Dial M for Murder 1981 Angie Dickinson, Christopher Plummer, Anthony Quayle

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Dial M for Murder (1981) (TV)

Thriller [1 h 38 min]
Angie Dickinson, Christopher Plummer, Anthony Quayle, Michael Parks
Director: Boris Sagal

IMDb rating: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ 6.4/10 (95 votes)

This is one of those movies where there's nothing helpful printed on the back of the box.

More info at IMDb.
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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MovieGuide 📅︎︎ Jul 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

Completely pointless remake. Watch the Grace Kelly version first.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jackieirish 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] who's there David is that you answer me who are you if someone sent you here I no no wait wait all right cut cap I'll keep your positions please Ted kill that song max of Max's got to recognizing before the shot Derek wait a minute this fog is getting much too heavy if I can make it through the cavalry and now you were here oh I just got here they asked me to uh I told me Dan out of the way until the scene was over oh my god Lana fire yes I called you last night for the airport says I arrived Tony was on black yes he told me I really didn't expect you already smart very trouble there's something I have to tell you yeah you see uh Tony still doesn't know about us I never told him I seem to know well I wasn't fun well he knew that you're someone that I met at a party when you were here last year I said that you promised to look me up if you ever got back to London I don't here I am yes but the fact is he's changed he really has he's stopped feeling sorry for himself about his tennis and he's trying really hard to make a go of his new job if I explain max but he's everything now he wasn't before he's caring and considerate and he needs me biography da hey max we're breaking for lunch packet - right sorry well take some getting used to I know believe me I know lassen lunch no sorry max well at least like to be able to call you say goodbye before I leave London now there is one thing that I I don't even know if I really should tell you but you remember those letters you wrote to me after you left I burned them all except woman you probably know the one I mean I probably should have never written it oh no I'm so glad you did I loved it I used to carry it with me until the letter disappeared along with my handbag at Victoria Station the handbag was returned about two weeks later from lost and found that the letter was gone and someone wrote me a note demanding money for me to get it back 300 pounds or he'd show her the letter to my husband did you send him money yes but I didn't get the letter just don't have them blackmail me I don't see it like that I could be a bit difficult our meeting again why is it at the apartment I'd like to see it tie of money and package and mail to John King 23 Newport Street Brixton sw9 you will get your letter back my return mail postmarked Brixton hmm that address turned out to be a little shock people use it as a forwarding address you went there I waited two weeks for him to send me your letter nothing happened I drove to the address no one ever heard of a man by that name and the package was my money and it was still there it had never been opened well you never told Tony about any of this no and I couldn't understand why the man didn't collect the money it's probably in jail by then so he asked me to stop writing it I was really in a panic I imagined every letter you wrote me would be opened and read by someone why didn't you tell me you couldn't have done anything I figured it was better to just pay up and get it over with let's hope it is over way listen you get him mind if I keep this if you like last time I saw you tony was making your life pretty miserable what happened I really don't know but it all started the night I came to say goodbye to you remember that night yeah about every moment I was fixing spaghetti and we were talking about having out with Tony but we didn't know no I came back that night cried myself to sleep right here in the sofa but Tony came home that night he said he was giving up tennis no more tours but he was taking a job with an American sporting goods company here in London which he did and ever since he's been carrying reasonable affectionate and they lived happily ever after I'm afraid your stories never end that way I hope you believe me when I say I'm glad yours did this is Matt Holliday how'd you do let's see we've we've talked on the telephone home with yes we did you're the one who writes all those murder things guilty haha oh the boss came in unexpectedly darling hell to pay well I see Margo's been neglecting you let's have a drink oh no thanks I've had one no no darling no thank you you live in New York yes work in television or my sins not too bad for fella how do you do it do what well think of all those murders oh listen any and every way I can poison suffocation stabbing the old reliable pistol 43 murders as I saw you last year remarkable not really it's and these three old hands who hat Y hat how hat why is the motive I take fear and jealousy and revenge and put him in the white hat big one out sounds like sorting out the week's laundry that's about it and just to prove that white hole makes things brighter are you stayin around it very long no actually I'm just here for one show but I'd love to stay on I want to show you around sometime just let us know darling we might take him to the tower that sounds appropriate I made that on the first tour what a shame my boss wanted to go myself yeah well if you two will excuse me a mountain of work here we had it all night oh oh no oh darling I'm sorry yeah I just can't make it the boss is trying to press us on Sunday I simply have to have all this ready for him before it was counting on you all look here wait a minute I've got a great idea why don't you two go together oh no I know we can are you free tonight yes well that's settled then here are the tickets and you can pick up Margot at what time Don but Tony I really seven o'clock curtain make it 30 then then you can both have a bite to eat afterwards okay I hope you don't mind man oh good we'll have you over to dinner sometime next week I can bore you with some of my stories about professional tennis love it did you play it all well I play but not very well I was a better fan you were great well thank you thank you never quite good enough I'm afraid I got out of it in time didn't I darling look here max if you really like tennis there's a get-together tomorrow night a lot of American chaps playing off over the continent and we're giving them a sort of farewell dinner would you care to join us love it a lot of pros and former pros it's a stag party but I think you might be interested now wait a minute I thought you said you had a mountain of work to do oh I'll get around to it somehow I really can't miss this you get a kick out of it I promise it forward to do you have a dinner jacket Wow blended we don't even need a car we can walk to the place from here all right Tony don't you think we should discuss one evening at a time you are absolutely right theater first tonight well see you at 6:30 - thank you I'll see you later Marco max max what was the last thing Halladay seems like a nice chap he was here uh a year ago right darling you're not angry with me are you oh of course not [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I just wasn't thinking I pulled away and damn fool trick well I'm awfully sure you want it we met before we have well you ever do play tennis well not anymore professional tennis I'm afraid is a young man's game when does Tony wendice oh my god someone remembers me I was assistant manager at Harrison's Harrison's you mean the old tennis club just beyond over that's it no wait a minute I think I your small swamp no rights one of course well I don't know I'm really embarrassed I hope there's any damage this car you are driving one of my favorite cars your uncle Bentley r-type give my eyeteeth to have one of these okay okay you're not thinking of selling this ice the motors in any kind of shape are told you know we might make a deal tip talk couldn't be better I treat it like a baby well can I have a look that's beautiful beautiful you weren't joking I told him you know I was just thinking that was quite a scandal over there at Harrison's with some money stolen that's right nearly 400 pounds I left it in the cash box in the office in the morning it was gone still makes me swear to think of it as I recall the caretaker took it that's right poor old Harold poor old house on the cash box in his backyard but not the money that's right are you doing with yourself these days oh I deal in property now don't follow Tennyson you oh I'm in sports equipment it's not all that lucrative really but my wife has some money of her own thank God otherwise I wouldn't be able to put out four thousand pounds for this car six six oh boy well look here Swan what do you say we make a test drive over to my place and perhaps we can fix up a price and wind up this whole little transaction [Applause] why did I tell you smooth as silk right I can't deny it you can afford it people with money don't know how lucky they are bi what a live on what I heard oh you're still married for money maybe I felt like it some people make a business of that I know I did if you mean the girl you'll fell in love with I happen to have some money of our own no I always intended about everybody although I had to settle for something less than I'd hoped for who knows what but to know what you're willing to pay for that's the thing I'm willing to pay a big price for what I want hmm well that's the kind of talk I like to hear [Music] what is it take a look well what do you know there we are I had no moustache they're purple my wife had that frame for me silver she's an American didn't did I tell you no nothing quite like American money when they've got it what god yes well I almost lost it I mean her once she got tired of all the tournaments and tried to persuade me to give up tennis and play husband instead so I'd simply go off to the matches without her huh but one time I had a hunch so I didn't leave I packed a few things and drove off and then I parked the car about two streets away and walked back on my tracks when she came out of the house I took a taxi and followed her what happened she'd met someone he was living in a studio in Chelsea I can see them through the window of the studios he was cooking spaghetti over a gas ring he didn't say very much just a very natural together funny how you can tell when two people are in love well I got very worried what would happen if she left me all these expensive tastes I'd acquired oh I can't ever remember being so scared well I stopped at the pub and had a few drinks and thought of all sorts of things I thought of three different ways of killing him I even thought of killing her and I seemed a far more sensible idea and just as I was working out how I'd do it I suddenly saw something that completely changed my mind so I came back here and she was sitting exactly where you are and I told her I was giving up tennis to settle down and look after her instead and you have oh yes the boyfriend went back to New York but he wrote letters she burned them all except one that latter she kept switching from handbag to handbag that letter became an obsession to me I was determined to find out what was in it and finally I did your video stole it yes I even wrote an anonymous note offering to sell it back oh well I thought it might make her come and tell me all about him but it didn't so I kept the letter [Applause] are you telling me all this because you're the only one I can transfer anyway that did it must have put the fear of God into them because the letter stopped it's funny to think that a year ago I was sitting in that pub actually planning to murder her and I might have done it if I hadn't seen something that changed my mind well what did you see I saw you what was so special about that the coincidence you see everybody at Harrisons knew perfectly well that you'd stolen that cashbox [Music] some of us even knew that you'd been court-martialed in the army and spent a year in prison well mr. Wenders has been very interesting hearing about your matrimonial Affairs I take it you won't be wanting the car after all captain lesgate that is your name now isn't well don't you want me to tell you why I brought you here yes I think you're better [Music] when I saw you in the pub everything became quite clear to me Margot's will would leave me a great deal of money but how to get at it then the police would be bound to suspect me I had to have an alibi and then I saw you I often wondered what happened to people who come out of prison people like you I mean do they have any friends can they get jobs I was so curious that I followed you home one night but would you mind handing me that glass thank you and the truth is I've been following you ever since hi I was hoping that uh sooner or later I might be able to catch you at something and to be able to blackmail me influence you after a few weeks I got to know your routine which made things a lot easier rather dull work or to begin with yes but you know how it is you take up a hobby and the more you get to know it the more fascinating it becomes you became quite fascinating dog racing on Mondays and Thursdays and you changed your name to less Kate you're still using bad name I like it then you became somewhat richer after a brief encounter with a Miss Wallace dear Miss Wallace she certainly was in love with you wasn't she I say oh man if you want another drink would you mind putting on these gloves why were we oh yes poor miss Wallace I gather she must have thought you'd grown that handsome mustache of yours just to please her tell me whatever happened to her do you suppose where's the nearest police station officers the church about two minutes walk from here suppose I walk there right now what would you tell them everything everything all about the activities of captain lesgate I'd tell them you've been trying to blackmail me into murdering your wife I almost wish you would when she heard that we'd have the best laugh of our lives deed haven't you forgotten something what you tell the quite a few things this evening how you'll followed her to that studio in Chelsea saw them cooking spaghetti and all that rubbish wouldn't that ring a bell oh it certainly would they'd assume you followed her there yourself me why well why should you steal her handbag why would you write all those blackmail notes can you prove that you didn't you certainly can't prove that I did it'll be a straight case of your word against mine what could you possibly say well I shall tell them that you came here tonight half drunk and tried to borrow some money when I refused you told me something about a letter belonging to my wife as far as I could make out you were offering to sell it to me I gave you what money I had and then you gave me the letter as your fingerprints on it remember and then you said that if I went to the police you tell them some crazy story about my wanting to murder my wife ridiculous and we mustn't forget we must never forget poor miss Wallace how careful you were not to be seen around with her meeting her and all those out-of-the-way places smart aren't you oh not really I'm afraid you're quite wasting your time after all I'm offering you five thousand pounds for a murder for a few minutes work ups all it is I guarantee that ought to appeal to you you've been skating on very thin ice I really don't know what you're talking well you should you know it's been in all the papers a middle-aged woman found dead drugged overdosed they said no one knew where she got it but we know don't we les gate don't we Swan we know take a long vacation makes a difference having money in your pocket where is it the money in a small attache case in the checkroom where someone in London of course we don't meet again as soon as you've delivered the goods I will mail you the checkroom ticket and the key to the case you can take this 500 pounds on account come on oh man the police would only have to trace one of those notes back to you they'd hang us from the same row Arno you see I've been catching an extra hundred pounds a week for a whole year always changing them into five-pound notes at my leisure simple where did all this take place tomorrow night oh no not a chance I've got to think this over it has to be tomorrow I've arranged things that way where approximately where you're standing now Oh tomorrow night Halliday that's the boyfriend and I will go to a stag party at the hotel Brendan just down the street from here she will go to bed early turn out the lights and watch the Saturday night theater on television she always does when we're at home at exactly 23 minutes to 11:00 you will enter the house by the street door you'll find the key to this door under the stair carpet out here [Music] fifth step got it now when you come through the doorway here you will go straight to that doorway leading to the garden and hide behind these curves at exactly 20 minutes to 11:00 I will go to the telephone in the hotel and call my boss I will dial the wrong number this number that's all I'll do and when the phone rings you will see a light go on under the bedroom door there when my wife opens it the light will stream across the room so don't move until she answers the phone there must be as little noise as possible when you've finished pick up the telephone give me a soft whistle don't speak whatever you do I won't say a word when I hear you whistle I will hang up and redial the correct number this time I will talk to my bosses if nothing had happened I'll go back to the party what happens in gone you will find this suitcase here it will contain some clothes of mine for the cleaners open it and tips the clothes out onto the floor then fill it with that cigarette box and some of those trophy close the lid but don't snap the lock and then leave it here just as it is now then I left in a hurry that's the idea now the French doors to the garden if they're locked unlock them and leave them open and then go out exactly the same way you came in by this door yes and this is the most important thing as you go out return the key to the place where you found it under the stair carpet good man I don't get it they think you'd come in by the real garden you thought the flat was empty so you took the suitcase and went to work my wife heard something and switched on the light when you saw the light go on under her bedroom door you hid behind the curtains when she came in here you attacked her before she could scream and then when you realized you'd actually killed her you panicked and bolted into the garden leaving the loot behind just a minute I'm supposed to have entered by those French doors what if they had been locked ah well that wouldn't matter you see my wife often takes walks around the garden before she goes to bed and she usually forgets to lock up when she comes back in and that's what I'll tell the police yes but she might say it isn't going to say anything is she is there any reason why I shouldn't just leave by the garden yes you'd have to climb an iron gate if anyone saw you you might be followed alright I leave the Fed put the key back under the stair carpet go out by the street door suppose the street doors locked how do I get in in the first place Street door is never locked when will you get back about 12 we shall bring back Halladay with me for a nightcap so we will find her together and we'll have been together ever since we left her and there's my alibi we forgotten something what when you returned with what's-his-name Halladay how will you get into the apartment I left myself in your key will be under the stair carpet he's bound to see you'll take it out and that won't give the whole show away no it won't be my key under the cup it'll be hers I will take it from her handbag and hide it out there just before I leave she won't be going out so she won't miss it and when I come back with Halladay I will use my own key to let her sit and then when he's searching the garden or something I will take her key from under the stair carpet and return it to her handbag before the police arrive how many keys are there to that door just as in mine made of a low 401 hello darling how's it going [Music] just a minute darling I think there's someone at the front door cattle we've seen on the street from the bedroom window [Music] sorry darling false alarm are you pretty sleepy just made myself some coffee to try and keep awake Oh afraid not darling we'll make it some other evenings to [Music] course I don't mind okay take him to Jerry's the wonderful chef all right darling bye love enjoy yourself [Music] [Applause] be looking like a right fommy when in the bloody cup of melbourne's and the other one I wanted to show you dolly where's that picture of me with a Maharajah oh here's someplace with the loose ones wish you find the time to finish pasting Leasing there oh yes here we are max if the blue and white headdresses oh yeah he had four Rolls Royces and enough jewels to sink a damn battleship and all he really wanted to do was play at Wimbledon I really ought to write a book about this talk why don't you to collaborate a detective story with the tennis background murder on the centre court that's a good idea what about it max you provide me with the perfect murder oh nothing I'd like better tell me how do you how do you stop to write a detective story I just forget about the detection entirely and concentrate on a crime the crimes the thing just imagine I'm gonna steal something I murder somebody so how do you do that's fascinating yeah I just put myself in the murder shoes and say what do I do next do you believe in the perfect murder absolutely on paper I think I could plan one better most people don't think I carry it out why not well the stories you're not always in the way the author wants it to and realizes I'd like that I imagine my murders be much like my bridge make some damn stupid mistake when realize everybody's staring at me oh dear I think it's gonna rain ah that's that one more for the dam is empty I'll be right back don't anybody [Music] so I need to come down I guess we better shove off what do you say max yeah fine with me I'll lock up darling would you get Max's car for me too don't get drenched I'll beat you down for with any luck have you peed on Mikey of course oh I just wanted to be sure case I decided to go out tonight yes I thought I'd go to a movie or something I thought you were going to see the Saturday night theatre on television no thank you the listing says it's a thriller and I hate watching thrillers when I'm home alone I see what's the matter I'm sorry about this max way I guess we'd better not go what now look darling it's going to come pouring down and you're gonna get absolutely so Tony are you trying to make me stay home you know how I hate doing nothing nothing there are hundreds of things you can do are you written to Peggy about last weekend and then what about these clippings it's an ideal opportunity the hotel and tell them oh no let's not be childish about it if it's really that important to you I'll do your clue I'm not forcing you to no an angel sometimes if the boss calls up in the hotel Brendan alright that's the number hey can the porter my desk look after each other oh yeah we will come on hey [Music] [Laughter] I was playing like some terrible suspect aging bull boy anyway the rain came down stop playing so he went back into the locker room Tommy go had a few belts and got squid took so long for them to resume play that tell me it's time to sober up when he got back in the court he was still hungover he lost the match do you play at all mr. Holliday oh yeah I played badly the moment I step on the court I get last [Music] do you been writing books for long mr. holiday no but 15 years last 10 rated histories does anybody have the time yep 20 minutes till 11:00 give me everybody call my boss [Music] hello [Music] Margeaux oh darling it's me oh thank god Tony come home right away what's the matter I can't explain now just just please tell me when you pull yourself together oh man is he gone now listen very carefully yes I'm listening I'll be with you in a minute don't touch anything and don't speak to anybody until I get back please quickly [Music] all right Tony all right Oh what happened got something around my neck I think I was a stocking are you sure that let me see money family mr. Droon the scissors right into himself horrible can't you government yeah yeah right away [Applause] how do you doing Oh could you get me some water please could you close the garden doors no no we mustn't touch anything till the police get here I'm still must have broken in wonder what he was after those silver cups I expected when will the police get here have you called them already no you told me not to speak to anyone hadn't you better call them yes in a minute I'll get dressed why but they want to see me they're not gonna see you don't have to ask any questions they can wait until tomorrow I'll tell them all they need to know tonight Tony yes why did you call me what I will tell you all about that later just thought of something you said he used the stocking I think it was a stocking or a scarf isn't it there well I expect to find it somehow get back to bed [Music] where's max I I told him to go straight home hello operator could you get me the maid of Vale please quickly did you tell him well I I wasn't I wasn't sure what had happened I I just said I was feeling lousy that's all darling would you please go back to bed sergeant look police this there's been a terrible accident so what sort of accident a man has been killed your name sir I'm Tony wendice I'm at 61a Charrington gardens ground floor flat and when was this accident about two minutes ago a burglar yes I'll explain all this to you when you get here how long do you think that'll be two minutes don't touch anything will you sir no of course we won't touch anything thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes they're coming right over I'll get dressed what for they'll want to question me please God and let me handle this there's no sense tonight in opening yourself up to a lot of questions oh one other thing the sergeant wants to know why you didn't fill in the police immediately but how could I you were on the phone I know that but you distinctly told me not to speak to anyone until you got here I know that I told him a slightly different story why I told him that you hadn't phoned the police because you naturally assumed I would call him from the hotel but why would you say that it was perfectly logical and he accepted it you see if they got the ID in for a few minutes that we delayed reporting if they might get nosy and ask a lot of questions so you want me to say the same thing I think I'm awful shaky would you get me a drink please Tony yes of course darling [Music] [Applause] Tony [Music] good morning sir good morning madam public Chief Inspector Hubbard of the Criminal Investigation yes I thought we'd already given your sergeant all the necessary information yeah yeah of course I've seen his report but there are just a few things I'd like to get first-hand if you don't mind I see please come in mrs. wendice I'm sorry to inconvenience you and I know what a shock this must be to you please sit down thank you can I get you a cup of tea no no no very nasty experience you have mrs. wendice currently this day this burglar broke in by the back garden I I really don't know where were you mr. wendice I was at a dinner party just down the road and by some curious coincidence I was actually phoning my wife when she was attacked so I got it hey could you tell me the exact time of that I'm not sure did you know this mrs. wendice no why didn't you phoned the police had three minutes to 11:00 sir ah well in that case it must have been about quarter to 11:00 mm-hmm do you have any idea yet who it was oh yes yes well we've just know everybody live who seems to be some confusion as to his real name um you ever seen the man before was it wondered what why no course not did you mind walking over here a minute is this the man yeah you don't recognize him I never saw him didn't you even get a glimpse of his face last night no you see he attacked me from behind and it was dark and I I hardly saw him at all before I showed you these photographs you said you've never seen him before how could you know that if you didn't see him last night I don't understand inspector my wife simply meant that as far as she knew she'd never seen him before what is that what you meant yeah yeah I'm sorry I'm never gonna do mr. wendice you ever seen it before no that is yeah he's right like if someone I used to know the tennis club mustache makes a difference huh what was his name oh now you're asking let me see it let's get it no what about swamp no wait a minute Swan yes that's it in fact I'm quite short indeed I have a picture of them at home with some of my tennis trophies oh he played tennis no no he just worked at the club how you measure masseuse sir no wait I did come to think of it I did see him quite recently not to speak to when was that but six months ago in a railway station Waterloo I think I remember noticing how little he changed and he got a massage there no I'm very sorry to trouble you with a view what you've just told me I would like to have a look at that plan of yours I mean now well yes if you don't mind please inspector my wife is still oh yes yes I know that could be a great help to us mrs. wendice may we yes of course still quite wet out here no you were standing excuse me his Wendy's he was standing over by the dusk last night when it happened yes could you show me exactly where the lights in here were they on or off oh I came in from the bedroom and I stood here and picked up the phone you sure you were standing with your back to the garden doors there yes but why why not why go around the desk I'd have picked it up from you surely my wife and remember us but just a moment sir I always answer the phone from here why I think if I learnt to write anything down I am holding the phone with my left hand Chrissie all right go on go on tell me what happened after you picked up the phone oh well he must have come from behind the year curtain by these doors and attacked me he got something around my neck something what do you mean by something I think it was a stocking what happened then it pushed me down on the desk and I distinctly remember feeling for the scissors what are those scissors usually kept uh in one of these drawers I had forgot to put them away what makes you think he came from behind these curtains where else could he have been curtains were drawn this book yes they were you drawing yourself I do them inspector before I went up you're not the door at the same time yes quite sure they're perfectly sure I always lock up before I draw the curtains then how'd you suppose he got into this room we assume that he broke it no there's no sign of a break-in mark is quite undamaged but he must have when I came back that don't was wide open all right at least Margaux I'm sure you've been doing the gun last night and forget the lock go back to us we're all out there before you laughs yes I know but I walked out when we came back in no oh wait a minute I did go out yes just for a moment after he attacked me I would I felt quite ill and I wanted some air I uh I opened the door and stood outside just for a moment are you burst the door open yes you're sure you didn't unlock it first yeah quite sure did you call for help back then no I had just spoken to my husband on the phone mrs. wendice why didn't you ring the police immediately this happened I was trying to get through to the police when I discovered my husband was on the line I'd naturally thought that he would call the police from the hotel before he came here did it occur to you to a central doctor no I ever not the man was dead how did you know that well it was obvious I feel his pulse no of course not any one could tell he was in it one look at those staring eyes yeah so you did see his face after all I did I saw his eyes I can't remember his face inspector my wife has obviously never seen this man before and if he didn't get in by the garden how did he get as a matter of fact we are quite certain that he came in through this door but it was locked Margo did you open this door at all and forget to close it after we left oh I'm gonna keys Allah to this door only to mine was in my handbag and you had yours really drive was a cat together came no charwoman yes but she doesn't have one either I I'm always here when she can what makes you think he came in that way the shoes shoe the ground was soaking wet last night if he come in by the garden I'd have left marks all over the carpet it didn't leave any because he wiped his shoes on the front doormat how can you tell it's a fairly new mat and some of the fibers came off on his shoe how its back and there was a small tire stain on the mat and some of the fibers show that - there's no question about it [Applause] wait a minute I think I've got it do you remember when your bag was stolen yes wasn't your key inside it yes but it was still there when I got it back Shh just a minute I'd like to hear about this what sort of a bag oh it's a handbag inspector my wife lost it at Victoria Station but I got it back two weeks later from the lustre found was anything missing all the money was gone anything else no are you quite sure about that yes and your latchkey was in the handbag when you lost yes but it was still there when the bag was returned yes so whoever stole that money could have had the key copied where was the bag found eventually at Victoria Station but that was several days later by which time he could have had a duplicate made and returned the original to the bag before you've any further with this tell me how did he get in through the street door out there the street door is always unlocked see so you'd have had your key copied and he could have used it to unlock this door but of course he didn't why not because if he had the key would still have been on him when he died but no key was found when we went through his pockets I see well it looks like we're back where we started well not quite um mr. wendice you say that you saw this man at Waterloo station yes No are you quite certain it wasn't Victoria Station it may have been when did you lose your handbag darling was it that weekend we spent with Peggy yes it wasn't it was Victoria I remember now he was he was in the restaurant when I saw him and that was where you lost your handbag yes yes it was of course you were with me no didn't I say something about there's someone I know I don't remember it looks as though he may have had something to do with his handbag after all oh the first thing to do is get all this down on paper excuse me Oh max this is inspector happened inspector this is mr. Halliday he he was with me last night yeah mr. Halliday you may be able to help us here as you were with mr. wendice did you perhaps notice what time it was when he went to the phone yes it was 20 minutes to 11:00 and how did you come to notice that oh and Tony left the table he asked what time it was and I looked at my watch thank you because you see was when mrs. wendice answered the phone that she was attacked you were talking to Margot when it happened yes so when you told us you were calling your boss what Tony I know what I wanted to ask you why did you phone me last night I had to but why because I couldn't remember my boss's number I rang you so that you could look it up in the address book desk oh so you got me out of bed just to get his number right so darling he is the inspector my boss is flying to Brussels this morning there was something I wanted to remind him of it was rather important it wasn't there a telephone directory in the hotel yes but he was at home and his home number isn't listed so you never called him after all well when I heard what had happened here I quite naturally forgotten yes I see I would like you both to come and make an official statement before the inquest I think it's best to get it over with right away sir look here inspector we can't spend the entire day going back oh I don't blame you sir it is terribly inconvenient I know I'll get my coat laughter that could I have your address sir I may need to get in touch with you yeah sure okay Claire fix of town is that would you be good enough to write it down for me yeah thank you and the telephone number as well ever been in London before sir yes I was here a year ago mm-hmm inspector there's a crowd of people out there can't you send them away or something oh they'll come back faster than they go sir I was going to suggest whit up by the garden isn't it okay down there at the bottom yes but it may be locked well just how much does you know about you and mrs. wendice what you wrote mrs. wendice a letter from New York it was found in the dead man's inside pocket I didn't mention it because I didn't know how much he knew have you any idea how it got there no where's time in the garden mrs. wendice when you lost your handbag you lost a letter as well didn't you know Margot it was found in the dead man's pocket you did lose it didn't you yes I did I asked you that before didn't I yes but you see my husband didn't know about it this man was blackmailing you wasn't he tony has to know no it's the only way Spector not long if I mrs. wendice lost my letter she received this note last February how often have you seen this man I've never seen mrs. Wendy summers warn you that you will have to make a statement in front of other police officers then anything you say will be taken down and used in evidence nothing never mind what you've told me so far we'll forget all about that I want the truth I want to know exactly what happened here last night and if you tried to conceal anything at all it may put you in a very serious position I wish you would explain what what all of this means I will you admit that you killed this man you said that you did it in self-defense yet you admit that he was blackmailing your blackmailing I have to tell you mr. wendice that your wife was having an affair with mr. Halliday no it's true Tony should have told you a long time ago sorry you can't believe for one minute Spectre that mrs. wendice deliberately killed this man there were no witnesses we've only got her word for it no no I'm sorry this is very difficult for me but my wife is innocent I heard it all I heard it on the telephone what exactly did you hear him sound some kind of sort of thud did you hear anything to indicate a struggle huh is he all you really know is what your wife told you isn't that true you said that he came in through these garden doors if we know that he came in over there no that door was locked wait a minute there are only two keys my husband had his with him and mine was in my handbag here you could have let him in Oh you're suggesting that she let him in herself it appears to be the only way he could have entered don't you even believe that I was attacked how do you think I got these bruises on my neck you could of course the bruises yourself oh we found a nylon stocking with a knot in it that must be what he used the stocking was discovered in one of those silver cups up there and the match to it was in the top dresser join your bedroom No this stocking was yours I've had enough I better the police deliberately planting clues to make certain of a conviction I didn't realize it happened in this country they were here over two hours they could have taken that stocking and done anything with it of course they did and they wiped his shoes on the doormat as well hello Roger Tony wendice it was a burglary here last night Roger and Marga was attacked no she she's perfectly all right thank you but the man was killed the police are here now and don't laugh but they're suggesting that Margot killed him intentionally I wouldn't have said that if I were you sir yes it is funny isn't it can you come over straight away to the made avail police station Thank You Roger [Music] all right darling Rogers coming to the station mr. wendice may I advise you our lawyer will give us all the advice we need thank you [Music] Fargo [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] coming mr. Wenders [Music] oh yes of course I just wondered [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh oh hello Roger yes I just found out it's the Home Secretary he claims that there aren't sufficient grounds to recommend a reprieve indeed I'll try not to give up oh thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] max recommend of course yep no quite a stranger well I didn't come around before because I wasn't sure how you felt after that's all right I've listened anyone for weeks I've moved out here because everybody stops in the street peers in a bedroom window I wouldn't be at all surprised if this started climbing through the garden anything I can do phrase it's all been settled you've done all we can have way you do anything to save Margo's life when you're doing of course even if it meant going to prison several years yourself I do absolutely anything but I think there's something we can do if you tell the police the right story the right story I've been working this out you go to the police and you tell them you hired this man to murder your wife what are you talking about listen I've been writing this stuff for years I know what I'm talking about sit down [Applause] now that the man is dead you can say anything you like you can say you worked out the whole thing together that you never saw him at Victoria Station it was an invention of yours just to connect him with the letter but the letter was found in the dead man's pocket because you put it there you found out who his writing door and you were so devastated that you just went over the edge now that they take it exactly what it is a husband desperately trying to save his wife so where's a try Tony we've got it to something tomorrow's the execution look look if this isn't I just chance of this coming off of course I'd do it but it has to be convincing and whatever story I tell the police you'll have to come with me I couldn't do that I couldn't do that in other kind of stuff I write if they suspected we talked they wouldn't listen [Applause] [Music] we often in this bed good afternoon mr. Wenders no no I'm afraid no man what is it then oh it's just a question of - I'm making some inquiries into a burglary took place we just can't this wait just a few more days inspector believe me said I do fully appreciate your position if I may I would like to say how deeply sorry I am all right all right in there Thank you Thank You inspector how can I help we've been on the lookout for an embezzler so recently made off with several hundred pounds and in checking with the Wales garage right we know that you settle in the county recently for 200 pounds yeah you paid in cash yes I happened to have a rock quite a lot of money on me at the time you just come from your bank sir have you been to my bank inspector as a matter of fact I have yes it wouldn't help me very much though bank statements always jealously guarded yes and where did you get it - is that any of your business well yes if it's stolen money is very much my business you see if you got that money from somebody didn't know that might be the very person we've been looking for sir no sir what is it Lansky lying on the floor here I've got mine there's the worst of these latch keys they all look alike don't they I'm sorry so you were saying I don't think I was oh yes yes the money yes would you mind telling me where you got it sir but 300 pounds is rather a lot to be going the plan I thought I thought you said 200 pounds a moment ago today yes I did yes yes my sergeant said that you also paid a tailor's bill and the wine shop in cash well that's easily explained I simply one rather a large amount at the dog races oh you mean several hundred pounds yes well why didn't you tell me straightaway well because I I was a little ashamed to be caught going to the dog races and my wife is under sentence of death I understand it keeps your mind off things and I'm very very sorry to have to come oh yeah there was just one other things that do happen we've got a small blue attache case don't say you found that already why have you lost it yes I was gonna reported this afternoon I left it in a taxi oh do you know about that attache case inspector oh the wine shop noticed it when you paid your bill as a matter of fact the tailor and the garage remembered it - Forevermark couple he said use it instead of a briefcase ah well he's taxi men are pretty good at handing things in I hope you get it back all right just what you're looking for inspector poor mr. Halliday where did you find the key Tony you gone mad find some weight over no I just want to say why did you tell me you left it in the taxi well I I thought I had you see I have two small attache cases inspector and and one of them though the one I thought we were talking about don't be a fool max [Music] must be more than 3000 funds there where did you get it sir I can tell you why he got it this is the money to been paid Swan after he murdered Margot in this room but as we all know there was an accident so he didn't have to pay Swan after all and he's been living on it ever since well mr. wendice what's the matter Tony just a little while ago you said you'd do anything to save margles life what changed your mind would you believe this inspector but before you arrived he was trying to get me to go to the police and tell them the most fantastic story about my bribing Swan to murder my wife so that I could inherit her money supposedly I was the one who stole Max's letter and wrote the blackmail notes you did oh you see well what else if you got max anything at all he told swine it hide his key out here some way probably on this ledge so on let himself in and he hid behind the curtains and when Tony phone Margo from the hotel that brought her to the phone just a minute if Swann had used mr. wendice his key it would still have been on him when he died and besides how did mr. Wenders get in when he returned from the hotel Margo could have let him in then Tony took the key from Swann's pocket before the police arrived yes but he let himself in with his own key that was established at the trial don't you remember come on max he'll move Swann could have taken the key from the ledge and put it back on the ledge before he entered right all right it's all very interesting mr. holiday but it doesn't get men in Neera to what I can this is a matter of life and death inspector what else matters what matters to me as how mr. Wenders got his money that's all I'm interested in now mr. wendice I don't think max is going to like this if you want the truth you can have it when Margo called me back from the party that night I found her kneeling beside Swan she was going through his pockets she kept saying that he had something of hers and she couldn't find it she was almost hysterical and that's why I wouldn't let the police question it anyway she showed me this money and she said if anything should happen to me don't let them find this well I took the money to Charing Cross station and I left it in a cheque room and I've been using it and leaving is another check rooms ever since it ships she's just about to give him the money you see and she killed him instead [Music] do you really expect anyone to believe this have really no idea what about it inspector well certainly fits in with a verdict of the trial sir it wouldn't do you much good would it the trials over you'd have to admit your rest of the wrong person facts I think you better girl you bet I'll go she made one mistake Tony no Marvel think when she hears about this she'll deny it of course she might even change her will and you've done it all for nothing [Music] inspector you really think they'll let him see her I don't want her upset not now no no of course not have a word with her lawyer he may be able to prevent it hmm and should get all that money into the bank if I were you sir before somebody pinches it yes thanks I will by the way how well is done I was asked to say that there's a few things belonging to mrs. wendice in the police station what sort of things Oh some books and a handbag I believe they'd like you to come in and collect them sometime you mean after tomorrow yes Oh today if you like it just ask for the desk sergeant he knows all about it well good-bye mr. wendice I don't suppose we shall meet again goodbye inspector all right thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Chief Inspector Hubbard here give me something to Brian quick Oh Brian I've got back in again you can start the ball rolling right what are you up to what's the idea what are you doing back here I don't believe for one minute that Margo given that money not the first bank statement never mind goodbye dad you've got to get out of here quick not that I find a bank job son loud listen inspector if you want to save mrs. wendice you keep out of this let me handle it you nearly ditched us then I should've locked you up it was that writer is think you know it all don't you the hell's going on : save me from the gifted amateur we've got a little surprise for you mr. Halliday max what are you where's Tony it's gone out as a matter of fact we don't know when he'll be back mrs. wendice thank you Thompson was that you who rang the bell there's then yes why didn't you let me you got a key why don't you use it I did but it didn't fit the lock oh you know why don't you know I told can I have your bank please mrs. wendice thank you has that been changed you knew this key wasn't your key didn't you oh I didn't oh come on mrs. wendice your husband does explain this you can tell us all about it now what is it what Emma I don't understand No no I don't believe you do come sit down mrs. wendice Thompson take the tack round to the station yes sir wait a minute you thought you can't walk down the street like that yeah put it in this yeah I don't understand myself why are you here I don't know about an hour ago they told me I was to be taken home two detectives drove me and they parked just around the corner a policeman came up and said I could go but I I couldn't get the door open when I left he was still there and he brought me around through the garden where's Tony would you mind telling us what you up to inspector mrs. wendice what I've got to say may come as a bit of a shock we strongly suspect that your husband had planned to murder you sometime after you were arrested mrs. wendice your husband started spending large amounts of money all of his place I wanted to search this apartment quites illegally and find his bank statement so I got a hold of your handbag in the prison I stole your key and killed while highly irregular but I was angry I used your key just as you did now and wouldn't fit the lock [Music] [Applause] [Music] Williams yes so much way to go down the block sir towards the police station good he's just found out about his raincoat yes he came back and he couldn't get in I think he's on his way to the station now has Thompson arrived with a handbag good now listen make absolutely certain you give him the books in the handbag make doubly sure he sees the key you better make him sign for everything he wants his own Qian Ren cozies and tell him I've gone to Glasgow yeah and I called me back here the moment he leaves the station right well mr. Holliday you got it yet not quite where's mrs. wendice is key took me half an hour to find it why didn't he use it just that he didn't use it because he doesn't realize it's yeah he still thinks it's in his wife's handbag you see mr. holiday you were very nearly right SWANA was told where to collect the key and to put it back again out there when he left but your husband didn't plan on Swan getting killed so naturally when he found him lying there he thought the kid would be in his pocket that was his little mistake look her Swan picked up the key he opened the door with it and then then he puts it back again right there before he even came into the room he was out there all alone yeah right Tony must have taken a key from swamp and put it in Marlo's handbag exactly and that was swans own latchkey mind you I didn't guess that at first myself but first I thought that your husband must have changed the lock and then he dawned on me is that why you brought me back here I had to find out if you knew about the key out there and if I had well you didn't Oh Brian I see then he should be here in a matter of moments right try to hold on just a little longer Williams yes sir you left the station giving me a thumpin you see him right sir what happens now I've pinched mr. wendice his own key from his own raincoat how when he comes back he'll have to hide the key from the handbag and when that doesn't fit he'll realize his mistake put two and two together and look under the stair carpet and if he doesn't this is all pure guesswork we can't prove a thing that's perfectly true but once he comes in a back door we'll know everything what were you doing Scotland Yard is standing by for my call right now and mrs. wendice will have nothing else to fear [Music] [Applause] [Music] terrible how they go out to the garden was coming back he's remembered [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a video yes we've got him [Music] [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: Eddiesfedora77
Views: 977,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Angie Dickinson, Anthony Quayle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 13sec (5773 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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