A teenage girl discovers her male friends' secret group chat. | Locker Room

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Chloe! Meg! Yeah, back here Meg! Chloe! yup, back here! (floor squeaking) Bye guys Bye See ya Yeah Connor! Good job! Keep it up, keep it up Cheers colour (Laughing) Hurry up or I'm coming in! Yeah, one sec (Boys talking and laughing) Ah! Hello! Hi Um, after you Maybe not What's so funny? Ah, nothin'. How was training? Pretty standard. Right, I'm hungry, so we're going to yours for food And he's hungry and she's hungry; let's go To mine? Yeah, to yours. Come on, let's go Dude, I've got stuff to do! Aw, do it later! You have the principles memorised? Respect, responsibility Reasonableness -But you got it in? -Yeah, yeah, Dad made sure of that I dunno dude, I dunno if I can just, be bothered! Yeah, who has to get it though? Me! I actually heard Bridget from camp said she applied last week I can't imagine anything worse than Fridget as school captain Now I hope I do get in She could get biased though Gosh Connie, you smell like egg! -Nope, no, no -It's ok Connie I mean I try to use as much deodorant as I can Woah! Mrs Wilson's had a busy day! Is that lace I see? Oh dude, that's hot Uh oh, you left something there, buddy Where? - On the bed - Oh, there. Right You can pick it up for me instead of being a flop Dude, like what is that? Do you have something to tell us? Like do you sleep with him? Like on your chest or something? Shirt off, with Ms. Squiggles right here (Laughing) I'll be back (water running) Hi Hi sorry (laptop slams shut) that was quick Yeah What's up? Nothin' Nah - Dinner's ready Yeah, meatballs! She's sleeping, Shhhhh (Whispering) Come here, watch this - I was just... -Just left my phone That.. that video wow! yeah. It, it's not like we're gonna spread it around or anything Just with the rest of the team? It's just Mac being a dick. You know what he's like I dunno..I didn't think you'd... No.. No, you're right I'm sorry, I shouldn't have.. looked at I'm sorry It's fine Right? Are you hungry or something? Yeah, dinner I found this page.. online when I was at my friend's house the other day and... I found this group chat of the, um.. the boys on the football team and they were... sharing photos of girls from my year but mainly from the years below and they were... rating them and saying things about them, that were... not right and laughing about it and then I found this video... fuck I'm talented talented as shit (whistle blows) bring it in boys Carls! Carla! Carla, hey! Hey, what's up? Um, what you and I had spoken about right, like you didn't tell anybody anything did you? hang on, hang on, hang on I'm just kinda freaking out right now, you didn't tell anybody what you and I had spoken about, right? - Hey! You told her? No, no! No, no, no, I didn't tell her I told you she wouldn't get it -No, no I didn't tell her, she found it on my laptop - what the fuck does that mean? -I know I shouldn't have seen it - No, wait Carla, I don't understand; you told me it was fine Yeah, but I guess.. I just felt kinda gross about it afterward Fucking hell Carla, what is your problem? What is your problem? -No, hang on, hang on - Oh shit, Carla, I don't know We might just get suspended for this because of you. Because you don't have a fucking sense of humour! Well I'm sorry I didn't find it as funny as you! ( angry shouting) Well fuck you I didn't want to get you in any trouble, I just... Ugly fucking bitch Fuck you Mack! -Fuck me? Fuck you! -Woah, woah, woah, wait! Shush! Carla! I think.. you should leave now Finn! Let's go! Finn! Come on! Carla?
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 5,399,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: locker room, drama short film, omeleto
Id: x3d4oRWQ49M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 31 2018
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