A Talent for Murder (TV) Part 2

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well I I think you think no no I'm sure I'm absolutely sure old Tony I I think yeah you know I'm not absolutely certain maybe I didn't turn the damn thing off you know I I do have these little lapses of memories yes Connie I know but to the best of your knowledge whatever the best of my knowledge I turned it off of that and that's my story and I'm stuck with it I'm sticking to it let's hope check out Charlie buys it by the way how did you manage to film climb with the rock and roll cassette last a whole dough is nothing I pound it this morning I put it back in the safe where it belongs oh damn I forgot the combination 2681 64 how do you know my daughter you told you the entire family last night I did yes oh my god yeah yeah you're right you're absolutely right did 2681 well what was that I can fix you oh I should remember that it's my next birthday it's gone what are you sure you put it that positive positive but not sure hmm what do you find I do confuse me talking you are confused is there anything else missing well no no I always keep a little extra cash in case I want to go to the supermarket but everything seems to be here oh my god well no look a set the last chapter of my book with a murder plot my garage is on the same tape with Sheila and Mark in the car absolutely supreme darling well done well for once i prescribed a drink or two you know I know scoff at the theater last night or woke up at the intermission nobody in our party was there including my personal physician 17 minutes by my watch not you could have easily come back here set the trap and got back in time for the curtain just where were you I went to the gentlemen's room done 17 minutes no no the line is so long I had to go to the pub across the room anybody see you just the gentlemen in the sole next to me we only had a nodding acquaintance haha there you are you see no alibi you could have just as easily done it as me this is one difference darling I didn't put my murder on tape what are you getting at Tony I'm trying to protect your darling I want a believable alibi for check out Charlie tomorrow well then find out who stole a cassette whoever did that killed Sheila Lawrence I've been meaning to ask you dear where were you during the intermission last night just why do you want to know come Alec the DA coming tomorrow you'll need a good story and you think of one you're the expert you ought to know that a man as weak as an couldn't commit murder you'd have to do it for me you know we now have several possibilities Larry Rashi you and of course me you've left anyone out mark you came in at just the right moment would you take the witness stand please I've had enough MA if you don't mind my asking where were you during the intermission last night I'm afraid I have the perfect alibi Sheila told me how you tried to blackmail her so we decided to steal the cassette you parked the rolls in the garage and at the house broke open the drawer took the cassette returned to the garage and as we started the motor the garage doors came slamming down we couldn't shut off the ignition in a matter of minutes choking and gasping we were both very young losing bad you listen to me the rules of this game have changed I know you killed Sheila and I know why let go of this chair Laurel I'm telling the DA everything I know oh you don't know anything let go no proof it's all hearsay it'll make a hell of a splash on the seven o'clock news well you wouldn't dare ha ha ha huh your bill were here he's know how to handle you he made about his fault God knows he had funny but he had guts hey tell anyone off wouldn't you bill you didn't give a damn who they were wha wha what is it not being gamma we were just discussing our new arrangement arrangement mm-hmm you decided to sell off all your paintings immediately I didn't sure first thing tomorrow you're gonna call Sotheby's and auction off the whole collection I want my share of the estate now yeah and if I refuse it won't be a nice little room in Florida it'll be a padded cell for the criminally insane now what's it gonna be oranges or straitjackets oh yeah they'd be right more maybe I have had it maybe I am full release Oh Sonny my runs I'm gonna make the announcement dill oh oh cheeseburger huh oh no no no it's just just another false alarm yes all right we'll be sure to thank milder czar the recipe oh I just love those cranberry muffins good night where's the pie granny what happened much with that it's all right baby it's all right and everybody here good sadhana I have something I want to tell you you're gonna be so proud children the name of Han Royce McLean is gonna be treasured down through the ages it came to me just now when I was chatting with mark why not have the thrill and excitement of it all right now isn't that right mark right well that were you babbling about I'm turning over my entire collection to the Museum of Modern Art your what there's over 20 million dollars in this house Oh 20.7 I had a reappraise making a mistake in a very large mistake oh I don't think so mark baby I'll have the papers drawn up in the morning I shall miss my treasures of course but I can I can always visit them it's only a hop skip and a jump from the Pierre Oh didn't I tell you I'm buying a co-op I'm giving Twelve Oaks to the County Historical Society along with all my original manuscripts actually was Tommy's idea seemed a good idea at the time - coin afraid why didn't you discuss this with me well Lawrence when you make the gesture of a lifetime you don't want to be talked out of it but grandma what about me no picnics my Playhouse oh don't worry darling I'll always have a place on my Pamela yeah you run on upstairs dear and you go to bed rest grandma what time did you say the DA was coming 10:00 a.m. save me a seat up front I'm not gonna let you go through with this I'm sorry Lawrence I've made up my mind but don't worry you and your little quarter they won't starve neither I know esoterica need your help I don't expect you to sympathize considering the drivel you tenor you lift on that drivel for the past 42 years she was right you're off your head you should be put away you're an alcoholic pyromaniac your mother you're a menace to yourself and everyone around you you know Lawrence for the first time in your life you've shown a bit of character I like that charming display of filial devotion you know Tony I've been thinking in case something unexpected should happen to me I'd feel a lot happier if you were taken care of oh forget it in a financial security would ruin my lifestyle I know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna give you a painting you can go back to your beloved Paris and you be set for the rest of your life take a painting any painting take a painting from one to ten well anything but Matisse or Picasso daga might be all right I mean he was before your time take the brach a million dollars or to make ends meet I do believe you're serious gonna write a letter saying I did it on my own free will all right I'll take this one I love the painting and I love the girl who painted it oh you could you shut the mental idiot get out of here before I change my mind my screech is a matter of fact I think it would be a good thing if I stayed here tonight Oh nonsense go to your cottage now I I really think I should stay well there's a beauty on The Late Show Yvonne De Carlo and Rory Calhoun and a massacre at hangman's tree I'll go to my cottage on you good night darling very you I'm glad you got it hello-oh keep Ricardo no we're just another false alarm oh is it 2:00 a.m. did I wake Mildred oh I'm so sorry well I'm sure it's the last one tonight good night don't tell me it's happened again no doc and then with the person who tried to knock me off just now I wanted to make it look that way of cure well to be more specific and incinerate me here we go he's loaded again but I really know who would want to marry you well when a stranger with a mass sneaks in and sprinkles brandy all over you and sets you aflame you have a certain feeling of rejection now let's get down to brass tacks whoever tried to kill me just now as I have written so many times is in this room at this very moment the same person who killed Sheila shouldn't one of us display a derringer and make a dash for the French window what are we listening all this bull okay ma we'll pick a mud run and let the rest of us go to bed all right Tony would you be kind enough to give me your slipper either one will do sir indulge your old lady thank you darling Pamela may I see your shoe thank you dear run along now Larry could I trouble you for your slipper this is all about thank you now mark if you would be kind enough to give me your shoe you don't need a su you need shock treatment you see mark there in my last novel the purple shoes by contraire Gabriela Bo's sprinkled snail poison on the carpet all around her intended victim it stains everything a deep purple she's out of her mind hobble now darling would you like to try it on for size mark three witnesses saw you in it Pamela Rashi and Yami you come with me no are you something I thought a far better idea really I didn't kill Sela can't you see the old bag did it she's trying to pin the whole thing on me now here's what we're gonna do for pammi sake I'm gonna let you disappear now here's enough money to get you out of the country fast now tomorrow morning there's a plane from JFK at 8:45 for Sydney and I want you on it because at 8:46 I am calling the cops now get out you're bluffing operator get me the police did I do all right granny letter-perfect but I want you to sleep in my room tonight all right darling I'd like that where's my painting it's mine now Pamela I rescued it from the Museum of Modern Art good night uncle doc good night my sweet are you really giving all these paintings to the Museum of Modern Art oh are you crazy they've gotta love a tease well if you're not giving him way what was that all about the force Marc's hand once he thought I was giving everything away tomorrow he had to kill me tonight and you could have been burned to death not exactly sir I could have been burned to death but in such a noble cause another fool we have a saying the incomparable is the incomprehensible made irreplaceable by the inscrutable you know I'm seriously thinking of settling in Roger poor that's mighty nice of you doctor you do realize that we're all accessories and letting a murderer escape Oh Lawrence darling you don't want to drag the family name through the media mud do you Oh think what 60 minutes would do with a story like this yeah you're right as usual about that other matter well my checkbook doesn't open until 8 a.m. but I'll see you in the morning and they were gonna put her away you know for that and darling I really do owe you an apology that purple shoe business certainly dropped Martin it was brilliant wasn't it oh yeah ha ha unfortunately ma did not kill Sheila uh who done it I'll show you hmm what do you think you're doing uniform you're walking how long have you been doing that every now and again when the spirit moves me but I haven't seen why all that wheelchair stuff well I like the image of the helpless old woman everybody dancing attendance and kissing her behind I can see you're not gonna wait for the paperback to come out so this is how it happened I was sitting it in the back of the theater in my chair when bill said to me Annie don't be a fool you know she's got to go so I wheeled my chair out of the theater down to the parking lot and I found Pam's bike I got on it ruled back here set the trap got back on my bike I'm returned to the theater just in time for the intermission that's exactly how you did it isn't it da how long have you known you know a man for 40 years and you're suddenly discovering and ride a bicycle how do you God's name did you find out go tiny little things choice of words remember when you said to me Annie but I never put my murder on take my murder surely that wasn't enough Oh wear your trousers trousers when you return from the intermission I noticed that your right cuff on your trouser was turned up to the very strange oversight for a man of your sartorial elegance so I dropped by your cottage and found the trousers with the grease from Pam's bark on them and this I know you did it for Pam and me doc Alice murders go it was terribly sweet my darling when your love a woman for more than 40 years nothing but too far oh you idiot next time leap practicality is to me tell me just for the record all those times when you were going round the bend was that was that for real or were you putting us on oh you mean bill bill worked every time no you really are incorrigible oh hell I don't know too many memories I might as well get rid of this house you're practically on a plane to France and what's left for me a couple of hundred snipped as a brandy booked a play The Late Late Show and a hell of a lot of loneliness my darling would you do me the inestimable honor of allowing me to stay if you promise me not to be so goddamn slow come on let's play I wanna see your opening gambit try me my again you
Channel: Martin Holland
Views: 315,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Part 2, Angela Lansbury (Author), Laurence Olivier (Author)
Id: vMhEDy20PEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2013
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