably more that's more difficult so in terms of haunted places in this building it is said that the fourth floor attic is the most active area in the entire place and yes the thing that haunts the top floor is a seven foot tall shallow figure same as fairfield this shadow figure might just be the actual apparition or physical embodiment of a sally a susie suzy sarah that puppeteer demonic figure correct that also means that there's probably portals in this house if this is all connected somehow again we don't know if it's connected based on bel air and fairfield we know that this possibility to travel through portals especially though and these are all described as kind of the same spirit seven foot tall shadow man and all these addicts it's all the same story it's the same story and maybe the same demon one of the creepiest things about the attic was the fact that they used to house mentally unstable people there these were people who had what's called catatonic schizophrenia condition that causes them to stay in one position frozen for hours on end the nurses would see them go into catatonia and they'd say okay they're going to be there they would leave to go get help and then they would come back and they would be moved already in their restraints strapped down which they can't get themselves strapped into restraints yeah that is so scary imagine like seeing one of those people just like yeah even that in and of itself he's really going for it oh hey final destination oh asylum whoa this is way bigger than expected i felt like an energy change like almost immediately say that that looks like a creepy hospital hallway in an attic oh wait yeah that's where it happened wait what that was when you were sitting well it was down this room on the left here you were on our way over here telling us about a crazy paranormal experience that you've had in this building correct yeah so madison kind of sticks out to me just because it kind of changed the way i look at investigating and how i'm going to experience things and how vulnerable we can be in a location i don't always buy into the possession and all that kind of stuff i think a lot of it gets hyped up but there is one night when you're investigating here that i don't know if you want to call it blacking out i don't remember a portion of the night i said i was myself for about 45 minutes my mom had been investigating for about 10 years at that point and she cried that night what's your memory of the night like that was myself and two other investigators we'd gone up to the top floor in the asylum i started to feel a little bit weird and i kept moving towards the back corner of this one room it got to the point that i was so far into this corner of the room i was actually almost facing it with my back to everybody else and again like at this point i was aware of what i was doing were you standing still yeah catatonia oh yeah i told them i was like hey i want to be in here alone i want to investigate alone and they both looked at me like no way like we're not leaving you alone and here you're already acting super weird and then the female investigator that was in there with us got really uncomfortable she felt sick getting sick is like a reoccurring theme of this building correct yeah so she walked out and the first thought that popped into my head and i said it out loud was one down one to go and it was just me and one other person in there when i said that the other guy in the room i mean it freaked him out he was like wait a minute like what is that that would freak me out too honestly what are you gonna do here at that point this is where i don't remember anything two other investigators and i went up after we kind of got into that so we met him on the stairs we're like something's weird with that room or the volunteers came up he's like listen you can't be alone in here something just happened to steve like it's affecting him we need to figure out what that is before you guys investigate it all got really combative like we just started yelling at him like listen we're not leaving like this is a good investigation so he's like you guys are done just like go downstairs go outside take a minute oh they like kicked you out yeah and that's that's not how dylan is like dylan and the other two investigators that he was with that night are like the least comprehensive like they don't get like that dude i've never heard you like raise your voice yeah like ever it was so weird though because i've never had something affect me that way similar to steve i don't really believe in that but i had my emotions changed in that room this place is probably the most like psychologically effective place i've ever been though so wow keep that in mind keep your guard up that corner is where i ended up like turning and facing would you be okay with recreating that experience tonight in this what is that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i was hearing down this hallway footsteps what was that though it's some snowfall like oscillations oh yeah can you do that again what the [ __ ] what was it though what did you do what it sound like i don't like shuffling or footsteps or something yeah you had this next level experience maybe being in the same spots and the same times at night we could maybe get that type of evidence again if you're up for it all right save that for later there is one last thing though just in the room over there is a person here and i'm keeping the promise as long as i do not say his name he said i can share this story okay i did work here in the 80s and he told me what he saw in this operating room 80s was when this was a police center right yeah the police and fire department were operating here the county kind of had the township and the police were scared to be here right they would keep files up here no one wanted to come up here to do anything but what they saw was disturbing this is the second ominous thing adam has to show us he's just like lobbing up these ominous stories another place that we want to investigate tonight is the surgeon's room so many many patients would have been suspected to die on the table here the doctor the surgeon there is seen all around and haunting that area do you know what you just did what i did you called him the wrong name if you call the surgeon the doctor he gets angry it's not like i already need another attachment i know what you can call him though what daddy how would he not get picked up so i am speaking to this unnamed individual and he says it was the summer of 1984. he was up here he comes and he's right in the doorway first time he's been up in this spot looks in the doorway and he says adam the only thing i can tell you is it looked like a torture chamber what he saw was like a bronze table it was like dyed green from ionization and all that it was sitting right here it had arm bars going across leather couplings that come around to strap the arms legs came up at a 45 degree angle would strap you this way there was a light just like a dentist office that would be right here he said ironic that we brought that in he goes oh wait wait wait there's one other thing he's like i don't think it was on the floor i think it was on like some kind of metal slab or something like that the only thing that was in this room was this marble slab right here that was around the corner i'm like why did someone drill holes on the top of it and it looks like something was placed there like it would have been set down in that spot and then it opens up the theories like if you're doing hydrotherapy and stuff you're dumping water on people and things like that or blood spilling it's not going to rot the floor out it has something to go on underneath but what's weird is after he saw this he said about a week later he came back up and everything had been removed from the room why would the fire department and police station keep that up here though you know that's just well they inherited the building what was it right before this police station it was the asylum right so what would they need to be told or should be somewhere for this surgeon probably thought these people were some human they were his experiments and the 20 supporters we know across the country the kind of research they probably thought they were helping but breezy right and that's what we think might be the puppeteer this one is that doctor that ruins and that's who everybody's afraid of up here because like you said what were they doing to people that's what all the evidence is leaning towards like this is oh my god well in that case let's get some equipment and start this investigation guys sounds like we got a lot to go over investigation time between today's tour and what we learned last night we got a couple different things we want to figure out first is adam right was there already a haunted location here and it is just a place for spirits to pass and go depending on said attachments two last night we learned at the fairfield infirmary i definitely have a goddamn attachment so why why does it want you why in the world would it gain anything from just being here why would she want to go home we got a lot of ground to cover so let's get started all right so the first place we're going to investigate i think what y'all hear that there was walking behind us i turned around and looked at him and he was standing here looking at me like this and there's walking directly by you can literally hear the feet on the floor already are you sure it wasn't like the echo 100 yo unless someone followed us in here when we were doing the tour i kept looking behind us because i swear to god i thought like someone was following us first question we want to know there are word dogs that said there is a dead body down here let's try to figure that out nate you want to go in the [ __ ] hole i'm going in the [ __ ] hole you're in the hole yo that baby ain't dead right when i turn on the camera i was standing in that doorway if we heard you walking down the hallway i want you to set that light off when i get to the number three one two three set that off if we heard you coming towards us all right so i'm going out i'm glad you're really going for it yeah proud of you thanks man yeah i'm stoked that you guys brought me out to [ __ ] [ __ ] ohio something starts eating my legs i didn't realize it was like that far deep yeah i'm under the floor oh yellow what right now there's something that recognizes the body being a little surface here in the basement you make one of our devices go off was there ever a body below the basement floor oh dude holy [ __ ] oh my god dude that's crazy no way that was right [Music] yo i haven't seen like an emf do that since what uss hornet it's been a long time since it was like that long dude it was like nothing and then the number exactly and there's nothing like electrical around here you're like a whole dirt we thought that was debunked but there was the dogs actually hit about three feet over that way but the anomaly was over here oh you're right you're right so this is an obelisk it has a dictionary of words basically like a spirit box but instead of all the radio static it's just going to spit out audible words so we can kind of communicate better okay one more time spread what's it talking about adultery she was a mistress of uh higher up here oh my god and that's why she was killed greg adultery nighttime wed greg as in a guy a doctor maybe adultery as in the crime at night time when he was in wedlock he was married what is going on that okay that all lines up so perfectly if you're obvious to do that like that's rare before it all makes sense one word right after another you're going to be in line up completely makes sense but that is the exact story that was here like literally early in this video yes yes you can break it up pray disregard like disregard prayer [Music] this thing is going off dude yeah back in 1847 this started as a private school here so maybe that happened during that time that's the story that's wrong maybe it wasn't a doctor the teacher was in wedlock but he was with another student yeah i also just want to point out this is the second night in a row we've made nate be a dead body that's very true oh yeah i already noticed that dude wow if you like nate being a dead body in our videos please like and subscribe and we'll continue making them do it so if there's someone or something in here can you make our equipment go off again can you go touch this light did that just say something shift through so like through the building or does it work preacher so it's a religious like school pretty much so the student was a preacher i don't know about that or a creature but this was a preacher school like people learning why would it say preacher and then say students you know like it could have been any other type of school or military school right chill chills so are we the first ones to really get your story correct are the first ones to actually listen to you if so can you make any of our devices go off or is there more to your story if you want to tell us maybe you were right they want us to shift to another part of the building let's shift it right out shift through and that thing hasn't gone off since we got the story we needed from here now they want us to go to somewhere else to get the rest of the story when i get out of the hole all right above person above yo yo or or was it sarah the floor above here sarah's room right above us i think so dude that was almost too perfect we are here in sarah's room colby he's got somebody with him i brought some something dude you're not holding her hand yes i am oh you are you're dying reminder this is the most haunted doll in ohio apparently her name was maddie it probably doesn't have any connection to the shanley but it's funny that they're both named maddie so i'm just going to be holding her with us you never know what could happen you like maddie oh my god dude that doll is like four feet tall oh my god you should be dangling like would you hold your child like that dude do you wanna come out and play she blinks dude okay oh dude oh dude oh my god yeah you started to pull away it started spiking it went to yellow and there's no way there's like phones around she's not electronic what is going on oh my god oh [ __ ] yo maddie are you with us right now yo maddie is active dude oh my god maddie are you able to spike this up further than the yellow was there something in the hallway yeah two distinct noises all right we're just gonna use maddie as just like a haunted object but i think the main goal of here is just to talk to sarah and see if she's using that portal over there okay sounds good we got catball down here lights up music box into the closet in case there is actually a portal and people coming in and out wilson castle didn't that also have a portal in your closet yes in the pink room apparently there's a portal where spirits can come in and out right in that closet and off camera we've gotten this music box to go off a little bit oh yeah you are right and that went off crazy off camera so this is like a reoccurring venue why are there portals they're the darkest spots that everybody's afraid of i was gonna say also why would everyone be afraid how's maddie doing you know what i miss my maddie from the shanley but this is actually terrifying i don't like holding this dog's hand bro maybe you shouldn't be bringing up maddie from shinley so often around this new maddie i mean does that seem a little bit maddie's like six years old she's gonna turn her head oh my god she'd be out the window honestly you just eat maddie i think after that first session it's pretty clear whatever she wants to talk to us tonight i was to say i think we already solved our first case yeah i believe adam now yeah i really really really want to if we're in sarah's room figure out the sarah story how'd she get here why is her name sarah is that actually portal is it really a little girl you know what all these little girls have had in common that we've been they all like the flashing lights and they all like things like crayons like the last time they're just like little kid things okay i heard okay let's focus for a second do you hear that this is what we talked about earlier though every time you want to focus on sarah yo flashlight [Music] hey guys look look me yeah right here cinderella what's up oh it came back out all right if you're coming out of there come over to this flashlight now and turn it on walk past that oh my god oh my god [Music] if you're not originally from this building and you came here with somebody else set off the device in the hallway no way that just confirms that something came here with somebody else whatever is like making everything happen and it came out of the portal first [Music] said just passing through it went back into the room again nothing else happened up here after that so we got a pretty important question for you we're trying to clear some stuff up are you able to come and go as you please if you are set that device off again in the hallway the red the red light out there if you can come and go from this building whatever you want set it off what was that there was a crack out there it was like a footstep maybe you can't go as it pleases it needs somebody to bring it out do you need a person or a vessel for you to move from building to building yo right as you said a person from building a building flashlight on so we're the vessels just like he said it's using us to open the doorways between each building and then looks like i hate to say this but i don't think we are but i think it's you sam something's attached to you if you came here with sam from another location set off that red light in the hallway better yet if you're here with me i want you to come over here set off this flashlight next to me that confirmed it that's it so yesterday we figured out that you did have an attachment and right now we just figured out that it is for sure following you to places the power that it needs is just a taxicab why would i want to go to place to place that doesn't make any sense or power what does that even mean i don't know gaining energy what does it need with all of these different places last time the bestest method that you guys had last night was it needs to go home and it wants to know guys there's footsteps that is so clear if the power that it gets by attaching to somebody is being able to go from place to place but the end goal is to go home what does it gain unless places like this give it more power it's kind of like an all-encompassing thing like adam's saying like groups are bringing things here maybe they're energizing it more so they're going to be more and more and more and they become spills that have more energy on it it's building energy are you using sam as a vessel to gain energy if you are turn off that flashlight yo it's on that confirmed it dude what if it's just opening portals each time you go to a new place but it can't get there originally without having to go there with somebody first and then boom you're just linking all these spots the question is does it have a negative agenda right yeah what's its end goal i mean how do we even ask something like this that question and if they have the power to make steve black out forget everything how do you know that you're not choosing these locations you know you're not being influenced i had my only experience with some sort of attachment or blacking out at this location have you ever heard of this place until you've met us no would you have covered we didn't know fairfield we didn't know this place but yet somehow both of them have almost an identical spirit as sally house why did we bring the tambourine to the valley house why it was such a good coincidence what does this mean for the rest of the investigations or even like our home like in l.a does that mean following us there too the thing that i don't understand is why what's its motive [Music] nate like we were talking about earlier what is that word the catatonic right yeah imagine the catatonic patients sitting in these creepy ass chairs just looking out the windows because they weren't just sitting right there literally the condition will have them like doing things like that's scary man that's freaky i figured if we try this new method i've been doing on this ohio trip automatic writing binge this is like using a ouija board except it's not a ouija board it's on a blank piece of paper we're gonna put a pencil on there we're all gonna touch it with two fingers just like normal and then it's gonna draw out it can be literally just blobs i'm not gonna lie we're gonna play some paranormal pictionary dog yes sir this sort of automatic writing ouija board outdates the actual board part of the ouija board this is what inspired the original lord you want to talk to us on this thing can you turn that off thank you dude it's ready like it was talking to us so much in sarah's room it also just feels heavy here to refresh everybody on how these sort of ouija board things work it is complete subconscious mind push short thing like if you feel as though you should be pushing that way push that way right when you guys put your hands on there hey can you turn that off oh my gosh [ __ ] you whatever is here in the madison seminary if you can get some sort of sign as to who you are what you want or where you can talk to us please give us some sort of sign with this board you draw absolutely anything sarah if this is you feel free use it to draw yeah play like a little toy maybe it's another entity of this house seven foot shadow man maybe you're up here flashlight's on mine's like barely touching did you hear that flashlight's off whoa what was that yeah that's big it was behind me whoa hello you're down there come over here and talk to us is it even moving for you guys at all uh i think it's stuck to the paper yeah let's sit in like a divot all right so they're going to hold down the paper and just use one hand because it's a little harder than with that again if you want to show us anything draw anything give us any sort of hint as to who you are please use this planchette bro this thing's at 44 now okay chloe this thing's going just making a deep line flashlight's on yeah this is weird can you make a noise for us just like you were down the hall can you slam another door yo bro bro i'm not about that sounds like a thank [Music] make sure you check what it says you guys done oh what the [ __ ] is that this is where you started right yeah it looks like just a loop all right trying to figure out what that could be i don't know i have no idea if you guys it almost looks like a surgeon utensils [Music] oh my god holy [ __ ] guys guys guys wait wait wait let's go bring that to the picture no look at the curve yeah down around and back all right wait let's see no way [ __ ] dude we'll put the picture right here guys it is not exactly what it is yeah like and he can't lift up so obviously like you couldn't really make this part but he literally has the curve right here too there's no way dude none of us knew that that was there except for steve as soon as you started a surgical thing i was like i know where there's something in here it looks just like that when i looked at that i was like oh god this didn't work yeah what is that tool bro don't you remember when we were reading the history it said that they used to pull people's teeth i don't know if we talked about that on the history part could you explain that because they had a bunch of unruly and mentally unstable people up here they would also oftentimes be violent one of the ways they would retaliate when they were not wanting and so when they couldn't like make them stop they said well [ __ ] it they'll just pull their teeth and you know back then they weren't using like any sort of pain yeah like any pain medication or anything flashlights on too guys i don't know how this works this is just honestly crazy this is just something that we're trying out it seems to work maybe it's a coincidence maybe all this is a coincidence but that was pretty that's pretty crazy enough and you guys think that's the only thing i think that only means one thing i don't even know if we need to try it again i feel like we got questions to ask in that room yeah 100 it's leading us there if you want to come talk to us in the certain room turn that flashlight off yo thank you all right guys obviously whatever's here talking to us is trying to get us into the surgeon room as fast as possible but if you guys are enjoying the video so far you know what to do leave a like if this gets 300 000 likes we will do another haunted asylum because it seems like these places are very active so leave a like if you want to see that and while you're down there drop a subscribe too because it helps us out a lot it's free let's go no i think it might be this thing hello flashlight and uh that's not the window bro that's getting closer it sounds like someone's stumbling around like that is somebody coming in a psychosis or something yeah somebody coming in here dude dude that's getting closer so this used to be maybe like a potential torture chamber well remember he said people that were in here helping the people that were in the asylum just thought these patients were way below them they weren't people they were things they could experiment on experiment is the key word were you telling us to come into the surgeon room oh [ __ ] that's the end is there any reason that you had us draw out these pliers do they remind you of something [Music] what is that noise it's so loud did you have us come into this room because you wanted to torture us did you want one of us to be your patient flashlight off you want one of us to sit on the chair what is that this is coming down this way still for some reason i thought it was outside wait were those open like that last time bro it sounded like it was so much closer than that what i can't tell if it was the camera light i looked in here and it was dark but it looked like a dark shadow moved here like this way what kind of room is this i mean like why would you build something like this this is weird and they have like a bunch of little kid toys in here right all right let's go back to the surgeon room something obviously led us here in my opinion could be the surgeon or it could be maybe like a mentally ill patient i thought i literally let ourselves something flat out i wouldn't know but or i was just saying it could have been a patient here trying to show us what room that something happened to him or we were just talking to the sally puppeteer whatever we want to call it downstairs what if that's just the entity trying to manipulate us [Music] hello i heard a hello definitely why do you want us in [Music] does that mean we're still talking to the same entity this thing just went off as soon as i said that k2 and this do you recognize any of us where do you want to go [Music] [Music] it's like it's confirming the ones that it actually wants us to listen to what if we had sam sit on the and then we did this method over sam yeah trigger object is myself okay let's do it hi sam [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just a thought this is a symbol of the surgeon correct right yeah the surgeon worked on the patients correct yes the surgeon thought of the patient as nothing as he's above he's working and doing experiments on someone who's nothing right why would this thing want to put me on a patient table and lead us into the surgery the surgeon also took pieces of the patients is this person comparing me to a patient it thinks i'm not it's the surgeon it's above you it's someone who's working on me right well i know what makes the surgeon the surgeon having the patient to work on it's nothing without you i just thought of something isn't this like the most like evil room yes and it wanted you specifically to sit in the most evil spot of the most evil room yeah and it's looking to try to get power and is following us to every single place we've been to for the past couple months yeah do you get where i'm getting that it's taking you to all the darkest places of like each spot yes of each location yes and that's where it makes maybe the darkest spots in each location is where it can get the most power what's it doing like charging in love or is it making you weaker what do you want to know what you guys said i just thought of something too why would it attach itself to someone who is already going to the most haunted places because you're the perfect uber to these places he's the perfect uber it wouldn't attach itself to some random person it wants to go to where there's more energy that's negative and evil to like feed its evil soul you think it's like trying to make a network are you sure it's evil we haven't really determined what sally is a lot of people say she's evil we haven't seen anything harmful thus far so right now we have no idea what she wants because again it could be good you sat in that pentagram that day and you challenged something and it hasn't left your sense geez i said okay i genuinely didn't think it was real i was just like challenging it and that was a stupid mistake are we 100 sure that this is like the most powerful spot all i know is that you guys literally just drew out that so that's what i was i mean i've been coming here for years like we've been in this room a ton of times that room is the one he blocked out like we've had our emotions manipulated in that room and the closest you've ever gone actually and that's where we're hearing the noises too what you saying off camera too that like you're feeling kind of anxious up here all like since we got here i feel like someone's been kind of like following us around dude let's go to the spot where the real [ __ ] happened yeah i don't want to be sitting like you're like a [ __ ] prey or like you know what what no these things are going off you're right nate it wants us to go this thing has not gone off at all and as soon as we talk about leaving this room oh [ __ ] and the flashlight what is going on wait what that has not gone off like that at all dude i think it means jackpot ding ding ding you got a winner yeah yeah over there so you were in this room you were doing an evp yep and then you just started facing this corner yeah it was like everything changed and like i turned off everything so like i had a camera i turned it off i turned off all the equipment that i had and i was just like not it was it was so weird like everything just didn't make sense you know i mean like i just didn't want to do anything okay so after talking about a little bit i decided i just switched spots with what steve was doing a long time ago i'll be in here alone maybe even like you said end up facing the wall you guys can maybe ask some questions in the distance like you were saying off camera remember at fairfield our last investigation if you guys saw this episode it literally said divided so we were just times game planning off camera and we were just like if it's after you like put you in the same position hopefully i just don't turn catatoy we're gonna find out jeez dude this is some weird fire to play with all right guys so we're gonna do the spirit box really quick one more time make sure the antenna is pointed up just so we get the best reception sam's over in this corner literally acting like a demon which is terrifying trigger object as a trigger object are you using sam for power [Music] don't look don't look as i point the camera over to him oh of course he wouldn't want us to look oh we're just trying to get it yeah a hundred percent what did that say definitely yeah what are you trying to accomplish can you tell us your name are you using what is that oh my god oh my god are you using what is are you using what is this oh my god oh my god wait whoa whoa whoa there was actual footsteps down here actual footsteps those were so [ __ ] up are you serious dude like legitimately dude you can literally feel my like my heart's hollowing i don't know if i want to be up here anymore to be honest [Music] i love how adam put this place in perspective it is not just haunted for some specific reason however things can come and go as people come and go aka one confirming this whole like attachment theory people get attachments dolls get attachments things can travel throughout their objects it wants to feel alive why would i want to go into a doll it would want to have attention i would want to go to this place because people come to this place to talk puppeteer has more control than we think i guess the question is can you break free of the puppeteer i think that is the next question also if you guys found out anything more or we missed something please let us know in the comments or tweet us or something like that because there was a lot to go on in this video a lot of theory a lot of like really existential stuff maybe we're thinking too hard into this maybe it's just a doll in a creepy place but yeah guys 300 000 likes we'll go to another asylum make sure to go check out these guys you want to go to an investigation you guys even investigate here yeah all the time you guys could be doing exactly what we're doing right now if you guys want to see some behind the scenes of these types of videos go to exploreclub.com make sure you check us out next week oh yeah another video thanks for watching guys hope you're enjoying seeing someone so far i'm i'm really tired yeah i think well it's it's time to go to podcast adios [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 8,991,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam and colby, exploring, abandoned, overnight, treasure hunting, sam&colby, sam & colby, sam golbach, colby brock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 17sec (3797 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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