A mother finds a used condom at home. And it can only be from her teen daughter or husband. | Mother

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[Music] [Music] [Music] what funny it's almost pretty like coral or something that thought passed very quickly and I realized number one someone was having sex in my house number two it wasn't a stranger the security system was new Peter had installed in himself last Christmas number three then it had to belong to someone in my family I couldn't throw it out i was worried i'd forget the details why it was positioned the distance from the couch you know all the small important details and then i'd start to question if I'd ever actually found it I locked it in my mother's old jewelry box with her photos and necklaces and everything I don't really have anywhere else that's private mm-hmm I've been obsessing about it all week really this session couldn't have come sooner like the other day I was picking up Ashley from school and I was so out of it she was walking towards the car and I nearly ran her over have you been doing the mindfulness exercises like we discussed occasionally you need to do those children sorry could it have come from you and bleedin yeah we haven't had sex in months besides it was bright pink pink hmmm I guess that is more like something a teenager would choose that's exactly what I'm worried about Ashley's only 15 that's far too young to be sexually active and you said that it was full right yes I hate to bring this up but have you thought of the possibility that it might have come from Peter and another woman yeah of course I have am NOT an idiot all week I've been asking in these little questions about the women at his work just to see what he says which is nothing of course and the way he looks at other women The Young Ones it's something he's always done but it's bothering me now and why is it bothering you now [Music] [Music] hey ash yeah or any of your friends you know sexually active what a few I guess maybe why and well if I ever told you that I waited a good amount of time before I was you know with a man I was 23 and at uni actually no you never told me that yeah well that's what I did I wanted to make sure that I was mature enough for it I know that 23 probably seems a little bit unfair but I still think that around that age is a good time what I'm trying to say is that I think that your friends and and you two are a little bit young to be dealing with that sort of stuff I don't want you doing things with boys just yet do you know what I'm saying Ashley it's been incredibly incredibly awkward she's basically just been ignoring me and I've spent the past week pretending everything's fine Ashley could have felt it was an invasion of her privacy teenagers her age are very sensitive about these earrings really I had no idea that could be touchy about these kinds of things anyway I don't think the condom was hers judging from her reaction which really only leaves Peter doesn't it which means he's cheating on me well this is a possibility you won't know for sure until you confront him about it and whatever the case I think it's very important you follow through with what we discussed it's better not to know getting the answers to the questions that are plaguing you is the only way it's gonna put your mind at ease joy it's up to you I guess a key would probably be the easiest I think we should go early - that way if we have enough time we can buy the curtains and put them up huh sure also I found something interesting the other day while I was cleaning yeah that necklace you lost what was it there a condom [ __ ] condom from Asha no I talked to her about it I don't think it has anything to do with her you sure yes are you having an affair what but you haven't even affair no do you think I have time I'm at work all day most nights I spent two hours in traffic getting home and then the weekend is always something like you know going out there IKEA and getting [ __ ] curtains and of course on Sunday I gotta fix his side of the house no that's a shrink helping at all just helping a little it's a bit of an idiot though I price did you holy Christ sex - it's 1:00 a.m. you couldn't have go Thalia Ashley watch your language okay okay I guess it's all right just please call earlier next time okay I'm sorry yeah I think Peter and I are in a better place I'm pretty sure he isn't cheating on me I say I remember us deciding on a very different course of action one where we both discovered the truth where we asked the questions who needed to be honest well Peter told me that he's too busy for an affair I feel confident Ashlee will make good choices yes but surely you agree one of them must be lying I don't think so I've lived with them both long enough to know if they were but there doesn't make sense you said it had to be one of them right I did yes and now you believe that they're both innocent Julie surely you realize this is unproductive behavior I said yes maybe you could show them the condom confront them with it and see what their reactions will be I don't think so how come I don't think it's a good idea but what about the truth Julie I thought we both decided it was paramount I have my tres I say [Music] [Music]
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 1,822,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mother, drama short film, omeleto
Id: Oi91qtH90L8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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