Celebriteen | Ep.7 | Who will save me from danger?

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[Music] [Music] oh [Music] hey haley again so in the last episode my life was currently one big mess not only had i found out that my boyfriend eric was dating the superstar clara but now some jerks were trying to kidnap me in the park luckily someone came to my rescue i turned around to see who it was and omg it was kurt i've never been so pleased to see someone in all of my life the boy gripping my arm said to kurt i suggest you get out of here can't you see we're kind of busy here kurt replied let her go don't let me hurt you they both laughed and grabbed my arm harder as they pulled me forward i tried wriggling free but they were both just too strong it was horrible and i cried out in pain immediately kurt charged towards them and started fighting them off me wow i'd never seen this side of kurt before he was like the hulk after a few minutes the two boys ran off in fear when they were both far enough away from kurt they turned around and shouted you little turd you just wait then they hurried away those boys scared me to death but i didn't want to appear like a weak little girl to curt so i just smiled and said thanks bro those karate classes definitely paid off kurt looked furious he yelled at me what are you doing here and at this time it's late now don't you know it i'm muttered out i had something on my mind and didn't realize the time but it's okay now you're here and saved me forget it let's go home i'm hungry he frowned at me don't change the subject it's because of eric right is he worth it haley i couldn't help but burst into tears upon hearing that did i do something wrong he told me to believe him so i believed him blindly no matter what happened even when he didn't text me back even when those rumors were everywhere but you know what he's left me for clara and he didn't even bother to tell me this himself i heard it from his manager kurt said haley he doesn't deserve you trust me that jerk's not worth it i sniffed but i still love him even when he hurt me so much i sat down on the ground and cried even louder kurt sat down next to me and patted my head don't be sad you're gonna be a massive star much bigger than him or his stupid girlfriend and then make him regret now let me take you home i nodded my head and he put his arm around my shoulders to comfort me as we walked the next morning when i was lying on my bed in my pjs anna and kurt came to my room and asked me to go out to get some fresh air i didn't feel like going anywhere but sitting around moping wasn't doing me any good anna brushed my hair and picked me out an outfit then curt drove us all to the park kurt and i were sitting on the bench and waiting for anna to buy some ice cream i asked what were you doing in the park last night anyway i thought it was over but luckily you were there kurt replied i passed the park while coming home so i decided to walk around to get some fresh air then i heard your voice so i ran to see what was happening i smiled wow how lucky was i right thanks a lot kurt kurt nudged me and said i hate seeing you like this why do you have to hurt yourself for someone who doesn't belong to you his words have shaken me kurt was right i wasn't myself i turned into a version of myself i didn't like to try and hold on to a boy who'd already let me go as much as it hurt last night had made me realize that i needed to face the truth i sighed and replied you're right it's time to let him go and live my own life suddenly kurt told me i'm always here for you and i'm happy to wait i turned to him smiled and replied you're my best friend kurt and i care about you but preventing someone from finding their true love is just as bad as keeping someone who doesn't love you you deserve the world and i can't give you that just as eric can't give it to me kurt gave a disappointed sigh i didn't want to hurt him but i couldn't lie to him either my heart didn't belong to him after going out with curt and anna i felt much better about everything i realized that music was still my only love and passion and i needed to focus on it and not let anything else get in the way we were about to graduate soon and i didn't have much time so i wanted to dedicate all this precious time to the swing club the school ceremony was coming and i wanted to take this opportunity to have a memorable performance but phil still insisted on not letting me sing his song what a stingy boy i didn't understand what his problem was with me why did he have to view me as his enemy then one time when i was walking past the practice room i saw phil training with some other members omg why could he let everyone but me sing his song so i walked into the room and greeted him with a wave but he just kept his poker face as if he didn't see me ugh this guy thought he's ice prince or what he just glared at me do you mind auditions are going on here and you're not invited jeez why was he being like this he wasn't even giving me a chance i was about to leave the room when i stopped dead on my feet then walked right up to him yes actually i do mind the least you can do is let me audition he was silent for a minute then he replied you want to sing my song right fine but first you have to rewrite the sheet music of this song 100 times by practice tomorrow what this boy was crazy he didn't want me to sing his songs so he thought of this pointless prank there was no way i would let his wish be fulfilled so i replied a hundred times right fine by me but make sure you keep your promise he thought i couldn't do it huh i'll show him who he's messing with i went home in a rage and started on it right away it took me all night to write out his song 100 times by the end of it the song was completely embedded in my head well it's a good tune at least the next day in practice i placed the copies down in front of him here are your 100 copies you can check them if you want phil looked at me surprised and sneaked a smile unexpectedly you're quite persistent so after copying it 100 times do you know the reason why i don't let you sing my song i smirked of course yes it's because you hate me really really hate me right phil knocked on my head and said nah it's not that you're so confident in your ability that you always change musical notes or the pitch of the song to the way you want them you never think about the intention of the composer in every musical note and i can't accept it what phil said surprised me but also made me feel ashamed that's true i have always varied the song in my way as i believed that it would be better to show my singing ability but i've never thought about how the songwriters must have felt was i too confident phil slapped my shoulder and said stop thinking after writing down those notes over and over i guess every note is in your head right if you spontaneously change the song without informing me there won't be another chance he left then turned back and shouted tomorrow afternoon 3pm in the training room remember the school's 50th anniversary was just around the corner so it was practice practice practice at least it kept me busy and took my mind off eric besides it turns out phil wasn't as hateful as i thought he was actually a great teacher and i found that my singing skill has improved a lot all my practicing paid off as my performance at the concert was awesome i've never received such loud applause before moreover the performance was so successful that its video uploaded on the fan page of swing club went viral and attracted thousands of views and shares maybe phil was right i have always focused on showing my voice and forgot that the success of a song wasn't only based on the voice of the singer then phil came up to me at lunch time and told me we should release the song and upload it to youtube he even suggested we make a professional music video for it i thought it was extremely insane and impossible but he said come on hayley don't you feel wasted working so hard and only singing a song once please give this a shot let the world see what they're missing okay so what phil said made sense i've always tried to perform perfectly on the stage with the hope that someone would realize my talent and help me become famous i mean it worked for others as well as eric but that didn't mean it would work for me i'd never considered producing a music video by myself phil's songs were great and so was my voice the last performance was proof of this so i agreed with phil and we decided to ask for other members help to produce it the next few months were crazy busy we recorded the song found a location for the video hired a director and a cameraman i was worried about the cost but phil said he'd cover it and i could pay him back my share when i was famous luckily other members of swing club especially kurt and anna helped us a lot anna was in charge of costumes and makeup and kurt was useful with the technical stuff as for phil he became one of my best friends in fact we were so close the other club members called us matching cards of swing club and luckily all our hard work paid off as the music video was a massive success and went viral wow this was crazy as well as having millions of views there were also so many positive comments and compliments and this was all in just a few weeks okay so i wasn't a big star yet but this was a start my time at school flew by and my graduation ceremony arrived i'd had a turbulent last three years but i'd learned so much at west high and being in the swing club as well as improving my art and maturing i'd made some amazing lifelong friends after the ceremony kurt anna phil and i lay on the grass i spoke up i'm going to la to learn more about music as it's my biggest passion and also my talent i will try my best to become a singer instead of just waiting for luck phil agreed with me he would come to la and live with passion kurt and anna were different they decided to enroll in some universities over on the east side kurt wanted to step into the musical theater major and anna went with the classical music path so new york was better for them everyone had their own plan and i'm so happy for us all but suddenly i thought about eric today was the graduation ceremony but he was absent i remembered when we sat together and thought about the future and said that we would enroll in a university that specialized in music in la and tried to become famous singers but he was already famous and successful i couldn't help but wonder if our promise of singing on the same stage together would ever be fulfilled
Channel: Short Stories
Views: 231,934
Rating: 4.9470172 out of 5
Keywords: short stories, story, animated, animation, story animated, story animation, animation short film, short animation, animated story, my story, share my story, share my story animated, Celebriteen, celebriteen series, episode 7
Id: Wv4ZD-DTkHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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