A Simple Chord Trick to Play EVERYTHING!

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there's nothing more Antiquated and out of date than using all your fingers to play guitar chords except for maybe chivalry and single income homeownership but today we're leaning into the new trends and we're going to talk about how to replace some incredibly beautiful stuff using one guitar shape [Music] through one key just making all the prettiest most beautiful things in the key of E and which is really one of the prettiest keys in history with only using three fingers and kind of just one shape and a variation all right so to do this we're going to root all of this on the low E string in fact for the reason that we can only use three fingers for this is because we're going to leave the high e and the B string open okay so B is a very important note in the key V in fact all the notes in the key V are important but B has a Synergy with it right so if we just let's go really quickly through just the notes in the key of E start on an open e and then do the major scale formula which is a whole whole half whole half like that right those give us all the notes in that key again we have E and F sharp a G sharp A B C sharp D sharp E okay now you can think of them as the actual names of the notes or you can just think of them as Frets or intervals or spaces open two four five seven nine eleven twelve kind of easy because after you get that first open too far then you just have the inlays five seven nine eleven twelve so be able to do that back and forth first open two four five seven nine eleven twelve twelve eleven nine seven counting backwards is really difficult but now we're gonna just learn one shape and then we're gonna learn variations that help with all of them all right so we're actually not going to start with E major even though this isn't the key of E major we're going to start with the two chord and the key the F sharp is going to be a an F sharp minor seven is going to be the shape that we're thinking of but again we're adding an open B and an open e every single one of these chords all right now you'll notice my pointer finger is just hanging out just doing absolutely nothing because it's lost all this motivation knowing that it could never afford to buy a home in Los Angeles no matter how much money you realistically make so it's just going to kind of freeload here and just do its own thing working on a screenplay meanwhile the middle finger ring finger and Pinky I'm not even gonna go for a metaphor for those are doing all the work all right so rooting here second for F sharp and then getting that cool nice top end on top of it now anytime we have a minor chord in this Cube we can use this shape all right so the minor cores in this key would be the two chord and the three chord and the six chord I've done other videos like this just about these three chords but [Music] they sound great together right so I'm just thinking of putting together the second fret the fourth fret and the ninth fret all also known as the two chord three chord and relative minor six chord in the key but this shape is really really cool because when you just think of this as you know a minor seven shape we can also add the seven chord to it and listen that's kind of a very interesting sound having it there because again that seven chord is technically where like the half diminished chord is but when we use this minor seven chord shape we're actually not playing the fifth of the chord and that's what's cool about this little kind of trick where we're leaving out the V chord instead of going a straight Triad okay it makes it actually easier and I think it actually sounds better and prettier too another reason it sounds so pretty is because I just finally put Elixir strings on the smart and d18 this video is sponsored by Elixir strings the only strings I will ever use just because they're that good they last so much longer they sound incredible I really think that they shine with particularly just songs or just playing Styles like this just because they're so balanced again these are the 12 nanowebs 80 20 bronze I'll link these in the description with an affiliate link but foreign [Music] s for sponsoring this video but let's just go over these four kind of minor chords minor in quotations because again they do have technically different names but I think it's easier just to think of them as the same class because we can just put that one shape on it and they're always just a step away from each other right from two to four and nine to eleven and that's already four sevenths of the way through the entire key okay now again sometimes I'll resolve on that E major and I know that you'll be like oh we used your pointer finger for that E major we're getting we're getting to it all right now if you've ever watched my videos before you know that I'm just a huge sucker for me seven chords and you're probably how come you haven't played the major seven chords yet well that's what we're doing next all right so the first one we're going to encounter is that fifth fret a and we're going to take its same shape again there's the shape that we started with just five skip the a string five and five and now I'm just going to take my ring finger and my pinky which are a couple together and then now I'm gonna offset it so now it's five skip the a string six and six and I'm still getting the open B and E on top okay so I'm thinking of this as an a major seven chord [Music] whatever get out of here music theory Troopers I'm doing my best it just sounds good and then we do this also on the E which is the octave 12th fret all right and again you could also bring it back here too I just there's a little too much dissonance there this is why I don't use that chord personally I like it better up here but again you can see so again here's that 11th fret to the 12th fret and it's just a quick little shift right from minor to Major seven all right and then the only other one is happening on the V chord in this key so we can go through this chord scale second fret minor fourth fret minor fifth fret we'll think of this as major here's the next one okay this is going to be kind of in between and this is a great way to think about dominant seven chords because it's kind of like half major half minor is one way to look at it because if you see I've got my middle finger on the seventh fret of the E string and then this is the only time in this entire lesson that our ring finger and Pinky won't be together they're off the offset so my ring finger is on the seventh fret of the D string of my pinky because I'm the eighth fret of the G string and I can still get again those open swings on top foreign major seven or nine [Music] and again if it's more comfortable for you to use your your pointer finger here that's fine I just want to make the mental connection that you can just use these three fingers and then alter the shape all the way down okay so now let's start again doing all those same chords but using just really one shape and two variations all right so here's that two chord because here's open E right e the two chord f with the minor shape the three chord g sharp with that minor shape the four chord A the major seven shape the five chord B with that kind of an in-between shape the six chord c sharp minor shape D sharp minor shape again and then back to e home with the major room okay now there's a ton of cool different stuff you can use just by going back and forth and sliding between them it's always great to think of the numbers right one thing that I love to do is just like really be heavy on the four chord and then go to the one as a major seven chord so just the two major seven chords right so forward [Music] one quarter [Music] maybe you want to connect them [Music] again it always sounds really really cool right and the distinction here is like all right well what you know makes one major or one minor and it's really going to be that seventh note what I mean by like a seventh though is going to be whatever uh string or fret or finger you're using on the D string in this example okay so like I said if we start with the F sharp minor why I've been calling this a minor seven chord even though we have extra notes is the distance and interval between my middle finger root note and then lower my ring fingers on the D string they're in line okay that's called a minor seven just that interval one way we could see that is if we just take the minor scale one two three four five six seven one minor seven okay uh again with A's spot it's not in line like a minor chord would be as a major seven one two three four five six seven a major seven and then again you know even though there are only two different ways it could be a flat seven or a regular seven b is the one that has the different shape just because it's a major chord with a minor seven major minor but again a minor seven with a major third would be a dominant seven blah blah blah blah blah I've talked too much about music three we just want to play cool stuff all right now let's talk about one really cool variation [Music] one cool variation you could do with this to go outside the key but still kind of keep the same Vibe and what I like to do in that and what you hear in a lot of different songs is taking that three chord and then turning it into the half major half minor one so again E major two chord three chord this would be a cool way to maybe experiment and do that dominance seven that half major half minor chords and I was four e four D five and especially when you're leading it to the ninth fret or the relative minor this chord in this key [Music] is made to get you to that sixth quarter and then we can go to the five chord to home so even though every key is only supposed to have one dominant seven chord you could think of this as a second dominant seven chord that you could use otherwise known as a secondary dominant because it points you right here okay that's the whole point of a dominant seven quarters it takes you to what is the five of and if you look at C sharp again I said we were done with music theory but we're not I'm just I'm tricking everybody here this is the five of uh of C sharp right resolution so that's just kind of one cool thing that you do to add it but if you want to stay in the key diatonic would be the name of that that's minor three chord four five six seven one one [Music] six five I'm getting better count backwards four three two one so yeah that's uh this is a cool thing you do in the key of you use a capo and do another keys and stuff like that but really just kind of having one shape that you can move around and keep your fingers you know kind of close I think this is really efficient and I think uh if you just experiment with it you can kind of see yourself coming up with cool different chord progressions so thanks for checking it out thank you to Elixir strings here comes that motorcycle again you guys ever see that uh that South Park episode with the motorcycle Bros love it fantastic let me know in the comments if you've seen that if you know what I'm talking about but uh yeah thanks for the extra strings for sponsoring the video uh get yourself back and I will talk to you guys soon thanks a lot
Channel: Sean Daniel
Views: 78,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guitar, sean daniel, guitar lesson, sean daniel guitar lesson, intermediate guitar lesson, beginner guitar lesson, easy guitar lesson
Id: _DY3rjbZlDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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