grateful to be alive..

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[Music] [Music] i guess i can just kind of recount the week because i feel like the week gives a lot of context to the day why i was out there we got back from death valley on sunday on monday morning i was out to do my first jump of 2020 after learning how to pack my own parachute because i was actually training for a dream stunt i started driving there around 11am this is the fourth day in a row of me going out to skydive it's been very intense to just be reflecting on life that much and reflecting on death i feel very grateful to be able to do this to be able to fulfill a childhood dream it sounds like there was a number of layers of friction that morning from you even getting from la to elsinore yeah and then you get to elsinore and you happen on the scene of an accident yeah i literally what i just i walk onto the drop zone and after having put my parachute on and ready to get on the plane and everybody gasps i just directed the drop zone just got my parachute on and someone just crashed the landing i saw it like straight ahead oh the ambulance just got here [Music] within five minutes there's an ambulance there's a cop car there's firemen just out there and it's pretty scary and i've seen i've seen that happen before and i've seen it happen before when god on planes and just continue jumping because you are in a sport where this is a possibility and i pay a lot of attention to the structures that i to the instructions that i get which is very not like me but when you're receiving instructions that will save your life kind of i take that in a different way and it just i like the feeling of trusting myself and trusting my body and just being in that state where i'm like i know that if i have to do the stressful situation i'll be able to keep my calm which came into play the actual moments of the accident you make a decision that day based on a couple different factors not to jump why is that what is the feeling that makes you decide no i was on the plane and one of the instructors was like kept asking me like are you in her app he asked me that twice and i was like i told him just give me give me one sec and i i just reviewed my day and i was like there was just too much friction for me to be here today and i should just listen i should take the sign and get off the plane because like the morning like i wasn't going to come because my shoulder my shoulder was hurting a little bit and i ended up really scrambling to try and find a car and i almost borrowed my friend gwenz and then matt ended up coming through last second when she was literally outside it was a hectic day and in that in that moment i just decided to like look up and pay attention to the signs that i was given like i was being extra safe that day just got in my car and headed back to la so the first thing i experienced is the sound of like basically getting getting hit on my back tire my car spun my car is drifting towards one of the light poles and in that moment i'm like this is too much force and i'm about to go into that pole it hit the front of the car and then from there that just ended up rolling me and i went into aggressive rolls maybe six seven eight times that's when everything slowed down just start seeing everything just get up in the air and like my eyes were open the whole time i didn't i didn't blink a single time i saw every single roll because my airbag on the steering wheel never went off so i just could see everything like me turning with everything and i it was it was like so loud but it was only parts there was only certain sounds that i was picking up but i just remember how calm it all was like in the middle of all this chaos and literally glass from all direction just flying at me it was just such a calm state of being there was so much happening and i in my mind i was like okay i guess this is it and i i said it and i end up just saying a shahada in the muslim faith if these are your last words it helps you transition to death in a peaceful way and it was the last three roles or something when i said thought of my mom and the car stopped it was i was confused because i was like there was too much force for it to stop to settle the way it did and then i just i looked everywhere i looked in front of me all the glasses off like i looked down my phone was exactly where it was when everything in the car is complete like is my the exhaust was out of completely out of the body of the car and like on the hill somewhere i like make sure that there's no bone sticking out of there i could not believe that i that the car settled and i'm like there's nothing sticking out of my body or i'm not that i there was a moment where i'm like i'm just so confused on what's happening right now i grabbed my phone i opened the door and i just facetimed thomas and i just told him to boogie i'm okay but i got into a really really bad car accident am i just going through a car accident is he calling you or is somebody else doing his facetiming are you okay imr you're all right i'm i'm all good i'm like the most scratched but the car is i literally can't believe it holy dude where are you can you send us the address what happened sorry oh oh my god got hit from behind literally after calling after calling off skydiving because it was too dangerous just completely rolled rolled off the highway thankfully i'm i'm all good just a couple of scratches on my hand that's it i literally can't believe i'm alive the reality of how extreme of an accident i was in and the fact that i'm walking around the car in one piece that was starting to like settle more in and and and then i started thinking about oh what happened what happened up there what is the scale of the accident like how many cars and that really that started really really scaring me that was the scary part just like not knowing if anyone was hurt or within 20 minutes a fireman came and he was like is that your car oh yeah man did you just walk out of there it's like yeah it's like you're lucky one lucky side of a like i know so the other driver was okay it was just a one guy in a car and he was he was perfectly fine he was he was very chill no other cars were in the accident i think when you come that close to that things reveal themselves in a very different way in a way that you've never experienced and for me i just can't imagine the terror that i would experience if i wasn't living a life where i felt a lion or i felt like i could just leave in that moment peacefully and happily because i have truly been chasing the things that matter to me and i was doing it with the people that i love the most yeah just hold on to your reason of why you want to be here and know that actually everything matters and in your construction and architecture of your own life make sure that you're putting the right pieces so that if slash when it all comes crashing down you can just take that moment with all the grace and all the peace my realization is that there is nothing to be afraid of not even death itself as long as you're just living right now accepting that it could that it's as long as you're living not taking it as a given because when that this is when this is when you remember in a moment like this that you had a life that you needed to live that life remember that you have your own life you're blessed with this most amazing gift to be a human being to be living at the time that we live in and to be able to create with the different tools that we have and to have unparalleled access to knowledge that can allow you to be whoever you want to be don't wait until you're confronted with death for you to remember that you have this life [Music] well obviously this is not how we expected to launch the podcast that we've worked for the whole of 2020 on strangely the first episode is actually about uncertainty and the stunt that i was training for was actually going to be the story that was supposedly launching the podcast today and we're grateful that the podcast is finally giving us an opportunity to be able to dive deeper into some of the topics within discomfort that we really get to talk about in the videos we hope that you're as excited as us about the launch of our podcast after having talked about it for a very long time so obviously everything is available in the description below and we'll highly appreciate that you go listen to it and let us know what you [Music] think
Channel: Yes Theory
Views: 1,977,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yestheory, seek discomfort
Id: vPKuOy7yO0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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