A Talent for Murder (TV)

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[Music] Gabriele's I surveyed the room then with a gallant shrug the solution of these so-called accident is quite simple if we're going to persist including your cigars in the waste basket which you have the thymus to extinguish them first by cheap Burkhardt you have a nice day to Alaska and if you'd stop smoking and a chapter xxix well by the way eateth and The Gazette Sunday there was a 35 cent coupon for Sanka be sure to cut it out those robbers at Safeway are getting three ninety a pound for it where was I oh oh yeah it was murder there was a sharp audible gasp as Gabrielle's eyes swept the room swept what is this sweeping the room her eyes fastened on Maxwell fasten oh my god narrowed on held pinned Christ maybe I should retire um Gabrielle's eyes I'll clean that up later her eyes fastened on Maxwell illness you are the only one with sufficient electronic experience to have perpetrated this sinister chain of events you mr. Maxwell operated this ingenious plan of Io remote control unit I wonder if this goddamn thing works Ron Shay yes ma'am would you come in here a moment please I'm involved it's uh not a well that can wait as you wish I want you to wash the rolls before you pick up dog from the airport if I don't proceed now there'll be no dinner well your for once do what I ask with your most gracious permission madam you are at times impossible [Music] [Music] Edythe you'll be delighted to hear the thing works perfectly [Music] congratulations Rafi it all works the block technician the car doors the fumes filling up the garage you always said you were a genius and you're absolutely right [Music] you are proceeding too far I'm not joking EP one day ask you and then I'll design and break your parole I was even back in the penitentiary Rafi how would you like a nice 450 computer with hardware and software to match I'm very angry or a Betamax with 20 of your favorite films Casablanca wouldn't you like that Rashi I would also like to live to enjoy it be reasonable these things have to be tested I mean accuracy is the trademark of every and Royce MacLean novel all 68 of them not a single film a device oh my god it's four o'clock quick you gotta go to the airport and pick up doc get out the rolls my lung trust me shall I return paragraph the sharp jungle of the telephone awakened Madeline LeBeau as she got out of bed feeling a little hungover she'd had a dreadful night [Applause] good afternoon doctor afternoon yeah I hope you had a pleasant flight oh thank epoxy boards me oh yes just your explaining this is a she no no it was an unfortunate false alarm no no thank you sir alas I propel a good fire chief did not believe me 91 it's a start here Oh Madame has become increasingly security conscious since some person or persons unknown attempted to / line one of Madame's sampling offerin cancelable collection and Madame I would say about a bottle a day sir how are things on the floor borg sat on a write what had that particular it is well you were there this morning I can tell by a girl and for that Parisian tart of yours listen mrs. Perry Mason one day you're going to be the piece de resistance at your own barbecue I promise everything in this house should be in a fireproof Museum but modern has been after me but no dice when I shuffle off to Buffalo everything will be auctioned off at Sotheby's how when that's when the bidding goes over 20 million I'll be out there looking down at you as you and the family split the bundle but until then I want you all catering to my every whim and dancing in attack I'm doing my daily then go you just keep looking after your operatic old buddy not when you consider the alternative but dearest you will never grow old you'll always be the same spoiled brat you were when Paris was Paris and there was no McDonald's on the shelves ELISA Paris is only Paris when you're young and carefree and in your case beautiful wasn't i something mattiece really caught me I loathed it at the time but now I can see what he meant it's what you see my acquisitive darling is a million dollars hanging on that wall which you got for free oh not exactly you mean Martis you did I can only say the modalities never once asked me back 40 you've still got this board set up it's off to hover six weeks oh my Bishop to Bishop four as far as I can recollect I think it's always was I'm bishop for God who would believe a fellow of the College of Surgeons would stoop so low as to cheat a 70 year old woman 65-64 let's have a drink don't you know that brandy is lethal combined with approaching senility besides my love I was only I was only testing on memory no all right my retired pill pusher try this Bishop tonight five ad exchanges of Bishops for the night it's quite double pong his Knight to Queen 590 night form takes knight Knight to Queen five night takes Knight now how's that for approaching senility you're unbelievable you outlive us all well I certainly hope so Madonn time for your medicine good boy roger caillois thee and cortisone an unbeatable combination alcohol and cirrhosis confused the brain you know that's why you go in and out of focus sometimes nonsense I've never gone out of focus seem to remember several times in the last year when you turn a little walkabout I don't know why I've kept you around all these years I'm cheaper than blue cross Pamela would you come into my study darling I've got a surprise for you how is my darling little girl but she seems happy oh and when are you gonna face up to facts you know perfectly well than in her case of brain damage no I know but there's always hope who would believe it was ten years since chat and Molly were killed and poor little Pamela no one could have been a better mother to her than you Thank You dearest Oh doc I've got big news the Mystery Writers of America have awarded me an Edgar for the case of the purple shoes Edgar Allan Poe and me purple shoes not one of your best to cover Oh stick here stethoscope oh no but darling it really was a bit flimsy that purple shoe business will never convince a jury well it convinced three hundred and ten thousand in hardcover and seven hundred and sixty five thousand and paperback desperate lonely souls in airport lounges granny Oh for heaven's sakes Pamela well look who's here it's Charlie Chaplin costumes your mama used to play with those when she was a little girl Pamela why weren't you at my party yesterday what darling I was in Paris don't you remember but still I was thinking of you all the time well there's a first time for everything that's the first time I've ever kissed a girl with a moustache Oh aren't you forgetting what's her name oh I found my old bike in the Playhouse but the chain is is all rusty and I can't ride it Oh take it down to Jill Murphy at the garage and have him grease it for you thank you granny see you later uncle that I got it take care darling where's mark he comes up weekends how's the marriage who knows I she seems to love him and I suppose he loves her I think we should dress for dinner what time is it to be 8 o'clock and don't be late there's a beauty on The Late Show the creature that came in from the swamp oh darling do we have to Marty's tell me have what sets before or after our little glamorous triumph during you have the habits of a Dalek and a beautiful blue function button oh I'm worried about Doc his cheating gets clumsy and clumsy and it drinks too much incidentally that's a very handsome jacket you've got on oh thank you mother thank you very much unarmed those new loafers yes buy that Gucci tell me Rashi how do you manage all this on the money I give you I Steve it appears to be your son's car at the front gate madam what's he doing here oh my god I forgot I invited the whole family for my first welcome children welcome to Twelve Oaks we please tell that stupid dog Table three more people and nothing is prepared well make some microwave magic from the freezer open Rashi not a word about not forgetting my birthday no no just tell him I'm dressing for dinner and stash a few of those bottles there twice always need was to be the soul of discretion what happened here and what is this oh this these scorch marks we are not allowed to discuss it Rashi I want to know exactly what happened there was never any true danger madam had me install a smoke alarm system so I designed a photoelectric cell with solid-state microchips how come Adam work as Robin they're not the go at once pointed out nothing is enough for a man for whom enough is too little say that again in dr. Poole we have a saying it is not the receiving it is the giving of the receiving that is the giving sorry I asked Larry now we've really got to do something about an one more Late Late Show a double brandy a cigar there goes the whole baggage just don't start on again about that Florida booby hatch anything she's got to be protected from herself oh you know what she's like she won't give up without one hell of a fight why don't we have it out right now before it's too late I was very good skyfirst you mean she wasn't expecting us of course she was it was just to slipped my memory she for that and forgot she asked us up here for her birthday we're talking about senile dementia dad how old is an really either 50 60 or 70 depending on her mood and by the way and suffers from a slight hardening of the arteries hardly senile dementia Thank You children thank you for coming from my own greenhouse I did bring you a magnum of dump in your but I drank it on the plane this is for you I've always wanted to smoke one of these well where's the hash for your next birthday uh I know it doesn't look like much birthday they do say that good things come in small packages well I've always liked expensive things in big package it's the big packages I love oh of course dear it's the thought that counts oh I used to wear it all the time why don't you love this oh oh oh the canary murder case by Van Daan oh that's wonderful Larry oh I always thought well it was a bit of a stuffed shirt but he did write the most marvelous plots thoroughly researched like mine right Russia I'm sorry oh you're from the moon we got between us we made a swift 80 bucks a week mmm remember Bill remember that remember the studio room with a Murphy bed Oh fun oh god damn and we made whoopee [Music] mother mmm you better lie down mm-hmm haven't you better lie down oh oh yeah well nothing everything's all right how what's this I'm told about you trying to set fire to the house again Oh told you anything so ridiculous that we had a little chat with chief burghard down at the firehouse fires a private goddammit brother you're going to destroy Twelve Oaks and everything in it don't be ridiculous Sheila I love this place I bought it with my first best seller we're only trying to protect you I don't need your protection these books of my protection all 68 of them translated into every civilized language in the world second only to the immortal Agatha who if you ask me was a bit of a fraud I mean you could drive trucks through some of her plots so here am i everything I've ever done in my career totally dismissed by my so-called nearest and dearest well you've made your point get out the straitjacket wrap me in the icy sheets before I get violent nobody said that nobody said anything like that and if I want to burn down my own house who was a greater right that's the free enterprise system what is this place [Music] baby I didn't know you were coming they never called I called Wednesday and told you we were coming up friend's birthday you did because I forgot happy birthday grin in the end I painted it just for you what a beautiful package it's a shame to spoil it Oh to my beautiful grandma who I love the most xxx that means kisses no darling oh [Music] isn't that perfect Toni take down that tired old brat and put up an original by Pamela Harrison dinner such as it is is served what a warm wonderful feeling to be surrounded by my loved ones on my 50th birthday [Music] [Music] don't we to indulge in a little witty conversation otherwise something tells me we're in for rather a tense weekend Tony I really admire you you made yourself charmingly indispensable to the tune of six million dollars is my share six now I may I remind you that we're here to celebrate mother's birthday Tony's celebrating he stuck it out to the bitter end and whatever he collects he will have earned oh thank you Sheila on the other hand you will come into your share painlessly through a marriage made in heaven not the painless nests inevitably follow God please please that that's enough I want you two to stop this right now someone in this family's gotta speak up how do we know what drugs the good doctors been feeding your poor old mother do I detect a touch of homicide I'll tell you this if we can prove undue influence you won't see a Nicola van Royce McClain's estate that takes care of the witty conversation up to your usual standard Gina Gina why if you always have to put in the needle very when are you gonna face the facts we've got to put her away where she can't commit involuntary emulation where she'll be protected from herself what's immolation Pam darling we were just planning a wonderful surprise for granny Adam surprise we found this lovely place in Florida where they will look after her every second where she can write her books and watch her precious Late Late Show and be waited on hand and foot but it has to be a surprise Pamela so not over it huh cross your heart and hope to die it's a matter I need you look a little tired tired I think you oughtta skip the concert and go to bed early I like the concert you wouldn't like this one I don't count on me Oh magazine goes to bed on Wednesday Oh Sheila looks like you're stuck with me what kind of a birthday is this we haven't opened the presents Tommy but children already gave you that press oh not your presence my presence I always think of these ghastly geriatric birthdays the survivor should give rather than receive Picasso gave me this himself Pablo adored me well yes oh of course never amounted to anything sort of a two-night stand what is that oh I forgot Lina [Music] 2681 64 26 oh why did I say don't you want 64 81 he's next before [Music] amel these are your mother's bracelets you used to love to play with them when you were a little girl I remember I still miss it very much so do i dolly but you're not going away or you granion well of course not whatever gave you that idea nothing mark here are my beer bills opal and Ruby dress studs rescued I can't recall how many times from the hockshop if things don't pick up in repro antiques they may soon be back there thank you n that's very thoughtful doc boom bill stick pin for you doc oh that's a real pro the perfect present for the man who has nothing Sheila you've always loved this Oh it's entirely too extravagant Oh nonsense I'm sure you're some kind of a tax write-off doing it isn't it yeah Larry here's your father's Patek Phillipe thank you well I think that just about wipes out your father's estate unless you could use a a silver hip flask and a pair of junk gray spats see you later baby [Music] granny do you like surprises well at night I could use a few [Music] [Music] mother can I talk to you privately oh excuse me okay darling I want you to stay we'll discuss it in the morning Larry I think it's important I said in the morning I'm sorry to ring you in on this doc but I need your advice would you be kind enough to close those French doors so much mysterioso my dear I do have to earn a living I was out on the island trying to sell a ten thousand dollar Sheraton sideboard I just I was busy always one of you jailbait loading to us knock it off you know I think you're moving entirely too fast Larry that's me not a rating transfer in 68 books five plays and fifty movies I have never one stoop to the use of the vernacular but I can say it now Sheila is a darling how on earth did you remember that touching little see when I pinned the brooch I'm sure it was a directional microphone with a an effective radius of five miles this harness is your suspect right this is the fourth time that mark has gallantly offered to take Sheila to the concert after the last concert I checked on the Beethoven came out at ten forty six a little bell went off in my head it only takes 45 minutes to get back there they didn't get back till after 1:00 a.m. you know its twenty seven point six miles from here to Tanglewood and I had Rashi check their speedometer the next morning and instead of fifty five point two it was seventy four point eight on the nose it's obvious to you sounds fated Sherlock Holmes that's not new yes here why was that sweetheart jailbait will be - I heard Sheila - Marcus boy laughs well what else did you hear dolly nothing I was reading well I have some nice hot cocoa in a hot bath and get to bed dear good night darling damn it I left the Playhouse which open oh not to worry she clearly didn't understand anything [Music] I can't always tell what cami understands and what she doesn't know I need this I'll get rid of them both of them I protected that phony furniture salesman for Pammy sake but and I'm through that 12-cylinder louse has got to go Lady Macbeth oh wait until I get through with her careful they do have rather a good case Wow well look at the record have you won such a wizard shop where that Seltzer bottle best place to be a charred ruin how could I have ever slept with a man as cold-blooded and logical and you want the facts don't you well nothing I could drop dead at any second and where would that leave my Pamela you're not dropping dead and they feel worried about being put away there's a very simple solution sell this place and give the pictures to the Museum of Modern Art that'll kill Lady Macbeth and where does that leave you doc me but I've always got my stick pin with the red bow and what am I supposed to do yeah sweetheart sell one Picasso and gone buy a co-op at the hotel pl it's a very nice place and you can you could have a female companion any committee you're not dumping me in any three million Oh what's the good of trying to talk reason to you none at all and if push comes to shove I expect you to get on that witness stand and lie your precise grammatical British head off her about how you never saw me take a drunk I don't smoke and I never set a fire in my life what happens in seven years when I get out doc if you don't mind I'd like a little time it's alright now take this once you have good and just take that down and not another brandy and no more television alright okay Annie am I really such a pain in the ass an adorable pain in the ass you always say the right thing [Music] I do have to earn a living I was out of the aisle in a salad [Music] what again jailbait Tony to us talk it off yo I think you're moving entirely too fast Larry or not him you know we can't move [Music] once we have do we really have to go to that stupid operetta ivory now I've been thinking about what you said yesterday about Marlon you have now we do we mustn't move too fast for naught but I think I can convince her to sell this place now Larry don't force me to do something I don't wanna do before should we do one well in case it slipped your mind darling the check the one with my name on it the one I never wrote the one you wrote to cover your magazine losses you know I'll pay back every corner of course I know that it will the jury mm-hmm we'll be departing soon Raschi have you been eavesdropping there's no need Russia knows everything and there's another one that's got to go Raja poor we have a same it is written in fire that those who conspire are the first to expire [Music] it's getting dark careful honey why don't you truffle are not through very funny [Music] why do you only kiss me when there are other people around take care honey [Music] well I say goodbye I walk - bye-bye so sorry I'll disappeared on how to run the headache doc is absolutely right we simply must cut down Larry be a darling and pour me a short one where is dark decided to walk in the village oh I'll go till I need the exercise why do I join you hey what is this anyone would think you were afraid to drive at my role oh it's always a thrilling ride at home in the back of the tow truck see you Sheila you come with me alright mother I want your opinion of something I think this will interest you [Music] you know I think you're moving entirely too fast with Larry you know what not getting that pain what is this it gets better I know what's going through your mind how did the old drunk do it well actually it was quite simple it's amazing what they can do these days isn't it it's a mini microphone I used one in the deadly voice six hundred and fifty four thousand hardcover nine hundred and seventy-five thousand paperback and I thought you were just a senile old lady every now and then I have a streak of Saturday now I'll tell you what we're gonna do you're gonna divorce Larry or he'll divorce you either way I want you out of this family not a chance and out of the kindness and generosity for which I'm famous I'm willing to offer you a settlement of $100,000 to get your miserable bones out of here $100,000 for living with Larry all these years I'm so sorry grandma but you are going to have to raise the ante no haggling no bargaining take it or leave it and after you're gone our share of the estate will be at least six million I'll take my three million now how would you like it in fives or tens now this will be in my safe deposit at the Chase Manhattan tomorrow morning well you're bluffing try me you are a Firebug and a loony there'll be no trouble putting you away and that is just what I am going to do you can count on it yeah girl help me bill you heard her you know what a she is you know what she's gonna do you know what's gonna happen to my little girl yeah you're right bill I'm gonna have to finish her off [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for me Sheila so young so lovely in dodge' pool we have a saying we are but a passing shadow on the face of time well let's pass the shadow would like a drink yes madam you know madam I'm not merely your servant but also your devoted friend eternally grateful for rescuing poor Rashi from the abyss of penal servitude get to the point Rashi you know my discretion you know my loyalty Rashi why did you do it the what extinguished me Sheila are you out of your mind but surely Madam's remembrance must acknowledge the fact that was I who devised this hole in the Farias plan oh don't be ridiculous you know I'm a helpless in a wheelchair no problem madam can compose a nice suicide note suicide note yes I can Ford Miss Sheila's and writings and also her signature give me another drink sorry I spoke [Music] that Pamela's asking for you where is she dog sniffing under shots oh my poor baby [Music] I see yes sir were you here when miss Sheila came back no sir I saw you leave the theater before intermission yes I believe I did you see sir operetta is not my cup of tea in the other pool we have a saying if the music soothe the savage beast why has not the tiger a Victrola they're a liar Raschi no matter what they say in ranchipur you need them well a minute madam was committed you were going right back to jail you will take your hands off from my person may I remind you I have homicidal tendencies fine have it your way for now get me some ice [Music] very well sir [Music] Larry I just [Music] why [Music] here's some senseless they can easily [Music] why did she feel back I was a garage door closed what why didn't she just turn off the ignition Mary just had to be a freak accident [Music] Lawrence I'm so sorry I'm so terribly sorry thank you thank you much less have to be an inquest I'm afraid a quest wire before well it's statue today after any pilot accidental death or other unusual circumstance or she under sedation of any kind or drug no well I don't think so yeah right sure well no let me look [Music] what's this well obviously a cassette what else with Sheila never used the tape recorder let's hear what it is no I'm afraid nothing biss be touched until after the investigation that's right now the docks absolutely right what investigation as an accident I'm sorry dear but the law is the law mother give me back the tape [Music] what you doing nothing nothing you can tell me sweetheart tell me looking good marks end you know I mean I don't know how did you get that I fell off my bike darling he will never do that to you again I promise broschi when you go into the village stop at Joe's we're running a little low on the Hennessy you might pick up on case of overlay may I assist you doctor oh yes please Rashi tell me why was madam so late at the theater last night later yes you know damn well his name oh you beat last night here once every but halfway through the theater when Madame realized 30s forgotten her tickets sold the returned and of course you ran in and got them father no sad madam did and infirm old lady in a wheelchair why didn't you come yourself what questions are a very good question an extremely good question and I expect an extremely good answer with all due respect doctor may I know the purport of this interrogation yes the purport is to find out how miss Sheila died I'm resenting your influence doctor what would I have to do with me Sheila's death you knew perfectly well the moment miss Sheila took over your future expectations will be extremely limited if we are looking for motives doctor you have six million dollars worth of them yeah with all due respect again if you are accusing me of murder you are showing an amazing amount of hot spa excuse me sir madam Andrews for clients residence would you please hang on a minute sir I'm mr. Charles Ferguson from district attorney's office in Tenex Oh Charlie Ferguson I remember you from the checkout counter at Safeway so you made the bar good for you Charlie yes I understand I know it's customary and the whole family will be here well 10:00 a.m. will be fine right bye charlie how about that little Charlie check out is the DA and I sincerely hope you have a good story for him tomorrow what are you talking about I could kinda forgotten Sheila's death is an exact replay of your new book don't you remember reading me the last chapter I did yes darling the the Colonel's car in the garage the the ignition that wouldn't turn off the door coming down and suffocating in the same thing exactly an amazing coincidence like this for them it's one thing to write about murders quite another thing to commit it oh I'll make a confession I would love to have liquidated Lady Macbeth I even set a trap for her but I couldn't go through with it are you positive or positive I I started for the theater and then I changed my mind I came back and turned the darn thing off and got back to the theater in time for the curtain of that I'm positive absolutely positive
Channel: Martin Holland
Views: 868,729
Rating: 4.6875997 out of 5
Keywords: Whodunit (Literary Genre), Angela Lansbury (Author), Laurence Olivier (Author)
Id: 1sCI8nhlLlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 16sec (3556 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2013
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