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I can’t believe Music Man got inside the king’s royal headset.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Realshow πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

He got 4 keys


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’ve been waiting for this for ages!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Yeet_Babies_Very_Far πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Doo-wop-a-saurus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ugh the thought of that happening might put me off of my headset for a few weeks...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

the curse of dreadbear was SPIDERS!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/filval387 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Good to know he hasn't given up on the DLC!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DapperPlayz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to five nights at Freddy's VR there was a spider in my headset I'm not lying about that there's a whole last spider big ol spider in my headset I cleared it out I think I took a vacuum to the headset and I think I got it out of there but it may have laid eggs so this horror game is about to get a whole lot more interesting I don't think spiders are a part of five nights at freddy's but i'm fully prepared for that to be the event reality of what I'm dealing with okay hey Freddy how you doing I'm gonna pretend like everything is good because it probably is see that's the thing it probably is fine it's probably 100 percent okay there are probably no spiders in this headset but as you may be able to relate to if you find a spider in your headset and then you have to put that headset on to record a video you don't just get too comfortable with that being said let's get into the new five nights at Freddy's VR content cuz it came out Halloween might be over but it's still time for the spooks oh yes what do we have here pirate ride corn maze Oh oh my god there's so many new things wait a minute that's a lot more new things than I thought there was gonna be oh there there still hasn't been a thing Oh Oh No I beat plush can patch I didn't beat hallway but I'm gonna pretend like I did and I think I did night one of whatever this is and I don't know if there's anything over here no no no okay so there's nothing in the other world about what's going on here okay so what I'm gonna do first is I'm gonna do the pirate ride because that's new and then everyone's gonna pretend like I did hallway and I don't have to do that one again because I'm dealing with spiders in my eyes okay I've got spiders in my eyes okay anyway shoot targets with blaster pull trigger press trigger to continuum get high score hey that sounds fun that doesn't sound deadly at all and I definitely am gotta keep forgetting about the possibility there might be like what if it laid eggs what if it laid eggs and there's about a million baby spiders that are about to come crawling all over my eyeballs because I'm not about that but I am about getting the high score oh oh I love these rides I love these hey this is cool I love these rides both goddamnit hi I love these rides ah I could have had them all okay oh hey well find me oh okay so spamming is not punishment so this is good hey I did it I think hey hey I could have gotten it all in the first one if I hadn't known that spamming was an option but I didn't so you know it is what it is ah what did I hit I have my microphone oh I did it yep [Music] easy okay so I did it Oh what I didn't know that that was coming what are you doing what are you even thinking about doing oh that's not good okay whoo hi hey are you doing hey this is fine this is fine that's fine oh hey what in the world mer chica what what oh my but those but how am I supposed to be able to get the high score if you're not gonna walk [Laughter] are you serious the real treasure was friendship all along hey pretty good wait what wait that's it Oh what I could've done better I know what could have done better I know the prize of friendship all along but I coulda done better hi oh my hand sorry you're a little bit dastardly to hold there listen when you went down in that sea did you see anything unsavory I'm strange about know what dear man I didn't meet you stop going seeking adventure and other people's gullets ain't some big monster to go plundering it keep in mind that this DLC pack is nothing more than a festive holiday themed add-on which has absolutely no hidden intent or purpose sounds good to me I bet there's something to get a high score in that game but I'm gonna do the left d-pad right d-pad high but pressing don't trip Oh God find the key in it you're pulling it you're pulling the page right out of the own Slendy Slough ain't you oh you are is you oh you is well I know you is but I ain't about to turns out secretly that I hate it oh I hate it oh I hate it okay oh yeah got a turn yeah I hate it oh I hate it so much why would that even be a thing that you would consider why would you even try wait a minute hey whose stip steppin over there I don't I feel I should run I could get spiders in my eyes at any would my god which I'm gonna run oh I can't run it's very slow on the run thank you right wait no no no no I can't back up I can't I can't go any farther backwards oh I'm stuck you are not fast you were quite slow Oh God this is the slowest death of my life okay this is the slowest this is awful in terms of slowness I'm going for it baby I'm going for it here I go full speed you'll never get me whoo turning apparently you'll never get me oh oh oh that's right oh hello I hid I think I hit anyway I did it I beat him I beat him in his own game this fool thought he could beat me turns out you could not okay alright well easy enough I just got to find myself a key I'm sorry about that oh god you're not coming this way oh please oh god wait what well I'm this way okay we're fine oh I have the key question mark oh so I just gotta get I gotta I gotta get back oh oh come back why would he come back okay Oh God why'd ya bout that the job to go what are you doing what do you what are you doing okay whatever he's kind of crazy no okay I'm just gonna go I'm going for it whoo I shouldn't have gone for it I'm going for I shouldn't go for it oh oh oh wow dad was too fast okay that should never happen that was awful why was that a thing okay I remember how to get back which I don't I think oh oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Oh God God okay oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh God okay easy peasy it is the easiest pc's thing I've ever Brees Eid easiest brizia sting Oh God hi hey everybody how you doing main palmar ki-moon here back at it again with another spicy adventure there might be ants spiders in my eyes but I'm having a good time hey bud see ya if you don't hear my breathing are there are spiders in my eyes I don't know okay okay which way am I headed where are you coming back he must just know where I am at all times he just knows he knows where I am at all times at all times through this guy screw this guy screw this guy I've got to be close oh I'm not close oh god I'm not close oh god oh no there's no hidey hole oh god no not like this not like this now like this Oh God give me a hidey hole hole God please I need ideal there's another key fob God oh jeez oh okay I can't see I'm blind I don't know I'm lying down line Oh keys away okay good so the terrible news oh [ __ ] hi oh hi whoa okay the terrible news is that there is another key which might mean that there's more than another key which might mean there's like a lot of keys or something like that none of kisses you have dude the thing how many keys is you have is my question how many keys is oh that's not a good sign good sound okay and okay moving on you coming in for me yeah yeah you see me okay so that's a way to get rid of him didn't expect you to do that good to know that that's a thing that can happen okay there's a green part oh no no no hide Red Bear good to see you good to see you hey we got a fence between us or else you'd be a problem all right try that again I think that I know the strategy behind it at least now I got spiders in my eyes okay let's just there's landmarks with any good with any good maze is landmarks so I know where that is so in relation I'm gonna start south I'm gonna call that south that's weird you call that south I'm gonna use that as my landmark to make my way downtown why don't you John good for you good for you good for you you're great you're also good okay oh that sounds bad okay so there's a water tower okay just got a if I get my landmarks it's like these Lundy's man it's like it's like Slendy z-- you know what I mean just likes Lindy's [ __ ] there he is hey bud good thing you can't get me at the first one apparently too slow oh hey that's gonna make us faster there's probably four there's probably definitely for what are you gonna do buddy huh are you gonna do oh you go get me Oh what you cannot cuz I am oh okay so I just got to go find the other to get back home and I'm good right oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] gotta go oh [ __ ] hang on gotta get my bearings where am I where's it okay okay hey buddy were you at pal we're yeah okay there he is okay okay so he liked these spawns when that happens for some reason I don't know why not okay cuz all I know is that I got a better chance if he goes away and I have a nice or you could absolutely not do any of what you're doing I don't know what you're doing but I don't like it like he knows where I am oh okay I don't worry but he's near now he's far come on take your head yeah okay okay all right okay did you this one okay good okay I don't like that at all but it is what it is okay just one more I think just one more one sweet savory delicious more is it in there where it was before no way no way no way no way no how okay come here come here are you doing yeah you gonna yeah what's you doing what are you doing you know oh okay good okay I feel good I feel confident I feel oh oh please tell me there's a okay there's no you okay I'm just gonna go for it I guess okay don't for it okay oh god please no please okay just guys see this he's gonna come get me I'm gonna hold God huh okay that's good now I just keep going I go back to the beginning where's it oh [ __ ] no no not like this no oh God thank you thank you thank you spot me do it do it god damn it okay I'm just gonna go in it then that's normal that's normal behavior okay you just see me dirt something I don't know see me okay continue on I think I'm getting close to the center I don't know where my landmarks are but there's another one so that's good there's the water tower so it's got to be over this way there's that guy I remember this one okay where's the it okay where's yet okay he's over there somewhere which way is he coming from coming this way yeah and I'm Scott free I'm Scott free I'm Scott free I'm Scott for you I'm Scott Cawthon free I'm Scott frickin free free free free here's the key okay what are you doing what is this not working shouldn't this be working isn't this worried ooh what was that I thought I saw something move shouldn't that be going to the thing there oh [ __ ] oh god where is he okay okay easy I would have thought that this would be the thing that I needed is this not the thing that I need is there one more key or something it really looks like all of them okay please okay fine that's not working okay so the only guest that I have is it maybe there's one more mmm okay but this is easy enough to deal with I'm gonna try that side over there because I haven't tried really in that closet okay I'm gonna go to the other side here and I'm gonna take a left I haven't been over in this area very much so it's gotta be over here somewhere if there is another one which there might not be okay spot me get in there oh my god oh my god you almost screwed me oh my god well that's different I haven't seen that so that's gotta be something good come around the corner there it's fine Hey Oh God why hello there it goes easy be easy P easy one and easy me why Spa me like that okay I don't know if there's another one so I'm kind just wandering around hoping there's another one and that this isn't just a fruitless adventure tell nothingness oh yeah I think there was I think it's gotta be just for right no [ __ ] where you at when you want a big boy yeah yeah okay maybe the gates I don't know there's like a yellow gate maybe that maybe I got going gate I don't know I don't know noon is there was no instructions owed I had to go there and the other way well I'm still oh oh my god what did they just bought in there did it really just do that to me did it think that it could get away with doing that to me hey bud hey come up that way that's interesting very interesting hey bud um by the way I'm in here oh I thought I wasn't close enough for a second there okay here's a key wait I could have found any key and I could have gone [Music] are you I couldn't I risked spiders in my iceberg it's fine give me my prize hey you're not something I can talk to take my wage okay all right okay all right well you know what actually I'm just gonna take a little breather from that because I've already tempted the hand of fate to not put spiders in my eyes so I'm just gonna leave fate to it that's I'm good okay I don't think I have spiders in my eyes so I'm probably fine okay so thank you everybody so much for watching I'll play more of this there's a bunch more game modes in there that I got to get through and that hallway one that I don't like and I'm pretty sure there's gonna be more that I don't like but hey at least I overdid that one I'm an overachiever you know how I do if you have not checked out a heist with markiplier my god what are you doing with your life that's so good there's 31 endings you gotta check it out link right in there in the description thank you all so much and happy illness honest all of you thanks again and as always I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,640,928
Rating: 4.9739099 out of 5
Keywords: five nights at freddy's, fnaf, five nights at freddy's vr, fnaf vr, halloween special, fnaf vr halloween, fnaf vr halloween update, curse of dreadbear, fnaf vr help wanted, fnaf help wanted, five nights at freddys, fnaf vr help wanted gameplay, new fnaf, markiplier, five nights at freddy's markiplier, fnaf markiplier, gaming, gameplay, five nights at freddy's vr: help wanted curse of dreadbear, fnaf vr dlc, fnaf ar, dreadbear
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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