A Simple Chuck Modification to Improve Parallelism of Your Parts

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hey guys guilt by here two best innovations thank you to all my subscribers that stuck with me during the AR series that was something that I had to get out of my system something I've been wanting to do for myself for a very long time and if nothing else if you're not a gun guy or gun girl I hope that you had at the least saw some of the set up some of the location techniques that I used some of the holding techniques that I use which could translate to manual machinery quite easily and if nothing else did you took that away from that series if you watch it well today I decided to show you a modification that I made am making recently made to my three jaw Chuck that I made to all the Chuck's that I used to use years ago and not until recently did I need to do it so I figured this is a great time to show you exactly what I did even on very simple jobs like this piece right here this is a four inch diameter 6061 chunk it's about three quarters of an inch or so thick when you try to face this off I'll face it off rather easily but when you flip it around and face it off about the only way to readily get parallel surfaces just put it in soft jars or have some kind of a stop set up on your Chuck well I've seen some really sophisticated stops made with and the one that I've used successfully about a billion times has served me well over the years and I figured I would share that with you it's a perfect opportunity so let me show you what I did to my Chuck to make it a lot easier to align the second side of your part for a parallel park when you're done so let's take a walk over the milk I'll show you the setup then we'll put the Chuck on the lathe and cut a piece and that's it big one okay the modification that I made to this specific Chuck was I drilled a series of holes in the face these are quarter 20 holes they're about three quarters of an inch deep and if you're wondering how deep to drill the pilot hole drill about a sixteenth of an inch away from the top of the scroll you do not want your drill to go through that channel where that scroll is because then you just start getting chips in your scroll through the holes so these are bottom holes and they do not go through to the scroll you can do one you can do two all I did was took this distance right here split it in half and it split the gaps in half and it worked out to about 3/4 of an inch on center set up is pretty straightforward Chuck is up on one two three blocks that's a tall threaded ride all thread whatever you want to call it and adjustable heels on them leading out by eye critical alignment here is not required so lay it out with a pen lay it out with a sharpie marker whatever but drill your holes do not go through the front all right let's get this guy back over on the engine lathe and I will show you what attaches to those holes okay guys the Chuck is mounted on the machine and now let's just assume that the part that you need to cut needs to be fairly parallel and I mean more parallel than you're going to get by I so I'm going to show you how I handle that on the first side of any part I'm gonna drastically mess this up just to show you you can put a part in a three jaw Chuck and squeeze it and it's got it but you can clearly see but that is a little bit out of cube you're gonna put a part in for a first side operation don't bank it up against something and trust that this saw cut is perpendicular to the OD let the OD and the content with the jaws tell you how it's sitting so wiggle it around gyro your wrist and bounce this around in the jaws as you slowly come closed with the does the oscillation of the part will tighten up and it'll start to straighten itself out the more of that okay you can get down in the in the Chuck jaws the better off you are I'm happy with that for a first time and if you're wondering how I know my jaws aren't going to fly out if you've watched some of my other videos I keep a safety index mark on the face of my Chuck then I reference against by Joffrey so I know exactly how far I can open up let's face this off and make it parallel [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there isn't much of a raised bar on this so I'm not even going to use a file or a 45 degree tool or anything to deburr it because we still have some remnant from the sanding that was done when the sewing up took place I'm gonna go worst-case scenario here and I'm gonna bet you that this next setup that I present you with it's faster than installing soft jaws and boring soft jaws for this operation so this is worst-case scenario and I'm not going to speed this film up either so take a look [Music] and actually take the part out I'm even gonna take the jaws out and I'll still be the soft jaw sitter okay here's where the holes come into play one inch diameter of all our bushings I'm going to straight to the face of the Chuck now if you've watched some of my other videos about jaw movement that you probably weren't aware of you got to see the advantage to have on the solid stand off right on the face of your Chuck no matter how plates you squeeze on that part these aren't going anywhere because these are connected right to the faces Chuck if you want a number oh if you want a number you're slots you want a number you're standoffs go ahead that would work just fine I am NOT a big fan turning on it being in the jaws so I choose to take them out [Applause] dressed the face of the standoffs to a common place [Applause] it'll be real easy to tell if you got all shook up from assault cut finish to a lathe finish I think we're good don't even have to be bird because all the furs on these parts are going in the right direction they're not gonna eat your way bring it back around put my jaws back [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's measure until we get as a matter of fact we're going to measure right at the standoff for sake of demonstration this is 917 and a half 19:17 and a half 9:17 and about 7/10 so I just turned a four inch diameter chunk parallel within two-tenths in a matter of minutes this standoff techniques works exceptionally well it's adjustable for a very you know a variety of diameters it works with the jaws inside outside regardless and if you're not sure about where the stud came off of by all means you dress it off like I just did it takes two minutes this is a great trick if I was you drill the face you're Chuck make a couple of these go get for sake of convenience if you end up with a lot of these standoffs make sure that it's not the depth of the counterbore for the head that is common across all these sizes but how much material you leave behind you can see these standoffs are different sizes the projection of the thread is exactly the same and the screws are the same so you don't have to go searching all over your shop for 99 different types of screws depending on how tall your standoffs are just make the counter board thickness of the bottom common across all your sizes it'll save you a lot of headaches and you only need three screws okay guys well that particular technique is more important to get apart parallel than it is for concentricity but there's absolutely no reason that that particular concept can't be used with soft jaws you just need to bore the soft jaw lower than the height of the particular standoff and then you have the best of both worlds so I hope that helped it has helped me tremendously in the past it is fantastic for getting apart parallel and it took little or no time whatsoever so I hope you like that I hope you use it give me a comment let me know what you think thank you for hanging it for the our series and be back on these late videos exclusively for the next couple weeks and if you have a request by all means leave that too thank you very much for watching joepie advance innovations Austin Texas you
Channel: Joe Pieczynski
Views: 403,042
Rating: 4.9363441 out of 5
Keywords: joe pie, joe pieczynski, advanced innovations, advanced innovations llc, machining, shop tricks, shop hacks, shop tutorials, lathe videos, 3 jaw chuck, how to make parallel parts, lathe tutorials, soft jaw options, how to bore soft jaws, parallel problems, parallel parts, lathe work, lathe lessons, chuck stops, lathe attachments, Texas machinist, texas toolmaker
Id: U3x8H1Xb-jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2017
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