A strange man came to me and asked me to do an unbelievable thing

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hi i'm anne a 15 year old and for the most part i thought my life was great i came from a super happy family with my parents who loved each other so much i mean they were over the top affectionate like kissing each other all the time it was cute i guess seeing how much they meant to each other and they poured this love onto me too they loved me so much but there was just one thing so weird i didn't really look like either of them both my parents have very fair skin and blonde hair and then there's me my skin is much darker and my hair is black and curly sometimes i wondered if i was really their daughter but i knew i was i was definitely not adopted just one of those rare things i guess anyways like i said my life was always full of love and my family was always happy but then one day something strange happened i came home from school and saw my mom was in the lounge on the phone talking to someone when she saw me she quickly ran through to her room and she looked super anxious i started to worry but i knew she would tell us what was going on at dinner that's the kind of family we were you see we had no secrets but at dinner she didn't bring it up and over the next few days things got even weirder my mom started messaging me when i was at school warning me to be careful of speaking to strangers i was like mom i'm 15. chill i mean i was old enough not to hear something like don't talk with strangers however this didn't stop my mom from making me wait inside the school so she could pick me up every day she didn't want me taking the bus anymore just in case this was really weird because i often went to school by myself before was there anything dangerous i was 15 years old and i was really a high school girl my friends even had their own bikes to go to school one day school finished earlier than usual but instead of calling my mom i just decided to take the bus with my friends when i got home my mom wasn't there normally she'd be in the kitchen cooking but i couldn't see her then i noticed her phone was on the table suddenly it started ringing and there was a strange number on the screen i picked it up and the person on the line said okay enough now i need to see my daughter she's my blood relative just let us meet already i couldn't believe it i just froze who was this man i couldn't even process what he'd said and i didn't have time to reply because suddenly my mom appeared and grabbed her phone from my ear she turned it off and shoved it in her pocket i asked my mom what was going on and told her what the man had said but she said it was obviously a wrong number but i knew she was lying it was written all over her face i started to panic what secret was my mom hiding from me i couldn't stop thinking about it and i started putting things together all the secret calls and the fact that my mom was going out more often was she betraying dad but this made no sense my mom loved us so much she wouldn't do this to us i needed to know what was going on so the next day i pretended to go to school but i snuck back home and watched my mom from the cafe across the road from our house after about an hour she left the house she looked really nervous i started to follow her and it seemed she was heading for a small cafe down the road i watched from across the road as she entered the cafe and sat down at a table with some random man i'd never seen him before was this the man who'd called her so my mom really was having an affair how could she i couldn't just stand and watch her doing this to my dad i stormed into the cafe and as soon as my mom saw me she started panicking as i approached them i shouted mum what are you doing and turn to him and who are you my mom was frozen as the man stood up and said so this is our daughter huh what i was so freaked out as he said so this couldn't be happening i felt like i was going to faint but my mom just took me by the arm and pulled me towards the park nearby i was hysterically crying and she tried to calm me down she made us sit down on a bench and then she turned to me and told me the truth just after my parents got married they were desperate for a child but no matter how much they tried nothing happened eventually they went to do some tests and turned out my dad was infertile but because my mum loved my dad so much she refused to leave him however this put a lot of guilt on my dad so he suggested they find a sperm donor yep the man that my mom had just met with was the donor but they made a deal with him they paid him and told him that he would have no involvement in my family's life but somehow he'd tracked my mom down recently and gotten in touch with her he told her he was seriously ill with leukemia and that his only chance at survival was if he could get a bone marrow transplant from a blood relative he said i was the only relative he had left but my parents were dead against this they didn't want me to suffer any health risks as a result of helping him i was completely shocked to learn that i wasn't my dad's biological child but it was much better than believing that my mom had cheated on us and suddenly my curly black hair made sense but one thing was bothering me even though my family are still very happy i can't stop thinking about that man without him i would never have been born so didn't i at least owe it to him to help save his life i think it's the right thing to do what do you think you
Channel: Short Stories
Views: 309,922
Rating: 4.9041977 out of 5
Keywords: shortstories, story, animated, animation, story animated, story animation, animation short film, short animation, animated story, my story, share my story, share my story animated, strange man
Id: yB87HhsfAcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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