Drew Barrymore's Classic First Appearance | Carson Tonight Show

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/evenios 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Just 13 years later she would have a much different talk show experience.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/J_I_S_B 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] as you probably know one of the most amazing pictures come out in the past few years is e.t and this young lady has earned a great deal of attention from her appearance in it and she is just seven years old would you welcome please drew barrymore [Applause] well that's a pretty funny entrance did you hear that did you rehearse that no are you okay hi yeah you know you're not the first one ever to do that on the show we've had some other people have come in there some night grown-up people who've missed that step and fallen right here it's probably my shoes because they're real slippery are they are they brand new shoes yeah they're very pretty thank you yeah do you pick out your own clothes sometimes sometimes yeah have you seen something you like to wear sometimes you want it and your mother or somebody won't let you buy it sometimes sometimes yeah it's nice to meet you nice to meet you too i've been waiting all my life to meet you and off your whole life [Applause] it's a miracle well that's why i stayed on the show an extra seven years just so you you would show up here well i wanted to meet you too because i've been reading all about you and you're you're a lovely young actress thank you yeah you look very nice yeah do you know i stay up till a couple of hours to watch your show do you really just because of you you're kidding oh come on now are you serious do you understand all of the all of the jokes and some of them well you fit right [Applause] in you always lived in california you look real healthy are you into you know what aerobics is aerobics dancing and all of those things are you practicing do you really i was getting um aerobicized because i didn't want to get confused didn't want to get confused well i was dancing you know while my mom was always on the telephone you know right she's always on the telephone she never gets a chance to kiss me good night ring ring yeah on the telephone on the telephone yeah what does she talk about on the telephone do you know nothing pretty you don't have to give any secrets away my wife likes to talk on the telephone too don't you like talking to telephone i thought most women like to talk a lot yeah i'd like to but i can never get on the phone because my mom is your mother's on it so what do you what do you do besides a robo-size and dance you like to swim i love toys but i can't go for um actually i don't want to go yet i i've been in the pool but i just don't want to go right now because i went in my friend's pool my when i got out i was my lips were black and blue was that cold you mean yeah did you ever did you ever scuba dive or snorkel do you know what that is where you put on the mask yeah but i put on goggles i can never pronounce that goggles you pronounce it very well i can't yeah so you did put on goggles once and looked underwater yeah and and the gargoyle was the goggle was too big for me so water got in my eye ah look we're gonna cut away for a moment to do a commercial you know what you know what those are don't you of course i've been on there yeah you've done some commercials then we'll come back and we'll talk some more okay okay and if you just joined us we are and my first guest tonight is this charming young lady drew barrymore you know you're the only second lady i know named drew my secretary is named drew that's kind of an unusual first name isn't it drew it's a pretty name thank you you have any other friends named drew at all do you know anybody i know a drew i know three truths you do and whenever i say i'm gonna call drew up my mom gets confused she doesn't know what druitt's is yeah you're pretty smart you have pretty teeth thank you yeah very much you know tell me if she noticed this it would be kind of easier to talk without my teeth what are you talking about [Applause] let me see those now give me a little smile they're really growing aren't they so you wear this when you do tv shows yes well at least you're honest now most women i know would not do that they wouldn't like anybody to know that secret that you were wearing a little little clip in there but you won't have to wear that much longer will you flip her yeah that's just so your teeth kind of line up and yeah but they kill yeah doesn't feel very good no they don't you want to keep it out then we'll just talk without it sure yeah okay [Applause] [Applause] now don't forget that when you leave now it's not polite to leave teeth on somebody else's desk my mom would kill me if i left him here your mother would kill you yeah she was about to when i when i lost him the other day yeah yeah is your dentist your dentist obviously made those for you yeah dr smith dr smith he's a real good dentist good dentist he made my retainer too it's purple yeah do you like do you like going to the dentist of course are you serious you're the first person i've ever met who likes to go to the dentist yeah i like to have my teeth cleaned and have that yucky stuff in your mouth it tastes good tastes good huh yeah yeah you know you know why i like going to the dentist why yes okay you got a crush on dr smith that's one reason how old a man is your dentist he never told me that oh what would you guess is he what would you consider an old man well he's not that old he's not that old he's i guess he's about in his 30s or 20s in his or her 30s or 20s yeah i don't know yeah but that's not the reason you like to go huh no but because i like to because i don't want to have cabinet cavities that's right and plus guess why why why because i like going to the dances because he's teaching me things and i get my teeth cleaned and you know what he's very gentle with him he's gentle that's nice maybe i should go to him too maybe he should yeah now let's talk about want to talk about e.t a little bit why not okay [Applause] i may end up running off with you myself you know that's what stephen says stephen it's steven spielberg yeah yeah he's a good director isn't he yeah yeah how did you get the part didn't you have to go in and and and test for this well first he interviewed me for poltergeist and um actually i didn't want to do that movie because it was kind of kind of scary it was too scary and probably if i went in and and i said excuse me but it's my film you'll probably see isn't it too scary for you to be in yeah so he interviewed me and he said um well she has too much personality so she said so he said we're gonna interview i'm gonna make a movie and it's gonna be e.t the extra twist wheel and um and she's and she said and kathy cam and kathy kennedy said wait a minute don't you have to interview her and she goes that's one good reason and so he and so first he interviewed me see if i could be in awe of something in awe and whatever it's called like like okay so in wonderment in awe right yeah like oh my god the ceiling's crashing and [Applause] that's good that's that's off that's right test me to uh scream can you scream good okay can you can you do it just give me a scream okay just guys ready [Applause] okay we're ready if you do that with your teeth and they'd be over there about 40 feet away because you did have to scream in the picture didn't you that's a good scream yeah have you always been able to do that yeah yeah but it was quite hard at the time i had a sore throat at a sore throat and you screamed you know what what i said steven i'm gonna try my best so i practiced so much at home that i was able to do it so the other day i screamed my throat off when i got home i was sweating need to take a shower badly i was filthy floors are filthy these days can get filthy that way yes yeah yeah my shoes well scuffed up yeah i'm glad they want these yeah somebody told me now i don't know whether you know this somebody said you had i was talking about your dentist there's a young man on your swimming team that somebody said you were kind of fond of is it true are you on a swimming team yeah well wait a minute yeah you must be talking to i don't think i i want a swimming team well somebody said now in your swimming class a boy named steven oh that's awe again that name ring a bell yeah yeah so you enjoyed making the movie are you gonna make some more motion pictures is that what you'd like to do you come from a very famous acting family of course you know that don't you yeah your grandfather would be the great john barrymore right yeah yeah did you ever see any of his pictures at all yeah one but i didn't like one at all i wasn't interested in that kind of he was a great actor i think you've inherited the bear more talent there's only one movie that i didn't like oh well that's not bad because he made it it was kind of scary movie kind of what wasn't making e.t scary did you like e.t yeah yeah yeah he had a cute face cute face yeah well a lot of people wouldn't think it was cute but you came to kind of love it didn't you yeah yeah can i say hi to stephen sure you want to say hi to stephen yeah sure hi stephen i love you [Applause] second best again story of my life with women yeah are you gonna do another motion picture i'm hoping you hope so huh i shouldn't tell you this but i think there's gonna be a sequel you shouldn't are you telling someone you weren't supposed to tell me well i can tell you [Applause] i'll keep it just between us then this time with me that's fine with you there may be a sequel to e.t huh yes yeah would you think if there is you might be in it there's a chance there's a chance all right we have a little piece of film from e.t about about 45 seconds we're gonna for you people who haven't seen the picture but this is the breakfast the what the dinner scene okay watch the monitors here's a little scene from e.t some of you already know what it's all about you can see it right over here that's good i enjoyed making that movie you enjoyed making that movie well i would guess so yeah everybody in the world is going to see it i understand besides steven spielberg you also uh dudley moore is one of your favorite actors yeah yeah have you met dudley no but i'm hoping but you're hoping do you know i have a little song for you you have a little song for me no i didn't know that okay can i sing it to you well you sure can okay it's about your face about my face okay you got that you got the cutest little baby face it is so cute no one can take your place baby face baby face baby baby face that's all [Applause] no woman has ever sung to me before with her teeth out do you know it's true that's true you do got the cute little baby face you think so huh you deserve that song well that's very nice and i like you too and i wish you much success and would you like to come back and be on the show again sometime i'd love to well you've got an invitation anytime you want to okay i want to thank you for coming okay now don't forget your teeth take your teeth okay thank you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] that is some remarkable seven-year-old girl why she's just as completely uh uninhibited and natural and sweet that's nice why can't you be like that you've got the cutest little baby we'll be right back you
Channel: Johnny Carson
Views: 1,112,893
Rating: 4.9399381 out of 5
Keywords: episode, best, funny, youtube, funny videos, comedy, laugh, funniest, stand up, comedian, hilarious, stand up comedy, johnny carson, tonight show, humor, sketch, johnny carson bloopers, johnny carson show, johnny carson animals, johnny carson monologue, johnny, carson, tonight, show, funny video, best of johnny carson, funniest moments johnny carson
Id: cuZq6nqohT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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