The Runaway Bus restored

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now this whole operation depends on split-second timing the bondage stores are there the bullion is in the one nearest to the Security office which is there there's an airport police patrol which covers the whole of the Northside area every 15 minutes it is between these patrols a job has to be done the banker has allowed ten minutes for the whole operation there's an airport policeman on the main entrance night and day at this gate off the bath road he's nine times out of ten left fairly free that is your way in you know where the goal is going to go zero hour is the first fog at London Airport [Music] this is the BBC home service here is the 6 o'clock news you're in the past 48 hours thick fog has blanketed most parts of the country and traffic has been brought to a standstill British Railways however unanswered their northern services which were temporarily suspended due to last week's floods are once more in operation and the southern services which were not affected by the floods are now temporarily suspended due to the fog at London Airport the last plane in was the comet from Johannesburg which landed nearly 12 hours ago since that time all our traffic has been virtually paralyzed planes being unable to take off all that special emergency measures have now been put into operation to warn approaching aircraft of the dangers not only of the worst visibility for years but also of the crowded state of the runways meanwhile in the airport itself hundreds of stranded tourists can get neither in nor out of London [Music] your attention please have your attention please there's still no sign of publishing and all sites continue to be suspended there will be a further announcement within the next time thank you your attention please transatlantic flight four one two will now leave from another airport where the fog is lifting slightly well all passengers for New York like 4 1 2 kindly proceed to the east entrance where there's a coach waiting to take them to her an airport urn where the heck is hunter okay good to know it's a place not a complaint it's gotten happier normally about a two-hour run yeah Oh fine we probably spend Christmas there young woman when does all this Nelson stop I beg your pardon answer you should I've been kept here against my will for nearly six are I'm sorry madam with is very little we can do about and why on earth left it's no good thinking negatively about things negative thoughts could be nothing positive thought can do anything now what about that contrivance you invented during the war I'm sorry madam I that tune will give your to tell the thing I'm a graduate a father with something another oh you mean spider well Pluto Hidell Jumba it did away with fog didn't it with yes matter Churchill a positive thinker you could do with the Churchill at this airport get Fido working at once fighter or will soon be working well I'm afraid we don't use it in peacetime elements a little too costly to a costly and do you know what six hours yet have cost me already apart from four cups of tea at the disgraced will try me Julian told the receptionist I'm sure she can arrange some sort of transport for you to London a tight don't want to go to London I want to go to dumpling they'll fix everything at the reception counter mess and don't call me madam miss do I look like a matter I missed as announcements sitting in little New York trains are coming in at her no sir only outgoing plane incoming a being held at Shannon Shannon how do I get to Shelley North total black Porsche Airport because nothing flying at the moment but it's imperative I meet an American flight 246 I wish I could help sir try Pan American researcher [Music] position club no cherish and final that concerts look ridiculous excuse me sure yeah don't you realize this is a time when every able-bodied person should be working for the common core why don't you take your turn the pain for duckling will fly I'm afraid bubbling plain sky from North all the black bush not London Airport well then why did your bus bring me here I'm sure they couldn't have known you were a Dublin flight as soon as it gets a coach that you can join these classes is going to London but I don't wants to go to London I want to go to what Bush Airport excuse me my name is Waterman I came in on the jet this morning from Johannesburg how dare you sporting of you I'm for dabbling to listen someone coming in a channel but I simply got to meet so whenever the Irish planes go pom you've got to get me that then I'm no plane leaving for anywhere yes nevertheless I feel safe of being on the spot on the spot what did the bass going to block so she could talk me off suppose amazing stuff sonic bad humour Oh delightful please we had a minor branch of positive thought there I don't have to stand it otherwise well they're not settled how many four black bush one two three you see the will of the people transport please dono look coach nine should be there any minute hmm now send it back as quick across if you clearing at all thank you how can you be bigger than this hold on me yes oh look we must have nine back right away with there wants to move a party of missionaries to Croydon I don't know how calling coax 12 hello coax 12 report your position please oh wow Oh airport coach 12 reporting about six miles past Maidenhead little bit of thing much better seems to be lifting nine Jetsons fine any bet it doesn't matter we need him transport yes where to black bush listen dear I don't care if she's got six umbrellas we don't have a coach well no broad counting passengers here they could probably make black bush it's clearing pass label here and how do they go by scooter we still have emergency release number 13 is it of emergency it's a large woman run I'm up with an umbrella some emergency at any airport page the relief driver oh okay okay with our mistake then we bid a rectifier release curves coming up oh you better check with the duty officer they'll have to be intuitive with them will the driver release code 13 come to the main innocence peace was on duty I'm still free nobody the horizon coaches what about his nipples all she's been going nine hours creaks is just barely she's not sure now it has half at all for no side slits but if you don't mind the fog getting a bath and some sleep I put up with anything I don't know that's very complimentary I'm much too tired to work it out with Nichols I wouldn't ask if there was anyone else available thanks for the lift champ well what is it lost children air sick grandmother or a Pekinese with the suit emergency relief coach to blackboard which way well give me a Benzedrine and lead me to it come on driver relief coach 13 you're wanted at once please hurry [Music] yes what is it am i stealing them do you know this is the Security office well somebody has moved the main entrance are you on relief i shelled if I don't find me coach I've been counting for you you better get round with the main departure hall right away will be a cow let me get in through here will you try to distill there enjoy it my gosh help me don't strain yourself while I make these windows some midgets went made for that purpose rather and I excuse me oh this place has got more outside than inside [Music] look I don't ask much out of life I could ask for a ride a bonus danger money but I don't ask once and only how do I get to the main entrance will the driver release co2 13 come to the main or the driver of the coach yes a wild river transport because I felt my way to the tent II had a cup of tea and then in quick succession succession I lost me way me bearings me coach and we can laugh driver really touched 13 please hurry that's what I'm trying to do let me use your phone if I may hello will you give me transport dear yes that's right transport this would have to happen now just for one of the day off it's my grandmother for our soul she did no she's home on leave hello transport this is currency lamb relief driver now look don't you start I don't know where you are I don't know where the coach is and I don't know where I am now which what you wanted to find first it I mean the security this I came in through the window now what they say it's quite simple they say please say if I stand with detective the window keep going for 150 yards it's 20 hours past the third day on the list they say course they don't want a driver they want a mathematician next if they're still shouted near half an hour tell them to send a diffusive burners to three young boys 150 yards - and remember 212 yards 2013 I do not stop hey have you seen the airport anywhere am I in July on this runway haha that is a B I hope you don't cut off other time I love you too there haha building shut up sorry man well it no don't tell me don't tell me just let me start again from the beginning Thanks oh you don't have to release driver P we're still waiting for you all right I'm here good right sorry miss are we doing a cuppa no bring up the release coach you are waiting for it I have attained you don't have to know where it is do you use real place for home security persecute some highly comical I just come from there ah it's a game this is anybody's again we're taking a party afford a black bush where that Bush you don't mean shepherd's bush do you know black Bush Airport it's clearing down there it won't be too bad a driver from the hood Oh black Bush Airport Oh hmm she's raving mad how do know that Bush she might just as well have made it mulberry bush not unless you're a grandmother I said nope I'm trying to get Houston oh oh oh one well I just done that well that's no good I just pressed but may I had to press it you couldn't hear me oh I got another for look I'll put in six months I know it's too much coffee Tim burns already so just get me the number there's a good girl whatever the temp odd note left I can't put that in as if I hadn't got enough worries hello gran gran what mom I can't hear a word you're saying dear but you got a show on the mouth that's better yes look great let me do the talking dear but it's costing me money I said it's costing me money hello I won't be home till late comes only other job yes a job dear work you know what grandpa never did oh there's a cottage pie in the oven a cottage pie Oh F us come over can you hear me now how'd I do look dear don't wait up for me because I'm gonna be late no no dear I'm not going out with a girl I'm going out with a coach a coach you know a big thing on four wheels no not the girl so I must go now dear there's a woodpecker trouble you out the window yes yeah Filardi will keep warm yes okay get in the oven with the cottage pie yeah you're going to also you will though I didn't want you to honey I just got too into the box well now you vented it excuse me are you the Postmaster General oh and not yet I'm just a collector well you've collected six was too much thank you oh well if you've ever subscribed and letters stating the salient points noting the regional area and the chronological order of events to the telephonic Accounts Department will no doubt bring you a satisfactory investment yes hello Baba oh no please earth the post office is most meticulous about that sort of thing where were you telephoning to London no but London is only focus what nice drama chill oh no no I shall check the money immediately but look I've got a coach to find I've got a crowd of people waiting for me oh I'm sorry welcome um all right sir could you tell me the way to black Bush Airport in Spanish out and read you can't miss it are you kidding can't miss it now I've lost the coach Coach coach Coach coach oh don't miss about Oh lasted thing Oh black bush local poison the right way we've had to turn you around in this we've had it [Music] Jamie Gries revising spell Cynthia beeston and fry this couldn't have been done six hours ago I really are you the driver yes ma'am top she huntin about your destination Rick Beeston Dublin well should either go oh let her tell her it would float up the Shannon and your name sir oh I'm so sorry Henry wolterman I'm going to dab into Joplin they'll be lucky if I get as far as black bush what's your name personal miss relief driver all right thank you let me have the key to the building to put luggages look miss Ida live into black bush before you have to help me I will just turn left when you get out of the gate oh yes the thing is only find the gate by radar me Patti I know what I'm doing scratching yourself I can't find it oh well never mind there isn't much luggage it's probably on the coach and you misery guts but a ripe one here now Percy you're gonna get yourself into trouble she gets you down yes you dear I don't know have you seen the main case recently or not because really good all right hope it's open hello do you mind if I hitch a ride and if you want to go to breakfast I here is clearing out there I'm off duty I'm trying to catch a list of the continent maybe a crate going out from there it's been exclusive party you got here good evening it's gonna be a matey ride all right is it I should save that for the continent young man are you the captain of this bus no I'm just a passenger mrs. Nichols can I do anything for you Leo sure never drive I can go faster than this well it's pretty thick at the moment but they say it's clearing further on do you think it would help if I were to walk in front well hot and nobody's sure but I could never countenance that oh that's quite all right really if you're Inari okay sweet little man you are I still come and select you but I like to be by the window where I only thought to say that if I was to walk in front a little hip-hop Charlie oh that song that's a seed catalog I know isn't that fun look at this you shall read bits original to me then the journey won't seem so long did you know the only way to kill is on leave it to squirt help West forever I didn't so that'll make a livin calling relief 13 relief codes 13 calling relief - 19 Thomas from the crows wait turn it up falling like that stomach wind / yes it is I've seen that before I should have take this job visible it is pretty bad around slower but it's lifting beyond their right I get low late we can play 20 questions and what it all that's supposed to be hello we gotta relax not here those although I'm putting a general de Kooning or I want to list of all commercial papers out of here now start some boolean robbery someone's been to Island go bar there go Google repeat general a security culture is all gates immediate we're now building you is these releases tell me [Music] settling Blue Lamp they bypassed the windows and floor that's why the return alarm but the other guard so far he's missing how do you feel bit dizzy I'll be on bring him up and he'll arrest him sir I just found this 50 yards back there it that looks like the chin apply bring it in with him yes sir hey not we're gonna need more than last this looks like the banker who's the banker I'd like to know there's a lot of insurance companies it's gold it's usually the banker said its word a vehicle do I want a guitar chick well it's already being chosen transport have a list of all outgoing commercial vehicles but I'm afraid we don't check private car I'm not worried about private cars 200 girl blocks need something heavier than a private car to move them oh look I'm sick of this I'm gonna clue where we are I haven't seen the curb for half an hour we knows he's running my eyes are watering and a Merry Christmas and a lot of you I tell you this if anyone else was rather go I just assumed walking fun with a box of matches I'm telling you I know I did was this big too little if think I think we should stay here Hey here have knows where we are where we'll end up we could take a vote but I have to get to Dublin and I had to Sharon but if we miss one family can take another I think we passed base instead quiet Gil look here my good man I am chairman of the positive thought Rennicks maybe but I know that's in positive thought the first is the will is the deed well we could do a some positive for to run deposited curb I've had enough of your insolence let me find two men I must take up to that driver I shall report you to the Air Marshal as far as I'm concerned is it he shall be fun arm it because he runned out of the Air Force I have got a torch that's it it would help if somebody walked in France for a little way I think it's an excellent idea we'll take it in - no wait a minute it doesn't have two passengers oh I don't mind I am wait wait please wait what is your name little man Henri Walter please take care yeah mr. Waterman put on your coat I beg of you and your hat oh thank you oh he might put all the world visionary of Everest I'm afraid I'm not much good at this you're me both mate just find the curtain lead me to it when you're still on the road anyway that's me bye cat sighs anyway we're still on the road never ever got calls the cops set up report catch our precipice just like this man went off into the fog and they never saw him again they've Andy right on top of a sparkler well I'm glad you came dear thank you scarecrows you found the curb yet right don't mess about we're getting the love tonight hey and you hear me oh never Dane not this time I wouldn't Oh what knee no I want a second tour circle to find a name of the first torch we can't be far mr. Hoffman the welcome didn't son I think so much again look for it all right let's go and someone should stay with the ladies cross come on hang on to this and don't let go why I don't get lot no but I might if anything has happened to that gallant little man oh you you you know in the book the corpse ought to have a sit down I warn you I shall personally sue the company on his behalf mr. Merriman or P if you see the Scarecrow's run for your life ha ha I've talked to the exchange to see where we are ugh we've just gone through Slough and they say it's quite clear path Maidenhead that's about another forum on there with very clever of you mr. Waterman but you had us worried I need yes going off like that I'm responsible for you lot oh I say anyway sorry mr. naught when it was a brilliant idea now if we can get back to the coach we can oh we can get back all right just follow this it's the luggage straps their ties in the headlamps don't worry I got it come on follow me leader here is the official weather forecast up till noon tomorrow and the output for the following 24 hours aaaghh a watering go faster than that the road bends to the left now I've been been that way for y'all tower all right talk I already told them we're coming off the road by mistake in all this fog didn't know where you are that's what I thought thank so you hid in the fire babe we wasn't hid we was trying to find the road by 4:10 medium build where they brown hair in mustache age 42 released our curse 24th of February 7 years robbery with violence felony rape in picture isn't it all right so I got a record exactly reason for the police to persecute me I know nothing about it about what whatever it is that's eating you you've got nothing on us nothing at all unless somebody's fingerprints are on this then somebody make it 10 years or I take them away quite a minute all right I'll help you if you'll help nor make no bargain shut up your mess I'm not taking a rock on Everest think it under quid who paid you I bought five from Donna hundred pounds comes by post you don't know from whom but you know at once it means you've got to get a London Airport and blow up in a security it was planned that way for the first Fogg who planned it Anna I did have and continue to hide the gold bars we would have put them in we said anything about the banker I did and I serve you who is the banker we don't know electrolyze we've got the bars in the luggage boot as a br a Sikh banker or one of his men was gonna drive them out during the prog which coach while still behind the security check the emergency coach number 30 the relief coach probably smoked where did coach 13 summer between here and black bush contacted who's on it six people get me the list how did you find out about this relief coach we've watched it for three weeks where from how I would look at the airport which house 23 his way check it calling relief coach 13 leave coach 13 come in please over relieve coach 13 answer please over they're not replying keep calling they mail switched off he can't switch off his speaker only his mic well keep at it till he does on sir you haven't got a passenger list for 13 why not relief went on summer holiday stewardess must have taken both copies or who sent it out the duty officer I'd like to see him where did you send the report when I came twice a week to collect some odd man don't know hurry well can you describe him yeah go ahead and well he was about beauty officer here you are hello coach 13 are you receiving me coach 13 over calling relief coach relief coach 13 please reply is this urgent where are you driver well Thomas fix what the cost come on come on that's what it says well do we know where we are I haven't come back yet look Nicky my name is not Nicky what is it Nick Nick have a burning matter okay don't you think that you and I should be on the same side happy those are nice oh look for heaven's sake I'll take the torch as soon as he gets back if you're any ones there's a blonde begged me to stay in the catch blonde issue sketch tip but the Thrilla cream hmm oh it's okay this is I'm sick of there what did you learn anything yes - my my own business happy watch wasn't it marvelous a six million fine post in Great Britain and I can pick this one I know I think I know where we are yes I'm sure I know what happened we took the left for past Maidenhead and it should be on the road to pledging ttan I know it well there's a large flower nursery there by a windmill I saw when we'll just now yes a windmill on the other side of the road then this is pledging ttan good for you oh forget it you're out getting near bandits on there soon as I protest you're submitting your Python just a great danger yes what's that little driver coach this side in this visibility is extremely dangerous oh no since we know exactly where we are now thanks to Kevin mr. Waterman how do we know just because we passed the window we might be anywhere unless we cross the channel it can't be Holland now Percy where they did from your nerves let him ever go paint and all no one's blaming you driver I just think it would be safer to stop here no I don't book no delay press-on life well I'd Sinha do that then park here and get another Picard mcboot high street can't be more than two miles ahead all right I'll take the torch oh no no please I know I've not been very good so far but I know the road now I'm cross you do little Nancy you are mentioned in the next issue of foot oh thank you you're very kind thank you get your medal later come on let's get moving well one meets so many gentlemen on these trips I went ahead of you doesn't seem simpler than getting out when I don't wish to are you alright I drop my book that so sorry I'm following my gears now what Constantine yes forgiven where are you driving where are you we're lost your clot now listen carefully driver I want you to close the window partition behind you and let me know when you've done it now then do it right it's crisis I want you to stop at the nearest habitation you can find you with any excuse and you know to water anything and let me know where you are back there joke you've got 200,000 pounds weathergirl bullion in your luggage boot and the curtain who stowed it's probably among your passengers does that sound like a joke hello driver yeah yes master inspector detective right I'm holding you responsible for its safety until the police get there you understand yes sir mister inspected we can't do anything where you are I think we're near a village called Lexington legends and I don't know that but do me a favor look it up [Music] don't mess about switch on them celibate clearing a bit so it's really really good we're done tell not to call you until you call them okay someone years don't call me until I call you increase someone hears driving and don't stop until you have to something unpleasant might happen friend the driver is doing pretty well well what about redeye mr. Waterman out there all by himself as none of yours big part in the end he'll owe design me we've hit something I didn't saw on purpose I'm sure I didn't well nobody minds purse you I did in the state don't very well lar Justin wanted to and I think I've stopped on purpose because if I hadn't if I hadn't hit something I should have stopped at all I just wanted to want to believe that relax Percy if this bear sees it yes sir I'll Drive straight on so he can't drive on with that lot on the front equality what damage we've done what yes sir and it's are you so certain you've done miracles so far nobody could have done better let's go and do a little reconnaissance well someone mad it could only happen to me Oh gonna feel somewhere we've gone through some boundary was right perfect in the coach not what Pursy Pursy Pursy hello Oh Jesse no oh the kiss of death that's me Lord what happened I'm sorry sir I did what you said I got out but I fell in I'm so sorry sir what are we doing in a field well because the driver was so depressed on top you know a driver once Rusty's William drove a car into a cemetery by mistake but I don't wish to know about it and suddenly the homeless gave way and he fell right down into a millennium candle and more selenium yes it was good shards don't talk the book should be Barrett what was there ha did you hear a shout I can't hear a thing me is a ringing please can clear the boot if someone shouting out there hello hello just drive myself [Music] oh thank heaven I thought I'd lost you for good for a deal four men are you all right yes yes I'm all right but you come right off the road I was on it when you turned off stand clear please you strong men ought to be ashamed of yourselves letting him walk in front all the time are you sit back in comfort comfort oh don't you worry mr. Waterman you go and sit down I should hope so and I leave the next stretch you'll do nothing of the sort you'll stay with our passengers I happen to be in charge of this coach Thomas do listen if you don't mind I'll give the orders you know I'm running don't be there's nothing to be frightened of well I'm not frightened unwise was past I think that yes thank you dear in the coach Bry go Berzerk party you can get them back onto the road back home too if I can't even forward onto it wait a minute where showed it Schroeder yes he got out with me every scene he's probably inside well I've diggings and burling's I won't say a word what's the matter with you man pull yourself together together sir is that traitor it's mr. Schroeder yet there seems to be a small village ahead of it how do you know because I have the common sense to go and look the road ride is over there you can just make out the houses well let's get to it for my sake Robert a call to make a call yes well yeah well I have I've been driving for hours anyone at home [Music] come 30 reporting go ahead well it's me not so loud well we're here I don't know you're trying to be funny what's so nice out it's a village we're trying to find out which one hello I know about your being charged but I'd like to suggest maybe gets off this couch to have explore the rest of the village suggestion exactly good girl but without prejudice shall I tell him you made them I don't know we came here across a field all right quite sure whiskey sound very maligning in climbing scarf across government I'm gone I cannot go alone go away all right believe your mic on in or something over there come on investigate what me who's we go the stewardess miss nikal padi don't tell me again all right Oh secret vehicle do we know who described her is all that is to reject all right then bye what if I lived here I wouldn't be about there's matching ttan they're not there so where the hell are they the worry don't be frightened girl I'm right behind you [Music] [Music] probably go in it marvelously either walk this way I could walk that way but no this is me nothing you're bleeding well if I am I'm gushing oil typically like this for better and they're all very strange house across the road was deserted to the autonomy Cantina quite recently malice oil in the lamps added a reasonably fresh crisp look miss I'm not supposed to say a word to a soul if I keep it to myself much longer I shall burst we don't do to burst let see how it is this dread secret secret well well it's made driving license it's out of date with laddle I thought you'd at least up the Bank of England true well I'll get back to the coat you stay here but it's a fusion run I turned it off but I'll get their mission Keith caters oh I also switched off the microphone it was whistling hmm I think this will make as good a headquarters spinning headquarter yes we could build a fire and the police are making cups ones we've got time to find out where we are but you just said keep everyone on the coach let's change them up you think Donna they'll be safer in here I'll go get you will stay here I'll stay here and light a fire estimate before you start taking over command captain the first officer this is first officer sir lighter fire Oh nobody is getting out of that coach until I found someone who can tell us where we are if they haven't saved us to be permanent I don't think you're going to find anyone I suppose it's a go speech now look Nick Nick Nick you're responsible for those people safe if I could I like you I'm giving you a tip bring them in here well he asked us to keep quiet it's 20 minutes now I'll call him I'd love to know who switched that coach microphone off wasn't the stewardess there wasn't a dry because we heard them leave anyway knew who the other passengers were calling normal event we'd have a passenger list it's in normal of insertion guys to see it yes yes I'm ready butch it's green private listen Carmen oh Lake Wingfield I've ever loved I hold on that's another seven places and all that cover the local police in every village in the ten-mile radius of Maidenhead extended to 15 extent about a five yellow finished trumpet large and renard one and nine a dozen 13 shillings for a hundred and then for two and six a packet of 25 seats that are the silver medal the Scottish petunia trial petunias called naughty Marietta naughty Marietta is ideal a warm bedding your tins to water um Holly anthis cervantes primrose yellow of good side [Music] well I found a chat and I found a tough what no beer well if there is it's too weak to crawl out now to find something to boil water in we can have some coffee if we haven't got it I brought a kind of quick cafe you know I always wonder what you kept under that head in the coach I'll go and get it just a minute Sullivan's I'm a bit of time I know where we are I could do that the same time Oh ridiculous the city young good time to shred it good time I told have seen a derelict bar drinking coffee weren't you the gentleman who kept on insisting we stopped I prefer it in the coat oh no it's much more fun here but I'd like my ride we're a little close atmospherically speaking alright get a rug yes sir and I'll come with you yes Oh buddy we'll come for your coffee mug sure that was the idea the best idea yet if you're going to the couch there's another book in my beach bag toss sale for sale torso for sale right would you be an angel laughing we should all be angels soon or some of us sunrise sweet peas glowing cerise with a fleeting orange becoming more intense in the Sun one on six 430 succeeds what a bargain toss over sale she must be raving mad but I wouldn't do this stuff again for all the teams I wouldn't do brother are you doing and there's enough to boost our not what's the use is no rugs there I've looked mean I've written given the game I've lost it or find it maniacs trying to kill us that mate was a bunny hello girlie keep your head back I'm getting back to the pub where you are yourself I'm I'm coming is everyone all right so far who scream I don't know I was outside looking around you know business to be outside I said everyone was to stay inside I am not in the habit of taking orders unless they're given to me by somebody in authority sorry didn't sleep yourself it doesn't any healthy outside someone's trying to take a bead on us I wasn't prepared for that as you I'm going back to the others you're going back but let's do it since yes on hands and me look if the marksman still there for this running back together will be a perfect time to tear away we're going to be safer go run the open space between here and the inn all right you follow me they miss Nicholson and Percy and make sure the spacing isn't too even once gets the rhythm you can start citing that's right get a perfect tempo for muggins here yes I know it sounds daft but you would have believed this believe what this 200,000 pounds worth of gold bass hit didn't it what if I never stand here again and I hope I won't how'd you know the police are just it on the blower and that first officers got a gun and he stabbed in the back and he seems to know too much about everything and I don't like that mr. Schroeder and there are some was covered up guns with us wish I'd ever taken this job Nicky are you all right yes I'm all right I forgot the coffee what do you mean he stuck a gun in your back in the coach he taught me to keep driving or else but it taught me to open the boot you're dreaming always that dream account who talked to the airport I'm a pathogen listed on the back seat I'll get the airport I'm going mad I know I'm doing this is to death Nichols blacc I'm speaking from a leaf coach 13 the driver just told me we've got some unexpected cargo is that right that's quite correct is it Detective Inspector hangnail where in heaven's name are you remote village if it seems to be averted and someone is popping off with a gun we should be in the naiton head area but where we've checked every little village on the map in that area all right take a distance check our mileage on the speedometer is one eight four three oh that's right a transport have a record of what it was when we left you can work out how many miles we are from you and we have a view any product with his Peter dress jumper coach at the last minute fine we'll check on those names and get back to in 20 minutes the time now is 817 correct the drives did Jared threatened him with a gun but I've got so I don't trust anybody well the drivers all right George Davis we've checked on him George Davis only driver [Music] miji try one of the welding doing coming miss put the body in here we'll talk about it inside what took you so long you all right of course I'm all right ice cream haven't you ever screamed something went bang and instead of holding again I let it out don't fuss you can't hear look miss you know I think it would be a good idea if we all sat down and put some cards on the table I bet I've got the ace of spades all right I sell all night and face up to it we're all in considerable danger games for summing in add coats and somebody wants very badly I believe they'll go to any lengths I also believe that that person is amongst us at this month well don't look at me and while we're putting our cards on the table let me tell you this this chats got a gun and he's talking about while we were driving in a bit of a coaster the you can find out for yourselves you know in the book Oh try it girl young man I must insist that you be more explicit what something on the coach and rich somebody and what is your doing sticking guns at people I assure you madam yes I'm sorry but I haven't got a gun I mean if I had one I'd harvest Ickes when he bought his back while we're all on the cage together you know there's a liar no dummy it wouldn't have to be searched would you why not go ahead oh yes go ahead such mr. David I will my name's Lana mist yeah Jordan I'm whether he's got a gun or not he couldn't have said it himself out there thank you so that's the first intelligent remark on the subject are you satisfied you've hidden it sometimes warden strand oh no I say do you mind it will just run till your leg surely there's illustration to be done we ought to be outside looking for the gun that sniper at us I think we uncover a few home truths about ourselves first the job will be much simpler would you in forever I mean we should all show our passports you'll see well then I'll rule but I'm quite willing it would show there that's a quite a fat wallet you've got there mmm fat but gunless and I'm quite willing to be searched well the first person who tries to search me you will get it oh you are be searched miss Beaton we just want to establish identity know that I will do the Dania further liberties and I wish to warn you that once that boy and I seriously defaced a custom that is how we know that whatever they are they're about 33 miles away allowing for any details they may have made in the fog now I want every village in that radius double checked get the mobiles cover all roads by the Middlesex Oxford New Hampshire night on the patio Sunday night a black bush no one also have any booking record at all the name of B stone or Waterman what does that mean well it's not unusual you know the Irish names are fairly regular a lot of people just go to the airport and take the first seat what else ten Americans say that a mr. Schroeder did call and inquire about Shannon rivals a Janie Gray was on the incoming nice plane and we do have a pilot officer Peter Jones but as far as anyone knows he's on leave on the continent at a percentage yeah continue Chet from triangle reading Basingstoke Heathrow also be country star a vegan that's a beautiful secondly calling control room the police want mobile transmitters to cover all arterial roads from Heathrow through Middlesex and Oxford wrote are checking mobile transmitters covering all our port entrances no change is met by the reports but black bush reports ceiling lifting slightly as if the Nichols code has some news seven minutes to get a bit of standby I'm sorry I stole this but under the circumstances that's quite all right I'm sure we all feel safer knowing that all who we say we are and did anyone had any doubts as to why oh no no no I didn't mean you my dear mad minute however there's still time thank you miss Graham you can read them if you like you've told us all the best part in this part of Vancouver's grand oh you better what you're missing and the only piece of identification you can produce to this football Cooper well I don't like a passport women robots I do I it's got me major league admit yes Thank You Lynn whoa the central walls Jack the Ripper no someone quite different how dare you not a rush my heart goes well well what I have no idea upstairs I suppose really not my business take have some sense there's a gun out there someone we've got to stay put in here until the fog lifts you and all people should know it's our duty to report to the airport all right I'll do it it happens to be my job why are you on the telephone no it's a radio coach why nothing but I asked you to send a message for me before this what message please call my office Temple Bar 7 407 and tell them that my brother will need a large car for all his luggage Temple Bar 7 for a sir thank you yes I'm glad to know that least four in contact with the outside world I think we might make some of that coffee a very good idea and you will send a message to my sister Hounslow 1 903 and say that no matter how late I am she must wait up that's the least your company can do certain it anyone else want anything yes I don't wash my hands well awesome Oh we'll kill the abdabs you donate I'll reconnoiter don't help you it means right you take care of a cop I gotta catch Julie you've gotta trust me the dings in the kitchen would you open it for me my tactic wash might happen someday now that's the kitchen purse you'll find it for you I'm talking to you because we both have a uniform in common there lots of things I'd like to tell you but I think that one or two things you want to kill me first such as you seem to know more about this than any of us I don't know anything except that someone's firing at us and we've got a couch full of assorted question marks you know nothing no more than you and how do you know about what's in the coach how do you know I was told when you went though I'll sue somebody for every penny remonstrate I bet it's a counselor are you alright I'm not saying words I get my solicitor I do want to wash my hands Robbie up girl cuz I think I do as well it's at the end of the passage expanding I walk through the floor would you know come on we'll test the floor for you oh it's a game this isn't about like this I'm sick of it I'm not going to think I'm not going to faint I'm not going to say oh this is sniffing I can't pull yourself together girl loosen anything that's tight until you you know the fact is the will is studied well this is wonder you have to do yourself girl takes your mind off things haha we're not some party games party games Oh party games I know we're a sweepstake a sweepstake I thought well well policing on a piece of paper and I'm kind of the kitty and all it turns out to be the culprit their name takes the pot I know they might like hello hello coach 13 yes seems our little difficulty and I haven't much time if I switch off in the middle of this don't call me back all right first I want you to make quite sure of the driver's name driver you said it was George David that's right well it isn't it's Percy lamb getting deeper aren't we now listen somehow or another you've got to get the key to that goat and lose it that I can do right you can thank your ticket forever snickles all she can take guys in a minute these are big ideas I don't have to pick up hi - Oh what I did I draw one for him I suppose I know I'm gonna need hmm that's the number he gave temper by seven fluorosis right Tom that's five Bob oh yeah mr. Waterman I'll pick you you know what they say I'm lucky in gambling lucky isn't that well honestly for someone was painting just now let's see what I've got this beast is gonna take a lot more than positive photo in this kitty I didn't see your half-crown rattle Rogers in the pocket but I want to be quite sure the rest of the money isn't in the same place I'll hold the stick um yeah sure Oh take it well there's red claw p.m. you've got those sort of that's why you're on mates you got a lot and a ticket for miss Brandis come on dear take a ticket from half a dollar what feels me it needs you're a very good chance come on Taylor money please haven't got French Fang oh and this place French in half a dollar Oh we also work better come on let's go into the kitchen and turn - toughest cops cops the key Hey the key to luggage would I went in open all the knives from yet no I don't want to get rough well don't stay inside back here me too I suppose you just listen to me for a moment everybody can you hear me you leave the coat we're listening this whole village is expensive remind you understand there is a series of criss cross wires read across various approaches and if any of those while I'll get tripped they definite a charge so if you come back to this door on the lane you've already used nothing else will go off is that clear right there so much else to do believe in you keep behind me you bring up the rear I screw bringing up something about it what causes sudden rush of knowledge I did a bit of exploring I found this at the house next door it was wired to a staple no I went down the side of the house and across the street you tricked it and that's what fired at you earlier who kill be careful is it loaded yes it's loaded so we'll put it away for now I think they'll all have to stay here too they pick yeah eight ridiculous but I have to be as myself granite kid what mr. Schroeder says is true it really would be lunacy to drive out of here at night even if the fog lifted if what mr. shadow said is true going to heaven man what further proof do you need I still don't like the idea of staying here all night what's your tentative something about that the driver hey hang on boy let me have a minute Sonu you are the weather you are if I charge what you must be a friend and I need a friend [Music] what are you doing go in oh I've had enough of this luck first of all there's a gun in my back and then there's not then there's bodies and then there's not but he's friendly and then he's not from has been a driver now there's not I'm gonna drive on anyone wants to come come with me happiness is net I agree with our driver I will not sleep here and be murdered in my dear who do I agree with Miss Bates and I don't fancy sitting here waiting for some dance no water anymore the Skylark come my mare stay exactly where you are I'm sorry to be melodramatic but no one is going to leave this place now everyone get over there everyone fine all right I was wondering when we get to a showdown get over there I'm afraid I told you a lie that gun isn't loaded but this one is apps you'd better get over there next time you wear fancy dress make sure the decorations are on right that DFC there it's back to front the stripes are going the wrong way first thing I know don't cry that oh and I'm not taking my eyes off you for a moment all right look I guess you tie off for so long kill your the body in the boot actually explain oh yeah I'm on your side with the DFC back to back it's going to get a rocket for that I'm not a pilot I'm attached to London Airport security what are you doing on this couch trailing around a stripper a bullion please man is the banker community is he the banker stoner close he's a police officer various stupid maitland give me that wallet there's a French cruller one fret you lots of ding shot each other do you want to get shot up no well shut up you've seen my identification papers what about yours George is my identification George Davis he was the relief driver of the coach we put him in the boot to have reinforcements handy we banned him for effect in case the banker got their first release drive on the plan now look first part I usually Drive for DEA all I know is this I walk in the lounge do grab me and before I know where I am I'm driving for BOAC not be ei ok now sort that lot out I don't accept your story I'm afraid you've no alternative you'll just have to take my word now over that's shredder and the rest of you I'll tell you this though when we arrived here tonight I have no idea who the banker was I have my suspicions but I wasn't sure then someone made a very silly mistake no I know ohoo tell us before we get our fronts cut you're gonna have to wait until the police get here you see I don't know how many accomplices we have with us we can't just stay here with chondral amongst us and I don't distress yourself one of the mr. police but he's the one who doesn't know if you've no right to places in danger by not telling you're in no danger while we leave the bank are anonymous because the person is still thinking I've got the wrong one here I wonder who's wonder sweet I've got the senior you want to be in one dear and we thought have been here before now I gave the direction and managed they'll be here if you'll gave that message to the temple bar number unfortunately you give them the wrong directions we're nowhere near Maidenhead but a few miles west of High Wycombe High Wycombe how do you know because when explosions keep happening in an area no one comes to see about it it means that that area is used to explosions but why how we can because that's the only place this side of the river well explosions are accepted it's the Army's special training ground what this is a commando village I was sure of it when I found the body on the gallows that the driver ran into it was a dummy used for better practice this whole place is fenced off from the public they train here under actual battle conditions you drove here through a minefield quick she's fainted is the room for one more sans as if the Marines have landed doesn't it show them yeah I feel less peculiar that our hotel night and my head's rumbling it's not your head and it's real rumbles no present we'll get shots go and stop at the engine we'll get away with this you nervous banker as a less of the next tile what did I do wrong you were far too anxious together the extra coach put off you were yelling about black Porsche Airport before you even knew whether the dozen friends when Samaritan orthos not very conclusive evidence mr. security and your sidekick out there who's having so much trouble with that engine he never came in on the Jim from Janice bird because it didn't land there I should have done but it was detoured through the fog to her they didn't announce it at London Airport and you didn't trouble to find out that's a step number two it's it number three was your boyfriend's possible the last embarkation stamp and it was dated two months ago instead of today I must remember that next time you should always check with our travel you think you've been very smart don't you well I have you're gonna find it takes more than positive thought to start the engine without this rotor arm I give you three seconds to give me that one [Music] [Music] yes grandma I know I've been out all night I did about it later it's a long story later did she give me breakfast what do you mean now grandma I've been through a lot last night don't needle me I must go now dear they're taking off the gold the gold they're taken oh boy it's no good you'll have to get yourself fitted there on the National Health I said oh never mind No Hey oh she's possible poor old soul I don't often bear a grudge but I intend to make you an exception I'll get you for this or not - mr. Waterman want to know something awful one feel well suppose the old battle-ax I feel sorry for all away prison until they dread having her back what I can't understand is where they were going to take the gold the peace for giving me a lift to bathe in Stockport so I have to say goodbye now if you live anywhere near 25 metal bird road chocolate we could have some fun top rollers over I will I will [Music] so first you miss it a lot by turning through a minefield specially did a loser Weymouth write dirty home we're proud of you for nothing really then beastin said that message her sister number it was a Hounslow number the lookout house near the airport the message tell them to wait no matter how late she was I forgot to send it first Marcus smart enough to know when a DFC back-to-front I was in the Navy hey you didn't think we're daddy hurry I just realized up on the suite you don't have to get mad will oh man I am mad no goes off my money [Music] [Music]
Channel: filmboychris1 Walker
Views: 1,262,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Frankie Howerd, Margaret Rutherford, British Films, Val Guest
Id: nWCOX0_wp_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 36sec (4536 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2017
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